Force of Nature -- Fertilizer Terror -- Ontario -- MHSW -- Description -- Exceptions -- Golf...


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  • 8/9/2019 Force of Nature -- Fertilizer Terror -- Ontario -- MHSW -- Description -- Exceptions -- Golf Industry -- 2010 03 10 -- M


  • 8/9/2019 Force of Nature -- Fertilizer Terror -- Ontario -- MHSW -- Description -- Exceptions -- Golf Industry -- 2010 03 10 -- M


    Ontario is currently under a Liberal government headed by Premier Dalton Mc-

    Guinty. The present government, first elected in 2003, was reelected on Oc-tober 10th, 2007. It is affectionately called the McGuintyOntarioEnvi-

    ronmentalTerrorRegime. This regime is the POLITICAL SHIELD for the Envi-ronmentalTerrorMovement.

    The McGuintyOntarioEnviroTerrorRegime passed legislation implementing

    a cosmetic pesticides ban that took effect April 22nd, 2009. The requirements of the prohibition are de-tailed in Ontario Regulation 63/09 and the Pesticides Act, which was amended by the Cosmetic Pesticides

    Ban Act, 2008. The RAPE, ASSAULT, and TERROR against the Green Space Industry by the McGuintyOn-tarioEnviroTerrorRegime DID NOT stop here.

    Next ... a DESTRUCTIVE program of FEES and TAXES for ALL types of fertilizers. In 2010, the McGuinty

    OntarioEnviroTerrorRegime imposed the Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste Program Plan (M.H.S.W.)and Harmonized Sales Tax ( H.S.T. ). Under the NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALICIOUS M.H.S.W. pro-

    gram, the fertilizer companies are being coerced into paying the entire cost of socalled FERTILIZER WASTE. This cost will then be passed on to the endusers in the Green Space Industry. Consequently, the

    Green Space Industry is being forced to spend even more of its limited financial resources on fertilizers.

    M.H.S.W. is NOT a program for protecting the environment. M.H.S.W. is a ploy that ensures money andemployment for CoerciveEnviroManiacGovernmentOfficials. With M.H.S.W., these EnviroManiacBas-

    terds have guaranteed themselves SAFE, SECURE, GUARANTEED, and WELLPAYING ENVIROTERRORJOBS at the expense of the Green Space Industry. The RAPE, ASSAULT, and TERROR against the Green

    Space Industry by the McGuintyOntarioEnviroTerrorRegime continues to be ENDLESS.

    The Ontario Ministry of the Environment is the EnviroManiacBasterd Ministry RESPONSIBLE for the Mu-nicipal Hazardous or Special Waste Program Plan ( M.H.S.W. ). Stewardship Ontario ( S.O. ) is the adminis-

    trator for the Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste Program Plan ( M.H.S.W. ). It is an EnviroManiacBas-

    terd Agency !

    John Gerretsen is the Minister responsible for the Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste Program Plan( M.H.S.W. ). John Gerretsen is the MasterBasterdEnviroManiacMinister who succeeded, with his allies

    in the EnvironmentalTerrorMovement, to impose the prohibition of pest control products through the con-coction ofFEARMONGERING, FRAUDULENT LIES, MISCONCEPTIONS, COERCION, THREATS, DE-


    There are serious issues with the Ontario Minister of the En-vironment, John Gerretsen, who has been indiscreet with his

    close public ties with ProhibitionManiacs, raising the ques-tion about the radical interests of the EnviroLobby taking


    INDISPENSABLE pest control products.

    In January 2010, the Green Space Industry outlined the listof charges against the McGuintyOntarioEnviroTerrorRe-

    gime and the Ministry of the Environment. Additionally, in-dividual EnviroManiac members of EnvironmentalTerror

    Organizations are also facing fraud charges under the Cana-dian Criminal Code. The legal challenge is being organized

    by Jeffrey Lowes and MREP Communications.

    The RAPE, ASSAULT, and TERROR against the Green Space Industry by the McGuintyOntarioEnviroTerrorRegime continues to be endless. It started with pest control products, and it continues now with fer-



  • 8/9/2019 Force of Nature -- Fertilizer Terror -- Ontario -- MHSW -- Description -- Exceptions -- Golf Industry -- 2010 03 10 -- M


  • 8/9/2019 Force of Nature -- Fertilizer Terror -- Ontario -- MHSW -- Description -- Exceptions -- Golf Industry -- 2010 03 10 -- M


    Both Stewardship Ontario and John Gerretsen are responsiblefor the DESTRUCTIVE program of FEES for ALL types of fert i l izers.

    Stewardship Ontario (S.O. ) is the administrator for the MunicipalHazardous or Special Waste Program Plan ( M.H.S.W. ). It is anEnviroManiacBasterd Agency !

