Flashback 10/29/12 pg. 55 ISN In what part of the city is urban sprawl taking place?


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Flashback 10/29/12 pg. 55 ISN

In what part of the city is urban sprawl

taking place?

Flashback 10/30/12 Do on a Separate sheet of paper

to turn in to tray

• What is the difference between immigration and emigration?

• Define push and pull factors.

• What are 2 examples each of push and pull factors?

Flashback 10/31/12 pg. 55 ISN

• According to your book (120), where did the 3 waves of immigration come from?

First Wave from Northern Europe at the beginning of this country. Second wave from Southern Europe around late 1800s. Third wave from Asia and Latin America that is still going on today.

Flashback 11/1/12When did Asian migrants reach South America?

Flashback 11/2/12

•How do we remember the difference between emigration and immigration?

>Sample Paragraphs:

American culture can be a difficult term to define, because the United States is such a melting pot of ethnic groups and their cultures. We can think of American culture as anything that originated in the United States long ago to those things that we have accepted as ours over the course of time. You've heard the expression "baseball, apple pie and Chevrolet," well now it could just as easily be soccer, pizza and Toyota. These things have assimilated into our culture to the point where we have adopted them as our own.> (Topic Sentence)When we speak of the American Dream, we're not talking as much about a material culture as a non-material one. What makes a person want to leave their home and come and live in the United States? (Idea #1)For one thing, America is the most welcoming country in the world, especially to the downtrodden. Those immigrants see the American Dream being freedom and opportunity --- a chance to dream. It's spelled out in the Bill of Rights. (Idea #2)On a more pervasive level, the American Dream is a spirit of hope that resides in every human being whether they live in America or not. It’s hope for a better future through hard work. (Idea #3) Finally, we are America the safety net, helping those who are oppressed abroad. Every human being who yearns to be free from all forms of tyranny is an American. America is truly that shining city on a hill.

Immigration Readings Poster

1.Put the first and last name of the person doing the poster at the top (paper should be hotdog style)2.All members of group should answer the following on a piece of paper, writing the question and answer. Nominate a spokesperson.

Poster should look like this

Names - ____________________Pd. _____ Date - ___________

Division of labor Time Period in US Immigration history ________________

Poster Maker Push factors – 1 Pull Factors –

2-3 Most immigrants came from –

2-3 How did this affect America in positive and negative ways?Positive – Negative –

4. How did it affect the countries they left behind?

5. What stimulated growth or decline in immigration during that period?

“America” by Neil DiamondHome, to a new and a shiny placeMake our bed, and we'll say our graceFreedom's light burning warmFreedom's light burning warmEverywhere around the worldThey're coming to AmericaEvery time that flag's unfurledThey're coming to AmericaGot a dream to take them thereThey're coming to AmericaGot a dream they've come to shareThey're coming to AmericaThey're coming to AmericaThey're coming to AmericaThey're coming to AmericaThey're coming to AmericaToday, today, today, today, todayMy country 'tis of theeTodaySweet land of libertyTodayOf thee I singTodayOf thee I singToday

FarWe've been traveling farWithout a homeBut not without a starFreeOnly want to be freeWe huddle closeHang on to a dreamOn the boats and on the planesThey're coming to AmericaNever looking back againThey're coming to America Home, don't it seem so far awayOh, we're traveling light today In the eye of the stormIn the eye of the storm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ttDUG


Immigration ReviewNot like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall

standA mighty woman with a torch, whose flameIs the imprisoned lightning, and her nameMother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame."Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries

sheWith silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to

me,I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Libertas: Roman Goddess of Freedom

Immigration Review pg. 56-57 ISN

• Immigration: What is it?

• In your words…

• Immigration: people who move to another country to live

Immigration Review• Immigration– Who does it?

•Emigrant– person who leaves their home country to find a new home elsewhere.

•Immigrant– person who enters a country with the intention of staying

•Talk with your table partner and try to use both in one sentence.

•He emigrated from Italy and immigrated to the US.

Immigration Review

• Important to keep in mind…

• We are ALL descendants of immigrants…

Immigration Review

• Why do people decide to leave home?• Push factors– something that encourages

people to leave a place behind• Common push factors:

• Warfare• Natural disasters

• Poverty• Lack of freedom

Immigration Review

• Why do immigrants decide to go where they do?

• Pull factors– things that encourage people to move to a new place

• Common pull factors:

• Better education

• Better job

• Family ties

Immigration Review

• Important to keep in mind…

• Entering this country legally can take 10 to 15 years, depending on your country of

origin and ties to this country

Immigration Office waiting

Immigration Office waiting


Immigration Review

• How do immigration and emigration affect countries?• Immigrants may bring about positive and negative

changes to their new lands• Immigrants often do jobs that existing residents won’t do

• Immigrants add diversity to their new communities• Sometimes their new communities become overcrowded• Some worry that huge numbers of illegal immigrants puts

strain on public services

Immigration Review

• Is there always a happy ending?

• Not always…

• Immigrants often face many challenges:

• Language barriers

• Discrimination

• Homesickness

Immigration Review

• What happens to the communities and countries that emigrants leave behind?

• Families are often split up

• Communities need to replace the input of the lost person

• Brain Drain —the loss of a country’s best and brightest

Immigration Review

• According to a UN survey, "Ethiopia lost 75 per cent of its skilled workforce between 1980 and 1991," which harms the ability of such nations to get out of poverty.

• Nigeria, Kenya and Ethiopia are believed to be the most affected.

• In the case of Ethiopia, the country produces many excellent doctors, but there are more Ethiopian doctors in Chicago than there are in Ethiopia

Immigration Review

• What if you need to leave, but have nowhere to go?

• Refugee– someone who seeks safety by going to another country

• Some flee their country for safety, hoping to return when things get better.

• Often, refugees are experiencing push factors, but no pull factors.

Remittances (envio de dinero)

• Those who are living and working in another country send money back to their home country. This is called a remittance.

• Sometimes as in the case of Kenya in Africa, it helps solve an employment problem.

Immigration Review

• What does immigration look like on a worldwide scale?

• The largest percentage of immigrants to the U.S. come from Mexico

Can we see any trends or patterns??

Labor Migration Streams

Immigration Review

• Wrap Up

• What is the difference between emigrants and immigrants?

• Name some push factors

• Name some pull factors

• What is a refugee?

• How can communities be affected by the arrival and departure of immigrants?