Grow your business with the 100 day goal technique Julia ... · The benefits of a long list •Good...


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Julia Bickerstaff, Founder The Business Bakery@juliabickerstaf

Grow your business with the 100 Day Goal technique

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Julia Bickerstaff

Founder: The Business Bakery

Business author, writer, speaker, thinker and mentor.

Appears regularly on TV shows such as Channel 7's Kochies Business Builders and ABCs news 24.

Previously a partner at global advisory firm Deloitte.

Today’s speaker

The problem:

Growing your business while also managing the day to day



‘Sales’ is the first thing dropped when we get busy

Get the balance right between doing the work, doing the admin and doing the ‘selling’

What happens to ‘selling’ when we get busy?

KEY TAKEAWAY: See for yourself: keep a product/selling/admin timesheet



Why good intentions fail



Why good intentions fail

KEY TAKEAWAY: See for yourself:

Eisenhower-box your day.

It’s amazing how many things busy people are doing that never will be missed

- Peter Drucker

The 100 Day Goal Philosophy:

Making the not-urgents, urgent

Pick a goal. Work towards it, a little, every day.

What we do every day matters more than what we do once in a while

- Gretchen Ruben

The 100 Day Goal How-To



1. The science of 100 days

2. How to set your goal

3. The concept of microactions

4. How to find your microactions

5. How to work on your 100 day goal every day

The 100 day goal elements

KEY TAKEAWAY: Handy PDF Guide to the 100 Day Goal available at



Long enough to achieve multiple results

Long enough to defeat the planning fallacy

Short enough to beat procrastination

Short enough to accept the concept of every day

1. The science of 100 days



Hard (difficult, uncomfortable)


Priority (it should be, but it hasn’t been)

Pressing (the nagging voice in the back of your head)

Out of the ordinary (for you)

2. How to set your goal: Pick a theme



2. How to set your goal: Pick the magnitude

KEY TAKEAWAY: Use the Good,

Great, Awesome goal technique



Micro: Action:

*Very small *Movement towards your goal

*Motion v Action

3. The concept of microaction



The benefits of a long list

• Good for creativity and unlocking subconscious brain power

• Activates RAS

• Saves on decision making/willpower muscle

How to create your long list

• One big brain dump

• PatQs, projects, questions

4. How to find your microactions



What paths will take me to my goal?

What projects fit under those paths?

What questions do I have about those projects?

4. Paths, projects, questions



What paths will take me to my goal?

1. Marketing online existing ‘services’ to new customers

2. Marketing offline existing ‘services’ to new customers

3. Marketing new ‘services’ to existing customers

What projects fit under those paths?

What questions do I have about those projects?

Example: Sales goal: Win ten new $5k+ projects



What projects fit under my paths?

1. Marketing online existing ‘services’ to new customers

• Facebook advertising • Video content series • Working with influencers

2. Marketing offline existing ‘services’ to new customers

• Event series • Referral program for existing customers • Targeting program

3. Marketing new ‘services’ to existing customers

• Create new services • Email newsletters • Loyalty scheme

Example (cont): Sales goal: Win ten new $5k+ projects



What questions do I have for my projects?

1. Marketing offline existing services to new customers

Events program

• What is the hook for the event?

• How many events?

• Invite copy?

• Who to target

• Required ROI?

• Timeframe?

Example (cont): Sales goal: Win ten new $5k+ projects

KEY TAKEAWAY: Your Microactions ladder back to your goal via

questions, projects and paths. That’s what makes them ACTION

Referral program

• How much should referral bonus be?

• What agreements do we need in place?

• Which clients should we offer recruit?

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

- Abraham Lincoln

KEY TAKEAWAY: Make the time to create a robust list of Microactions

Ready to Start the 100 Day Goal




List of Microactions

Do between 1-3 a day

The essentials

How to Work on your Goal


Every Day Motivation

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily

- Zig Ziglar



Why motivation trumps willpower

Dopamine reward system




Daily focus on your goal: Write + speak your goal daily

Daily focus on your progress: Goal tracker

100 Day Goal inspiration board

Smile file

Stories of other people’s success

Practical ways to activate your dopamine reward system

Every Day Willpower

Willpower isn’t something that gets handed out to some and not to others. It is a skill you can develop through understanding and practice

- Gillian Riley



Preserve your willpower

• Limit decisions, decide your Microactions the night before

Work with your willpower

• Willpower is stronger in the morning

• Easier to finish than it is to start

Build your willpower

• Willpower is like a muscle: The more you train it. The stronger it gets.

• Sweets in the Jar

Work with your willpower

Now to Start



Spend the weekend picking a goal • HIPPO, GGA

Spend Mon-Thurs creating your Microaction list• Lots of good project ideas from this conference

Start the 100 Days on 1 June, finish 8 September• Brain bias towards particular starting dates

Commit to daily• What am I doing for every day motivation?

• What am I doing for every day willpower?

Download the 100 Day Goal guide PDF•



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