    John Gerretsen is the MasterBasterdEnviroMani-acMinister responsible for the Municipal Hazardousor Special Waste Program Plan ( M.H.S.W. ).

    John Gerretsen is the one who succeeded, with his allies in theEnvironmentalTerrorMovement, to impose the prohibition of pestcontrol products through the concoction of FEARMONGERING, FRAU-DULENT LIES, MISCONCEPTIONS, COERCION, THREATS, DECEPTIONS, TER-ROR,and PARANOID CONSPIRACIES.

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    The Consultative Process ( ?!?! )

    There was a socalled consultative process organized by theGovernment of Ontario concerning the M.H.S.W. program . . .

    The EnviroManiacGovernmentOfficials treated the Fertilizer In-dustry with the same DISDAIN that they used with the Green SpaceIndustry during the debacle concerning the provincial prohibition ofpest control products. While seemingly listening to all interestedparties regarding the fate of socalled fertilizer waste , the En-viroManiacGovernmentOfficials atStewardship Ontario were ac-tually working to guarantee themselves SAFE, SECURE, GUARANTEED,and WELLPAYING ENVIROTERRORJOBS at the expense of the GreenSpace Industry.

    Once the EnviroManiacGovernmentOfficials realized that it couldeasily inflict EnvironmentalTerror on the Green Space Industrywith little or no resistance, as was the case with pest control prod-ucts, it then proceeded to assault, rape, and terrorize the industry

    once again . . . this time, WITH FERTILIZERS.

    Now on the issue of fertilizers, John Gerretsen, the MasterBas-terdEnviroManiacMinister, decided to impose his DESTRUCTIVE

    program of FEES for ALL types of fertil izers . . .

    . . . while his staff seemingly listened to all interested parties regard-ing the fate of fertilizer waste with MOCKCONSULTATIONS.

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    As usual, John Gerretsen and his EnviroManiacGovernmentOf-ficials were NOT INTERESTED IN FAIR DISCUSSION concerning the matterof fertilizers as a socalled special waste ! They were more con-cerned with this DESTRUCTIVE program of FEES for ALL types offertil izers. They were more concerned with theirMaster Plan.

    The Master Plan

    Again, we must repeat the Master Plan of the Government of On-

    tario and the McGuintyOntarioEnviroTerrorRegime . . .

    . . . the regime that is the POLITICAL SHIELD for the Environmental

    TerrorMovement . . .

    Now that EnvironmentalTerror has been successful in annihilatingthe Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry with the prohibition

    of its pest control products . . .

    EnvironmentalTerror wil l now spread to ferti l izers !

    and then, the prohibition of pest control products in the Golf Industry

    and finally, Agriculture !

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    The DESTRUCTIVE program of FEES and TAXES for ALL types offertil izers of the McGuintyOntarioEnviroTerrorRegime will leadto LOSS OF REVENUES, BUSINESS FAILURES, BANKRUPTCY,and UNEMPLOY-MENT, creating DESPAIR and DESTITUTION FOR THOUSANDS of hapless

    victims throughout the Green Space Industry. The DEPRAVED INDIF-FERENCE of this regime is viewed as a form of TERROR against theGreen Space Industry.

    As usual . . . many FertilizerEndUserTradeAssociations, suchas Canadian Golf Superintendents Association and LandsCAPEOntario, have demonstrated an inability, or unwillingness, to com-petently manage and confront the issues of the DESTRUCTIVE pro-gram of FEES and TAXES for ALL types of fert i l izers imposed by

    the Government of Ontario and the McGuintyEnvironmentalTer-ror regime. Moreover, these trade associations have endorsed the

    prohibition of pest control products. They support EnvironmentalTerror ! They have failed us again !

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    The Description of theM.H.S.W. Program . . .

    Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste Program Plan (M.H.S.W. )specifically targets small businesses, as well as homeowners.M.H.S.W. is an extension of the consumer blue box / municipalhazardous waste collection programs.

    M.H.S.W. covers products such as . . .











    Under the M.H.S.W. program, you can bring your unused, or un- wanted, products to a designated municipal or regional collectionsite for proper recycling or disposal.

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    The Targets of theM.H.S.W. Program . . .

    All packaged ferti l izer and manure/compost products, in 30kilogrampackages and under, that make a plant nutrient claim,whether federallyregistered or not.

    The Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste Program Plan ( M.H.S.W. ) targets a significant larger amount of product from alarger number of groups, such as the Golf Industry.

    Examples of Targets of theM.H.S.W. Program . . .







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    Examples of Exceptions to the

    M.H.S.W. program. . .

    Any substance not meeting the definition of Fertilizer as definedin the Ferti l izers Act and Regulations.

    Fertilizers packaged in containers greater than 30 kilograms.

