Force of Nature -- Ontario -- 2010 11 26 -- LandsCAPE Ontario -- Terror NEVER Ends -- A Terrorist Reaction -- Ku Klux Klan Film -- MODIFIED -- PDF -- 300 Dpi

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  • 8/8/2019 Force of Nature -- Ontario -- 2010 11 26 -- LandsCAPE Ontario -- Terror NEVER Ends -- A Terrorist Reaction -- Ku Klu


    EnviroManiacBasterdOrganizers of Canada Blooms have scheduled ashowing of the SUBVERSIVE SHOW&SOLDFORPROFIT AMATEUR HOMEMADE VIDEO called ATerroristReaction. The video was CONCOCTEDby SafeLawns, which operates as the PUBLIC AFFAIR SHIELD for BEYONDPESTICIDES, another larger U.S. EnvironmentalTerrorOrganization. ATerroristReaction is a DISGRACEFULLY FALSE, MISLEADING, and BOGUSAMATEUR HOMEMADE VIDEO that is intended as SUBVERSIVE PROPA-GANDA to pollute any sound judgment in the conspiracy to prohibit pesti-cides that are federally legal, scientifically safe, and totally irreplaceable.

    Canada Blooms convention is organized by the same EnviroManiac leadersand staff who operate LandsCAPE Ontario, a treacherous trade associationthat SUPPORTED THE PROHIBITION OF PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS. Land-sCAPE Ontarios support of prohibition led to TERROR, DESPAIR, and DESTI-TUTION for THOUSANDS of hapless victims throughout the ProfessionalLawn Care Industry. LandsCAPE Ontarios support of prohibition has also ledto EXTENSIVE CARNAGE for lawn care companies, in the form of HORRIFICFINES and BUSINESS FAILURES. Thanks to the support from LandsCAPE

    Ontario, prohibition DESTROYED the Modern Professional Lawn Care Indus-try.

    The promoter of ATerroristReaction , U.S. Journalist and Environ-mentalTerrorist Paul Tukey, has also been invited to speak at CanadaBlooms convention. Tukey is a FAILED and BANKRUPT lawn care operatorwho was apprehended by authorities for applying pest control productsWITHOUT THE NECESSARY LEGAL LICENSING. Tukey has NO competentexpertise, recognized training, or successful background, in matters con-cerning pest control products. Furthermore, Tukey PEDDLES Green Alterna-

    tives that are all TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE. In the past, Tukeys activities havebeen funded by several other Canadian ProhibitionTerroristOrganizations,like LandsCAPE Ontario.

    If LandsCAPE Ontario has any intention of distancing itself from its positionas a ProhibitionTerroristOrganization, it must take steps to have the show-ing of this SUBVERSIVE VIDEO cancelled.

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    LandsCAPE Ontario is supposed to be as THE leader in representing, promot-

    ing, and fostering a favourable climate for the advancement of the horticul-

    ture industry in Ontario, but certainly NOT for the advancement of the Mod-ern Professional Lawn Care Industry.

    LandsCAPE Ontario's membership is organized by a chapter system. The

    opportunity to network is supposed to be one of the founding principles ofLandsCAPE Ontario. Unfortunately, if you are a Professional Lawn Care

    Company, you will be forced to network with MOBS OF ORGANOMANIACS

    who support ProhibitionTerrorism, just like LandsCAPE Ontario.

    The LandsCAPE Ontario chapters hold regular meetings that are supposed to

    provide a forum for education, professional development, and networking.

    Many meetings are rampant with ANTIPESTICIDE SENTIMENT. Most of thetime, Modern Professional Lawn Care Companies feel ostracized.

    Furthermore, LandsCAPE Ontario is a HAVEN FOR ORGANOMANIAC COM-PANIES that falsely and deceitfully allege to have better and safer Green Al-

    ternatives for pest control than Modern Professional Lawn Care.

