First Quarter 2010



Kuyay Patarcocha Project opening!

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School has begun anew for the Kuyay Talpuy children. In December, we graduated 17 students from the Iscos center! School vacation begins with Christ-mas here in Peru, so from December 22-March 1, the children were on their “summer break”. However, we offered summer classes and had a full roster, with 24 students attending during their summer months. During this time, we also fostered new rela-tionships with some older students who were coming for tutoring and help retaining their skills between school years. As March arrived, we helped our recent graduates officially enter into the Peruvian school system. Thanks to your support, we bought uniforms for each child, school supplies, and paid for their entrance fees. Parents couldn’t believe that we actually DID everything that we promised to do. Now 17 children are attending school who did not have the resources to do so before. Thank you!!! Also, these chil-dren are coming back to the Kuyay Talpuy center in the afternoons (after classes) to receive tutoring and to attend Kid’s Club. We have between 15-18 children each af-ternoon. We are offering tutoring, homework help, English classes, Kid’s Club, and bible study in the p.m. We have 24 new students who are attending the Iscos center in the mornings this year. Their parents are excited and committed to working hard to help the cen-ter succeed. Such an incredible difference from the start last year! We have been so blessed by the beginning of a NEW Kuyay Talpuy center (see page 2), just opened April 5th! Things are really looking up… Thank you for your love and support for these children of Kuyay Talpuy! To-gether, we can make a difference!

School has Begun!

First Quarter. 2010

Kuyay Talpuy

While sitting in our living room talking with a recent short term team about ministry in Peru, the director of Ku-yay Talpuy knocked on the door and needed to speak to Billy. A few min-utes later, Billy was sharing with the team (through tears of joy) that we had just been presented with a letter from a community in the mountains. The community of Patarcocha, a 45 minute walk up the mountain from Iscos, was writing to us and asking for us to bring the Kuyay Talpuy edu-cation center to their village. They had heard of our work and they, too, had children who needed to be edu-cated.

Patarcocha is a community of 100% farmers and shepherds. The majority of the inhabitants are women, aban-doned by their husbands and living life on the mountain alone. They work every day in their fields and with their animals and take care of their children. There isn’t any disposable income (or income of any kind, for that matter). They cannot afford to take their children down the mountain and put them into schools in “town”.

The ladies called a town meeting and invited us to come. At the meeting, they presented their petition to us and asked for help. We laid out sev-eral options and researched the best ways to help. In the end, it was de-cided that a Kuyay Talpuy center would be a viable option for the com-munity and we would work to make it happen.

On April 5th, we officially opened for classes, with a roster of 20 children and one teacher. The community do-nated the building. We have no furni-ture, no electricity, no water, and no bathroom, but we have school supplies and children and a teacher who loves them, so we are open. We continue to seek financial donors who can help us meet the needs for desks and other necessities, but we are confident that God will provide. God already sent us one donor who agreed to pay for the teacher salary for one year—Praise Jesus!!!

The Kuyay Talpuy vision


• to give children an opportunity to receive an education,

• to help parents and families

• to build relationships with people in the community

• and to share and spread the love of Christ via relationships, com-munity education, health & nutri-tion, and bible teaching.

Please pray for the people of Patarco-cha, the abandoned mothers who are desperately seeking friendship and help, for children who are fatherless, and for the abandoned elderly of the mountain. We have a huge job ahead of us in this community, but every-thing is possible with Christ! And pray for support to come in so that we can continue this work.

students and all of us are very pleased with this plan! Because she was already “on board” with our vision and she already had a missionary heart, she has been a perfect fit. The children love her, as do we! So our little team has grown… some are still volunteer and some are given a small stipend, but all have hearts for the children and the communities of Iscos and Patarcocha. Please be in prayer for Darwin, Tania, Milagros, Rocio, Rosa, Liz, Julia and Elva as they work to share Christ in Peru.

We are so excited to bring a new member to our team! Rocio has been working with us on Fridays as a volun-teer, helping to lead Kid’s Club each week. She has a huge heart for the children of Kuyay Talpuy and a huge heart for the area… she grew up just minutes down the road from Iscos and Patarcocha and has a kindred spirit with the people of these moun-tains. So when we found ourselves in need of another teacher, she was a fantastic choice! We have now em-ployed her to work each day with the

Miss Rocio joins the Kuyay Talpuy Team!

New Center Opens in Patarcocha!!!

Page 2

Peru contact address: Jr. San Jose 278 Urb. San Carlos Huancayo, Peru

Kuyay Talpuy Project

Phone (USA): 979-985-5289 E-mail: Website: Or

Serving Christ in Peru

DEAR BILLY AND LAURIE, I will pray for you. Please send me your newsletter

by e-mail: _____________________________________ As God provides, I plan to partner with you by giving

$ _________ Per month / quarter / year for _____ years. I would like to donate a one-time gift of $ _________ I would like to sponsor a child’s education for $30/mo.

($360/year). (Special Project—Kuyay Talpuy) Name (PLEASE PRINT) ______________________________________ Address _________________________________________________ City____________________ State__________ Zip ________ Phone _____________________ Home Church _________________


PO Box 922637 Norcross, GA 30010-2637 USA


Prayers & Praises: • Please pray for the towns of Iscos and Patarcocha.

• Prayers and praises for the medical team that is preparing to serve the area in July 2010!

• Pray for the 24 new students in Iscos, the 20 new students in Patarcocha, and the afternoon tutoring students. Pray for community members who are also seeking educational opportunities by attending English classes an bible studies in the afternoons.

• Pray for our Peruvian workers...Darwin, Milagros, Tania, Rosa, Rocio, Elva, Liz and Julia. Pray for the teambuilding retreat that we will hold in a couple of weeks to strengthen and bond with our workers.

• Pray for continued support so that we can perse-vere with this work. We continue to look for spon-sors who can help with the new project in Patarco-cha and who can help sustain the project in Iscos. Monthly gifts, one time gifts… anything helps! We need desks in Patarcocha and we need to replenish supplies in Iscos. Please use the support form above or go online to give at scroll to the bottom of the page for giving options online.

• PLEASE share this newsletter with friends, family and church members—we need more partners!