    Fibrous organic materials including peat, peat moss, sphagnummoss, tree bark and other materials for use only in improving thephysical condition of the soil and where no nutrient claim is made.

    Unregistered supplements, including composts, for use only inimproving the physical condition of the soil and where no nutrientclaim is made.

    Unaltered, unpackaged manures sold only by the farmer directlyto the enduser, which was produced by the farms herd.

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    The Industry Exceptions to theM.H.S.W. program . . .

    Just like it did with the prohibition of pest control products, theGovernment of Ontario and the McGuintyEnvironmentalTerrorRegime has unfairly discriminated by providing M.H.S.W. EXCEP-TIONS to certain enduser groups

    AGRICULTURE Exception granted for bulk fertilizer.


    FORESTRY Exception granted for bulk fertilizer.

    GOLF COURSES NO Exception other than for bulk fertilizer.

    GREENHOUSE PRODUCTION NO Exception other than for bulk fertilizer.

    LAWN BOWLING NO Exception other than for bulk fertilizer.

    NURSERY PRODUCTION NO Exception other than for bulk fertilizer.

    PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE NO Exception other than for bulk fertilizer.

    SOD GROWERS NO Exception other than for bulk fertilizer.

    SPORTS FIELDS NO Exception other than for bulk fertilizer.

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    It should be noted that the fertilizers used in the following indus-tries represents ABOUT SIX PER CENT of all fertilizer sold in theProvince of Ontario

    DoItYourself Homeowners.

    Golf courses.

    Professional Lawn Care.

    Estimates are that Ontario agricultural fertilizer consumption isaround 750,000 metric tons, whereas doityourself homeowners,golf courses, and professional lawn care make up a mere 48,000

    metric tons.

    The Golf Industrywill NOT get an exception to theM.H.S.W. program . . .

    The CoerciveEnviroManiacGovernmentOfficials wanted to SPE-CIFICALLY ENSURE that the Golf Industry was NOT excepted fromthis program.

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    Since the prohibition of pest control products in Ontario, CoerciveEnviroManiacGovernmentOfficials understand full well thatTHE-REIS NO UNITYwithin the Green Space Industry.

    Soon after the taste of victory with the obliteration the ProfessionalLawn Care Industry, the HATED Golf Industry is now specificallytargeted in the next round of attacks. Now, the Golf Industry is to-tally alone, and devoid ofANY allies to help defend itself.

    When the prohibition ofcosmetic pesticides was imposed in On-tario, the leadership of the Golf Industry, because of its attitude ofdenial and protectionism and mockdismay atANY form of criticism,refused to join forces with the Professional Lawn Care Industry,

    and litigate against the forces of EnvironmentalTerror.

    The CoerciveEnviroManiacGovernmentOfficials are NO LONGERintimidated by the obviouslyWEAK, IMPOTENT,and SLOVENLYGolf In-dustry, which has nowLOST its TOTAL exception status in Ontario.

    PREDICTION :The Golf Industry exception status will be ENTIRELY REVOKED within two to four years. This will include pest controlproducts.

    WARNING : The RAPE, ASSAULT, and TERROR against the GreenSpace Industry continues to be ENDLESS.


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    FORCE OF NATURE was launched for continuous transmission on the Internet on January 1st, 2009. It is a se-

    ries of enewsletters destined for the Green Space Industry, the EnvironmentalTerrorMovement, Govern-ment Officials, and the Media, nationwide across Canada, the United States, and overseas.

    Force Of Nature is the brainchild of William H. Gathercole and his entourage. Norah G is actually an acronym

    for the stable of anonymous producers and writers that contribute to this enewsletter and have now replacedMr. Gathercole. They consist of people from the following industries : Distribution, Fertilizer, Golf, Lawn Care,

    Manufacturing, Municipal, Nursery, and Orchard. Many of these people are leaders in their own industries. Theopinions expressed in Force Of Nature, even though from an INDEPENDENT PERSPECTIVE, may not reflectthose of everyone in the Green Space Industry, or Mr. Gathercoles many associates. Be warned ! Force Of

    Nature may sometimes be very irreverent and fearless with these enewsletters. Mr. Gathercole is now retiredfrom Force Of Nature, although his name continues to appear as the founder.

    William H. Gathercole is a principal FOUNDER of the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry in BOTH Ontario

    and Quebec. He holds a degree in Horticulture from the UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH, and another pure and ap-plied science degree from McGILL UNIVERSITY. He has worked in virtually all aspects of the Green Space In-

    dustry, including GOLF and PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE, and has served in public affairs, workplace safety, andenvironmental compliance. Mr. Gathercole has supervised, consulted, programmed, and/or overseen the exe-cution of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of pest control applications in the urban landscape. He has trained, in-

    structed, and consulted with THOUSANDS of turf managers and technicians. Mr. Gathercole has also been anagricultural agronomist. For many years, Mr. Gathercole was a contributing columnist for TURF & Recreation

    Magazine, Canadas Turf and Grounds Maintenance Authority.

