Google Hangouts Procedure Page (For Guests)


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Google+ “Hangouts On Air” ProcedureFor the Invited Guests That Do Not Have Google+ Accounts:

1. Go to

2. Select Create an Account.

3. Fill out your information, and then click the Agree button.

4. Push the Continue to Google+ button.

5. From there, you may choose to add a photo, or simply skip by pushing the "Upgrade" button and skip even further by clicking "Continue” (you will be able to go back and place a photo later).

6. You may see this prompt. Click "Continue Anyway."

7. In the last step, you will be able to fill in miscellaneous info (e.g. where you work, alma mater, etc.) You may choose to fill it out, or you can simply push Finish.

8. Once you have finished, follow the next steps below.

For the Invited Guests That Do Have Google+ Accounts:

1. Log onto your Google Plus account here, check your notifications bell on the upper right of the screen near your profile picture. You will see a notification saying “Hangout: This event is starting now. Let others know you have arrived?” Click yes (you will also see a Your Upcoming Events card on your profile page by clicking on the Home icon on the top left and clicking the Profile button).

2. From there, you will receive a notification from VEIN Directory in the Google Hangouts chat

window on the right side to join the video call (if you haven’t already, click the button to expand the Hangouts chat thread). Click on the conversation, and then click the Join Call button. NOTE: If for some reason you do not get a prompt to join the video call through Hangouts chat, don’t worry. You will receive a URL link to the Hangouts on Air by default, where you can then click and join.

3. Desktop Users: Make sure your web camera and microphone and/or headphones are working. Laptop Users: You may opt out of using a microphone in favour of using your laptop’s onboard microphone, however the use of headphones is still strongly recommended.
