GEOLOGY of MC LEAN COUNTY, NORTH DAKOT A by John P ...McLean County is in west-central North Dakota...


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John P. Bluemle

North Dakota Geological Surve y

Grand Forks, North Dakota

197 1

BULLETIN 60 — P/ART INorth Dakota Geolooieal Surve yEdwin A. Noble, State/Geologist

COUNT GROUND WATER STUDIES 19 — PART INorth akota State Water CommissionMil . Hoisveen, State Engineer

Prepared by the North Dakota Geological Surve yin cooperation with the North Dakota State

Water Commission, the McLean County Board of Commissioners ,and the United States Geological Survey





John P . Blueml e

North Dakota Geological Surve y

Grand Forks, North Dakota

197 1

BUL:LETIN 60 — PART INorth Dakota Geological SurveyEdwin A. Noble, State Geologist

COUNTY GROUND WATER STUDIES 19 — PART INorth Dakota State Water Commie:onMilo W . Hoisveen, State Engineer

Prepared by the North Dakota Geological Surveyin cooperation with the North Dakota Stat e

Water Commisdon, the McLean County Hoard of Commissioners ,and the United States Geological Survey

This is one of a series of county reports published cooperativelyby the North Dakota Geological Survey and the North Dakota StateWater Commission . The reports are in three parts ; Part I describes th egeology, Part II presents ground water basic data, and Part III describesthe ground water resources. Parts II and III will be published later.



INTRODUCTION 2Purpose 2Methods of Study 2Previous Work 3Acknowledgments 4Surface Topography and Physiography 4

STRATIGRAPHY 6General Statement 6Precambrian Rocks 8Paleozoic Rocks 8

Sauk Sequence 8Tippecanoe Sequence 10Kaskaskia Sequence 10Absaroka Sequence 1 1

Mesozoic and Tertiary Rocks 1 1Zuni Sequence 1 1

Quaternary Rocks 15Preglacial Sediments 15

Description 15Origin 15

Coleharbor Formation 16General Statement 16Definition 17Distribution 21Boulder-clay 2 1Sand and Gravel 22Silt and Clay 23Age and Origin 23

1?ostglacial Sediments .

24uvial SedimentsAAllll

24Slough Sediments 2 5Bohan Sediments 2 5

Landforms 25Erosional Forms 2 5Depositional Forms 26

End Moraines . . .

. 26Ground Moraine and Sheet Moraine 27


Dead-Ice Moraine 27Kettle Chains 28Large Glacial Boulders 29

Glacio-Fluvial Forms 30Alluvial Plains 30Collapsed Alluvial Plains 31Kames 31Flat Lake Topography 32Undulating Lake Topography 32Meltwater Trenches 32Erosion Surfaces 33Terraces 35

Nonglacial Forms 36River Floodplains 36Sloughs 37Dunes . . . . 37Stream-Eroded Topography 37

GEOLOGIC HISTORY 38Preglacial History 38Topography on the Bedrock Surface 39Development of Drainage During the Quaternary 39

Preglacial Drainage 40Drainage Development During Glaciation 40

Glacial History 43Introduction . . . 43Pre-Wisconsinan Drift 43

Dead Man Drift 43Mercer Drift 48

Pre-Wisconsinan Glacial History 52

Early Wisconsinan Drift 52

Napoleon Drift 52

Early Wisconsinan Glacial History 54

Late Wisconsinan Drift 55Lostwood Drift 55

Late Wisconsinan Glacial History 58

ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 63Petroleum 63Lifnite 63Clinker 63Riprap and Building Stone 63




1 . Geologic map of McLean County (in pocket)

2. Geologic sections of exposed bedrock inMcLean County (in pocket )

3. Topographic map of the bedrock surface ofMcLean County (in pocket )

Figure 1 . Topographic and physiographic map ofMcLean County 5

2. Regional map showing location of the Willisto nbasin and major structural features 7

3. Stratigraphic column of North Dakota 9

4. Subcrop map of Cannonball, Tongue River and Sentine lButte Formations in McLean County 14

5. View across bay of Dead Man Coulee showing type are aof the Coleharbor Formation 19

6. Chunks of iron-cemented gravel conglomerate lying o nboulder clay surface (the exhumed upper surface o fthe Dead Man till) 19

7. Photo of type section of the Coleharbor Formationalong Lake Sakakawea 20

8. Esker between Benedict and Max in north-centralMcLean County 29

9. Middle branch of Douglas Creek meltwater trenc hin T. 148 N., R. 85 W 34

10. Turtle Creek valley east of Washburn 34

11. View south over the flat profile of a remnant of anerosion surface 35

12. Map showing major preglacial drainages and glacialdiversion trenches in the McLean County area 41

13. Map of North Dakota showing maximum extent ofpre-Wisconsinan, Early Wisconsinan and Lat eWisconsinan glaciers 44

14. Nearly vertical exposure of boulder-clay (DeadMan till) showing wave-weathered joint faces 46

15. Inclusion of banded silts (lake sediments) inboulder-clay (Dead Man till) 46

16. "Cobbles" composed of boulder-clay(Dead Man till) 47

17. Caliche accumulations near the top of the DeadMan till 47

18. Boulder-clay of unit 3 in description of type sectionof Coleharbor Formation (above shovel) 48

19. Contact between till and fluvial facies of theMercer drift 49

20. Comparison of glacial stratigraphy in McLean Countywith that in the Red River Valley 50

21. Map of McLean County showing areas o fvarious drifts 53

22. Receding early Wisconsinan Napoleon ice 56

23. Deposition of the Blue Mountain end moraine 59

24. Maximum extent of late Wisconsinan ice in easternMcLean County 61

25. Withdrawal of the active ice margin fro mMcLean County 62





John P. Bluemle


McLean County is in west-central North Dakota on the east side ofthe Williston basin . It is underlain by 8,500 to 13,000 feet of Paleozoic ,Mesozoic, and Cenozoic rocks that dip to the west at low angles . TheTertiary, Cannonball, Tongue River, and Sentinel Butte Formations liedirectly beneath glacial drift . The Tongue River and Sentinel Butt eFormations are widely exposed in McLean County, and the CannonballFormation is exposed in a few places . Glacial drift occurs throughoutthe county and reaches a maximum thickness of at least 400 feet i ncertain preglacial valleys. This glacial drift is assigned to a new geologicformation, the Coleharbor Formation, which is defined and describe din this report.

The eastern part of McLean County is part of the Missouri Coteauand is characterized by a hilly surface on dead-ice moraine . Associatedwith the dead-ice moraine are numerous kames, lake plains, ice-contac tgravel . deposits, and areas of collapsed outwash topography . Much ofthe remainder of the county is part of the Coteau Slope , that ischaracterized by a gently rolling surface on ground moraine . TheMissouri Trench forms the western boundary of the county . It has steepslopes developed main:. on bedrock.

]Pre-Wisconsinan cial deposits were identified in McLean Count ybut little is known o either their age or the circumstances under whichthey were deposited. Early Wisconsinan drift covers most of the area o fthe Coteau Slope and Late Wisconsinan drift covers most of theMissouri Coteau . Both the early and late Wisconsinan glaciers stagnatedas they thinned and receded from the area resulting in hummocky area sof dead-ice moraine . The modern route of the Missouri River did no t

become firmly established until the late Wisconsinan glacier recededfrom the area.




This report is the first part in a three-part study of the geology an dground water resources of McLean County, North Dakota . It is beingprepared cooperatively by the North Dakota Geological Survey, theNorth Dakota State Water Commission, the McLean County Board o fCommissioners, and the U. S. Geological Survey . The remaining twoparts of the study consist of a compilation of basic ground water dataand a discussion of the ground water resources of the county .

The present report contains both description and interpretation o fthe geology of McLean County . Parts of the report that are primaril ydescriptive include the discussions of the topography, rock, an dsediment of the county. This information is intended for use by anyon einterested in the physical nature of the materials underlying the county .Such people may be water-well drillers or hydrologists interested in th edistribution of sediments that might produce usable ground water, civilengineers and contractors interested in the gross characteristics o ffoundation materials at possible construction sites or the locations o fpossible sources of borrow material for concrete aggregate, industria lconcerns looking for possible sources of economic minerals, resident sinterested in knowing more about their county, and geologist sinterested in the physical evidence for the geologic interpretations .

Parts of the report that are primarily interpretive include thediscussions of the landforms and Quaternary history in McLea nCounty. These parts are intended for those interested in the geologicprocesses and sequence of events during Pleistocene time .

Methods of Study

The writer mapped about three-fourths of McLean County duringthe 1966 and 1967 field seasons. The remaining one-fourth of the areawas mapped during the 1966 field season by Jack Kume, formerly o fthe North Dakota Geological Survey .

Data were plotted on McLean County highway maps, scale1 :63,360, prepared by the North Dakota State Highway Department .In addition, topographic maps of the 7.5-minute series were availablefor much of the county and maps of the 15-minute series were availablefor most of the remainder of the area. Air photos, scale 1 :20,000, taken


in 1958, were used to accurately place geologic contacts . The surficia lmapping was done by driving along all section line roads and trails, an drecording lithologies at all roadcuts or exposures . Less accessible areaswere covered on foot. A shovel and soil auger were used to obtai nlithologic information in areas of poor exposures . In addition, abou t100 holes were bored by the North Dakota Geological Surveytruck-mounted auger. This auger is capable of sampling to a maximu mdepth of 150 feet. The North Dakota State Water Commission provide da rotary drilling rig that was used during the 1967, 1969, and 1970 fieldseasons for about 40,000 feet of test drilling.

Previous Work

All or portions of McLean County have been included in severalprevious studies. In 1883, Chamberlain presented a map of the Missour iCoteau in "Terminal Moraines of the Second Glacial Epoch ." Todd(1896) described the moraines of the Missouri Coteau . Leonard (1916)described the "pre-Wisconsin drift" of North Dakota . He placed th ewestern limit of the Wisconsinan drift at the front of the "AltamontMoraine." H. E. Simpson in 1942 described the geology of the Garriso nQuadrangle in an unpublished Master's thesis at the University o fIllinois . Townsend and Jenke (1951) named the "Max Moraine " for apart of what had previously been referred to as the Altamont Moraine .They described the Max Moraine as extending "from the vicinity ofBismarck, northwestward for 800 miles ." Lemke (1960) brieflydiscussed the northeast corner of McLean County in a report on th eSouris River area. In 1958, Lemke and Colton published a summary ofthe Pleistocene geology of North Dakota based on a study of large scal eair photo stereopairs of the glaciated part of the state . In 1965, Lemke,Laird, Tipton, and Lindvall published a somewhat more comprehensiv ereport on the Pleistocene geology of the state . Clayton (1966) added toand revised this. Also available is the Preliminary Glacial Map of NorthDakota (Colton, Lemke, and Lindvall, 1963) . Several geologic reportsof the present county series are now available for the area near McLeanCounty. They include Kidder County (Rau and others, 1962) ; andBurleigh County (Kume and Hansen, 1965) . Field work has beencompleted by the North Dakota Geological Survey and the U . S.Geological Survey in several more nearby counties, and reportpreparation is now in progress . They include Mercer, Oliver, Sheridan ,McHenry, Ward, Renville, and Mountrail Counties . In addition, severalcirculars describing samples from exploratory oil wells have been


published, and various general studies of North Dakota have include dall or parts of McLean County .

Acknowledgment s

The help of various individuals and agencies involved in this stud yis appreciated. Jack Kume, formerly of the North Dakota Geologica lSurvey, mapped a large area of McLean County . Robert , Klausing,author of parts II and III of this study, provided test hole data an dother valuable information . I also wish to thank Lee Clayton of th eDepartment of Geology at the University of North Dakota fo rreviewing this report . Roy Staiger, who operated the North Dakot aGeological Survey auger, provided valuable test hole data on glacia ldrift thicknesses . Finally, I extend my appreciation to the landowner sof McLean County who were very cooperative in providing data o nprivate wells and allowing access to their property.

Surface Topography and Physiography

A topographic map of McLean County is shown on Figure 1 . Fourdistinct physiographic areas occur in the county :

1) The extreme northeast corner of the county is part of therelatively level Drift Prairie that covers most of the northeast half ofNorth Dakota . Drainage on this gently undulating glaciated plain is fairto good although many shallow depressions retain water after heavyrains. Streams of the Drift Prairie of McLean County and nearby area sflow into the Sheyenne River, a tributary of the Red River of the Nort hwhose waters eventually reach Hudson Bay . Relief, which is generallyless than 20 feet in a mile, is due almost entirely to irregularities on th esurface of the ground moraine.

The edge of the Drift Prairie is marked by the MissouriEscarpment, a relatively smooth but stream-dissected slope that rises t othe Missouri Coteau. Elevations rise from about 1,600 feet at the baseof the escarpment to over 2,000 feet at the top, a change of about 400feet in a distance of about 5 miles .

2) The Missouri Coteau, which lies at the top of the MissouriEscarpment, is an area of high local relief averaging about 30 to 35 fee tbetween lows and adjacent highs . This hilly area extends from







FIGURE 1. Topographic and phyaiographic map of McLean County .

east-central South Dakota northwestward into western Saskatchewan.The Missouri Coteau covers approximately the northeast half ofMcLean County and accounts for about 40 percent of the total area o fthe county. A few short streams occur in the area but none transect it.The area is characterized by numerous sloughs, lakes, an dclosely-spaced hills . The entire width of the Missouri Coteau is th econtinental divide between Gulf of Mexico and Hudson Bay drainage .