    Mr. Gathercole has followed the evolution of ENVIRONMENTALTERRORISM for over a quartercentury. His in-volvement in Environmental issues reached a fevered pitch in the 1990s, when he orchestrated, with his col-

    leagues, legal action against the prohibition of pest control products in the Town of Hudson, Quebec. For FIF-TEEN YEARS, the strategies designed and implemented by Mr. Gathercole and his colleagues guaranteed thecontrol of EnvironmentalTerror for the entire Modern Green Space Industry across Canada. Mr. Gathercole is

    personally credited for crafting the Golf Industry Exception Status, that endures to this day. He is also the crea-tor of the signs that are now used for posting after application. Although he can be accused of being Anti

    EnvironmentMovement, he is, in fact, simply a strong advocate FOR the Modern Green Space Industry. How-ever, this position has not precluded him from criticizing the Green Space Industry itself. Nonetheless, his vast

    knowledge of our long journey with Environmental issues is UNDENIABLE. ( Hopefully ! )

    Force Of Nature is the instrument ofNational Organization Responding Against Huje that harm the Green SpaceIndustry ( NORAHG ) by concocting statements and activities seeking to prohibit FEDERALLY LEGAL, SCIEN-TIFICALLY SAFE, TOTALLY IRREPLACEABLE, and ABSOLUTELY INDISPENSABLE conventional pest control prod-

    ucts. EnviroManiacs are identified on the basis of their statements, activities, affiliations, and whereabouts.Even though each EnviroManiacCulprit is a misguided adversary, each still deserves our respect. The terms

    Maniac, Culprit, Terrorist, or Basterd are not accusations of any legal wrongdoing. Force Of Nature is simplyholding Alleged culprits accountable for conspiring to change public policies that TERRORIZE and THREATEN the

    Green Space Industry. Their pretentious prohibitionist rants has created LOSS OF REVENUES, BUSINESS FAIL-URES, BANKRUPTCY, and UNEMPLOYMENT, inflicting DESPAIR and DESTITUTION for THOUSANDS of hapless

    victims throughout the Green Space Industry. The DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE of ManiacCulpritTerroristBasterds is viewed as a form of TERROR against the Green Space Industry. The information presented in Force

    Of Nature has been developed for the education and entertainment of the reader by providing a sequence ofhistorical events with commentary. Additionally, Force Of Nature inspires people to believe that ENVIRON-MENTALTERRORISM can be STOPPED ! The events, characters, companies, and organizations, depicted in this

    document are not always fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, may not be coincidental. Alldocument excerpts and pictures contained in Force Of Nature were found somewhere on the Internet. These

    documents and pictures are in the public domain, serving one of the following purposes : archive, education,promotion, publicity, or press release.

    The following Force Of Nature documents are currently available A Look At Alberta Conspiracy Brit-

    ish Columbia Conspiracy Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment MillionaireCancerSociety Canadian Environmental Law Association Consequences David Suzuki Foundation DDT andPoliticized Science Death and the EnvironmentalTerrorMovement EnviroMoney Environmental

    Terrorists Unmasked FertilizerTerror Is Next June Irwin, the Clown of Junk Science Kazimiera JeanCottam Landscape Trades Capitulate New Brunswick Conspiracy Nova Scotia Conspiracy Ontario

    Conspiracy Organic Fertilizers Pesticide Free BC Pets and Lawn Care Chemicals Prince Edward Is-land Conspiracy Quebec Conspiracy Rachel Carson, the Queen of Junk Science Reining a Terrorist Re-

    action Salmon Arm BC Conspiracy The 9/11 Era of the Green Space Industry The Failure of IntegratedPest Management The Looming Golf Industry Shipwreck The Industry Strikes Back The Misconcep-

    tions About Cancer The National Annihilation of the Modern Green Space Industry The Wisdom of Bill Bell The Wisdom of Drysdale The Wisdom of Health Canada The Wisdom of Holland The Wisdom ofLowes The Wisdom of Mains The Wisdom of the Solomons Ask For a Copy of Any Back Issue of Force

    Of Nature Today. Read All About EnviroManiacActivists and Their EnvironmentalTerrorOrganizations inForce Of Nature ! The Whole Truth From An Independent Perspective ! Force Of Nature is TOTALLY INDE-

    PENDENT of any trade association or business operating within the Green Space Industry. DONT THANK US.ITS A PUBLIC SERVICE. AND WE ARE GLAD TO DO IT.

  • 8/9/2019 Force of Nature -- Fertilizer Terror -- Ontario -- MHSW -- Description -- Exceptions -- Golf Industry -- 2010 03 10 -- M

