Finishing Tools Grinders and Sanders...Parts and components must match ... Ingersoll-Rand has...


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Cyclone Industrial Production Class

Grinders and Sanders Finishing Tools Revolution Light Industrial

Class Grinders

Routers and Trimmers

Random Orbital Sanders

Needle, Chisel, and Piston Scalers

Automotive/Maintenance Air Hammers Proven Source. P ro v e n Solutions.


IngersolllandFinishing Tools

Advancements in manufacturing and production have transformed the world of industrial finishing. While the need for traditi0 naI, he avy-duty mate ria I removal continues in many segments, increases in precision and reductions in waste have changed overall de­mands. New materials require differ­ent tool speeds and attachments. A greater focus on product quality has tightened th e standards of fjnish ing. Parts and components must match surrounding surfaces with impeccable accuracy. With these changes in mate­rials and processes, exactness and finesse in finishing operations have taken on new significance.

Likewise, finishing technicians are a key factor in producing ultimate prod­uct quality. These are men and women who depend on resources that encour­age and maximize theirspecial set of skills. Today's operators deserve and re qui re tooIs that co ntribute to qua Iity of perlormance ...and quality of life.

Ingersoll-Rand has provided tools for industry for more than a century, com­bining the best engineering talent, top­qual ity materials, and the strongest support in the business. Our classic designs have set perlormance stan­dards that endure today. Our latest in­troductions reflect emerging trends in tool use, changing technology, and new materials. Whatever the applica­tion, Ingersoll-Rand industrial tools brlng 0ut th e best in your 0perater's skills, and contribute to the ultimate quality of your products and processes.

As a major worldwide supplier of fin­ishing tools, systems, and accesso­ries, Ingersoll-Rand is a valuable technology resource. Ingersoll-Rand offers a variety of finishing tools ­lrom heavy metal grinding 10

precision sanding - thaI will match your needs and requirements.

Cyclone Finishing Tools Cited by the lndustr ial Design Excellence Award program for their pio­neering ergonomic design, Ingersoll­Rand's Cyclone finishing tools were created for a wide variety of tasks , These innovative tools arc lighter and easier to maneuver. yet have more power and less vibration than competi­tive models . There's a complete range of speeds and conf igurat ions, plus a full selection of Cyclone accessories.

Sanders / Polishers / Buffers Reflect ing the rapidly changing demands of industrial finishing, sanders, polishers and buffers have emerged as a key segment. Constant process improvement throuqhout indus­try now results in less waste on cast­ings and molded parts, shifting empha­sis from material removal to surface fin­ishing, T11e lnqorscll-Rand line of sanders, buffers and polishers includes models based on the popular Cyclone ,..and now features a complete range of Cyclone random orbital sanders as well .

These products reflect the IR philosophy of High Performance Ergonomics -user oriented design that provides real-world productivity benctits ... based on a sys­tematic. objective measure of ergonomic factors for validation and value.

High P.<formanoe Ergonomics



- - - - - - - - -

Finishing Tools

Choosing and Using Grinder Accessories For satcty and performance, always select the properabrasive wheel for your job. Cup whee ls remove large amounts of metal and are good for open spac es , Depressed center wheels are idea l for use in rough grinding oper­ations and all -arou nd heavy material removal. In appl ications where a hori­zontal grinder is required, choose Type One wheels

Choose tools with enough horsepower to drive the abrasive wheel you are using. and allow the grinder's speed to work lor you. Bearing down on under­powered tools slows the rpm output and reduces overall efficiency.

Grinder Safety Tips Always use eye protection. Use only recommended equipment arid

acapters. Inspect grinding wheels closely for any imperfections or dam­age such as cracks. pitting, or bro ken edges, Always make sure that the tool speed does not exceed thp. maximum operating speed marked on the wheel or wheel package. Use correct size guards. flanges blotters, spind les, and mounting practices to ensure operator safety.

Mounting a Grinding Wheel When mounting a grinding whe el on any portable power tool. be sure to :

Inspect the grinding wheel closslv for any imperleclions or dama ge such as cracks, pittinq or broken edges.

Verify thai the tools spinelIe does riot exc eed the maximu m operating speed marked on ihe wheel or wheel package.

Use correct size guards. flanges blotte rs, spindles and mou nting prac­tice as shown below.

TYPE 1 Straight Wheels

,{ {~ . ~~~ 1lJ ../ ~


Threaded Wheel Sizes: 7"and 9"

Type: SpindleSizes: 5/8" and 7/8 Wheel Sizes: 6" and 8' SpindleSizes: 5/8" (16rnrn) and l ' (2Smm)

Horizontal Grinders Vertical and Angle Grinders

:::i)S8 , .,;;;;--­

~" ~

TYPE 27 Depressed Center Flat Wheels

Threaded Wheel Sizes: 7' and 9"

Type: Spindle Sizes: 5/8"and 7/8"

Small Horizontal Grinders

TYPE 1 Straight Wheels

Wheel Sizes: 2". 3' and 4' Wheel Sizes: 2'. 3" and 4'

Spindle Sizes: 3/8' Spindle Sizes: 3/8" (10mm) and 1/2" (12mm) (10mm) and 1/2' (12mm)

SpindleSize: 3/8"

TYPE 28 Depressed Center Saucer Wheels

I ~\

Threaded WheelSizes: 7' and 9" Non-Threaced Wheel Sizes:7" and 9"

Type: SpindleSizes: 5/8" and 7/8 Type: Spindle Sizes: 5i8"and 7/8"

TYPE 6 and 11 Cup Wheels TYPE 13-1"Thick Saucer Wheels

rz»: ---JI;; - ~~~

} '~ ,

Wheel Sizes: 5' and 6" WI1Cel Size: 7"

SpindleSizes: Si8' and 7/8" SpindleSize: 5/8"

WARNING AhIl1YS use eye prolecliOa, Use oaly recommended equipmem and adaprers, ConSilII parts bulle/in lorderails Do not use i/adual/ool rpm Isgrealer IIJan nameplafe rpm Check rpm each si/ifforvpon c/Jangmg accessory Forlurthp.r SJfely informal/on, consult ANSI87,1alldAN$IB I86 I



(f8JFinishing Tools Ingersollfland

Cone and Plug Wheel Grinders

TYPE 16.17,18, 18R ami19 Cone and Plug Wheels

Wheel Sizes: 1X" and3"(max. dia.) SpindleSizes: 3i8". 1/2" and 5i8"

Mounted Wheels and High Speed Steel or Carbide Burs

Collet Sizes: l i8", 1/4" and 3/8"

(3.6 and 10mm)

Mandrel Diameters: 1/8:, 1/4" and 3i8'

(3.6 alltl l 0mm)

There's more to today's finishin g process than the tools of the trade , Ingersoll-Rand is an information resource for your business. and can assist in creating more effective and productive workplace configurations, as well as tool recommendations, Your selection and purchase of finishinfj tools has a direct effect on process and product quality. Your decrsion can make a difter ence in finishing efficiency - and in the improved quality and durability of fin ishes . So before you make your next purchase decision , conta ct your local IR representative or distr ibutor lor assistance and information regarding the latest IR product and techno lugy dovelopments.



Finishing Tools

Cyclone Industrial Production Class

For the best in power. comfort. and versatility, Ingersoll-Rand created the Cyclone Finishing Tools Series to match a wide variety of finishing tasks. With a complete range of models, speeds, and configurations, plus a lull selection of accessories, Cyclone tools combine versatility with innovation. Included in the Iine are three multi-purpose accessory tools ­CycloCut, CycloFile, and CycloRoutJ Trimmer - that offer specialty llnlsh­ing capabilities for the most chal­lenging situations.

Cited by the Industrial Design Excellence Award Program for their pioneering ergonomic design, Cyclone finishing tools will help your business reduce costs and improve working conditions. These innovative tools are lighter and easier to use than compet­itive finishing tools, yethave more power and less vibration - you 'l! feel the difference when you work.



Finishing Tools (@Cyclone Industrial Production Class IngersollBand

Through pioneering efforts to provide workers with light p,r, quieter, mor e com­fortabl e tools , IA IS cxtcndmq a tradit ion of excellence in IInishing tool design and performance.

Innovati ve Ergonomics The unique D-shaped housmq makes it easier to gnp and operate the tool ­it's a natural fit to the human hand. Advanced composites keep the hous­ing (rom becoming cold to me touch, and reduce vibration so effectively, you can wor k steadily wIth less hand fatigue.

Comfort, Safety, and Control The unique high-profile safety flange not only protects the operator 's hand from the work, but also provides a prvot-point tor improved control while preventing accid entat ihrotne-starts. If preferred, the standard flange can be repl aced with an optional low-profile flang e. As Ihe operator varies speed to match Ihe task, the standard low-profile throttle responds smoothly; where required or specmed, it can also be repl aced with an optional locking lever.

Durability And Reliability Cyclone housings feature one-piece construction: advanced compo sites molded over a steel liner, Angle heads and extensions are 01 steel construction.

Remarkably Simple To Service You can take apart and reassemble a Cyclone finishing 1001 in just minutes. Once inside, you 'll find fewe r parts than any other tool in the industry. The

patented "drop-ill " motor and vanes ma ke routine maintenance easy. Th ese features mak e repairs quick and fast. but Cyclone toots' outstanding durability means service is less likely - less down-time. lower cost

Three Exhaust Options Th e patented Flow Ring ottersthe flexib ility of lront or rear exhaust without additional equipment. Piped-away exhaust is also available.



Finishing Tools

Cyclone Industrial Production Class

Modular Design For Simplicity The flnist1ing toolswithin each Cyclone series share most parts in common. reducing your inventory requ irements and simplifying maintenance.


- ~- -


_...-...... ...-,

CoI1els • !!!!!~-~

---_ .~~ .....

IMotorI HouslrQ


= =

Product Identification Guide


I ~--------, Series Tvpe rpm Exllaust Spindle Type Accessories C;; .35Cyclone o=DieGrinder Xl00 ;; Raled rpm R;; Rear G4 ;; V4" Collet L = Locking Lever

T ;; .70 Cyclone X;; Extended F-" Front S4;: t,ll" - .20 THO(Angle) C=Concentric Flange

H= 1.0 Cyclone A ;; Angle H63 + P63 = 3' Guarded

XA ;; Extended Angle H64 + P64 ;; 4' Guarded

XD ;; 2' Extended P1045 ;; 4WGuarded

NOTfS 1 Exflaust dlrecliOn can e.iJSllytieswllched from rear tofronl w{I,~ no~ocJiliofl.1l paris.

2 Low (Jrofile concenlric lIangecomes Ilith locking lever ilnd nw exll,1usl only

3 1/4' Erickson Colle! and Coller Wrenches areslanrtJrd



Finishing Tools <fjj)Cyclone Industrial Production Class Ingersollfland


The C Series is a compact, versatile .35 hp tool used for light material removal: clean ing rough castings, de ­burring parts after machining, weld­cleaning, and other finishing tasks. Offering superior power in a sma ll package, the C Series includes straipht, angle, and extended straight versions .

TSeries For general finishing work and heavier material removal, T-Series grinders pro­vide more power, ,70 hp, with low vibra­tion . Used for grind ing, cutting, clean­ing, and polish ing , these tools are ava il­able in a variety of configu rations for comfortable operation In tight spaces and contours. The T-Series Includes straight, extended, angle. and extended angle 100 )S.

H Series When you need the torque and horse­power for heavy material removal with burs , ooated abrasives, and grinding wheels, the 1.0 hp H-Series grinders give you the ultimate in power and control. Choose from straight. extended, angle , and extended-angle con figurations.



Finishing Tools

Cyclone Industrial Production Straight Extended Grinders

Carbide Bur and Mounted Wheel Standard Equipment

G4 =1j," EncksoncaliRI


CX200RG4 •

CX250RG4 ••

CX300RG4 ••


rx 8ORG·' ••

TX200RG·, ••

TX25ORG4 •

lX120RG4 ••

HXI50RG4 •

HX180RG4 •

Ail Inlet.M Models 114' NPT

Rated Power Free SlIeell Weight hp rpm lb.

