First Presbyterian Church · 2019-06-15 · THE ECUMENICAL FOOD PANTRY continues to meet a growing...


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Class of 2020 Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Steve Hohneker Rick Jacker Nancy Pienta Sarah Sayers Chuck Shattenkirk

Moderator: Rev. Kathi L. Jones Clerk of Session: Sarah Sayers


Class of 2020 Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Laurae Hoffmann Melissa Barton Alicia Albertson Hertha Matuszek Judy Bury Rosalie Hemingway

Moderator: Judy Bury

Church Treasurer: Sandra Hohneker Assistant Treasurer: Vieve Gay Financial Secretary: Bill Ring

First Presbyterian Church 3212 Church Street P.O. Box 267, Valatie, NY 12184

Church Phone – 518-758-9658 Pastor’s Phone – 518-755-2557

Church’s Email – Pastor – Rev. Kathi L. Jones

Pastor’s Email – Organist – Ardelle Stewart

Secretary – Naomi Handley Sexton – Nick Becker

First Presbyterian Church

Valatie, NY

Where friends are made, faith is nurtured, service begins

and All Are Welcome!

June 16, 2019 10:00am.


* * * * *

Gathering in the Name of the Lord

(In silence and meditation prepare yourself for worship)


MISSION STATEMENT (Unison) We are a small congregation, part of God’s larger family, teaching and living God’s Word, and sharing God’s love throughout the community.


CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsively) See what love the Father has given us,

that we should be called the children of God. You are my sons and daughters, this day I have begotten you.

See what love the Father has given us. As many as received him, to them he gave power to become the children of God.

See what love the Father has given us. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called the children of God.

*HYMN 110 Love Has Come CALL TO CONFESSION PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Unison) On this very day, Waiting God, we admit all the lengths to which we go so we might avoid you. You offer us that kingdom of joy


TODAY 10:00am. Worship 11:15am. Coffee and Fellowship

MONDAY 12noon Food Pantry Open TUESDAY 7:00pm. Boy Scouts WEDNESDAY 6:00pm. Food Pantry Open THURSDAY 2:00pm. Warm Up America! SATURDAY 9:00am. Food Pantry Open

Looking Ahead – NEXT SUNDAY – June 23, 2019

10:00am. Worship – Rev. Phil Grigsby preaching 11:15am. Coffee Hour

Birthdays and Anniversaries This Week

20 - Rob Albertson 21 - Alicia Armstrong

17 - Kathi and Stark Jones 23 - Cheryl and Robert Fitzgibbons

Minute for Mission: Presbyterian Men For this Father’s Day Mission Yearbook entry, I decided to rely heavily on

one of the National Council of Presbyterian Men’s Bible Study Guides prepared by Presbyterian men for Presbyterian men. There are 24 of these study guides; 23 are based on books of the Bible and one on “Some Biblical Bases of a Brief Statement of Faith.” The guide used for this Minute for Mission, based on 1 Samuel, is titled “Fathers, Brothers, Friends, and Others: A Study of Male Relationships,” authored by H. Michael Brewer and edited by Curtis A. Miller. The other references also come from the study guide.

Brewer says that “Our relationship (or lack of relationship) with our fathers has a lifelong impact on our personalities, our possibilities, our outlook on the world, and our self-image.” He says, further, that while most Christian fathers would unhesitatingly give their lives for their children in times of crises, too often we commit our time and energy to other priorities. I was reminded of a time when my son was off in college and I decided to straighten up/clear out some of the things in his bedroom closet. I came across a model airplane I purchased for the two of us to put together when he was a child; it was still in shrink wrap. I cried. My job as a university administrator required a considerable amount of my time. On another occasion I came home from the office around 7 or 8 p.m., and my young daughter gleefully rushed up and hugged me around the legs and said, “Daddy is home early,” and asked if I was going to stay. I did. I had planned to – really. Nevertheless, their mother emphasized that she appreciated the unusually large amount of time I spent with the kids. Those two experiences with my children, and others, cause me to suggest to fathers of young children that they spend as much time with them as possible, because “You won’t get it back.”

David Popenoe, former sociology professor at Rutgers University, felt that fathers serve as role models for their sons and help their daughters learn how to relate to males. In “The Vanishing Father,” he writes: “Fatherly play – quite different from motherly play – teaches children about challenge, boundaries, managing emotions and self-control. … Fathers contribute not only to their children’s independence and individuality, but paternal involvement in childcare seems to play a major role in instilling compassion and empathy in children.”

Gary Smalley and John Trent stress that we should honor our children. In “The Gift of Honor,” they define honor as a decision parents make to place high value, worth and importance on their children, viewing them as priceless gifts and granting them positions in our lives worthy of great respect. Love involves putting that decision into action.

Without providing suggested methodology, Brewer emphasizes that the church has an obligation to help men become good, or better, fathers – and that fathers have a responsibility in instilling and nurturing Christian ideals in their children.

Dr. Robert W. James, Moderator, National Presbyterian Men’s Ministry

and wonder, yet we would hide in places where temptation waits. You invite us to feast on your grace and peace, but we stubbornly refuse, because you also welcome those we call ‘outsiders.’ We are quick to see all the mistakes that those around us make, but hope you will ignore our foolish choices.

