Full text of "The Daily Colonist (1948-11-02)" text of "The Daily Colonist (1948-11-02)" See other...


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Full text of "The Daily Colonist (1948-11-02)"

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Full text of "The Daily Colonist (1948-11-02)"

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YrMcidav s S i

I ret newly elected officer* of the British Columbia Piogrc.sive L nservanve f'anv Assuu.i'.ion ait- shown bring greeted by Hon. Herbert Anscomb Minister of Finance and Provincial party leader, .it association (invention in Vancouver. Mr. Anicomb is shaking hands with Jack Lawson, president Behind Mi Lawson

r ii 1 1 n , t -e required for elec

lll'.h h til , | hr

I li ed ti e w it 1 i [At ri. i.ifLs i i >, , ,

j^id said ui.it (l

e are Boon A,

nisi i I,f the

ij .IKh in f'.ie'd t e.

It r Ml II land and hi i ,1tfli lnsuram f

T! ' * i ii" Mi i.ediair i ummejii Ii fort er nlt.et it ..nn tuts

Ul, Island New* .. ... f

halation Mailing Room LfiK

276 MMKTIKTil Y F \ K

l. Officials Ilil tile lor Rookies p Unjust Burden

Mitchell, Johnson and Winner Aav Differential Dwriniinatory



New Officers Meet Provincial Leader Tfc

m r s nun h e

I T* -

I ANCOUVKR Nov 1 'it m oi t ) if Vancouver Boat cl of 'Iran jxjit C cntiad in Canadas fro

itS |)UI |H)M

III I If I' 1 n! i .* * w i.W

ill' h e in 1 I) i.i i J if |iei|p,f Ii in r v i,< i, ip. . H i ,1.

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Mlt. hr. | i ... . king British

W* s i> i'i ll< ;ii mu fur mi. a)

* lll'Hf* - ft It*" f*e , ;

fly "the .id li.- O I I,' L- marie ChIIHOi.iu Tt.fi. Ill If' pi. - H!d Hr- L I. ( hmibJ.i fnui kri behind t *m Pruv-

I In the dec | n. .j | ,,|

(CP- H'A.ii'fJ T Mitchell. Boa i '>' fidtle, today told oniriii.Wi'"' 111 ** mountain ijiht iatr struct tire has out-

1 1 If , * r **n lupmenU to

Lot j * " t i .and (tie

in 0 r in restraint of

I . ' ; *L I" li'ii.ify lltc

ilii .i ofllint rani-von-

Mi* : *ni 'ifo.id a.s p.irt of fie . mC - f (.'onfedeiKUr'ii

|'p#> v I irudr ibioughou' u. f h r.n ' 'd tee, k|i|i of Canada

he Vi I

H - ! . elllihia tniili.t.iU-- that i iii, to "t different la! rates

As U.S. Voters Prepare To Go to Nation s Polls

Jews Deny




(fCneral \meriean (Opinion Lives New \ork Governor Wide Ma rein

H \ Ttic ( anadian l*t es*

l luted States nti/rns toda\ w iH th **.* run ih.ru national afJuir ilmi'v ,,|r ntn. and Kuornec -t ieoi i i Wl-io i pre.M tii. , |

a-sklim fir unuivul of 1 1 ...

m rate 3 w tiiili AT* Umrw-

U .!. niiiiuia tn,iu.t.iij_* tin it i until . 'ini "f differential ra'es would- o' o..ilntam an Injustice 't, ' 'V*e the very spirit and

of l.i.r.led* t *1 K-Ti


I''o t:.ar vcai.s we have held ha' .# o*i ailed niounlain illflfT- rntiaJ u Mi'e- unjust dLsirmnn- ;C i< u f^'ii.' st the i o 4 Um rie and I" op.' 1 B' d Lsli Columbia

A. i.'iirf" 'UXusei lor the Pros nice, Mr .Sisnv* I declared that the

tiU'l Irf.aht ratif are , dnviU)t "inf Bn'tfli C'hiinliiU in sent i - m# h : least out of confedern-


Hr-I u-r. C'lihifubta e entitled tu the confederation pad to nphil

I I f .i ' limit HI freight la' t . I lie

nioun'Hlfl diffili'lll ml 1 1 a.s rdiuUeU It., v ' *i "f I Jr 1 * 1.11 ( '' lumhia and p' id! an undue burden upon Its liecpii

In tu* | it a lor r> tuns al ul t he late M: Wismer d' dared the mu. i upn the r.illwiivs n. justify tin h IK In i .'*. s

All British Columbia !.- Utllleii .iKMltt. I tin tliollll'ulll iiiffei 'tl* till . it ii the i i.psumi r who event- Uillv pi" t lie 1 night ra'e.-

Ko 11'J.:,K the Western lira 1 1 Hits Hu ul wt uiu nts will be jjeard In *i law*. sturtiiiK December 6.

i W W. Cooper, secretary, and at the right i Jamr* T Armstrong treasurer Mr Lawson niKcecds Major General G H Pearkes, VC. Nanaimo M P Elections were held Saturday

I Veil Tenders Anscom b Sa ys I ole For Arena J //r// In Democracy

'|t| |1 < Ipt mug gul: .11 .' I 1 'M- W .. It 1e- r a'

ai v jiy.r.t a,

-1 ,.i.d * I,- M

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later ( Ii r,. ft bomb* d tu metrnf. d came r. m nirce

io ChiHi.k urispe. if I- ut \ wed China w i.

' 1 ( 'tn- Tb. f o'

*' the nr- , w 0 .

! prn t -day bid n-v ,j TW|,n n - e < i .em- F'rench u ,i

hi 'eemlruj I. rttL U.- tliree era,*

ivvcrttinet t ii, 1 Jkden'f. luv .' i jad hern i II' rp, .

and a spok- m. irtt available ir f < y confiiMiiK

ison Gas in Smojr


.. Nov 1 .4* A clnl rejoorfed t - ini', small quat ' l aa in the air mr'

After y. II! Sin h It rig] , I,-,,

nrtlllrrv m ,j| a

'he Mllv.irhs M I IV This w .is n i < ,

ome (losrin ,,

but up nt If, i ; Hie filing died lbs. iplllie a .