.35 20.000

35 25.000

.35 30.000 ----+----------+~-

70 12.000

70 18.000

70 20.000

.70 25.000

1,00 12.000

00 15.000

00_. 18.000

Size Hose Recommended. SerfesC. 516' Sel ies raOG H. 3-8'

AllsfanrJilldmodels have dual exHaustcapabilities except TXI20andHX120, w,~ ich are Ie2I exhalJSl only EJ.1lJUS! direc/tOll can roSily beswitched uom Ilonl 10 fear




V4" Enckson collet OG110-700·84 (e) G160HD-700-V4 (T and H)

Collet wrenches OG 20-69A 7/ 16" x 11116" (C)

OG10-69 112" x 9'1 6" (T and H) OG120-69 5£" x 314 " (T and H)

Accessories • OG110 -700 -G2 118" collet (e )

OG1 20-700 -G6 3'8" collet (T and H)

LG 1-A400 (C) locking lever

LG2 -A400 lock ing lever

LG 1R-23 (e) concentric flange

LG3R -23 (T and H) concentric flange

LG l-A101 5 (C) var iable-speed regulator

LG2-K284 exhaust deflector (T and H)

Side ID ce nler Length Distance elm

in. In.

93/.6 'I, II

93{,6 ~ {, 17

9'/" 3/. 14

121116 31. 24

121/16 31, 23

21/. 3/, 31

121{" 3{. 26

134 6 I{'r/ 43

13'{,' 31{12 40

1 3 ~ {, 31{Yl 43

l'erlolmanCt! ligures are aJ 90psi"i' PIIJSSIJi8

To older Ironl exhaust. replace "R'willr "F" In modelO/lmtiel Toorner locking/ever. add 'L" toend ofmodel number, To order concentric!lowprolife flange. add "C' toend01 model numbel Ex?mples.CD200FG4. CD200,1G4L. CD200RG4C,

• No! /lvailablewitH 'C"

• No!/lViii/ablewitH "L"


Finishing Tools (fb)Cyclone Industrial Production Straight Grinders Ingersollftand

Carbide Bur and Mounted Wheel

TD 25 0RG4K

G4 " 1/4' Erickson collet

Standard Equipment 1/4" Erickson collet G160HO-700-1/4 (T and H)

DG110-700·G4 (e)

Collet wrenches DG20·69A 7/16" x 11/16" (C) DG 10·69 11.2" x 9116" (T and H) OG120-69 &8" x 3'4" (T and H)

Accessories OG110-700-02 (el 1;8" collet

00120-700-06 (T and H) 313" collet

LOI-KI bur kit includes: OG1O-RF case (4;' '' x 9Y") D02Q-RF 20 (9" foam insert) (7'/" molded part) IRSD-l Bur (V~ " ball) IRSF-1 Bur (114" tree raoius) IRSA-1 Bur (114" cylindrical) IRSL-1 Bur (114" cone)

LO 1-K284 (C) exhaust kit

LG2-K284 (T and H) exhaust kit

LG1 R-23 (C) concentric flange

LG3R-23 (T and H) concentric llanqe

LG1-A400 (C) locking lever

LG2-A400 (T and H) locking lever

LG2K-302 carrying case

Side toCenter Model Raled Power Free Speed Weight Length Distance elm

hp l"lIm lb. in. in.

CD200RG4 .35

CD250RG4 ,35

CD250RG'1K ,35

CD300RG4 • .35

CD350RG4 ,35

10120RG4 •• .70

TD180RG4 • } O

m2aO RG ~ • ,70

TD250RG4 .70

TD250RGI;K .70

HD120RG4 • 1 00
















p;' !

15/ 1

fIJI" 3/.

63/ 16 4.

63;'6 3/.

6)!'6 3/.

63110 3/.

N . 311

1 ~/6 73/ .


3/. 23

15/. 71/ . 1/. 24

15/a 73/. 3/. 26

15I~ P./' 1/. 26

1 1 /~ 89/ 16 I 3'/31 ,13

111. 8';'. n/3'l 40

F/. 89h6 31/11 43

1'/.\ 8','!" 11ft} 43

To orrJar Iront exllaust. replac.e'R" ffi,'/I "F" inmodel number To orrJar lockinll lel!:!r add 'L' [0end 01 model number Iii order concen/ric/lolI' profile flange,add "C"10

ena of model numoer Ex:IfTipfes CD200FG4. CD2OiJRG4L, CD2OORG4C

• Nol Available filth 'C'

• NorAViJ llablewilh 'l "







HD150RG4 •• i 00 5,000

HD1 80RG4 •• 1.00 18,000

HIJ180RG4K 1.00 18,000

AirInlet:AllModels V4' NPT

Size Hose Recommended Selles C, 916', Senes randHJ8'

Allslandard models tee dual exhausl cap.1bililiesexcept ro 120 anrl lID120, which are rear exllausl only

ExlJallS! direclion on other unils can Msily beswitched Irom Iront 10 rear.

Perforrr.ance ligures are ar90 psi airpressure,


Finishing Tools

Cyclone Industrial Production Straight Grinders

Type 1 Wheel

H63 =3fs'- 24 Spindle. 3' Guard H64 = 3/8'- 24 Spindle. 4' Guard

Maximum Mildel Rated Power Wheel Size Free Speed

hp In. rpm

end 01 model number. To orat:! concelllriCi/owprolile !lange. arJd 'C" 10 eM01 model number Examples: CD200FG4, CD200RG4L. CD200flG4C, Air Inlel= f4.

Pencil Grinders

Standard Equipment , Wheel guard, flanges and nul

Accessories , LG1-A400 (C) locking lever

• LG2-A400 (T and H) locking lever

LG 1R-23 (C) concentric Ilange

LG2R-23 (T and H) concentric Bange

Side10 Center Welghl Length Distance elm

lb. In. in.










20 DDD3 ./ 35 CD200RH63 • x , 17 ' 6 6' I 1\

CD250RH63 • 35 3 1. ' /' 25,000 lih. 6'/, 3/.

TXD180RH53 I .70 3 x'11 18,000 2'/, 9'1t6 3/.

TX 180RH63 • 70 3 x '/2 18,000 3'/' 121/'8 'I, -

I IHXl 50RH64 • 1.0 4 X ./ , 15,000 3" 1!6 133/ " 3'/,11

HXD180RH63 . 1.0 3 x 'I? 18,000 3" 1!, l(P/,e 3'/3:.'

HXI80RH63 • 1.0 3 X ' /2 18,000 I 311lte t 13'116 "132

HXl80RHG': • 10 ~ x 'I. 18,000 3" / ", 13' j" 31/ rt

HX120RHfiol • 1.0 I 4 x /, 12,000 I 3"h6 I 133/11 ,1'/):}--_. Toorder IranI exllausl, replace "W WI/II orinmode/number. toorder locking lever, add "L"10 • No; Available with 'C'

Standard EquipmentCarbide Bur and Collet with 118" insertMounted Stone Collet wrenches - 47579,47580

6' tong x 7132" ID (1Brn x 6mm) air hose and 18" long exhaust overhose


Accessories 3mm Col let - 47568-2

• 3/32" Collet - 47568-3

OG600G2K grrnder kit Kit conta ins Model OG60082 die grinder plus a molded carrying case. collet wrenches. exhaust hose assembly, inlet hose assembly and six 118" shank carbide burs - ball. tapered. tree and assorted cylindrical.

Model Free Throllle Standard Exhausl Spindle Tool Air Consumption SoundLevel Stll. Collel Speed Slyle Collet Size Localion Oflsel Langlll @ Free Speed @ FreeSpeed Insert Pa rt"

rpm in. in. mm In" mm elm LIs dB(A)

DG600G2 I 60.000 TWIst Rear .34 5,3 136 7 3 3 /I 475681

DG600G21< I 50,000 TW!$t Rear 34 5.3 136 3.3 77 47566-1

Grinders/lave l1J' NPT inlet; ii32' !lOse isrecommended,

Pe!lormauce ligures are ill 9IJ psi ilirpressure



Finishing Tools ~ Cyclone Industrial Production Angle Grinders IngersolHland

Carbide Bur and Mounted Wheel Standard Equipment V4" Ericksoncollet

Collet body wrench

Collet nut wrench

Accessories LG1-K284 (C)exhaust kit

LG2-K284 (T and H) exhaust kit

\' OG110-700-G2 1/8" collet (e)

', OG 120-700-G6 3'8" collet (T and H) ,

LG l-A400 (C) locking lever '

', LG2-A400 (T and H) locking lever I LG1 R-23 (e) concentric flangeI LG3R·23 (T and H) concentric flange I LG2-A48A dead handle (T and H) -.J

G4 " '/1" Erickson collet

Height Side toCenter Model Rated Power Free Speed Weight Length Over Spindle Distance clm

hp rpm lb. In, In. In.

CAI20RG,1 ,35 12,000 12

CA200RG4 35 20 000 3 14 I

2V! 7ll!" 3'131 ~/. , 26 ;1\ 1 20R G~1 .70 I 12.000

71.'/ ,r, 3'132 J/, 26 TAI BORG4 • i .70 18.000 23/a I I I 8ll/,a 3'131 3/, 43 HA90RG4 • Loo 9.000 2515j B 1 JI1 ~ I 31/:12 Jl, 43 HA120RG4 • 1.00 12,000 I 2:'/8 I I I

Extended Angle Grinders


_____L__ .70




14.000 _ 10'/a

1(}lIs __~

3 IL.


25 _ Air lale!.AllMOdels /14' NPI. To orlle! Iioniexhausl. replace ·W willI "F'" inmodel number.

SiJtJ Hose Reeomme.7deJ.1 SeriiJS C, 516' To olde! lockia!} lever. add "L ' 10end 01 model number. To Series Tand H,38' order coneen/rid/ow profile flange. arJrJ 'C 10 end 01 model

All sial/mid model.s have dual exhausl carobililles number E.x.amoles·CD200FG4. CD200RG4L, CD200RG4G.

Exhaust direction can easily beswitchedlrom Ilonllo Iffil • Nor Avai/able with "C'

Perfomlanee ligures are al90psiairplessure



Finishing Tools

Cyclone Industrial Production Angle Grinders

Type 1 Ang le Cutoff Tools

H63 =3/8'- 24 Spindle, 3' Guard H64 = 3/8'- 24 Spindle. 4' Guard

Mollel Rated Power hp

TXA140RH64 • .10

TXA I 60RH64 .70

TA150RH&l ' .70

TAl80RH64, .70

HXAX125Rf'64' '. 1 00

, Optional LG2-A48A Ergo Handle available.

Free Speel! rpm






••Modellf1ClJrporoles {he small CA series ex/ended angle h&'1d on a,~ Hseries motor

r lole! A11 171Od<.'is v<l ' NPT

Si18 Hose Recommended series C. 516' S8ries TandH, 38',

• Nol Available willi 'C

TXAl 60RH64

WeIght Ib,




2 11/ 1 ~


Length Along HBilIhtOver Side 10 Cen!er Throllle Enll 01 Spindle Distance elm

In. In. In.





11 43

Accessories LG1·M OO (C) locking lever

LG2-A400 (T and H) locking lever

LG 1R·23 (Cl concen tric flange

LG2R-23 (T and H) concent ric flange



- - - -

Finishing Tools <!!i> Cyclone Industrial Production Angle Grinders Ingersoll~and

Type 27 & 28 Wheels Standard Equipment Wheel guard, flanges and nut

, Spindle and wheel nut wrenches


Accessories wK284 (e) exhaust kit

• LG2-K284 (T and H) exhaust kit

CA200RP63 HXJ\120RP64 LG1-A40Q (C) locking lever

LG2-A400 (T and H) locking lever

LG1R-23 (C) concentric flange

LG3R -23 (T and H) concentric flangeP63 = 3/8"-24 Spindle, 3" Guard

P64 =3/8'-24 Spindle, 4' Guard

P1045 =5/8"-11Spindla, 4W Guard (Plain HoleWilceis Only)

Lengtll Alan9 Heigill Over SIdetoCentet Model RaledPower Free Speee! Weighl Throttle Ene! 01 Spindle Distance elm

hp rpm Ib, In. in, In.

