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Bramley Church of England PrimaryHome Learning Grid – Year 3&4 w/c 01.06.20



Task 1: Task 4: Task 7: Task 10: Task 13:Commentary

Write a commentary for a sporting clip of the Brownlee


Fact file Write a fact file about a sports

person of your choice.

Instructions Write the instructions for a

sport or game.

Letter Write a letter to Mr Moore persuading him to start a

sports or games club that you would love to do.

Watch the Seesaw Lesson for a full explanation

Comic strip Watch the clip and create a

comic strip based on it.

Upload your creation to Seesaw



Task 2: Task 5: Task 8: Task 11: Task 14:Estimating and Measuring

Use your estimating and measuring skills to see who

can jump the furthest in your family.

Time – DurationWork out how long the sports

day events took.

Watch the Seesaw Lesson for a full explanation

AdditionWork out what people have

spent at sports day at the refreshments stall.

MultiplcicationUse your mulitplication skills

in to win the game.

Fractions Find fractions of amounts.



Task 3: Task 6: Task 9: Task 12: Task 15:Art & Design

Design a sports kit for a sport of your choice.

Upload the table to Seesaw

DT/PERecreate a sport at home

using whatever is available.

PEPlay the sport you recreated.

DebUpload a picture/ video to


Geography Create a poster filled with

facts about a country that has hosted the Olympics.

Watch the Seesaw Lesson for a full explanation

DT – Healthy eating Use your knowledge of a

healthy diet to design a meal. You could even make it with

an adult.


Bramley Church of England PrimaryAd


nal T


Reading Times Tables Topic spellings WebsitesResearch – Sporting events and activitiesThis week we would like you to read about sports. Any books you can find would be great. They can be real life or stories, contain lots of writing and pictures. Do any family members play a team sport – can you contact them to ask about what it is like and how many to a team, when and where they play and the basic rules, etc.? You can also use the websites links to go to websites that have information about lots of different sports. Do read every day and if you read independently – tell an adult or family member something you have learned or enjoyed.

This week we are holding another year group competition.

Year 3 V Year 4

There will be 2 competitions running. The first is a normal battle of the bands and will count the correct answers you get. The second will be based on the number of players each year group gets. So log in and play and help your year win!If you need a login reminder, contact the school office or your teacher through Seesaw

This week we want you to practise these topic words.


Sports websiteshttps://www.nhs.uk/change4life/activities/sports-and-activities




And some others:


bonkers-about-basketball/ (NB ask an adult before you enter any competitions or

register for information)




Bramley Church of England PrimaryTask 1: Write a commentary for a sporting clip of a race with two famous brothers

When we watch a sport or event on TV, there is usually someone’s voice in the background describing what is happening. This is called a commentary and it helps us to understand what we are watching happen, know the rules and sometimes, when the commentator gets excited, builds up the atmosphere and tension, so we feel like we are there, too! (If you have ever listened to Tom Dellor or Ady Williams on the radio, when Reading FC score a goal, they get very excited!)

Watch the clip of Usain Bolt winning the 100m race and listen carefully to the commentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVTqySCtzVI

So, what does a good commentary have?

1. It sets the scene: What is the event? Where is it happening? Why is it important? Who is taking part?

2. It shares extra details that the watcher might not know: the weather (it might make a difference to the competitors if it is very hot, or cold). Describes the kind of crowd who are watching – what their mood is – how long they have been waiting to see the event. Gives information about the competitors – if they are champions, which country or club they represent, if they are in good fitness or suffering from an injury that might affect their performance in the event.

3. It is a continuous but simple description of what is happening, once the event begins, and the commentator’s opinion as it happens. Usually that is a neutral opinion – the commentator might ‘think aloud’ both sides of what could happen (‘will they/won’t they?’) to build up the excitement and carry the audience’s attention along with them. It also explains the significance of what is happening – what effect will it have on the competitor – will they finish the race? Will losing change their status (how important they are) in the sport? Will it affect their health?

