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(An Empirical Analysis of Mining Industry Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange)


Andal Pradipta

604081000002 f)itcrin~.

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(An Empirical Analysis of Mining Industry Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange)


Submitted to Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

To Meet the Requirements in Achieving Degree of Bachelor of Economics


f\ndal Pradipta


Under Supervision of

Academic Supervisor I

Pro[ Dr. Ahmad Rodoni, MM NIP. 150 3 I 7 955

rwr""°"/'~mi'~ / ~?-J

-------·-Prof. Dr. Azzam Jasin, MBA


Academic Supervisor II

Dr. Rofikoh Rokhim


We have administered comprehensive examination to i\ndal Pradipta student

If) 604081000002 on Wednesday. 6 August 2008 with the title




EXCHANGE)". After proper examination of the student. we decided that this

thesis is accepted as partial requirements for the title of Bachelor of

Economics on the field of Management, State Islamic University Syarif

H idayatul lah Jakarta.

Ciputat, 6 August 2008

Comprehensive Examination Team

Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid, MS

Deputy Dean Prof. Dr. Ahmad Rodoni, MM

Head of Management Department







A. Background

B. Problem Identification

C. Purpose and Significance


A. Company Sources of Fund

B. Financial Leverage

c. Liquidity

D. Return on Equity

E. Earnings per Share

F. Previous Research

G. Theoretical Framework

H. Consideration Framework













A. Research Scope

B. Sampling Method

C. Data Collection Method

D. Analysis Method

E. Research Variable Operational


A. General View on Research Object

B. Findings and Analysis


A. Conclusion

B. Implication













List of Tables


Table 1.1 Company's Debt and Debt to Equity Ratio 7

Table 2.2 List of Previous Research 27

Table 3.3 Research's Variables and Its Indicators 40

List of Figures


Figure 1.1 ROE Change Sensitivity upon EBIT Change 8

Figure 1.2 Directional Factor of Return on Equity Line 9

Figure 2.3 Corporation's Capital Scheme Philosophical Framework 28

Figure 2.4 Return on Equity 29

Figure 2.5 Earnings per Share 29

Figure 4.6 Elnusa 44

Figure 4.7 Aneka Tambang 46

Figure 4.8 Petrosea 47

Figure 4.9 International Nickel Indonesia 49

Figure 4.10 Radiant Utama Interinsco 50

Figure 4.11 Ti mah 53

Figure 4.12 Central Korporindo Internasional 56

Figure 4.13 Apexindo Pratama Duta 57


1. Name

2. Place and date of birth

3. Address

4. Phone

5. Email


I. Elementary school

2. Junior high school

3. Senior high school


: Anda! Pradipta

: Jakarta, February 17, 1987

: JI. Karya Pemuda No.9 Beji Timur, Depok

: 0818998628

: pvogue@gmail.com

: SD Baiturrahmah Padang

: SMPN 2 Padang

: SMA Pribadi Depok


1. Jakarta Debating Competition committee

2. Organizing committee on MoU between Intel and UIN


1. Father

2. Place and date of birth

3. Address

4. Phone

5. Mother

6. Place and date of birth

7. Address

8. Phone

: Riya:ntoko

: Sragen, August 2, 1955

: JI. Karya Pemuda No.9 Beji Timur, Depok

: 08121033941

: S. Neni Budi Ratni

: Yogyakarta, Febrnary 17, 1960

: JI. Karya Pemuda No.9 Beji Timur, Depok

: 08561108902


This study is an empirical work that investigates the effect of a firm's leverage on returns and earnings. Writer undertakes the tests based on the explicit valuation model of some researcher and tested in the mining industry in Indonesia. This is consistent with the findings of Modigliani and Miller (1958). Results are robust to other factors.

Using several measures for debt capacity, writer finds that the negative effect is stronger for firms with limited debt capacity. Moreover, firms with an increase in leverage ratio tend to have less futme investment, controlling for the potential negative effect of growth option on leverage ratio.

These findings are consistent with a dynamic view of the pecking-order theory that an increase in leverage reduces finns' safe debt capacity and may lead to future underinvestment. Writer finds that the observed patterns are stronger for changes in the long-term debt than that in the short-term debt and remain significant among financially healthy firms.

Further, while leverage seems to be working well for few Cf~tegories of companies, it is affecting some others negatively. Companies that are moderately geared i.e. in the range of gearing ratio of 50 percent to 85 percent have been able to generate a good ROE. In a nutshell, it is the management who take the lead and responsible for the usage of company's external somce of fund to leverage their company as to maximize the practice.

Keywords: financial leverage, liquidity, return on equity, earnings per share, mining industry, Indonesia


Penelitian ini adalah studi empiris yang menyelidiki efek dari hutang perusaharu1 terhadap pengembalian modal dan pendapatan. Penulis menjalankan tes berdasarkan model penghitungan dari beberapa peneliti yang selanjutnya di tes pada industri pertambangan di Indonesia. Ini konsisten dengan penemuan dari Modigliru1i dan Miller (1958). Hasilnya adalah bagus terhadap faktor-faktor lain.

Menggunakan beberapa pengukuran untuk hutang, penulis menemukan bahwa perusahaan dengan kapasitas hutang yang terbatas mempunyai efek negatif yang lebih kuat. Selebihnya, perusahaan dengan peningkatan dalam rasio hutang cenderung untuk memiliki investasi masa depan yang lebih kecil, mengendalikan pertumbuhru1 yang potensial terhadap efek negatif pada rasio huta11g.

Penemuan ini konsisten denga11 pru1da11gan dinamis dari teori pecking-order yang menyatakan bahwa peningkata11 hutang menurunkan kapasitas aman huta11g dari perusahaa11 itu dru1 dapat berujtmg pada investasi yru1g kecil pada masa depan. Penulis menemukan bahwa pola yang diteliti lebih kuat untuk perubahan pada huta11g jangka pru1jang daripada lrntang jangka pendek dan tetap signifikan diantru·a perusahaan denga11 finansial yang sehat.

Lebih jauh lagi, ketika hutang bekerja dengan baik untuk beberapa perusahaan, temyata hutru1g memberika11 efek negatif pada perusahaa11 lain. Perusahaan denga11 rasio hutang yang moderat yang berada dalrun rasio a11tara 50% dan 85% bisa menghasilkan pengembalian modal yffi1g baik. Selanjutnya, adalah ma11ajemen perusahaan yang memimpin dan bertanggung jawab terhadap penggunaan dana ekstemal untuk operasional perusahaa11 dan memaksimalkarmya.

Kata kunci: hutang, likuiditas, pengembalia11 modal, laba bersih per sahrun, industri pertrunbangan, Indonesia


In the name of Allah SWT, writer would like to say thank you for the

completion of this paper with the title "Financial Leverage and its Effect on Return

on Equity and Earnings per Share". This paper is a framework that aims to shed some

light on the financial structure of mining industry and further analyzes the impact of

leverage on it. The writer would like to say thank you to the following that have

given their support in making this paper possible:

1. My beloved parents for their great support and endless courage to help

me finishing this paper.

2. Dean Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Drs. Faisal Badroen,


3. Academic supervisor I Prof. Dr. Ahmad Rodoni, MM and academic

supervisor II Dr. Rofikoh Rokhim for their extremely helpful

assistance along with the consent to finish this paper.

4. Bisnis Indonesia for providing data to meet my data requirement for

my thesis.

5. All my friends in International Program as we have shared good times

together: Mamat, Abdul, Donal, Hendry, Iqbal, Savirul, Faqih, Fitry,

Tia, Erika, Aysa, Khairiyah, Kiki, Nada and everyone in the class that

could not be mentioned one by one.

6. All the staff in International Program office for handling the required

document especially Mrs. Fitri, and Mr. Syamsudin.

7. My tennis mates Bono, Sofyan, Rama; you guys rock.

8. Asus WSF for limitless contribution; my dependent partner; hail on


9. My handy 2 gigabyte HP thumb drive for maximum mobile data


l 0. Bignet for internet connection 111 KP9 to let me connect to virtual

world along with surfing for international journals.

11. Canadian corner in main library for providing cozy place to write this


12. The legendarily powerful yet efficient l ZZ-FE for making me

conveniently move from one place to another.

13. 'Attack' package to power up my energy to run the day; 3 packages at

a time is considered normal.

14. And to everyone that helped me to go through this paper.

A. Background



Facing an open competition in the globalization age is one of the

toughest tasks for either state own enterprise or private company.

Corporations are highly obliged to offer excellent products or services

throughout the competition. Consumer will have more variety of choices to

products or services available in the market. Subsequently, it is just the matter

of time to survive in the competition; consumer will judge which product is

the best. Along with increasing market share, all firms aim to expand their


Competing in a tight competition needs accurate calculation where

every pace is vital and as important as corporation's current undertaking in

addition to future achievement. Most of the time, capital support is playing

important role to expand or survive in such rivalry (Padron, 2005:61). As

such, there are various ways for a corporation to get financing for their

operation, either internally or externally. At times, internally generated funds

will not be sufficient to finance all of the firm's proposed expenditures. In

these situations, the corporation may find it necessary to attract large amount

of financial capital externally or otherwise forgo the projects that are forecast

to be profitable (Ross, 2006:389).

At the same time, corporation is trying its best to create value added,

which is at the end will attract investors to put and invest their money in it.

From many indicators for investor, some of them are return on equity (ROE)

and earnings per share (EPS) of that particular corporation (Sunarto, 2001).

Investors are looking for the best performance stock, which is represented by

constantly increasing price or at least maintain its price at the particular range.

That point, later, indicates the profitability, as well as its return and earnings.

By doing so, they will be able to draw large amount of capital to develop their

size in terms of market share.

Information needed by investors in capital market is not only

fundamentally precise, but also technically defined (Sunarto, 2001 ).

Fundamental inf01mation is internally derived while technical information is

acquired externally, such as economy, politic, finance, and other factors.

Information obtained internally is usually taking form in financial report.

Fundamental and technical information can be used as a basis for investor to

predict return, risk, amount, time, and other factors related to activity in

cap ital market.

One of the most imp01tant concepts in all of finance deals with risk

and return. As it goes with one of the financial management principles, it says

that the risk return trade off-we will not take additional risk unless we expect

to be compensated with additional return (Keown, 2005:26). Risk is the

prospect of an unfavorable outcome. This concept has been measured

operationally as the standard deviation or beta (Keown, 2005:190). The

practice of corporate risk management has changed dramatically over the past

two decades. Originally, risk management was implemented on an

uncoordinated basis across different units of the firm. The primary focus of

these ad hoe risk management programs was to minimize costs. Today,

however, risk management of currency exposure has, in many cases, evolved

into a firmwide exercise that addresses both short-te1m and long-term

exposures and encompasses financial as well as operational hedges.

The ultimate goal of firmwide risk management is to reduce risk while

placing the firm in a position to benefit from opportunities that arise from

exchange rate changes. For example, Davis and Militello (1995) describe how

Union Carbide employs a firmwide perspective in risk management. The

company uses a one-year horizon for financial hedges (e.g., foreign-exchange

derivatives), whereas for longer horizons, operational adjustments are made in

sourcing, utilization of different plant locations, and pricing.

Firmwide risk management for multinational corporations (MNCs) is

the combination of both financial and operational hedges as part of an

integrated risk management strategy aiming at reducing exposure to foreign­

exchange risk (Cartera, 2001). Changes in exchange rates can influence

MNCs' current and future expected cash flows and ultimately, stock prices.

The direction and the magnitude of changes in the exchange rate on firm value

are a function of the firm's corporate hedging policy and the structure of its

foreign currency cash flows. The latter depends on the firm's competitive

position in the industries in which it operates. The fo1mer indicates whether

the MNC utilizes operational hedges and financial hedges to manage currency


Leverage is traditionally viewed as arising from financing activities:

finns boITow to raise cash for operations. The standard measure of leverage is

total liabilities to equity. However, while some liabilities-like bank loans and

bonds issued are due to financing, other liabilities--like trade payables,

deferred revenues, and pension liabilities-result from transactions with

customers and suppliers in conducting operations. Financing liabilities are

typically traded in well-functioning capital markets where issuers are price


Compared to many areas of corporate finance, relatively little is known

about the fundamental detenninants of the expected rates of return of

individual firms-that is, how the characteristics of a paiticular firm affect '

expected returns earned by security-holders.