19/, ,, 6'/ ,; 11/. 3/. 14CA200RP63 • 20,000 I

2~i, ~ 31/ 'J'i 26TA 1S0RP63 • 18,000 7" /," 7."/11 1J1 h~ 26TA120RP64 12,000 71'116 I 2'1/322"/"

TXA135RP64 13.500 10lfu2"1.6 2" /., 31132 25

TXA140RP6'1 14,000 I 2;;' & 2' 11l2w I! '/Sl /5I I 29/,6 31/3') 438' 3/ ,.HA120RP1045' 12,000 3

2~/' G 31/31 43HA1 20Rr6 '~ 12,000 2'/1 8'3/'6

HA90RP64 • 9.000 2'/ f 2~/" 1 "lll I 43I I 8'V"

35 I

.70 II


.70 I.70


1.00 I 100 I

Ex1ended Angle Grinders

HXAI20RP64 •

HXAI20MP1 ().1 ­ "



12,000 ~ 3' 3fto

12,000 3'/8J.____ ~. 11 13/, .

.. Opt,ooal LG2-A48A Dead Handle. All .~lan dilrd models have dual exlJ.1usl capabilities Toorder Irani xhausl, replace "W wllh 'P IfI model numbel

" Standard LG2-A'/8A Dead Handle. E~ lliiUS ( illreellOn eaSilybeswilched lromIrOl1l10rWI To order lockl!J(J lever, add'L' lOend01 model numbel To Air Inlet:All Moaels 1-4'NPT orderconcenlricl1ow profileflange, add 'C"loend ofmodel

PeI!ormance ligures se al 90psi airpressure numbel Exutoks CD200FG4, CD200RG4L. CD200RG4CSileHose l'1ecDmm. : Series C. 516' Serres Tand H. 31)' • NOl Available wilh "C"


Deseriptron Series CA, CD and Series lA,m HA, HO, HX Series TXA CX Part Number and HXA Part Number Part Number

118 • Erickson Collet DG110-7oo-G2 DGl lQ-700-G2

V4 ' EriCkson Collet DG110-700-G4 G160HD-700-\14 DG 10-700-G4

3-8' Erickson Collet OGI20-700-G6

S p in~ l e Wrencll DG20-69A DG10-fi9 OG10-69

Colle NUl Wrench DG20-69A OG120-69 DG120-S9

Wheel l~lI t Wrench 032-26 032-26 D32-26

Inlet Hose Assembly RO-130 RIA-130 R1 A,130

Exhaust HoseA~se m b l y LG -K7R4 LG2·K284 l G?-K28'1

SideHandleKit LG2-A41\A"

3' & 4' Type 1 Inner Wheel Range • DG120-8G3/8" Hole OG 120-86 DG 20-86

DG120·16OG120-163/8,24 Thrd Hole DG120-163' & 4' Type i OuterWheel Flange •

Availablefor ~,7gle loolsonly • 10use Culoll Wheels OIl Type 21Arbol



Finishing Tools

Revolution Light Industrial Grinders

Reshaping The Industry's View of High-Quality Tools.

High performance at an affordable price Ingersoll-Rand has created a new line 01 finishing toots designed lor non­production industrial applications. The Revolution Series meets the need for high quality tents at an affordable price. Its ergonomic design and light weight makes it comfortable and easy 10 use for material removal and finish­ing. Available with stralghl, extended or gO-degree angle heads, mu ltiple speeds and attachments, the Series has a conligu ration far any su rfa ce preparation job. The quality and durable performance of Ingersoll-Rand is now within reach with the Revolution Series.

Designed in the tradition of quality. The Revolution Series is the latest example of Ingersoll-Rand's tradition of engineering quality. Recognized for high performance, Ingersoll-Rand has won live Business Week/IDSA product design excellence awa rds . IAuser-oriented lealures are always based on real-world research and lesting to ensure they meet the operators' needs lor optimal comfort and producltvity.



Finishing Tools <f!j)Revolution Light Industrial Grinders Ingersoll Hand

The proof is in your hands. Power Power1ul .3 hp air motors de liver plenty

of strength in speeds from 12,000 to 35 .000 rpm. The Revo lution Series offers the torque and muscle required

for a wide range of applications .

• automotive

• general assembly

• metal fabrica tion

• plant maintenance

· production prep

· aerospace

• shipbuilding

• utilities

· tool and clie

Pertormance Its precision gearing and components contribute to a long and reliable life Whether removing mater ial, weld clean­ing, debu rring , cutting . blend ing , grind­ing, sanding, or polishing. tho ReVOlution Series offers smooth opera­tion and maximum performance at an affordable price.

Comfort We ighing only .9 to 1.2 pounds, the Revotution Series requ ires minimal

operator effort. And. its compact. contoured shape fits naturally in the ope rator's hands for easy maneuver­

ability. A composite surface area cover ing the polished alum inum housing provides excellent grip and control, wh ile insulating the operator lrom temperature effects. And, operat­ing at only 77 dBa, these low-vibration tools are very quiet .

Within reach The Revolution Series IS reshaping the industry's view ollinishing tools , with

Ingersoll-Rand quality at an affordahle price. Contact your Ingersoll-Rand dis­tributor or representative today to check

out the new Revolution Series.

Call 1-800-376-TOOL or visit www for more information.



Finishing Tools

Revolution Light Industrial Grinders

These units feature:

Alum inum motor Internal w ick lubricator

cap resists abrasion extends gear life on

and removes easily angle too ls.

for service access.

Compos ite grip over rugged aluminum housing reduces vibration and noise .

Wra p around exhaust ports direct air away from work and operato r. A threaded fill ing allows for optional piped-away exhaust

Integral lr iqge r safety lock adds convenience and control wh ile protecting against accidental starts.

Angle models feature a compact, infinitely rotatable head with a removable co ver.



------ --

Finishing Tools

IngersollflandRevolution Light Industrial Grinders

Revolution Finishing Tools

). n~~ ~ »I - -__... ~,

325XC4 s 330XC4 312AG3 & 314AG3 320AG3

312AC4 & 314AC4

325SC4 330SC 4 335SC4

Produclldenlilication Guide Model# 3 25 S c 4

Horsepower rpm S = Slraight C = Collet 4 = X" collet .3 12,000-35,000 A=Angle G = Guard 3 =3" guard

X = Extended

~ 330SC'1 .3 30,000 13/", 6 WI; 3/, 1/4' collet 15

"" 335SC4 .3 35,000 '31" 6 NIA 3/, Ctl.... ;;; 325XC4 .3 h OOQ 1'1. N/A 3/.

330XC4 .3 30,000 'I, 9 N/A 3/,

312AC4 .3 i 2,000 1'/ 6'/e 21//32 II,

3 4AC4 .3 14.000 1'/e 6'/e 21// · 3/, Q) 320AC4 .3 20,000 1:/. 6'18 2 'ha j!~ Cl c: <t 312AG3 3 12.000 pl. 6'1. 2"1" 31.

314AG3 .3 14.000 t'le 61/ f 2 H/~ 'I, 320AG3 .3 20.000 Pie 6'1. 21//32 31,

Air intel/orall modelsis1/4' NPT Alimodelsare reJJ exhalJs:. [,-/16'airhose recommendt'd.

Performance IilJUres are at90psi.

Collel wrenches included

'I, collet

W collet, 3' extended

'1, collet angle

'I,' collet angle

'I, colte: angle

3' angle guarded 'Ii-24 spindle

3' angle ouarden 3/8',24 SPindle

3' angle guarded3/e'·24 spindle










For continuous-duty production applications. ask your distributor or IR represe ntative about our lull line of Cvctone' .. finishing tools.



Finishing Tools

Industrial Grinders General Accessories

Type 1 Wheel Grinder Accessories

Colle! Assembly

ConeWheel Adapter

Coll et Nut Wrench


,/t Erickson Collet

1/• Erickson Collet

Collet Body Wrench

Collet Nut Wrench

'h' -24 GoneWheel Adapter

Type i Wilesl FlangeNUlWrench

Inlet HoseAssembly

WireBrush A d~Dte r

Controller Wrener,

Series TX and HX Part Number

G 160HD ·700 · 1 /~





( J/e-24 Fx ' /a-2,1 M;lle)


LS2-A4-B l0

Wire Brush Adapter

Collet Body Wrenc h

Series 61H Part Number

DG 20-69




·When orrJelIllY uus h'lO-Plece Collel Assemoly. Wheel End Bearing Cap No 6IH-K- 19ami Dust Washer No 61.'-1-35must also beordererf.



Finishing Tools (1Jj)Industrial Grinders General Accessories Ingersolliand

Carbide Grinding Burs Ingersoll-Rand now offers a perfect complement to Its innovative grinders and finishing tools - a complete ranoe of ver satile, durable, high -precision burs, IRcarbide burs renect unrivaled quality of manufacture, as well as supe ­rior quality 01 service.. .in types. styles. and sizes; easy and quick ordering and delivery, and extended product lite

Consider Ihe cutting edge differences:

Hand-qround construction eliminates Ihe harmonic frequencies that cause "bur bounce", This means less operator effort to hold tile bur on the work piece, resulting in longer grinder and bur life and less operator fatigue ,

Flexible shanks for hard-to-reach places are an integral part of our prod­uct offering. You can choose from diam­eters of 118", 3/16", 1/4" and 3/8" lengtlls up to 50" , with any shap e bur,

Extended length shanks provide still more versatility, whether you need a 10" long steel shank, a 9" flexible shank, or a 6" long solid carbide bur.

Quick turnaround for all of our bur products means improved efficiency for your operat ion, Our manufacturing flexi­bility makes possible a five day order­to-shipment cycle In most cases.

The Ingersoll-Rand CarbIde Bur Refurbishing Program otters another option, extending the life 01 used burs. Our refurbishing center will sharpen. recondition or salvage your used CAr­bide grinding burs as appropriate, at a fraction 01 new replacement cost.

Carbide grinding burs can be found in the Air System Accessories section of this catalog.



Finishing Tools

Air Engraving Pen Kit

Features Optional Equipment The Ingersoll-Rand EP50 Engraving Pen is des igned to meet your industrial Knurled zoom throttle provides Fine point styluS EP50-515 (Black) engraving needs. Variable zoom throttle pos itive control Medium point stylus EP50-516 pe rmits a wide range of engrav ing pos­

Steel housing dampens vibration , (Steelcolor) sibilities from hard alloys to brittle

improves operator control Coarse point stylus EPSo-S17 ceramics. The Engravin~ Pen can be variable speed permits tool to be (Green) eas ily disa ssembled with standard used on a wide selection of materials mechanic's tools. Comfort quietness Hose assembly (includes M3" NPT Carbid e tipped stylus holds fittings) OG100 130 and power have been ergonomically

percussive point designed Into this versatile tool The Stylus Grind ing Collet EP50-514 Engraving Pen, includinq a standard Easy to repa ir, reducing down-time stylus, can be purchased separately as

Three sets of tool flats eliminate Model EP50. need for special repair tools

EP50K Engraving Pen Kit Model EP50 Engraving Pen

(Medium stylusstandard.l Flexible hoso (OG100-130 : 6' x 316")

Three assorted styluses (Fine. Medium, Coarse)

Mo lded plastic carrying case (#OG10 -RF)

Model Welghl oz. kg

length in. mm

SIde toCenter DIstance

In. mm

Blows per Minute

Hose Conn. Pipe Tap


Size Hose Recomm,

In. mm

EP50 5 137 '/e 5

500nd level of EPSG is75.5 riM

Mediul/I {JOin! slylus mc!uoori l'Iilh[ PSOlonl



Finishing Tools

Maintenance/Automotive* Air Cutting Tools &Grinders Ingersollfland

With high-strength steels, advanced

plastics, and new composite materials

in today's cars and trucks, you need

versatile tools lor precise, controlled

cutting. Ingersoll-Rand cutting tools

are the reliable choice of auto body

and repair shops. used for everything

from muffler and exhaust work to sun

roof installations and body repairs .

• Malnlenance/Automollve class tools are designed lor maintenance and automotive applications involVing intermittenl use ' 45


Finishing Tools

Maintenance/Automotive* Air CuttingTools &Grinders

The Ingersoll-Rand air shear, air nibbler, and air recipro ­

cating saw give you speed and power plus tight accuracy

for intricate shapes and details, For example , the 1R4429

reciprocating saw features increased durability and a

composite handle surface for greater comfort and control.

II also includes an easy-to-use exhaust hose attachment

for a cleaner working environment.

All three of these high qual ity heavy duty cufting tools make

clean cuts in materials inclUding cold rolled steel, most

plastics, aluminum , tin, and other materials of up to 18·20

gauge thicknesses. The 1R326 air cut-off tool cuts off

mufflers and tail pipes qUickly, efficiently, and quietly. It

also cuts sheet metal, nuts and bolts .

