FOCUS Volume 9, Issue 2 February, 2013


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FOCUS Rev. Dr. D. Roy Dail

Senior Pastor

Rev. Rodney Ayers

Assistant Pastor of Worship

Rev. Rigel Holmes

Assistant Pastor for Youth

Miss Jennifer Conley, CWM

Director of Children’s Ministries

Mrs. Christina Bryner

Director of Adult Ministries

Mr. David Burda

Director of Administration

Rev. Dr. D. Roy Dail

(Senior Pastor)

Do you ever wonder why you do what

you do?

Asking ourselves the “why” is

important because our hearts are

deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9). Yet, the

deceitfulness of our own hearts can

cloud our own response to the very

question. It is a dilemma.

Still, it is worth it to ask ourselves why

we do what we do, because motive is

everything. People can sense when we

love them for our gain, or when we serve

them merely for our own benefit. But,

the converse is also true. People usually

know when we serve selflessly and

when we love self-sacrificingly.

From the Pastor’s Desk: “Motive Is Everything!”

Inside this issue:

From the Pastor/

Mortgage Burning Celebration


Sunday School 2

Church News &

Ministry Updates





Children’s Ministry 8-9

Alliance Youth 10


Mongolia Partnership


We exist to grow in passion for God and compassion for people.

Volume 9, Issue 2

February, 2013

Congregational Meeting - February 24, 7:00pm—See Page 3

Mortgage Burning Celebration - Sunday, March 3

As a congregation, getting out of debt

is an exciting time in the life of our

church! This event has occurred

because of your faithful and sacrificial

giving. The Lord has blessed us

tremendously in allowing us to pay off

the mortgage.

We would like to celebrate this event

by having a combined worship service

on Sunday, March 3, at 11:30am. After

a time of worship and burning the

mortgage, we will celebrate in sharing a

meal together.

The answer to the dilemma, in my

opinion, is to choose our motivation

before we love or serve. Our memory

verse for February reminds us of a

motivation that is always consistent and

universally acceptable: “So whether you

eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all

for the glory of God”.

(1 Corinthians 10:31)

Important task or mundane activity,

enjoyable or inconvenient, difficult or

easy, seeking the glory of God in all our

attitudes and actions is the best


Let us do what we do for Him!

Pastor Roy Dail

To help highlight this historic occasion,

we will be displaying our church archives

for a time before the service. This

congregation began in 1906 as the

“Greensburg Branch of the C&MA”. You

won’t want to miss reading all of the

memorabilia! Coffee and pastries will be

available at 10:30am, so feel free to

come early.

Let’s celebrate as the body of Christ

what the Lord has done among us by

coming together in worship and

fellowship. This is a family event, so

there are no children’s programs. Don’t

forget - Sunday, March 3, 11:30am!

Page 2 FOCUS

“We exist to teach God’s Word to all ages

to provide the cornerstone that will lead to

salvation and a deeper, personal relationship

with the Lord.”

Sunday School - “A Place for Growing… A Place for YOU!” Our youth Sunday School class meets at 9:15am in rooms 225-235. Our children’s Sunday School classes

also begin at 9:15am. Check the bulletin board in the Children’s Ministry wing for room assignments.

Adult classes are offered at 9:15am & 10:45am. Be sure to note the time that the class you choose is

offered. It’s never too late to join a class. If you can’t be here every Sunday, that’s OK - come whenever you

can. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn something new and connect with people. Brochures are available at

the rack in the narthex.

9:15am: II Chronicles 10-36 - Kings of Judah Teacher: John Cogan

Location: Conference Room

This course will briefly examine the reigns of the

kings of Judah from Rehoboam to Zedekiah. Each

week we will focus on one or two kings. We will follow

the ebb and flow of the spiritual journey of the people

of Judah under their various leaders and apply it to our

spiritual journey today.

February Adult Sunday School Classes

10:45am: “Man Alive” by Patrick Morley Teacher: Lee Calisti

Location: Conference Room (550)

"I’ve met one-on-one with thousands of men. Most of

them know that Jesus promised 'a rich and satisfying

life' (John 10:10). But, almost to a man, they are

confused about what that looks like. In fact, I’d

estimate that 90 percent of Christian men lead

lukewarm, often defeated, lives - and they hate it. It

doesn't have to be that way!"

