Gerbil pet care sheet




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Class Pet: Gerbil Preferred Environment: A preferred environment for a gerbil would be Mongolia and Central Asia in the desert. They are able to dig holes and make their nest. A gerbil’s family can be up to 20 gerbils, so they can protect each other. In Mongolia, the temperature in the night is below -40⁰C and during the day it is 40⁰C. A gerbil thumps its back feet to signal fear. A gerbil’s predator is a snake,birds,coyote and cats

Preferred Classroom Environment: A gerbil’s cage is supposed to be 2 feet long and 1 foot wide. Paper or wood shavings is needed as bedding for the animal. An 8-oz water bottle is used in the zipper tube, mixed seed are used so that the organism can consume the seeds. The best type of cage is a metal and glass. If you take care of a gerbil properly, then it can live up to 3-5 years. A gerbil’s weight is between 2-4 ounces and are about 4 ½ inches long.

 Care Information: You need to clean the cage once a week.You will need to feed a gerbil twice a day. Once in the morning and once at noon. If you want to take care of a gerbil as a class pet or maybe even a house pet, then follow these steps on how to take care of a gerbil. First, find a perfect and suitable cage for the gerbil. The best possible cage is a glass and metal one. Purchase a zipper tube that holds 8-oz water bottle and gerbil food. For example, fruits, vegetables, insects, mix seeds, food pellets and dried cereal. Remember to not put a huge amount of food because he is a small mammal. Remember to change the water and the bedding because they like to keep clean and can keep them healthy from dirty water and gerbil droppings. Twice a day change its water and food.

Created By: Omar, Brayan, Edgar, Kevin

5th Grade - 2015