Miller-Modigliani (1958; henceforth MM) argued rigorously that the

value of a firm is independent of its capital structure. The immediate

implication of Proposition I was that the return on equity capital is an

increasing function of leverage. This is because debt increases the riskiness of

the stock and hence equity shareholders will demand a higher return on their


MM's Proposition II stated that the rate of return on common stock of

companies whose capital structure includes some debt is equal to the

appropriate capitalization rate for a pure equity stream plus a premium related

to financial risk (Sivaprasad, 2007). The impact of these propositions on

corporate finance is immense but the original sample they used is very limited.

Further empirical work uses much larger samples but results are mixed. Some

authors (Hamada, 1972; Bhandari, 1988) show that returns increase in

leverage, others show that they decrease in leverage (Dimitrov and Jain, 2005;

Penman 2007).

Financial leverage, in turn, results from a company resorting to debts.

Their role in the structure ensures a greater return on equity in the case of

prosperity, but in the case of a slump brings about greater losses, as it

increases liabilities. Each of these decisions has advantages and involves risk

at the same time. Analysis of leverage aims at providing infonnation al;>out the

advantages and risk resulting from it. By putting emphasize into financial

leverage, it is a step closer to reduce risk as well as predicting the return.

In the theory of firm's capital structure and financing decisions, the

Pecking Order Theory or Pecking Order Model was developed by Stewart C.

Myers and Nicolas Majluf in 1984. It states that companies prioritize their

sources of financing (from internal financing to equity) according to the law of

least effort, or of least resistance, preferring to raise equity as a financing

means of last resort. Hence, internal funds are used first, and when that is

depleted, debt is issued, and when it is not sensible to issue any more debt,

equity is issued. This theory maintains that businesses adhere to hierarchy of

financing sources and prefer internal financing when available, and debt is

preferred over equity if external financing is required.

Mining industry has been the main source of income for Indonesia for

a long time. Given the abundant resources, Indonesia is one of the most

attractive places for foreign investors. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers'

research, the contribution of mining industry to the economy of Indonesia in

2003 reached around Rp. 19.5 trillion, which is mostly in the form of

government income (Rp. 9.3 trillion) and purchases from local suppliers (Rp.

7.1 trillion).

Expenditure for the public interest is quite large such as for regional


and social development, reached around Rp. 604 billion (2003), staff training

(Rp 164 billion), research and development (US$ 1.04 million). Meanwhile,

expenditures for the reclamation, mine closure and environmental control

reached US$ 83.6 million.

The numbers of Indonesian workers absorbed by the mining industry

in 2003 came out at 33,112 people. These numbers are resulted from research

involving 33 companies that have been operating and 35 exploration

companies during 1999-2003 and do not reflect all gold and coal producers in

Indonesia. Some of them are already go public while some others have yet to

neither list their shares in stock market nor offer their shares to public. If all

the data is entered for various types of minerals industry, the numbers will

cettainly increase and affect the entire figures.

Below is the list of go public mining company in Indonesia (figures in

Rupiah expressed in thousands, data of2007):

Table I.I Comoanv's Debt and Debt to Equitv Ratio

No Company Short term debt Long term debt DER

1 A TPK Resources 18,995,251,422 1,350,972,348 0.11

2 Bumi Resources 7,984,974,395,526 5,338,504,954,160 1.26

3 Indo Tambangraya Megah 2,245,990,428,000 755,213,882,000 0.68

4 Resource Alam Indonesia 60,762,715,000 29, 708,899,000 1.09

5 Perdana Karya Perkasa 76,675,215,684 76,785,475,234 0.88

6 Tambang Batubara Bukit 695,010,000,000 421,789,000,000 0.40

7 Asam 496,740,688,000 182,048,658,000 0.95

8 Petrosea 463,854,200,814 1,933,740,064,186 1.09

9 Apexindo Pratama Dula 918,095,000,000 277,169,000,000 1.26

10 Elnusa 3,688,450,000,000 2,337,494,000,000 1.80

11 Energi Mega Persada 3,548,668,475,674 10,505,938,001,544 2.85

12 Medco Energi Internasional 121,440,162,625 111,038,745,798 l.29

13 Radiant Utama Interinsco 1,798,816,747,000 1,474,300, 753,000 0.37

14 Aneka Tambang I 94,792,000,000 114,063,000,000 1.69

15 Cita Mineral Investindo 2,366,059,276,000 2,339,218,588,000 0.36

16 International Nickel Indonesia 1,350,230,000,000 323,163,000,000 0.50

17 Timah 50,837,822,000 54,437,767,000 0.16

18 Central Korporindo Int' I 117, 166,000,000 21,315,000,000 3.29

19 Citatah Industri 102,024,224,000 2,680,594,000 5.33 Mitra Jnvestindo

Source: Bi.mis Indonesia

An alternative measure of overall company performance is return on

equity (ROE). A company's ROE is affected by the same income statement

items that affect ROA as well as by the company's degree of financial

leverage, which is shown as follows (Ross, 2006:467):

ROE ROA x Leverage measure

Net income Net income Total assets x

Equity capital Total assets Equity capital

Figure 1.1 ROE change sensitivity upon EBIT change

(Source: Tadeusz Dudycz, "The Different Faces of Leverage")

Figure 1.2 shows two variants of financing the same investment.

Variant B involves a greater contribution of debts in the capital structure, and

variant A smaller. The total capital is identical in both variants. We can see

that variant B, with respect to the size of EBIT, initially ensures a smaller

return on equity, which grows after crossing a certain value of EBIT. Variant

B also leads to a higher sensitivity of changes in return on equity to changes in

EBIT. The sensitivity depends on changes in the J3 angle.

If we assume that, just as in the case of operating leverage, the

sensitivity of changes in return on equity (ROE) to EBIT change is a measure

of financial leverage in the static approach (independent ofEBIT value), then

on the basis of Figure 1.3 we can derive that the financial leverage FL equals:


!!.ROE FL=wfJ· =--

-· f!.EBIT

Figure 1.2

/ .dROE

Directional factor (slope) ofretum on equity line (Source: Tadeusz Dudyez, "The Different Faces of Leverage")

The leverage measure is simply the inverse of the capital ratio (when

only equity counts as capital). The higher the capital ratio, the lower the

leverage measure and degree of financial leverage.

It is also important to look for a financial capital to extend the

capacity. Thus, due to the increasing of credit by commercial banks, it is

natural that financial leverage plays important role on the development of a

firm. While exercising financial leverage, the cost of that leverage is also

increasing. This is also affecting net income, ROE, and BPS of that particular


This paper contributes to the existing literature on the relationship of

returns and capital structure in three directions. First, this is a study which

expands the limited work carried out on leverage and returns by examining

leverage as an independent variable and its impact on returns. Second, the

paper tests for linearity of leverage and return. This is an important test to I

enable the better understanding of the traditionalist theory of capital structure

and optimal capital structure. Thirdly, the writer undertakes robustness checks

with several factors.

The definitions of financial leverage used in corporate finance

textbooks vary, but most textbooks discuss this result, and the explanation

offered for a positive relationship between financial leverage and the expected

rate of return is usually along the same lines. All else equal, a firm with high

financial leverage has high external financial capital and low internal capital,

so that the additional revenue from one additional unit of production is offset

by a relatively small increase in leverage cost.

B. Problem Identification

Attracting and convincing investors have never been easy for it ties

with company's value, performance, goodwill, as well as its reputation. It is

also important to know the relation between financial leverage and ROE along

with EPS. Therefore, corporation can consider how large in taking external

financing to can-yon their operation.

In fact, each and every year, under certain condition, there is always

corporation with the closest relation on the topic chosen for the research: the

higher the financial leverage, the higher the ROE and EPS (Pamela, 2006).

Based on the background explained previously, the writer wants to focus on

the problem needs to be addressed which is impact of leverage in terms of its

effects on ROE and EPS in mining industry. Aside from main focus of the

problem, there are also other problems:

1. Does financial leverage and liquidity affect ROE for listed mining

company in Indonesia Stock Exchange from year 2005-2007?

2. Does financial leverage and liquidity affect EPS for listed mining

company in Indonesia Stock Exchange from year 2005-2007?

C. Purpose and Significance

I. Purpose

This research seeks to analyze relation between financial leverage

and ROE as well as EPS. The aims of the paper are:

a. To examine the significance of financial leverage and liquidity towards

ROE for listed mining company in Indonesia Stock Exchange from

year 2005-2007.

b. To examine the significance of financial leverage and liquidity towards

EPS for listed mining company in Indonesia Stock Exchange from

year 2005-2007.

This paper also presents a twofold approach to the measurement of

leverage: static and dynamic, which give two separate parameters

providing the company board with different information. By this research,

expectantly it will bring benefit to those who needed it especially for

mining industry in this country.

2. Significance

Separately, there are various conditions that later influence the

significance of the research:

a. Academically, this research expects the contribution for the

development of lmowledge and general information on effect of

leverage in mining industry, and parties related to the problem of


b. Practically, this research offers initiative for corporation, particularly

mining company, related to the problem ofresearch.

c. Socially, this research provides idea that keenly brings changes in the

way people think, act, as well as providing general knowledge for


d. Technically, this research tries to make a good study of both the

concept and methodology on top of the entire research activity. On the

other hand, it is also possible that this research is used as a basis

reference for next research with related topic.



A. Company Sources of Fund

Sources of fund for a company in general include the following

(Husnan, 1994):

I. Internal

a. Retained earning, influenced by:

l) Amount of earning in that particular period

2) Dividend policy

The higher the dividend, the lower the retained earnings. Vice


3) Reinvestment

b. Depreciation accumulation

2. External

a. Debt, classified as follows:

I) Short term debt(< I year)

2) Mid term debt (I-JO years)

3) Long term debt(> I 0 years)

b. Owners' equity

Equity from owners of the company for limitless time. Accordingly, it

is an equity being staked for all business risk as well as other risk.

Sources of financing from owners' equity:

I) Common stock

It represents the ownership in a company. Common stock does not

have a maturity date, but exists as long as the firm does. Nor does

common stock have an upper limit on its dividend payment. The

common shareholders have the right to the residual income after

bondholders and preferred stockholders have been paid.

2) Preferred stock

Security with characteristics of both common stock and bonds. It is

similar to common stock because it has no fixed maturity date, the

nonpayment of dividends does not bring on bankruptcy, and

dividends are not deductible for tax purposes. Preferred stock is

similar to bonds in that dividends are limited in amount.

3) Cumulative preferred stock

Basically, cumulative preferred stock is the same as preferred

stock. What makes them different is that the earlier has cumulative

right, wherein the company does not generate profit for some

period, dividend will be suspended until the company generates

profit. It requires all past unpaid preferred stock dividends to be

paid before any common stock dividends are declared.

B. Financial Leverage

The study of the combination of internal and external financial

resources in company liability has generated controversy over the years.

Especially significant is Miller and Modigliani's (Ml\i!) important contribuuion

to capital structure theory of 195 8, which showed that, given a company's

investment policy, and not taking taxes and transaction costs into account, the

choice of financial policy does not affect the current market value of the

company. However, because real markets are far from the so-called "perfect

capital markets" on which MM based their work, numerous studies have

shown the interdependence among investment decisions, financing decisions,

and fitm value. Continued interest in this topic justifies further study of a

company's financial decisions that determine its level of debt.

In MM tests of proposition II, returns to shareholders are approximated

by actual shareholder net income and estimations are made in the cross section

of all firms in a risk class for a single year. As the authors discuss amongst

themselves, this is very crude. The writer uses panel data that contains

information for three consecutive years and combines the cross section with

the time series. The writer represents returns to shareholders as stock returns

in excess of risk-free rate.

MM defined leverage as ratio of the market value of bonds and

preferred debt to the market value of all securities; the writer measures

leverage as the ratio of the book values of total debt to total capital. Leverage

based on book values is associated with lower average returns, whereas

leverage based on market is associated with higher returns (Fama and French,

1992; henceforth FF). He concluded that this variation in their findings is

explained and absorbed by the book-to-market effect. In MM, the only

independent variable is the leverage ratio to test for the linearity of the

relationship. In this study, on top of the leverage ratio, the writer uses

variables that reflect average leverage in every risk class and idiosyncratic

risk, including the FF risk factors.