    LandsCAPE Ontario meetings are used to validate the use and distribution of

    Green Alternative products, many of which are philosophically and financially

    linked with other EnvironmentalTerrorOrganizations that have conspired


    LandsCAPE Ontario has basically told the Modern Professional Lawn Care In-

    dustry to Take care of your own problems !.

    An invitation by LandsCAPE Ontario for a presentation of the video ATerroristReaction is a further indication that this treacherous trade asso-ciation IS a PROHIBITIONTERRORISTORGANIZATION.

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  • 8/8/2019 Force of Nature -- Ontario -- 2010 11 26 -- LandsCAPE Ontario -- Terror NEVER Ends -- A Terrorist Reaction -- Ku Klu


    The group of decisionmakers within LandsCAPE Ontario that allegedly rep-

    resent the interests of the Professional Lawn Care Industry is called the Lawn-care [ sic ] Commodity Group.

    Onethird of the Lawncare Commodity Group originated from four business

    groups Doctor Green, Nutr iLawn, Weed Man, Wright.

    Onequarter of the Lawncare Commodity Group board members originated,

    DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, from business interests in the BOGUS and failed

    Green Alternative Sarritor Weed Man, Doctor Green.

    Oneseventh of the Lawncare Commodity Group originated from direct busi-

    ness interests ( investors ) in the BOGUS and failed Green Alternative Sarritor

    Gaspar ( Weed Man ), Van Haastrecht ( Doctor Green ).

    Onetenth of the Lawncare Commodity Group board members originated

    from the SAME family Van Haastrecht ( Doctor Green ).

    According to observers, the LandsCAPE Ontario Lawncare Commodity Group

    DID NOT necessarily represent the interests of the MAJORITY of the Profes-

    sional Lawn Care Industry in Ontario.

    ADAMS, Robert

    Adams Lawncare Inc.Barrie, Ontario

    BOURNE, Thom

    Nu t r i L a wn franchise

    Ottawa, Ontario

    BULL, Phi l

    Green Leaf GardeningOshawa, Ontario


    Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & FoodOMAFRA Turfgrass Specialist

    Toronto & Barrie, Ontario

    Emp lo ye d b y P ro h ib i t i o n i s tG o ve rn me n t o f O n ta r i o

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    DAWSON, Gavin

    GreenLawn Care franchiseTorontoBarrie, Ontario

    DiGIOVANNI, Tony

    LandsCAPE OntarioExecutive Director

    GASPAR, Paul

    Weed Man franchiseToronto, Ontario

    I n ve s to r o fSa r r i t o r b i o h e rb i c i d e

    GOODMAN, MarkEnviroking Lawn Care Ltd.

    Innisfil, Ontario

    HARRISON, Rohan

    Premier Turf Inc.Brampton, Ontario

    HORSMAN, Mart in

    Jan Gelderman Landscaping Ltd.Waterdown, Ontario

    INTVEN, Tom

    LandsCAPE Ontario

    LADDS, John

    We e d Ma n franchise

    Simcoe, Ontario

    McQUEEN, Don

    Former Weed Man franchise owner

    Nu t r i L a wn franchise

    BurlingtonOakvilleHamilton, Ontario

    MULHALL, Nancy

    Nu t r i L a wn franchise

    KitchenerWaterloo, Ontario

    OLDS, Darcy

    Territory Sales Manager and

    Technical Support

    Ontario and Western Canada

    Bayer Environmental Science Canada

    Formerly with Weed Man franchises

    PASSMORE, Danny

    Frechette Lawn Care

    Scarborough, Ontario

    PUGLIESE, Kathleen

    LandsCAPE Ontario

    Executive Administrative Assistant

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    REED, Richard

    Dufferin Lawn LifeOrangeville, Ontario

    supp l ie r o fnematode b io insect i c ide

    and f ies ta herb ic ide

    SOEPBOER, Dave

    Soepboer Ventures Inc.o/a KnK Lawn Care

    Southampton, Ontario


    LandsCAPE OntarioCoordinator, Pesticide Technician Program

    Director for the Pesticide Industry Council

    SPLANE, Rod

    Wrig h t Lawn Care Service Ltd.