3) The Coteau Slope lies southwest of the Missouri Coteau. Reliefis moderate, generally less than 25 feet locally, but greater near some o fthe deeper valleys. These valleys carry small intermittent streams sout hand westward over the Coteau Slope to the Missouri River. Drainage iswell-developed, and only a few lakes and sloughs occur in the area . Thetopography of the Coteau Slope is mainly stream-dissected bedroc kwith a veneer of glacial deposits. Elevations range between about 2,000feet near the Missouri River to over 2,400 feet in the western part o fthe county .

4) The southwest boundary of McLean County is the MissouriRiver, which flows in the Missouri Trench. Above Garrison Dam, inwestern McLean County, the trench is generally 3 to &miles wide fro mrim to rim and has a maximum relief of 200 to 250 feet (lake level totrench rim) . Below the dam it is 1 to 2 miles wide with a maximumrelief of about 350 feet . The wider segment of the trench is flooded byLake Sakakawea and has sides consisting mainly of badlands on th eTertiary Sentinel Butte Formation . There, discontinuous glacial driftoccurs on the sides of the trench down to the level of the lake. Belowthe dam, the floor of the trench is a broad floodplain . Some badlandsoccur on the sides of the trench, but generally the sides are relativelysmooth with terraces in some areas .


General Statement

McLean County is situated on the east flank of the Williston basin ,an intracratonic, structural basin containing a thick sequence o fsedimentary rocks (fig. 2) . The Williston basin had its beginning inEarly Paleozoic time. Sedimentary rocks in western McLean Countyprobably reach a total thickness greater than 13,000 feet, an estimatebased on drill hole data and projection of rock units from wells i nadjacent areas. No wells have yet been drilled that penetrated the entire





Saskatchewan 1

Manitob aMontana Nortt\Dokota




R ivei \



\\ !/'


/South Dakota\


Wyoming \





Qucdern oTailor cod








-3000i -2000


- 0WSW ems




FIGURE 2. Regional map showing location of the Williston basin and majorstructural features. Lower part of illustration shows a generalizedNorth Dakota stratigraphic column and cross section across the state .Modified from Carbon and Anderson, 1966, p. 1884.


sedimentary sequence. The rocks dip to the west at low angles i nMcLean County, from less than 25 feet per mile in the UpperCretaceous to over 50 feet per mile in the Paleozoic rocks.

Precambrian Rocks

Precambrian rocks range in depth from about 8,500 feet i nnortheastern McLean County to more than 13,000 feet in the wester npart of the county. No wells have penetrated Precambrian rocks inMcLean County and their composition is unknown .

Paleozoic Rocks

Paleozoic rocks range in thickness from about 4,000 feet innortheastern McLean County to over 8,000 feet at the western edge o fthe county. For purposes of discussion, the Paleozoic rocks can besubdivided into four sequences (fig . 3). A sequence is defined as thepreserved sedimentary rock record bounded by major regionalunconformities. The Paleozoic sequences recognized in McLean Count yare, in ascending order, the Sauk, Tippecanoe, Kaskaskia, an dAbsaroka, with the Absaroka Sequence extending to include Triassi crocks of the Mesozoic Era .


The Sauk Sequence is represented in the Williston basin by th eDeadwood Formation of Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician age Th eDeadwood is an onlap depositional sequence consisting primarily of abasal sandstone overlain by shale and carbonate and then by anothersandstone . It thickens westward from a minimum of about 200 feet i nnortheast McLean County to a maximum of about 700 feet in thenorthwest part of the county. In the Vaughn-Hanson No . 1 well (Sec .10, T. 146 N., R. 81 W.), 101 feet of limestone, shale and sandstone o fthe Deadwood Formation was penetrated . Fifty-eight feet of theDeadwood was penetrated in the`Stanolind-McLean No. 1 well (Sec. 28 ,T. 150 N., R. 80 W.).


TEJASaaar _.. .a.



Coleharbor Glacial Drift

white River Clay, Sand, Limestone—.. .. C....

Golden ValleyS S .. ...a.

Clay, Sand, Silt



Sentinel Butte Sandstone, Shale, Lignite

Tongue ~ue River


Sandstone, Shale, Lignite

n...2 0. ..Sow' . . —C — C .


Hell Creek Sandstone, Shale and Lignite



Fox Hilo Marine Sandstone

Pierre Shale

Niobrara Shale, calcareous



Caine Shale

Greenhorn Shale, calcareous

Belle Fourche shale



Mowry Shale

Newcastle Sandstone

Skull Credo Shale

Fall River Sandstone and Shale

Ldrota Sandstone and Shale


Mwriaa Shale and Clay

Saod+nec Shale, green & brown, Sandston e

Piper Limestone, Anhydrite, Salt and red shale



TRIASSIC Spearfish MItstone . Salt and Sandstone

Mimduhta LimestonePERMIAN

°role Shale, Siltstone and Salt




hlinnahwa Sandstone and Dolomite





limestone, dolomitic, Shale and Sandstone


Otter Sandstone

KWbey Limestone

Madison Limestones and Evaporites

Bakken Siltstone and Shale


Three Forks Shale, SBtston. and Dolomite

Blydbear Limestone

Daperow Dolomite and Limestone

Sauk River Dolomite and Limestone

Dawson Bay Dolomite and Limestone

— s sta.—

Pnlrle Hditewled~god s

—Limestone and Dolomite




SILURIAN Intstlake Dolomite

Stonewall Dolomite and Limestone




Gunton Air. Dolomite and Limestoneon Ax llaceous Limestone

Red River Limestone and Dolomite



Roaddodc Cameo us Shale & Miriam

Icebox Shal e

Book Island Sandstone

CA1413RLAN Deadwood Limestone, Shale and Sandstone0.0

.>_ .

..a., own...ate ,


, .a..

~. ..


FIGURE 3. Stratigraphie column of North Dakota . Heavy dashed lines representmajor regional =conformities. Modified from Carlson and Anderson,1966, p.1855.



The Williston basin began to be a slightly negative area durin gdeposition of the Tippecanoe Sequence. This sequence is the result of atransgressive event during which the seas invaded from the south an deast, and the Williston basin became part of a much more extensiveepicontinental sea . The Tippecanoe Sequence is represented in the are aby rocks of Middle Ordovician to Silurian age . The initial deposits o fthe sequence were the clastics of the Winnipeg Group . These werefollowed by carbonates with minor amounts of evaporites of the Re dRiver, Stony Mountain, Stonewall, and Interlake Formations .

In McLean County, the thickness of the Tippecanoe ranges fromabout 1,300 feet in the east to about 2,200 feet in the west . The twopreviously mentioned wells, the Vaughn-Hanson No. 1 and theStanolind-McLean No. 1 are the only two that have penetrated theTippecanoe Sequence in McLean County. In these wells, the thicknesse swere 1,442 feet and 1,437 feet respectively.


During deposition of the Kaskaskia Sequence, the Williston basi nwas slightly more tectonically negative than during the previous twosequences. The initial deposits ofthe Kaskaskia Sequence represent atransgressive sea that spread over the area from the north and wes tduring Devonian time .

Devonian formations that have been recognized in the Willisto nbasin include, in ascending order, the Winnipegosis (mainly carbonates) ,Prairie (mainly salt with some limestone and anhydrite), Dawson Bay(limestone and dolomitic limestone), Souris River (alternatinglimestone and thin argillaceous beds), Duperow (cyclical carbonates an dshales), Birdbear (limestone), and Three Forks (shale, anhydrite ,siltstone, and dolomite) . The overlying Mississippian rocks werede osited mainly during normal marine conditions . They include rock sofpthe Bakken Formation (mm-grained clastics), the Madison Grou p(carbonates), and Big Snowy Group (shale, carbonates, and sandstones) .

The Kaskaskia Sequence in McLean County ranges from abou t2,000 feet thick in the southeast to about 4,100 feet thick in thenorthwest. In addition to the two previously mentioned wells, sixothers have penetrated the Kaskaskia Sequence to varying depths .



The Absaroka sea spread across the area from the west . Depositio nbegan with nonmarine mudstone, followed by relatively thin marin edeposits and then predominantly clastic and evaporite redbed units .Rocks; of the Pennsylvanian and Permian Systems and the SpearfishFormation of Permian-Triassic age comprise the Absaroka Sequence .Formations include, in ascending order, the Amsden (dolomite an dlimestone), Minnelusa (clastics), Opeche (redbed clastics), Minnekaht a(dolomite and limestone), and Spearfish (redbed clastics) . TheAbsaroka Sequence in McLean County ranges from about 250 fee tthick in the northeast to about 1,100 feet thick in the southwest . Eightof the ten oil exploration tests drilled to date in McLean County hav epenetrated the Absaroka Sequence .

Mesozoic and Tertiary Rocks

Mesozoic rocks range in thickness from about 3,900 feet innortheastern McLean County to about 5,000 feet at the western edgeof the county. All of these rocks are part of the Zuni Sequence with th eexception of the previously discussed Spearfish Formation . TheTertiary rocks of McLean County range in thickness from about 40 0feet in the, northeast to more than 1,100 feet in the western part of thecounty.


Mesozoic rocks of the Zuni Sequence in the Williston basin consis tmainly of clastic rocks that were deposited in widespread Jurassic andCretaceous seas . Jurassic strata range from about 600 to 1,000 fee tthick in McLean County and consist of evaporites, red shale, andcarbonates in the Piper Formation, and fine-grained clastics of theSundance Group. Cretaceous rocks include well-developed sandstone sin the Fall River-Lakota interval and a poorly developed sandstone inthe Newcastle Formation . The rest of the Cretaceous rocks, below theFox Hills Formation, are gray shales with some calcareous shales an dsome thin bentonites; they include the Skull Creek, Mowry, BelleFourche, Greenhorn, Carlile, Niobrara, and Pierre Formations .

The Fox Hills Formation conformably and gradationally overlie sthe Pierre Formation. It is a marine sandstone and shale sequence tha t


ranges in thickness from about 350 to 450 feet in McLean County withthe greatest thicknesses in the northeastern part of the county . The HellCreek Formation, the youngest Cretaceous formation, conformablyoverlies the Fox Hills Formation in McLean County. It is of continentalorigin and., consists of interbedded gray, greenish-gray and brow nsandstones, mudstones, siltstones carbonaceous shales, and thin lignite

_seams. It is overlain by the interbedded sandstones, shales, and lignit ebeds of the Paleocene age Ludlow Formation . he Hell Creek andLudlow For ,t , haveacombined thickness 6 , ut 100 feet4 .ineastern McLean .CAUnyt .;bto ,al~o, ut 500 feet in the western part of th ecounty.

The remaining Tertiary rocks of McLean County, in ascendingorder, are the Cannonball, Tongue River, and Sentinel Butt eFormations . These sediments are all of the Zuni Sequence and lat ePaleocene in age . They are represented in the Williston basin bypredominantly non marine deposits derived from source areas to th ewest.

The Cannonball Faormation, which conformably overlies th eLudlow Formation, is probably a marine equivalent to the Ludlow .,yIt ,

consists of olive black, , carbonaceous and Iigmtic siltstone and shale ,lignite, and micaceous fable sandstones. The g a4e uPward In' to

and friable ,similarl colored noncalcareous sdtatones, aa' c, _smilesglauconitic, noncalcareous sandstones .

The Cannonball Formation in the western and.. southern part of,McLean County is as much as 300 feet thick. It thins northeastward toless than 100 feet thick. Fposuresof the uppermost Cannonball bed soccur in Sections— 22' and 23, T, 143 N ., R. 81 W. in southern McLeanCounty. The contact of the highly weathered, brownish-blac kCannonball sha with..overl overlying River sandstones occurs a tan elevation of about x.,680 feet in this area, a figure that seems

" anomalously low in view of the_fact that it is at least 1,700 feet acrossthe river in Oliver County regionally downdip direction ... Sometnmot structure may be indicate in the area .

The Tongue River and Sentinel Butte Formations, continentalformations of Paleocene age, are the youngest bedrock formations inthe county. They directly underlie the glacial drift, except in a smallarea in extreme southern McLean County where they are absent, an dthe Cannonball Formation underlies the drift, and in northwesternMcLean County where pregfacial Pleistocene sands lie between the mand the overlying drift. Where the drift is thin or absent they areexposed; the best and most extensive exposures occur in and near th eMissouri Trench, where headward erosion has formed areas of badland stopography. Maximum thickness of the two formations is about 800 .feet in western McLean County .


Exposures of the Tongue River Formation, which underlie th eSentinel Butte Formation, are confined to approximately the easternthird of the county ; the Sentinel Butte occurs over the remainder of thecounty (fig. 4) . The contact between the two formations is difficult torecognize in McLean County . Based on tentative interpretations ofseveral measured sections, the contact is exposed in the vicinity o fGarrison Dam at an elevation of about 1,900 feet (Plate 1) . The contac tbetween the Tongue River and Cannonball Formations in this area is a tabout 1,500 feet, based on test hole data to the southwest in Merce rCounty; therefore, the Tongue River is about 400 feet thick in the area .However, about 450 feet of composite section was measured in th earea. This footage includes about 120 feet of section that was poorlyexposed due to slumping, so the possibility for error is considerable .