Our air die grinders are economical , long-life tools with

throttle levers designed to prevent accidental start ing and to

give you excellent speed control. All IR air grinders are com­

pact , lightweight, easy to handle, and include all bearing

construction fo r the utmost durability. Our two brand new

grinders, the IR3102 and IR3108 feature a strong and

ergonomic composite housing, keeping your hands warm

even atter running the grinder for hourst

Av. Sound Air Model Perlormance Strokes Free Weighl Lenglll Air @Load dBA Inlel

Number Rating Per Speed Consumption (Pressure/ NPTF Min, (rpm) lb. (kg) In. (mm) tfm(Umln) elm (I/m!n) Power) in.

, 1 'I " ,1 I

12 (3·101 98 4/111 4NIA 18,000 ,97 (.44) 2,9 (74\' 3 (85)Heavy nutyIR302

14 (390) 84.7i97.7.69 ( 31 ) 4.75 (121) 3 (85)Standard Duly NIA 27.000IR307A

20 (566) 95 1/106,11.16 ( 53) 5.63 (143) 3 (85)IR308 Heavy Duty N/A 25.000 'i. 18 (51D) 9011 016.75 (171 ) 3 (85)1.27 (.58)IR3102 Super Duty NIA 20.000 'I.

If.92i l03675 (1 71 ) 3 (85) 18 (510)25.000 .27(.58)IR3108 Super Duly NiA

90 21103,2 'i.4 (113) 7 (481)7.3 (185)~Uj:", 2.1 (.95)3.200JR325 Heavy Duty

'/,10(283) 25 (708) 190N/A 18,000 2,3(1,04) SS8 (226)If1326 Heavy Duly ,'107.3

9 1252) 26,5 (742) 82,7195,69.25 (235)N/A 12,000 3.7 (1.7) 'I.Ifl3445 Super Duty

,,­IR7802S Heavy Duri 4,200 N!I~ 28 (1.27) 94(239) 4 P13) 21 (595) WI,

Min. Hose Rated Collet Size Power Size

in. (mm) hp(kW) in. I

3/e(10) 1.25 (.191 I ~/1 1 1 0 i I 33 (25) 'f' ~/e (10) ,25 (.19) 1/,

'/e(10) 33(.25) ./.

3/e(10) 1.33 (.25) '/4

3/e(10) .33 ( 25) I,

J/a (10) N/A Nl,\

3/, (10) NfA N/A

3/e(10) .8 ( 6) IS/e.,1

3fh (10) NIA NiA

NIA 1 NiA8 (226) 7 (19B) 87,3/1 00.3 I,. l 3/a (1 0)

9 26 (235) 7 (196") 1 (195) 69.2/B2 2 '1, I Jle (1Oi I NIA I N!f\ IR429 Heavy Duty 10,000 NlA 1,32 (0,60) 825 (21 0)

WA 1.63 (0.74)IR4429 Super Duty 5.750 I

'Heiglll " SpinaleSize

• MEinlenance/Automolive class IDOls3JeaesJgnec1I01 maintenance 3Jld automotive applications illVoMn[J intermittent use.



Finishing Tools (!Jj) Inger~IHlandAir Cutting Tools &Grinders

IR301 ~ Standard Duty Multi·Purpose Air Angle Die Grinder

Pan 01 an expanded line of econorrucat standard duty grinders, the IR301 packs valuable features into a compact package. Use il for gnnding, edge-breaking, deburring, porting, and polishing. Wherever space Is tigll t, its right-angle configuration provides easy aocess

• Compact, lightweight, easy to handle • Self-locking throttle · Ball bearing construction

for durability • Precision machined gearing delivers maximum power transfer

Also available in kit options. See page 31 lor details.

IR307A ~ Standard Duty Mini Air Die Grinder

Part of an expanded line of economical. standard duty grinders, the IR307A combines performance and versatility in a li!1htweight, compact package. It can be used with all types of accessories for porting, weld breaking, and smoothing sharp edges... as well as deburring, polishing, and grinding.

· Superior maneuverability • Standard 1/4" collet for all

types of accessories • Safety lever prevents accidental starts

• Front exhaust helps keep work sur1ace clean

· Versatile and reliable

Also available in kit options. See page 31 for details.

Av. Model Pal10rmanca Free Weight length Air

IR302 ~ Heavy Duty Air Angle Die Grlnder

When a straight tool isn't practical for working in confined areas, this is the economical die glilldcr with a right angle head to use. It'scompact and we'l-deslpned tor grinding, porting. polishing. deburring, and breaking sharp edges.

· Durable and long-lasting · All ball bearing construclion • Precision-machined steel (,jC'cliS

· Positive gnp 1/4" capacity collet chuck

• SclHock ing throttle lever

IR308 ~ Heavy Duty Air Die Grinder

A durable yet economical choice offering longer life and higher Iree speed at 25 .000 rpm. A general purpose tool designed for porting, light weld grinding, and breaking sharp edges.

• Ball bearing construction lor longer tool lite

• Comes with two collet wrenches

• Self-locking throttle lever · Positive grip 1/4" capacity

collet chuck

Sound Air Mill. @l oad dBA Inlet Hose Rated Collet

Number Rating Speed ConSllrrqrtlon (Pressurel NPTF Size Power Size (l'IJm) lb. (kg) In. (mm) elm(Urnln) elm(IImln) Power) In. In. (mm) hp (kW) in.

IR301 Standard Duty 20,000 ,9 ( 45) 5 (127) 3 !B5) 14 (390i 901103 '{< 3/s (10) 25 (.19) '/.

IR302 Hea\oy Dllty 18,000 ,97 (,44j 2,9 (74)' 3 (85) 12 i340/ !l3 A!111A 'I. Ia (10) .33 (. ? ~) '1,

IR307A Standard Duly 27,000 .69 (.3 ) 4.75 (121) 3 (85) 14(390) 84,7197.7 'I. ' Il (10) .25 (.19) 'I. IR308 l leavy Duty 25.000 1 16 (.53} 563 1143) 3185) 20 (566! 95.1/108 1 'I. 'f. P Ol .33 ( 25) I/e




Finishing Tools

Air Cutting Tools &Grinders

IR301 Kits Surface Conditioning &Die Grinder Kits Ingersoll·Rand has pack ed the IIl:J01 In a strong, blowmolded

plastic case lor the various kits shown belo w :

IR307-K Kit Die Grinder Kit Ingersoll-Rand has pa cked the IR307A In a strong, blowmoJded

plastic cas e compl ete with 10 mounted grinding tips.

IR301-KIR301-2MK & IR301-3MK

IR301 -32MK IR307·K

IR3108 ~ Super Duty Air Die Grinder

For the uflimate performance and versatility in a lightweight pack­

age with superior maneuverability, the IR3108 is the perfect choice, With all ball bearing constructions. you getlonger lastin g life and

advanced durabi lity, along With a composite grip for superior ergonomics and comfort . Use trus powerful die grinder in various

applications including port ing. weld braking. deburring, polishing,

and grinding , jus t to name a few,

· Pow wfulll3 horsepower


· lightweight yet durable

design · All ball bearing construction

· Safety release throttle - Posiuve grip 1/4" capacity

collet chuck

· Ergonomic and durable composite housing

Av. Sound Air Min.

Air @ Laad dBA Inlet H~se ;ated C:1llet Consumpllon (Pressure/ N.MF . SIZe ol'le r . ze elmllJmin) elm (I/min) Power) m. In. (mm) hp(kWl In .

I. /, (10) 33 (,25) 3 (80) 18 (510) 90/101

3/, (10; ,33 1.25; 3 (85) ',8 (510) 921103






Kit Descrlp.!!.Qn

Includes the IR301 along with four coarse and four medium grit 2" 3M Holoc'" surface conditioning pads and a disc holder

Includes the IR301 along with four coarse and four medium grit 3' 3M Roloc' " surface conditronlnq pads a '~d a disc holder

Includes the IR301 along with two COMse and

two medium grit 2" & two co arse and two

medium grit 3" 3M Holoc ~ surface

conditioning pads and a disc holder

Die Grinder Kit IncludinG the IR301 with 10

mounted grinding nos

IR3102 ~ Super Duty Air Die Grinder

For the ultimate performance and versatility in a lightweight pack­

age with superior maneuverability, the IR3 102 is the perfect cho ice With all ball bea ring const ructions, you get longer lasting life and advanced durability, along with a composite grip for superior

ergonomic s and comfort, Use this powerful die grinder in variou s

app licat ions including port ing, weld braking, deburring, polishing,

and grinding. [ust to name a few.

• Pow erful 1/3 horsepower


· Ughtweight yet durable


• All ball bearing construction • Safety release throtll e

• Positiv e grip 114" capacity collet chuc k

• Ergonomic and durable

composite hOUSing

• Multi-positional head

Model Perlormance Strolles Free WeIght lengtll Number Rating Per Silled

Min. (rpm) lb. (kg) In. lmml

1,27 (,581 6.75 (171 )1R3102 Super Duly NIA 20.000

NIA 25.000 1.27 (.58) 6 75 (171 )IR3t08 Super Duri



Finishing Tools <!HJAir Cutting Tools & Grinders Inge rsoll~and

IR325 ~ Heavy Duly Air Nibbler

Get a bigger bite and better angle cuts with our air nibbler. Instead of shear ing or sawing . 1M 1001 actually "nibbles" co ld rolled steet, plastic. tin, aluminum. and other metals, up to 18 gauge thick ­

nesses at a rate of mor e than 6 ft. per minute. II's ideal for pain t and auto body S110 p S, tinsmiths , and shee t metal shops .

· Cuts out qua rter panels without distortinq the edges of the material

• Starts cuts in the center of a panel

• Holds a tighl 1/4" ra(]jj :-_....r""__--- "'''- ''''' with great accuracy

• Easy 10 ope rate and control

• Balanced. lig ll tweight tool

l ~us_

IR3445 ~ Super Duty Air Angle Grinder

The IR3445 is til e perfec t choice for high pertorrnanco finishing.

This 4" Air Angle Grinder combines a unique mola r contro ller that virtually eliminates overspeeding...with a powerful .Bhp motor to provide plenty of power for rust and material removal.

• Rear exhaust with piped-away option

• Composite grip for improved comfort

· Locking lever with

tease throttle

• Lightwe ight design

IR326 ~ Heavy Duty Air Cut-Off Tool

Exhaust replacement is this powerful tool's spec ially. Now you can cut off muff lers and tail pipes quickly, efficiently, and quietly. It has

an 18,000 rpm motor that can handle the toughest exhaust

replacem ents ami cut sheet metal. nuts and bolts.

• 318" arbor x 2 7/8" wheel size. o Fas t. quiet oneration

• Contoured lever throttle with pos itive self·locking action • Built-in speed regulator

• 360 degree rotatable chrome -plated spark guard-

IR7802S ~ Heavy Duty Ai r Shear

The vers atile cutting shear that makes clean cuts in cold rolled steel up 1020 gauge without chips. Ideal for body shops, sheet metal shops, air conditioning fabricators, plastic fabricators, heatinq contractors , and machine shops.

· c uis squares, angles, and circles • Long -life 1001 with heavy duty cutting blades

• Shears most ly pes of plastics and all types

of aluminum, tin. and stee l

Av. So und Air MI n. Mollel Perlonnance Strokes free Welgl1\ Length Air @ Load IIBA Inlel H~se Rated Co.llet

Number Raling Pel Speed Consumpllon (Pressurel N.PTF Size Power Size MIn. (rpm) lb. (kg) in. (mm) ~fm (I/min) elm (I/m ln) Powr) In. In. (mm) lip (kW) In.







soper Duty










2.1 (.95)


3.7 (1J )

2.8 (1.27)

8.88 (2:26)

9.25 (235)

9.' (2391

7.3 (185)

0 (2831

9 (252)

4 (1131

4 i113)

25 (708)

26.5 (742)

2\ (5951

1/ (481)

94.3/ 0/ 3

82.7/95 6


90 21103.2

". '1. il4.

'1. ' I (1 0-,

~I \10)

,I, (10)

'Is (10)



,8 (,6)



I~ / A





Finishing Tools

Air Cutting Tools & Grinders

IR814 IR429 ~ Super Cut Heavy Duty Eight Piece Bur Kit - Wood Case Air Reciprocating Saw

Contains eight of the most popular The IA429 is a versatile air saw for cutting intricate shapes and light racius curves in all types of plastics, fiberglass, and compo site materials. as we ll as aluminum and sheet metal. IASA-3 IASD -1

types of carbide grinding burs .