4. Often at the end of the event, the commentator may get excited and this shows in their emotion and pitch (their voice gets louder and higher).

5. After the event, a competitor might be asked for their feelings about what has just happened, and a commentator would tell the audience who they are and what they said.

Your task is to write a commentary for this long-distance World Series triathlon running race: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/triathlon/52388142

Watch the clip with the sound muted of the Olympic runners, Alastair and Jonny Brownlee, when Alastair had to push Jonny across the finish line.

Now plan what you are going to say. Stop the clip in places if you need to. Write your own commentary for the race. You can make notes, and then write it out in a few sentences, on the sheet below:


Bramley Church of England Primary1. First, set the scene:





Who is taking part?_________________________________________________________________

2. Extra details:_________________________________________________________________



3. What is happening?___________________________________________________________




Why is it significant (important)? ______________________________________________________


What is your opinion ?_________________-______________________________________________


What happens next? _________________________________________________________________

What do you think about that? ________________________________________________________

What is the crowd’s reaction? _________________________________________________________

Emotion at the finish line_____________________________________________________________

Afterwards, brother Alastair said_______________________________________________________


Finally, sum up what everyone thinks about it in a word or two______________________________


If you want to record your commentary as a voice-over you can, or you could invite your family to watch the clip with the sound off, with you, and commentate it for them, just like a live event!


Bramley Church of England PrimaryTask 2: Estimate and measure.

You will need to get other members of your family involved. You are each going to do 3 jumps. For each jump, you are going to estimate (make a good guess) how far they jumped. You are then going to measure how far they jumped. It may help to recap multiplying big numbers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoMu5ymUTqo


It may help if you use the ruler at the end of the pack to work out how big one of your feet are and try guess how many feet they jumped. For example, my one foot is 22cm. My mum jumps and just by looking I guess she has jumped 4 of my foot lengths. Therefore I estimate she has jumped 4x22 about 88cm.


It may be that your parents have a tape measure you can use. If they don’t, we can use our strategy for estimating. I know one of my feet is 22cm. My mother jumps. I measure how far she jumps using my feet. She jumped 4 ½ of my feet. I work out my mother has jumped 99 cm.

Name Name Name

Standing Hop



Standing Jump



Frog jump



Challenge: I jump. My mum uses her feet and says I jumped 3 of her foot lengths. One of her feet is 26 cm. When she jumps, I use my feet and say she has jumped 6 of my foot lengths. My feet are 12 cm. My dad says we need to start again as it isn’t fair. Do you agree? Explain your ideas.


Bramley Church of England Primary Task 3: Design a sports kit *Upload the table to Seesaw*

Have a look at the designs on the sports kits below:

Now have a go at designing a kit that your sportsperson will be proud to


Think about:

Do you want a simple or complicated design? What sport is your kit for? – How could you show this in your design? What colours could you use that would make it stand out? Think about your favourite teams kit.


Bramley Church of England Primary


Bramley Church of England Primary


Bramley Church of England PrimaryTask 4: Write a fact file about a famous person.

Think about a famous sportsperson that you would like to write about.

What information should you include?

Their full name. Date of birth. Place of birth. What are they famous for? Who do they play for/represent? Interesting details about their life.

Make sure you use subordinating conjunction sentence starters and adverb sentence starters in your fact file. Try to use as many different ones as you can. Use the word many below to help you.

Subordinating conjunctions AdverbsBecause While When Before After As Since If Once

AmazinglyUnbelievably Unsurprisingly SurprisinglyShockinglyAfterwards AstonishinglyShockinglyIncredibly Sadly Luckily

Underline the subordinating conjunctions and adverbs in the WAGOLL in the correct colours.


Name: David Beckham

Date of birth: 2 May 1975

Place of birth: London, England

David Beckham was a famous footballer who played from 1992-2013. When he was a professional player, he played for teams such as Manchester United, Real Madrid and LA Galaxy and was famous for his free kicks. Because he played for some top teams, he won a lot of trophies and became a worldwide star. Amazingly, outside of football he did a lot of work for charity and helped England get the Olympic Games. Afterwards, he became a businessman and owns two football clubs called Inter Miami and Salford FC.