Is your faith meeting your needs? No? Then follow

Morley on an exciting path to spiritual transformation!

Leading you to fresh encounters with God's Word, he

identifies seven deeply felt needs of men today.

Discover his biblical, practical and motivating plan to

leave spiritual mediocrity behind and live a life of


9:15am: “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan Teacher: Tad Kelley

Location: Room 230

God is Love. Crazy, relentless all-powerful love. Does

something deep in your heart long to break free of the

status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that

addresses the problems of our world with tangible,

even radical, solutions? God is calling you to a

passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the

answer to religious complacency isn’t working harder

at a list of do’s and don’ts - it’s falling in love with God.

And, once you encounter His love, as Francis

describes it, you will never be the same.

10:45am: “A Woman’s Heart:

God’s Dwelling Place” by Beth Moore Teacher: Becky Buriok

Location: Room 230

Explore the fascinating account of the building of the

Old Testament tabernacle, the significance of its

intricate design, its pivotal role in God's eternal plan,

the grand fulfillment of its purpose by Jesus Christ and

its variety of meanings for your walk with God today.

Perhaps no Old Testament event so dramatically

illustrates God's persistent desire to relate to His

children as the building of the tabernacle in the

wilderness. Through the tabernacle God initiated a

deeper relationship with His Chosen People by

bringing reconciliation and revealing His glory. And

certainly, no Old Testament event so richly prefigures

the coming of the true Tabernacle, Jesus Christ. In this

ten-week in-depth Bible study, you will be challenged

to prepare your heart, like the holy of holies, to

become a home for His love and glory - a dwelling

place for the Most High God.

Page 3 Volume 9, Issue 2

A Baptism Class has been scheduled for Monday, February 25, at 7:00pm in the conference room. If you are

interested, please indicate on your Sunday bulletin information card or call the church office (724-837-1122).

The date of the baptism service will be determined at a later time.

The February Congregational Meeting of our church will be held on Sunday, February 24, 7:00pm, in the

sanctuary. All members are urged to attend. Nursery and childcare will be provided for infants through age 12.

Volunteers are needed for childcare. Please mark the back of your Sunday bulletin information card if you are

available to help.

The annual report booklet will be available on Sunday, February 10, at the information center.

February Congregational Meeting

Our 2013 Easter Celebration will be highlighted by the presentation of the worship cantata,

“Christ the Redeemer”. During the February and March choir rehearsals, we will set aside the

last half hour (7:45-8:15pm) to practice for this event.

If these times are not convenient for you, don’t let that stop you! Stop by the church office or

see Pastor Rodney for a book and CD to practice on your own. Then, join us for at least one of

the two dress rehearsals to be announced at a later date. If you listen to the CD and are able

to make at least one of these special rehearsals, you will be ready to sing!

Baptism Class

On Friday, February 8, from 6:30 until 9:30pm, the Youth Group will host a Great Date Night. This is a free

babysitting service for parents in our congregation with children and infants to age 12. While this is not a

fundraiser, in the past people have still inquired about making donations. Any donations will go towards the

students going to Life 2013. Parents may sign up their children by calling or emailing Rigel at 914-830-6970 ~ or call the church office at 724-837-1122.

Great Date Night

Easter Choir Cantata

Save the date . . . for you and your mate!! Marriage Enrichment 2013 will happen on Saturday, March 23, as

we return to the beautiful Fred Rogers Center at Saint Vincent College. Come and celebrate your spouse with a

special evening of dinner, Christ-centered encouragement and lots of laughter as we focus on the most

important earthly relationship God gives us – our marriage.

Ticket sales begin February 24, in the narthex. The cost is $50.00 per couple with outreach specials

available. Contact Eric and Joanne Kreinbrook or Andy and Linda Bolyen for details. Make your plans to be a

part of this exciting night!