This reduced vibration tool is excellent for body shop repair, IASA-S IASD-3 muffler And exh aust work, and sun roof installations . IRSC-t IRSF-3

• Comes with six high-speed steel cuttinq blades IASC-3 IRSF-5 and two hex wrenches

• Cus flat and curved surfaces • Durable, long-tife 1001

IR4429 ~ IR429/4429 Blades Accessories 329-500 Package at 6 blades. 3 each fine (32 teeth) Super Duty

and 3 each coarse (24 teeth)Air Reciprocating Saw 329-F500 Package of 6 blades, line 32 teeth per II1chWith increased comfort, performance, and durabili ty, the IR4429

is a premium tool designed for all types of cutting tasks. It offers 329-C500 Package of 6 blades, coarse 24 teeth per inch

a wealth of features for body, exhaust, and muffler work ,

• Composit e grip area for increased comfort and control • Piped-away exhaust for a cleaner work area • Tease trigger with lock-off for smooth operation and

protection against accidental starts • Adjustable guard, integral power regulator,

low vibration


Av. Soond Air Min. Model Perfarmance St ro~es Free Weight Lengtll Air @ load dBA Inial Hosa Rated Collet

Number Rating Per Speed Consumption (Pre~ urel NPTf Sile powar Size Min. (rpm) lb. (kg) In. (mm) elm (limIn) elm (llmln) Power) In. in. [mm] hp (kW) In.




Super Duly





1.32 \.60)

1.63 (0.74)


9 25(235)

9 (252)

7 (196)

7 (' 93)

7 (1 96)

g{3 (100.3)


'I. 'I.

'I. (10)

'I. (10)





Finishing Tools iflj)Cyclone Industrial Production Routers/Trimmers IngersDllfiand

18,000-32,000 rp m Features • Pioneering design combines out­

eyel oAout/Trimmer standing durability and comfort via Created as pan of the complete Cyclone advanced composites ovor solid line of finishing tools. the CycloRoul/ steel structure Trimmer is a mum-purpose accessory Rear exhaust directs air. dust and tool. The attachment's aoiustable nose­ cuttings away from the operator and piece assurespositivedepth-or-cut for the workpiece precision channel and bevelcuts. Ideal RUQijecl au-steel Erickson collet for cleaning up edges, cutting out pan­ assures smooth accurate cuts and els, and trimmingmetal,composites, HD180RT4 minimum runout plastics, and wood.Takeoff the

Sturdy steel nosepiece witt) doubJe­routerltrimmer attachment and you're shielded bearing provides minimum ready for generaldeburnnq and materi­vibration and better work quality al-removaltasks. CycloRoullTrimmer is Adjustable nosepiece lor positive an essential linishin(J tool lor aerospace depth-ol-cut and quick accessory and automotive industries, as well as changes metal work, woodworking. and general

maintenance Standard Equipment Product Identification Guide Erickson collet - - - -----_ ..._- ._ .- "- Collet body wrench

Collet nut wrench Coupling nut wrench

AccessoriesI CD-RK4 1/4" (112 ' -20)

Series Free Speed, rpm Exhaust Product Desiqnatlon COII!!l Size CD = .35 hp 180= 18,000 R= Rear T = Trimmer

TO '" .7 hp 200 = 20,000 HD", 1.0 hp 250 =25,000

350 =32.000

Model Bit Shank in.

CD350RT4 '/' TD200RT4 'I, 1D200RT6 3/.

TD250RT4 '/4

TD250RT6 3/.


Free Speed rpm








TO·RK4 1/4" (112"-20)4 -= 1)1' TD-RK63-8" (&8"-11)6 =3'8" LG3R-23 concentric flange

LG2-A400 locking throttlo lever

Lengthwlllloul Side 10 eenler Welgbl BitGuide Distance

lb. in. In.

l lfa 671& 3/.

2'1, 53/. 3/.I

2318 8'/. 3/ 4

2'18 83/. 3/.I 23/8 83/8 v,

91/'. 3'/312'1<

93/.6 3'/312'12 1 Allslao(JJrdmodels hal'@ dual exllJusl capabililies Exhausl direclim call 00 iJ.1sily swiJcher1 lrom Irani 10 rear

PerfornliJllce figures iJI8at90psiairpressure

Trimmer Guides (see drawing at right) .

.1_3/. LG2-129·1


Guides lor114' models have W -20UNFIf/read.

GUI(.!es lor3'8'models tee 51J"- 18UNFthread 151


Finishing Tools

Industrial Production Sanders I Polishers I Buffers

The design of Ingersoll-Rand 's Sanders/Polishers {Buffers retlerts the industry-wide changes in both processes and materials.

CycloFinish Sanders I Polishers I Buffers CycioFinish Sanders, Polishers, and Buffers have been developed as part of lhe Cyclone finishing tool lim'! for specific use in surface preparation and final finishing applications The CycioFinish tools - offered in both angle and straight configurations ­are lower-speed versions of the highly successful Cyclone Series. They are

based on the .70 and 1.0 horsepower T and H series, with a variety of speed offerings and accessories for sanding, polishing, blending and smoothing operations. The CycioFinish models are multi-purpose accessory tools used in aerospace, sh ipbu ilding , utilities, woodworking and furniture production, vehicle and marine assembly, and gen­eral maintenance.

Product Identification Guide

Reflecting the rapidly changing demands of industriallinishing, sanders, polishers and buffers have emerged as key segments. Constant process improvements throughout

industry now result in less waste on castings and molded parts, shifting emphasis from material removal to surtace finishing. The Ingersoll-Rand line ofsanders, bullers and polishers includes models based on the popular Cyclone touts. All give you Iheability to match capacity and attachments precisely to the workpiece and material, for finessing a high-qual ity finish.

Like all Cyclone Series finishing tools , the CycloFlrllSh line has fewer internal parts than oth er competit ive products In the category. The patented "drop-m" motor requires no alignment or shims. Vanes can be removed or replaced quickly. This innovative design reduces the expense of down-time, repair, and replacement parts.

I Series Type rpm Exhaust Spindle Type

C" .35 OS = Straight X100" Rated rpm R" Rear G4 =1/ .1 Collet

H" 1,0 A = Angle F'" From 54 " 1/4" - 20 Thread

5'0 = 5/6' - 11 Thread

5812= 1/2" x 12 Bel

5818= 1/2" x 18" Bell

5418= 1/;" x l S' Belt



Finishing Tools (flj)Industrial Production Sanders I Polishers / Buffers Ingersollfland


G4 =1f/Collet

S10 = Sfs' Arbor

Maximum Model Free Speed

(Rear ExhaUst) rpm

Straight Tools

HOS90RG4 9,000

"OSBDRG" 6,000

HOS45RG4 4,500

HOS 30 R G ~ 3,000

HOS10RG4 1,000

Angle Tools

Standard Equipment Collet Models

Erickson collet

Collet wrenches H models

Ergo handle

Standard Overall Spindle Length


'!<' collet 131/ .

1/" collet 133/.

,/. ' collet 12'/0

'i4 collet 12/10

'/,' collet 13)/.

Accessories CSeries

Rear exhaust kit LG 1-K284

Low-profile concentric flange LG 1-23A

• Safety locking lever LG 1-MOO

Variable-speed regulator LG 1-A1015

Color-coded abrasive kits 2" Pad LG 1-K2 3" Pad LG 1-K3

HSeries Wire brush adapter LS2-M-B 10 straight

Rear exhaust kit LG2-K284 Safely locking lever LG2-A400

Low-profile concentric flange LG3R-23 77 A-AM825-5 5" medium pad 77A-AM825-7 7" medium pad 77A-BM825-7 T firm pad

Side 10 Center Welghl Distance elm

lb. in,



3 ' ;;'~



";'0 43

13/'0 43

Pho 43

13/,. 43

Plra 43

GA120RS4 12,000 ,/.- - 20 6'/" 11h. 1/. 12

CA200RS4 20,C1]0 '/" ·20 6'h6 1 ~! ' 6 'I. 14








HA60RS1 0


















1/,. - 11

51,' - 11

I, collet

5/. ' · 11

1/,' - 11

'/<' collet

'I.' - 11

510'· 1

5/.' - 11

W - 11


W- l l

13/. '13;11



81/' ..


8 '/'6


83/ ; .





4 ~/' r,



25/ .



35/ ,.


35!,. 25/0

35/ ,.


p /,.





13/1 ,

pi l.





'~ 3











HA120RS10 12,000 l i B - 11 8;h. 7-'/6 ,sh. 43

HXA120RS10 12.000 '!e" 11 11'/' 0 35h . 11/ " ·13

HA140RS10 14,000 5/0' • 11 83/' 6 25/a 13/,. 43

•ShOwnwilhLS2-M-81O adapleland pump wneei.p rformanC8 liguresare a,' 90psiailpressumAll inlet: /hI 'lifT •Pump whret sold SlJpaJaWlySound levels range 76-82 dBA.Size Hose Recommended,:Y8'

All models are easily switched 10 real Ollront exhaust. 153


Finishing Tools

Industrial Production Sanders I Polishers I Buffers

CycloFinish Tools Standard Equipment

One 60 grit belt

One 80 gnt belt

One 100 grit bell

CA120RS812 rSh"'", .,(,'",d sl;}rdlld~~,eIJj)

Accessories · LG1-K284

I Rear Exhaust Kit

DG110-700-G2 (el Erickson Colle t 1;8"

• LG1-A350-812 l '2" x 12" Belt sander attachment

• LG1-A350-818 1/.2" x 18" Bell sander attachment

• LG 1-A350-118 114" x 1S" 8e lt sander attachment

Attachmellts m,1ybemounted 011 Miler e CA 120RG4 or CA20GRG4 Cyctone too,'

Sanding Belts/10 pack LG 1-88418-60-10, 60 grit V4" x 18" beft

I-G 1-88418-80-1 O. 80 grit 114" x 18" belt

LG 1-88418-100-10, laO grit 1/4" x 18" belt

LG1-88818-60-10. 60 grit 1/.2" x 18" belt

LG1-88818-80-10, 80 grit 1/.2" x 18" belt

LG1-88818-100-10 , 100 grit 1/.2" x 18" belt

LG1-88812-60-10, 60 grit W " x 12" belt

LG 1-88812-80-1 0, 80 grit 1;2" x 12" belt

LG1-SB812·100-10, 100 grit 1/2" x 12" belt

Nole . !3/ll lareleet pel minute ,11 12.OIJ() rpm =2100 Surface leel per mmute .1/20.OIJO rpm ' 4500

CA120RS818 .35

CA200RS812 ,35

CA200RS41S .35

CA200RS818 .35

Air IlIlel. All Models 1.11·NPr

Size Hosa Recommended All Models5'16'

PertomlJoce lioures areal90 psi air pressure,

12,000 '/" collet 14' 13/, '12 x 18­ 12

p;' 14 20,000 'I,' collet 10' /. 'h x 12

20.000 ,/, " collet pis14' 14' I< x 18'

1 I, '!, x 18' 14 1420.000 W collBt

SoundIM ls range 16-82dBA,

ToorderyourCYCIOFinisiJ 1001 preset lorlrontexllausl, reter10 modelnumbersabove andsulJstiluleFlorfl,



Finishing Tools Cyclone Industrial Production Random Orbital Sanders Ingersoll fland

Cyclone Sanders - Another Performance Standard from Ingersoll-Rand Cyclone grinders and finishing tools have established new standards lor

ergonomic design , power, and speed in material removal applications. Ingersoll -Rand has ex1ended the same innovative philosophy to random orbital sanders, establishing another performance standard - with the Cyclone Series.

Cyclone Select Series The ultimate in lightweight, ellicient design, with comfort and performance to match. One-piece precision-molded composite housing, with color-keyed grip rings thatmeet operator hand sizes. Available in non-vac and vac-readv models.

VenturiVac System This version 01 the Selecl Series features unique new self-generated vacuum system -the most powerful and effective available!

Cyclone Standard Series These models incorporate trad itional aluminum housings with textured comfort grips. Available in non -vac, vac-rsanv, and venturi -vac models .

