GLOBAL STUDIES · 2020. 4. 28. · The Freirean-inspired pedagogical approach we adopt invites us...


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    The Department of Global Studies at Providence College is committed to developing critical consciousness among learners, so we can question historical and social positions, and to view the world through a problem-posing lens. The Freirean-inspired pedagogical approach we adopt invites us to think of systems of power and the large-scale socioeconomic and political implications that our actions have across national and international boundaries, to recognize that societies can be transformed, and to understand the kind of agency we can exercise to enact change. The department emphasizes pedagogical approaches that involve students in active learning activities, experiential education, community involvement, and in educational self-awareness. We create curricular initiatives and structures that provide students with opportunities to create their own knowledge, with faculty as partners and guides. Given the critical importance of student, as well as faculty, engagement, we strive to create a learning community, inside and outside the classroom.


    Global Studies at Providence College is committed to the idea that a better and more just world is possible. It offers a transdisciplinary exploration of globalization and its effects upon communities, environmental sustainability, and the dignity of all living things. By emphasizing collaborative learning, participatory research, community engagement, activism, and cross-cultural competency, Global Studies cultivates global citizens who think critically and are equipped to respond to the challenges of a diverse, complex, and globalized world.


    All students majoring in Global Studies are required to take the following courses which include concentration courses, a language requirement, a study away requirement, and two capstone courses.

    GST 101 Introduction to Global Studies GST 202 Globalization and Change GST 303 Case Studies in Globalization Political Science Elective Economics Elective Two Upper Level GST Electives Concentration Courses

    à Four courses tailored around individual student interests and approved by the student’s advisor

    à Concentrations should be comprised of additional upper-level courses beyond global studies major requirement

  • GST 480-481 Capstone Study Abroad/Study Away

    à Full semester, academic year, or summer à Must include an internship, service-learning, and/or community-

    based action research project

    Curation of Learning: ePortfolio Two 200 Level or Higher Courses in the same Foreign Language Proficiency:

    à 6 credits at the advanced level in a more commonly taught language.

    à Students who pursue study in less-commonly taught languages can demonstrate foreign language proficiency fulfill this requirement with six credits at the beginner or intermediate levels in that given language.

    à Foreign language proficiency can also be demonstrated through completion of 6 credits in Sign Language.

    à Students whose native language is other than English demonstrates the foreign language proficiency through the course of their undergraduate studies at Providence College. Multilingual students are encouraged but not required to pursue additional foreign language study at the college or abroad.

    à Providence College is a member of the AICU consortium and students interested in languages not taught at the College can enroll in language courses in the associated institutions.


    Core Proficiencies GST 101: Civic Engagement GST 303: Social Science GST 480: Intensive Writing II GST 481: Oral Communication THL 337 & THL 358: Diversity (Recommended by GST) Core Requirements (GST Recommendations) *GST majors can usually pre-register for these courses*

    PHL 301: Ethics, Leadership, and the Common Good *Ethics requirement PHL 337: Philosophy and Globalization *Philosophy, Upper-level GST, and Diversity requirement THL 354: Church in Today’s World *Upper-level Theology requirement THL 358: The Church and Major World Religions *Upper-level Theology and Diversity THL 376: Catholic Social Thought *Upper-level Theology

  • PC’s Core Requirements Development of Western Civilization: Four semesters (five semesters for honor students) Philosophy: Two courses (one must be an ETHICS course) Theology: Two courses (one upper-level and one lower-level) Fine Arts: One course Natural Science: One course (must be Physics if not fulfilled from high school) Quantitative Reasoning: One course Social Science: One course PC’s Core Proficiencies *Can be fulfilled with major, core, or elective courses*

    Civic Engagement: One course Diversity: One course Oral Communication: One course Intensive Writing: Two courses (Intensive Writing I and Intensive Writing II) PC’s Core Focus *A sequence of two courses in one discipline or theme that allows students to delve deeply into an area interest outside their major*

    Can be fulfilled by a minor or secondary major (check with your advisor)


    Study Abroad/Study Away Participating in an international or

    domestic study away experience is critical for Global Studies majors to

    deepen their understanding of cultural and global issues. Students

    are required to study away for a summer, semester, or full academic

    year with an approved program through the Center for Global Education. Students may also choose to participate is a short-term, global service-learning

    course or project led by faculty, students, and community partners affiliated with the department.

    Other Program Providers: SIT SFS IES CIEE

    For a complete list, more information, or to ask any

    questions contact the Global Studies department!


    Majors are expected to collect, document, and reflect on their work throughout the major in an electronic portfolio platform. The goal of the ePortfolio is to demonstrate progress made over the years as a Global Studies major at Providence College. The ePortfolio will demonstrate the four pillars of Global Studies:

    Global Awareness To cultivate an understanding of how one’s actions impact the world.

    à Philosophy of Global Citizenship à Global Understanding

    Language Proficiency To develop language competency and cultural awareness.

    à Oral Interactions à Written Interactions

    Cultural Competency To develop a comprehensive knowledge of cultures and societies.

    à Study Abroad: Expectations, Reflections, and Integration Civic Engagement To develop a sense of responsibility and civic engagement with local and global communities.

    à Community Engagement Students are expected to begin their project in their first year and continue to develop it as they continue their Global Studies journey. Drawing from materials and assignments from Global Studies classes as well as outside work, the finished ePortfolio serves as a resource for students to showcase their work in academic and professional settings.


    Nuria Alonso García Chair of Department

    Feinstein 315

    Emily Meehan Administrative Coordinator

    Feinstein 315

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