'. 'op was rep

'mi led rapid

I with refugi *

0011 ("HI popuhi'V " It few- Inid a e Hu black nvilit.it ik' i' tt fating the <

i wind utio.it i a.- usu- al fr-'in the bombing

IS hotlllj.* fell .. Mi |f i >fi * . 30-ndil

dxiiil u doze 1 1 Attlfr ilt the (nn.'iiLs of tlie still are In Mukden ul Sunday and Sun - " -.'len heard tneavv -I arms for from M I iv moimng

it '"di i menu that

n it.i'.s mast lm\e

if" ' ken resLstatice

''d tug aftertioou

" . Nationiihst

day tfi da vs after this Fndav U danger f.mng al! d.-uv'i rn' h

Novrmorr ih lodry' from Cnmniuni/m. I:

This is only three weeks wav the >1 1 g h 1 n * use of our

from i . v ii fleet Iona December 9. hinkitiR thn i dm i m

I here i< , -me doubt w hether the Bntbh Co! imbta I . :i i law h > filly be submitted ius soon l is hfi'

.is j a css i Je so work the Labor Dr-

tlne problem

Todti\ wh Al! ha Kiln Day a ns li .na| liolidiiy in t < Aire* and there were no t'nlted N.iM-iti* tin "'.inti

in i | rmvn I lu - K,,M,r1 '' ,Vu '""

rC I I r I I |\\ ub r n i III It 'ee wil' m* '"tn'-rt-'W

* w. Ix IjIj Bill 7 nf'err -in corriplelp H'ts.p on a

t* i .5 1 1 1 1 n rallihR on -few and An In ~ ' (o k"ej) Ml* tr'I-e 111 the Negev area

f^ * I f of Southern F.ili"' oe

I fill// ,/////(// Otic pr ptksal Ip-fore 'lie sub

.. .... . , omm ire is f -r the . .,i,i ,1 |, raii"

Ih.'H'I.K (Ikla . Nm. 1 Ijr ,

I 1 I wti National fitiard .< i* Hkair.*' either of the pnr* '* flvrrs scan luni; for a miss- wh.-h teiTs to ir*p I V I H Nov I '(.? T N ' ampaiyii objeitoe of 1180 000 ID Mr l.ran, president of Canada .hi In npn i'e re'urtis a: e e t- Parkers Ltd, said here lod he (>e. 'e*l to g,\r n ,b 4 itiia! bor.'*

' ioulrlri't fir rd 1.1 when the prire 1 fhe 'ot;,

of butter or beef I* *oln* down Chest . ftnl.il .*UKg> **1 'hat

riti7en.s "be their urn ranvnw-rt

s III, r u s ln * hr ""*

i *** in ti o riot yet rr.veird bv Che* ranvasser

NAPLES. Italr. Nov. I * Cuiilr1buM'.ns *o the drive will b

Workers due with bulldorers, accepted nf Prince Robert House shovel* and bare hands todai In rampaign )iea*!qua rter* UIiMl the

an attempt to reach ?.V persons end of the week They mav e;thet

him; TON, N hard-pressed

aufT. reM d *d v I 1 Sinn

eek-end ! An k

hlleil of Har risbi.ru 1 p n >1 dustrtal hvabiir bn l ,; *snd de te Moaril of Health Ge;."tal tr+t* showed both Hie Htn- nd sulphur trl- uotin. mg t.

ear-enu the lb.* between Britannia

.press service on sr,< f HQUamlah i,l rnmpletrd

Eastern Railw s rhr * lrr,rh hurtlv nft .

ei' Uni' l,o one had be. u m rested in ,llti' i Mine. |I -i i Wjt'i Ml" ra e and Min' ti 1 ' u- 'hr-, (I'd' i v | . n i, v art e si . would be rt,a*|e If: v * t iga ' inn is in',.

Highway Crash

< ,

Kills Four Men

,* paign wdi io 'turd hor

I i iNDON (jn* \,o 1 tfP- K'.Ur

Brantford, < 'ril mm weir kllle*l .mrl one w,.s j, ,u| rr* tonight when Me automobile in whir It Miry were

J One so.irre said that the elder) Me automobile In whir It Miry were !!-,' Re.1 I caM.i: .< pniwn *dl man. f -llowing the shooting, walked rldin,# collided wl'i, nil Yompativ

nrrt, ,.l '. end to. lav on. 'bird 'hor* p,, , the irv-rnld water* r-f a river Muck on a dlsUl. t higliwaj A fifth

of I' , ..hK'iir at Gunn, some 35 mtjrs r,.,rthwet man is in hunpiui line suffering

David I-< \ * tnrr Mie war we rwwd hsva rhafrt-produr tng tactic* r,f tl.e fl 0 Tnrc Independence mi tha

He spoke In th# House of Com- possibility of increasing tvilr stand- mons during the continuing dehwte zrd.- *.f living and happlneia on the speech from the throne

Communist economic sabotage la Ilf | f

more langevovi* to Western Europe (Mli lA)tVM

than the deamictlon wrought bv d)f mI U f /if llf'r

Hitler* armlea, Blr Stafford 1 n

warned By creating a state of i

Stafford state of

chronic weakness In Western Eur- X'""'"

,ope the Ruaalan* hoped that they migt.t be able to win control there,

.with the -pld of their fifth colum- "***

I wUmtm ene# a*wi

nwta. M aeyva# Mat

The Chancellor at the Exchequer urged that (he co up tn of the

mm W The Pricea Corataieeaon studies

. ^S^taeKHoaw W.tneea Cohn Came|

nteved Into the Mh cmi of shirrs .1

> rr * acir j lawi i iai*< rormaiiaawjer. e^d]

indliog Canadian dollar. Com miaa ioa Counsel H. A. Dvde i :KeOar, genersl tales manager ot Dominion Ttatflee, Lid..