All Cyclone sanders deliver unsur­passed reliability, with moisture­resistant composite rotors , fully machined counterweights, and large counterweight bearings. All are lube­free , when used with conventional air systems. Their high performance air motors ensure high speed under load , and the finest in swirl-free finishes .



Finishing Tools

Cyclone Industrial Production Random Orbital Sanders

Cyclone Select Series The Select Series composite housing keeps overall weight at just 1.83Ibs., withreducedvibration andquietoperation at just78dBa.

Highefficiency air motorsdeliver true 12,000 rpmpertormance.

One sander fils all hand sizes, with interchangeable soft rubber grip rings that fit securely around the top of the housing:

Black for medium hands (standard)

Grey for small hands

Blue tor large hands

• Vacuum-ready models extract dust and part iculates through and around tho pad.. and then up and directly out a dedicat­ed port. keeping foreign matter away from the motor. Special shroud material prevents surface marring. and light­weight. flexible hoses provide excellent maneuverability

Cyclone Random Orbital Sanders VenturiVac System

Another unique feature: Non-vacuum models can easily be converted to vacuum­ready status with the simple addition of a vacuum adapter, petal pad, and different shroud. if desired.

Choose from four non-vac models, with 5-inch or 6-inch pads. and duck or vinyl pad faces. four vacuum-ready models. for use with central or portable vacuum systems. Or. .. 2 CycioVac models. self-generated vacu um models. Select short shrouds for maximum workpiece visibility. or long shrouds tor maximum dust evacuation.

• Unique "double bagging" integral vacuum system that pro­vides a cleaner work environment. This arrangement also promotes the proper disposal of collected particulates for maximum total effect

Deliverstwice the vacuumpowerof the nearestcompetitor, and uses a disposabledust bag enclosed in a protective cover

The sander's eductor assemblyemploysa nozzle (0 produce a high velocity 'vac" 01 tool exhaust air that entrainsthe air and dust from the sanding area.The difflJser then channelsboth streamsof air through the hose and into the collection bag

• The result: A trUly effective, self-contained, self-generated vacuum sanding system in one compact. convenientpackage

enfuriVac'M SYSTEM

Available in 5' and 6" pad models, With disposable vacuum bags prepackaged in quantities of 20 or 250 . Other Select Series models can be converted to the VenturiVac System with an available kit



_______ 49997



Collar • /


0 . - bl BDisposa e ag For replacements order:

Hose IR49988 (20)IR499S2 ~ R 4 99 87 (250)

~~ / ,! \'-.....

<~ \ <,



, --,-~




Finishing Tools (!Jj)Cyclone Industrial Production Random Orbital Sanders Ingersollland

Composile Housing (Select Series) R 0 2 5 B P S V - 1


~ I I I I I

I I I Tool Horsepower Pad Size Tool Vacuum Style Shroud Style PadSlyle OrbitSize

Genera1ion Random 2 ~ (.20) 5 =5' Pad P =Plain (Non-Vac) S =Short Shroud V =Vinyl Pad 1=311 6 Orbital Sander 6 =6' Pad C=Central vac L = Long Shroud 2 =3132

If =Velll uriVac System

Aluminum Housing (Standard Series) R 0 3 5 A P S V


~ I I

I I Tool Horsepower PadSize Tool Vacuum SIyl6 Shroud Slyle Pad Style

Generalion Randoh 3 =(.30) 5 =5" Pad p ~ Plain (Non-vac) S =Shor Shroud V = Vinyl Pad Orbital SandoI 6 =6' Pad C =Central Vac L =Lon Shroud L =VinylPad

V ~ Venturi Vae

IR Model Selection Chart

Composite ,2 hp Composite .2 lip Aluminum .3hp PadType Shroud 3/16" DIameter Orbit 3/32"Diameter Drbll 3/16" DIameter Orbit

5" Diameter

Cyclone Selecl Cyclone Seleel Standard

Non-Vac Vinyl R025B-PSV-! R025B-PSV-2 R035A-PSV

Non-Vae - LongHandle Vlllyl NA NA R035A-PSV-l

Central Vac Vinyl sncn R025B-CSV-! R025B-CSV-2 R035A-CSV

Vinyl Long R025B-eLV-l R025B-C V-2 NA

VenturNac VIITjlI Long R025B-VLV-l R025B-VLV·2 R035A-VLV

6" OIameler

Non-Vac - Short Shroud

Non-Vac- Short ShroudI LOIl1l Handle


VenturiVac - l ong Shroud

'Most fX/IJiIlar ITNXieI SJnc!'/l(}()ads !lJ,e11>WsI~· OOIf pJilem flY1i1ru·;t

Millie: l4' liN Ff1T13re ~Iiied .,r'essu

Specifications Model

Number PadSize

ill. mm

NDn -~a euum

R02SA-CSV 5 127

R025A-GLV 5 127

R026i\·CSV 6 152

R026A-GLV 6 152

R035A-GSV 5 127

R036A-ClV 5 127


R025A-VLV 5 127

R0'26A-VLV 6 152

R035A-VLV 5 127

R036A-VLV 6 \52

Vinyl Short R026B-PSI/-l R026B-PSV-2 R036A-PSV

I/ilryl Short N." NA R036A-f'SV L

Vinyl Short R0268-CSV-l R026B-CSV-2 R036A-GSV

Vinyl Long R026B-GLV-l 026B-GLV-2 NA

-.l-Vinyl l OIl1l R026B-VLV-l R026B-VLV-2 R036A-VLV ~--

Sic £au'{1ri!fr1. 3 .19973 lilil

!d' .<JCl IIJIIIpduo For IJSI' 111111 coaled~'llilng ci.<cs ...,Ur nr~putrt1«1lVles

9Iflsl (62/>.<!) ,'T'IInlicd hose SI"" 516'(fJnm) 1.0

Raled Mall'FreeSpeed Power Air Consumplion @ FreB Speed rpm hp sclm

1 49991 BaoCO'of' 1 1!i49919 AtI.~'Ji

1 1149982 IW 1 /R4!J!l'i6 Co14'i!

Spindle Thread (lemaIe)

Welghl Palm Style Long Handle

1.83 0.83 NA

192 087 NA

2.3 1.0 2.6 1.2

23 1o 2.6 1?

R02SA-PSV 5 127 12.000 020 51 16' - 24

R026A-PSIJ 6 52 12.000 0 20 5i 16' - 24

R035A·PSV 5 \27 10.000 0.30 5/16'- 24

R036A·PSV 6 152 10,000 03Q 5'16' · 24

Vacuum-Ready 12.000














0 30




15 B




0 20 15.8

0.20 15.8

OJO 18.5

0.30 185

5116'- 24

5116' · 2·1

5116' · 24

511 6"- 24

5116'- 24

5116' - 24

5110 - 24

5116' - 24

5116' - 24

5/6' - 24

1.83 0.83 NA

1.92 0 87 NA

1.92 0.B7 Nt'

1.92 0.87 NA

2.4 11 ;~ A

24 \1 Nil

1.92 0.87 t.1I

1.92 0.87 NA

2.4 Nfl

2.4 11 Nil



Finishing Tools

Cyclone Industrial Production Random Orbital Sanders

Standard Series Select from non-vac models, vac-ready models lor use with central or portable vacuum systems, or venturi-vac models with a sell-contained hose and dust collection bag in the Cyclone Standard SArrAS

Non-vac models can be converted to vee-ready status with an available conversion kit (Pari!! 04331302)

Comfortabl e cushion grip provides excellent feel and control

IR Sanding Pad Selection

Low Prollle 318" Premium Pads Pad It Description Pad II


High Prolile 5/8" Premium Pads Description Pad II Description Pad II Description

Hook & loop

Duck: Canvas Face

Duck: Canvas Face

Vinyl, Darnond Face I

Hook 1\ l onp

Duck; Canvas Face

Duck: Canvas Face.


·16860 VIIlI'I:Fla1Face 46866 Duck.CMvas iaet

Nil NilI 46861 Vinyl, Canvas Face 46867 Duck: CanlIlS m

Nil NA

Vacuum (EliteCompositeSeries)

NOll-Vacuum (EliteComposite Series)

Non-Vacuum (Standard Aluminum Series)

6" Pads

Vacuum (eyc, Selef. t CompositeSeries) S~1 ndard 5 Hole

Non-Vacuum (Cyc, Select Composite Serle )

Nan·Vacuum (StandardAluminum Series) I






~9097- '

Vinyl: Peta l PatternFace

Viny!.Flat Face

Vinyl: Diamond Face

Vinyl; Petal r'iltle. rnFace

Vinyl; Rat Face

VI nyl. Diamond Face I





~ 9G !H



'Mas!PO{JtJ!af r,-ro.'"

SJntlmQ ,(js Im~ I(l(Jusiry·sl;mdald IRl!epaIIi'lTI Int 'Inru-irJ<-paa' 'ar.lHJtn pickup For liSF "'Ihcvmedwntln disc;Wlm JI''''l'un r;l~ ro'es

Ai!inlr.II4' NfT {cm;lle l! i'/XI{Il'nenrIe!!<1lf p=U{~ 9fJpsi (62/),1() R~ ,'lose size 51G '(Bmm) I D.


Use to remove sanding pad. Included with every tool.

351-69 for Slandard non-vacuum models. 354-69 for all Standard vacuum models,


Use to remove the lock ring securing the motor assembly.

48869 for all Select models, 44548 lor all Standard Series models.

Grip Rings

Alternate grip rings lor Select models.

IR49801 Small, Grey (optional) 49798 Medium, Black (standard) IR49799 Large, Blue (optional)

Vacuum Adapters

49802 (Select) 04331 302 (Standard)

CycloVac Disposable Vacuum Bags IR49988 Vacuum Bag (20 Pack) IR49987 Vacuum Bag (250 Pack) 49973 Vacuum Bag (single)

CycloVac Conversion Kits RSVK-5 Conversion Kit 5" RSVK-6 Conversion Kit 6"

(To convert TlOIl-VaC tools 10 Vac-ready or VenturiVac vacuum)

Service Kits Contains all the necessary genuine I·R replacement parts for proper preventa­tive maintenance.

IR49837 (Select) IR49846 (Standard)



Finishing Tools (!Jj)Maintenance/Automotive* Air Sanders &Buffers Ingersollfland

With all the changes in automotive

materials like clear coat finishes,

composites, and plastics, you need

sanders to match the different jobs.

Ingersoll-Rand has the most complete

line of sanders and polisher/buffers,

from traditional stvles for heavy

material removal to the newest

models for excellent control and

brilliant surfaces.

The newest IR4100 Series sanders are

also specially designed to keep the

air around you and your work surface

clean. There are Jet-Vac™ and vacuum­

assist models that help maintain a

clean, dust-free environment.

These sanders feature internal com­

ponents designed to run on totally

dry air. This also means no oil on the

work surface or in the workplace .

• MamlenanceiAulomolmJclass lools are des! ned for

mainlenance and au!omo!""e applications inVolving

inrelTmllent use. 159


Finishing Tools

Maintenance/Automotive* Air Sanders'&Buffers

Alithe latest advances have been designed into Ingersoll·

Rand's random orbital and orbital sanders. Every detail is

shaped to iii your hand perfectly. with a choice 01 standard

and "mini" grips and a wide finger ridge lor belter leel and

control. The IR4100 series even offers a choice 01 three

interchangeable grip rings. The lever throttle takes the

pressure off your palm . Vibration and sound are reduced

to a minimum. You get the power and precision you need

so you can do your best, most sophisticated work.

You can choose Irom a variety 01 airsanders, including

orbital and air geared sanders, straight line, angle, or

vertical sanders. For buttinq and polishing paint, metal,

or plastic to a high gloss, professional finish, you have a

choice of two polisher! buffers with variable speed control

lever throttles to help eliminate paint burning.

All Ingersoll-Rand sanders are designed lor long-lile

service and swirl-Iree finishes.