    Bloomingdale, Ontario

    TOBIN, Kyle

    Lawnsavers Plant Health CareConcord, Ontario

    TSCHANZ, Steve

    Weed Man franchises

    Technical Manager




    Do c to r G re e n

    Mississauga, Ontario

    I n ve s to rs o fSa r r i t o r b i o h e rb i c i d e

    VAN RYN JUNIOR, Bi l l

    Bill Van Ryn Weed Control

    Georgetown, Ontario


    Noldus of Durham Inc.

    Oshawa, Ontario

    WHITE, Alan

    Turf Systems

    Burlington, Ontario

    WRIGHT, John

    Retired lawn care ownerWrig h t Lawn Care

    Bloomingdale, Ontario

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    In the 9/11 Era ofEnvironmental Terror



    HomeMade Video

    It glorifies RADICALEnvironmentalTerrorism

    just like those films thatglorified and supported RACISM


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    BOGUS, Misleading, and Lunatic Video

    Glorifying Radical EnviroTerrorism

    In 2009, U.S. Journalist and EnvironmentalTerrorist Paul Tukey CONCOCTED the SHOW&SOLDFORPROFIT AMATEUR HOMEMADEVIDEO called ATerroristReaction.

    ATerroristReaction GLORIFIES the ACTSOF SUBVERSION in the Town of Hudson, Que-bec in the 1980s and 1990s.

    ATerroristReaction REINVENTS and DIS-TORTS the history of the CONSPIRACY toPROHIBIT pest control products that are FED-ERALLY LEGAL, and SCIENTIFICALLY SAFE.


    The videos promoter, Paul Tukey, is a FAILEDand BANKRUPT lawn care operator who wasapprehended by authorities for applying pestcontrol products WITHOUT THE NECESSARYLEGAL LICENSING.

    Tukey became embittered and vengeful, and

    unable to accept his obvious incompetence.

    Instead, he preferred lashing out and defamingformer competitors, and the pest control prod-uct industry.

    Tukey plotting withEnviroManiac from


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    Professional Lawn Care Industry

    in the Province of Quebec

    In 1985, Canadas first Professional Lawn CareAssociation was created to fight Environ-mentalTerror in the Province of Quebec.

    It was named ASHOQ Associationdes Services en Horticulture Ornementale duQubec.

    With ASHOQ, the senior business leaders inthe Professional Lawn Care Industry shapedthe associations charter and missions for the1980s and 1990s.

    They were especially active in defending the

    rights and future of the Green Space Industryagainst Quebecs rabid EnviroManiacActivistswho sought its destruction through the PRO-HIBITION of pest control products.

    For FIFTEEN YEARS, the strategies designedand implemented by ASHOQ, and its forerunners, REINED the LUNATIC RADICALactivities of EnviroManiacs and their Envi-ronmentalTerrorOrganizations.

    ASHOQs actions benefited of the entire Mod-ern Green Space Industry across Canada.

    Not a single member of ASHOQ appears in ATerroristReaction.

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    Acts of Subversion

    in the Town of Hudson

    In 1991, the Town of Hudson, Quebec, gov-erned by a SUBVERSIVE GROUP OF LUNA-TICS, enacted a bylaw that PROHIBITED the

    use of pest control products that were FED-ERALLY LEGAL, SCIENTIFICALLY SAFE, andTOTALLY IRREPLACEABLE.

    They easily capitulated under the pressure ofa mere handful of EnviroManiacActivists.

    The Agriculture and Golf Industries were pro-vided with an Exception Status. Mr. WilliamH. Gathercole crafted the original Golf Indus-try Exception Status, which endures to this

    day for virtually all jurisdictions in NorthAmerica.

