FY2020 Space Survey Tutorial Scriptfm.unm.edu/services/documents/space_survey_instructions.pdfFY2020...


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FY2020 Space Survey Tutorial Script 08/13/19

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Visual Audio https://fm.unm.edu/services/space-database-famis.html

Welcome to the FAMIS Space Survey tutorial video FAMIS works best in Internet Explorer.

First go to the FAMIS Portal Link and log in using you NetID and password

Once logged in you will click on “Space Survey”

You will see the Parameter Form.

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Type in the Site or select the magnifying class icon to select your campus.

Next select your building by typing in the four digit number or select from the list.

Now you can click submit

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FAMIS will generate the “Select Room” query list for the building you selected. To update a room click on the hyperlink of the room number.

You will see a window with several tabs where you can edit the room information.

Important Note: Do NOT click Save/Preview or Save/Return until the Accounts tab. If you click “Summary” tab your work may disappear. This will also ensure fewer error messages, since some tabs are dependent on others for information.

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First look at the “Room Info” tab: You can enter an “Alternate Room Name” – if the room has a commonly used name rather than room number. An example would be “The Roberts Room”.

Second look at the “Space Sub Cat” tab. The space sub-category code tells us how the UNM room is being classified. For a list of the space sub categories please review the UNM Space Survey Instructions FY2020. If the space sub category is still the same no change is needed.

If the space sub category has changed click the drop-down list and select the appropriate sub-code. Then click the “Add Space Sub Cat” button. Only one space sub category may be used per room. So the old space sub category must be removed, click the “Select” box on the old sub category and then click the “Del Space Sub Cat” button.

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If the space sub category has changed click the drop-down list and select the appropriate sub-code. Then click the “Add Space Sub Cat” button. Only one space sub category may be used per room. So the old space sub category must be removed, click the “Select” box on the old sub category and then click the “Del Space Sub Cat” button. You will not see the change in the tab you are editing unless you click on another tab and then click back to the edited tab.

Next look at the “Groups” tab. This is where you can add or delete the org codes for the group who use a room, not the Owner of the room. The org must be at a level 5, 6 or 7 to be assigned. If the org is missing please contact space @unm.edu.

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If you are adding an org to a room, select the correct org from the drop down list. You can type in the org and the list will jump to the correct org. select the org and then click “Add Group”. Groups must total 100% when added together.

Up next is the “Employee” tab. Here you will list all the employees who use the space as their office space.

Click the first drop down to select the org,

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then select from the second drop down the name of the employee. This list sorts by last name, if there are more than one person with a name, you can check the UNM ID so you select the correct person. Then click “Add Alloc. Emp” button.

If there is more than one group allocated to the space, an Employee for each group is not required, but if a group has an employee(s) the percentage must total 100% for each group. If the employee assigned to the room has changed add the new occupant name and then click the select box on the old occupant to be removed and click “Del Alloc. Emp” button.

Remember you will not see the change in the tab you are editing unless you click on another tab and then click back to the edited tab. “Functional Use” Tab is next. This is where you will edit the functional use code for the room. The functional use code tells us how the rooms are being used.

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Click the first drop down to select the org,

then select from the second drop down the functional use code for the group you selected. For more definition of the functional use codes please review the UNM Space Survey Instructions FY2020.

Room functional use for each org must equal 100%.

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“Room Contacts” tab, this tab is not for the name of the employee who uses the room, but the contact for specific duties or responsibilities that UNM needs to track for safety and grant purposes. Not every room will have a contact. Usually only space where grants, lab equipment and/or chemicals are stored.

To add a room contact, select from the left drop down menu the contact type.

Next select the contact name. This list sorts by last name, if there are more than one person with a name, you can check the UNM ID so you select the correct person. Then click “Add Room contact” button.

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If you need to remove a Room Contact, select the check box and click “Del Room Contact” button. You do not need to review or update the Accounts tab.

The Summary tab will let you see the summary of the space data before or after it is edited.

If the summary reflects the changes needed correctly, do not hit “return” or all your work will be lost.

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Click on one of the other tabs.

“Save/Preview” will save your changes

and take you to the Summary tab to review your changes.

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“Save/Return” will save your changes

and take you back to your query list.

If you hit the “cancel” button none of your changes will be saved and you will go back to the query list.

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Once you’re finished with your space updates clock on the “Home” tab on the left.

Then click the link “Space Survey Completion Form FY2020.

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You can print it and fill out the form. Don’t forget to have it signed by your Chair, Dean or Director. Once signed, please email it to space@unm.edu.

If you need more help please use the FAMIS Training Manual and Space Survey Instructions FY2020 manual. If more help is required, please contact us at 277-3800 or space@unm.edu

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Remember to log out of the FAMIS portal when you’re finished, in the upper right-hand corner.