The Tongue River consists of buff to orange buff and gray sands,silts, and clays that range from poorly to fairly well cemented. Thesands are commonly cross-bedded and channeled in places and havelocal horizons of sandstone concretions,. Some of the more induratedsand horizons form prominent ledges that can be carried for severa lhundred yards. Fossils collected from the Tongue River Formationinclude mainly gastropods with somepelecypods and ostracods.

The clays and silts of the Tongue River form good marker beds fo rcorrelative purposes. They are commonly light gray with orange bandsdue te, iron oxide-rich beds. Commonly associated with the clay and sil tbeds are lignitic zones and lignite bed& Most of these beds are less tha na foot thick, and no commercially useful lignite was found in theTongue River Formation of McLean County .

About 200 feet of Sentinel Butte section was measured in westernMcLean County. The lowermost part of the formation is too poorl yexposed in the area to allow for accurate correlation with bedrockexposures near Garrison Dam. In general, the Sentinel Butte in McLeanCounty consists of light gray to brownish gray sands and silts. Petrifiedwood, mainly Metasequoia, is common in the Sentinel ButteFormation, although some occurs in the Tongue River as well . In somebadland areas, large stumps and logs occur and small chips of petrifiedwood cover the surface. Reddish scoria beds, formed when burninglignite beds baked surrounding sediments, are common in both theTongue River and Sentinel Butte Formations . Their lateral continuity i srestricted to less than a few miles so they can be used only for verylocal correlations . Large, tubular concretions are common in th eSentinel Butte Formation. They are round to oval in cross-section ;often they stand on pedestals . They consist of cross-bedded sands thatare commonly coarser than the surrounding sediments .

Several beds of lignite up to 2 or 3 feet thick occur, and two bedsare being mined. One of these mines, the Underwood Coal Company


TS Sentinel Butte Formatio n

Tt Tongue River Formatio n

To Cannonball Formatio n





FIGURE 4. Subcrop map of Cannonball, Tongue River and Sentinel Butte Formations in McLea nCounty. These three bedrock formations lie directly beneath the glacial drift except i nareas where glacial deposits are absent and in a small area of the northwestern corner of th ecounty where preglacial Quaternary (?) river sediments occur between the bedrock and th edrift.

Mine, is in Section 23, T. 146 N., R. 82 W. Here, an 8- to 10-foot thickbed is. being mined. This lignite occurs at an elevation of 1,950 to 1,96 0feet, about 25 feet above the presumed base of the Sentinel Butt eFormation in that area. The other mine is the B & W Coal Mine (Sec.16, T. 148 N., R. 86 W.) where two lignite beds are being mined. Thelower 5-foot-thick bed is separated from the upper 2-foot-thick bed b ya 4-inch clay seam. The lignite occurs at an elevation of about 1,915 to1,925 feet, about 160 feet above the base of the Sentinel Butt eFormation. Both of these mines are relatively small operations .

The single most important criterion for differentiating the TongueRiver and Sentinel Butte Formations is color . In western North Dakota,oxidized exposures of the Tongue River have light, buff-yellow colorswith considerable variations in texture and color between individualbeds and, particularly when viewed from a distance, they present abrit overall aspect . In contrast, the Sentinel Butte beds are more grayan somber in color and rather uniform in both texture and color .


Descriptio n

in several test holes in T . 150 N., R. 88 W., in extrem enorthwestern McLean County, fluvial sediments consisting of silts ,sands ., and gravels were found beneath glacial deposits. The trend of th esediments could not be determined . They do not appear to follow avalley as they are not particularly deep . The gravels and sands consistmainly of coarse, dark brown cherts, limestones, dolomite, andfragments of lignite . Silts and sands overlie the gravels and these are i nturn overlain by clays and silts.

OriginThe lithologies of the fluvial sediments described above suggest s

that they were derived mainly from the Rocky Mountains or Black Hillsand that they were deposited by rivers flowing northeastward in lateTertiary or early Pleistocene time . The sediments follow no particulartrend, and if they were deposited in a valley, that valley has beendestroyed and may even be a topographic high today . Such a situationimplies a long interval of time between deposition of the sediments andoverriding by glaciers. During this time, erosion over the areacompletely changed drainage patterns so that there now is no evidenc efor any buried valley . For this reason, it seems likely the sediments areconsiderably older than fluvial sediments that are found in buried


valleys, perhaps even pre-Pleistocene in age . The presence of what ar eapparently lake deposits of Pleistocene age on top of the fluvia lsediments suggests that a lake formed when early Pleistocene iceblocked the drainage.

Stratigraphic situations similar to the one described above occurelsewhere in McLean County, but these are mainly i nnortheast-trending preglacial valleys (fig . 12), and in most cases they aredocumented only by single test holes. Preglacial fluvial sediments mayunderlie the glacial deposits in many of the preglacial valleys .


General Statement

Several surface glacial drift units have been recognized and name din North Dakota. These are inferential units recognized on the basis o fecologic analysis, interpretation of mineralogy, depositional structure sand textures, and fossil faunas . In North Dakota, most of the nameddrift units are thought to have been deposited during single phases o factivity of the glacier, and they can be related to some event in th ehistory of the glacier . Because the drift units are recognized mainly onthe basis of inferred geologic history or origin, they are highl yinterpretive and subject to change as more knowledge becomesavailable.

The surface drifts that have been named in North Dakota are, fo rthe most part, lithologically indistinguishable on a regional scale . Forthis reason, and because of their inferential nature, it is practical t oinclude all of them in a single lithostratigraphic unit . Lithostratigraphicunits, or rock units, are bodies of strata identified by objectivelithologic criteria. They are delineated in vertical succession by surface srepresenting changes in lithologic character or breaks in th edepositional continuity (Krumbein and Sloss, 1963, p . 332) . In NorthDakota, all the glacial sediments belong to the Coleharbor Formation ,which is one of the most widespread geologic units in the state .

The glacial sediments in North Dakota have been studiedsufficiently to adequately characterize and formally designate theColeharbor Formation entirely in lithostratigraphic terms withou tresort to inferred geologic history or origin The Coleharbor Formationconsists of thousands of alternating beds but only three main facies :1)interlayered bouldery, cobbly, pebbly, sandy, silty clay ; 2)sand andgravel; and 3)silt and clay . These three facies taken as a whole form a suniform and distinctive a unit as any of the previously name dformations in North Dakota. The Coleharbor Formation ranges from 0to 600 feet thick in North Dakota .


By designating a formal rock unit, the Coleharbor Formation, i tbecomes possible to avoid the common practice of treating glacia ldeposits and bedrock in two entirely different ways. The formaldesignation should also facilitate more convenient study of comparablerocks over wide areas, not only in North Dakota, but in surroundingareas as well.

Christiansen (1967, 1968) has recognized several .. different units ofglacial drift in the Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, area . He has divided thedrift, first of all, into the Sutherland and Saskatoon Groups on the basi sof carbonate content of tills, weathering zones, and intertill stratifieddrift. He has further subdivided the upper group, the Saskatoon, int othe Battleford and Floral Formations .

Subdividing the Coleharbor Formation in North Dakota on alithostratigraphic basis is not yet practical . Preliminary field work withrecognized drift units in North Dakota (see the discussion of th eQuaternary History later in this report) suggests that Christiansen' sBattleford Formation is equivalent to the Lostwood drift and perhap sto the Napoleon drift in North Dakota. His Floral Formation may beequivalent to the Mercer and Dead Man drifts . Further study may makeit possible to subdivide the Coleharbor Formation into members, or itmay become necessary to elevate the Coleharbor Formation to grou pstatus . Possible members may be found to coincide with differen tglacial stages, or they may reflect predictable and mappable difference sin till carbonate content, degree of weathering of feldspars, daycontent, or some as yet unknown physical characteristics.

.DefinitionThe term "Coleharbor Formation" is proposed for th e

lithostratigraphic unit that includes all bouldery, cobbly, pebbly, sandy ,silty clay, sand and gavel, and silt and day exposed in the type sectio nand in all comparable sections. It is named for the town of Coleharborin McLean County, North Dakota. The best exposures of the formatio nin North Dakota are located about 6 miles west of Coleharbor along theshore of Lake Sakakawea in Secs. 14, 15, and 22, T. 147 N., R. 84 W .(101° 2 ')W. Longitude, 47° 32' N. Latitude) ; this will be consideredthe type area (fig. 5). Here, rapid erosion of the shore of, the lake bywave action has exposed as much as 65 feet of nearly vertical section .The type section of the Coleharbor Formation follows. It is locatedabout 300 yards south of the mouth of Dead Man Coulee in the NWi/4 ,NW3a, NEV4, Sec. 22, T. 147 N., R. 84 W., McLean County, NorthDakota (fig. 7) .


8. Boulder-Clay, 15 to 20 feet thick ; brownish buff to gray, rathersandy with a few granitic and carbonate pebbles ; chunky ,unjointed and vaguely layered ; calcareous. ORIGIN : Napoleon tillof early Wisconsinan (?) age .

7. Gravel, 0 to 5 feet thick; medium-grained, sandy, cross-bedded i nplaces; some iron staining near base of unit ; consists mainly o figneous and carbonate pebbles . ORIGIN: Stream channel deposit.

6. Boulder-clay, 25 feet thick; brownish gray, sandy and pebbly witha few lignite chips and pockets of reddish brown, finely dividedlimonite ; strong vertical jointing results in almost vertical cliffs ;appears to have good vertical permeability . ORIGIN : Mercer till o fpre-Wisconsinan age .

5. Sand, 2 to 4 feet thick; fine to medium grained, cross-bedded an dloose; consists mainly of quartz with much finely-divided lignite ;lies above unit 4 in most places but appears to be laterallyyequivalent to unit 4 in a few places . ORIGIN: Glacial outwashdeposit .

4. Gravel, 2 to 3 feet thick ; coarse, sandy, highly iron-cemented int oa conglomerate (fig . 6) ; chunks up to 10 feet long, but averaging 3to 4 feet long, have fallen intact into the reservoir ; consists mainlyof pebbles and cobbles with lithologies typical of glacially-derive dgravels from the northeast in Canada (igneous and carbonat erocks) . ORIGIN : Glacial outwash deposit .

3. Boulder-clay, 15 to 20 feet thick ; mottled gray and yellowish buffwith lighter shades overall than found in overlying boulder-clayunits; cliff surfaces are oxidized, but in freshest cuts the unit i sunoxidized at 10 to 15 feet below its upper surface ; silty, verypebbly with sand pockets up to 6 inches across, large inclusions o flignite and lake sediments, and a few large boulders up to 15 fee tacross; abundant lignite chips and charcoalized wood fr ents ;relatively more carbonate pebbles than in overlying boulder-clayunits; irregularly jointed with selenite crystals, iron oxide andmanganese dioxide staining common on joint faces ; partiallylithified (breaks across pebbles in places) and massive ; a few iro nconcretions; upper contact of this unit with the overlying gravel i svery sharp and, in places where gravel has been washed off b ywaves, a relatively flat erosion surface has been exhumed .ORIGIN: Dead Man till of pre-Wisconsinan age .


FIGURE 5 . View across bay of Dead Man Coulee showing type area of theColeharbor Formation. Cliffs in the distance are about 40 to 50 feethigh .

FIGURE 6. Chunks of iron-cemented gravel conglomerate lying on boulder-cla ysurface (the exhumed upper surface of the Dead Man till) . Phototaken near the area of the type section .


FIGURE 7. Photo of type section of Coleharbor Formation along Lake Sakakawea. Total exposed sectio nshown here is about 40 feet. Numbers on diagram identify lithologic units on photo and correspon dto numbers used in section description .

2. Silt, 3 feet thick (at water level and poorly exposed) ; brownish toyellowish gray; clayey; good horizontal banding that in places hasbeen highly contorted ; appears to be laterally equivalent to unit 1in places. ORIGIN : Overridden proglacial lake deposit .

1 . Gravel, 2 to 3 feet thick (poorly exposed at water level) ; some ironstains; mineralogy of pebbles and cobbles is typica lglacially-derived assemblage (carbonates, granitics, an dmetamorphics) . ORIGIN: Glacial outwash deposit .

DistributionThe Coleharbor Formation covers most of the northeastern

two-thirds of North Dakota, eastern South Dakota, Saskatchewan,Manitoba, northern Montana, and western and southern Minnesota . Thesouthern limit of the Coleharbor Formation is the limit of glaciation i nSouth Dakota. Its eastern limit is probably in central Minnesota wherereddish-yellow, sandy, noncalcareous and nonmontmorillonitic driftreplaces it . The northeastern limit is probably near Lake Manitob awhere sandy, highly calcareous nonmontmorillonitic drift replaces it .The northern and western limits are probably near the Canadian Shiel dand Rocky Mountains. It unconformably overlies older rocks of all age sand is overlain in many areas by sediments of Holocene age . TheColeharbor Formation is largely confined to areas of clay-rich ,mont:morillonitic Cretaceous and early Tertiary formations of th enorthern Great Plains.

The formation underlies about 95 percent of McLean County (pl .1) . It is more than 400 feet thick in at least one buried valley in wester nMcLean County (Sec . 32,T. 149 N., R. 87 W.) but it averages about 120feet thick throughout the county. Near the Missouri River trench andover much of western McLean County, the formation averages less tha n50 feet thick.