    In 1992, two Professional Lawn Care compa-nies, ChemLawn and Spraytech, were eachfined three hundred dollars for accidentallyspraying pest control products on lawns lo-cated in the Town of Hudson.

    The fine was legally challenged by the Profes-

    sional Lawn Care Industry on the basis thatthe bylaw was invalid, since it was PROHIBI-TORY and DISCRIMINATORY, and LIMITED orNEUTRALIZED PROVINCIAL AND FEDERALLAWS.

    EnviroManiacMayor of Hudson

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    Legally Fighting Against

    the EnvironmentalVermin

    In 1994, in a Quebec court, the Town of Hud-son won the right to maintain its needless,

    senseless, and malicious prohibition of pestcontrol products.

    Consequently, the case continued to be legallychallenged by ASHOQ before The SupremeCourt of Canada. As we all know, the attemptwas illfated.

    On June 28th, 2001, The Supreme Court of Canada, which was clearly infested with EnviroManiacActivists, upheld the ACTS OF SUB-

    VERSION perpetrated by the Town of Hudson.

    EnviroManiacJudge Claire LHeureuxDubpresided on The Supreme Court of Canadawhen it UPHELD the prohibition of the Town ofHudson.

    On June 10th, 2002, Dub retired, and beganan indiscreet public association with those En-viroManiacActivists involved in concocting

    and defending the Hudson prohibition.

    This situation was INCOMPREHENSIBLE to ma-ny observers !

    EnviroManiacInfestedSupreme Court of Canada

    EnviroManiacSupreme Court Judge

    Judge Associatingwith EnviroManiac

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    The Hudson bylaw was defended by fourteenProhibitionTerroristOrganizations, thatSQUANDERED and MISAPPROPRIATED a largeportion of the millions of dollars that they re-ceived in public funds, donations, and grants.

    The organizations are listed below

    Breast Cancer Prevention Coalition

    Canadian Environmental Law Association

    Ecojustice Canada

    Federation of Canadian Municipalities

    Healthy Lawns Healthy People

    NatureAction Quebec Inc.

    Parents Environmental Network

    Pesticide Action Group Kitchener

    Sierra Club of Canada

    Toronto Environmental Alliance

    Vaughan Environmental Action Committee

    Working Group on the Health Dangers ofthe Urban Use of Pesticides

    Environmental Action Barrie

    World Wildlife Fund Canada.

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    If LandsCAPEOntarioBasterds

    were members of the Ku Klux Klan,they would be BURNING CROSSES

    on lawns maintainedby Modern ProfessionalLawn Care Companies

    ATerroristReaction creates the SAME effect !

    ATerroristReaction is a DISGRACEFULLY

    FALSE and MISLEADINGBOGUS Amateur Foreign

    HomeMade Video

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    ATerroristReaction is a foreign AMATEURHOMEMADE VIDEO.

    ATerroristReaction was concocted toGLORIFY EnvironmentalTerrorism.

    ATerroristReaction GLORIFIES the ACTSOF SUBVERSION in the Town Hudson, Quebec.

    ATerroristReaction was concocted to DE-FEND the NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALI-CIOUS PROHIBITION of pest control products.

    ATerroristReaction was concocted toANNIHILATE the Modern Green Space Indus-try.

    ATerroristReaction was also concoctedas a SOURCE OF IMMENSE PROFIT for the En-vironmentalTerrorOrganizations like Safe-Lawns and CanadianCancerSociety.


    ATerroristReaction REINVENTS and DIS-TORTS the history of the CONSPIRACY toPROHIBIT pest control products that are FED-


    ATerroristReaction was concocted withOVERTONES of a classic American film TheBirth of a Nation.

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    TheBirth of a Nation was a 1915 silent filmset during and after the American Civil War.

    TheBirth of a Nation GLORIFIED TERROR-ISM in the form of the violent racism of the KuKlux Klan ( KKK ).