Ave rage Sound Min. Pad Vacuum We Ighi Air @ Load dBA Air Hose Spindle

Diameter Ready Consumpllon (Pressure/ Inlet Size ModeI Performance





IR31 4












He avy Our;


Heavy DIJ ~J

Heavy Duty

Heavy Duly

Heavy DUly


Heavy Duty

Heavy Duty

Heavy Duty

UII," DulY

Ultra DLIIy

IR415H1L 1 UltraDuty

IR4151 ·2 Ullra Duty

IRA152 \ UltraDuty

IR4 152·HL UltraDuty,

Free Speed (rpm)

















RalfId Power

hp (~W)


,30 (,22)







.5 (.38)



,20 1·15)

I ,20 (.15)

201,1 5)

\ ,20 (,15)

1,20 \.1 5)

In. (mm)

611 50)

3'l3 x 6 ~/: i92x171)b

7 (175)

7 ,:1751

2J/4x17'/z (70x455)b

5 i125)

7 (175)

1( 175)


1/, (10)C

8 (203)

6 (152)

5 (127)

I 6 i152)

6 (152)

6 (152)\

12.,000 ,20 (,15) I 6 152)

Ibs. (kg) ctm (tlmln.) elm (timin.) Power) in. in. (mm) in.

~J o 4,2(1.91) 4 (113) 17(481) 85,6198,6 'I, I 'fa(10) ',11 6-24



46 i 209\

4,2 (1,91)

6 i170i

8 (226)


23 (651)

94,111 07.1

99,311 i 2,3



}/e (10) WA

3/a (10) I ' /a-ll

;' 0 4 2 (1.91) 8 (226) 22 (623) 97.311 10,3 'I. Jh PO) "h· l i

No 6,6 (2,99) 8 (226) 9 (255) 93,31106,3 'I. J/a(10) !'ItA

No 2.3 11. 04) 12 i340) 2517081 96,5/109.5 'I. 'Ie(10) Nil\

No 45 (2.04) 6 (1701 21 (595) 9051103 5 'I. 1/a (10) ''ia-l 1

No 45 (2.091 61170) 20 i5661 90,81103,8 '1. I Jh 11 0) l it ·l 1

No 1.6 (,73) 15 1425) 28 (793) 90.9/1039 'I. 3/a (10) 3/apOf

No 1,13(,51) 14(396) ?7175GI 951108 1'1< '/1(10) 'I. (10)c



Ye s


4,7 (2,13)

1 92(81)



4 (113)

8 (226)

8 (226)

8 1226)

1 16(453)

155 (440)

I 15.5 (440)

15 5 (440)

90.45/93 7

l 78i91


I 78191

I If.


] 1/<

' I

t 3/ 8 (10)

I !h,- (8)

~h. [8)

~ I: ' 18)







1,92 (,87)


8 (226)

8 1226i

15,5 (440) I lb ,5 (440) I




I ' It

'/. J 5/1 5(8)

I "/'e (8)



Yes 1,92(,87) 8 (226) 15.5 (440) I 78191 I If. I ',/1! (8) tJlA

a I · Length Strokes (pe.r min) bRoc/angul;Jr Pad SilP c CllUCkSize

• M;Jlnlel1ance/AlJlOmotlve classtoolsartl designed lor maintenance arlfl automo/weapplications involving inlermit/en! use


Finishing Tools (fjj)Maintenance/Automotive* Air Sanders &Buffers Ingersollfland

IR311A ® Heavy Duty Air Dual Action Quiet Sander - 6" Pad

A built-In silencer muffles norse as you work With this economical

dual action sander. It's a quality sander used for feather edgin g.

metal preparation and linish work on body filler. And its dual action pad motion produces swirl-free ll nlshes.

• Low Vibration · Depen dable performance • Balanced ball bearing

cons truction

• Adjustable built-in

regulator for positive

speed control

IR313 ~ Heavy Duty Air Angle Sander - 7" Pad

With up to 5,000 rpm free speed. you can work laster on light

and heavy sanding jobs , including roughing body tiller. rernovinq

rust. and smoothing welds.

· Heavy duty motor handl es tough jobs

• Lightweight only 4.2 Ibs.

· Ball bea ring construction for long life

IR312 ~ Heavy Duty Air Orbital Sander - 3-213" x 6-314" Pad

The IA312 air orbital sand er has a free speed up to 8,000 rpm to

make fast work of smoothing fiberglass. wood. and body filler and

to take care of any sanding job on paint, me tal, and fiberglass. And you can run the IR3 12 with one hand . using the compact. contoured palm-grip.

• Low Vibration plus long er-life

• Bala nced ball bearing construction

• Automatic release thrott le lever with positive Slop action

• Built- in regulat or for

posmve speed control • Pos itive locking clamps

IR314 ® Heavy Duty Air Angle PolisherlBuffer - 7" Pad

A versatile tool with a high free speed range of 1.500-2.500 for

buttinq and polish ing a wide range of surfaces - paint. metal, and

plas tic - to a high-gloss. professional finish. With its heavy duty

motor , this polisher can handle the toughest jobs.

• Long-life. ball bearing construction

• Dead handle and spind le l or easy handling

• Built-in regulator

• Up to 2,500 rpm

in free speed

Avefllge Sound Min. Model

Number Performance

Haling Free

Speed (rpm)

Ratell Power hp (kW)

Pad Diameter In. (nun)

Vacuum Ready



Air Consumption clm (Vrnin.)


elm (I/mln.)

dBA (Pressu re!


Air Inlet In.

Hose SiZe

In. (mm)







Heavy Duly

He3V'i Duty

Heavy Duly

Heavy Duty





,30 1.22)




3113.61/. (92x1711U

7 (1 75)

7 (175)

6 11 50)





t, 6 (209)

42.(1.91 )

4,2 (\.91)

42 ( .91)

6 (170)

8 (2.26)

8 (226)

4 ( 1 1 ~ )

12 1 3~ 0)

23 (651)

22 (623)


94.111 071

99.3/ 11 2.3

97. 3/110 3

85.6/98 6

'1, 'i, '/.&


'J/a (101 N/A

lIs (10) ' la-l 1

li s (10j I ' ''-11

t. (101 I," 21

bReclimoulal Pad Size • Main!~nce/AUlomol ive class 100lsJrBdesigned fOI mainlcrL3nce and aulomollve applications involving interminent lI58



Finishing Tools

Maintenance/Automotive* Air Sanders &Buffers

IR315 ~ Heavy Duty Air Twin Piston Straight Line Sander - 2-314" x 17-1/2" Pad

The twin piston design keeps extra power in reserve to prevent

stalling and tackle sand ing jobs like smoot hing down body filler or shaping and leveling large nat surfaces.

per minute

• Smooth, reliable power

· 3,000 reciprocating strokes

• Quick action paper clamps

IR317 ~ Heavy Duty Air High-Speed Sander - 5" Pad

For small jobs and hard-to-reach places , the IR317 is an econom­

ical high-speed sander ideal for light sand ing. feather edging, and rust remov al.

• asy to handle, compact and lightweight

• Built-in power regulator • Comes with three

backing pads, 317-825 1 each 3".1 each 4",

and 1 each 5" (stackable)

IR318 ® Heavy Duty Air Vertical Polisher/Buffer - 7" Pad

Butt and polish all painted surfaces easily , This compact. light­

weight vert ical polisher/butter gives you the results you want, even on the tough jobs. The variable speed control lever throttle helps eliminate paint burning. Com es complete with a 7" backi ng pad.

• Long tool life from the planetary gear

reduction feature

• Plenty of power from

the 1 hp motor • Handle exhaust directs air

away tram work area

IR319 ~ Heavy Duty Air Vertical Sander - 7" Pad

A high quality sander made to handle demanding jobs like rust removal and sand ing metal and body filler. the IR319 comes complete with one 7" back ing pad.

· Longer gear life plus better gearing tor better power

· Planetary gear reduction feature

• Lever throttle for speed control

· Handle exhau st directs air away from work area

Model Number

Performance RaUng

Free Speed (rpm)


Raled Power hp(kW)

Pad Diameler In. (mm)

Vacuum Read\'


Ibs. (kg)

Average Air

Consumpt!an cfm (IImln.)


elm (I/min.)

Sound dBA

(Pressurel Powe r)

Min. Air Hase SpIndle

Inlel Size in. In. (mm) in.

- ­IR:l17


IR31 9

l leavy Ou t;,

Heavy Duty

Heavy [J uty



5, 000




5 (125\

7 (175)

7 1175




2.3 (1. 04)

4 5 (2.04)

4.5 (204)

12 (340j

6 (17D)

6 (1701

25 (7IlS)

21 (595 )

20 (566)




N !,~

11.· 11


a r Lenglh Stro kes (per min) bRoc/angular Pad Size • MamlenanCfJAulomolive clilS.~ tools are designed lor rTliJ llli'enance and anlomollve appliCiJlions involving intermilleu/use.



Finishing Tools

Ingersoll RandMaintenance/Automotive* Air Sanders &Buffers

1R328B ~ Heavy Duty Air Geared Orbital Sander - 8" Pad

The smooth strength and power of this air geared orbital sander

Jets you remove heavy material and body filler on large. flat sur­

faces leaving a clean. swir l-free finish.

• Dual action pad motion (5132" orbil) • A long-life. vibration-free performance • Balanced ball bearing construction

6135A Polishing Pad

8" diameter, 2" thick polyester foam. For use with IR31t1. IR3 18 orany polisher with a 5/8"-11 spindle.

IR327 ~ Heavy Duty Air High-Speed Tire Grinder

With a free speed up to 22,000 rpm and powerlul1 /2- hp motor,

the IR327 will make quick work of patchwork and roughing up low

areas lor recapping, tire scuffing and clean ing tire moldings

, Lever throttle for easy operation

• n ear exhaust keeps air away lrom you and your work

IR327LS ® Heavy Duty Air Low-Speed Tlre BuHer

Designed for conveniences, tile many features of the IR327LS make It tile ideal tool tor every lire shop . The quick change

chuck , built-in regulator and lever-style thro ttle make patchwork,

rougtling areas for recapping and cleaning lire moldings a

bree ze.

• Lever-style tease trigger with lock-off for easy operation

within easy reach

and protection against accidental start-up • Q uick chanqe chuck for easy buffing wheel change • Piped-away exhaust (included) directs air away trom

work area and operator • Convenient hanger-keeps tool

.25 B(203)

27 (7561 9511 08

15 (453) \ 90A5/93.7 'I , NlA

CChuck Size . ' . . ' 'liB ' 58 • Maintenance/Automotive class 1001s arc designed tormainlenance and aulomotive app!J(;alrons ,nvo!vlIIg rnleTTni n, u .



Finishing Tools

Maintenance/Automotive* Air Sanders &Buffers

IR4151 ~ { .Ct:')t...l

Ultra Duty Vacuum-Ready Air Random Orbital Sander

This vacuu m-ready. low vibration model produces an ultra-nigh quality tinish and conn ects easily to central or portable vacuum

systems. The IR4151 extracts dust and part icles through and around the pad keeping foreign matter away from the motor, The vacuum sanding pad features a unique design and large 1(2" diam­eter boles for efficient operation. Virtually all dust is instantly chan­neled away trom the work.

o 12.000 rpm free speed for swirl-free finishes • Durab le. lightweight composite design weighs less than 2 Ibs

IR4151-5 &IR4151-HL Same speci fications as the IR415 1

model , but with a 5" pad size

(IR4151-5) or hook & loop style pad (IR4151-HL).

IR4152 ~ ( , Ultra Duty Vacuum-Ready Air Random Orbital Sander

The IR4 152 sets a new standard in elite automotive finish work,

This fine 3/32" orbit sander helps set the standard for high qual ity paint Iinishes. The IR4152 util izes a precision ground counterbal­

ance to reduce vibration. The lubrication-free motor package eliml­nates worry of exhaust contaminants harminq the work surface,

IR4152-HL Same specifica tions as til e IR4152 sander, but



IR4151-2 ~ <,f-\jerc:o Ultra Duty Vacuum-Ready Two-Handed Random Orbital Sander

The extra long handle and high speed/low vibration performa nce

of the IR4151-2 combine to provide superior control and flawless

finishes for techn icians who prefer two- handed sanding. It coverts

eas ily 10 vacuum operation, and incorporates all of Ihe other fea­tures that make lhe 4151 Series one of the most advanced range of tools available for quality-critical paint and body work ,

\ ~~-==~ ,·! , ·~{iu···· · 1i;~]7; - - - " - - ~ "£~~;;" " ,· - i:i:" ,•• §Aiiii~m'illI".J i~ ,- _ .[ _ 1 J \'!<~ ~ ' •

' ~ -- -I-- "1) \..~"~,~.._._._-----: --\ _ ~=I~ I

IR4151JV Jet-Vac Dust Extraction

Combine any IR4151 or IR4152 sander with the powerful Jet­Vac dust extraction system. Influenced by jet engine technology,

til e Jet-Vac tool sucks up more air than it takes to actually run

the lool!