E k Others. Ml to right, are A. O. 8 OrtfUg. eacretery: M A. Cwrtis, chairman of the com mi anon Tig com at M B h efeee making Jtq repmt to die Clieirni JtNA



For Your Bedroom


/ Confei>^^J^hLaurent ^arJeton By-Election Issue

*' " 9V - 1 ** G * r * e b,U Mr Dr indicated he believed h t dUU UlS * t Jl wUI u h ; ld December 20 He rv^- n , Pr grf *' Jd Mr st - L ^ urc ^ *Uted * t with artt * rt y u>d *y *d a prf.v. conferen.e \*M Friday that ntfUttL.. Jf/J Pr mr Mln j*" I lh# by -'W tior, rowhl br held D.- W >lt|i l 0,1 * rr * n * ff nenU. for cemfc^r 20

hT Oi i't" nor\-lTl^on N i,un,il - V *' ** U M t the Ocv-

' Itoti'a-ur ton rrrunrut to fix the nti> for the bv-

IfW Ontario a CHr^eton *' ** M Ocv

r f)>ipw. t0n r rnmri;t to fix the o*tr for the by-

Mb date for itw e.v i .. 'lection, he naid *I am anxious

i mi - *t thr 2o- min -;; c r *** m,t " - ,h uid f mr *- *^>n ^ p.*. Fi minut * conference, iiblr


2 J 1

I rhr " , ' xt 'I ire Federal

IlMHUfl |\CDJHC6 Cab,nft W1 " bP h ' ,d Wednesday JT*k I Rnd ,1C turned that the dab: then

-ISIllC MjIPnt Aftrr fhr mrr,,1 nk' with Mr .St

fil fa l-auren, thr former Ontario Pry

jb\I I n " rr dld tJlPi h thing.*

[^liOW ilDSfJirpn 1 t ' onfemti m itu*. e,i u u ,h-

1,01 UI A- 11 n who decided to reilKn hi* Carle -

J The city a Btr9et ljghUj ,,,n l rt n, *Ae was for hi* lead-

M mil tee J* a skin* , pr * election

W KI,, permission to over ,. , .

I f J**, ** "blind" traffic signal a- . HHd a 4 "' ,lllum ' pre

UOdflaa and Johnson tJtreet.s leiente m th*- Parliamaitar;. Pre.v,

,n mi b ' ui "-

2 ~ Srrr - aul ^* ,s tak, K lJ P bus dune., m - wi? that the city buy a apare mam ,,lf (llalP| -'* * national le..dcr ut the

n f f i '*11 1 7 . . i

. ^ ^ icumniu*

W>, that the city buy a apare main * *n.arr

raffle signal with corner hghis and , ' d " Ur WaA t 1,1 par* * control pox for quick replacement wnUm '

purpose i n CIM Wjy L)ougla , str ,

i f.ita go out accidentally

k Llevctn < ~an\ |^i f;i 2 1 04 g

IVewfoundland s Railway Strike (,k lu,y r**

Wotorryclf Rims Into Knihankfnent

MR (, ' - vion i nuirjij

uo.i-ir.w, . .. winch tooa o\er sdruim-ti .itlon .1

U rkri " t!,, J * >0 " n 1 1 le t.o>r,n- ti.|, colon v in m: r:i - ,

meiit-op. a-Pd iaiU. mam f rubs- nao. lal d.-ba. I. nthrrdu/ ,i

S7 1 * > paid we.*K< r> an J l W , 1

walked of i their loU. Ca-mbn n * h lir Bl . d ,,, r . ,

nrqiundlng' U Wage Ipr rn. r .f i,

i - FiwiJi 1 4 t .

tents an hour

- "" u

counter- proposals by the Ranw.y H RTortoo,,

Througfi ii;t the ulnd. N. wf..im,l |-w W\ linders. 'hurt of f^d and mi, , die,

I rl^llCUU be.^U'-e Of the t:r- U p u ,Mrf r Ul! .

1 I llllc I I ctlM^S tt ud ruilWav.opeia: rt ..

Ml p service pressed ||,e (hnern- II? I O ! /I nir, t { " r * fUJpf P p bt of thr v, Ike

I Mil I HI Farm-if with their bar \e,:.d 1M| ,

on hand faced a finum lal diaiiMi i

r^.. I . a | R C B - ,hunp ' man with the

r 01 LUlnner nnut.ir.i dlvunon of the Depart -

UUXIIRItl ment of Natural Re,urces ;;i |.t

PORT ALBERNI. Nov 1- W e ' or,p frost will spoil It all "

are raieful where we go and Van- //' ' T [* ,n Mll P t : by

comer Island is one of tf,e r ithet r * Trp b * ln * Pr^wed .lumber countries of the world " de- Ma,iy r omm\in:ties filll llt

dared His R >yal HiRUnesa Prince molrtr *ud and oil and auull rH mtTy A imkM .h- fine,, b .' "" ' tilk '

111 Um world when we decided to ' l C da Air 1

merge with (iihson Brn'her* the f ig,|f In,M N,, wf .

Prirnr said., in lefeicn.c to the IT".

I!) V '

i "U\ c 1 ' 1 r)cg;,u a | u. . * nee . >


r i /w t

Victoria Club To Observe Optimist Week

ir;. i

*. i % n- .

r . . luoiw" mu n"nj in' iwnnrr neonie tU'et 1 g>tn fl | in. * nvie

, *7e"rte 0 n < !! ltHnn Wflnl ntlr timber hilt ri.", < ni.ii '* Hiihked bs Mavor t K Jr, Sl J"hi. - lo the we*,

He de. hned to eat whether he get it without dollar of Port A u* ... ' J ' \ ' ,Sl,Ia11 rr, H Mlrr,*'

would favor a Federal general el./- , ., 1 A/ic,,u and Muyor J V lhlnv .

Hon next vear He plans to vlm ( th- 1 llp Premier b,v'd In tcihark. cm ,flil ,,J A l)fn : Mince Axel told a small fortune a" 1 *-' Various provinces a* mut h aa h- I* ! , fk ; ' a> ov ' r>TT,:; " hrn " b*" 1 ,e R" tl,frtr: 'bat he w as greatly ,he r - .

