


A part of their social studies curriculum, Connecticut 4th graders study their state history. These students participated in an online project that had them looking at the people in the past and present who have made contributions to our quality of life. Then, the students completed a service-learning project of their own, so that they too would be contributors! This slide show was made by one of the students who wanted to share what they had done.

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Our GardenWe work very hard on the garden and we

use the whole recess to make it look beautiful. In the next page we will show our

bench in the garden. A lot of 4th graders contributed time into this project. These

are the names of the teachers that helped: Mrs. Nyser and Mrs. Pilver and Mrs. Drasch

Our Beautiful Bench

Thanks to Mr. DeMers, who contributed our amazing bench!!! He contributed it to us for free!!! Thank You, Mr. Demers!!!

Our Fresh Mulch

Thanks to Knight Construction, who also contributed to our

garden. They gave us beautiful mulch that gives the

garden a fresh feeling.

Our Garden Flowers

So pretty!!! They are a colorful and fantastic addition to the garden. They are: daffodils, sage, veronica, Echinacea, rose geranium, black eyed susans, and jacob’s ladder.

Picture or flowers her

Amazing Vegetables!!!

We contributed our vegetables to our school. They made an awesome green salad with our lettuce and chives. The salad was a big hit!

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