Guidelines for College Coordinators


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  • 7/24/2019 Guidelines for College Coordinators




    Labs1. Labs and server room ready for examination

    2. Availability of required number of systems as per agreement3. Availability of 10% backup !s". #nsure all labs are connected in single LA$ and no netork issues.

    Security&. 'ale and female security assigned for examination

    (. )rief security personal of exam process* frisking and c+ecking of candidates andidentify entry points for candidates for t+e exam

    C!!e"e sta##

    ,. -dentified and esignated staff from college are present and briefed about t+e entireprocess and t+eir responsibilities

    /. olunteer staff are briefed for providing drinking ater to candidates.

    Si"$a"e % &irecti$s. lace paste signages* direction indicators* lab names and numbers* and ! number

    ranges in eac+ floorbuildinglab for easy approac+ of t+e candidates to t+eregistration desk and t+eir designated computers in t+e labs

    U'S % Ge$set

    10.Availability of 4 and genset it+ required diesel for at least 3 +ours and are inorking condition.

    11.)rief electrician and support staff of t+e process


    12. Liaise it+ !entre superintendent and observer from '4!. )rief t+em on t+eprocess and plan.

    13. 5amiliari6e it+ -nvigilators +o are detailed from t+e 7ovt epartment.1". -ntroduce college staff +o ill act as support staff for c+ecking and 8egistration of



    Ca$&i&ate List

    1. !andidate list for t+e given slot to be pasted at t+e main entrance at least 2 +oursprior to t+e time of t+e test.

    2. !ollege 4ecurity at t+e main entrance is made aare of t+e candidate list andinstructed to allo only candidates it+ valid admit card and p+oto id proof.

    Security % #ris(i$" # ca$&i&ates

    3. -dentification of one classroom +all for assembling of candidates and leave t+eir

    belongings before proceeding to registration desk.". 'ale and female security guard present it+ metal detectors for frisking of


  • 7/24/2019 Guidelines for College Coordinators


    A!! &esi"$ate& sta## ) Fr* C!!e"e+ E&u,uity Tec- sta## a$& M''SC sta##.

    &. !+eck +et+er all college staff assigned are in place.

    (. -f any designated staff is absent or unable to attend* arrange alternative manpoer.

    Ce$tre arra$"e*e$ts

    ,. #nsure t+at t+e place is clean.

    /. !andidates are comfortable during t+e examination and t+at t+e entire examination

    process is smoot+.. ninterrupted poer supply.

    10.4tart t+e 7enerator immediately 9it+in a max of 10 minutes: in case of poerfailure.

    E$try % C-ec(i$" t-e ca$&i&ates

    1. !andidate arrives 0 minutes before t+e commencement of t+e examination. #g. for

    t+e test starting at 10.00 am t+e candidates reporting time is /.30 am.

    2. !andidate ill not be alloed entry to t+e premises after .00 am.3. !andidate to carry any one of t+e ;riginal p+oto - 9A$ !ard* Aad+ar !ard* oter

    -* riving License* ass port* - issued by t+e -nstitutions7ovt epartments* )ank

    pass book it+ p+otograp+: in addition to t+e admit card.". ;nly candidates ill be alloed inside t+e premises. arents 8elatives 5riends

    accompanying t+e candidates ill be requested to ait outside t+e centre.&. 4ecurity ersonal on duty* verifies t+e candidateicket and id

    proof.(. !andidates assemble in a aiting +all classroom until time for registration. ?aiting

    +all to be locked after all candidates go for registration and ill be opened +en allcandidates return after examination.

    ,. ?+en registration starts* candidate leaves +is+er belongings in t+e aiting +all and

    is ready for frisking./. 'ale female security guard ill c+eck and frisk candidates it+ t+e +elp of =and

    +eld scanners and direct t+em to 8egistration esk.. #nsure availability of '4! personnel also near frisking of candidates

    Fris(i$" # ca$&i&ates@

    1. !andidates cannot carry any items suc+ as electronic gadgets 9suc+ as 'obile

    p+ones* calculators:* paper* bag* purse 9except ?allet: to t+e examination +all.2. !andidates to remove t+eir footear and socks in t+e aiting area and ill not be

    alloed entry to computer lab it+ s+oes and socks on.3. !andidates are not alloed to ear scarf covering t+e face* upatta* any type of

    eellery* +air clip* clutc+er* )angles* atc+es* finger rings* rist bands* aist bands*caps and sunglasses

    '/D ca$&i&ates

    1. 7ive preference to ? +andicapped candidates +ile alloing t+e candidates in.

    2. ? candidates are alloed scribes if entitled as per t+e norms*.3. 4cribes accompanying t+e candidate s+ould +ave been registered a day before t+e

    exam in t+e link provided in t+e '4! eb site.

  • 7/24/2019 Guidelines for College Coordinators


    ". 7uide t+e ? candidates it+ scribe to '4! observers for verification beforealloing for t+e examination.

    Any disparity it+ regard to candidates s+ould be reported to !entre 4uperintendent or

    communicated to 4A )angalore for clarification and also to be referred to '4!;bservers* present in t+e centre.

    Re"istrati$ # ca$&i&ates

    !andidates cleared by security immediately report to 8egistration desk. At registration desk

    1. !andidate produces t+e +all ticket.2. ;n verification of identity* t+e =all >icket ill be scanned using t+e barcode

    instrument.3. +otograp+ of t+e candidate taken t+roug+ a eb camera.

    ". )iometric impression 9left t+umb impression B four times: of t+e candidate ill becaptured.

