Grade 5 Term 2. Welcome to Term 2 During the term break, your child has had the opportunity to...


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IAA Primary Curriculum Guide

Grade 5 Term 2

Welcome to Term 2

During the term break, your child has had the opportunity to reflect upon and absorb the skills they have learned in the first term. This term we will build on the Literacy and Numeracy skills while ensuring that we cover a broad and balanced range of topics in Integrated Studies.

In the pages that follow you will find the units that your child will study this term along with the expectations at the end of each unit. Not every child progresses at the same rate so please compare your child’s ability at the end of the unit to what he or she could do at the start.

If you have any questions about your child’s levels of attainment, please speak to the class teacher, who is the person who know your child best of all.

Term 2Literacy Numeracy Science Humanities DT/Art ICT PSHE

NarrativeExtending Narratives


Non-fictionReviewing non-fictionPersuasion and Argument

Based on Revised Framework for Numeracy

Block B2, C2, D2, E2, B3

QCA Unit 6C More about Dissolving

QCA Unit 6D reversible nad Irreversible changes

QCA Unit 14G Investigating Rivers

QCA Unit 15G The Mountain Environment ORQCA Unit 23G Investigating coasts

QCA Unit 6D Controllable Vehicles

QCA Unit 9 Visiting a Gallery -Contemporary Artists

QCA Unit Spreadsheet modelling

Respect for Property


We will focus on three specific genres this term: Narrative, Poetry and Non-fiction

Narrative Extending Narratives

Poetry Imagery

Non-fiction Reviewing non-fiction Persuasion and Argument

We follow the Renewed Primary Framework for England. For further information please see:

NumeracyNumeracy teaching is divided into 5 Blocks of study:A Counting, Partitioning and Calculating

B Securing number facts and Understanding Shape

C Handling Data and Measure

D Calculating, Measuring and Understanding Shape

E Securing Number facts, relationships and Calculating

These blocks are then divided into 3 Units of study.

This term, children will cover Blocks A1, B1, C1, D1, E1 and A2.

Further information on the content of these blocks , including objectives, can be found at:

Our teachers use the Abacus Evolve scheme to support their teaching.

Please be aware that this scheme supports practical learning and our teachers use the pages that are appropriate rather than following the scheme page by page.

ScienceQCA Unit 6C - More about Dissolving

About this UnitThis unit consolidates and extends children’s understanding of what happens when a variety of solids dissolve.Experimental and investigative work focuses on:making and testing predictionsplanning a fair testrepeating observations and measurements and evaluating theserepresenting data in line graphs and interpreting what these show.Work in this unit also offers opportunities for relating understanding of dissolving to everyday contexts.

EXPECTATIONS: at the end of this unit

most children will: recognise that solids remain in the solution when they dissolve and can be recovered by evaporation; identify several factors that affect the rate at which a solid dissolves; investigate an aspect of dissolving, presenting results obtained in a suitable graph and explaining what the results show

some children will not have made so much progress and will:

recognise that a solid can be recovered from a solution by evaporation; with help, investigate an aspect of dissolving and present results in a suitable table

some children will have progressed further and will also:

present results in a line graph where appropriate; explain why it is important to repeat measurements and how to deal with repeated results when drawing a graph

VocabularyIn this unit children will have opportunities to use:words and phrases related to separating mixtures eg dissolved, undissolved, solution, mixture, evaporate, condense, purewords and phrases related to data handling eg bar line graph, line graph, average, accuratewords which have different meanings in an everyday context eg solution, pure classificatory adjectives eg clear, tap, seaexpressions for making and justifying predictionsexpressions for explaining, generalising and summarising.

Science 2QCA Unit 6D – Reversible and Irreversible changes

This unit brings together and consolidates work that children have done before on reversible changes eg melting, freezing, evaporating, dissolving, condensing, introduces burning as a change that cannot be reversed and, like other irreversible changes, produces new materials. Experimental and investigative work focuses on: making careful observations suggesting explanations for observations, using scientific knowledge and understanding. Work in this unit also offers opportunities for using scientific knowledge and understanding to explain and interpret a range of everyday changes.