Marriage Enrichment

Children’s Ministry Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast

The Children’s Leadership Team cordially invites all Children’s Ministry volunteers and their families to an

Appreciation Breakfast on Saturday, February 16, 9:30am. See page 9 for additional information.

Page 4

Love is in the air. February brings the celebration of

Valentine’s Day. Our lives will be all a flutter with the

colors of pink and red, the appearances of hearts,

flowers, cupids and chocolates. It’s a great reminder

to share the love that God has lavished on us with

other moms.

We’ve got some great topics on this month’s lineup.

At our meeting on February 12, we will learn how to

talk to our kids about sex. On February 26, we will

have our very own Pastor Dail with us! We will also

announce a special outreach project on this date.

Mark your calendars and plan to join us. It may still be

too cold to bask in the sun, but it’s the perfect

temperature to come bask in the love of Christ at our

Moms 24/7 meetings. Moms of children of all ages

are welcome to join us at all of our meetings.

Our next Moms Night Out is coming up on February

18. It’s a great opportunity to hang out with other

moms and have some adult-only time. There is always

great fun to be had and this month’s event will be no

exception. Share the excitement, reach out to

someone you know and invite a friend to come along.

Moms 24/7

If you are a mom, but can’t make it to our regular

meetings, we would love to have you join us for our

Moms Night Out. Watch for details at our regular

meetings or check the Moms 24/7 bulletin board in

the nursery hallway.

As your new calendar begins to fill up, don’t forget to

save the date of Friday, April 26. This marks the

evening for our Celebration of Mother’s Day Dinner.

It’s always a great night. Watch the Focus newsletter

for more information and details about ticket sales.

Moms 24/7 is a ministry for moms of ALL ages with

children of ALL ages. Whether you are a first-time

mom or you have grandchildren, Moms 24/7 is for

you. Whatever your schedule or stage of life, we hope

you will make Moms 24/7 part of your life. It’s not only

an opportunity for you to get refreshed and

encouraged, but for you to refresh and encourage

other moms.

Childcare and refreshments are provided at all of

our regular meetings. For questions or more

information contact Joanne Kreinbrook 724-850-


“Above all else, guard your heart for it is the

wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:23

February is heart health month, and we will be

focusing on both spiritual and physical heart health.

We will explore our heart’s need to crave something

and how to fill that craving with God.

We will enjoy some heart-healthy (yet delicious)

snacks. We will hear how the program “Moms and

Me” is being used to reach the hearts of women in a

Creative Access Country. We will also make belated

Valentine’s Day cards to bring joy to the hearts of our

church’s homebound. Join the fun and fellowship on

Thursday, February 21, at 6:30pm in Rooms 310-320.

Alliance Women

Many thanks for the food and paper items given for

the Salvation Army during the most recent drive.

The committee’s next visit to Weatherwood Manor

Assisted Living will take place on Saturday, February

16, from 2:00-3:00pm. A spiritual program will be

presented followed by a craft time and refreshments.

Christian Action Committee

The next regular monthly meeting of the Christian

Action Committee is scheduled for Sunday, February

24, following the second worship service at 12:15pm,

in room 220.

If you would like to have your college student receive

a note of encouragement, please submit their address

to the information center as soon as possible. Thank


Page 5 Volume 9, Issue 2

Men’s Bible Study Fellowship All men and their sons are welcome to join us every

Tuesday at 6:30am in the conference room for the

Men’s Bible Study. We talk, pray and study God’s

Word together to encourage and equip one another for

service to our families, church, work and community.

We are currently studying the book of Romans and

learning the great truths of Christian doctrine. Weekly

attendance is not a requirement - drop in as your

schedule allows. Resolve yourself to get into the Word

of God and let the Word of God get into you!

Men’s Ministry

Alliance Men’s Breakfast All men and their sons and dads are welcome to join

us on Saturday, February 9, 8:00am at Panera Bread

in the Westmoreland Mall. Come and enjoy a time of

fellowship and encouragement along with Bible


Partners in Prayer Every Sunday morning prior to the worship services,

men come together to pray for the services and our


Anyone in or around their 20’s is invited to join us for our various activities. Bible studies are held Monday

evenings at 7:00pm. The location varies, so call for details. Contact Tom or Karen McGarry at 724-925-8377 or

804-874-5878 for additional information.