Investigation has been done on the relationship between leverage and

returns (Arditti, 1967). He defined returns as the geometric mean of returns

and leverage was defined as the ratio of debt measured in book value to equity

measured at market value. He found leverage to have a negative sign in the

regressions-though insignificant-to returns. He argued that the negative

relationship is because there are inter-firms risks which are not accounted for

by the probability distribution variables. Others also examined the relationship

between leverage and returns (Hall, 1967). He defined returns as profits after

tax and ratio of equity to assets as an indicator for leverage. His results show

that equity to assets was positively related to returns, indicating that returns

have an inverse relationship with returns. This was because large amounts of

leverage (i.e. low equity to assets) imply high risks, and hence profitable firms

take some of the exceptional returns in the form of reduced risks. Another

researcher also undertook an examination of the effect of leverage on industry

returns (Baker, 1973). He measured leverage inversdy as the ratio of equity to

total assets for the leading firms in an industry over the he year period. He too

found that relatively large amounts of leverage tend to raise industry profit

rates, more leverage implying greater risks. In this study, in addition to the I

leverage ratio and its square, the writer uses three variables that reflect

leverage, including its ratio and the particular return and earnings.

From various financial ratios, there are some ratios and corporate

financial information that can be used to predict return. Financial ratio is

divided into five categories (Ang, 1997): (I) liquidity ratio; (2) activity ratio;

(3) profitability ratio; (4) leverage ratio; and (5) market ratio. Profitability

ratio consists of seven ratios: gross profit margin (GPM), net profit margin

(NPM), operating return on assets (OPROA), return on asset (ROA) or return

on investment (ROI), return on equity (ROE), and operating ratio (OPR).

Leverage ratio is divided into eight different ratios: debt ratio, debt to

equity ratio, long-tenn debt to equity ratio, long-term debt to capitalization

ratio, times interest earned, cash flow interest coverage, cash flow to net

income, and cash return on sales (Ang, 1997: 18). Leverage ratio shows how

large debt ratio which is ratio from total debt to total assets.

C. Liquidity

Liquidity is the speed and ease at which an asset can be converted into

cash. The more cun-ent assets that a firm has relative to its current liabilities,

the greater the firm's liquidity (Keown, 2005:41). Or else, the ability of a firm

to pay its bills on time. Measuring a firm's liquidity is not an easy task, for it

has two approaches. The first approach compares cash and the assets that

should be converted into cash within the year. The assets here are the current

assets, and the debt is the current liabilities in the balance sheet. The current

ratio measured by its current assets relative to its current liabilities.

Furthermore, remembering that the three primary current assets include cash,

accounts receivable, and inventories, it is possible to make the measure of

liquidity more restrictive by excluding inventories, the least liquid of the

current assets, in the numerator. This revised ratio is called acid-test ratio.

The second approach of liquidity examines the firm's ability to convert

accounts receivable and inventory into cash on a timely basis (Keown,

2005:75). The conversion of accounts receivable into cash may be measured

by computing how long it takes to collect the firm's receivables; that is, how

many days of sales are outstanding in the form of accounts receivable. It can

be answered by computing the average collection period, which indicates how

rapidly a firm is collecting its credit, measured by the average number of days

it takes to collect its accounts receivable. It could be the same conclusion by

measuring how many times accounts receivable are "rolled over" during a

year, or the accounts receivable turnover ratio, measured by the number of

times its accounts receivable are collected during a year.

As a general rule, management would want to collect receivables

sooner rather than later-that is, reduce collection period and increase

inventory turnover. However, it may be that a company's management would

intentionally extend longer credit terms as a policy for reasons it deems

justifiable. Alternatively, slower collection could mean that management is

simply not being as careful at enforcing its collection policies. In other words,

it may not be managing receivables effectively. Some people may want to

know the same thing for inventories that is just determined for accounts

receivable: How many times are a firm turning over inventories during the

year? In this manner, some insight can be gain into the liquidity of inventories.

The inventory turnover ratio indicates the relative liquidity of inventories, as

measured by the number of times a firm's inventories are replaced during the


The impact of the liquidity of a firm's assets on optimal leverage has

been a source of debate for many years. Williamson (1988) and Shleifer and

Vishny (1992) predict that asset liquidity increases optimal leverage, while

Morellec (200 l) and Myers and Rajan (1998) argue that its effect is negative

or curvilinear. The rationale for a positive effect of asset liquidity on leverage

relies on the idea that less liquid assets sell at higher costs, which increases the

costs of liquidation, bankruptcy, and debt. Lower asset liquidity therefore

creates the need to reduce the probability of costly default by lowering the

leverage. Yet models that predict a non-positive effect argue that lower asset

liquidity makes it more costly for managers to expropriate value from

bondholders. Thus, lower asset liquidity reduces the costs of debt, and as a

result, companies use more debt. Despite substantial progress in modeling the

relation between asset liquidity and leverage, limited empirical evidence

pertains to this effect because of the difficulty of obtaining a measure of asset

liquidity. In turn, existing studies that examine the relation between asset

liquidity and leverage - such as Alderson and Betker (l 995), Kim (1998), and

Benmelech, Garmaisc, and Moskowitz (2005) - tend to limit their attention to

narrow and specific samples offinns or assets.

Merton (1987) states that relatively larger firms will have a greater

trading interest since more individuals and institutions will have positions in

the firm. Larger films will also be more carefully scrutinized by both

professional and unsophisticated analysts. The increased information

gathering makes prices more efficient, thereby reducing adverse selection

costs. By providing a larger pool of trades to offset adverse selection costs,

increases in the breadth of ownership, paiticularly smaller shareholders, can

offset additional adverse selection costs and lead to reduced spreads. We

therefore expect increases in finn size, volume, and the number of

shareholders to be negatively related to changes in spreads.

The expected impact of corporate diversification on liquidity is

unclear. There are arguments and evidence supporting both a positive and

negative relationship between diversification and liquidity. Chang and Yu

(2004) suggest diversified firms have reduced adverse selection costs since

firm-level prices are less sensitive to information asymmetries arising in

individual divisions. In addition, Benston and Hagerman (1974) point out that

since market makers hold undiversified portfolios, corporate diversification

reduces inventory holding costs by reducing volatility. The reduction in either

adverse selection costs or inventory holding costs would reduce spreads for

diversifying firms. Alternatively, Nanda and Narayanan (1999) suggest that

allowing each of a diversified firm's divisions to trade independently

facilitates price discovery by investors. More accurate market prices would

mitigate adverse selection problems and improve liquidity. Note that price

discovery arguments do not preclude offsetting diversification effects.

D. Return on Equity

There are only three ratios from profitability ratio that have

significance on the corporation's profit forecast for a year ahead (Machfoedz,

1994). Those three ratios are: GPS, NIS, and NINW. GPS is usually stated as

gross profit margin (GPM), NIS also acknowledged as net profit margin

(NPM), and net income to net w01th (NINW) as return on equity (ROE).

Furthermore, from the three ratios, the only ratio that has significant relation

(1%) with earning prediction is net income to net worth (NINW) or retnrn on

equity (ROE) (Machfoedz, 1994).

The financial structure of a corporation provides the market with

information about the firm, with the market value of the firm increasing with

the level of debt (Ross, 1977). This can be taken to mean that, if managers

raise the level of debt, then it is because their expectations for the future of the

company permit it to meet its obligations, making it clear that the risk of

insolvency is not relevant. The value of a company and the size of its debt are

positively correlated (Raviv, 1990). Variations in the company's level of debt

will affect its market value, since the firm's change in capital structure

transmits information about the future expectations of the company. For

example, an announcement of the reduction of the number of common stocks

in exchange for a debt offering has a positive effect on the market, which

becomes a negative effect when the reverse happens (Copeland and Lee,


There is a positive relationship between stock retnrns and leverrge

(Hamada, 1972; Bhandari, 1988). Both test the relationship in the cross

section of all firms. Calculation on returns as profits after taxes and interest

which is the earnings the equity and preferred shareholders receive on their

investment for the period (Hamada, 1972). The \'<Titer calculates returns as

stock returns in excess of risk-free rate. He tests the relationship in the cross

section of all firms. He uses industry as a proxy for business risk since his

sample lacks sufficient firms to yield statistically significant coefficients.

Industry classification is indeed a good proxy for business-risk across

industries (Bradley, 1984), the writer undertakes cross-sectional analysis

separately for each firm. Stock returns is inflation adjusted (Bhandari, 1988)

whereas the writer defines stock returns in excess of the risk free rate that

encompasses the inflation adjustment. He conducts his tests in the cross

section of all firms without assuming different risk classes. On the other hand,

the writer defines leverage as the ratio of book value of debt to the book value

of equity. Nevertheless, the writer accounts for the difference between the two

measures by using book-to-market ratio as a risk factor (FF, 1992).

Analysis on the relationship between operating leverage and the

expected rate of return is defined by fixing the output price and the variable

cost per unit of output and allowing exogenous random output (Lev, 1974). He

defines operating leverage as the ratio of fixed to variable operating costs and

shows that the CAPM beta is higher for firms with greater operating leverage

(actually, with lower variable cost per unit of output). A firm's asset beta can

be decomposed into the product of the degree of operating leverage, the

degree of financial leverage, and the amount of "intrinsic business risk"

(Mandelker and Rhee, 1984). They define the degree of operating leverage to

be the elasticity of earnings with respect to changes in production.

E. Earnings per Share

Firm size has been one of the variables most commonly used in

explaining a company's level of debt. Study has made it clear that the size of a

firm is positively related to its use of debt as a source of financing (Requejo,

1999). The larger a firm is, the more information is expected to be available

about it, which reduces the level of information asymmetries in the market,

making it possible to obtain financial resources from lenders.

The tangible assets of a firm can be considered representative of the

real guarantees that it can offer its creditors. Therefore, the importance of

those assets among total assets influences its level of debt, which rises with

the increase of warranties offered by the firm to satisfy its obligations arising

from contracted debt (Requejo, 1999).

The reputation of a finn may affect its leverage capability, since it

reduces the conflicts between the company and its lenders. By fulfilling its

payment obligations, a company enjoys a good reputation, which may be

sufficient to eliminate conflicts with its creditors. Reputation can be measured

by the age of the company (Datta, 1999; Andre's Alonso, 1999) or the firm's

rating (Crabbe and Post, 1994), among other means, and it can be expected to

have a positive relationship with debt. This is because companies with better

reputations are more mature and better known in the market, since the

companies that are most concerned about having a reputation for being honest

are those that expect to remain in the market for a long time (Myers, 1977).

For them, honesty is the best policy.

The EPS formula does not include preferred dividends for categories

outside of continued operations and net income. Earnings per share for

continuing operations and net income are more complicated in that any

preferred dividends are removed from net income before calculating EPS.

Remember that preferred stock rights have precedence over common stock. If

preferred dividends total Rp. 10,000,000,000 then that is money not available

to distribute to each share of common stock.

On the other hand, companies with greater opportunities for growth

have a lower leverage ratio than those with lower growth opportunities, since

financing through shares is a mechanism that reduces the problem of under­

investment associated by financing through debt. Faced with high debt levels

and good growth opportunities, and acting to protect shareholders, directors

would prefer not to carry out some positive investment projects if the profits

find their way into the hands of bondholders (Myers, 1977). Similar results are

obtained by some researchers (Requejo, 1999; Alonso, 2000).

F. Previous Research

The following is list of previous literature study or research conducted in the

similar extent.

Table 2.2 L' t f 1s o previous researc 1

No. Name Research Result

I Jie Cai and Zhe Zhang Leverage change, debt • Leverage leads to future capacity, and stock prices underinvestment (2008)

• Leverage has positive effect on stock price

2 Sheeja Sivaprasad and Empirical test on leverage • Leverage alone to have negative Gulnur Muradoglu and stock returns (2007) relationship with returns

• Return increase with leverage comprising other issues such as factors of size and risk.

3 Graeme Guthrie A note on operating leverage • Operating leverage and

and expected rates of return expected return an~ negatively

(2006) correlated

4 Espen Eckbo and Liquidity risk, leverage, and • Lower liquidity and lower

Oyvind Norli long-run IPO returns (2004) leverage both contribute to a lower expected return

5 Doron Nissim and Financial statement analysis • Profitability is differentially Stephen Penman ofleverage (200 I) related to the amount of

financing leverage

r:), J ·3-r LJif\l :f' ,-1(;

G. Theoretical Framework

In order to expand the business, a corporation needs capital support

wherein one of the alternatives is debt. When using debt, a corporation is also

executing financial leverage. Due to the financial leverage, the output of the

corporation varies, caused by leverage factor itself. Besides, with the existence

of financial leverage, corporation also bears the cost of using debt that will

eventually reduce its earnings.

Philosophical Framework

Company Sources of Fund



~] ~---D~ebt I Financial Leverage

LCost ofDeht


Figure 2.3 Corporation's capital scheme philosophical framework

With the purpose of knowing the effect of financial leverage towards

earnings, therefore the writer will calculate financial leverage executed by

each corporation from its financial report while the earnings of that pai1icular

corporation is expressed both in ROE and EPS.

