Global 9 Mid-Term Review The BIG Picture. The Basics Every civilization has a distinctive way they...


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Global 9 Mid-Term Global 9 Mid-Term ReviewReview

The BIG PictureThe BIG Picture

The BasicsThe Basics• Every civilization has a distinctive way they live called their CULTURE

• Every civilization tends to believe their own is superior, called ETHNOCENTRISM

• Any civilization that has contact with others is changed by that contact, called CULTURAL DIFFUSION

• Every civilization has some form of GOVERNMENT to keep order and ECONOMY to determine how resources are used

• Every civilization is affected by its surroundings and climate, called GEOGRAPHY, and develops strategies to deal with them

World ReligionsWorld Religions• every religion is either monotheistic or polytheistic

• without a god, a “religion” is really a philosophy or belief system

• there are 5 major world religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism

• there are 2 major world philosophies: Confucianism & Daoism

• Animism is a collective term used to refer to local religions like Shintoism, which focus on nature spirits & ancestor spirits

Human BeginningsHuman Beginnings• current scientific theory indicated that humans first existed in AFRICA in the GREAT RIFT VALLEY

• they gradually MIGRATED throughout the rest of the world

• homo sapiens sapiens thrived while Neanderthals declined

• early humans were NOMADIC HUNTER-GATHERERS

• when the first humans learned to farm & domesticate animals they settled down and formed villages, called the NEOLITHIC REVOLUTION

• food surplus allowed JOB SPECIALIZATION and the rise of the first River Valley Civilizations

River Valley River Valley CivilizationsCivilizations

•RIVERS provide SHIFT: spread of culture, household use, irrigation, food & flooding, trade & transportation

• the formation of the first CITIES is called URBANIZATION

• cities have sharp differences in SOCIAL CLASS based on birth and occupation

• kings are believed to be living gods or chosen by the gods like the pharaoh or the Chinese emperor

• each civilization is famous for achievements: their architecture, law codes, writing systems, art work

Classical Civilizations – Near Classical Civilizations – Near EastEast

• first millennium BC

• Hebrews, Phoenicians, Persians

• Babylonian Captivity, Temple, Jerusalem

• Mediterranean sea trade, purple dye, alphabet, colonies

• largest empire, religious toleration, Zoroastrianism

Classical Civilizations - IndiaClassical Civilizations - India• 4th century BC & 4th century AD

• Maurya unification

• Ashoka: Buddhism, pillar edicts, religious toleration, missionaries

• Gupta Golden Age of art, science, math-Arabic numerals, relative peace, Silk Road trade; rigid caste system

Classical Civilizations - Classical Civilizations - GreeksGreeks

• 5th century BC highpoint

• impact of geography: fishing, sea trade, Black & Mediterranean sea colonization, no unity

• first democracy in Athens (limited); public service mentality

• militarism in Spartan oligarchy

• war with Persians; war with each other

• Alexander the Great – conquest of the Middle-East as far as India; Hellenization

Classical Civilizations - ChinaClassical Civilizations - China• 220. BC to 200 AD

•Han Dynasty Golden Age

• Confucianism social system: 5 relationships; filial piety; ancestor worship; exam system

• Dynastic Cycle & Mandate of Heaven

• Middle Kingdom – ethnocentrism

• Silk Road trade discovered

Classical Civilizations - RomeClassical Civilizations - Rome• c. BC = republic; c. AD = empire

• republic – Mediterranean & Europe conquest, Twelve Tables, semi-representative government; Latin

• empire – powerful central government under emperor; Romanization; engineering and architecture achievements

• lasting influence in language, law, politics, architecture, engineering, government structure

Medieval/Golden Age Medieval/Golden Age Civilizations - ByzantinesCivilizations - Byzantines

• c. 500-1500 AD

• Justinian – attempted West reconquest, Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Justinian’s Code

• Constantinople – crossroads of East & West; wealth, art, preservation of Roman & Greek literature

• influence on Russia & Eastern Europe – religion, government & Cyrillic

Medieval/Golden Age Medieval/Golden Age Civilizations – Tang/Song China Civilizations – Tang/Song China

+ Islamic Empires+ Islamic Empires

• c. 8th c. AD

• Tang & Song Golden Age – trade, cultural diffusion, Silk Road, silk & porcelain, decline status of women

• Islamic Golden Age in mid-East, N. Africa, Spain

advances in math, science, and medicine

religion spread through trade to Africa & Asia

Geography Review – River & Classical Geography Review – River & Classical Civs.Civs.