Join us on Sunday, February 3, at 5:30pm for a fun time watching the Super Bowl! We will meet at Jeannie

Smith’s home, 18 Redgrave Drive, Greensburg. Call Karen McGarry (724-925-8377) or Hannah DeGray (281-

797-0718) for additional details on what food to bring.

Be sure to mark your calendar for these upcoming events:

Sunday, March 10, 1:00pm - Bowling at Hillview Lanes, Greensburg

Friday, April 12, 6:00pm - “Fun and Fit Night”, church fellowship hall


Young At Heart

Young At Heart will not meet in February, but will begin meeting again next month. We hope to see you on

Thursday, March 7, 11:30am, in the fellowship hall.

If you are one of “we few, we happy few, we band of

brothers”, who participated in a “Warrior’s Prayer

Night” in the past, you won’t want to miss this! If not,

this may be your only opportunity in 2013 to

experience this life-changing event.

On February 22, beginning at 7:00pm, men will join

their hearts together for “A Warrior’s Prayer

Night”. Our battle plan is simple: worship through

song, pray for ministry, pray for God’s work in our lives

and prayer walk the church. Our orders are specific:

be expectant, be attentive and be ready. Using the

model of A.C.T.S (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving,

Men’s Warrior Prayer Night

and Supplication), we will attack the enemy in small

groups, praying on four focus areas: Missions, Youth

and Children’s Ministries, Men’s Calling and Needs,

and a sprint through each of the 30-plus ministries of

Greensburg Alliance.

The evening will conclude with a prayer walk around

both the interior and the exterior of the building,

asking God to bring His Spirit and His Power to each

worker, child, youth and adult benefited and each

facility used for ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Join us on Friday night; join your heart with ours; join

with your band of brothers!!

Page 6 FOCUS

February 2013

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



9:00am Bible

Quizzing Meet @



8:30am Bible Quizzing

9:15 & 10:45am Worship &

Sunday School

5:30pm 20’s Super Bowl

Party @ J. Smith home

6:15pm AY Super Bowl Party


6:30pm Elders

7pm 20s Bible



6:30am Men’s

Bible Study


1pm Adult Prayer

6:30pm Awana

6:45pm Choir

7pm Adult Prayer


10am Ladies Prayer


7pm Thursday Night

@ The Well-Alliance

Youth (AY)


6:30pm Great

Date Night


8am Alliance

Men’s Breakfast

@ Panera,




8:30am Bible Quizzing

9:15 & 10:45am Worship &

Sunday School

12:15pm Deacons


6:30pm Elders

7pm 20s Bible


8pm Governing



6:30am Men’s

Bible Study


Moms 24/7


1pm Adult Prayer

6:30pm Awana

6:45pm Choir

7pm Adult Prayer


10am Ladies Prayer


7pm Thursday Night

@ The Well (AY)









2pm Christian

Action Visit to



8:30am Bible Quizzing

9:15 & 10:45am Worship &

Sunday School

12:15pm Children’s Captains


7pm 20s Bible


Moms Night Out


6:30am Men’s

Bible Study


1pm Adult Prayer

6:30pm Awana

6:45pm Choir

7pm Adult Prayer


10am Ladies Prayer


6:30pm Alliance


7pm Thursday Night

@ The Well (AY)


7pm Men’s

Warrior Prayer




8:30am Bible Quizzing

9:15 & 10:45am Worship &

Sunday School

12:15pm Christian Action

Committee Mtg

7pm Congregational Mtg


7pm 20s Bible


7pm Baptism



6:30am Men’s

Bible Study


Moms 24/7


1pm Adult Prayer

6:30pm Awana

6:45pm Choir

7pm Adult Prayer


10am Ladies Prayer


7pm Thursday Night

@ The Well (AY)

7pm Trustees

February Newsletter

Article Deadline:

Wednesday, February 13

Page 7 Volume 9, Issue 2

March 2013

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

9:00am Bible

Quizzing Meet @



8:30am Bible Quizzing

Mortgage Burning


Meet & Greet at 10:30am

One Service only at 11:30am

followed by Lunch

No Children’s Programs


6:30pm Elders

7pm 20s Bible



6:30am Men’s

Bible Study


1pm Adult Prayer

6:30pm Awana

6:45pm Choir

7pm Adult Prayer


10am Ladies Prayer


11:30am Young At


6:15pm Missions

Committee Mtg

7pm Thursday Night

@ The Well-Alliance

Youth (AY)

8 9

8am Alliance

Men’s Breakfast

@ Panera,



Awana Grand

Prix Race Day:


@ 8:30am

Sparks & T&T @


10 Daylight Savings Time

Begins (clocks forward)

8:30am Bible Quizzing

9:15 & 10:45am Worship &

Sunday School

12:15pm Deacons

1pm 20-Somethings Bowling

@ Hillview Lanes


6:30pm Elders

7pm 20s Bible


8pm Governing



6:30am Men’s

Bible Study


Moms 24/7


1pm Adult Prayer

6:30pm Awana

6:45pm Choir

7pm Adult Prayer


10am Ladies Prayer


7pm Thursday Night

@ The Well-Alliance

Youth (AY)


Alliance Youth



2pm Christian

Action Visit to



8:30am Bible Quizzing

9:15 & 10:45am Worship &

Sunday School

12:15pm Children’s Captains


7pm 20s Bible



6:30am Men’s

Bible Study


1pm Adult Prayer

6:30pm Awana

6:45pm Choir

7pm Adult Prayer


10am Ladies Prayer


6:30pm Alliance


7pm Thursday Night

@ The Well-Alliance

Youth (AY)

22 23



(Time and details



Palm Sunday

8:30am Bible Quizzing

9:15 & 10:45am Worship &

Sunday School


7pm 20s Bible



6:30am Men’s

Bible Study


Moms 24/7


1pm Adult Prayer

6:30pm Awana

6:45pm Choir

7pm Adult Prayer


10am Ladies Prayer


7pm Thursday Night

@ The Well-Alliance

Youth (AY)

7pm Trustees


7pm Good

Friday Service




8:30am Bible Quizzing

9:15 & 10:45am Worship &

Sunday School

Page 8 FOCUS

We are now in full swing with the second half of our

Awana session with many activities planned for

February and March. We will celebrate Valentine’s Day

on February 13, with all clubs participating in a

Valentine exchange. Clubbers are also encouraged to

wear red or pink on this day. On February 20, Cubbies

and Sparks will visit the Awana Store. T & T girls and

boys will visit the Awana Store on February 27.

Mark your calendar for these upcoming events:

March 6: Cubbies Award Night

March 9: Grand Prix Race Day (see article below!)

March 13: Sparks Award Night

March 20: T&T Girls and Boys Award Night

March 27: Crazy Hair Night

News & Activities

Keep in mind our policy for weather-related or

emergency cancellations. Conditions will be monitored

and an announcement made on Wednesdays by

3:30pm if activities need to be cancelled. Notifications

will be made by the texting service and email.

Announcements will also be posted on the church

website ( or you may call the

church office (724-837-1122).

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our

Awana Clubs, please contact Jen Conley, Director of

Children’s Ministries (church office, 724-837-1122) or

Kevin and Lisa Coughanour, Awana Commanders


Our children’s Sunday School classes begin at 9:15am. Check the bulletin board in the

Children’s Ministry wing for room assignments. Children (infant through grade 6) have a chance

to encounter Jesus in a fun and interactive way. Group’s “Hands On Bible” curriculum is used for

our toddlers through grade 4. Children have the opportunity to get their “hands on” and their

minds around the life giving truth of the Bible, which helps them become fully devoted followers

of God. Our grade 5 and 6 children participate in Group’s “Grapple”, a challenging and thought

provoking program that helps them grapple with issues that face our pre-teens today.