Now write your own on the next sheet.


Bramley Church of England Primary


Bramley Church of England PrimaryTask 5: Duration.

Duration means how long something lasts. If a lesson starts at 9 o’clock and finishes at 10 o’clock the duration is 1 hour. Watch the Seesaw Lesson for a full explanation.

Useful fact to remember: there are ________ minutes in 1 hour.

Mr Moore has some missing information on his schedule. Fill it in for him.

Activity Start Finish Duration Egg and Spoon Race 11.30 12.00

3 Legged Race 9.45 10.30

Sack Race 11.25 1 hour

Wheelbarrow Race 8.50 25 minutes

Sprint 10. 15 35 minutes

Javelin Throw 2.30 30 minutes

Bean Bag Toss 2.20 2.45

Relay 3.10 40 minutes

Tennis Slalom 1.35 2. 17


It seems that the recording of the Teachers’ race was a little haphazard. Can you work out who won? How do you know? Explain how you worked it out!

Teacher Time

Mrs Wood 2 minutes 56 secs

Mrs Hanson 241 seconds

Miss Denham 2.42 minutes

Mr Taylor 1 hour and 1 second


Bramley Church of England PrimaryTask 6: Recreate a sport at home, using whatever ‘equipment’ is available.

Since you have all been at home, in lockdown, with extra time to do things, have you sometimes wanted to play a game or sport only to think: “But I don’t have the right equipment- I don’t have a basketball hoop, or tennis racquet, or commando assault course!”

For today’s challenge therefore, can you get creative to try and solve your problem?

Here is one idea of how you could substitute everyday objects for sports equipment!

Can you name the items used? (*see box below for answers).

Your task today is to re-create a sport of your choice, using everyday objects that you can find around the home.

Be safe, and make sure you ask permission before you borrow something or try to get it out!

NB. Task 9 is linked to this one – you will need to use the equipment again - so read that task before you put everything away. You might want to plan to do both tasks on the same day, to save time and energy.


*Substituted items: Stumps – leeks, Bails – carrots, Cricket bat – hoe, Ball – melon, cricket shoes – furry slippers!

Bramley Church of England PrimaryTask 7: Instructions for a sport or game

What is your favourite game or sport? Now imagine an alien wants to play but has never seen or heard of it before. Your challenge for this task is to write a clear set of instructions that explain the purpose and each step of your chosen sport or game, what is used to play it and how you win.

There is a writing frame on the next pages, but you may prefer to set out your instructions yourself.

Handy Tip 1:

Instructions use 2 nd person imperative (bossy verbs - Take… Thow …Jump)

Handy Tip 2:

Instructions use present tense not past: Take, not took, Jump, not jumped, Throw, not threw.

Watch this clip of how to play hopscotch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZzswQaICfM

Here are some written instructions – which do you think is clearer? It has an introduction that explains the background and purpose of the game.

It has a list of equipment. You could say who plays and how to win/ stay in the game.

Steps are numbered and follow the order that the game is played in.

Language is clear and simple to understand.

A diagram/ picture is included to help.

Each step could be linked by a time or reason conjunction, to show order or add detail:

First, Next, Then, When…so that, At the same time, After that, Even

though, If, Until, Since, Once you have, Finally


Bramley Church of England Primary


Bramley Church of England Primary


Bramley Church of England PrimaryTask 8: How much was spent at the Sports Day Refreshment stall?

It is a typical Sports Day at Bramley and the sun is high in the sky. Pupils have been giving the events their total commitment and are feeling hot and thirsty. Parents have been buying delicious snacks and drinks at the refreshment stall, which this year is giving all the money it raises to the school funds.

Look at this addition model of amounts in money:

1. Write the total of £ and p in the correct boxes. 2. Now write out the amounts again as a column method calculation in the squared

paper below: don’t forget to line up the £ and p digits carefully, putting in zeros if you need a place value holder.

