Get More Traffic to Your Website through Pinterest



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Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Sales improvement Solutions - Business Process Management / MIS software Tel: 0231- 2620003

Get More Traffic to Your Website through Pinterest

Publisher: Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd.



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Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Sales improvement Solutions - Business Process Management / MIS software Tel: 0231- 2620003

Get More Traffic to Your Website through Pinterest

During the initial days of optimization strategies, readymade cut out tasks such as ads through

PPC, content farming did the trick of diverting web traffic and most probably, it may still

continue to yield results on churning out money. But, with the focus of one-third online users

diverted towards social media, it makes sense to shift the scene of action towards social

network. In fact, several business establishments have made robust inroads toward the social

network and have efficiently driven a chunk of traffic towards their site. But what is the point in

losing lots of traffic by creating foot prints only in overcrowded media such as Facebook and

Twitter? There are several other well known but sparsely occupied pastures yet to be reaped

of benefits.

Learn how to effectively do social media management buy using Pinterest

Pinterest is the much neglected source of social media management strategy at least in India.

Having said that, web traffic statistics throw huge surprises. Pinterest ranks next only to

Facebook for social media traffic referral and more importantly, their share of traffic is more

than that of other social media (of course, excluding Facebook) combined together. Gone are

the days, when Pinterest was considered to be a woman oriented social media – it is now fairly

Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Sales improvement Solutions - Business Process Management / MIS software Tel: 0231- 2620003

ei g used y e also. U dou tedly, it s the isual ased so ial edia ser i es feature has swung Pinterest to be one of the favorite among users.

Having seen the necessity for considering Pinterest as a part of social media management

strategies, it is time to see how it can be effectively used to get more traffic to your website.

1. Incorporate the Pin it button:

First things first. Add your URL in the Pinterest Profile and pin the button on your

webpage. This enables your profile and website to be seen before following you. The Pin

it utto lets your follo ers to add thi gs fro your site to their a ou ts. There is t a better way to generate instant traffic drive to your site. Do not forget to verify your site

with Pinterest as this assures the viewers that the site added in your profile actually

belongs to you!

2. Quality Wins:

Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Sales improvement Solutions - Business Process Management / MIS software Tel: 0231- 2620003

Quality of the pins that are shared play a vital role in gaining followers. It is an absolute

waste of energy and time to post pins that has been already shared several times.

Remember, uniqueness of the pins is the key mantra.

3. Fabulous Visual:

Pinterest concept revolves around visual aspects. Attractive visuals are a sure shot

enticing tactic to make the users click. Hence great visuals always translate into better

results of repining. It is natural for the question to rise in the mind about optimization

options that are available to induce repining. Well, they are

a. Watermarks on visuals

b. Good aspect ratio

c. Info graphics instead of multiple images

d. Usage of dominant colors like red and pink

e. And last but not least, videos pinned directly on Pinterest provide good results.

4. Convert the Followers:

Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Sales improvement Solutions - Business Process Management / MIS software Tel: 0231- 2620003

Ha i g reated the Pi terest portfolio, it s ti e to o ert your follo ers i to your website visitors. Engaging with your followers is the only way out to achieve this

objective and believe us, nothing works better than this strategy. Regular pinning in

your site a d repi i g of the o te ts fro your follo ers pages reate sheer o der for sustaining the engagements. Alternatively, site hosted contests provide a great

platform for attracting engagement which thereby brings traffic your site.

5. Unleash Rich Pins:

Rich pins are very effective to incorporate additional details pertaining to the pinned

contents. The advantage is huge; rich pins display the pricing details and moreover are

directly linked to product page of the website. No doubt, rich pins provide enhanced

referral traffic directly to the product pages. Additionally, an amazing feature of the rich

pins lies with its capacity to send automatic email notifications to those who have

Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Sales improvement Solutions - Business Process Management / MIS software Tel: 0231- 2620003

pinned a product, when the price of it changes. There really ca t e a etter strategy to let your followers know about the price change.

6. Prominent Pins:

Do t ake the sear h e gi es to sear h for the pi s i your page as they ould lo e to index it. If necessary, settings should be appropriately altered to enable easy indexing by

public search engines.

Many more aspects such as article pins and addition of Pin It button on the blogs are also quite

effective and equally important to attract both direct and indirect traffic.

Now-a-days, Pi terest a t e pi ed do as isual edia or o e o ly e site. Pi terest provides ample opportunity to expand your horizon of business. What really matters is that the

originality and freshness of the pinned contents. In this age of social media buzz, beyond any

doubt, Pinterest definitely produces perfect scope to increase the loyal customer base through


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Satej Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Sales improvement Solutions - Business Process Management / MIS software Tel: 0231- 2620003

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