As for knowing the effect of financial leverage towards earnings,

whichever both measured by ROE and EPS, the mining industry wit! be

selected for it has the one of the highest development in recent years yet the

most supporting pillar for the economy of the country.

H. Consideration Framework

Return on equity

X1 Financial leverage

1 ~~-x~2-L-i-qu_i_d-it-y~__,f ____!

Earnings per share

Figure 2.4 Return on equity

IJ-r--------il X2 Liquidity .

X 1 Financial leverage

Figure 2.5 Earnings per share





A. Research Scope



This research aims at knowing firm's financial leverage measured by

financial leverage, as well as its impact in terms of its effects on return on

equity (ROE) and earnings per share (EPS) in mining industry. Financial

leverage describes the using of financial capital in order to finance the

corporation while financial leverage ratio shows how assets are financed,

whether using debt or equity. Financial leverage (FL) is used to measure how

large assets are financed by creditor. The bigger financial leverage, the higher

financial capital used to make profit.

This research limits the time-span for three years, starting from 2005

until 2007. Financial report of all mining firms that have been listing (go

public) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (!DX) will be presented as of 31

December of each year. Mining industry is chosen because it is one of the

most important pillars in supporting the economy of country. Mining industry

has been attracting numerous foreign investors while at the same time

contributes large income to state's finance as well as to sustain the economy ..

According to PricewaterhouseCoopers' research, the contribution of mining

industry to the economy oflndonesia in 2003 reached around Rp. 19.5 trillion,

which is mostly in the form of government income (Rp. 9.3 trillion) and

purchases from local suppliers (Rp. 7.1 trillion).

B. Sampling Method

Sampling is part of statistical practice concerned with the selection of

individual observations intended to yield some knowledge about a population

of concern, especially for the purposes of statistical inference. Each

observation measures one or more properties (weight, location, etc.) of an

observable entity enumerated to distinguish objects or individuals. Survey

weights often need to be applied to the data to adjust for the sample design.

Results from probability theory and statistical theory are employed to guide

practice (Kish, 1995).

In this study, population selected as research object is mining firms

that have been listing (go public) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).

Criterion in choosing the population is because only firms that have been

listing can be monitored constantly. There are total 19 go public mining firms

listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) with the exception of stock that is

started to listing and delisting in addition to the availability of information

during the research.

Pooling data method is used as the sampling method. It combines

numerous events happening at numerous times. Pooling data method is a data

set containing observations on multiple phenomena observed over multiple

time periods. Alternatively, the second dimension of data may be some entity

other than time. Pooling data sets are two-dimensional (Arellano, 2003).

C. Data Collection Method

Data used in this research is secondary data acquired from

Documentation Center of Bisnis Indonesia together with literature study by

reading, intensifying, and scmtinizing literature related to the research. In

research, Secondary data is collected and possibly processed by people other

than the researcher in question (Schutt, 2006). Common sources of secondary

data for social science include censuses, large surveys, and organizational


The rationale behind literature study is to get theoretical information as

a comparison in the description. Data obtained from Bisnis Indonesia is

sourced from Indonesia Stock Exchange (!DX). Data acquired from Capital

Market Directory, Indonesia Stock Exchange for three consecutive years,

consist of financial report as of 31 December 2005, 2006, and 2007, taking

form in the profitability ratio (ROE and EPS), liquidity (current assets to

current liabilities), and leverage ratio (debt to total assets).

D. Analysis Method

1. Descriptive

In this research, descriptive analysis will also be used as an

approach, by interpreting obtained data which is based on the emerging

facts within the research time-span hence there will come into view the

description on the research object.

Descriptive Statistics are used to describe the basic features of the

data gathered from an experimental study in various ways. They provide

simple summaries about the sample and the measures. Together with

simple graphics analysis, they form the basis of virtually every

quantitative analysis of data. It is necessary to be familiar with primary

methods of describing data in order to understand phenomena and make

intelligent decisions.

In general, statistical data can be briefly described as a list of

subjects or units and the data associated with each of them. Although most

research uses many data types for each unit, this introduction treats only

the simplest case. Meanwhile, the data is processed using SPSS version

16, using corporations' financial data from the year 2005 until 2007.

2. Quantitative

Quantitative approach is applied for this research. Method used for

this research is verification analysis, by using hypothesis experiment

through data processing and statistical test. Quantitative research is the

systematic scientific investigation of quantitative properties and

phenomena and their relationship. The objective of quantitative research is

to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and/or hypothesis

pertaining to natural phenomena. The process of measurement is central to

quantitative research because it provides the fundamental connection

between empirical observation and mathematical expression of

quantitative relationships. Some tests include in this quantitative research

are as follows:

a. Assumption Classic Test

1.) Autocorrelation

Autocorrelation is a mathematical tool for finding repeating

patterns, such as the presence of a periodic signal which has been

buried under noise, or identifying the missing fundamental

frequency in a signal implied by its hannonic frequencies. It is used

frequently in signal processing for analyzing functions or series of

values, such as time domain signals. Infonnally, it is the similarity

between observations as a function of the time separation between •

them. More precisely, it is the cross-correlation of a signal with

itself. In statistics, the autocorrelation of a random process describes

the correlation between the processes at different points in time.

2.) Multicollinearity

Multicollinearity is a statistical phenomenon in which two or

more predictor variables in a multiple regression model are highly

correlated. In this situation the coefficient estimates may change

erratically in response to small changes in the model or the data.

Multicollinearity does not reduce the predictive power or reliability

of the model as a whole; it only affects calculations regarding

individual predictors. That is, a multiple regression model with

correlated predictors can indicate how well the entire bundle of

predictors predicts the outcome variable, but it may not give valid

results about any individual predictor, or about which predictors are

redundant with others.

3.) Heteroskedasticity

In statistics, a sequence or a vector of random variables is

heteroskedastic, if the random variables have different variances.

The complementary concept is called homoskedastiity. The term

means "differing variance" and comes from the Greek "hetero"

('different') and "skedasis" ('dispersion').

When using some statistical techniques, such as ordinary

least squares (OLS), a number of assumptions are typically made.

One of these is that the error term has a constant variance. This will

be true if the observations of the error term are assumed to be drawn

from identical distributions. Heteroscedasticity is a violation of this


b. Multiple Linear Regressions

I.) Coefficient determination (R2)

Coefficient of detem1ination, f·t2, is the proportion of

variability in a data set that is accounted for by a statistical model.

There is no consensus about the exact definition of R2• Only in the

case of linear regression are all definitions equivalent. In this case,

R2 is simply the square of a correlation coefficient. R2 is a statistic

that will give some information about the goodness of fit of a

model. In regression, the R2 coefficient of determination is a

statistical measure of how well the regression line approximates the

real data points. An R2 of 1.0 indicates that the regression line

perfectly fits the data.

2.) F test

An F-test is any statistical test in which the test statistic has

an F-distribution if the null hypothesis is true. The formula for an F­

test in multiple-comparison ANOVA problems is: F = (between­

group variability) I (within-group variability)

In many cases, the F-test statistic can be calculated through

a straightforward process. Jn the case of regression: consider two

models, 1 and 2, where model I is nested within model 2. That is,

model 1 has p 1 parameters, and model 2 has p 2 parameters, where

p2 > p1. (Any constant parameter in the model is included when

counting the parameters. For instance, the simple linear model y =

mx + b hasp= 2 under this convention.) If there are n data points to

estimate parameters of both models from, then calculate Fas

where RSS; is the residual sum of squares of model i. If the

regression model has been calculated with weights, then replace

RSS; with x2, the weighted sum of squared residuals. F here is

distributed as an F-distribution, with (jJ2 - pi, n - p2) degrees of

freedom; the probability that the decrease in x2 associated with the

addition of p2 - p 1 parameters is solely due to chance is given by the

probability associated with the F distribution at that point. The null

hypothesis, that none of the additional p 2 ·- p 1 parameters differs

from zero, is rejected if the calculated Fis greater than the F given

by the critical value of F for some desired r"jection probability (e.g.


3.) t test

A t-test is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test

statistic has a student's t distribution if the null hypothesis is true. It

is applied when the population is assumed to be normally

distributed but the sample sizes are small enough that the statistic on

which inference is based is not normally distributed because it relies

on an uncettain estimate of standard deviation rather than on a

precisely known value. In testing the null hypothesis that the

population mean is equal to a specified value po, one uses the

statistic. The t statistic to test whether the means are different can be

calculated as follows:

where s is the sample standard deviation of the sample. n is the

sample size. The degrees of freedom used in this test is n - 1.

3. Hypothesis

A hypothesis consists either of a suggested explanation for an

observable phenomenon or of a reasoned proposal predicting a possible

causal correlation among multiple phenomena. The scientific method

requires that one can test a scientific hypothesis. Scientists generally base

such hypotheses on previous observation or on extensions of scientific

theories. A Hypothesis is never to be stated as a question, but always as a

statement with an explanation following it. It is not to be a question

because it states what he/she thinks or believes will occur.

Any useful hypothesis will enable prediction by reasoning

(including deductive reasoning). It might predict the outcome of an

experiment in a laboratory setting or the observation of a phenomenon in

nature. The prediction may also invoke statistics and only talk about

probabilities. Karl Popper, following others, has argued that a hypothesis

must be falsifiable, and that one cannot regard a proposition or theory as

scientific if it does not admit the possibility of being shown false. Other

philosophers of science have rejected the criterion of falsifiability or

supplemented it with other criteria, such as verifiability (e.g.,

verificationism) or coherence (e.g., confirmation holism). The scientific

method involves experimentation on the basis of hypothesis in order to

answer questions and explore observations.

This research uses the following hypothesis:

Hoa= Financial leverage and liquidity do not affect ROE

H1a =Financial leverage and liquidity affect ROE

Hob= Financial leverage and liquidity do not affect EPS

H1b =Financial leverage and liquidity affect EPS

E. Research Operational Variable

There are four variables used in this research as a foundation for

further analysis of research. Those variables are selected from the closest

relation on each element, which represent every measurement of paiticular

item. Each element represented by indicator that makes it easier to read and

understand as to proceed to the research. Some variabks are already available

in the annual report of the company, while some other needs to be calculated

by using the standard formula.

Operational variables used in this research are derived from items

registered in financial report of each company. Those are financial leverage

(total debt to total assets), liquidity (current assets to current liabilities), return

on equity (net income to common equity) and earnings per share, which is

readily available in financial statement.

Variables chosen for the research object are:

Table 3.3 Research's variables and its indicators

Variable Indicator

Financial Leverage Financial Leverage (FL)

Earnings Per Share (EPS) EPS

Return On Equity (ROE) ROE

Liquidity Current Ratio

Explanation on variables used in this research:

1. Financial Leverage (FL)

Calculating financial leverage from each firm for three consecutive years,

and calculating average financial leverage for mining industry. Financial

leverage measures ratio between total debt to total assets with the

following formula:

FL= Total Debt

Total Assets

2. Return on Equity (ROE)

ROE analyzes the accounting rate of return on stockholders' investment,

as measured by net income related to common equity:

ROE= Net Income

Common Equity

3. Earnings Per Share (EPS)

EPS aims at knowing net income on a per share basis, which is determined

by net income related to shares outstanding:

EPS = Net Income

Total Shares Outstading

4. Liquidity

Liquidity is the speed and ease at which an asset can be conve1ted into

cash. Current ratio measured by firm's liquid assets (current assets)

relative to its liquid debt (current liabilities).

C . Current Assets

urrent ratio = -------­Current Liabilities

5. Analysis on financial leverage effect towards ROE and EPS

This research uses multiple linear regression analysis, an analysis in which

the relationship between one or more independent variables and another

variable, called dependent variable, is modeled by a least squares function,

called linear regression equation. It uses two variables which is variable X

and Y, where changes in variable X are causing changes in variable Y.

However, changes in variable Y do not cause changes in variable X.

Regression analysis intends to know how far one variable affects other


Regression analysis equation uses the following Jonnula:


Y =ROE and EPS

a= Constant

X 1 =Financial leverage

X2 = Liquidity

S = Error margin

To test the significance of variable X and variable Y, regression

coefficient is applied with t-statistic test, a = 10% with the following


t= rJ(n- k-1)


The statistical test is conducted by comparing the t calculation and t table

in certain consideration level. If statistical test showed t calculation is

lower than t table, then Ho is rejected. It means variable X (independent)

affects variable Y (dependent).

To test the significance of variable X and variable Y, therefore the writer

conducts F test, a= 10% with the following formula:

F= (~) {

(l-r 2)}


The result of calculation is compared with F table, with a = l 0%. If the

calculation of F is lower than F table, then I-10 is rejected. That means

variable X affects variable Y.