Children’s Sunday School

Our annual Grand Prix Race will be held on Saturday

morning, March 9, in the fellowship hall. The Puggles

and Cubbies race begins at 8:45am. Check-in time for

Sparks and T&Ters with last names A to K is 9:30am

and for last names L to Z, 9:45am. Refreshments will

be available.

The Grand Prix is a family-oriented pinewood-derby-

style outreach event. It allows clubbers to express

their ingenuity by creating and racing their own

wooden cars on a wooden four-lane track. At the same

time it enables clubs to share God’s plan of salvation.

Clubbers purchase small pine blocks of wood and

plastic wheels to construct their cars (parents are

allowed to help). Cars from previous races do not

qualify for this race; a new car must be entered each


Each clubber receives a participation award. Special

awards are given to Sparks and T&Ters in two

categories - design and speed.

Registration begins Wednesday, February 6, and car

kits will be available for $3.00. Last day to register for

the race is Wednesday, March 6.

Mark Your Calendar!

Page 9 Volume 9, Issue 2

Recycling Fundraiser for Children’s Summer Camp

Just a reminder for everyone to keep saving those aluminum drink cans! Recycling cans is

an ongoing project to raise funds for children’s summer camp. Keep in mind that we can only

recycle aluminum drink cans. Please do not bring metal cans from food, glass jars or plastic

bottles. Cans should be rinsed and placed in the box by the registration desk in the Children’s

Ministry wing at your convenience. Thanks for your support!

Bible Quizzing

The January quiz meet was held at Norwin Alliance

Church on January 5. Our junior teams took 4th and

13th places for the day. Paul Obringer tied for 1st

place individually with 510 points. Grace Millward

scored 480 points, tying for 8th place. Olivia Bolyen

earned 180 points and Rachel Callen ended the day

with 10 points.

Our senior teams took 5th, 9th and 13th places for

the day. Peter Obringer led the way with 510 points in

4th place, followed by Mary Obringer in 6th place with

500 points. Bryant Bolyen had his personal best quiz,

scoring 290 points, Michaela Kraynak earned 250

points, Maggie Millward had 170 points and Will

Coughanour finished with 110 points.

The January quiz marked the half-way point of the

quizzing season. Overall our senior teams are in 4th,

7th and 13th places for the

year. Mary Obringer is currently in

4th place followed closely by Peter

Obringer in 5th place. Our other

four senior quizzers are close

together in standings with Will in

21st place, Maggie and Michaela

tied for 22nd and Bryant in 25th

place. All six of our senior quizzers are on track to

qualify for Districts! Way to go!!!

Our junior teams are in 7th and 10th places for the

year. Grace Millward is in 4th place, Paul Obringer is in

6th and Olivia Bolyen is presently in 24th place. Keep

up the great work, Quizzers! Continue to hide God's

Word in your hearts that you might not sin against


The Children’s Leadership Team cordially invites all Children’s Ministry volunteers and their

families to an Appreciation Breakfast on Saturday, February 16, 9:30am, in the fellowship

hall. We will be having a luau theme this year, so plan to come and escape the winter

weather for just a little while! This is our way of thanking you for all the hours of dedication

put forth to love, teach and disciple our children.

Please RSVP by Sunday, February 10, so we can plan accordingly. You may indicate how

many will be attending on your Sunday bulletin information card or call the church office. For

additional information, contact Jen Conley (church office, 724-837-1122).

Attention All Children’s Ministry Volunteers!

Children’s Summer Camps

Information about the children’s summer camps sponsored by our C&MA District (Mahaffey,

Edinboro and Suncrest) is now available at the brochure rack in the narthex. During camp,

children have the opportunity to learn more about Jesus while participating in many fun

summer activities.

If you plan to participate in any of the summer camps, please indicate on the back of your

Sunday bulletin information card. Contact Jen Conley in the church office with any questions

you may have (724-837-1122).

Page 10 FOCUS

GAC Youth News & Events

Super Bowl Party (Sunday, February 3 - 6:15pm) Come join us on Sunday, February 3, at 6:15pm in the fellowship hall for our Super Bowl Party.

