hallowen in romana STANCU



Significance There are many sources of Halloween's significance Type Religious, cultural (celebrated mostly irrespective of religion) Halloween Hallowe'en From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Halloween

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Date October 31

Celebrations Trick-or-treating, ghost tours, apple bobbing, costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, bonfires, and fireworks (in Ireland)

Halloween is a holiday in many English speaking countries that is celebrated on the night of October 31st. Children wear costumes and they go to peoples' homes saying "Trick or treat!" to ask for candy, sweets in the United Kingdom, or lollies in Australia, and then people give it to them. This practice originally involved a threat. A threat is when someone says that they will do something bad if they do not get what they want. In this case the threat could be explained as: "Give me a treat or I will play a trick on you." Children today usually do not play tricks if they do not get treats. However, some children still get up to mischief (pranks or things to make fun of people; like putting toilet paper in trees; writing on windows with soap or throwing eggs at peoples' houses). People sometimes dress up as ghosts, witches, goblins and other scary things for Halloween.

[change] OriginsThe Pagan holiday Samhain, that the All Saints holy day replaced, was also known as the Day of the Dead. Many Wiccans and modern Pagans celebrate the Day of the Dead. This is a happy holiday (even though it celebrates 'Death'). It is the day that the souls of dead people come back to Earth. Therefore, in Pagan religions it is not about scary things. It is about remembering family or friends who have died.

Many Lutheran churches celebrate a holiday on October 31st called The Reformation. This holiday celebrates the day that Martin Luther put The Ninety-Five Theses on a church door

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Renegat de multi pe motiv ca este sarbatoare de import, Halloween-ul s-a instalat de cativa ani buni, cu acte in regula, pe pamant romanesc. Desi in noaptea de 31 octombrie, copiii nu se

costumeaza in monstri, mumii si alti zombi, colindand pe la usi dupa bomboane, tinerii au adoptat benevol Halloween-ul nu atat dintr-un mimetism inocent, cat dintr-un pretext pentru o noapte de

distractie cu alta coloratura. Adaptat la cererea pietei, patron de localuri imprumuta pentru o seara stilul tipic american

redecorandu-si barurile cu tot felul de dovleci ciopliti cu diferite grimase, panze de paianjen, scheleti

si foarte mult "sange". Amatori de distractie garantata, tinerii iau cu asalt astfel de spatii, petrecand pana dimineata, costumati in varcolaci, vampiri sau alte creaturi infricosatoare. 

Sarbatoarea cu specific american reprezinta totodata un bun prilej de a-ti pune mintea la contributie spre a

confectiona cel mai infricosator sau cel mai trasnit costum. Anual, tinerii scot la rampa cu aceasta ocazie

cele mai inventive costume: unii isi fac aparitia calare pe maturi, altii poarta tricouri manjite cu pasta rosie,

avand cutite in relief, vesminte de vrajitoare sau de zombii. Cu totii insa isi aplica un machiaj strident in care

predomina negrul ce marcheaza diabolicul si rosul pe post de sange. Unghiile lungi, vopsite in negru, dintii

falsi ce aduc cu ai vampirilor, parul dezlanat si vesmintele taiate si zdrentuite fac cu toatele parte din

recuzita studenteasca proprie Halloween-ului.

La finalul sarbatorii, bilantul este pozitiv: tinerii s-au distrat pe cinste, patronii speculanti au inregistrat

castiguri fabuloase, PIB-ul a crescut imbucurator. In consecinta, "Trick or Treat"!