3. One way of writing the amounts you are adding together could be £7.00 + £ 5.50; are there other ways to write the sum? Try to write them all. Do they always make the same total? Why?


Bramley Church of England Primary4. Look at the price list below. Use the bar model method or column addition method

to find the total spent by some parents:

You will find squared paper at the back of the pack, if you need some to set your work out.


a) Mrs H bought 2 Fruit and oat bars, 2 Freeze Dried fruit packs and 2 bottles of milk.

b) Mr J bought 3 Rainbow veg pots, 3 bananas and 3 juices.

c) Ms K bought 4 popcorn, 3 milk and 1 pack of Freeze dried fruit.

d) How much have these 3 parents helped raise towards school fund?


Bramley CE Primary School

Sports Day Snack Stall

Fruit and oat bars £1.30







Freeze dried fruit


Rainbow vegpots




Bramley Church of England PrimaryTask 9: Recreate a sport at home - The Movie! *Upload your video to Seesaw*

Ideally you will need to have read and completed Task 6 before you do this task.

Using the everyday objects you found at home to substitute for sporting equipment in Task 6, today’s challenge is to record a video of you playing the sport or game, and upload the film to Seesaw, using the video tool on Seesaw. Alternatively, you could upload a video you have recorded on another device to Google drive, and then upload that to Seesaw. (A slightly hysterical running commentary by a member of your family is not expected, but would certainly add to the enjoyment of the teachers marking your challenge!)


Bramley Church of England PrimaryTask 10: Write a letter to Mr Moore persuading him to include your chosen game as one of the school clubs. * Seesaw Task* When completing Tasks 8 and 9, you probably researched some sports. Which sport is the best, and one you think would be possible to play at school? Here are some unusual ones:

KorfBall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUtJB5jBOis

Bowls http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/other_sports/bowls/4747148.stm

Decide on a sport that really inspires you. If your favourite game is such fun to play, it is only right that as many people as possible get to try it! So, your task today is to ask Mr Moore to make your sport one of the clubs that children can choose, in school.

1. Take a moment to think about what makes your game so brilliant – is it easy to learn? Fun? Will it encourage lots of children to get active? Does it encourage team skills and show Bramley values? Is the equipment already available or cheap and easy to find?

2. Now think about Mr Moore’s point of view – is it safe? Will it cost the school a lot to resource, compared to other clubs like Art? Why should he include another sport as a club, if there already is football or something similar?

3. Using the WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) in the example, and the word mat of persuasive sentence starters, write a letter to Mr Moore with at least three reasons why he should add your sport to the list of clubs at Bramley. The Seesaw Lesson explains the features you need to include in your letter. Upload a copy of your letter to Seesaw.

Example letter -WAGOLL

1, Dingle Dell Road,

Bramley Bottom,

RG26 ZX2

Date ……………………….

Dear Mr Moore,

It is a well-known fact, agreed upon by Scientists and medical experts, that Sports and exercise are essential for the health and well-being of everyone. They are particularly important to children, whose muscles and bones need regular activity to develop strength and flexibility.

Even during this Covid 19 Pandemic, when people are unable to do most of the activities they would like to do, the Government have stated clearly that we should all be including a minimum of one hour of sport or exercise per day. This shows how important it is.

Bramley Primary School, I am grateful to say, is a place where Sports and fitness is highly valued. All year round, in PE, we enjoy being taught different kinds of sport, and there are tournaments for the most popular ones, where


Pretend address of person writing letter (you)

(Short date) Name of who the letter is for

Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3

Bramley Church of England Primaryindividuals can show their personal skills and learn how to work in a team, to bring respect and achievement to our School.

However, I believe that there is more we can do to promote this good and worthwhile part of the curriculum. Consequently, I am writing to ask you to widen the choice of clubs that children can take part in, to include the sport of……………………….( name of your sport). It has a clear set of instructions that explain how the sport is played, so you can see just how it would inspire and encourage even less confident individuals to join in and have fun.

You need not worry about the cost of equipment as it can be played using things the school already has, or ones which can be easily substituted.