Celebrating God, before we come to our senses, we find you

running towards us, sweeping us up in your arms, tears of

grace mingling with our cries of confession, a mighty river

washing away our sinful ways to restore us to new life. In Jesus

Christ, our Lord and Savior, we find no limitations on your

grace, no reservations about your love, but a feast that

overflows with wonder, a place we can finally call home.



RESPONSE 288 Spirit of the Living God

Proclaiming the Word


Almighty God, in you are hidden all the treasures of wisdom

and knowledge. Open our eyes that we may see the wonders of

your Word; and give us grace that we may clearly understand

and freely choose the way of your wisdom; through Christ our

Lord. Amen.

FIRST GOSPEL LESSON Matthew 1:18-25 (N.T. pg. 1)

SECOND GOSPEL LESSON Luke 15:11-32 (N.T. pg. 77)


HYMN Faith of Our Fathers

Tag and Bake Sale Saturday July 20

8:00am. – 2:00pm.

We need: Gently used items Lamps

Household items Glassware

Kitchen gadgets Collectables

Toys Antiques

Jewelry Bedding, curtains

Small furniture

Books – hard cover and paperback – NO textbooks

We need help in order to make this sale a success! Please let Nancy Pienta, chair, know that you will help with set up, pricing, selling that day, clean up and any other way that may be helpful.

We need YOU!!


NURSERY CARE DURING WORSHIP is provided for infants and children through the second grade. Parents are asked to take their child(ren) to the nursery during the hymn just before the sermon. The nursery is found through the door to the left of the pulpit, down the hall on the left. Children who are in the third grade and older should remain with their families during the worship service.

THE ECUMENICAL FOOD PANTRY continues to meet a growing need for food for families in the Ichabod Crane School District. They are in need of cereals, jam, jelly, and tuna. If you have any questions about the Food Pantry or how you might get involved, speak with Dorothy Johnson or Carol Matthews, our representatives on the Food Pantry Committee.

Pastor Kathi is on vacation until July 6. If you have a need for pastoral care, please call Clerk of Session Sarah Sayers at 518-491-0746 or Elder Nancy Pienta at 518-527-2810 and they will find you help.

Our next Epistle will be a July/August issue. Please have your articles include information for both months ie. – meetings, events, news, etc. This is the one time to advertise to the whole congregation any info you want them to have for the summer months The July editions of The Upper Room and The Upper Room are on the back table for those who would like a copy. Please consider daily devotions and using this booklet to guide them each day.

IT’S NOT TOO EARLY to start thinking about the Tag and Bake Sale on Saturday July 20. Nancy Pienta is chairing the Tag Sale and needs help that day setting up, selling, and cleaning up. The week prior folks are needed to help sort and organize donations. Please search your home and ask neighbors for items that would be good items for the sale. Please no computers, clothing, or exercise equipment. We will also have the Bake Sale and will need your help to make that successful. Pies, cakes, breads, and cookies and brownies always sell well.

If you have not made a donation to the Pentecost Offering it is not too late. This offering helps youth at risk. You may use the envelopes are in the pews.

SERMON Father Knows Best


We thank God for fathers, who pointed us to God, and who have

loved and cared for us.

We give thanks and praise for fathers young and old.

We pray for young fathers, newly embracing their vocation;

may they find courage and perseverance to balance work,

family and faith in joy and sacrifice.

We pray for fathers around the world whose children are lost or


may they know that the God of compassion walks with

them in their sorrow.

We pray for men who are not fathers

but still mentor and guide us with fatherly love and


We remember fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers:

who are no longer with us but who have nourished us

with their love and live forever in our memory.

And for God's love for us, his children, that continues to be the

model for all faithful fathers:

ALL: we give thanks to God, our Heavenly Father.

Responding to the Word



THE LORD’S PRAYER (sins, sin)


*RESPONSE 36 (v.3) For the Fruit of All Creation


O God, we recognize that the greatest gift is the gift of love.

May our offerings distribute this love to the world:

the small world we inhabit with the suffering people we know;

the larger world where the power of love is sorely needed.

In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

*HYMN 774 There Is Now a New Creation


Go forth, as God’s beloved children.

God’s love surrounds us like a father’s love.

Go in the knowledge of God’s comfort and protection.

God’s strength empowers us to be the best we can be.

Go in God’s grace,

We go to share the love of God with all we meet!

*PASSING THE PEACE (Responsively)

The peace of Christ be with you.

And also with you.

Go in peace.


* * * * * * - indicates that all who are able, may stand.

Bringing the message this morning is Elder Steven Hohneker.

Assisting in worship this morning are the men of the church.

Greeting at the front doors this morning are Jim Leffingwell and George


Nancy Pienta is head usher for June.


Wayne Austin Tina Coons

Mary and Charles Heermance Ricky Jacker

Laura Kinnicutt Geraldine and Bruce McCrum

Marc Petrie Chris Wells

Marie and Daniel Wloch

EXTENDED FAMILY, FRIENDS AND THE WORLD Bea and Henry Croteau, Marge’s friend

Caren Stewart Kayla, a preschool mother, with stage 4 cancer

Linda, Ardelle’s neighbor Rita, a friend of Vieve’s

Family of Seth Giammarco Those who have lost loved ones

Immigrants, Migrants and Refugees Iran

Israel Syria

Venezuela The West Bank

Government leaders Venezuela