A. General View on Research Object

l. Company profile

a. Elnusa


1, 500.000,000,000




2005 2006 2007

Figure 4.6

~=,,,Net lncon)e

~Con1n1on Cquity

Totd! Assets

""""<i>'"U·Total Debt

_,,,,~=Currenl Assc1ts

~~"""""'"'-Current Li<tbilities

Elnusa is present amidst Indonesia's flourish oil and gas business

development. Born as the Indonesia's oil and gas pioneers' idea, in

1969, Elnusa was initially a subsidiary of PT Pertamina. Elnusa started

its operation as a provider of electronic communications equipment,

ship navigation and radar system for oil and gas carriers in Indonesia.

Elnusa's long business journey has encountered various

challenges, yet it has managed to stand still surfing the oil and gas

business turmoil in 1980s and survived the J 998's economic crisis as

well. Elnusa, along with its subsidiaries has tumed into an integrated oil

and gas service provider which has received customer's remarkable

trusts. Not only has trust been given by PT Pertamina, the parent

company, it has also been delivered by a couple of prominent multi­

national partner companies such as Chevron, Total EP, Shell,

ConocoPhillips, BP and so on.

The demand for business development has made Elnusa undertake

necessary reposition. On October 2007, four of its subsidiaries which

were the back-bone of the company's oil and gas service business were

merged into the parent company along with a horizontal merge which

was intended to strengthen the main business. This is a reposition which

was meant to materialize Elnusa as a business player which focuses on

upstream integrated oil & gas services.

The new position has made it certain for Elnusa fully confidence

into the upstream integrated oil and gas service business both in

domestic and overseas markets. The trust it has earned and its

commitment to putting quality excellence first priority along with its

extensive experience in oil and gas business has become Elnusa's major

capital in running the growing integrated oil and gas business, in

response to the stronger price of oil and gas in the international market.

b. Antam

14 ,000,000,000,000








Aneka Tambang

2005 2006 2007

Figure 4.7

""""iF'=Nct lncoine

~Co1nn1on Equity

, Total Asscls


"''"""~''"''Current Assets

==\il"'"'"Currcnt liab!litic:.

With four decades of experience sinee 1968, Antam is an

Indonesian limited liability state corporation that is vertically integrated

to undertake all stages of the mining process from exploration, mining,

smelting, and refining through to marketing. Antam's main products are

ferronickel, nickel ore, gold, silver and bauxite.

Antam is 35% held by the public, the majority of which is by

foreign institutions, who have held Antam for a number of years. Listed

on the Indonesian and Australian Stock Exchanges, Antam is one of

very few Indonesian companies to be fully listed on a stock exchange

outside of Indonesia and therefore, must meet international standards of

governance and transparency. While Antam is 65% held by the

government, Antam is not run by bureaucrats. Antam's main goal is

creating shareholder value, not following the directives of the state. In

general, Antam's approach to increase shareholder value is by lowering

costs while profitably expanding operations in a sustainable manner.

Antam offers highly viable opportunities to potential investors and

joint venture partners. It has strong, focused, future-oriented

management and skilled people; high quality products and long-term

loyal customers; a proven record of profitable performance while

upholding international standards of community development and

environmental management; and good future prospects with vast quality

mineral reserves yet to be developed.

c. Petrosea,000










Pete rose a

2006 2007

Figure 4.8

=<v-- Ncl l!1con1c

~-Con1n1on [quity

Totdl Assets

~"""' T ot.:il Debt

.rn"'"'"'""-Currcnt Assets

~"~~"'~Current Li.Jbilities

PT Petrosea Tbk is a multidisciplinary engineering, construction

and mining company with a track record of achievement in Indonesia

since 1972. Today, Petrosea is recognized as one oflndonesia's leading

engineering and construction contractors.

Petrosea has been listed on the Jakaiia and Surabaya Stock

Exchanges since 1990 and was the first publicly-listed Indonesian

engineering and construction company in Indonesia. Our strategic

shareholder and partner, Clough Ltd (ASX:CLO) provides Petrqsea

with access and support to world-class management and project

delivery systems which allows Petrosea to deliver international

excellence to the Indonesian market.

Petrosea has been involved in the development of Indonesia's

considerable oil & gas, mining and infrastructure industries, providing a

wide array of services and support throughout the Indonesian

Archipelago. We possess an enviable reputation for expertise in

engineering and management, quality in construction and the ability to

complete difficult and high-risk projects on time. Our successful track

record for project delivery is based on an approach that demonstrates a

total commitment to health and safety, quality, community, value and

business integrity.

d. International Nickel Indonesia

International Nickel Indonesia 25,000,000.000,000






2005 2006 2007

Figure 4.9

·1= Ncl lnco1nc

··~-=C01Y!n)Ot1 Equity

''""''""Total Assets

·--Total Debt

""'-'"''"'"'Current 1\sscts

""''4lli=~Currcnt li.:ibi!ilics

PT Inco is one of the world's premier producers of nickel, a

versatile metal, which is important in improving living standards and

fostering economic growth. For more than three decades, since the

signing of its Contract of Work with the Indonesian Government in

1968, the Company has provided skilled jobs, shown concern for the

needs of the communities in which it operates, benefited shareholders

and contributed positively to the Indonesian ec()nomy.

PT Inco produces nickel in matte, an intermediate product, from

lateritic ores at its integrated mining and processing facilities near

Sorowako on the island of Sulawesi. Its entire production is sold in US

Dollars under long-term contracts for refining in Japan. PT Inco's

competitive strengths include abundant ore reserves, a skilled, well-

trained workforce, low-cost hydroelectric power, modern production

facilities and an assured market for its product.

The Company is owned 60.8 percent by Vale lnco of Canada, one

of the world's leading nickel producers, and 20.1 percent by Sumitomo

Metal Mining Co., Ltd. of Japan, a premier mining and smelting

company. In addition, 20.0 percent of PT Jnco's shares are owned by

public shareholders and the balance by four other Japanese companies.

e. Radiant Utama Interinsco

Radiant Utama lnterinsco 450.000,000.000










2005 2006 2007

Figure 4.10

"~~Net !neon)(.'

~Con1rnon [quily

,,_, Toli'il Assets

--Tot~1! Debt

~"='~"'"'~Current Assets

""""AJW'"""Current liubi!itics

Radiant Utama as a nucleus activity of today's PT. Radiant Utama

Interinsco was incorporated in 1975 by two co-founders aiming,

initially, to provide NOT, Inspection and local services to oil and gas




In 1979, PT. Supraco Indonesia was formed, and soon followed

by new identity of PT. Radiant Utama Interinsco in 1984 to differentiate

activities from well-diversified Radiant Utama Group of Companies.

Through the years, the Company has grown to become one of the most

successful companies in Indonesian oil and gas area, carries more than

30 years of experiences.

Today, PT. Radiant Utama Interinsco and its affiliate company,

PT. Supraco Indonesia has been actively engaged in 4 major areas:

Operation Support Services, Inspection & Certification, Operation &

Maintenance, and Provision of Offshore Services & Trading. Our

commitment towards fine quality and excellence in service was

endorsed further when we obtained ISO 9001: 2000 in year 2002. We

offer our Partner the expertise and lmowledge of Indonesian Energy

sector where our unique ability to combine overseas and domestic

capabilities will continue to offer high value business opportunities.

Radiant Utama provides on-land drilling and work over services. On-

land drilling activities consist of integrated operation management to

drill new wells. It can also provide work over services to maintain

production levels on the existing wells.

To support its activities and deliver excellent service, Radiant

Utama is supported with auxiliary equipments, complete heavy-duty

transportation fleet, more than 42,000 square meter of base camp and I

maintenance facilities (completed with several workshops, office,

warehouse, training center and camp that able to accommodate 80

packs), integrated management system and skillful an experienced


Currently, Radiant Utama operations are spreading throughout

Indonesia, working for number of clients. Apart from own-operation,

Radiant Utama can also supply and manage drilling experts from

various level of expertise. Many foreign companies that are operating in

Indonesia outsource all their drilling crew to Radiant Utama. Also,

Radiant Utama can provide rental services for selection of drilling

equipments, such as: BOP (Blow-Out Preventer), Tubular, Mud Pumps,

Engines, Generator sets and other rig accessories. These well­

maintained equipments remain as important Radiant Utama' s assets

besides the Rig unit themselves.

Radiant Utama is continuously developing cooperation with some

Drilling Services companies to work on several integrated drilling

projects or Integrated Project Management (IPM), which is becoming a

trend in oil and gas industry nowadays. With capabilities that can

stretch from well and drilling engineering preparation, H&SE

evaluation, drilling operation (including to coordinate various se1vice

companies which involve in drilling process such as: electric logging,

mud engineering, mud logging, directional, cementing, etc) and well

completion, Radiant Utama could be both the IPM holder or the

suppmtive !PM holder.

f. Timah


5' 000. 000, 000,000








2006 2007

Figure 4.11

"'"'"4r-Nct lncon1c

"""'8--Co1n111on Cquity

, Totul Assets


'"''"1"''"''Currcnt Assets

'""'"if!J''"""Currcnt Li<1bilities

PT Timah (Persero) Tbk inherited a long history of tin mining in

Indonesia, which has been continued for more than 200 years. The tin

mineral resources in Indonesia were found in the land and the

surrounding waters of the islands of Bangka, Belitung, Singkep,

Karimun, and Kundur.

During the colonial era, tin mining in Bangka was controlled by

colonial government enterprise "Banka Tin Winning Bedrifj" (BTW),

while in Belitung and Singkep they were managed by Dutch private

companies, Gemeenschappelijke Mijnbouw Maatschappi Biliton

(GMB) and NV Singkep Tin Exploitatie Maatschappij (NV SITEM). A

decade after the Declaration of Independent of the Republic of

Indonesia, these three entities were nationalized on 1953-1958 to

become three State Enterprises. The State Tin Enterprises Coordinating

Board (BPU PN Tambang Timah) was established in 1961 to oversee

the three State Tin Mining Enterprises, and in 1968 these four entities,

together with a smelter unit, were consolidated into the state company

to become Perusahaan Negara (PN) Tambang Timah.

With the enactment of Law Number 9 of 1969 and issuance of

Government Regulation Number 19of1969, the status of PN Tambang

Timah and Mentor Tin Smelter Project were changed in 1976 to

become limited liability company, wholly owned by the Government of

Indonesia (Perusahaan Perseroan - Persero) and the name was changed

to PT Tam hang Timah (Persero ).

The world tin crisis, as the result of liquidation of International

Tin Council (ITC) in 1985, forced the Company to undertake

fundamental restructuring in order to survive. The restructuring, which

took place between 1991 and 1995, focused on reorganization,

relocation of the Head Office from Jakarta to Pangkal Pinang,

reconstruction of the main and supporting production facilities, and the

divestment of non-core assets and functions.

The successful restructuring was able to restore company's health

and competitiveness, and made it possible for the Government to

partially privatize PT Timah through Initial Public Offering of its shares

in Indonesia and in the international stock exchange. PT Timah was

listed in the Jakarta Stock Exchange, the Surabaya Stock Exchange, and

The London Stock Exchange in 19 October 1995. Since then, 35% of

the Company's shares were belonging to the public, both domestic and

international, while the remaining 65% remained with the Government

of the Republic oflndonesia.

To facilitate the growth sh·ategy through business diversification,

in 1998 PT Timah Tbk reorganized the business group by splitting-up

the Company's operations into three subsidiaries, which practically

placed PT Timah Tbk as the holding company and correspondingly

expand the business scope into mining field, industry, engineering, and


Currently, PT Timah Tbk is known as the largest producing

company of tin metal worldwide and is in the process to diversify into

businesses other than thin based on its current and to be developed I


g. C~entral Koq1orindo lntcrnasional

Central l<orporindo lnternasional 800,000,000,000









2005 2006

-~ Ncl lncon1c

-~Con1n1on Cquity

Totul ASS('tS



Figure 4.12

PT. Central Korporindo !nternasional Tbk was esiabiished in

September 1999. This company is specializing itself in coal based

industry. It started the business as a coal merchant. Through the

development, it has its own concession and port nowadays.