Feel free to bring a snack and a friend. We will be staying until the conclusion of the game so be

prepared to call your parents towards the end of the evening. We will also have some cool stuff

planned for you guys at halftime. If there is snow on the ground feel free to come dressed to go

out and play in it!

Small Group YG Format is Back!!! Due to last year’s success, small group format for youth group will be returning beginning on

Thursday February 7. For those of you who may not be familiar with the format, we do two

weeks of teaching from an engaging video series followed by one week of small group

interaction. These small groups will be divided by age and gender and will consist of a time of

sharing and reflecting on the teaching. Each small group YG will have a different food theme.

Our first small group night will be on February 21, and the theme will be “Dip Night”. Students

are encouraged to participate in our Dip Contest by making and bringing a delicious dip. Please

bring along whatever chips or crackers that compliment it best. All dips need to be clearly

labeled as to what they are in order to be entered in the competition. The student who brings

the best dip will receive a $10.00 gift card prize.

Great Date Night (February 8 - 6:30-9:30pm) Hey students! The Great Date Night has returned!!! On Friday, February 8, from 6:30 to

9:30pm, our youth group will host the Great Date Night. This is a service to the parents in our

congregation with young children. Drop off will begin at 6:30pm. Participating students are

encouraged to show up at 6:00pm. Sign up for students will be available at Youth Group and on

Sunday mornings. While this is a service to the church and not a fundraiser, any donations that

are received will be split between the students going to the Life 2013 Conference. Parents may

sign up their children by calling or e-mailing Rigel at 914-830-6970 ~

Life Fundraising Packet On Sunday February 10, students going to Life 2013 will receive a fundraising packet from

Pastor Rigel. This packet will include a schedule of fundraisers that students can participate in

for their trip to Life. At this time, students can also see where they stand in their candy sales and

fundraising up to this point.

Rigel’s Contact Information ~ 914-830-6970

Page 11 Volume 9, Issue 2

February Anniversaries

February Birthdays

11 Ron & Betsy Danser

14 Dan & Velma Laco

Bill & “B” Shindehite

1 Ron DiClaudio

2 Nikkoahk Clendenin

Bri Danser

Rose Jones

3 Dorothy Obenski

4 Whitney Mackison

Peter Obringer

5 Ken DeMichela

6 Karen Slater

7 Melanie Marasco

Etta Mae Trout

8 Sasha Hoffman

Mark Obringer

16 Paul Graziani

18 Julie Holmes

Phoenix Jordan

20 Caleb Sellers

21 Ethan Knepp

Daniel McKay, Jr.

Mark Wills

23 Becky Keller

Nathan Keller

24 Faith Steiner

26 Jonathan Kerr

27 John Cogan

Danny Ekis

Tim Steiner

9 Dave Kostenbader

Kathy Mears

Tucker Murgi

Ruby Risko

10 Janice Calhoun

Hannah Hoffman

Kevin Sellers

11 Ron Danser

12 Zac Cross

Tad Kelley

Michael Shuey

14 Carmen Dott

Janine Schomer

15 Dave Allen

Bryce Shuey

18 Matthew & Sharon Dreskler

23 Ron & Michelle DiClaudio

25 Tim & JoAnn Komisak

Mongolia Partnership Connection

Our church has been involved in connecting with Mongolia in a powerful way through your giving, your

prayers and through hearing updates of the work going on in the country. This month we would like to

focus on the prayer requests of Bernie and Renee Anderson, who work in Ulaanbaatar.

Please pray with us for these requests:

1. That the family of four would maintain persistent and passionate walks with Jesus.

2. For Renee and the kids while in NYC for TEFL/CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of

Other Languages) training.

3. For Renee as she works with Jonathan and Cori to try to find jobs and an apartment for them

before she returns to Mongolia.

4. For health for all who are working in Mongolia in the winter. The pollution is particularly bad this

year, especially in the city.









Upcoming Events

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On the Web at:

February 8: Great Date Night

February 16: Children’s Ministry Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast

February 22: Men’s Warrior Prayer Night

February 24: Congregational Meeting

February 25: Baptism Class

March 3: Mortgage Burning Celebration

March 23: Marriage Enrichment

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