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Full Definition ofMERCURIAL1 of, relating to, or born under the planetMercury2 having qualities of eloquence,ingenuity, or thievishness attributed to the god Mercury or to the influence of the planet Mercury3 characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood4of, relating to, containing, or caused bymercuryExamples

Few moments in English history have been more hungry for the future, its mercurialpossibilities and its hope of richness, than the spring of 1603. Adam Nicolson,God's Secretaries, 2003Synonyms capricious,changeable,changeful,flickery,fluctuating,fluid,inconsistent,inconstant,fickle,mutable,skittish,temperamental,uncertain,unpredictable,unsettled,unstable,unsteady,variable,volatileAntonymscertain,changeless,constant,immutable,invariable,predictable,settled,stable,stationary,steady,unchangeable,unchanging,unvaryingLACONICusing or involving the use of a minimum of words:conciseto the point of seeming rude or mysteriousExamples ofLACONICHe had a reputation for beinglaconic.

2. It would beremissof me if I did not share with you the vital role God has played in my recovery. Jennifer Howard,Undoing Time, 20013. But if we do not address these complexities in the public arena, and in ways that are spatially theoretically grounded, we will beremissin carrying out our scholarly and civic responsibilities. Saul B. Cohen,Annals of the Association of American Geographers, December 19914. Well, Sally, I'm in fault, and I acknowledge it; I've beenremiss; but I won't let tomorrow go by without stopping up them holes.Mark Twain,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 1885Synonymscareless,derelict,disregardful,lax,lazy,neglectful,neglecting,negligent,slackAntonymsattentive,careful,conscientious,nonnegligent[+]more
