Fish I.D Booklet



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Fish I.D Booklet-Ben littleton

Freshwater Fish (51-100)

Saltwater/marine invertebrates (101-120)

Freshwater Invertebrates (121-125)

Title: Freshwater Invertebrates Species #: 125

Common Name: Madagascan Rainbow

Scientific Name: Bedotia gaegi

Kingdom: Animilia Phylum: Bedotia

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Atheriniformes

Family: Bedotiidae

Geography / Habitat:

This fish was identified in 1907 and is a member of the Silverside group. Rainbow fish are

known for their characteristic large eyes, black or silver band, which runs through the middle

scales row, deeply forked mouth, and two dorsal fins.

Life Strategy:

The peaceful fish is a schooling fish that should be housed in a planted aquarium with plenty of

room to swim as they are very active. Madagascan Rainbows do best with a gravel substrate

and its colors may intensify with dark colored gravel; When maintaining a school of these fish,

an aquarium that is at least 4 ft in length should be used.

Food / Feed Strategy:

These fish have a large mouth, but their throat tends to be narrow. With this in mind, foods

should not be too large for your fish. A good diet for these fish should consist of flake foods.

Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

Mouth Position: Terminal