i an. but he does not assume that ne ^ I . ( 1*111111^1 W imlsts spend much I I cross the country Hr said hr was not yet read to make any statement as to the party s organization in Uie Common* oi outside Of it. terday T i Main purpose of tiir wV plained, is to impltf..* on I public tfi impomnrr m boy* for leadership In the ity. Optimists spend much * : j ' - 1 IMmniwn ap;-:r He w.,. ask'd in the Jimp,. , umiiiin,' if Bi ilam * nuhl m, i PPler from the Dominion a, i| 1948 fMindlan iro)> v a* almu-r * f rd "Unfortunate iv ur f , , , y , . u , n,,r ' Pr .'' limited vu,,p|v of doh.u- !"i mori ~e*^Hiruj import >m li R . Canadian bacon but" r. . h. o !jU eve- tot rarh.ev replp'd ll>e P ll. e Wrt ., omp.il.pn bs C B..*c l . - h* ; ge f 11 ' UlT.I la ",*| ,v.*, n H ten -i, Ui.e t.-i it. , i ||... h.ii.boi ii. and t in, t ,i , ,;,;* ,, ,,, Pr " r A\ei is I lie m, of P; .t e V * Idem;, i \U;o w a . |. .< , r i, (,,] >f the nri.uiiiin; i.f tin- conipuM H N Auip' n Wjju t inrd 1 1 .r 1 "iiij'anv ,h IKK, The lip. r luine.i u,> 1. , t -\ ,, Con. pans benven Die * nr 1921-27 " hen H .\ Anderson ihrd in 19. i,. Pi live Vtrl b* ' air.e iJiahmati "f 'In' ' 'in, \L- mttnrt * - . -T o nur r. erto : ,n R PP. ^lmou or ra..p- tsatlcm," Mr Rennie tin,, mpmves belpled'*!' u n ) r;,ni ' h " WPrr - mist membership now *iandT* P " 1 Brl,,sh 1,lP i'linitch not rufjb ' 11 ,J ' r ,r ' 1:1 lmately 50 000 In il," ,)U > ln PP>- *lmun or ra. p- , r " r hon *00 berries." hr aakl and was doubtful chin,' rv n i- '? ri " k u ' hHl J SZ-: - ^ Br tk,i Co'! l^Zly'ZrZ*' f otin H Machines Today \ lll l.lr. - ' s *>w liiinii^ration Ki v to Future \ A NO t VFR, % j p toi | n ..r \ - y *];-_ f . t 4 . I. . t IT.. V , ,,f U< ' la. .road n**w , r . , . , cli!\ he '"i|f) 4 , u w >HU infintla'iof.. Hr I * , 1 1 .'Ol 1 1,., I M I, Hi" nv - , lir 1'hi non lmmigMn' u., * . Cfb.dB nA rnu w jrch l can be on in uih "tr trim* if it i a ( ) MAI R * ; he toir-pletel; u*o r jn- **i.h tr 3 vie by CYMA- 'I AVANALS n.n rrmi-kihlv- de Mgne.l must wjtlli, So dan and 1 sndv rie vou .1 hardly believe iu rx> haflu Jl prom e*s * i(i 1 int * the morion of vnur v -td.es tire truk. eliminating weai on w.nd.r.g pa.y perform* rri.ve auU'ateTv be- I. or o depends rii u' m. inn, ii"! loot n.err.. tv g or s rnoif r.cj* 1 vrrv|,r. I .r.s i a s; ..1 c.ienird ill. . esivani IraluiC Y , 4 YMA I l< ,. n .. , w or, o W ' ce M I ,|( A 1 r 169 rs ; I I kj *: Vi J it 50 00 CYMA TAVAN NES CtufoTrmft c- F. W. Francis 1210 DOUGLAS ST. MOW NS 3 PAN 1 iKS a : VESTS 1 Gf, l SHAM NYLONS 1 1-35 1.65 1.85 Huy ,i Beautiful WINGHAM WOOL ai d COAL RANt NOW unwi x"r down EFTS THIS RANGf IN YOJR KITCHFN 7*7 YATES CouncUlnr A C. Wurteie. Esqul- lf* reprexeniativr on the Union td of Health, hopes I .boo per kW take advantage of the Ch>at x-ray flt ilw* mobI | r tuberculosis cliitli ^ v ' an fage of the B* STEFFAN ANDREWS th , Mo . . ^ cWfeK X-ray t the mobile WASHfNTr rnw M , k . Marvlund recount last vear took tuberculosis cliidi ,ir c,r )N . Hi.v 1 rN A N A 1 several days and cod $125 000 But The clinic will be in rj,e munl.-i- an,. ( rrC " rd 1 n " ,ber ,,r 4000 ,n Baltimore, where machine* unr WUty on Nv,mbnr 16. 17 18 .nd 19 in, mlr'n ** tr> "'* u,rd ' ,h * ,'count took bill on, Ha, VUII6. UJ ,.r^t S ^.X ?o Ih?^*:; , " r " 0 " ' . vuun* ,8- * >* "*T* nftfrnoon on ciLrm, HoS i.T" *' of November ]R and Die morning off . . m crested in POod govemnient. of November 10 the clime will b* a* w i i \ " " H lru 1 "kUe Women at the E.qulianlt Legion Hall fi' 45 000 machines will i>e lu use tip Yotei-. and the nallimal and Inn. I Admirals Road *"* N,>ai I1,f y "HI br focared largely junior chamber* of rommpive In Eastern cities and In the Mid* lliey have hern promoting th< F 1. 1 y i If ik.' who an util mlslirii lio.i. hI 1461 BaV to'pcr ove, the wr.k-rnrt f-.r the T ond time in !r.\s than fwo weeks apd .stole r:ei Hi' til fixture.*, valud at j4o P'dlce suid entry apparently w . ii -'.!> thruwh an unfastened .!" r i'he owtui .f Ball of 831 M, , .siii-c p;e\.MU*lv i*^)orl*d llxtiin ami tools .strden op O* tob* r 22 STOKER COAL NANAIMO AND MclEOD BLEND CALVERT 1622 , ///?//. 1 0 FROBISHER I Expect Trial Ended Today Trial of Otar, 1 Arthur Cooper and mr,rf " nd De'roit Whirh will have Arthur J. ftampton on a joint * 7 $do eharge of axsault .and attempted Two states New Y.-rk and Rhode rape will prbbahly be concluded and Island will b* u .ing nothing but go to the jury In Asaire Court today machine* In' all their voting prr- Legal problem: delayed the trial cinct* yesterday and niogt nf the evidence Howr-.er offlctali. estimate that i* yet to be given. Ml.va Catherine *oine two third* of ihr nation FrtUon. a Crown wltnex* gave voter* will still mark their ballot- testimony yesterday concerning the In pencil a* u >ual Thu will l> par* cl ^ r,p ticularly true In the Southern States Police allege theiiffence took place hd In the Rocky M luntain region In Saanich early this May Some Public Administration offi- Presiding In Mr Juatlce A D clala bel^%e that, extensive use of iUefarlane \Y Ji M Haldane U voting machines will njt the com prtectit.or and J U RutUn balloting bv one-half They n- la defertee counsel. tltnate the average coat per vote \rvnment of Hr sail! the ptltlltti' P wpo'C of j 'In bun Uu- u- >i mti n .should hi tn help t tw tnutih ipai > oiitn u MU. Hill Mi Hu Ill's plMtllt'll the | m 'I , u1b- the city Uoh ut link Hay wiiukl be double wit hill 25 vnirs. adding > con- -tl i.evt slip i a oh pun ' 't the ldture immi- f-v i ed i paid v mould Ih- oe. upieil b\ apart- Ultimate ftc of the Willows Fair Orounds came up for disras-suni last night at the first meet in* of the newly-formed Ouk Bay Ratepayers' Association. ine meeting. tUodd by nv'r** than 0 ratepayers, hen id none that t l*jr Willow, be i Into a permanent mnsuon centre replaeed by a new, htm-win sub division, or remain as it ww exist' One ut the ruH'pa'rr* Ba>. With a population "husti t got a thing to ke> j off the street "We need a reel ration he said Wf have to gif R * {* Drivers* licences lssue d_jiuotigTrT out British GrrirffEHiT^urlng the p am eiglu motnn$ ot 1948 reached a total of 263,098, according to the at tilt Motor Vehicles Blanch of the Pro- vincial Oovernmer.; yesterday. During the same period of 1947 a total of 236.098 drivers' licence* were Issued. s At the end of September. 