The board of commissioners and directors based the company

1T:anagerner.t ca the professionalis1n with a target focused on the

product quality and services !!Jr the custorr;>.":r

the company keeps on looking for some further development in areas

which can optimize its specialist in coal based industry. Power Plants

industries are the ones that can serve the goal.

h. ,i\pexindo Pratatna Duta

Apexindo Pratama Outa 5.000,000,000,000






I i. 2005 2006 2007

Figure 4.13

~=Net lnco111c

~Cornrnon Equity

,_--- -"Totill Assets

~ T ot.11 Debt

'"~'"""""(Urrenl AS5CtS

"'"'"21~-""Cuncnt liubi!itics

Apeexindo Pratama Duta is Indonesia's largest national onshore &

offshore drilling contractor that has been serving both prominent local

and international clients domestically as well as abroad for the last two

decades. Throughout our services, we have consistently put health and

safety of our employees and other stakeholders. in addition to

protection of the surrounding environment. as our number one priority.

On September 2008, PT Mitra Rajasa Tbk through its subsidiary

Mira International Holdings had successfully acquired majority stake at

Apexindo to become the new majority shareholders. Thus, since then

Mira Holdings International become the controlling shareholders of

Apexindo with 98.14% of shares stake.

PT Apexindo Pratama Duta Tbk (Apexindo) offers onshore and

offshore drilling services to oil and gas as well as geothermal

exploration and production companies that cover wide range of area

throughout the country. In July 2002, the company became the first

drilling contractor to be listed on the stock exchange with APEX as its

ticker symbol.

With a fleet of 1 jack-up, 4 submersible swamp barge and 1 newly

build super premium jack-up; as well as 8 onshore rigs with most

massive horsepower in Indonesia, Apexindo has undeniably become a

leading national drilling company in Indonesia and possibly in

Southeast Asia.

2. Limitation on data

There are total 19 mining companies listed in Indonesia Stock

Exchange. All companies have been listing for at least four years, except

six newly listed companies, which began listing in 2006, such as A TPK

Resources, Inda Tambangraya Megah, Perdana Karya Perkasa, Elnusa,

Mitra Investindo, and Cita Mineral Investindo. Due to this reason, these

six companies do not have their financial report for year 2005. Therefore,

it does not include in the analysis for year 2005, whereas in 2006 and

2007 all companies had published their financial report.

Consequently, the writer only takes into account the 13 companies

for 2005. While for year 2006 and 2007, all 19 companies are included in

the analysis given that they had their financial report published.

B. Findings and Analysis

I. Financial leverage and liquidity toward ROE

a. Assumption classic test

1) Autocorrelation

Model Surnrnary1>

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 .380' .144 .098 .82589 1.708 -a. Predictors: (Constant), Liquidity, FL

b. Dependent Variable: ROE

There are numerous numbers shown here. In this matter,

Durbin-Watson is the only figure needs to be watched closely. The

Durbin-Watson statistic is a test statistic used to detect the presence

of autocorrelation in the residuals from a regression analysis. Its

value always lies between zero and four.

The test statistic shows that the Durbin-Watson value is 1.708.

If the Durbin-Watson statistic is substantially less than two, there is

evidence of positive serial correlation. Small value indicates

successive error te1ms are, on average, close in value to one another,

or positively correlated. Thus, by looking at the figure shown above,

financial leverage and liquidity are positively correlated with return

on equity.

Correlations -ROE FL Liquidity

Pearson Correlation ROE 1.000 .310 -.163

FL .310 1.000 -.697

Liquidity -.163 -.697 1.000

Sig. (1-tailed) ROE .009 .112

FL .009 .000

Liquidity .112 .000

N ROE 57 57 57

FL 57 57 57

Liquidity 57 57 57

Above table is correlation matrix between ROE, financial

lev.erage and liquidity. N is 57, along with the using of Pearson

Correlation. From the test table, it can be concluded using

following terms; Correlation coefficient between ROE and financial

leverage is 0.310 with significance of 0.009, which is lower than

0.1. Subsequently, lower calculation means Bo is rejected in favor of

H1; correlation coefficient between ROE and liquidity is -0.163 with

significance of 0.112, which is higher than 0.1. This implies that H-0

is accpeted.

2) Multicollinearity

Coefficients a

Correlations Collinearity Statistics

Model Zero-order Partial Part Tolerance VIF -1 FL .378 .312 .304 .554 1.804

Liquidity -.228 .036 .034 .554 1.804 -a. Dependent Variable: ROE


ticollinearity is a statistical phenomenon in which two or more

predictor variables in a multiple regression model are highly

correlated. In this situation the coefficient estimates may change

erratically in response to small changes in the model or the data.

Multicollinearity does not reduce the predictive power or reliability

of the model as a whole; it only affects calculations regarding

individual predictors.

Perfect multicollinearity takes place if the correlation between

two independent variables is equal to 1 or -1. A tolerance of less

than 0.20 and/or a VIF of 5 and above indicates a multicollinearity

problem. The test statistic shows that the tolerance and VIF value

are 0.554 and 1.804 respectively. That means it has positive

correlation. Thus, financial leverage and liquidity are positively

correlated with return on equity.

3) Heteroskedasticity


Dependent Variable: ROE

G-., 0 :I .,, 'iii 3! 4-.,, .. N . ., i:: .. 2-'ti 0 :I ... (/)

0 i::

0 Oo 0 0 0 ·u; o- o® ot!b o "' oo G1J oocf'(fb 000 .. ... 00 oO 0 "" 0 .. 0:

' ' ' ' ' ' -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Regression Standardized Predicted Value

A sequence or a vector of random variables is heteroskedastic

if the random variables have different variances. A number of

assumptions are typically made. One of these is that the error term

has a constant variance. This will be true if the observations of the

error term are assumed to be drawn from identical distributions.

Thus, the model plot above shows that it still subjects to


b. Multiple linear regression

Model Summary"

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Es!imare

1 .319" .101 .068 .70831

a. Predictors: (Constant), Liquidity, FL

b. Dependent Variable: ROE

The multiple linear regression intends to know the relationship

between one or more independent variables and another variable,

called dependent variable. The coefficient of correlation describes the

strength of the relationship between two sets of interval-scaled or ratio-

scaled variables, which is designated as R square. R square is a statistic

that will give some information about the goodness of fit of a model.

In regression, the R square coefficient of determination is a statistical

measure of how well the regression line approximates the real data

points. An R square of 1.0 indicates that the regression line perfectly

fits the data. Later, F-test, B and t-test are also important in explaining

the result.

Adjusted R square is a modification of R square that adjusts for

the number of explanatory terms in a model. Unlike R square, the

adjusted R square increases only if the new term improves the model

more than would be expected by chance. The adjusted R square can be

negative, and will always be less than or equal to R square.

Adjusted R square does not have the same interpretation as R

square. As such, care must be taken in interpreting and reporting this.

statistic. Adjusted R square is particularly useful in the feature

selection stage of model building.

The test statistic shows that the R square value is 0.101, while

adjusted R square is 0.098. R square value explains that only 10.1 % of

independent variables affect dependent variable. The other 89.9% is

affected by other variables. The figures also indicate that the

regression line perfectly fits the data.


Model Sum of Squares df Me?!.._Square F Sig.

1 Regression 3.059 2 1.529 3.048 .056'

Residual 27.092 54 .502

Total 30.151 56 -a. Predictors: (Constant), Liquidity, FL

b. Dependent Variable: ROE

test is any statistical test in which the test statistic has an F-distribution

if the null hypothesis is true. The value of the test statistic used in an F­

test consists of the ratio two different estimates of quantities which are

the same according to the null hypothesis being tested. In the usual

applications, statistical modeling assumptions are made founded on

using the normal distribution to describe random errors and the


1 (Constant)



estimates used in the ratio are statistically independent but are typically

derived from the same data set.

The test statistics shows that F value is 3.048 with significance of

0.056. Afterward, it is compared with the F t'lble with a= l 0%. Since

the statistical test showed F calculation is lower than F table, then Ho is

rejected. Therefore, it concludes that variable X affect variable Y.

Coefficients a

Unstandardized Standardized

Coefficients Coefficients 90% Confidence Interval for B

B Std. Error Beta T Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

-.323 .466 -.694 .490 -1.257 .611

1.169 .552 .381 2.119 .039 .063 2.276

.053 .093 .102 .569 .572 -.13:l .239 -a. Dependent Variable: ROE

A t-test is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic

has a student's t distribution if the null hypothesis is true. It is applied

when the population is assumed to be normally distributed but the

sample sizes are small enough that the statistic on which inference is

based is not normally distributed because it relies on an uncertain

estimate of standard deviation rather than on a precisely known value.

The test statistic shows that B value is -0.323, while financial

leverage's t is 2.119, with significance of 0.039. Since the statistical

test showed t calculation is lower than t table, then H0 is rejected. It

means that the effect of financial leverage towards ROE is significant.

Liquidity's t coefficient calculation is 0.569 with significance of0.572.

Since the statistical test showed t calculation is higher than t table, then

H0 is accepted. It means that the effect of liquidity towards ROE is not


2. Financial leverage and liquidity toward EPS

a. Assumption classic test

I) Autocorrelation

Model Summaryb

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 .333' .111 .063 291.30226 2.235 -a. Predictors: (Constant). Liquidity, FL

b. Dependent Variable: EPS

There are numerous numbers shown here. In this matter,

Durbin-Watson is the only figure needs to be watched closely. The

Durbin-Watson statistic is a test statistic used to detect the presence

of autocorrelation in the residuals from a regression analysis. Its

value always lies between zero and four.

The test statistic shows that the Durbin-Watson value is 2.235.

If the Durbin-Watson statistic is substantially less than two, there is

evidence of positive serial correlation. Small value indicates

successive error te1ms are, on average, close in value to one another,

or positively correlated. Thus, by looking at the figure shown above,

financial leverage and liquidity are negatively correlated with

earnings per share.


EPS FL Liquidity -Pearson Correlation EPS 1.000 -.231 -.005

FL -.231 1.000 -.697

Liquidity -.005 -.697 1.000

Sig. (1-tailed) EPS .042 .486

FL .042 .000

Liquidity .486 .000

N EPS 57 57 57

FL 57 57 57

Liquidity 57 57 57 -

Above table is correlation matrix between ROE, financial

leverage and liquidity. N is 57, along with the using of Pearson

Correlation. From the test table, it can be concluded using

following terms; Correlation coefficient between EPS and financial

leverage is -0.231 with significance of 0.042, which is lower than

0.1. Subsequently, lower calculation result as compared to the table

denotes that Ho is rejected; Correlation coefficient between EPS and

liquidity is -0.005 with significance of 0.486, which is higher than

0.1. Higher calculation result as compared to the table indicates that

Ho is accepted.

2) Multicollinearity

Coefficients a

Correlations Collinearity Statistics

Model Zero-order Partial Part Tolerance VIF

1 FL -.274 -.331 -.330 .567 1.764

Liquidity .039 -.196 -.188 .567 1.764

a. Dependent Variable: EPS

Multicollinearity is a statistical phenomenon in which two or

more predictor variables in a multiple regression model are highly

correlated. In this situation the coefficient estimates may change

erratically in response to small changes in the model or the data.

Multicollinearity does not reduce the predictive power or reliability

of the model as a whole; it only affects calculations regarding

individual predictors.

Perfect multicollinearity takes place if the correlation between

two independent variables is equal to I or -1. A tolerance of less

than 0.20 and/or a VIP of 5 and above indicates a multicollinearity

problem. The test statistic shows that the tolerance and VIP value

are 0.567 and 1.764 respectively. That means it has positive

correlation. Thus, financial leverage and liquidity are positively

correlated with earnings per share.


;; :i ..,

"iii 2-di er: .., di N

1-. ., i:: .. ""' :i ... (j) o-i:: 0

"iii "' ~ -1-0) di er:



3) Heteroskedasticity


Dependent Variable: .EPS

0 0



0 0 0

80 0 0 0

6' 0

0 oo 0 0 0 0 0 <e> 0 0

oeO cPo


' ' ' ' . . -3 -2 -1 0 1 2

Regression Standardized Predicted Value

A sequence or a vector of random variables is heteroskedastic

if the random variables have different variances. A number of

assumptions are typically made. One of these is that the error term

has a constant variance. This will be true if the observations of the

error term are assumed to be drawn from identical distributions.

Thus, the model plot above shows that it still subjects to



' 3

b. Multiple linear regression

Model Summaryb

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate

1 .327' .107 .074 273.85588

a. Predictors: (Constant), Liquidity, FL

b. Dependent Variable: EPS

The multiple linear regression intends to !mow the relationship

between one or more independent variables and another variable,

called dependent variable. The coefficient of correlation describes the

strength of the relationship between two sets of interval-scaled or ratio-

scaled variables, which is designated as R square. R square is a statistic

that will give some information about the goodness of fit of a model.

