Grudge Ball 5 teams. Each team gets 10 Xs on the board. Each team will get 3 questions (one per team...


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1920s Review Game

1920s Review GameGrudge Ball5 teams.Each team gets 10 Xs on the board.Each team will get 3 questions (one per team at a time)If you get it right, you can erase any 2 Xs from the board.Choose a teammate to take a 2 or 3 point shot. If you make it, you can erase 2 (or 3, if 3pt. shot) more Xs.If you lose all your Xs, you can GAIN 4Xs if you get your question right and make the 2 point shot, or GAIN 5Xs if you make a 3 point shot.Most Xs at the end WINS.

QuestionAmericans feared this group because they were openly hostile toward American Values.


QuestionWhich 1920s Presidents based their foreign policy on a return to Isolationism?

AnswerCoolidge and HardingQuestionChanging morals and manners in the 1920s were reflected in the change in

Answerwomen's clothingQuestionChanging morals and manners in the 1920s were reflected in the change in

Answerwomen's clothingQuestionOne of the causes of the increase of personal debt in the 1920s was...

Answerpeople buying exciting new products with installment plansQuestionThe national culture that began to form in the 1920s was mainly the result of...

AnswerMass media like radios and phonographs, which allowed people throughout the country to hear the same messages and musicQuestionThe new music style of the 1920s that was upbeat and had offbeat rhythm was...

AnswerJazzQuestionWho first used and perfected the the Assembly Line to increase sales of his product?

AnswerHenry Ford (for the Model T Car)QuestionWhat treaty wanted to limit future wars by requiring countries who signed to not threaten war with one another?

AnswerKellogg-Briand PactQuestionHow did Installment Plans affect the economy?

AnswerThey fueled the growth of the Consumer EconomyQuestionWhat law led to bootlegging and racketeering?

AnswerProhibition (18th Amendment)QuestionWhat event tested the legal right to teach evolution in the classroom?

AnswerScopes TrialQuestionWhat set of religious beliefs responded to scientific thought in the 1920s contradicting those beliefs?

AnswerFundamentalismQuestionWhat are speakeasies?

AnswerIllegal underground bars that were created as a result of the prohibition era.QuestionWhat era represented (1) a feeling of prosperity for most Americans, (2) challenges to the traditional role of women, and (3) a movement toward a modern technological culture?

AnswerThe 1920sQuestionWhat did the twenty-first amendment do?AnswerRepealed prohibition