194S, a total of 186 209 licence* were Isaued for passenger and commercial vehicles in the province, compared with 161.490 for the same period In J 1947. Passenger vehicle licences being remodelled to totaled 135.832 during the first eight months of 1948, and 118.464 for the same period of 1947. Junction of Gorge and Gai bally Roads and .Douglas 8treet, will be opened this afternoon by Mayor Percy E. George. B C. Electric President A E. Grauer and other executives of the company will also be present Tbe new structure, largest in the city and most mocern of Its type in Western Canada, is a combined parting space and servicing garage for the company s Victoria fleet, of 80 buses. It covers six acres The old street car bams j are handle major mechanical repairs. Construiiion of the garage mark* the fourth major stage in the com- pany*? postwar program part Farmers in flooded areas arc get- 3 nm tik enough tiay to see them over Ik Winter - with vegetables. Jubilee Hospital In a Saanich police ambulance. He suflered injuries to his head, chin and left knee About $1,000 damage was caused to the light truck ~ . Attending fur Saanich jvh.ee were Constables Walter Mycock and Robait Coleman They said Hutchi- son failed to make a bend In the road At 5 .p in Sunday, a car driven by ~Jnhh Burdo. H.MCS. Nsdcn. car- ; eened off the John Dean Park Road. carping about $500 damage ' Carol, Lynas, 143 Bushby Street.' ' was taken to Royal Jubilee Hospital with a lacerated left ankle and leg Police said the rnr traveled about f 150 feet, off the road and turned over * at lease once Two other passenger*. TWO I JttTOR** From FARADISI LOST o PARADIS! RESTORED llluitra'rd 6T Pictorial tli art In Lactura Hall, Nawttaod Building, 734 Fort Straat, Victor.a Subject Vtdiiruli' No-in'ir lr.1 * PM NOAM ft AHK THZ HAINHl'W TOWER or it A FI * t PRESENT t>AY flt OS- 1 FTC A ft' v Expert Criticizes Lack Of Commun ity Planning Money Ls loo great an niflenre In long lain, provide great econoinl- 8 tales cal benefits as well as more living ' " ^ lc Las- comfort. When people realize this. b British great thing* will be done ln town plaiyilng in the United States and be an Canada." sitsnta* slaying, one mlscon?*p' Ion * mf P^P 14, frtHou * me said. 'have ..liout town planning, he de- _ b more 1 late. I. is they think It will some- how enable them *o enjoy the bene- ff r I rpnrt- bt of both eount-r and city life. P* %* Uni- rite individual makes hta choice ude-r-ta wis ad- nl eith'-r lives m the city or the th*r cf g 4 the t'drv * be said **If h trie* to >^-ig. lLin in find a location where he ran get t| ichool tl br ftts of t-.t . he will more pi 1 iris vh rhe dlsadv intagea of both" ***** 14 town P r I amaerre jointed out that tem at- Vie be- planhli c can be done In f ' r 6ng on cite < re corn . tr control of land %nti (ret Vrtlnodiv Norrn\>r IM, " WO TtO'*8Eft OP IHKAII .irws It) IBRAEl ITFJI THE HASfE NA!1"N MANY HAYS WrrMUbfT * KIK'I g rr peopie arATTERKn 'nrv I KOYEI) AND THRONE CAS t FOUHOIO IIV7 MtAO OFFICE; TOaOMTO LOCAL OFFICE: 21 S Pemberton Building, Victoria VICTORIAS PLUMBING AND HEATING CENTRE W! SILL Wl INSTALL Wl SERVICE SKILLED CRAFTSMEN Sp-tkrr Hr Albrrl 1000 DOUGLAS the STANDARD SLIP COVERS COMFORTERS A tplemhd r ' r ' h" n I *1* ard Ftril>es and the new t Lliippendale Smart and H The average .1 piece die* mute rovered #] VISUAL CARE Is Important! Good eyesight is ntcess.iry for a fuller enjoyment of life and for a more complete working efficiency "Hie importance of gorvi seeing camot be underestimated. A visit to your* Optometrist for thorough eye-txamm 31 **' i ilwayi a - - wise precaution. At the first digits of fctigue, or headache, doe to eyestrain, give your yca unmedw|t Ari^n. ALL-WOOL BLANKETS Extra pe< ial in white. It*. weight and fall fee. Orly, pair 1 4 . j - - - ~.-r- . 1 j ..Jg'ljf I 1 1 DINETTE SUITE Six-piece walnut aulte with large jackknife extentiort table, 4 vUid hardwood fhaira a.'d buffet china cabinet Combination 10700 I THE DATI.Y CCTLOKTST, VICTORIA'. BC Observation Car C B O RIGIN of the expression OK," will prubabl) never be *ttlel t Uice so many slab, terms that berate part of the EnX.lsh language. On March 23. 1840. the Democratic OK. 'flub came into being at New ^ork, and OK" was Immediately adopted. stood lor Old Kinderhook. a Hudson River Valley village in which President Martin Van'Buren was born. French sailors of the llth century used the expression "aux quius" Greek teach- er* employed the words "ola kal.i to mark deserving theme* of students. Finn* used the word "oikea." and the Scottish have ^prradl. thfflllfirlYC* with "och aye'* for centuries ... Mr - Gill University was founded In 1821 and officially opened in l * 29 .James McGill a Montreal fur trader and merchant, died 4 n 1813. and 1* 10 . 0 ^ 0 , his home and an estate id 4 * acres lor the founding of the univer- sity. Original tec.% were 3 per term . . Newfoundland is the oldest Brit- ish colony, having been discovered nil June 24. Cabot. 