In regression, the R square coefficient of determination is a statistical

measure of how well the regression line approximates the real data

points. An R square of 1.0 indicates that the regression line perfectly

fits the data. Later, F-test, B and t-test are also important in explaining

the result.

Adjusted R square is a modification of R square that adjusts for

the number of explanatory terms in a model. Unlike R square, the

adjusted R square increases only if the new term improves the model

more than would be expected by chance. The adjusted R square can be '

negative, and will always be less than or equal to R square.

Adjusted R square does not have the same interpretation as R

square. As such, care must be taken in interpreting and reporting this

statistic. Adjusted R square is particularly useful in the feature

selection stage of model building.

The test statistic shows that the R square value is 0.107, while

adjusted R square is 0.063. R square value explains that only 10.7% of

independent variables affect dependent variable. The other 89.3% is

affected by other variables. The figures also indicate that the

regression line perfectly fits the data, since the value of R square is

above 0.05.


-Model Sum of Squares di Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 485507.617 2 242753.808 3.237 .047'

Residual 4049840.415 54 74997.045

Total 4535348.032 56 -a. Predictors: (Constant), Liquidity, FL

b. Dependent Variable: EPS

F test is any statistical test in which the test statistic has an F­

distribution if the null hypothesis is true. The value of the test statistic

used in an F-test consists of the ratio two different estimates of

quantities which are the same according to the null hypothesis being

tested. In the usual applications, statistical modeling assumptions are

made founded on using the normal distribution to describe random


1 (Constant)



errors and the estimates used in the ratio are statistically independent

but are typically derived from the same data set.

The test statistics shows that F value is 3.237 with significance of

0.047. Afterward, it is compared with the F table with a= 10%. Since

the statistical test showed F calculation is lower than F table, then Ho is

rejected. Therefore, it concludes that variable X affect variable Y.

Coefficients a

Unstandardized Standardized

Coefficients Coefficients 90o/o Confidence Interval for B

B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

674.120 180.106 3.743 .000 313.029 1035.211

-542.750 213.339 -.456 -2.544 .014 -970.469 -115.030

-64.590 35.878 -.323 -1.800 .077 -136.520 7.340

a. Dependent Variable: EPS

At-test is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic

has a student's t distribution if the null hypothesis is true. It is applied

when the population is assumed to be normally distributed but the

sample sizes are small enough that the statistic on which inference is

based is not normally distributed because it relies on an uncertain

estimate of standard deviation rather than on a precisely known value.

The test statistic shows that B value is 674.120, while financial

leverage's t is -2.544, with significance of 0.014. Since the statistical

test showed t calculation is lower than t table, then H0 is rejected. It

means that the effect of financial leverage towards BPS is signific~nt.

Liquidity's t coefficient calculation is -1.800 with significance of

0.077. Since the statistical test showed t calculation is lower than t

table, then Ho is rejected. It means that the effect of liquidity towards

BPS is significant.

A. Conclusion



This paper demonstrates that increases in the financial leverage of a firm

can be associated with increases in the firm's expected rate of return, a result

that is in accordance with the claim made in standard corporate finance

textbooks that financial leverage and the expected rate of return should be

positively related. All that is required to be in compliance with the result is to

allow the firm to cease operations if it becomes sufficiently unprofitable.

The expected rate of return of a firm with an abandonment option is a

weighted average of (i) the expected rate of return of the firm without the

abandonment option and (ii) the expected rate of return of the abandonment

option (which is typically less than the risk-free interest rate). As fixed costs

grow, the first component increases, as the textbooks argue, leading to a

higher overall expected rate of return. However, the abandonment option also

becomes more valuable, shifting more of the weight onto the latter

component, and leading to a lower overall expected rate of return. In general,

increases in fixed costs have an ambiguous impact on the expected rate of

return of a firm. Writer analysis of a particular example shows that the second

effect can dominate the first when financial leverage is high.

The essence of this research can be summed in point as follows:

1. Increases in the financial leverage of a firm can be associated with increases

in the firm's expected rate ofretum.

2. The expected rate of return of a firm is weighted average of the expected

rate of returns either with or without abandonment options, depends on the


This paper demonstrates the dangers in drawing inferences from static

financial models or, more specifically, those that ignore the flexibility that is

embedded in typical investment projects. It shows that when these real options

are considered, supposedly 'standard' results can be overturned.

The evidence presented here has clear implications that leverage has an

important role to play in explaining returns. However, the relationship is not

necessarily positive. The empirical findings of MM in a couple of risk classes,

namely mining sector cannot be generalized into all risk dasses, bearing in

mind that these two sector employed by MM are highly regulated and capital


B. Implication

After looking at the explanation of data for each consecutive year, it can

be concluded that financial leverage and liquidity affect ROE as well as EPS,

though there is exception in which financial leverage does not affect EPS. The

study besides rating the mining industry has also highlighted the growth

strategy each of these companies should adopt. The recommendations for

growth strategy are based on the current financial structure and the

performance of these companies as discussed above.

Hopefully with this study, company can adopt the way they operate their

business with some concern following the study. The findings of this study

should be useful to researchers and investors:

l . The approach used here also provides a model for future research on the

earnings response coefficient as well as other are,as, e.g., the choice of

financing method by managers.

2. Knowledge of factors influencing return-earnings relationship helps

investors to direct their information acquisition efforts to firms known

to or predicted to have the above characteristics, e.g., earnings

persistence or high book value per share.

3. Future research designed to determine the value relevance of specific

financial and nonfinancial information should control for the effects of

size, earnings predictability, earnings persistence, and returns.

It can be concluded that while leverage seems to be working well for few

category of companies, it is affecting some others negatively. Companies that

are moderately geared i.e. in the range of gearing ratio of 50 percent to 85

percent have been able to generate a good ROE. In a nutshell, it is the

management who take the lead and responsible for the usage of company's

external source of fund to leverage their company as to maximize the practice.


Alam, Pervaiz. "Disaggregated Earnings and The Prediction of ROE and Stock Prices", Kent State University, Ohio, 2006.

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Schutt, R. "Investigating the Social World", Sage Publications, 2006.

Sekaran, Uma. "Research Methods for Business", Forth Edition, John Wiley, New York, 2003.

Sibilkov, Valeriy. "Asset Liquidity and Capital Structure", University of Wisconsin, 2007.

Sunarto. "Pengaruh Rasio Probabilitas dan Leverage Terhadap Return Saham Perusalwan Manufaktur", Semarang, 2001.

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"Financial Leverage and its Effect on REO and EPS (an empirical analysis of mining company listed in indonesia stock exchange".

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~~1rtl~1th'··· l;~.t,,,1esw

Iin Solihin Asmen Pusdok Bisnis Indonesia

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

ROE .3977 .73376 57

FL .5142 .23923 57

Liquidity 2.2700 1.42255 57


ROE FL Liquidity

Pearson Correlation ROE 1.000 .310 -.163

FL .310 1.000 -.697

Liquidity -.163 -.697 1.000

Sig. (1-tailed) ROE .009 .1 '12

FL .009 .000

Liquidity .112 .ODO

N ROE 57 57 57

FL 57 57 57

Liquidity 57 57 57

Variables Entered/Removed"

Variables Variables

Model Entered Removed Method

1 Liquidity, Fla . Enter

a. All requested variables entered.

b. Dependent Variable: ROE

Model Summaryb

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate

1 .319a .101 .068 .70831

a. Predictors: (Constant), Liquidity, FL

b. Dependent Variable: ROE


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig .

1 Regression 3.059 2 1.529 3.048 . 056'

Residual 27.092 54 .502

Total 30.151 56

a. Predictors: (Constant), Liquidity, FL

b. Dependent Variable: ROE

Coefficients a


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients 90% Confidence Interval for B

1del B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

(Constant) -.323 .466 -.694 .490 -1.257 .611

FL 1.169 .552 .381 2.119 .039 .063 2.276

Liquidity .053 .093 .102 .569 .572 -.133 .239

Dependent Variable: ROE

Residuals Statistics•

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Predicted Value -.1747 .8989 .3977 .23371

Residual -.60478 4.50105 .00000 .69554

Std. Predicted Value -2.449 2.145 .000 1.000

Std. Residual -.854 6.355 .000 .982

a. Dependent Variable: ROE

""' (.)

c: <I> ::J



Cl" ?Q <I> -....




Dependent Variable: ROE

0 2 4 6

Regression Standardized Residual







r·Jte;J.n =8.15E-17 std. Dev. =0.982


Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual

Dependent Variable: ROE 1.0 ··-·····-······-··--········-·· ··-·····-····-· ........... .

.0 0 ... a.


E o.6 :J

<.> "t:J

21 () 0.4 Q) a. x w




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .0

Observed Cum Prob


Dependent Variable: ROIE





w ~ 3.00

2.00 0


0.00 ~~


(ili> 0 ~--.~~~~-,...~~~~~~~~~-.·~~~~~~~~~~~

-2 0 2 4 •l 8

Regression Standardized Residual

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

EPS 248.4132 284.58454 57

FL .5142 .23923 57

Liquidity 2.2700 1.42255 57


EPS FL Liquidity

Pearson Correlation EPS 1.000 -.231 -.005

FL -.231 1.000 -.697

Liquidity -.005 -.697 1.000

Sig. ( 1-tailed) EPS .042 .486

FL .042 .000

Liquidity .486 .000

N EPS 57 57 57

FL 57 57 57

Liquidity 57 57 57

Variables Entered/Removed"

Variables Variables

Model Entered Removed Method

1 Liquidity, Fla . Enter

a. All requested variables entered.

b. Dependent Variable: EPS

Model Summary"

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate

1 .327' .107 .074 273.85588

a. Predictors: (Constant), Liquidity, FL

b. Dependent Variable: EPS


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 485507.617 2 242753.808 3.237 .047'

Residual 4049840.415 54 74997.045

Total 4535348.032 56

a. Predictors: (Constant), Liquidity, FL

b. Dependent Variable: EPS



Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients 90% Confidence Interval for B

el B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

(Constant) 674.120 180.106 3.743 .000 313.029 1035.211

FL -542.750 213.339 -.456 -2.544 .014 -970.469 -115.030

Liquidity -64.590 35.878 -.323 -1.800 .077 -136.520 7.340

ependent Variable: EPS

Residuals Statistics'

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Predicted Value 64.0812 536.5336 248.4132 93.11165

Residual -400.78555 782.62524 .00000 268.92114

Std. Predicted Value -1.980 3.094 .000 1.000

Std. Residual -1.463 2.858 .000 .982

a. Dependent Variable: EPS


Dependent Variable: EPS



,.. 8 (.)

c: Ql ::s tr

6 Ql ... u..



0 -2 -1 0 2 3

Regression Standardized Residual






Me~n =-7 .98E-17 Std. Dev. =0.982

M =57

Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual

Dependent Variable: EPS

1.0 ·-·-···---··-·-···-···-·-·-··· .. ······················-········-·----······· ··········---·~7·-. o~ .... ······-··--················

00 0.8

~ ~ ~ ~ E O.G :I u .., 2 <> 0.4 Ql 0.. >< w


0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Observed Cum Prob





(/) a. 600.00 w




-2 -1


Dependent Variable: EPS




Oo co 00


0 0


Regression Standardized Residual


0 0 0

2 3


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PT CITA MINERAL INVES;J"INDO TbkDA~ PERUSAHAAN ANAK Rat1;1.Plaza Office Tower Lt.22 ji.Jend.Sudirm~n Na.ii, Jakliita rUS~t ~O:qo: relp; 021~7251341; ·F~x.0_21M12~0191a .

""""""""' ~\ .AKTl~A

AKm'A U.tlcAA ' .. KEWAJll!AH LAflCAR PEHJIW.AN · """ ~ufaqS1~Ku. 3s".41l j9.09S =IVIJMgi<al'on~ · , . ··"" llEllAN POKOK PENJU(tJ.H . ~"" '"'""" l,IWia ,- ·-' U,BAJ<ciTOR , Jtll.511 Pmkyan~ IM!iipta1)11l Pilik~tfompuny.dHu~fltirrmllll "' ,.

