Great aussie bush camp!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Great Aussie Bush Great Aussie Bush Camp!!!!!!!!!!!!Camp!!!!!!!!!!!!By Esther Eun.

On and


On belay



Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!I can’t

believe we are right now

here and waiting for the

bus to arrive. I am so

excited .Days went do fast.

I can’t wait when we arrive

there, they have something

for us.I woke up and 6:30 am and

ate breakfast, got changed

and got my luggage ready.

At around 7:30 our bus

came and so everyone got

their luggage on the bus

and found a seat. I sat with

sienna on the bus .

We arrived at like 1:00pm

and it took around 3 hours

to get there. I was so tired I

could barely open my eyes,

but of course they had a

challenge The first activity was Lost

Island. We had to go in

deep muddy water and it

was so GROSS, but so

FUN. We had to crawl

under tunnels and go over

and under logs in the

muddy water.

The next activity we did on the first

day was indoor rock climbing .It was

so awesome. The whole part was to

challenge yourself and try to go up

the top. I went up to top and I was

very proud of myself.

After those both activities we went

a shed and got hot chocolate and

cookies. It was really yummy. After

that we did a disco and played musical

boys and girls. It was really fun.

After that we went to sleep, think it

was around 9:00 pm and we had to

wake up at 6:00am.

We had cabins and I was with avan,

sienna , Jessie, shona and Marico.

The first day of camp!!!!!!!!!!!

The second day.The second day.The second day was so cool. I had a great time and we did lots of

challenging activities. We waked up at 6:00 am and ate breakfast.

Even the boys were woke up earlier than us

Our first activity was the vertical challenge. The aim is the get up the top of wooden ladders and metal ladders' tried my best but I didn’t go up the top. but I had 6 more steps to go for the top.Then after that we did archery. I didn’t reach the bulls but, i did reach 20 points.After that we had snow cone, it was deilous.Anyway, then we had dinner and we ate roasted beef with mashed potato and garlic bread.Yum,yum.

After that we had a campfire and again hot chocolate and cookies.Jay did some fire tricks for us and it was spectacular.After that we got some instructions and we went to our cabins to sleep.

The third and last day.The third and last day.The third day we woke up at 6:00am and ate breakfast. After that we did our first activity, canoeing.It was so fun and i know how to paddle and survive in water!!!!!Our other activity for the day was the giant swing.It was so fun but you can really feel the drop when you pull the string, I went up the top.After that we had lunch, it was sausage with bread, then people who had money were aloud to go to the souvenir shop to buy something.I brought a snowgoble, two tattoos sticker, a key ring, a sharpener and a teddy.

I really enjoyed that day.

Thank Thank youyou forfor watchingwatching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