1 area. The main in which about one latlun is enguceri rough, hilly terrain, u; strlcted to approximately acres Most of the vast forest* are leased by two puip and paper com- panies. Iron ore mining In Labrador la the third largest Industry - Longest place name remain* the Welsh village of l.UnfalrpwllgwjmByl- 1 1 o gerrchwyrndrobwlllIandlflliOiogo- foch A hill ui New Zealand is known by the Maori naini of Tftumatawhsk.i- t a n g l h a neakoiuauotamateapokaiw henuakltanaulm. In Southern Mas- sachusetts there ki a lake called Char- g a u g a g a ugmanrhaugagaugchaubu- nagungamaug . . Comedy I* called slapstick because stage comedian* r an earlier day used two pieces of wrx*d fastened together loosely. They itrurk each other with them to create laughs from the audience, Barber Boosts CtRi$ H Look to 'foot. LAURLLS Ti*Tj A OUCfT Mi**, war yfCRCt!. Q*uv Onl TiurtG roR IT FiLLtRS AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER RELIED UPON THROUGH NWETY YEARS OF FAIR DEALINO Victoria Owned and Opeitled , T l>e Cu!onit Printing and I'lililiiliing Company l.imHfd, Liability |2ll Broad Street. Vlcipra. BL B? ttt urrilT *1 D*r woptO A? mall rrjtiiB end conUnfit *1 Ml *! Mr Bon t(> OUi rnuninr* " Mi * ! t* whatlE it dt sir!!. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1348 Traffic Supervision lie gins With C T HE mounting toll of properly and other damage through motor vehicular ac- cidents in BritUh Columbia seems to Be Jhe product of two things, increased traffic and continued public abandon in driving and dealing with cars. As to the Increased traffic there is no room for doubt. Motor registrations in the Province have topped the 175.000 mark, with drivers licences now nuraberipa close to 250,000. Carelessness in driving, andL/in walking for that matter, is another factor, but the inodern automobile has placed ominously greater speeds and weights in the hands of the driving public. At its next term, the British Columbia Legislature should examine some of the Implications of these multiplying accident sports. The Province has made a be- ginning with its pink-alip" insurance but that in Itself is not enough. There exists Rt present no uniform method, regularly tarried out, Xor checking the mechanical fitness of cars or the varying and changing capacities of their drivers- It Is anomalous to Knit. , ST7LC5 l. MB", by John Sebastian it ia IbJ.OOO equal* mile* In industry Is fishing, -third of the popu- Because f the grlculture Is rr- 125,000 iOA reason why the windshield sticker and the principle of the first accident^ could not be combined to bring about one day that re- sult Obsolence in cars, and drivers, is costing a pretty penny now. Borne of it can be stopped From Canadas Capital By HAROLD DING MAN O TTAWA The conference at which details of the projected Atlantic defence pact will b^ set down on paper Lkely won't take place before early 1940 < In the opinion of senior members of the Department of External Affair* here. The place of the m ec^ g lias not been fixed yet and wont b? discussed until after the United States presiden- tial elections. It's probable, however, the conference will meet on the other side or the Atlantic, possibly some- where -in Ilk* Br.lUh Isles The Government here is being delib- erately uncommunicative about the prospecLs of the pact and what it In- volves so far. as the Dominion Is con- cerned. Reason is the pending eiec- tlons In the United States After they are safely out of the way. Its expected the Canadian people will be given some concrete Indication of what-Ahe part involves and what Canadian com- mitments might be. * The pact definitely will come before Parliament for discussion when it meets next, probably late In January. The discussion will have a high priority to clear the decks for Cana- dian participation In the talks There has been a lot of behind -tne- scene* sod turning already and Ihert will be a* lot more before the confer- ence actually meets. Important or-, ganizatlonal details will be attended to by External Affairs Minister Pcar- Sbn. who arrived In Parts over Hi.? week-end to take over leadership of the Canadian delegation to the United Nation*. Such a conference has definitely been on the books for many months and there is no truth in the suggestion that It was "sprung " on Canada dul of a clear blue sky. Onliirwison we haven't heard much about II before last week haX been reluctance of both Canadian and United States Govern- ments to talk about It before the end Thinking Aloud In on all th* discussions thrre have been about |ae prospect* of such a military pati In fact, Canada has been In the vfriguard of those suggest- ing such an khanct. Canada's p dtlon I*, and has been, belief In th# nerd for regional pacta within the Imcral framework of th* United Nations The actual conclu- sion of such * pact as has been sug- gested officially in London by the five foreign minkters of the Brussels alli- ance will represent the successful con- clusion of tie Dominion * policy In- tentions In tae foreign field The "fatbir" of the Idea -so fai a* this country* concerned may be 3 RI to be Extend Affairs Minuter Pear- son He hii talked unofficially about such a prosprt for a long time. When- ever the .subject, came up at one of his regular wwkly press conferences, there wasnt much doubt that he felt It would b a good thing for the Dominion Just how far ho had to go to sell * the idea to his superiors u problem- atical Nov that he Is one of he "superior**' It wont be so htrd W-ard Politic* Should Be Discarded in Saanich lion of municipal councils a decision that should rest with the electors. Until Rip van Winkles in Saanich awaken B ECAU8E the Saanich Council has re- jected a motion to abolish its wards, the third largest district municipality in the Province will continue to be admin- istered under an outmoded system of repre- sentation that should have been Jettisoned years ago. Even if a plebiscite on the ques- tion, as proposed by one councillor, is taken in December, that could have no effect on the distribution of representation in 1949. The Provincial