, Hub\JrigM Mmawa 1.e.11 Pillak l .- \ ' • • 85.~53 ..,,. l!MAUUSAllA

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HWng PambfllanAIJ111 Tol:lp " <W U.BA SEaELUi.I PAJAK PEUilHASlLAN Akfi111PafM:T~an '"' '"' Hul4rlg SllWa Gooa U.IW m 7.764 .AkUvaTililjl =engolcllanU1~iµiitruupabi1117JhkM 13.442 USS DAU llAIC AUNDRJTAS 124.500 ""' (So!D.'&h~!Wsmulas! ·UM l."7 t.WifMT (B™M PA.IAK PENGHAS!LAN .' panywuW!par3! Oeoombu Jmnbh IC4wajbln rm~ktancilf 114,003 17UOO P;ijM:Kll~ P"'4J {2(1.6<11!) 2007 dan 200e 11mln~lln;J

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"'"' ......... U.PA' DARI A!"JMTAS UOf!MAL • oom 51.ll30 &1>1.11~nga!alnanlkljlllmg1111 Mo<lal d.uar fDJQii darl 449,000.000.noo ~m pllf · ,HiduJ>O:tln~ tt20S 1.625 31Oc1Gri>11i2.:lll7datl1.150.ll00.000 iahtlmpf!:. i>OSLUAR llt.\SA : '·. {ill.SH) Aklivnla!Milln; " 31 llllum001200IJ delli3llohloonm&1Rp 100·~., U.eA Si:aauw 1Wc M!NOmrAS ll5.i42 .(ll.oj80

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~taran: ltiporan koWlllgan lm1m1lk1a1lan uri!uk latiurHafuin \'1111!1

~D~~~°:~~r~e~!t2~a~s~~~~: Oadalll), dengan pandap11! wajar lanJ>a pangawlllian.

SAUIO PER 31 DESE.ljBER 1005 {0Ji3Fbn Kombalij ..... ... '·"' J.a~lleM 25.218 · J~rarta,.J1 1.1~ro12oos SAUIO PER lf llESEMBER MGB 2!.BHI •. ''" ~.77•

,I.WM~ ""' ""' ·S.E& o

_ln~Bonlh .64.176 ""' Dfrekal

SAL!lO PER lf DESEMllE/l 2007 uusa • 70.137 142.553· PT CJTA MfUE~ IUVESTif"DO Tbk

twriw- )\ (il "; (efi,

sarRp317,2Juta pada tahun 2006

arRp2.613,5juta n2006

~tan sebesar Rp 39.4 millar pada f:ahun 2006

asl-sebesar Rp 6 m!liar oada tahun·2oos

amortisasi '07

asl sebesar Rp 127 jut.a

6.383.809 2227.500

15.544.154 335.no

128.064.116 194.540 74.026




194.117.952 393.344.980

12.773.040 48.143


756.725.796 =

18.437.909 495.sn· 655.800 922.390


34.964 30.256.000


52.sn.so3 1.~60.2Q4 '

54·43z.1§z-:. ,_-1os:2i5.sa9· •



40.026,559 553.380

79.604.938 840.427 109.741




200.388.152 387 .822.455



12.ns.040 47.843



25.420,059 1.282.326

455,938 3.271


56.582 14-.828.000


34.964 67.042.969


6B"2J.4,j~9 110.535:956,

:~J 19q-~rsati::iin ~:s.,~~-' ·:.- _ .·., .¢.an ~ .. ~4--m~!~r;~~ham~~ri. a- '. ..

-~~~~??o:~~-~~ ·:~ --~J.:C:O~~~?~.~ .--


-~., ... __ ,.

..... ;~·o •;.;'

---~ 41~:-1S~~057~\· .. ;.;322:000_.ooo,· · ·< .. ··'- ,1,~- '> __ ,_:. __ 6:4<570.QOO: ·

.·.·4;000.oocf :_ ..... - "A.0.00.000· ~ 4,2S5.150" 2.799,772.

6s~_·:; _::~23:469.772: 7s5~~i9t .134.0o5.7za ·

,j~END_~PATAN_BERSIH 267,:401.141 262.696.694 '

'BeaAN-;Ok"oK PENDAPATAN {238.159._075) (221.230.764)

iABA KoTofi 29.232.066 41.465.930 ; --~'·. . -.


P0nju8ran 6.543.870 16.967.B41 Umum dan administrasi 8.368.383 15.256.178

Jumlah Beban Usaha 14.912.253 32.224.019

LABA USAHA 14.319.813 9.241,.911 '

PENDAPATAN (BEBAN) LAIN.JAIN Penghasilan-bunga · 169.721 42.876 Laba (rug!) sells!h kurs-bersih 1.961 - (4.Tf5~ Beban bunga (12.271.536) (7.277.606 Provis! bank 1•9.1001 Danda keterl~mbal;?;n 44.126 (16-789l ~ak dan· administrasl 1s;o3s !'·760

minlstrasl Bank . (9.577 4.773 Ke~!an penghapusan Jamlnan (60.620 Lai ln · 505.976 2.'692

Beban Laln.l..aln ~ Bersih (11.751.716) (7.328.753)


Manfaat (BEiban) Pajak P~nghasllan ---

Kini {1.311.027) {1.179.422) Tangguhan 238:308 532.621

Jumlah Beban'Pajak Penghaslla~n Bersih . . 11._oz2.11s) {546.80.1)

LABABERSlH • •. · ;,49:5~;8 1.266.357 .

LABA PER SAHAM ~ :.0;35 0,32

. Modal·D.iternpatkan; --:, -·., dan Dise-IDr Penuh ~ . -~

Saham- • ___ ; , - _; Tambahlin : ... _ . _' . _ . ,_ . Sari A ··, S&ri 9; - M~I· Oisefur .Ag!Q Saham SaldQ 1..abac "Ekutta$. ¥ Bersih

Saldo 1 Janueri 2005

Penambahan modal .dlseior ssham sari B yang berasal dari exercised waran serl I! Laba ~rslh tahun berjalan

saido 31 Desember 2005 ?eotlrr.!ia!lan ~1-disetoi -~. seliB yang·berasal Pari-exe.-cis&d waran serl II

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.~ilerygecua!h111 <l.!ik1m. !aporann)'u ierbr.ggai 27 f;.fa;it,-f 2GOB .

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Jakarta, 1S Matot 20-0G



51.300 ! 4$0 ! 10.260 ! 589:212 I 12.242 ! 654.524 \ PT PETROSEA Tbk


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.. - ,_. .. . i.~t~4 .. t~J.tJL.i~t.Y.C_ .. §lfS

KEWAJ!BAN'LANCAR -_ :~- ..,_r-.- - PENoAPATAN USAHA ___ ~- · .. 98.642 . ·as.sss· 1.661 1.141 HUtang bimkjangka pe;ldek.J 5.158. '4.973 BEBAN'POKOK PENJUALAN 78:953 ':' ·a221s

Htl!ang usal)a-plhak ketlga' • 122.593 ,_ 30.612 -.·

Piut2n~ usaha - plhek ka~g?- beralh - 16:4~4 1$.555 Hutarig lain-lain- 767. .. · r•;··.1.5.47 LABAKOTOR 19.689. - 7~740.-

Piut.apg i~l;;.lein . '179 126 Hu~1:fpaj?J;, . 1.62~ 927 -Saban usatia · '

.-... ; . ' Biaya masih harus ·dlbayii.r 12.212 . 13.265 Persediaan- be~ih 7?.611 76.641 Uiing'muka:dlte;ima·- plhak keUga 3.347' 7.296· . \ Behan p,emasaran'dan Panjua!an-. •.• ~11.489 :10.360, Pajak dibayar dimuka 726 607• Bagien-kewa~Qan tklak tancar_jatuh tempo

·57.9'43 Beban umum dao admlnistrasl

' 11.768 10.507.

Aktiva lancar l~innya . · I '" '1 Hutang ]angka. pSnjang · 55.356

, • .Kewajiban sewa guna u~ha .1.654 2.270 JUMLAH Bl;BAN USA!iA 23.257 '-, 20.857 m · Hutang konversl 11.6~3 .· . 59.032


RUGIUSAHA·· 3.668 13:121 11.7.166" 1176.280 · ... .pengtiasi!an {beban) !eln-lain

" I II KEWAJlBAN TIO AK LAN CAR· ' Keuntungan penju11hm akUva tetae 93' AKTIVA TIOAK LAHCAR Hutang kepad;i pihiilcyang mempunyal

Plulang deli pihakya'ng mempiiny"ai 22°14 Pendap.atan bunga 77. • . ·91:

hubung~n· lstimewa · · . 2.690 Beban bunga· .(t001)· · ftss1r: Kewaµoan sewa-guna· t1Sah<i. • · 907 .93 hubungiih istimewa Kaunfungan. (keNglan) selisih ki,trs 94

Aktivi:talap Yang tii:lakQ.igunakaii ,. '

, da!am ~P~rasi • b~i:$ih· '1.965

~va teb.ip·. s&te!ah O!'"Wran91 · .akumuia&J _penY1.;1sUiOO'. ...

2001: Rp-139.914 Juia 2005_:.Rp 12s:1~SJu~· 59.~.95

. ': ': Bis.ya dl~ngguh~n - bersih 14.3U\ '

I Dana yang dlbatasl pencalrannYa 1.131

Akliva tidak !3~r 1.iirmya. .662 ..


173. Ke',yajiban P.aJ~k tan9gul/an, _ 2,987 5.602 (5.646) 12.164

Cadangari !mbalan p.astipascir-kerja , 13.754 10.471 . Penghapus."an peraediaan - - ·_(12.790)

< 2:012. P~ndapatan dltangguhk.an ~ari. { ; : PeoyisJhiin ·persedfaan usang dan (a.31j) .restrukhlrlsasl hutang 1.453. ,6.322 lambat·gerak -

JUi.1LAH ~!BAt·fTIDAK LANCAR .. ,. . ' 21.315 :25.178 Lain-lain barsih ~ (22) , 19

~UMLA,H J:<£WAJl8AN . 138.461 , 1.00.468 JUMl.AH BEBAN LA!N·LAIN 16.559\ . (10291 EKUITAS (Dl;Fl"s!E.NSl'MOOAI..) · Pos lua~ bias a"

,_ 1' .18'.011 . '-.· - {4.627) Modalsaham

Modal dasar Rp 1.2so.ooo.ooo.-ocio' . . ' RUG! SEBl;:LUM PAJAK {14.9641 / {2.3".4-18' H.S}J~ ~40 jula saham sari~ nominal Rp. 500

8.400 juta saham sari B nominal RP 100 PENGHAslLAN PAJAK

7B2 · _Ditempatkan den disetoc penuh i;eriA. , . : Klnl 840 jUtasiaham pada tahun2007.dm'i2006[' . Tangguhan ! 2.615. 1 2.837

i 665 sari B 300.839.821_ sahampada'tahun.2007 . 459.084 420.000 ' - Tambahanmodaldisetor-bersih·. · . 72.305 . ,53.154

- $8,S~&: Dafisit .' -.' ~-, . ,, {489.302) .. , (476,~63)! .RUG18ERSIH JUMLAH EKµITAS (DEflSlENSI MO(}P,-t)' , 42.067 . 3.60911 . RUG! PER SA HAM {da! -. h h

.,i;:· • _ .J . _ am rup1a penu ) , Rugjber.slh.(terma!lukposluerbiasa) ,_ . · (13.50) j (24.50)

-... R!Jglberslh(tidakte;masukpos!u.ir~)- - (8,28) . (24.50}


-Neraca. Laporan Laba-Rug! dan Lapor~n Paii.lbahan Ekuitas PT. Citatah Tbk un!uk tai}un_yang berakhlr 31 Desembar2007 dlsusun berdesarkan Laporan

•. 1<£iuangan yang telah dlaudlt oleh Kantor Akuntan Pub-Uk MU!yamin Sensi Suryanto (an-independent·-mambet, pf Moore Stephens lniemalionaJ Umited) del)gan

J !ah 1 ·pen·d.•p•.t Wajar Ta.op• .P•.nga:cualioin d~gan paragraf·penje!asan, sedangkan . Modat Sahim Oise tor. Barslh . Def!-"· 1 ""~-~·~·~ ~eraca·, Laporan Laba-Rug\ dan.lapoian parubahan EkUitas PT. Ci!atah Thk

Saldo P~1 Jenuarl200S .· 420 000 53154 {456 382) j 16 772 ! •w""'!'¥.,.' 1"''~ ,.,,y,, "'"""''I~""' NUUlll t\11.t.m~ rouw1:1uw11"~;;><>1 .. uow <><:''' . . • • . \ • , , ' I • • ,. __ .J ••• -1---1.---""-·'---'"- • ,.,_, '''··-" ~ -' __ ., ___ ,,.,_, __ Run! bersih tahun berialan' · ·• · • · 120

f?-aldO par31 Oenmbw2006 P_en!ngketan modal iwm de.n lainbahan

'modal dlf.el.ot dari ~versJ hultmg




.58.235 !12.339)

.. Jakarta, 31 Maret 2008