    TheBirth of a Nation was the highest

    grossing film of its day, and was noted for itsinnovative camera techniques and narrativeachievements.

    TheBirth of a Nation provoked great con-troversy by promoting the WHITE SUPREMACYof the KKK.


    TheBirth of a Nation was a controversialpropaganda film that reinvented history.

    Similarly, ATerroristReaction is DIS-GRACEFULLY FALSE and MISLEADING propa-ganda SOLDFORPROFIT.

    ATerroristReaction is a BOGUS AMATEURHOMEMADE VIDEO that REINVENTS, DIS-TORTS, and GLORIFIES the history of the Envi-ronmentalTerrorMovement.

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  • 8/8/2019 Force of Nature -- Ontario -- 2010 11 26 -- LandsCAPE Ontario -- Terror NEVER Ends -- A Terrorist Reaction -- Ku Klu


    Force Of Nature presents THE WHOLE TRUTH FROM AN INDEPENDENT PERSPECTIVE from National Organization Responding Against HUJE that seek toharm the Green Space Industry (NORAHG). It is a series of Reports destined for the Green Space Industry, the Environmental Terror Movement, Govern-ments, and the Media, nationwide across Canada, the United States, and overseas. The information presented in Force Of Nature has been developed for

    the education and entertainment of the reader by providing a sequence of historical events WITH COMMENTARY. The neutrality of these Reports might bedisputed. Dont thank us. Its a public service. And we are glad to do it.

    HUJE are identified on the basis of their statements, activities, affiliations, and whereabouts. Even though each Enviro Maniac Culprit is a misguided

    adversary, each still deserves our respect. The use of the terms Maniac, Culprit, Terrorist, or Basterd are not accusations of any legal wrong doing. Force OfNature is simply holding Enviro Maniac Activists accountable for conspiring to change public policies that TERRORIZE, HARM, and THREATEN the Green

    Space Industry.

    HUJE is a term used to describe Enviro Maniac Activists that routinely concoct FEAR MONGERING, FRAUDULENT LIES, MISCONCEPTIONS, COERCION,

    THREATS, DECEPTIONS, TERROR, and PARANOID CONSPIRACIES that are DESIGNED to SCAM and DECEIVE the public into believing there is some NONEXISTENT danger with conventional pest control products. HUJE also SCAM and DECEIVE Government Officials into the NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and



    of hapless victims throughout the Green Space Industry. The DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE of Maniac Culprit Terrorist Basterd HUJE is viewed as a form ofTERROR, HARM, and THREAT against the Green Space Industry.

    This Report provides NO guarantee regarding accuracy or completeness. In no event shall Force Of Nature be liable for any incidental or consequentialdamages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. Force Of Nature is TOTALLY INDEPENDENT of any trade association or business operating within the Green

    Space Industry. The events, characters, companies, and organizations, depicted in this Report are not always fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons,living or dead, may not be coincidental. All information, excerpts, and pictures contained in this Report were found somewhere on the Internet, and may be

    considered in the public domain, serving one of the following purposes archive, education, promotion, publicity, or press release.

    Force Of Nature, and its various incarnations, is the brainchild of William H. Gathercole and his colleagues. Mr. Gathercole is a principal FOUNDER of theModern Professional Lawn Care Industry in BOTH Ontario and Quebec. He holds a degree in Horticulture from the UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH, and another

    pure and applied science degree from McGILL UNIVERSITY. He has worked in virtually all aspects of the Green Space Industry, including GOLF, PROFES-SIONAL LAWN CARE, and CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, and has served in environmental compliance, government negotiations, public affairs, and workplacesafety. Mr. Gathercole has supervised, consulted, programmed, and/or overseen the successful and safe execution of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of pest

    control applications in the urban landscape. He has trained, instructed, and consulted with THOUSANDS of turf managers and technicians. Mr. Gathercolehas also been an agricultural agronomist. For many years, Mr. Gathercole was a contributing columnist for TURF & Recreation Magazine, Canadas Turf and

    Grounds Maintenance Authority.