Leglslature^annot escape responsibility in part for the perpetuation It was clearly to the fact that 'the wards belong to the horse and buggy days of local government, the progress of the municipality will con- tinue to be retarded by area feuds and petty jealousies. No more striking ex- ample of the inefficiency of the ward form of representation could be afforded than by the Qordon Head airpark issue, still un- settled after two years of sectional bicker- ing The very term ward politics' has be j come one of opprobrium in most communi- ties. and the council will be derelict in its responsibility to the electorate if it does not submit the issue to the test next month. It should have done so last year The Packsack (If GREGORY CLARK T HERE arc OlN >OR V/WHOT OWN BOCs-.r AH / V DO IT GOT A WAR < / DO- ASSET FG EACH ) V - o T vo/r ^ y CHAPTER XXVII Am th* elephantine beast lumbered forward. Kendle drew a careful bead upon the bate of it* neck. And then. In the smallest fraction of a second, the thought flashed through If he tniased who would Neither man nor animal moved. A moment Allan Kendle looked upomdeath. trembling a* If he him- self had sustained the shock of that Then with a choked Anal attack, cry he turned and half ran. half staggered toward camp. Wild excitement, K* utile found, replaced the gloom which had reign- ed on his departure. The men were shouting and straining their eye* across the mist-covered waters . . During Kendle 'C absence a ship's wliiatk* had beefi heard The sound had been repeated, apparently near- er each time. Every effort wa being made to attract attention to their position on the ice. e* Risking every thing on the accuracy of this report. Kendle fired hla last two shots In the air, and listened intently. Distinctly, came a return fire... Two hours later, out of the hla brai n J know howdeatFcame to the Indian? A man found dead under the tusks of a walrus. wift revulsion followed, and Kcn- dle ground his damp forehead again*! the back of hi* rifle. His Anger tightened on the trigger. And then as th* scene enacting on the Ice leaped back Into focus, that drama of Ufa and death drew to its close : Proxen with fascination, Kendle saw the animal's hesd sweep viciously sidewise, hooking the man upon the underhanging tusks, and bearing down upon him with all Its over-' whelming weight. He saw the flash of the knife as Kloga plunged It repeatedly Into the leathery neck. The last blow fell, convulsively before th# arm which ijrove It relaxed upon the Ice In a pool of blood. KIP KIRBY By Alex Raymond QXa/TC' HtREl I ) --1 v TA. < TO SOU! 1 LORD met DCS *'Aho-oy on the floes! Can you hear us?" "Aye!** shouted one of Kendle 's crew out of leather lungs. "Who are you?" "Whaler Bearcat I Who are you?", "Survivors of the Alberta? "'Stand by to come aboard! I'll send a boat. To the accompaniment of a faint cheer, the Bearcat's boat pulled up to the Ice if I was on* of your paying pstic is, instead of your wife, you'd send . m* In .ilk iki. ,nMl BLOND IE The Fir Mi Course Is on the Hoodie RELIEVES ACHES AND PAINS OF COLDS SORETHROAT Susie Q. Smith By Linda and Jerry Walter Its officer leaped upon the floe. Kendle stepped forward, introducing himself, and they shook hands. "Thank God you're aU safe! re- plied the Bearcat's officer briskly. 'We'd almost given you up when we heard your shot*. OAGv/OOO. M Vwit-L vou PLEASE 3 CALL COOWE - "X_ IN FOP 1 ( DiNNEP? Tj HAVE ypkj AN eVtPA ONU oc t tw OS v- L fish? 7 The pack's closing in. Oet your hands and gear together to leave th# ice There's no time to loae. In obedience to that urgent admon- ition, Beth was lifted unconscious down Into the boat by steady hands The others followed, and were rowed to the ship. On board the Bearcat. In the presence of Don and all his men. Kendle acquainted her skipper, Cap- tain Scott, with th# fact that three men had deaerted. and hat Kloga hsd gone forth alone and remained unheard from. The skipper turned to Kendle: Was search made? "I followed along the 1c# for several miles. < "You saw nothing of him? Kendle paled Imperceptibly. "I did not." "Tts a shame to leave that brave MARY WORTH'S FAMILY YOU USED to KNOW ANGEL VAADEN AUNT .MARY 7 HOW 'MANY HU6BAN05 AGO WAS THAT?. OR WA6 ,Ht -V i BETWEEN marriages J [ SHE* SUPPOSED TO Bt ThI WHITE 60DDE*) OF A SAVAGE TRlgf * IN THE PICTURE.!- -t THINK I II MAKE HER A CANNIBAL.' *0 YHE WON T HAVE 10 ACT! I'll ADMIT THAT *Hl * | WA* TRYING TO ACQUIRE A NEW LAST NAME EVfR> TIME I ENCOUNTERED . HER. BR'CK SSL YEAH DON'T WORRY. ANGEL? I'Ll talk to MR.fAlZMAN AN' TELL 1 HIM TO HAVE M*S BRiCFEC WRITE 1 WU A REAL OSCAR- WIN NER PART N THE LINK RILEY PfTCMA.' AN MAYBE IT'D BE SMART TO GIVE HEX g A SONS An 1 dance 4 6N mow ITS A / \ BREAK FOR HER, L GETTIN' TOWORK Pis ON AN ANGEL VAROEN RLlL T0ftV! Now is th# Tim# to Replace Unsightly and Dangerous Glass AUTO BODY SHOP SIS CORMOEANT ST. I IISS VAXfCOI'VEB ST. a I HUMBER (BARGAIN) BROTHERS JOHNNY HAZARD I'm (rooming myself to be a woman senator . . . Slugger, Owlie and Muscles have already promised to vote for me! By Frank Robbins Should b $49.50. Today - J< In Stock . , . 13 only of the 4.6 (full i*e). S only of the 3.3 (single size) SAVE 914.50 Now mind what I say: I've a stout ship and a valuable cargo, which I've risked before to save life. But I've also sixteen men. one with hli appendix Iced and In need of a doctor. I've none too much pro- visions, what with several new mouths to feed. It's twenty-odd lives one or them a sick woman's against three damned deserters and one good man. Hark doujte hear that?" And loud in their ears roared the sound of the grinding floes that were closing In. "I see my duty,' plain. went on the Captain "And we'll sail before we're beaet. before the packs close up tight and freexe us In.