Boulder.clayThe Coleharbor Formation of McLean County consists of about

70 percent bouldery, cobbly, pebbly, sandy, silty clay (boulder-clay fo rshort .) by volume. About 75 percent of the surface area of the county i sboulder-clay but much of this area is underlain by thin deposits ; theareas of sand and gravel are generally underlain by thicker deposits . Theboulder-clay facies of the Coleharbor Formation is a relatively uniform ,nonbedded mixture of approximately equal parts of sand, silt, and claysized materials along with small percentages of pebbles, cobbles, an dboulders as much as a few feet in diameter.

The boulder-clay is generally dark gray below the ground-wate rtable, grayish brown above the water table . Colors generally become


darker downward from more to less highly oxidized zones . Boulder-clayis relatively more uniform mineralogically than most other sediment inthe county. Montmorillonite and other clay minerals along with smallamounts of carbonates, quartz, and feldspars comprise the clay-sizedfraction of the boulder-clay . The silt and sand fraction consists largel yof quartz and feldspar with some carbonates, shale, and lignite . Pebblesare varied and consist of limestone, dolomite, various hardmetamorphic and igneous rock types, shale, and lignite. Most of thecobbles and boulders are igneous and metamorphic rock types ; a feware carbonates.

Based on 78 analyzed samples from depths of 0 to 100 feet, th eboulder-clay has a natural dry unit weight ranging from 92 to 122

pounds per cubic foot with an average of 111, a natural moistur econtent ranging from 16 to 28 percent with an average of 20.8 percent,and a triaxial compressive strength ranging from 17 to 223 pounds persquare inch with an average of 54. Compressive strengths tend t oincrease with depth .

Because of its low permeability, the boulder-clay is generally not asatisfactory source of ground water . Any permeability that theboulder-clay has is due to vertical fracturing so that the permeability i sgreater vertically than horizontally .

Sand and GravelIn McLean County, the Coleharbor Formation consists of about 25

percent sand and gravel by volume. About 20 percent of the surfac earea of the county is sand and gravel. The deposits occur both as thinlayers and lenses within the boulder-clay and as thick, continuoussequences independent of the boulder-clay . The sand and gravel facies i sgenerally horizontally layered except in the hilly areas in the easter npart of the county where the layering is commonly tilted, contorted, orfaulted. Quality ranges from sandy gravel and gravelly sand that i srelatively" free of finer materials to very dirty gravel with highpercentages of silt and clay included .

The sand and gravel facies is more variable in grain-siz ecomposition than is the boulder-clay facies . In general, the best sorteddeposits underlie the flat expanse of land northwest and east of Turtl eLake and east of Washburn . These commonly have maximum grain sizesof less than 2 inches . Well-sorted sands and gravels occur also on valleyterraces south of Ruso in northeastern McLean County . Much of thesand and gravel that occurs in irregularly-shaped ridges and mounds inthe hilly areas of eastern McLean County is poorly sorted andcoarse-grained . It contains considerable amounts of boulder-clay andboulders of all sizes and is generally of little or no economic value . Theareas of sand and gravel deposits are shown on Plate 1 but no quality


distinction is made. If sand or gravel of a particular grain size is wanted ,the areas shown should be sampled to determine favorable locations .

The sand and gravel facies of the Coleharbor Formation has aminer alogic composition similar to the boulder-clay . The mineralogyindicates that it was ultimately derived from the northeast in Canada.The sand-sized fraction is largely quartz and feldspars with minoramounts of shale and carbonates. The gravel-sized fraction is largel ygranitic and metamorphic rock types, limestone, and dolomite . Some ofthe gravel has a high percentage of shale. Near the surface, caliche(CaCO3) coats the undersides of pebbles and cobbles.

Generally the sand and gravel is loose, but in random loca loccurrences it is cemented with iron-oxide and forms a conglomerate .Exposures of iron-cemented gravels are particularly common along theshore of Lake Sakakawea at the mouths of Snake Creek and Dead Ma nCoulee (T. 147 N., R. 84 W.) . In areas where the sand and gravel isloose and uncemented, it is also highly permeable . The sand and grave lis generally the largest and most dependable source of high-qualitygroundwater in the county.

Silt and ClayApproximately 5 percent of the Coleharbor Formation in McLea n

County consists of layers and lenses of silt and clay . Only about 2percent of the surface area is silt and clay, but considerable thicknessesof it occur in buried valleys throughout the county . It commonly hashorizontal layering a fraction of an inch in thickness . Sand isuncommon and there are very few pebbles .

The silt and clay facies has the same mineralogy as the silt and clayfraction of the boulder-clay : montmorillonite and other clay minerals ,carbonates, quartz, and feldspars. Its permeability is about the same asthe boulder-clay .

Where it is exposed at the surface in McLean County, the silt-size dfraction is commonly prevalent over the clay, but there are numerou sexceptions. The same is true to a lesser extent of the subsurfac edeposits. The silt and clay deposits are not at all uniform throughoutthe county.

Age and OriginThe Coleharbor Formation was deposited during the ice age fro m

several hundred thousand to about 9,000 years ago . The boulder-clayfacies of the formation is mainly glacial till consisting of materia leroded by the glaciers from areas north of McLean County as well a slocally . Part of the boulder-clay was subsequently deposited directl yfrom the moving ice, and the remainder slid, slumped, and flowed to it spresent position when the ice finally melted .


The sand and gravel of the Coleharbor Formation was deposite dmainly by rivers and streams during glacial times . Some of these river sand streams must have been fed by meltwater from the glaciers,bu

t probably large amounts of sand and gravel were deposited by nonglacialrivers 12,000 to 9,000 years ago when precipitation amounts were highand runoff was much greater than it is today. Some of the sand an dgravel was deposited on beaches of lakes.

The Coleharbor silt and clay exposed at the surface in easternMcLean County was deposited in lakes that were at least in par tenclosed by glacial ice . Part of the surface silt and clay in wester nMcLean County may have formed in the same way, but the remainderprobably was deposited in natural lakes (not ice-walled) that would bein existence today if precipitation were greater. The subsurface silt an dclay that is confined to buried valleys was probably deposited in largelakes that formed when easterly-flowing rivers were dammed by theadvancing ice .


Holocene sediments have been deposited since the ice agethroughout McLean County, especially beneath river and stream valle yfloodplains (pl. 1), beneath slough floors, and in sporadic occurrencesof sand dunes .

Alluvial SedimentsAlluvial sediment occurs along stream and river channel s

throughout McLean County . It ranges from a few feet thick along someof the smaller streams to over 100 feet thick in places beneath theMissouri River floodplain. It is sometimes difficult to distinguishmodern alluvial deposits from the underlying fluvial and lacustrinesediments of glacial age .

The alluvial sediments consist mainly of clay, silt, sand, and gravel .Silts and clays commonly comprise about 90 percent of the sediments,sand and gravel the remaining 10 percent . Distinct and separat ehorizontal beds of dark brown sand, silt, and clay are common in thealluvium. The alluvial silt and clay differs from silt and clay of th eColeharbor Formation in that it is commonly sandy with a high organiccontent in places. The sand and gravel is similar to that in th eColeharbor Formation, but it is much less extensive and occurs as smalllenses within the silt and clay .


Slough SedimentsThe sediment in the bottoms of sloughs is a few tens of feet thic k

and consists of very dark brown and black clays with a high organi ccontent. Most of the slough sediments are located in the hilly easter nand northeastern parts of McLean County. They consist of materia lwashed into the lower areas from adjacent hill-slopes by runoff water .Individual deposits are too small to map, and although many hundred sof sloughs containing clays exist, they are not shown on Plate 1 .

Eolian SedimentsDeposits of silt a few feet thick are common on and adjacent to

sand and gravel deposits. They were deposited during dry periodsthroughout the 9,000 years since the close of the ice age . The silt isgenerally of uniform texture, massive and blocky in cuts so that i tstands in vertical exposures. Most exposures are buff colored.Windblown silt deposits occur in southern McLean County in Tps. 143and 144 N., Rs. 80 and 81 W., and Tps. 146 and 147 N., Rs. 83 and 84W ., near Garrison Dam. The deposits in southern McLean County werenot mapped as they are very discontinuous. The silt deposits near theGarrison Dam, which are about 15 to 20 feet thick, are well-exposed inthe steep bluffs north of the dam. At least two paleosols occur in theloess in this area . The lower one is very continuous and is truncated bymodern valleys, so it must be older than are the valleys . The upper one ,which becomes multiple in a few places, follows modern surfacetopography .

Windblown sand deposits occur throughout McLean County ; but ,with one exception, they are small and insignificant . The exception is inSec . 1 .3, T. 145 N., R. 84 W., and Sec . 18, T. 145 N., R. 83 W ., wherelarge sand dunes occur. This deposit averages about 20 feet thick andconsists mainly of brownish, fine-grained sand, mainly quartz . A fewcobbles can be found in the area, but it seems likely they were carrie dthere, probably by Indians, for anchoring tepees.


Although erosional forms are common in some areas, only a fewsuch landforms were recognized in McLean County. Small drumlin-lik eridges that occur in extreme northeastern McLean County apparentlyformed during the last southeastward movement of ice northeast of theMissouri Coteau . The ridges are of erosional and/or depositional origi nand were formed when ice moving over the fluvial deposits in the area


reshaped the gravels into linear forms . The ridges are composed of thesame gravel as the underlying fluvial deposits plus some clay and silt .Cuts through the ridges reveal a till-like fabric in places .


Nearly all the landforms in McLean County that were formed as adirect result of glacial action are of a depositional nature. Included inthis category are the various types of moraine, regardless o fcomposition, although it should be recognized that fluvial and colluvia lprocesses have _played an important role in determining the fina lcharacteristics othe features .

End Moraines

An end moraine is a linear deposit of glacial drift formed at o rnear the terminus of an ice sheet during a standstill of the glacie rterminus. Most end moraines result from a process of dumping o fsuperglacial till that has been brought into the ice by shearing at th eedge of the glacier and then concentrated on the surface by ablation . Aprocess of ice shove, similar to a bulldozing effect at the terminus, ha sbeen suggested as an important mechanism in the formation of som eend moraines. Another type of end moraine, the shear moraine, is aspecial type of dump moraine . This is a smaller, isolated ridge of tillthat is seemingly unrelated to any major standstill of the glacier . It isproduced by shearing either at the zone separating the active ice fro mthe inactive ice, or at sites of bedrock highs. Many washboard morainesprobably form in this way.

The most important characteristic of an end moraine is it slinearity, either an overall linearity of the end moraine as a unit, orlinearity expressed by the alignment of depressions and ridges withinthe moraine. The glacial drift is normally significantly thicker beneaththe end moraine than on the adjacent ground moraine, although this i snot a necessary requirement if it can still be demonstrated that the endmoraine does mark an ice marginal position that persisted for sometime. End moraines on the Missouri Coteau are best distinguished fro mthe surrounding dead-ice moraine by the presence of these lineation sparallel to the long axis of the till ridge . Commonly, the boundarie sbetween dead-ice moraine and end moraine are obscured by th ecollapse and obliteration of the linear ridges . In McLean County, noend moraines were recognized on the Missouri Coteau .

The Blue Mountain end moraine occurs on the Coteau Slope ofwestern McLean County . It has a maximum local relief of about 60 feetand elevations ranging between 2,004 : and 2,200 feet . In addition to


numerous small ridges that parallel the overall northeast-southwes ttrend of the feature, abundant small disintegration features morecharacteristic of dead-ice moraine occur over most of the BlueMountain end moraine. The glacial drift beneath the end moraineaverages over 60 feet thick based on about a dozen test holes. Thiscompares with an average thickness of about 25 feet for the drift aheadof the end moraine and less than 20 feet for the drift behind it ,

;,although the ground moraine behind the end moraine becomes thicke rfurther northwest. Areas of high bedrock associated with the BlueMountain end moraine, particularly in front of it, appear to have bee nimportant in determining the position of the end moraine .

Ground Moraine and Sheet MoraineMuch of the western and southern parts of McLean County are

covered by ground moraine and sheet moraine (pl . 1). Areas of sheetmoraine are characterized by a thin, discontinuous layer of glacial drift ,chiefly till, draped over stream-eroded topography . Sheet moraine is amappable, blanket like, veneer of drift that was deposited directly fro mglacial ice (Kume, 1965) . It has low glacial constructional relief withfew kettles. Its overall shape is the same as that of the landscape overwhich it is draped; it has inherited a pre-existing shape . Sheet moraineforms when the glacier, which is thin and probably relatively clean ,drops its load as it loses the competency to carry it .

I :n McLean County, most of the sheet moraine consists of earl yWisconsinan Napoleon drift. It is discontinuous near the Missouri Rivertrench of western McLean County, where headward erosion is removingit, and near some of the larger streams .

Ground moraine is a landform composed of a drift accumulation ,chiefly till, that was deposited directly from a moving glacier behind it smargin. It has relatively low constructional relief. The ground moraineof Mc:Lean County occurs mainly northwest of the Blue Mountain en dmoraine and was deposited by the glacier that deposited the en dmoraine . It is characterized by irregular to gently rolling topographywith relief that averages less than 20 feet in a mile except near streamswhere it is greater .

Dead-Ice MoraineMost of the dead-ice moraine in McLean County occurs on the

Missouri Coteau (fig. 1) . However, another band of relatively subdueddead-ice moraine occurs in the Underwood area to the west of theCoteau. The area of dead-ice moraine is characterized by knob andkettle topography, non-integrated drainage with numerous small pond sand sloughs and a bouldery surface on till . The relief of the dead-icemoraine in eastern and northern McLean County ranges up to 100 feet


locally, but it is only about 20 to 25 feet in a mile on dead-ice morainein the Underwood area (pl . 1) . Relief may differ greatly within shortdistances, and boundaries of differing degrees of relief are difficult t odelineate . Areas of high relief are differentiated from areas of low relie fon Plate 1 .

Disintegration ridges are, perhaps, the most diagnosticcharacteristic of the dead-ice moraine. They are rectilinear or circula rridges of glacial drift that were deposited between, around, or withi ndepressions in blocks of stagnant glacier ice, through the process o fmass movement from above and/or squeezing from below. Suchfeatures are abundant on the dead-ice moraine of eastern McLea nCounty .

Closed disintegration ridges are the most common type ofdisintegration ridge found in McLean County . They are not easily see nin the field, but are obvious on air photos . They average about 500 feetin diameter, but are as large as 1/2 mile, average about 15 feet in heightand have circular to irregular shapes . Many of the closed disintegratio nridges are breached at both ends, forming features that are easil yrecognized on air photos.

Except for a few of the larger ones, which are shown on Plate 1 ,the disintegration ridges were not differentiated. The ridges shown o nPlate 1 are mainly eskers, a particular type of disintegration ridge thatwas deposited by water flowing in valleys on the stagnant glaciallandscape. When the stagnant ice melted, the resulting gravel deposit sremained as esker ridges. The largest esker in McLean County (fig. 8 )occurs in T . 150 N., R. 82 W., and extends from Section 7 to 35, adistance of about 6 miles . It has two branches on the north and grade sinto collapsed outwash on the south. The esker rises a maximum ofabout 50 feet above the surrounding dead-ice moraine . Notable eske rridges also occur in T . 147 N., R. 80 W., northeast of Turtle Lake, an din T. 147 N., R. 79 W .

Kettle Chain sMost of the kettle chains in McLean County occur in areas o f

dead-ice moraine (pl. 1) . These may be defined simply as areas withhigh concentrations of kettles or potholes that follow a linear pattern . .Many of the kettles contain sloughs or lakes . The kettles commonlyfollow a poorly defined valley or otherwise topographically low area.Some kettle chains overlie valleys that became filled with glacial ice ,and others may simply represent areas where particularly large pieces o fice became incorporated in the drift . The longer kettle chains probablyhave the best chance of overlying gravel-filled valleys, and test drillingfor water might be most useful in these areas.


FIGURE 8 . Esker between Benedict and Max in north-central McLean Count y(Sec. 21, T. 150 N., R. 82 W .) . Relief on this esker is about 50 feet .Numerous small pits in the esker exposed generally coarse, poorl ysorted gravel and sand.

Large Glacial Boulder sDogden Butte in northeastern McLean County (T . 150 N., R. 79

W.) is apparently a large glacial erratic . North Dakota State WaterCommission test hole 4079 shows a sequence of 100 feet of glacial til land fluvial deposits overlying 212 feet of bedrock (Tongue River) ,which in turn overlies 44 feet of till and fluvial deposits . Similar largeglacial erratics composed mainly of bedrock have been observed by th ewriter in Ransom and Nelson Counties, North Dakota . To the east inSheridan County, several dozen similar abrupt and prominent hills wer emapped by the writer in 1969 (Bluemle, 1970) . In that area, adepression is located "up-ice" from each hill . Although no obviou sdepression is associated with Dogden Butte, it seems likely the butt eformed in the same way as did the Sheridan County hills .

In the Sheridan County area, which was also near the MissouriEscarpment, it was concluded that normal local groundwater flo wsystems interacted with the groundwater flow systems introduced b y


the glacier, resulting in greatly increased groundwater discharge andaccompanying high hydrodynamic pressures in the subsurface betwee nthe glacier and the Missouri Escarpment . The high pressures forced largeblocks of materials, including bedrock and glacial drift, upward into theadvancing glacier . These materials were subsequently deposited by th eglacier on top of the Missouri Coteau, resulting in high relief dead-icemoraine that developed when large-scale glacial stagnation occurred .When the glacier receded from the area, hydraulic conditions wereessentially identical to those that had existed when the glacieradvanced. Because the ice margin was fluctuating, but generallyreceding, newly formed ,blocks. of material were moved only shor tdistances, and the adjacent depressions were left essentiallyundisturbed.

A depression may have existed north of Dogden Butte off thecoteau, but that area was cwerrid_den by ice from the northwest afte rDogden Butte is thought to have formed . This later advance probablyfilled any existing depression with drift .


Streams flowing on or from the melting glaciers were responsibl efor most of the landforms that have an indirect relationship to glacia laction. Most of these forms are mainly depositional and constructional ,but meltwater trenches and terraces are at least partly erosionallandforms. All the landforms in this category require the presence of ic ein or near the area, but ice was not necessarily the primary mechanis mresponsible for determining the location, extent, or shape of thefeatures .

Alluvial Plain sAreas underlain by gravel and sand are shown in yellow on Plate 1 .

Some of the gravel and sand is undoubtedly glacial outwash, bu tpaleobotanical evidence su .ests that a significant percentage of thematerial was deposited by rivers and streams that were fed by th eincreased precipitation that occurred in early postglacial time (9,000 t o12,500 B. P .) (Clayton, 1967, p . 33) . The relative percentages of glacialoutwash materials and postglacial alluvium are not known and, fo rpurposes of discussion, the deposits will be referred to here simply asalluvial plains . The locations of these alluvial plains are shown on Plat e1 .

The alluvial plains are relatively flat areas with local relief of 10 t o20 feet in a mile. Relief is greatest in areas where sand dunes have


developed. Channel and meander scars, none of which continue forappreciable distances, are common . They are most easily seen on airphotos. Boulders are rare on the surface.

The alluvial plains of western and southern McLean County ar eunderlain by fluvial sediments that are generally less than 10 feet thick ,but in the Turtle Lake area over 100 feet of gravel and sand underliesthe alluvial plain in places . It is unlikely, however, that the deeperfluvial sediments in these areas are related to the surficial alluvial plains ;they probably were deposited during events that occurred prior to thedeposition of the alluvial plains.

CoWpeed Alluvial PlainsHilly areas underlain by gravel and sand are collapsed alluvia l

plains. They consist of collapsed sediments of formerly flat alluvialplains that were deposited on stagnant glacial ice. When the stagnant icemelted, collapse of the overlying alluvium occurred . In general, theseareas are characterized by hilly topography with abundant undraine ddepressions, faulted bedding and other collapse structures that can b eobserved in cuts, and disintegration trenches (Clayton, 1962, p . 42) .Relief ranges up to about 75 feet in a square mile in the more rugge dareas of collapsed alluvium.

In McLean County, numerous small linear bodies of collapse dalluvium occur on the Missouri Coteau (pl . 1) . These are collapsedvalley trains that were deposited in ice valleys on the stagnant glacier . Alarger area of collapsed alluvium occurs in T. 147 N., Rs. 79 and 80 W .This area overlies a deep preglacial valley (pl. 3) that apparently becamepartly filled with stagnant ice that was later covered by fluvial deposits.

KunesKarnes are "mounds composed chiefly of gravel or sand, whose

form has resulted from original deposition modified by any slumpingincident to later melting of glacial ice against or upon which the depositaccumulated" (Holmes, 1947, p. 248) . In areas of dead-ice moraine ,kames should be restricted to conspicuous hills of sand and gravel tha tare more prominent than the surrounding hills . Numerous kames weremapped within the area of dead-ice moraine in McLean County, and afew were mapped in the area of ground moraine in the western part o fthe county (pl. 1) . The most prominent kames are in western McLeanCounty, where local relief is generally low . A good example is Paint Hill(SWY4;, Sec . 28, T. 149 N., R. 88 W.). This kame is about 50. feet highand about a quarter mile across at the base . It has few surface boulders,less than the surrounding area, and contains well sorted sand and gravel ,some till, and a layer of silt.


Flat Lake TopographyIn western McLean County, a relatively flat area of about 1 0

square miles occurs in T. 150 N., R. 86 W . This area, along with asimilar slightly smaller area about 4 miles to the southwest, is underlai nby banded silt and clay that is sandy in places . Relief over the two areasis generally less than 5 feet in a mile . These areas formed when th eglacier that had deposited the Blue Mountain end moraine receded ashort distance, and meltwater from the glacier was dammed betwee nthe ice and the end moraine .

Undulating Lake TopographyAn undulating surface underlain by lake sediments, mainly silt s

and silty sands, that were deposited in a lake on stagnant or stagnatingice is lake topography that has collapsed . When the ice melted, thesediments became folded and contorted ; and the surface, which hadbeen flat, became undulating. Plate 1 shows several areas of collapse dlake deposits, all closely associated with dead-ice moraine . Some of thedeposits are elevated slightly above the surrounding landscape and ar erather flat . Apparently the lakes in which these silts and fine sandsaccumulated were surrounded by, but were not on, stanant ice so tha twhen the ice melted, surrounding areas collapsed- and the laketopography was left intact. A few of these flat deposits have till rims atthe edge indicating that debris slid from the adjacent ice into the lakes.On air photos the areas of collapsed lake topography are easilyrecognized as cultivated patches of ground of relatively low relie fsurrounded by uncultivated dead-ice moraine of higher relief .

Meltwater Trenche sMeltwater trenches are valleys that were cut by water flowin g

from melting ice sheets. Probably a significant amount of the water tha tflowed through these valleys was derived from local precipitation a swell.

Many of the meltwater trenches of eastern McLean County, on th eMissouri Coteau, are .poorly defined due to collapse of the stagnant ic eover and through which they were cut. Some of the areas shown a scollapsed outwash topography on Plate 1 are confined in places t ofairly well-defined valleys that are probably segments of meltwatertrenches.

One of the largest meltwater trenches in the area of dead-icemoraine trends southward from the Ruso area into the outwash plain inT. 147 N., R. 81 W. This trench has a gravel floor and a single terracelevel that grades to an upper, partially collapsed level within th eoutwash plain . Its floor grades to the lower, =collapsed portion of th eoutwash plain .


Nearly paralleling this meltwater trench is another narrower bu tequally deep trench in Tps. 148 and 149 N., R. 80 W. Strawberry Lake ,Long Lake, and Crooked Lake all occur within the trench . This trenchwas apparently cut while stagnant ice was still present. When the icemelted, the trench was blocked in places due to collapse as the origina lgradient was destroyed.

Further south is a deep, south-trending valley through which th eTurtle Creek flows (pl. 1) . The position of this trench, parallel to th eedge of the late Wisconsinan dead-ice moraine, suggests it was initiate das an ice marginal feature. It beg' s near the town of Turtle Lake at th esouthern edge of the outwash plain referred to above . The trench is cu tmainly in bedrock and has highly dissected walls with badlandtopography in places .

Another meltwater trench is the middle branch of Douglas Creek ,which trends southward from the Ward County line to the Missour iRiver through R. 85 W. (pl . 1) . This trench is also parallel to the edge o fthe late Wisconsinan dead ice moraine and may have been initiated asan ice marginal feature. The trench is about a mile wide where it near sthe Missouri River Valley (fig. 9) and about 150 feet deep. It is cu tmainly in bedrock.

:By far the largest meltwater trench in the area is the valley of th eMissouri River. The Missouri River has already been discussed in th epart ,of this paper dealing with drainage development . It was pointedout that some segments of the Missouri River trench are of preglacia lorigin; and others were cut by meltwater during glaciation, although th eentire trench served as a meltwater route .

Eeoaa+a SurfacesRelatively flat, pediment-like surfaces that are cut across bot h

early Wisconsinan glacial drift and Tertiary bedrock occur in Tps .144-145 N., Rs. 83-84 W. (fig. 11) . The surfaces occur at elevations thatrange from 1,800 to 2,000 feet and they slope southeastward . In a fewplaces, the erosion surfaces are covered -by several feet of sandy gravel,but in most areas only a thin soil covers the bedrock or glacial drift.Boulders are common on the surfaces except in the gravel-covere dareas. On air photos, the erosion surfaces look smooth and lack th emorainic markings typical of the surrounding areas .

The erosion surfaces apparently were cut by water that flowe dsoutheastward from the Riverdale area in late Wisconsinan time wheneast-trending drainage was blocked and the south trending segment o fthe Missouri River had not yet been cut . By projecting the slopes on theerosion surfaces southeastward to the center of the Missouri Rivertrench in the area west of Washburn, a figure of about 1,740 feet isarrived at for the elevations of the base of the Missouri River trench at


FIGURE 9 . Middle branch of Douglas Creek meltwater trench in T . 148 N., R . 85W . View north from state highway 37 in section 7 .

FIGURE 10. Turtle Creek valley east of Washburn (T . 144 N., R . 81 W .) . View isnorth over terraces along the meltwater trench .


FIGURE 11 . View south over the flat profile of a remnant of an erosion surfac e(Secs. 25 and 26, T . 145 N., R. 84 W.). The low area in theforeground is the Missouri River floodplain .

the time the surfaces were cut . The present floor of the trench is a tabout 1,670 feet, so the valley today is about 70 feet deeper than it wasin late Wisconsinan time .


Many of the larger meltwater trenches have a single terrace leveldeveloped on the valley walls. In most cases these terraces are cut oneither bedrock or till and have a covering of gravel that is generally les sthan 5 feet thick.

Except for very low local terrace levels that are generally less than15 feet above river level, and considered to belong to the modernfloodplain, three terrace levels can be recognized within the MissouriRiver trench. The lowest of these is about 40 to 50 feet above the riverlevel at elevations that range from about 1,730 feet near Riverdale toless than 1,700 feet at the Burleigh County line . Upstream fromRiverdale any low terraces that may have been present are now floode dby Lake Sakakawea. The lowest terrace level is underlain mainly b y


gravel and is a

fill and cut terrace. It probably corresponds toterrace 4 in Burle' County Kume and Hansen, 1965, p. 8) .

The middle terrace level is generally about 90 feet above the riverlevel at elevations that range from about 1,790 in the Riverdale areadown to about 1,735 near Washburn. This terrace level is cut acrossbedrock and early Wisconsinan till and has a gravel cover that iscommonly less than 10 feet thick. The middle terrace is fairlycontinuous all the way from Riverdale to the Burleigh County line .Because this terrace level was cut after the modern route of the rive rwas established in late Wisconsinan time, the level of the river has bee nlowered at least 90 feet since the route was established, presumabl ywhen the late Wisconsinan glacier reached its maximum extent .

The uppermost terrace level ranges from over 1,900 feet south ofGarrison to about 1,770 feet near Washburn. This is a cut terrace withlittle alluvial material on the surface . It is apparently related to thecutting of the north-south segment of the trench south of Riverdal ebecause pediments that were cut before the trench existed occur a tabout the same level.


In McLean County only a few landforms are unrelated to glacia laction and even these can be indirectly tied to the glaciations . TheMissouri River floodplain, for example, is a modern feature but it sdistribution is controlled by its position in the Missouri River Trench ,which is, in part at least, of glacial origin . Similarly, the location of thebadlands is controlled by the fact that they occur primarily in th eMissouri River Trench. This category of landforms includes feature sthat were shaped or are being shaped by nonglacial processes . Incontrast to the first two groups of landforms, which are mainly relictforms that have not changed significantly since they were deposited ,the landforms in this category are still being formed today .

River Floodplain sMost of the modern streams in McLean County have floodplains

that are only a few hundred feet wide and underlain by thin alluvium .The exception is the Missouri River floodplain which is as much as 3 to# miles wide . It consists of channel bars and meander bars that arecontinually being modified by present river action . Topography on thefloodplain is generally smooth and level. Oxbow lakes, such as PaintedWoods Lake in Secs. 9 and 16, T . 143 N., R. 80 W., occur in some o fthe old meander scars. The Missouri River floodplain is characterized b y


heavily wooded areas in places . Cottonwood trees are particularlycommon .

SloughsSloughs occur throughout McLean County, particularly in th e

areas of dead-ice moraine. Some of them become moderate-sized lake sduring wet years, but normally they are areas of marshland . Most of thesmaller sloughs occur in the bottoms of kettle depressions, but some ,such as Weller Slough, (Secs . 1, 2, and 12, T. 145 N., R. 83 W.) andothers in the Falkirk area, occur in broad depressions that may mark aburied valley .

DunesSand dunes occur in Sec . 13, T. 145 N., R. 84 W., and Sec . 18, T .

145 N., R. 83 W. The source of the sand is the fluvial deposits o nterraces of the Missouri River trench to the northwest. The dunes coveran area of about one square mile . They have local relief of about 1 0feet between dune crests and adjacent depressions . A few blowoutsoccur in the dune area ; but for the most part the dunes are stable with agrass and brush cover .

Stream-Eroded TopographyAreas of stream-eroded topography occur along the larger strea m

valleys in the area of the Napoleon drift where they coincide ,approximately, with the areas of bedrock exposures (pl . 1) . Only minorerosion has occurred on areas mantled by substantial thicknesses o fglacial drift .. The most extensive areas of stream-eroded topographyoccur within the Missouri River Trench. In Rs. 87-90 W. and Tps.144-145 N .., R. 84 W., the trench is characterized by badlandstopography. These areas have slopes that range from 200 to 65° withlocally high relief. Badlands are found on the Tongue River andSentinel Butte Formations . A few buttes that are present in the badlandareas are capped by glacial drift overlying a resistant sandstone o rsiliceous bedrock layer. Erosion of the badland topography has resultedin knife-like ridges with intervening arroyos and slopes that are almos tdevoid of vegetation .



Preglacial Histor y

McLean County is located in the eastern part of the centra lWilliston basin, the center of which is located 'southeast of Williston ,North Dakota. Marine seas invaded this part of the Williston basin atleast four times during Paleozoic time and deposited carbonates ,sandstones, shales, and evaporites . During times the area was emergent ,parts of these deposits were removed by erosion . The area was emergentduring Early to Middle Ordovician, Middle Silurian to Middle Devonian ,Late Mississippian to Early Pennsylvanian, and during the Triassic .

Marine deposition continued during the Mesozoic from Middle toLate Jurassic time at which time emergence with non-marine depositionoccurred . This non-marine deposition continued into Cretaceous tim euntil the Early Cretaceous seas invaded the area and thickaccumulations of fine grained clastics were deposited . The last phase o fmarine Cretaceous deposition is represented by fine grained elastics o fthe Fox Hills Formation.

A change to non-marine deposition began in Late Cretaceous tim ewith the deposition of the Hell Creek Formation. This continued intothe Paleocene with the deposition of the Ludlow Formation . The lastmarine invasion of the area resulted in the deposition of the Cannonbal lFormation . This was followed by deposition of the non-marine Tongu eRiver and Sentinel Butte Formations of Paleocene age . The GoldenValley Formation of Paleocene to Eocene age is present in MercerCounty directly south of McLean County, and the presence of th eOligocene White River Formation in the Killdeer Mountains of Dun nCounty. su :ests that these two formations may have extended int oMcLean 'County, but if they were ever present, they were remove dduring the post-Oligocene erosional episode .

The post-Eocene Tertiary period was a time of development of anintegrated drainage system over much of the area . During this time thepredominant process was erosion of the then existing landscape. Thetopography of the area in early Pleistocene time was probably similar tothe present topography in areas of thin glacial drift .


Topography on the Bedrock Surface

The topography of the bedrock surface'under McLean County isshown on Plate 3 . This generalized map is based largely on subsurfac etest hole data, and is therefore highly conjectural.

The preglacial surface, which was developed on the TertiaryCannonball, Tongue River and Sentinel Butte Formations, was amoderately rolling plain dominated by three northeast-trending valleys .Elevations ranged from about 1,600 feet in the northeast corner of th ecounty below the preglacial Missouri Escarpment to over 2,100 feet inthe western part of the county .The largest river valley trended eastwardalong the southern edge of western McLean County through T. 147 N. ,Rs. 84-90 W . and continued eastward through T. 148 N., Rs. 79-83 W .(pl. 3) . The part of the valley in the western half of the count ycoincides with the modern Missouri River valley, but the eastern part o fthe valley is buried beneath glacial drift .

The preglacial Knife River, which today joins the Missouri Riverabout 10 miles south of Riverdale, continued northeastward to thevalley described in the last paragraph in T. 148 N., R. 81 W . Thisnorteast extension of the Knife River valley is today buried beneathglacial drift .

The third major preglacial valley shown on Plate 3 coincides withthe Missouri River valley east of Washburn in T. 144 N., Rs. 82-84 W.and continues northeastward beneath the glacial drift to T. 148 N., R.79 W., where it joins the first river valley .

In addition to the three preglacial valleys mentioned above, severa lrather narrow but deep meltwater trenches are shown on Plate 3 . Thesetrenches formed when drainage was diverted by the glaciers . In someplaces, the meltwater trenches may have been ice marginal .

Modern erosion has cut into the bedrock surface in some areas o fthin glacial drift . This is most common along the edge of the Missour iRiver trench in western McLean County where rather extensive areas o fSentinel Butte Formation sands and silts are exposed at the surface .

Development of Drainage During the Quaternary

The map of the bedrock surface in McLean County (pl . 3) showsseveral rather deep valleys that cross the area. Some of these were i nexistence before the area was glaciated, and others were cut as glacia ldiversion trenches during the glacial epochs . In general, prior to


glaciation, the area was relatively flat with elevations on the upland sranging from about 1,900 feet in the northeast to about 2,200 feet i nthe southwest . Valleys that trended generally east and northeast wer ecut about 300 feet into the upland surface and were about 4 to 6 mile swide .


Figure 12 shows a probable drainage pattern shortly prior t oglaciation. These generally northeast-trending valleys contain fluvialsands and gravels of western derivation overlain by glacial deposits ,which comprise most of the valley fill . The preglacial valleys were animportant factor in establishing the modern course of the Missour iRiver, which marks the southwestern boundary of McLean County .


Those parts of the east-trending preglacial valleys that were notcompletely filled with glacial deposits again carried rivers during theglacial epochs . Due to increased precipitation during glacial times, theserivers were much larger than were the original preglacial rivers that ha dfirst cut the valleys and, as a result, trenches were cut in the wid evalleys. Parts of the original preglacial valleys became blocked by glacialdeposits and, in these areas, narrow diversion trenches were cut withou tregard to the regional slope . The modern Missouri River valley fromRiverdale to a point about 12 miles south of Riverdale is an example o fsuch a diversion trench . This relatively young segment of the MissouriRiver trench is much narrower than are east-trending segments of th etrench that apparently carried preglacial drainage .

Many diversion trenches, now deeply buried in eastern and centra lNorth Dakota under glacial deposits, were cut as northeast-flowingstreams became blocked by advancing glaciers and were divertedsoutheastward. As later glaciers advanced, they overrode ice-margina ltrenches that had formed earlier . Eastern and northern areas of NorthDakota are characterized by a myriad of channels now deeply burie dbeneath the drift and traceable only through test drilling. Examples ofsuch buried diversion trenches in McLean County include the one thattrends southeastward from T . 149 N., R. 90 W., to T. 147 N., R. 85 W .This trench is as much as 300 feet deep and has virtually no surfac eexpression .

The vast array of buried valleys in McLean County as well asthroughout eastern and northern North Dakota shows that drainage s


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FIGURE 12. Map showing major preglacial drainages and glacial diversion trenches in the McLean County area .

followed many. . routes during the various glaciations and the interveninginterglacial stages. Since so many buried valleys have been found, it i sdifficult to pin down the drainage pattern that may have existed at anyparticular time prior to the present.

Some of the buried meltwater trenches in eastern North Dakot aare both wide and deep, and it seems probable that they served as rive rvalleys for long periods of time, perhaps for entire interglacial stages ,carrying drainage from an area comparable in size to that drained bythe modern Missouri River. Certainly, during the pre-Wisconsinanglaciations, drainage must have been southward around the ice sheet sjust as it was during the Wisconsinan. Some of the preglacial valleyswere again used after each glaciation and some remained permanentlyblocked by glacial drift .

Regional evidence indicates that the modern Missouri River routedid not exist downstream from a point near Riverdale inmid-Wisconsinan time . Instead, the main drainage flowed through thepreglacial valley that trends eastward from Riverdale (fig . 12) . South o fWashburn, terraces of till-covered bedrock occur within the relativel ynarrow Missouri River Trench . The till is early Wisconsinan (?) in age ,so this segment of the trench must have been cut as a glacial diversionfeature sometime prior to the early Wisconsinan . Because the trenc hsouth of Washburn is relatively narrow, it must not have served as th emain river route for a long period of time . It seems probable that thispart of the trench was first cut during pre-Wisconsinan glaciations an dthen abandoned in favor of earlier, better established drainage furthe reast when the ice receded .

The present route of the Missouri River from Riverdale southwar dwas established during late Wisconsinan time . Large erosion surfaceswere cut in the area southeast of Riverdale as the water flowed overlan duntil a distinct trench could be cut . When a trench was establishedsouth of Riverdale, it was rapidly cut to a depth of about 300 feet. Incontrast to the 4- to 6-mile-wide, till-draped valley upstream fromRiverdale, the trench south of Riverdale is only about 1Y2 miles wide inplaces and is free of glacial drift .

Somewhere east of Washburn the preglacial drainage was againblocked by ice in late Wisconsinan time and was again diverte dsouthward from near Washburn through the trench that had been cu tearlier . The modern route of the Missouri River was thus finallyestablished in late Wisconsinan time .

Smaller drainages such as Douglas Creek and Turtle Creek formedduring late Wisconsinan time, although some of them tend to follo wolder, drift-lined valleys. Modern drainage over McLean County ispoorly developed, particularly in the areas covered by late Wisconsinandrift .



In the preceding pages, the Coleharbor Formation was named an dthe lithostratigraphic terminology necessary to characterize theformation was introduced. The value of lithostratigraphic units asdescriptive units is due in part to the restriction that inferred geologichistory plays no part in their definition . Each of the glacial drift unit sin McLean County is recognized on the basis of inferred geologichistory or origin. For interpretive purposes, such inferential units aremore useful than lithostratigraphic units, which are based on lithology .

Along the shore of Lake Sakakawea in McLean County, threeglacial drifts are exposed in several places . The oldest of these, the DeadMan drift, (named for Dead Man Coulee where it was first observed)was deposited by pre-Wisconsinan ice . The till of the Dead Man drift i ssimilar to till that was interpreted as pre-Wisconsinan found by th ewriter in eastern North Dakota in missile site excavations .Pre Wisconsinan drift has also been tentatively identified by Clayto n

•(1970) in Dunn County and in an area to the southeast of there (fig .13) . This, the Dunn drift, consists mainly of surface boulders . The DeadMan drift of McLean County is overlain by fluvial sediments and by a

• second drift, referred to here as the Mercer drift because it is widel yexposed in Mercer County, to the southwest of McLean County . TheMercer drift is also considered to be of pre-Wisconsinan age . Leonard(1916) discussed pre-Wisconsinan till in western North Dakota . Heapparently dealt collectively with the two lower tills exposed alon gLake Sakakawea and the boulders discussed by Clayton .

Drift thought to be equivalent to the Napoleon drift of Logan an dMcIntosh Counties ( Clayton, 1962) overlies the Mercer drift in theLake Sakakawea exposures of McLean County . It was tentatively datedas early Wisconsinan (?) by Clayton . The Napoleon drift is exposed overa broad area of west central North Dakota (fig . 13) . The Lostwood drift(named for Lostwood Lake in Mountrail County where it is wellexposed) is the youngest glacial drift in McLean County. It covers muchof eastern and northern North Dakota where it has been studied inconsiderable detail and broken down into minor components .


Dead Man Drift

The pre; Wisconsinan Dead Man drift is well -exposed along theshore of Lake Sakakawea in Sections 14, 15, 22, 23, 24 and 27, T. 147N., R . . 84 W . It was also observed in the NEYa, SE44, Sec . 21, T . 144 N. ,


Limit of Late Wisconsinan ic e

FIGURE 13. Map of North Dakota showing maximum extent of pre-Wisconsinan, Early Wisconsin= and LateWiaconamah glaciers . Areas covered by various aged drifts are shown.' Shaded area is McLeanCounty. (After Clayton, 1970) .

R. 83 W., on the north side of the Missouri River trench . Its lowercontact is submerged in most places, but it was observed to overliebedrock in one exposure in Section 27, T. 147 N., R. 84 W .

The Dead Man drift consists of at least two distinct facies . Thelowermost of these consists of 5 to 10 feet of iron-stained and poorl ycemented gravel that grades to bedded silts in places and occurs in wha tappears to be a channel cut into the bedrock (Sec . 27, T. 147 N., R. 84W.) . It was not possible to determine the exact relationship between th esilt deposit and the gravel. The gravel is a mixed assemblage of westernlithofogic types (quartz, chert, chalcedony, agate, and scoria) andglacially transported types (carbonates, granite, and varie dmetamorphics) .

The upper facies of the Dead Man drift is mainly a silty to claye ytill, 20 to 30 feet thick, that is oxidized in most places to ayellowish-buff color with irregular gray mottling . In a few deepwave-cuts the till is unoxidized at 15 to 20 feet below its upper surface.The oxidized-unoxidized boundary is very irregular . The till hasconspicuous straight and irregular joints that have closely associatedheavy accumulations of iron and manganese oxides .

The till of the Dead Man drift is harder and more compact tha nnearby overlying drifts. It is almost lithified in places and fresh facesbroken from the till make single surfaces of a conglomerate. Mostpebbles in the till are sound, but some of the igneous ones ar eweathered to ghosts and, uncommonly, the carbonate pebbles ar erotted to shells. Commonly the fractures cut across and through th econtained pebbles . Vertical cliffs are common in exposures along withassociated horizontal ledges . Overlying drifts have been washed away bywaves leaving either a clean surface on the more resistant Dead Man til lor the gravel conglomerate of the overlying lower facies of the Merce rdrift .

The Dead Man till contains some sandy pods up to about 2 fee tacross, but generally it is a uniform silty clay . It contains abundan tchips, grains, and chunks of lignite up to several inches in diameter.Very large boulders of metamorphics and carbonates, 15 feet or mor ein diameter, are common in the till . Many of them show excellen tgrooves and striations . In places, large chunks of bedded silts occurwithin the till (fig. 15). The bedding is, without exception distorted .These silt bodies were apparently picked up from a lake deposit an dtransported to their present location by the glacier that deposited th eDead Man drift . It is possible the silts are the same as the alreadymentioned ones of the lowermost facies of the Dead Man drift .

l[n some places the upper few feet of the Dead Man till looks like apaleosol with caliche accumulations on ped surfaces (fig. 17). The Ahorizon is absent and was apparently eroded away before the overlyin g


FIGURE 14. Nearly vertical exposure ofboulder-clay (Dead Man till) showingwave-weathered joint faces .

FIGURE 15. Inclusion of banded silts (lakesediments) in boulder-clay (Dead Mantill) . Exposure is about 30 feet high .

FIGURE 16 . "Cobbles" composed of boulder-clay (Dead Man till) . Beaches alonglake are covered with such rounded, water-worn pieces ofboulder-clay .

FIGURE 17. Caliche accumulations near the top of the Dead Man till . This i sapparently a paleosol .


FIGURE 18. Boulder-clay of unit 3 in description of type section of Coleharbo rFormation (above shovel). Black pieces are lignite and areas of whiteare fresh, carbonate-covered joint faces . Light area on right belowshovel is silt (unit 2) and area below and to left of shovel is a sand ygravel that was reworked when it was overridden by a glacier.

gravel was deposited . The upper surface of the Dead Man till is todaybeing exhumed by wave action of Lake Sakakawea .

The Dead Man till may be equivalent to till that was found ineastern North Dakota in numerous Minuteman missile excavations wes tof the Pembina Escarpment . This till is commonly very hard, dense ,bouldery, and highly jointed . It was deposited during a glaciation that i srepresented by about 200 feet of till in the Red River Valley (Bluemle ,1967) . Knowledge of this glaciation is based mainly on a study of tes thole data from the Red River Valley, particularly in Traill County ,North Dakota (fig. 20) .

Mercer DriftThe Mercer drift overlies the till of the Dead Man drift and

consists of three facies, a lower fluvial deposit, a middle till deposit, andan upper fluvial deposit—The Mercer drift is exposed in most of th esame areas as the Dead Man drift in McLean County, but it is widel y


FIGURE 19 . Contact between till and fluvial facies of the Mercer drift. Sand i sloose and washes out easily leaving overhanging cliffs of Mercer tillthat tend to break off as large chunks and fall into the reservoir .


McLEAN COUNT Ycomposite sectio n


RED RIVER VALLE Ycomposite section

(test holes)GEOLOGIC EVEN T



A . °LAT E




Weathering and erosion of exposed glacial sedi-ments throughout North Dakota .

Deposition of Lake Agassrz sediments at the end o fWisconsinan time .

Deposition of glacial sediments throughout Wiscon -sinan time . Many, complex phases resulted in
















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the morainic landscape over eastern and north-ern North Dakota . Several hundred feet thick.

Deposition of 10 to 20 feet of sand and gravel andas much as 80 feet of lake sediments in the Re dRiver Valley .

Deposition of about 200 feet of till in the RedRiver Valley . Till and fluvial deposits in westernNorth Dakota may be the same age .

Deposition of as much as 150 feet of lake sedi -ments in the Red River Valley .
















' A




A ,A ' A -


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A, A ,




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, '/, -BEDROC K

, / i

Deposition of several feet of till now found only i nthe deepest valleys beneath the Red River Val -ley . This till may be equivalent to the bouldersthat comprise the Dunn drift .




A ;



' ,BEDROCK, / //

FIGURE 20. Comparison of glacial stratigraphy in McLean County with that in the Red River Valley .

exposed southwest of the Missouri River trench in Mercer County. Inall exposures in McLean County, it is separated from the overlying earl yWisconsinan drift by a sharp erosional contact . Its lower contact withthe till of the Dead Man drift is also sharp in most places (fig . 6) .

The lowermost facies of the Mercer drift is a discontinuous sand ygravel that forms a sharp contact with the underlying till . It averagesabout 3 to 4 feet thick. The gravel is highly iron-cemented in a fewplaces, and pieces of it that have fallen into the reservoir have hel dtogether in chunks at least 10 feet long. In places, cross-bedded sandinterfingers and lies above the gravel . In most places this sand is noteven iron-stained. Such iron staining and cementation as is found in th egravels is apparently a function of local ground-water conditions. It hasbeen suggested that iron staining and cementation are evidence that adeposit is unusually old, but the writer has observed similar condition sin gravels of late Wisconsinan age in Pembina County, North Dakota .

The iron-cemented gravels are apparently equivalent to those thathave been informally called the Four Bears conglomerate (Clayton, inpreparation) . It is best exposed in the Sakakawea shore bluffs 1 milenorthwest of the Four Bears Bridge in Mountrail County .

The middle facies of the Mercer drift is a till that is brownish gray ,sandy, and pebbly with a few chips of lignite and pockets of reddis hbrown, finely divided limonite. It has strong vertical jointing thatresults in almost vertical cliffs (fig. 19) . The Mercer till is about 25 fee tthick ; and, when viewed from a distance, it has a distinctive overal lgrayish aspect that makes it easy to distinguish from the underlyingDead. Man drift and the overlying Napoleon drift . The till is partiallyoxidized throughout its thickness .

The till. contains abundant inclusions of the underlying gravel an dsand in some areas. As mentioned above, this gavel is iron-cemented insome locations where it is in place, but none of the inclusions that wer efound within the Mercer till were iron-cemented . This suggests that th eiron cementing occurred after the gravel was buried beneath the Mercertill .

The gravel that overlies the Mercer till is up to 5 feet thick, sandy ,crossbedded in some areas and has some iron staining near the base . It isdiscontinuous and looks like stream sediment that was deposited in achannel that was eroded into the surface of the till . If this is so, thegravel could be as old as the Mercer till or as young as the overlyingNapoleon till .



Glaciers advanced in McLean County at least twice prior to th eWisconsinan depositing the Dead Man and Mercer drifts . Stratigraphicrelationships of the various facies of the Dead Man drift suggest that a nadvancing glacier caused a proglacial lake to form in the Riverdale are ain an east-trending river valley . As the glacier continued to advance ,probably southwestward, it overrode the silts that had been deposite din the lake and deposited the silty Dead Man till . It is not known howfar the ice that deposited the Dead Man drift advanced . The bouldersfound at the surface in Dunn County may represent the remains o fDead Man drift that was deposited further west .

The Dead Man drift is unevenly oxidized throughout, and it supper surface is an erosion surface that appears to have been cut into awell-developed soil zone . The paleosol on top of the till of the DeadMan drift (fig . 17) suggests a significant interglacial interval ; and, sinc ethe overlying Mercer drift is also pre-Wisconsinan, the Dead Man ma ybe very old .

The gravel above the Dead Man till is probably only slightly olde rthan the Mercer till that it lies beneath . It may be proglacial outwashmaterial laid down in front of an advancing glacier. The absence of lak esediments suggests that no proglacial lake formed this time, perhap sindicating that the ice advanced from a northerly or northwesterlydirection. However, this cannot be determined, as it is also possible thatthe east-trending preglacial drainage had been filled to such an exten tduring the first advance that a basin for a lake no longer existed .

Continued advance of the second glacier resulted in deposition o fthe Mercer till on the gravel . Again, it is not known how far this glacie radvanced. The gravel that lies above the Mercer till is discontinuous an dlooks like a stream channel deposit . It may have been deposited an

y time after the Mercer till was deposited and before the Napoleon tillwas deposited .


Napoleon DriftThe early Wisconsinan Napoleon drift covers a wide area o f

southern and western McLean County (fig. 21) . It is bounded on thenorth and east by late Wisconsinan Lostwood drift . The Napoleon driftaverages about 15 feet thick over western McLean County to about 2 5feet thick in the southern part of the county . It is probablyconsiderably thicker in some of the buried trenches, but it is not know nwhether the materials it overlies in these trenches, usually sands or silt s


FIGURE 21. Map of McLean County showing areas of various drifts .

of glacial origin, are part of the Napoleon drift or older drifts . Overmost of western McLean County, the Napoleon drift has little or n omorainic topography, but rather it is sheet moraine with almostcompletely integrated drainage . In the southern part of the county ,subdued morainic topography is developed on the Napoleon drift inplaces, and only partially integrated drainage exists . These areas aresubdued dead-ice moraine and ground moraine .

Till is the only lithologic type in nearly all the surface exposuresof Napoleon drift in McLean County . Small pods of sand and gravelwere seen in the till, but they are of very limited extent . In general, thetill of the Napoleon drift is fairly silty to sandy but still rather cohesive .It is oxidized in all surface exposures to shades of yellowish brown todusky yellow . The till is lignitic, although lignite particles tend to b esmaller than do those of the Dead Man drift . Particles of limestone ,shale, and granitic rocks are common. These range from highlyweathered ghosts to sound pebbles and cobbles . In general, theNapoleon till is not significantly different than most North Dakota till.The thickness of oxidized sediments penetrated in some test holesspudded in Napoleon till is unusual. As much as 136 feet of continuousoxidized section consisting of till, sand, and silty clays occurred in tes thole 2834 (Sec . 29, T. 148 N., R. 85 W.) . In other holes, an interval ofunoxidized sediment separates the surficial oxidized till from a secon doxidized sediment, commonly till .

The Napoleon drift has not been distinguished lithologically inMcLean County from the adjacent Lostwood drift . It is, however, easilydistinguished geomorphically because the end moraines and the edge o fthe dead-ice moraine of the Lostwood drift overlie and truncate it . Theresulting boundary on the Napoleon drift is readily apparent on ai rphotos and in the field.


In early Wisconsinan time, perhaps 50,000 years ago, th eNapoleon glacier advanced across North Dakota, until it covered all bu tthe southwest corner of the state (fig . 13) . While the Napoleon glacierwas at its maximum extent, a deep diversion trench was cut at the edg eof the ice through Dunn, Mercer, and Morton Counties by runoff fro man area that was comparable in size to that now drained by the MissouriRiver . In McLean County, the Napoleon drift, where it is not covere dby younger late Wisconsinan drift, consists of only a few tens of feet o ftill . For this reason, it seems unlikely the Napoleon ice covered the are afor a very long period of time.


In southwestern McLean County, the Napoleon drift wa sdeposited on a rolling surface that was mainly bedrock with only a noccasional patch of pre-Wisconsinan drift in low areas . Most of thepre-Wisconsinan drift had been eroded away by the time Napoleon ic eadvanced over the area. In the eastern and northern parts of the county ,however, considerable pre-Wisconsinan drift probably remained whenthe Napoleon drift was & posited. Numerous test holes in this are apenetrated complex drift sections with several tills. Although it i simpossible to correlate these buried tills with tills that are exposedfurther southwest, it is likely some of them are pre-Wisconsinan in age .

Figure 22 is necessarily generalized because the actual position o fthe Napoleon ice margin at any given time, as it receded from the area,is unknown. End moraines may have existed in the area, but they hav esince been overridden by late Wisconsinan ice and their positions arenot known. It seems likely that by the time an approximation of theconditions portrayed in Figure 22 was reached, numerous meltwate rdiversion trenches, mainly in Mercer County, had been cut and, for th emost part, abandoned. A proglacial lake formed about this time in theeast-trending pre-glacial valley shown above and water overflowe dsouthward, cutting an erosion surface in the area indicated. It seemslikely that a rather thick layer of Napoleon drift was deposited on th eMissouri Coteau. Wherever

glaciers advanced over the Missouri

Escarpment they probably picked up large volumes of material an dsubsequently deposited it on the Coteau . As the Napoleon glacierreceded, it stagnated in places (ft. 22) leaving areas of drift-covered ic ethat later melted, resulting in dead-ice moraine .


Lostwood Drift

:Late Wisconsinan Lostwood drift covers the northern and easter nparts of McLean County (fig . 21) . It is generally difficult to determin ethe thickness of the Lostwood drift in McLean County, because it islitholo&ally indistinguishable from underlying older drifts . Presumablyit overlies early Wisconsinan Napoleon drift in most places, and inwestern McLean County the apparent contact is marked by an oxidizedzone on top of the Napoleon drift in nine test holes . In these holes, theoverlying Lostwood drift averaged 33 feet thick. In the eastern part ofthe county, very few test holes penetrated buried oxidized drift, so itwas impossible to determine the thickness of the Lostwood drift there .

The Lostwood drift of McLean County can be subdivided int othree areas with differing topographic expressions . In the western partof the county, the Blue Mountain end moraine marks the southern edge



Pre-Wisconsinan Drift

Early Wisconsinan Drift

Drift Covered Stagnant Ic e


Active Ic e

High Level Erosion Surface

Didection of Water Flo w

Missouri Escarpmen t

River Valle y


+ +

FIGURE 22 . Receding early Wisconsinan Napoleon ice.


of the Lostwood drift . Dead-ice moraine features of rather low reliefare apparent on air photos in the area north of the Blue Mountain en dmoraine . Relief north of the end moraine is more subdued than is relie fover most of the area of Lostwood drift in other parts of McLea nCounty .

in eastern McLean County, the Lostwood drift is characterized b yuneroded morainic topography with abundant dead-ice features . Noprominent end moraines occur in eastern McLean County, but the

thoundary between Lostwood and Napoleon drift is easily identified b y

the change from integrated Napoleon sheet moraine to nonintegrate dLostwood dead-ice moraine . In extreme northeastern McLean County ,the Lostwood drift is characterized by deeply eroded morainictopography on and adjacent to the Missouri Escarpment . This levels offto relatively uneroded morainic topography on the Drift Prairie to thenortheast.

In most places the lithology of the Lostwood drift is essentiall ysimilar to that of the underlying Napoleon drift . The till is generallysilty to sandy and slightly cohesive with abundant lignite chips . It iscommonly oxidized in exposures to shades of yellowish brown. Most ofthe surficial gravel and sand in McLean County (pl. 1) is associated withthe Lostwood drift. It is commonly a poorly sorted mixture of sandand angular to subangular gravel composed mainly of carbonates andchips of shale and lignite. Lake silts and sands that occur throughou tthe area are associated mainly with elevated lake plains formed only inthe areas of dead ice moraine . In extreme northeastern McLean Count ythe Lostwood drift is unusual in that the tills contain high percentage sof sand and gravel. In exposures, its till fabric is readily identified, butsamples taken by hand auger commonly are indistinguishable fro moutwash deposits. In Sheridan County to the east, lineations can b eseen on a gravel outwash surface indicating that the outwash wasoverridden by a glacier. This probably occurred in northeastern McLeanCounty also, resulting in a till that is composed almost entirely ofreworked fluvial sediments .

The late Wisconsinan age of the Lostwood drift has been verifiedby numerous radiocarbon dates. Most of the Lostwood drift in easternMcLean County was deposited from stagnant ice that may have take n2,000 years to melt. Actively moving glaciers were probably present o nthe Missouri Coteau about 12,500 years ago. Radiocarbon dates o fmaterials from Lostwood drift in North Dakota range from 9,000 B.P.(W-1019) to 11,070 B.P. (W-956) but these are from landform sdeposited by stagnant ice. Materials taken from drift equivalent toLostwood drift that have been dated in South Dakota range fro m12,050 B.P. (W-1189) to 12,760 B.P.-(Y-595) .


Pettyjohn (1967) considers the Lostwood drift of western McLeanand southwest Ward Counties (he refers to it as the Blue Mountai ndrift) to be of early Wisconsinan age . This is unlikely in view of the factthat stagnation features present on the Lostwood drift form a ninterlocking pattern with similar stagnation features all the way to theMissouri Escarpment. Such an interlocking pattern could result only if acontinuous sheet of stagnant ice covered the Missouri Coteau an dmelted everywhere over that area at about the same time. Pettyjohnstates that the Blue Mountain drift is oxidized to an average depth o f26 feet and that he has traced this oxidized zone nearly 40 miles northand more than 30 miles east of the Blue Mountain end moraine in War dCounty. However, it is more likely that he was actually drilling into th eNapoleon oxidized zone; certainly there is no reason to believe it isnecessarily on the Blue Mountain drift. The unusually thick oxidize dzone (44 feet) on the Blue Mountain drift of southwestern War dCounty is probably a composite of oxidized Blue Mountain drift lyin gon oxidized Napoleon drift .

The total oxidized zone in areas covered by Lostwood drift i nwestern McLean County averages about 35 feet thick . In view of th efact that the Lostwood drift itself averages only 33 feet thick in thi sarea (based on 9 test holes), part of this oxidized interval must be inNapoleon drift . Because the two drifts are lithologicallyindistinguishable, it is impossible to determine how much of theoxidation has occurred since the Lostwood was deposited . In easternMcLean County, the oxidized zone on the Lostwood averages about 2 1feet thick .


In late Wisconsinan time, about 15,000 years ago, a glacieradvanced across a large area of northern and eastern North Dakota .While it was at its maximum extent, two lobes of the glacier crosse dMcLean County. The westernmost of these (fig. 23) deposited the BlueMountain end moraine (pl . 1) as it advanced southeastward. Itapparently reached its maximum extent slightly earlier than did th elobe in eastern McLean County . Because the Blue Mountain endmoraine was deposited against a bedrock high and the local slope wastoward the ice, little outwash was deposited ahead of the end moraine .Instead, relatively narrow valleys were formed that carried th emeltwater southward to a broad, east-trending valley that was later t ocarry the Missouri River. Figure 12 shows that much of the majo rpre-late Wisconsinan drainage in the McLean County area coincide dwith what is the modern Missouri River trench. During that part of



Pre-Wisconsinan Drift

Early Wisconsinan Drift

Drift Covered Stagnant Ic e

I- End Moraine

\ Jy

Direction of Ice Flo w

Direction of Water Flo w

Missouri Escarpmen t

River Valle y

p =~

rf + +

Active Ic e

High Level Erosion Surface

FIGURE 23. Deposition of the Blue Mountain end moraine.


early Wisconsinan time portrayed on Figure 23, the glacier diverted themajor drainage southwestward in Mountrail County . The resultingdiversion trench now carries the Missouri River, and the abandone dvalley has become the Van Hook arm of Lake Sakakawea .

The glacier margin continued to advance in eastern McLea nCounty until it reached the position shown on Figure 24. At the sam etime, the ice margin was receding from the Blue Mountain position t othe west. The west-flowing part of the glacier overrode the Blu eMountain end moraine, but it seems unlikely that the resulting dead-ic emoraine that truncates the end moraine is appreciably younger than i sthe end moraine. Disintegration features that are present on bot hground moraine and low relief dead-ice moraine behind the Blu eMountain end moraine in Ward County form continuous chains wit hsimilar disintegration features to the northeast in high relief dead-ic emoraine. This high relief dead-ice moraine was deposited from thenortheast . This shows that a continuous area of stagnant ice existe dthroughout the area on both sides of the line of truncation . If there hadbeen a significant time lapse between the deposition of the materials o neither side of the line of truncation, the stagnant ice to the southwes twould have melted, and no interfingering of disintegration feature swould have been possible .

When the ice margin receded from the Burnstad position, largeareas of drift-covered stagnant ice were left behind . The active icemargin tended to become lobate as the glacier thinned and receded, an dseveral small loop-shaped se ents of recessional moraine wer edeposited, particularly in Sheridan County . Meltwater flowing from theglacier deposited thick sequences of gravel in eastern McLean Count yand southern Sheridan County . Much of this gravel was depositedlargely on top of stagnant ice and later collapsed when the underlyingice melted. In the Turtle Lake area, broad areas of glacial outwas hoccur . The gravel occurs at two levels, the upper of which is slightlycollapsed and the lower of which is flat. Apparently, stagnant ice wasthin in the area . The first episode of gravel deposition was on the thi nstagnant ice, but the second apparently occurred after the stagnant ic ehad melted.

By the time the ice margin had receded to the position shown o nFigure 25, the modern course of the Missouri River was firmlyestablished along the McLean County border . The diversion trenchessouthwest of the river were all abandoned and probably already partl yfilled with slopewash material.


Outwash Plain

River Valley

FIGURE 24 . Maximum extent of late Wisconsinan ice in eastern McLean County .


Late Wisconsinan Ground Moraine

Drift Covered Stagnant Ic e


Pre-Wisconsinan Drift

Early Wisconsinan Drift


+ +

End Moraine


Active Ice

High Level Erosion Surface

D irection of Ice Flow

Direction of Water Flow

Missouri Escarpment



Pre-Wisconsinan Drift

Early Wisconsinan Drift

Late Wisconsinan Ground Moraine

Early Wisconsinan ,Drift Covered, Stagnant Ice

Late Wisconsinan ,Drift Covered, Stagnant Ice

End Moraine

Outwash Plai n

Lak e

Active Ice

High Level Erosion Surface

Direction of Ice Flow


Direction of Water Flo w

Missouri Escarpmen t

River Valley


Y Y1

FIGURE 25 . Withdrawal of the active ice margin from McLean County .




Ten petroleum exploratory wells have been drilled in McLeanCounty as of January 1, 1970 . None of these has produced any oil andno oil shows were reported from any of the wells .


Lignite occurs in the Tongue River and Sentinel Butte Formationsof McLean County. Brant (1953) lists seven major lignite beds in thecounty but indicates some of these may correlate with one another . Heestimates a total original reserve of 16,478,000,000 tons, but this figureis probably high. The total recoverable reserves are much lower thanthis, as strip mining techniques that are used to mine the lignite arelimited to areas where overburden is less than about 100 feet thick .

Production of lignite in McLean County was 48,189 short tons in1966 from two mines, the Underwood Coal Corporation, Inc . ,Underwood, and the B & W Coal Inc., Garrison . The total value oflignite production during the same period was $176,129 .00. Ligniteproduced in McLean County was valued at from $3.50 to $3.80 a ton.


McLean County has a minor amount of clinker ("scoria"), amaterial formed when burning lignite beds bake the overlyingsediments. Clinker is used locally for road surfacing material .

Riprap and Building Stone

Abundant glacial erratic boulders, found throughout McLeanCounty, may be used as riprap. Riprap and building stone can also beobtained from the Tongue River and Sentinel Butte Formations, whichcontain resistant beds of sandstone .



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Clayton, Lee, 1970, Geologic map of Dunn County, North Dakota :North Dakota Geol. Survey Misc. Map 11 .

Colton, R. B., Lemke, R. W., and Lindvall, R. M., 1963, Preliminaryglacial map of North Dakota : U. S. Geol. Survey, Misc. Geol. Inv.Map I-331.

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Lemke, R. W., 1960, Geology of the Souris River area, North Dakota :U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 325, 138 p .

Lemke, R. W., Laird, W . M., Tipton, M . J., and Lindvall, R . M., 1965,Quaternary geology of northern Great Plains in Wright, H. H., Jr . ,and Frey, D . G., The Quaternary of the United States : Princeton,Princeton University Press, p . 15-27 .

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Pettyjohn, W. A., 1967, Multiple drift sheets in southwestern War dCounty, North Dakota, in Glacial geology of the Missouri Coteauand adjacent areas: North Dakota Geol. Survey Misc. Series 30, p .123-129 .

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