    Mr. Gathercole and his colleagues have followed the evolution of ENVIRONMENTAL TERRORISM for over a quarter century. For FIFTEEN YEARS, thestrategies designed and implemented by Mr. Gathercole and his colleagues guaranteed the control of the VERMIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL TERROR for the

    entire Modern Green Space Industry across Canada. Their involvement in Environmental Issues reached a fevered pitch in the 1990s, when he orches-trated, with his colleagues, legal action against the Forces of Environmental Evil in the Town of Hudson, Quebec.

    Today, Mr. Gathercole is the ONLY TRUE RELIABLE WITNESS of the Hudson Affair. Mr. Gathercole is personally credited for crafting the Golf IndustryException Status that endures to this day. He is also the creator of the signs that are now used for posting after application. His vast knowledge of our long

    journey with Environmental Issues is UNDENIABLE hopefully ! Mr. Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as FOUNDER ofForce Of Nature.

    THE LIBRARY OF REPORTS A LOOK AT Technical Information for the Green Space Industry Agriculture Bee Colony Collapse Disorder

    BOGUS Green Alternatives BRITISH COLUMBIA Enviro Terror Conspiracy CALGARY (Alberta) Enviro Terror STOPPED Canadian Association ofPhysicians for the Environment Canadian Cancer Society Canadian Environmental Law Association CARNAGE Caused by Prohibition CONSEQUENCES of Prohibition Cottam & Ghost Writers Culprits Who Conspired to Prohibit David Suzuki Foundation Dating Services for

    Enviro Maniacs DDT and Politicized Science Environmental Terrorists UNMASKED Enviro PROFIT Accumulated by Greedy & Avaricious EnviroManiacs Environmental Terror Organizations Environmental Terror That NEVER Ends Famous Quotations FERTILIZER Enviro Terror

    Global Warming GOLF INDUSTRY Looming Shipwreck & Collision Course Green Space Industry Health Canada HEROES Speaking OutAgainst Enviro Terror History of the Environmental Terror Movement June Irwin, the Clown of Junk Science Landscape Trades CAPITULATE

    In VIOLATION of Federal Law Lying Sacks of (Enviro Maniac) CWAP Myth Busting NATIONAL Enviro Terror Conspiracy Needless Hysteria NEW BRUNSWICK Enviro Terror Conspiracy NOVA SCOTIA Enviro Terror Conspiracy ONTARIO Haven for Environmental Terror Organic

    Fertilizers Paranoid Theories Paul Tukey, The Bin Laden of Environmental Terror Pests and Disorders of Ornamental Plants Pests andDisorders of Turfgrasses Pesticide Free BC Pesticide Q & A (Questions & Answers) Positive Waves (The Green Space Industry Responds withOutstanding and Innovative Ideas) TWISTED Precautionary Principle PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Enviro Terror Conspiracy QUEBEC Enviro Terror

    Conspiracy RACHEL CARSON, the Queen of Junk Science SASKATCHEWAN Enviro Terror Infestation Satire, Laughs & Insanity TERRORTalk & Weasel Words The 9/11 Era of Environmental Terror The Avengers The FAILURE of Integrated Pest Management The FAILURE of

    Pesticide Free Parks The Industry STRIKES BACK Against Environmental Terror The MISCONCEPTIONS About Cancer The National Annihilationof the Modern Green Space Industry The Wisdom of Bill Bell The Wisdom of Drysdale The Wisdom of Health Canada The Wisdom of

    Hepworth The Wisdom of Holland The Wisdom of Lowes The Wisdom of Mains The Wisdom of Milloy The Wisdom of the Solomons The Wisdom of Whelan Update Using Children, Pets, & Death as WEAPONS OF ULTIMATE TERROR U.S. Enviro Terror Conspiracy 2,4D