EXPECTATIONS: at the end of this unit

most children will: use careful observation to describe a number of changes; classify some changes eg dissolving as reversible and others eg burning as irreversible; recognise that irreversible changes often make new and useful materials and recognise the hazards of burning materials

some children will not have made so much progress and will:

use careful observation to describe a number of changes and identify whether some changes are reversible or not

some children will have progressed further and will also:

explain that in some cases the new materials made are gases and identify some evidence eg vigorous bubbling for the production of gases

In this unit children will have opportunities to: use terms eg reversible, irreversible to describe changes give explanations eg for the way in which they classify changes.

HumanitiesQCA Unit 14G - Investigating Rivers

About this UnitThis is a ‘long’ unit. In it, children learn, through fieldwork and research, about rivers and the effects they have on the landscape.The unit focuses on:the components of the water cyclehow rivers erode, transport and deposit materials to produce particular landscape featuresthe characteristics of a river system in another part of the world

EXPECTATIONS: at the end of this unit

most children will: recognise selected physical processes relating to rivers and begin to appreciate how these can change the character of places; draw on their own observations and secondary sources and use their awareness of river events to suggest geographical questions and raise issues that might be studied, eg floods, drought, pollution

some children will not have made so much progress and will:

offer appropriate observations about river features; identify how people affect the environment and recognise ways in which people try to manage it

some children will have progressed further and will also:

use confidently a full range of skills and different kinds of maps and resources to undertake independent investigations; offer explanations for river features observed; relate local river work to generalisations about rivers elsewhere

VocabularyIn this unit, children are likely to use:water cycle, rainfall, source, spring, river, stream, hill, slope, steep, mountain, waterfall, valley, channel, lake, mouth, erosion, pollution, landscapeThey may also use:tributary, reservoir, drain, weir, floodplain, meander, gorge, rapids, estuary, delta, weathering, transportation, deposition

Humanities 2QCA Unit 15G – The Mountain Environment

About this unitThis is a ‘long’ unit that encourages children to investigate, through research, other places in the UK, Europe and further afield that share a similar physical environment. It builds on earlier work, eg studying a contrasting locality. It is a challenging unit suitable for older children and easily extended for more able children who can study the complex relationships between the elements.Children, working in groups or individually, will need to use a range of resources, which could include textbooks and pictures as well as CD‑ROMs and the internet. The unit offers opportunities for children to follow up much of the research in their own time.The unit offers links with literacy, mathematics, IT, speaking and listening, and environmental education.

EXPECTATIONS: at the end of this unit

most children will: describe varying weather conditions in the world and understand how these influence the way in which the area is developed; use a wide range of resources to find out information

some children will not have made so much progress and will:

relate the questions posed to one mountain environment, eg the Lake District; show more limited understanding of the impact of the global scale; access information using ICT with teacher support

some children will have progressed further and will also:

find a range of source materials and plot detailed, sophisticated weather information; show a better developed understanding of the links between cause and effect

Vocabulary In this unit, children are likely to use:environment, mountain, landscape, weather data, season, blizzard, avalanche, snowstorm, snowdrift, tourism, litter, erosionThey may also use:safety procedures, whistle

Humanities 3

QCA Unit 23 - Investigating Coasts

About this UnitThis ‘long’ unit explores the possibilities for teaching about coastal environments at local and regional scales. Within the ‘water and its effects on landscapes and people’ theme in the programme of study, schools may choose to study rivers or coasts. This unit is designed for those schools that decide to investigate coasts rather than rivers. The unit offers links to ICT, literacy, personal, social and health education (PSHE) and citizenship.

EXPECTATIONS: at the end of this unit

most children will: describe the main features of coastal environments; identify the locations of different coastal environments and draw out similarities and differences; begin to recognise the processes of erosion and deposition in coastal environments and begin to understand how these processes shape and change the coastline; identify and explain the different views held by people about environmental change; recognise how people can improve or damage the environment; suggest geographical questions for study; use a wide range of skills of geographical enquiry

some children will not have made so much progress and will:

begin to understand that waves and human activity affect coastal environments; respond to geographical questions which have been framed by the teacher

some children will have progressed further and will also:

recognise and explain the processes and features evident within a range of coastal environments; recognise how places and environments may be managed sustainably