I’m sure you will agree that this is an exciting opportunity our school should not miss out on, and look forward to hearing your reply,

Yours sincerely,

Max Speed, Lewis Class

Features of a letter Persuasive sentence starters/language that help to show how good the sport is


What you want him to do

Reason 4/ reply to his objections

Be positive and ask for a reply

How you sign off if you have used ‘Dear + their name’

Who you are /your class

Bramley Church of England PrimaryTask 11: Multiplication games.

Play with a partner. Pick colours for your teams. Pick a number from each group and multiply them together. Show your partner. If you are right and the answer is on a football, shade the answer on the football with your team’s colour. Take it in turns. The one with the most goals at the end wins. Before you do the game, you might want to recap partitioning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoMu5ymUTqo

Group 1 Group 220, 47, 35, 14, 29, 51, 17 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8

Challenge: Tim says he knows 2x 47 = 95 is wrong. How can he tell just by looking at the answer? (HINT: Start by writing out your 2 times table. Do you spot a pattern?)




























Bramley Church of England PrimaryTask 12: Design a poster about a country that has hosted the Olympics.

Choose a country that has hosted the Olympic Games! You need to create a poster about it.

When designing your poster, think about:

Where the country is – what continent is it part of? What the country is famous for What famous places there are to visit. The Capital City. The languages spoken. How many people live there. What famous people come from that country.

You could include:

The countries flag. A map. Photographs and pictures. Lots of colour!


Task 13: Watch the clip and create a comic strip based on it. *Upload your creation to Seesaw*

Features of a comic


Bramley Church of England Primary

Creating your own comic strip

1) Watch the video

https://vimeo.com/169697352.2) You need to decide on how you will change the story. 3) Draw out your ideas in rough like the example to the

left. 4) In your rough draft include your ideas for captions,

speech bubbles and thought bubbles. 5) Edit your writing to use precise language e.g. Eddie went to the park with his ball.

Eddie went to the local park around the corner from his house with his brand new ball.


Captions tell you what is happening in the


A thought bubble shows what a

character is thinking.Comics need to be


When a character speaks use a speech


Bramley Church of England Primary6) Create your comic in best making sure it is colourful! 7) Upload to Seesaw


Bramley Church of England Primary


Bramley Church of England PrimaryTask 14: Fractions *Upload your working out and ideas to Seesaw*

Watch the video https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-are-equivalent-fractions-and-simplifying-fractions

After you have watched the lesson, look at this challenge – is Mo correct and if he is, what fraction is equivalent to Teddy’s fraction ?

Mo is correct/is not correct (cross out to say what you think) because)________________________



The fraction that is equivalent with a denominator of 9 ( /9) is _____________________________

Now watch Lesson 2 on the White Rose Maths website:


At Sports Day, the children have been split into teams of 3. Look at bar model a) How many children in total are there?

In bar model b) there are 36 children. How does it help you find the answer to 1/3 of the number? Use the squared paper to draw the model and explain.

Extra challenge: What else do the bar models show you about these numbers and fractions?


Bramley Church of England PrimaryTask 15: DT healthy eating. Design a healthy lunch you would like to eat.

This clip talks about why it is important to have a healthy diet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMHVEFWNLMc

This clip doesn’t use the same portions as the Eatwell Guide but it gives you some ideas how to create a healthy plate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gmh_xMMJ2Pw

Before you design your plate – have a look at the Eatwell Guide above think about the questions below:

Which parts of the plate are the biggest? Crips and chocolate are not part of the plate why is that? What should you not drink a lot of? What are your favourite foods from each part?


Bramley Church of England Primary

Draw your healthy lunch


Bramley Church of England Primary

1 cm

2 cm

3 cm

4 cm

5 cm

6 cm

7 cm

8 cm

9 cm

10 cm

11 cm

12 cm

13 cm

14 cm

15 cm

16 cm

17 cm

18 cm

19 cm

20 cm

21 cm

22 cm

23 cm


Bramley Church of England Primary