* "No matter what you do, that man's not going to be left alone on the floes. I'm going out, and If you [site of your cainp. Then I'll stand by for an hour no longer. More. I cannot do. At dawn the Bearcat steamed out of the pack. Beth L* Salle, restored to consciousness, but still very weak, was kept in Ignorance of Kloga's ] fate, lest the news retard her re- covery. I Rumors of the rescue, Including the names of the survivors, and ; those who had not been saved, went 1 to the outer world by radio. On' the aecond list appeared the name of Lincoln Rand. But all reference to new land was omitted on orders from the Bearcats skipper. Scott, though brave as any man could be, feared ridicule. If th# statements of these castaways prov- ed to be mental wanderings of mlnd- slck men, h# would b# the laughing- stock of the North, having broadcast them. Of all who intercepted that wire- less message of salvation and forced abandonment, none was more pro- foundly moved than the tens# listener at a radio receiver In the cabin of the' two- mm ted schooner Narwhal, southbound after a Sum- mer's geological study on the North Alaskan coast. More than two decades had passed sine# the disappearance of an Amer- ican doctor, his lovely wjf# and Mokuyl the full-blooded * Indian, third crew-member of the vanished ship Cherokee. It was seven years since James Munro, now famous for his scientific researches, had given' up the long futile search for the friends of his youth, and the woman he had loved and lost to young Dr. Rand. To Be Continued By J. Millar Wall AJirH-e VIEW BELOW GOVT Look for the Flying Banner MUTT AND JEFF K ell Anytcay, Jeff Hail Hit Timing Okay By Bud Fibber FELLOW cmzetis AND I COUNTRYMEN. LET ME SAV HERE AND NOW IF X AM ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THESE ^ v UNITED STATES-y# AS I WAS SAYING, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IF IT WASN'T FOR j FREEDOM OF THE /l PRESS I WOULDN'T BE MERE r - Your FREEDOM AND th* election is OVER! alow BEAT IT! THE NEBBS Bark in Service DO460N rr ,i wish f am/waytuc TOUCS WOULD ORDER [ON WILBURS S0MCTUA4 BESIDES) RASTER Aik ^HAMBURGERS 1 IMG VERY Of 'uru uatta) rgp .FVT THE OLD Street \ [car back on the k TRACKS IF HE WANTS T) 6 ETS 0 M 6 CASH o>stomirs 7 > ash c doin' enough 4 SOUND-) BUSINESS ID KEEF ~ EN J THE SEARS PROM - A .SETTIN RUSTY/'I A bridge In Iraq is lowered 30 feet under the water so ship# pass oyer th# span. When Your BACK Begins to Ache Undsrwsar PENNY Bv Harry Harnigaen rr sajd Whooooosh \ 1 *AFK>gooK'. ^ .rttcMABceevpiH and \ D rr 4 A UTTUE HOLE #4YHc' rEiDC Ano rr Wgvrry 7 WMOOooosh! J savMOMaat'iKwowicREsr T SAID WHGOCCOSM AMD Y* STARTED QUHMtMG SMoenH ) -lAS silk f-'' S FT T TAS. VACUUM CLEANER MOVING., f-rri: FATHER?, V Hosiery Half boa# Anklets Golfen Infant* m Children* kmg ribs 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 s ft i 1 ' f b * j i f A I BATHROOM TISSUE t SHF FT MFTAI WOPK THE DAILY COLONIST. VICTORIA. B.C. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER Bui lur d iu agist tnday CUTICURA 5 f.V.Ki Outstanding BAY Values in Lower-Priced Merchandise ECONOMIZE . . . SHOP AND SAVE AT THE BAY ! Budgel-Slretching Prices! Good Assortments! FeulUre Value! Men's Lotion Gabardine Sport SHIRTS Mail Orders Given Prompt, Careful Attention! Ix>ng-Weariiig, Flaxy to Launder > sk 2 ^ 4 Rayon Knit f Fully 3.00 SLIPS Wonderful buy for men who know and enjoy the tom fort of a gabardine sport shirt. Open or button collar, flap packet, short sleeves. Grey, blue or green . . . small, medium and large si res. Handkerchief* Khaki cotton with machined hems. Ap- proximately 17 inches square. t re Each ----- 1 U Suspenders N lion back tjpe In choice oF" strTpcd blues, greens and wines. 7C < < D Mens Furnishings. S treet Floor Plump, Wool-Filled COMFORTERS Collwn and RftvM I Cotton and Ravon Drapery DAMASK 40 Inches Wide. Yard : k ., 1.49 Serviceable weight for living, dining or bedrooms. Oyster, eggshell, blye, green, wine with sW-figured- pattern; * ' . With Floral Print ^ Covering %3 % \3 Just right for that extra warmth )uu need on nights when the temperature drops! Thick, warm, sturdy comforters with bright, colorful print covering in blue, roe, green. 60 x 72 inches. I Bright, Gay, Easy-to-Clean Drapery PLASTIES 1 Smart Rmgham check patterned plastic for kitchen | or bathroom. White yn clear and blue, red or yellow on white. 36 inches wide, yard ^7 & 59c Special Purchase Brightly Colored * All-Purpose CRETONNE l e It for drapes, touch throw*, cushions . it's *ay, bright patterns will add a cheery notr to the dullest room. Natural, rose, Mack grounds with florals. 36 inches wide, jard Fine Quality, Absorbent Fawn-Back TOWELS Practical towels thickly tufted for extra absorbency. 18 i 36-inch size . . . red, green or* blue stripes. Each Heavy Quality, Practical Homespun BEDSPREADS Shop early today for this popular item. Excellent lor children's room* for they wash easily . . . wear well. Rose on rust checks, blue or green floral. 80 * 100-inch L size, each _ 4.50 69c Draperies, Fourth Floor g HOUSEWARE NEEDS \T LOW PRICES J w * * 9 GOOD QUALITY CORN BROOMS 4-Strand style made front pure corn Each 1.00 SELF WRINGING MOPS Heavy mop head easily wrung out. Makes washing floor's easier. 0 Special _ l.oo I FOLDING-TYPE IRONING BOARDS 3-leg style that stands firmf^ohThe floor. Smoothly finished k wooden top . . . steel braced 2.08 Housewares. Third Floor x Quality Bleached Colton PILLOW CASES \ ery good value in sturdy, long-wearing pillow case*! | am Bleached mow white . . . attractively Cellophane 1,1^ wrapped, ,42 inches wide,- pair ... BM-U Fine. Closely Woven, Hemstitched or Plain Hems Low-Priced Bleached SHEETS Ix>w priced . . . high in value for they'll wear ant( Q AQ wa*h for year* to come. 81 x 100-inch size, -pair^r O* Staples, Street Floor Si.x.'jJt -