VocabularyIn this unit, children are likely to use:coast, erosion, transportation, deposition, waves, tide, rock, headland, cliff, cave, arch, stack, bay, beach, shingle, sand, groynes, sea wallsThey may also use:slope failure, cliff retreat, spit, longshore drift, erosion landforms, depositional landforms

DTQCA Unit 6D - Controllable Vehicles

About this UnitIn this unit, children develop their understanding of how products can be driven by electricity. They learn how to use motors within their models and how to control the speed and direction of movement. They develop their designing skills by using their own ideas and experiences to produce clearly labelled drawings. They use construction kits and a range of materials and components to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding. The children will produce a framework structure that will be controlled by an electrical circuit. The children will develop this structure with cladding and appropriate finishing techniques to create a quality product. The vehicles made in this unit could be linked to the computer using appropriate equipment and software to enable children to experience writing procedures to control the movement and direction of their vehicles. This unit could be adapted by focusing on a particular type of vehicle eg a circus vehicle, a carnival float, a moon buggy, a vehicle for transporting a particular load.

EXPECTATIONS: at the end of this unit

most children will: have gained an understanding of how electricity is used to drive products; have gathered information about switches and used appropriate recording techniques; have designed and made a working toy vehicle accurately and finished it to a high standard

some children will not have made so much progress and will:

have a limited understanding of how electricity is used to drive products and will have required support to construct a basic model incorporating a motor

some children will have progressed further and will:

have designed and made a well-finished working model incorporating a motor in which they can control the speed and direction of movement; have considered the user of the toy in their design and produced a quality product with an appropriate theme; have an understanding of the use of electricity in controlling movement in familiar products; have identified the extent to which particular features of their model work and what could be done to improve them

VocabularyIn this unit, children will use words and phrases relating to: designing eg design proposal, criteria, exploded diagrams, labelled drawings, improvements, construction kits, modify making eg cutting jig, cladding, finishing technique, assembling, components knowledge and understanding eg circuit, series and parallel circuits, control, motor, chassis, secure connections, switch/short circuit, pressure switch, speed, motor spindle, pulley, wheel, axle, motor mounting clip

ArtQCA Unit 9 - Visiting a Gallery

This unit provides a structure for a visit to a museum, gallery or site, or any visit outside school. The visit would be most effectively used at the start or in the middle of a unit of work, so that work back at school can be based on the information and experience acquired. If it is used at the end of a unit, it can round off work in an enjoyable and exciting way, but to be effective, children must be able to see it as the culmination of what they have been learning

EXPECTATIONS: at the end of this unit

most children will be able to: record visual and other information; use this information to help them in their work; compare and comment on a selection of objects, including the ideas, methods and approaches used and relate these to the context in which the work was made; comment on some of the different parts and aspects of a museum

some children will not have made so much progress. They will be able to:

use their visit to contribute to the work they are doing; describe the museum and some of the things that happen there; comment on similarities and differences between their experience of the gallery and other places with which they are familiar

some children will have progressed further. They will be able to:

use visual and other information to help them develop their ideas, taking account of the purpose for their work; talk about how and why objects came to be in the museums, using evidence from their visit; comment on how the museum carries out its social, cultural and other functions

In this unit children will have an opportunity to use words and phrases related to:• the physical form of museums and galleries• the social function of museums and galleries• the use of museums and galleries

ICTQCA Unit 6B - Spreadsheet Modelling

About this UnitIn this unit children learn to use a spreadsheet to explore a mathematical model. Children will be taught to use formulae in spreadsheets to answer ‘what if ...?’ questions. They will explore how changes in a spreadsheet affect results and identify simple rules. Children will apply what they have learnt in this unit when exploring mathematical and scientific models.

EXPECTATIONSat the end of this unitmost children will: explore the effects of changing data in a spreadsheet

some children will not have made so much progress and will:

use a spreadsheet to calculate totals

some children will have progressed further and will:

explore the effects of changing data in a spreadsheet; make predictions and use a spreadsheet to test them

Vocabularyspreadsheet cell formula calculate data model

HomeworkIn Primary, the day is quite intense for children working in two languages. For this

reason we limit our homework to 30 minutes per day in Grade 5. We suggest: 10 minutes - reading 5 minutes - spelling 15 minutes – completing homework sheet/finishing off

If you would like to further consolidate this term’s work we would suggest:

We also suggest the CGP books:
