GCSA Conferenc Exhibite Shos w Latest Tur …archive.lib.msu.edu/tic/golfd/article/1953feb62.pdf ·...


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GCSA Conference Exhibits Show Latest Turf Management Aids

The showing of the latest equipment and the recent developments of science and in-dustry far turf management assures success of the annual meeting. The opportunity to meet and discuss problems and accomplish-ments with leading manufacturers and turf production men offer constructive educa-tional values which cannot be overlooked^ by course superintendents or club officials whom they represent. G O L F D O M gives you a brief review of what Kie exhibitors have in store for those attending.

SOIL ,A IRE I N D U S T R I E S , booths 75-6, wi l l have on. display their new R O L L P A C one ton power roller, toge ther w i th their complete line of aerat ing machines, con-sisting of Deluxe Hand Tools, the Moto r -air e and the Tractora i re ,

J A C O B S E N M P G , CO. and W O R T H -I N G T O N M O W E R CO. wi l l share booths 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 62, and 63. O. R . Lawson and E lmo Anderson wi l l repre-sent Jacobsen. T w o changes have been made in the power greens m o w e r : the introduction of a nine blade reel which g ives a ve ry h igh f requency of cut, and the other is the adoption of an increased horse power Jacobsen engine del iver ing 2*4 H.P . A l s o Of interest to superinten-dents is the addition o f a reverse drive on the commerc ia l type ro tary mowers used on many courses f o r cutt ing the rough in smaller restr icted areas.

On hand to show the new 1953 line of Wor th ing ton mowers and tractors wil l be W m . U. Rouette, Jr., G. P . Carson, C. D. A c k e r m a n and S. V, MofEett.

H A R D I E M F G . CO., occupying booth 17, wi l l be presided over by J. A . Robin-son, newly appointed Eastern A r e a Mgr . of Sales, and Charles Wynocker , N e w Y o r k and N e w Jersey representative. The Hard ie T o w n and Country Sprayer line wi l l be featured a long w i th another high pressure sprayer f r o m their "99 " series.

T O R O M F G . CORP. , booths 52, 53, 58, 59, 64 and 65 wi l l exhibit n ew and im-proved additions to its line of power m o w -ers, tractors and gang mowers . The Star-

lawn, Professional , and Pa rk Special re-main re lat ive ly unchanged, A new prod-uct is the L e a f Mulcher, an attachment avai lable f o r all Wh i r lw ind mowers made since 1946. The T o r o greensmower has added power . The Bullet and General tractors have valve- in-head engines and new f r ames f o r g r ea te r pull ing ef f ic iency. In charge wi l l be Rob. W . Gibson, vp, John Norton, sales mgr. , W m . Goodrich, chief field rep., Dr. James R. Watson, agronomist, and M. R . ( S c o t t y ) McLaren . Dr. Watson, who jo ined T o r o several months ago, holds the newly created post of agronomis t w i th the company and wi l l conduct research on turf.

H A L C O C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y wil l be " a t home " in Booth 26. T. George Conley wi l l be in charge, a long w i th A l . Lucken, L l oyd Hughes, " D o c " C raw f o rd and T o m Conley, director of sales. Halco wi l l f ea ture a complete range of turf fungicides, brush and weed ki l lers and insect controls f o r both above and be low the turf . Of special interest wi l l be the new "Cloversids11, a new Grub-Proo f ing Concentrate, P M A S , select ive crabgrass ki l ler and Aqua-Sol soluble greens fer t i l i zer .

Y A R D L E Y P L A S T I C S CO.. manufac-turers o f plastic pipe and fittings f o r gol f course irr igat ion, w i l l be represented by Mr . John M e r t z in Booth 36. A l l types o f Yard l ey plastic pipe are eari ly installed with a f e w s imple tools. Both pipe and fittings are made of tough plastic mate-rial developed specif ical ly f o r course work and guaranteed against rot, rust and corrosion.

M A L L I N C K R O D T C H E M I C A L W O R K S ' exhibit in Booths 38 and 39 wi l l feature turf diseases and their control and a n n w exhibi t which has been planned f o r the G C S A Show. Ef fect iveness of var ious fungic ides wi l l be demonstrated by use of colc - photographs of the most prevalent disf ises. Calocure wil l be featured f o r the control and prevention of Brown Patch and Snow Mold, as wel l as the

established control and prevent ive Calo-clor. The spotl ight wil l be shared w i th Cadminate, a fung ic ide f o r the control and prevention of Dol lar Spot, Copper Spot, and P ink Patch. Mal l inckrodt sales and technical personnel wil l be in attend-ance.

W E S T P O I N T P R O D U C T S ' exhibit of equipment f o r special purpose turf areas wi l l be in Booths 44-45. The Aer i f i e r line wil l be represented by the t ractor -drawn F - G model, the se l f -powered G -L Aer i f i e r and the new se l f -powered Junior G-L . The G - L Aer i f i e r wi l l be equipped w i th the new Thatch Spoons. A l l machines wi l l show the improved design Flexi-press. Aer i f i e r owners w i l l be ^invited to examine recent improvements which can be added to their old machines. Vege ta t i v e plant-ing of improved grasses is on the in-crease. See the Wes t Po int specialized tools f o r this work . Tur f p luggers are avai lable in two sizes. These tools are handy f o r repair ing tees and greens also. The most up-to-date models of the F lex i -comb f o r f a i rway mowers and the N o e r Soil Pro f i l e Sampler wil l be on exhibit. A feature of the W e s t Point exhibit is a new piece of specialized turf equipment — the "Ver t i - cut " . Th is machine is a vert ical cutt ing mower to remove thatch f r om greens and tees. A continuous film wil l

show operation of all the Wes t Po int turf equipment, T o m and Tony Mascaro wil l be on hand to explain details of all the equipment.

The U P J O H N C O M P A N Y ' S exhibit in Booth 9 wi l l f ea ture Actidione, the new antibiotic discovered and developed by the Up john Company f o r use in the treat-ment of such turf conditions as Dol lar Spot, Me l t ing Out, Snow Mold and B rown Patch. Haro ld J, Maloney wi l l be in charge of the exhibit.

H E R S H E Y E S T A T E S wi l l be located in Booth 19, displaying their product known as H E R S H E Y ' S K o - K - 0 O igan i c Soil Conditioner, James Morr ison and J. C. McClea f . sales manager, wi l l be in attendance.

R A I N Y S P R I N K L E R S A L E S ' Booth 15 at the conference wi l l display their com-plete l ine o f both Ra in Bird and Ne lson gol f course i rr igat ion equipment. T h e y wil l i l lustrate valves, keys and fittings f o r underground sprinkler installation as well as the small pop-up type sprinklers o f ten used in tees as wel l as the large sprin-klers iised in i rr igat ion o f f a i rways . Pe r -sonnel a t tending and in charge wil l be Ed N. Hol land and R . J. Schneider, asst. mgr., f r o m Ra iny Sprinkler Sales, as wel l as Craw fo rd Re id f r om Nat ional Rain Bird Sales & Eng. Corp. of Azusa, Cal i f .

Fulrner & Cole photo Of f i ee r t e lected at the Dunedin annual meet ing of the PGA Seniors obviously view their responsi-bil i t ies wi thout alarm. From le f t to r ight are M a r t y Cromb, second vp ; Hugh Bancroft , f i rst v p ; O t t o Hard t , pres.; and W i f l i e Whafan, sec. The Seniors' championship and the rest of the veterans' week was a gala reunion of o ld t imers whose work, h igh principles and f i de l i t y t o the interests of thei r clubs and the game have made go l f a substantial /ac to r in Amer icans ' pursuit o f happiness.

Niagara CLOVER KIL • • • An aid to better turf!

Niagara Clover Ki l is an endo-thal formulation especially de-signed for the selective and effective control of white clover in golf course turf. It is now available for preferred Fall applications.

Niagara Clover Ki l has been extensively tested and its white clover eradication properties have been thoroughly proved. It was first reported in New York State Turf Association Bulletin Nos. 26 and 27, June 1951. Get Niagara Clover Kil from your local supply house or write us for full information.

Dealer Inquiries Invited

Niagara CHEMICAL D I V I 5 I O N


Middhporl, N. V., Richmond, Co'if., Jacksonville, Tempo, Par, pa no, Fl a. j New Orleans, La.; Ave Man.? Green-ville, Mis, Horlingen and Pecos, Ten.; Yokima, Waih-r Subsidiary: Fine Bluff Chemical Co., Pine Bluff, A*k. Canadian ^ HOC fate; NIAGARA BRAND SPRAY CO., tTD., Burlington, On'.

F A T E - R O O T - H E A T H C O M P A N Y in Booth 4 will show the new Model 600 Peerless Mower Sharpener for the first time. This model is said to set a new standard of quality and performance in the heavy-duty mower sharpener field. A lso on exhibit will be The Model 50 Ideal Bed Kni fe Grinder, The Model 100 Simplex Lapping- Machine, the other equipment manufactured by this company. Repre-sentatives at the show will be Paul H. Root, Thomas F. Root, G. T. McCul lough and R, H. DeWit t .

D E A R B O R N MOTORS CORP. exhibit in booths 28 through 34, will be in collabo-ration with their regional distributor, G A S H - S T U L L Co, and I N D U S T R I A L & F A R M E Q U I P M E N T CORP., a compan-ion company to Gash-Stull, and distribu-tors for various golf course and indus-trial equipment. Featured will be the new Golden Jubilee Model Ford Tractor with three-gang Roseman fa i rway mower, the Gandy Top Dresser, and the Ford Tractor with front-mounted Dearborn Industrial Loader and rear-mounted Howard Roto-vator. Versati l ity of Ford Tractors and Dearborn Equipment will be shown through the various work applications. A motion picture in color and sound will be run continuously, J. M. Findlayson, Indus-trial sales mgr., and Fred Lockwood, Eastern regional supervisor will repre-sent Dearborn Motors.

D U P O N T & CO., in both 70, will have an informative exhibit of Du Pont fungi-cides for protection against and control of turf diseases. The display will feature "Tersan" 75, F-531, Special "Semesan" and Du Font's seed disinfectants, L , L. Stirland, sales manager of Du Pont 's Fungicide Div,, R. T . Miller, N . J. repre-sentative and E. O. Sealine of the com-pany's Ag . Promotion Div, will be in attendance.

R O S E M A N M O W E R CORP., booth 30. will show their improved gang mowers featuring a new l ight-weight hoi low-roller drive unit and their new rear-wheel-drive unit. In their roller drive f a i rway model Roseman incorporates design features similar to those employed by putting green mowers for more uniform cutting. Advantages of their rear-wheel-drive units will be shown and explained to those accustomed to wheel type mowers. Jim Hof fman and Warren Roseman will be on hand to show the new models and discuss fa i rway mowing problems.

V A U G H A N ' S SEED CO., booth 14. will be in charge of John Melady and A lex


C A D D Y S A V E R Today's Best Golf C a r t

$•11* f o r anly

Htrt' i a good money maker far pros and golf shops •— a carl that t i l l i en sight!

1, Accommodate* any l t y la bag. 2. Open* and closet In a j i f fy. I . Light weight . 4. Rolls easily on silent, bal l -bearing wheels

when open or closed. 5. Strong. Precision built for long service. 6. Priced right.

B e c f c t e y - R a f s f o n CHIPPER l l ' t the biggest selling "ex t ra " club made ond one of the famous square-grip short Iron Stroke Savers. This Chipper is made spec If I tally for pitch, run and chip shots within SO yards ot the green. It's 33 " long and has practi-cally no tole, permitting the club face to extend far under the ball. Gives gaiters directional accuracy not pos-sible wilb any other club.

LARGE REPLACEMENT MARKET •aillty-Ralilan ll nn« *l Ik* olrfair ait nsit h»«r«J nmi In •ait. Ov<f 1,000,000 fit rhiir STreka Sourl An ia —wtaring •ut. Display lha Chipptr. Pvltir oni Apprpoch Cliak—rhm welth ih*m utll Nati«ulJy «d*trtll»J S9.9S tach. RUTLED6E PUTTER, lb« Ptrflit pisdulum lypi oith iqunr. grip St.95. WALLOPER, thi iron driver far plsytri who hoia diffirnttr vsing •aadi. Sit.50. TRAP SHOOTER, 110.9!.

Sand for literature and discounts

T H E R U T L E D G E C O . 3337 Belmont Ave. , Chicago IS, III.

Sehlmeyer, both of long and wide ex-perience in the development of improved grasses f o r go l f , sports areas, lawns, etc. The Vaughan exhibit wil l show seed and turf grass displays and fea ture i tem a of the company 's turf equipment and sup-plies.

S K I N N E R I R R I G A T I O N CO., booth 46, wi l l have T o m Coyne, Jr. and W a l t e r Hennessey, two of their experts in gol f and l a rge area turf water ing , in charge o f their display. Skinner's ful l line Of sprinklers, snap valves, and sprinkler heads f o r controlled i rr igat ion systems wil l be shown.

B U C K N E R M F G . CO.. booth 22, wi l l exhibit their complete line of overhead and underground i rr igat ion equipment es-pecial ly designed f o r gol f courses, athlet ic fields, parks, etc. Set off w i th a new display assembly designed f o r the show the Buckner exhibit also wil l include mod-els of their fixed and portable equipment f o r manual and automat ic operation. K i n g Ew ing w i l l be in charge.

S T A N D A R D M A N U F A C T U R I N G CO., located in booth 16, wil l exhibit, in addi-tion to their regular line of f a i rway signs, hole diggers, and ball washer, two new items. One is a new putt ing cap made f r om unbreakable mater ia l and colored to g i v e the g o l f e r bet ter visibi l i ty. The other i tem is their "S l im l ine " flag pole which is 9/16 in, in d iameter and g i ves the ball more room to ge t in if the flag isn't pulled. The pole is made of a springy, l ight we ight aluminum alloy, A solid aluminum fer-rule and cup complete the component parts. M. K . Voorhees wi l l be in attend-ance.

S M I T H E Q U I P M E N T & S U P P L Y CO. wi l l be located in booth 50. Fer t i l -Ade , true liquid f e r t i l i ze r wi l l be the featured exhibit. The Fer t i l -Mizer In j ec to r P u m p f o r apply ing Fe r t l l -Ade wi l l also be dem-onstrated. T i l th, the liquid chemical soil conditioner to combat soil compaction, should at t ract interest. I t was widely dis-tributed and used with success by many courses in the Chicago area last year . A r t Smith, F rank Smith, and Jerry T ran-sier wi l l be in attendance.

P E N N S Y L V A N I A G L A S S S A N D C O R P . in booth 49 wil l display Wh i t e Rok trap sand, the silica sand that improves ap-pearance and drainage of traps. M a n y clubs are mix ing Wh i t e Rok sand w i th loam for use as a drainage layer under the turf. Jack Cra ig and L a r r y Burwinkel wil l be on hand to answer questions.

* u f h o r s e / GOLF BAGS

A M E R I C A N A G R I C U L T U R A L C H E M -I C A L CO., booth 35, wi l l show A g r i c o bal-anced Country Club Fert i l izers. Supple-ment ing these fer t i l i zers are Agr in i t e . a. h igh-grade ni trogenous tankage , and A g r i c o for turf, the popular plant food which is 50% organic f o r quick result and long l i fe . I n attendance wil l be A . C. H o m b e r g e r , mgr . in charge of the A g r i c o Specia l ty Fer t i l i zer Division, D. A . Bro-gan, J. B. F ry , B. L . Hamberger , V. L . Hogga t t , J. M, Keegan, T . D. Kee ler , E. H. Pasqualucci, W . W e r g i n and F . Wheeler .

A R T H U R D. P E T E R S O N CO., located in booth 41, wi l l f eature their new cast-iron Tr ip le F a i r w a y Rol ler in addition to a va r i e t y of i t ems in their complete line o f gol f course maintenance supplies and equipment.

The M A M L O N C O M P A N Y , manufac-turers o f p lant foods and horticultural chemical products, wi l l exhibit F E R - M E L W a t e r Soluble Tur f & T r e e Food, a con-centrated w a t e r soluble f e r t i l i z e r specially made f o r use in power sprayers. Sales personnel wi l l be on hand in Booth 28 to explain the many advantages in control-l ing g r o w t h of turf grasses during periods of adverse weather conditions.

The T E R R E C O M P A N Y wil l demon-strate in Booth 51 a miniature e lectr ical ly run glass f e r t i l i ze r m ix ing machine and wil l display their principal turf fer t i l i zers such as Lawnspur which is 60% organic (8-6-5) and F a i r w a y which is a chemical (6-12-4). A l s o on exhibit wi l l be flats of g r o w i n g I l lahee Creep ing Red Fescue and Mer ion Blue Grass as well as various insecticidal chemicals. Those in charge wil l be R o y Bossolt and Court Terhune.

The H Y P E R - H U M U S C O M P A N Y wi l l exhibit Hyper-Humus, (cul t ivated nat ive pea t ) the Organic Soil Condit ioner and Improver , in Booth 23. Mater ia l is now sold in bags as wel l as bulk. Money sav-ing news f o r those planning new greens or rebuilding old ones wi l l be outlined in brochure " M a k e Top-Soi l Out of Sub-Soi l " . In charge of booth — W . P . T roxe l l and S. M . Davis .

A T C O P O W E R M O W E R S ' n ew im-proved greens mower wi l l make its first appearance a t the conference. Th is model wi l l be introduced at Booth 5 by A n d r e w Bruce and Mr . Sudder, who have just re-turned f r o m Eng land w h e r e Mr. Bruce engineered t w o important features into the new A t co . One is the Reel Clutch which stops the cutter f r om revo lv ing when t rave l l ing between greens. The


— from the 1953 Tufhorse LP bag line . . , available only to golf professionals. Here is outstanding eye appeal and top sales appeal to keep bag profits right in your own shop.


4841 Sprioq Sr»v* *,»«.. CWwmti, OW« MANUFACTURED ir



Doubles pract ice time. Shags, bags

boll with single motion. No stoop!

a natural for pro shop selling SIX MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS

I . Cast A l u m i n u m Hand le . 2. Plates — 24 g a g e steel. 3. Deepe r f u r r ows f o r canvas support , 4. S t ronger canvas. 5. H a r d e r metal in cube. 6. D o u b l e t oo l steel spines.


Sold through Pro Shop Only

direct H O W A R D C A P P S CO. f rom P C- Bo* 1246 m a k e r — Richmond, Cal i f .

V E N E T I A N H O T E L Miami End of Venet ian Causeway

Golf Headquarters

In M I A M I

Whore distinguished sportsmen and their families enjoy the fine club typo atmosphere, faci l i t ies and associa-tions. Conveniently located to all Golf courses.

Special Rates to GOLFERS

Ample Free Parking

SAUL B. YURAN Gen. Mgr .

other improvement is a P o w e r Transpor t Carr ier which safeguards the rol ler f r om possible damage whi le crossing dr i veways or rough terrain. Fea tur ing Sheff ie ld steel blades that stay sharp f o r many months, its nine-blade reel g i ves 34 close clips per f oo t assuring an even cut.

A M E R I C A N C Y A N A M I D C O M P A N Y , Agr icu l tura l Chemicals Division, wi l l dis-play A e r o Cyanamid, Granular, Aero t i l Soil Conditioners, Potassium Cyanate and Malathon Insecticides. Representat ives at-tending wi l l be Mr. C. Nesbitt , Mr. W . Z immerman, Mr . P . Nelson and Mr. p. Po l lock in Booth 20.

Mrs. Dave Hendry Heads PGA Women's Auxiliary

Mrs. Dav id G. Hendry, Moscow. Pa., was elected pres. Ladies Auxi l iary , P G A , at annual meet ing held a t the Ft . Ha r -rison hotel, Clearwater , F la. Mrs . H a r r y Schwab, Dayton, O., was elected 1st vp ; and Mrs. John Watson, South Bend, Ind.. was elected 2d vp.

Mrs. M ike Brady was elected sec. Mrs. Cari'ol McMas t e r was voted in as corre-sponding sec., and Mrs. Charles McKenna was elected treas.



Thv Answer to L js t Spikes

CAM LOCKS h*v* boil adtfsd to Hi* regular LARGE BASE sptk*. Th* CAMS hold ipik* fait in position. Will not rough sol*.

