Giovanni Muscat 2016 Portfolio


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Hello. I have always believed in thought-provoking design, mistakes, blood sweat and tears.

About. I am an independant Graphic Designerbased in London, United Kingdom. I am a graduate from London College of Communication.

I specialise in Graphic Design and Illustration, with my work ranging from digital to print. I work alone or with a team of professionals depending on each projects’ requirements.

I have recently worked Freelance for 18 months at AMV BBDO in Southwark. Working with clients such as Guinness, Martini and Met Police from 2015. I have also recieved recognition from websites such as Ads of the world and have found work outside with clients such as Fila, Wrey and Nephews, Urban Outfitters, E&J and Jigsaw.



Guinness Social design content for Guinness.

About. Smart Ideas, GuinnessGuinness is one client I enjoyed working with. Their strict guidelines set a tone for delivering a cohesive line of imagery that links together and challenges the simplistic approach to delivering the message to its audience.

About. Social Posts, GuinnessThrough working on various social posts for guinness, the key focus was delivering a simple and clear message with the imagery. They shared the idea that the image should be able to speak words and communicate without confusing the audience.



Martini Social design content for Martini.

About. Print Posters, MartiniTaking the brand colours I created, these posts,manipulating the beautiful photography always present with the Martini campaigns. The simple colour overlays give fresh air and compliment the photography.

About. Social Posts, MartiniSometimes working with a client is exciting, its not about what they already have but about throwing in something new that can co-exist with their brand. These are two illustrations I created for Martini in a bid to provide something refreshingly new, as most of their social work had been focused on photography. The client enjoyed the post and the audience.

About. Social Posts, MartiniHere were a series of animated GIF’s to preview and highlight important teasers and moments from the F1 races. Using a filter overlay i kept the aesthic of the imagery consistent.



Lotto Social design content for Lotto.

About. Social Posts, The LottoThrough this campaign, the brief was simply to produce graphics based on the tv ad to promote via social media channels. In the end i played with the creative direction of implementing a serious informative tone and created a series of simple infographics that could be adapted throughout the channels.



Met Police Social design content for Met Police.

About. Social Posts, Met PoliceSometimes working with a client is exciting, its not about what they already have but about throwing in something new that can co-exist with their brand. These are two illustrations I created for Martini in a bid to provide something refreshingly new, as most of their social work had been focused on photography. The client enjoyed the post and the audience.

About. Advice Posts, Met PoliceThese are a series of advice posts the Met Police wanted to promote.I kept the formats tied together with simple design elements such as gradients to further reflect on the tone of the topic. I used punchy and bold type to highlight the seriousness of the message.



Smart Web content for Smart.

About. Banners, SmartThis project I had to focus on adapting the imagery and following the guidelines for Smart. I’ve adapted elements from their design across all formats which included banners from landscape to potrait. These banners needed to be worked up for Desktop and Mobile display for the Smart website.

About. Carousel, MercedesFor this project I needed to create a consistent play with typography promoting new model cars for a mercedes carousel advert. Keeping the aesthetic very elegant i played with skewing type and blending it with angular perspectives to compliment the imagery.



Other a mix of various projects.

About. Packaging Design, SupermaltI produced work for drink company Supermalt, which started out as being commissioned to create an illustration. I was then given the opportunity to redesign their packaging for 2017. Here are displayed the initial designs created.

About. Pitch, Fila and Wrey&NephewsI was out sourced to work for companies Fila and Wrey&Nephews to create social content for their channels. It was a great experience as we won the pitch to handle the clients social media channels.



Goodbye. Thanks for stopping byand taking a look.Have a nice day!