    &. !andidate is allotted a 4ystem $umber!omputer

    (. >+e lab name number and t+e system number is endorsed on t+e =all ticket admitcard.

    ,. >+e candidate is directed to t+e computer lab.

    /. !andidate proceeds to t+e allotted computer to take t+e examination. ? candidates s+all be accommodated in t+e ground floor only +erever possible.

    C*0uter Base& E1a*i$ati$

    !andidate enters t+e !omputer lab@

    1. -nvigilator guides t+e candidate to t+e allotted computer.

    2. >+e computer ill s+o t+e system number.3. !andidate clicks on t+e continue button

    ". >o p+otos of t+e candidate are displayed on t+e screen.&. !andidate clicks on continue button to login in using t+e passord.

    (. !andidate ill be provided it+ a maximum of to s+eets of paper for roug+ ork.,. !andidates briefed on t+e examination process.

    /. !andidate logs goes t+roug+ t+e instructions and aits for t+e administrator to start

    t+e #xamination.. 4A >ec+nical inCc+arge initiates t+e D4tart of #xamination+e candidate starts ansering t+e questions and t+e timer starts in descending order

    from 12011. >+e individual cannot take any break before completion of t+e #xamination.

    12. !andidate takes t+e #xamination* and in case of any doubt it+ regard to t+e#xamination* raises +and to dra t+e attention of invigilator for +elp.

    13. >+e candidate may revie t+e ansers in case +es+e finis+es t+e #xamination beforet+e given time of 120 minutes. =oever* +e or s+e is permitted to submit t+e test only

    in t+e last10 minutes before t+e completion of permitted 120 minutes.1". Any candidate found using n 5air 'eans 95': in t+e examination +all ill be

    expelled from t+e examination and +is+er examination ill be terminated.1&. ;n completion of t+e examination candidate clicks t+e submit button.

  • 7/24/2019 Guidelines for College Coordinators


    1(. ;n clicking t+e submit button t+e candidate+e t+ank you page ill appear.

    1. A 5 document of t+e response s+eet ill be generated +ic+ ill be sent to t+egiven email - of t+e candidate it+in 2" +ours.

    20. !andidate +ands over t+e used roug+ paper s+eet to t+e invigilator.

    21. !andidates are no alloed to leave t+e computer lab.


    >+e above test is sc+eduled for 0,t+G 0/t+$ov 201& and as suc+ t+ere is a requirement totake care of t+e uninterrupted poer supply during t+e >est. -n t+is direction you are

    requested to kindly ensure@

    1. Hour 47enerator sets are serviced and in orking condition2. 4ufficient iesel stock is made available to run t+e 7 4et

    3. roper load balancing of 7enerator and 4 to be orked out

    ". A! s+ould not be connected to 7enerator 4&. >+e poer load on t+e line !able is as per t+e !apacity

    (. #lectrician is available in situ during t+e examination and preparation days to +andle

    t+e poer failure,. 4tandard calculation of t+e load is 1 IA J "C& !omputers it+ >5> 4creen and 3

    !omputers it+ !8> 'onitor 9#xample @C if your 7 !apacity is 12& IA * you may

    use &00C(00 !omputers for t+e exam it+out any ot+er consumption of t+e


    Note: - please make arrangement forbackup Generator (if possible)

    ?e ill be requesting '4! to issue a request letter to t+e #lectricity )oard to ensureoer supply on t+e day of t+e test.


    1. All computers identified for t+e test s+ould be connected t+roug+ a single LA$

    across labs and buildings2. All computers s+ould ping eac+ ot+er and s+ould not +ave any interruptions.

    3. LA$ 4itc+es s+ould be t+oroug+ly c+ecked for loose connections or faulty sitc+es.". Additional 2 C3 sitc+es to be kept ready as back up near t+e server desk.

    &. Additional LA$ cables also to be stored as back up in case of emergency.(. plinks C !ables 9!A>C(: s+ould be it+ indentified symbols

    ,. !ables s+ould be covered or tied toget+er so as to prevent loose cables running

    around or any possibility of disconnection or damage during t+e test. !ables s+ould

    be neatly placed so t+at t+e candidates do not step on t+em +ile taking t+e test in

    t+e orkstations.

  • 7/24/2019 Guidelines for College Coordinators


    /. #ac+ system s+ould be installed it+ Anitvirus updated version.. 4ufficient ventilation of airflo s+ould be ensured for t+e $etork 4itc+es and t+e

    servers to avoid any +eating up of t+e sitc+es10.$etork Administrator 'anager -> LA$ 'anager >ec+nical 4taff must be deputed

    in examination and s+all be responsible to trouble s+oot all LA$netork related

    issues immediately.

    11.4ervers ill be broug+t by t+e #duquity >ec+nical 4taff.12.$etork connectivity to be made available for t+e registration desks t+at ill be

    placed outside t+e examination +all preferably a separate room or lab.

    I$ter$et Gui&e!i$e;ne broadband internet connection it+ a speed of min 1 ')ps is required* to connect t+e

    server for t+e examination.

    -n addition* a back up internet connection also to be made available in t+e server room.H4e5er t-e c!ie$t syste*s r t-e $&es & $t re,uire a$y i$ter$et &uri$" t-e

    curse # t-e e1a*i$ati$6


    -n case of any queries or clarifications regarding $etorking you may contact t+e folloingstaff.

    'r. -rfan I+an @ 'obile@C ("( "&,"

    'r. 4ubramanyam @ 'obile@C /2,,1(/1/'r. 4unil 8eddy @ 'obile@C ,/32/

    -n case of any queries or clarifications regarding ;perations* you may contact

    'r. 8ames+ 4+arma @ &"//2&&