"""," ,,,,, ,,,..,,"",, """ " ""

.;::..- U_ E' I" . ""..... ,,_""'....,"'e-.u u,.,rt1

IR41 51-5 Ultra Duly 12.000 20 (, ;,) ' lis (5 0) 1.92 i.:81) 8 (225) 15.5 (440) 18i9, 51 1 ~ (8\

12,000 .20 (.15) 6 (152) 3/" (5.0) 1. 92 (.87) 8 (226) 15 5 (440) 78/91 ,/. 5/1; (B) IR·1151-HL UltraDuly

20 (.t5) 6 1t52) '11 (5.0) 1.92 [.87) 8 (226) 15,5 (440) 78,'9 1 '/, ' /" (B) IR4151 -2 Ull ra DUly 12.000

6 (1 52) 'm(2.5) 1.92 (.87) 8 (226) 15.5 (440) 78191 'I, 51i. (8) IR4152 Ultra Duty 12,000 20 (.15)

6 (152) '1'5« 2:'1 1.92 ( 87) 8 (226; 15.5 1440) 78/91 1/. ' Ii..(8! IR4152·Hl Ultra Duty 12,000 20 (.1 5)

• Maintenance/A u/ornall'leCI,155 10015 aredesig,~ed /0/ maintenance andaulOmolive aoplic.llioosinvolVing Inteml/ltemuse


style pad,

With a hook & loop I \'

f....""P'14 I'llnJ'lIlC : !:.. oJ . ...



Finishing Tools (fjj)Maintenance/Automotive* Air Sanders &Buffers Ingersoll Band

!R41OO_Se ~s MajO~~omponenls and Accessories The full range of Ingersoll-Rand sanding , backing , and Premium al/ality Low-Profile Pads polishing pads will help you do every sanding, polishing,

Non-Vac, J/8"(9.5mm) thick and grinding job to your satisfaction. 6' Vinyl IR49879· '

6" Duck IR4!J880-1 315-39 Straight Line Sanding Pad

5' Vinyl 49094-1 For use with IA3 15. Non-metal­

5" Duck IR49877-1 lic material reduces side strap

Vacuum, 3/B" (9.5mm) thick (6" petal pa" em provided with every sander)

wear caus ed by metallic sand­ing pads. Fits other similar brands 01 straight-line sande rs.

6' Petal Pattern 49099-1

6" Hook an d Loop 49694 6135A Polishing Pad

5' Petal Pattern IR49096-1 8" diameter, 2" thick polyester foam . For use with IA314,

Vacuum Adapters ­ 3154 IR318 or any polisher with a

Port Adapter 49802 5/8"-11 spindle,

Shrouds 317-825 Backing Pads - -Shorl For use with IR317, one each

(Sta ndard on 4151) 1R48266-1 3", 4", 5" backing pads.

Long 48878

Jet·Vac Vacuum Bags

Jet-vac Dust Collection Bag

(Externan 49997

20 Oua ntity Pack For IR313, IR314, IR318, and IR319 (Disposable) 1::l 499BB

Cal. No, Dia, Description 250Quantity Pack Standard Duty

I. DisposableI IR 499B7 313-825-7 7" Rigid backing pad

Jel-Vac Conversion Kit Heavy Duty

6" Pad 41 51JV 6130A 7" Flex ilJ lebacking pad

Includes: Dual Aclion Ba_~ ~ng Pad lor IR310 and IR31] _

PartNo, Description Quantity Standard Duly

48878 6" shroud 1 310-825-6 6' Finn pad for medium to heavy stock removal.

49973 Disposable lJag 3 clOlh backed

49997 Cloth bag cover 311A-825-6 6" Vinyl pa d

499 76 Eductor assembly Heavy Duty

6120A 6' Fiun edgefor firm support, cloth backed 49979 Bagadapter

6121A 6 Soileoue lor medium support. cloth backerl 49982 Hose

6122A 5' Firm edgefor firm support, cloth backed 49986 Collar

6123A 5' Salt edge for mediumsupport. cloth backed Service Kit (torpreventative maintenance) Dual Action B ~cking ~~.!! lor IR: ..::3:.:2~8 _

IR49B37 Pad Wrench (included with every 10 01) 354-69 Standard Duly 328A 826 8" P;J(j assembly

Spanner Wrenches- - - _-...--. -. -~ . --

Useto removethe lock ring securingthe motor assembly 44 548


• ,1aimenance/Automolive Ch'lss lDOlsare rJesigned for maintenance and automativeappilCilIIODS II1VOlviJ1Q II1rermltlent use"



Finishing Tools

Industrial Production Needle &Chisel Scalers

Needle and Chisel

Comfort, Performance and Reliability

When it is time 10 get serious about removing materials, grip into IR's new pistol grip scalers . These heavy dUty

needle scalers and weld flux sea lers have a constant duty rating and are ideally suited for multiple applications on any surface.

• Rust removal

• Weld splatter and slag removal

• Paint removal

• Chipping and cutting concrete block

• Peening

• Cleaning sand castings

• Marine repairs and maintenance

• Removing other unwanted surface deposits



Finishing Tools (fij)Industrial Production Needle &Chisel Scalers Ingersol/Rand

Model WT Length BPM Piston Air Air Bore Chisel No. 01 amm Description Specifications wfAccessories wfo Accessories Stroke Consumption Inlet Shank Needles (Flal)

170PG 662 1bs. 12.4 3.000 1.4 5.5 cfm 'f," NPT .925 NJA 19 ~ eed fe Scaler

180PG 8.88Ibs. 13.5 2.200 1.54 8 cim 'I. NPT 125 N/A 28 Needle Scaler

170PG-CS ' 5.32 fbs. 12.4 3.000 1.4 55 elm 1ftNPT .925 NiA Chisel Scaler

180PG-CS' 6.8 Ibs. 2" I 2.200 I 1.54 8 elm 'I,' HPI 1.1 25 '11 NII\ ChiselScaler

170PG-KIT includes: The170PGneedle scaler, Ihe 112' shank chisel holder, 3 needle packs and 3 chisels. Needles included are onepack each of chisel lip, pointed tip, and flat tip3 mm needles. Thereare19needles per pack. The needlesare 7" long and madeof carbonsleel. The chisels included are one eachof Ihefollowing 112' square, 7' long chisels: a 3/4' nat, a 1-3i8" offset (weld flux),and 2' lIatchisel.

180PG,KITincludes: Tile lBOPGneedlescaler, the 1/2' shank chisel holder. 3 needlepacks and 3 chisels. Needles included areone pack each of chisel lip, pointed lip, and flal lip 3 mm needles. Thereare28 needles per pack. Theneedles are 7" long and made 01carbon steel. Thechisels included areoneeach of thefollowing l i2 square. 7" long chisels: a3/4" flat, a 1·3/8' offset (weld flux), and a

2 f1al chisel. '1(2' sqlwesl1311k issI,mrJard onbolll units(5;8' hex isop/lOoallor the 180PG-CS).



Finishing Tools

Industrial Production Needle &Chisel Scalers

These units feature: Lever throttle control Heavyduty ergonomic rubber grip

• All hardened steel parts for long life Easy convertability from needle scaler to chisel scaler /" square shank for chise ls Adjustable bayonet type oval front tub e Bui lt-in chisel and needle reta iner

Variable control throttle lever for precise control

Heavy duty ergonomic rubber grip improves comfort and productivity

Easily adjustable bayon et oval trent tube

Flat Tip Multiple needle tips

available for all your applications

Easily convertible from needle scaler to chisel scaler

AWARNING Always wear eye protection whon operating or performing maintenance on mrs tool.



Finishing Tools (!Jj)Industrial Production Needle &Chisel Scalers Ingersoll-Rand

Optlonal NBedIes & NeedIeScaler Accessories Part No, For OrdBrlng Needle Holder (2 mm)

for 170PG 22038194 for 180PG 22038202

Needle Holder (4 mm) for 180PG 22038210

Front Tube - Round for 170PG 22038228 for 180PG 22038236

1Iat tip. 7' long, carbon steel (gry; 100) 22038525 Needles 3 mm)

Iial tip, 5' long, ca rbon stee l (qty: 19) NS11-22-19 flat tip, 5' long, carbon steet (Qty: 100) 22038533

NS11,B22-19 t Sl l -S22·19 NS11-122-19 89940597 22038541 22038558 22038556 22038574 22038582 22038590 22038608

22038616 22038624 22038632 22038640 2203865i 22038665

PartNo, For Ordet!ng


22038699 22038701 22038715

Needles (2 mm)

flatIlf}, 5' l o n~ . berylium copper iqty 19) flat up, 5' long. stainlesssteel (qly: 19) llal lip, T long. carbon steel (Qly. 19) IlatliP, 7' long, carbon steel (qty: 100) lIat up, 7' long. carbon steel (qty: 1000) flat lip, 7' long,berylium copper (qry: 100) flat lip, 7' long, bsryllurncopper (qty. 500) chisel lip, 7' 10110. carbon steel (Q~f: 100) chisel tip. T 10m!, carbon sleel (qlY' 10001 pointedlip, 7" long, carbonsteel (Q1y: 100)

' 1000) Needles (4 mm

omtedlin, T Ion .tarbonstee l qry

flat tip. r long. carbonsteel (qly 100) llat lip, 7'IOllg, carbonsteel (qty: SOD) crnsot np.7' long. carbon steel (t1lY- 100) chisel lip. 7' long,carbon steel (Qly: 500) pOinted lip, 7' long, carbon ~Ip.e l (QI1'. t OO) pointed lip, 7' long, carbon steel (qly: 500;

OpllonaI ChiseIs&Cliisel SCalllr Accessories Chisel Holder Assembly (5/8"Hex Shank)

lor 180PG Chisels (5/8" Hex Shank

Straight Scaling. 2' wideblade. 7' overall, ~P.l 1 ~ resistant Stralghl Scaling, l' wide blade. T overall Straight Scaling.2' wide blade. T overall Straight Scaling, 4' wide blad e, 7' overall Angle Scaling r Wideblade, r overall

22038723 22038731

Chisels (1/2" Square Shank) Blank. 7)(overnll. steel Flat Scaling, X' wideblade, 7' overall. steel Gouge. 518' wideblade, 6' overall, steel

Wf-14-7-118 WF· 14-7·1/8 Wf..14G·6 Wf..14B-6-118 Straight Scaling, 1l( wide blad , 6W overall. steel

Straighl Scaling, 1 wideblade, 11l" overal l. steel Straighl Scaling, 2' Wide lJlade, 7' overall. steel Slralght Scaling, 3' wideblade. 7' overall. steel Straigll l Sca ling. 2' wideblade, 7' overall. spark resistant An IeScalin , 1)f' wideblade, 6:; overall

Scrapers 5/8" Hex Shank Straighl. 4' \'Ildeflex blade. I I ' overall Str~ I O hl. 8' Widesteel blade. 11 ' overall Slraigllt. 12' ',','idr. steel blade, 11' ove rall S raluht, 4'wide beveled bane. II' overall Straight, 8' wide beveled blade. 11 ' ov rail Strniohl. 12' wide beveledblade, I I ' overall

Sera ers Blades ~ ' wideflex blade (Qty 51 S' widesteel blade(Qty: 5) 12 wide steel blade (Qty. 5)

~ ' wide beveled blade(Qty: 5) 8' Widebeveledblade (qty: 5) 12' Widebeveled blade Q1'I : 5

Scraper Blade Holder Locknuts forScraper Blade Holder (qty: 10)

WF-14B-l ' -1 /2 89940613 22038749 22038756 WF-14A-ti-t/8

22038772 22038780 22038198 22038806 22038814 2202>8822

22038830 220:>8848 22038855 22038863 22038871 22038889 22038897 22038913



Finishing Tools

Industrial Production Needle &Chisel Scalers

For applications requiring specialized, heavy-duty finish ing tools. Check out our scalers, needle scalers , piston scalers, chipping hammers, and accessories on the next few pages.

ScalerslNeedle Scalers

Features Standard Equipment Long nozz le section extends • Positive lock chisel retainer retainer life and permits the use of a variety of accessories

Positive chisel retainer is simple to op erate

Strengthened head block holds up unde r the mo st extreme conditions

Weight Blows Hose Iess Piston per Con neclor Size Hose

Model Throttle Chisel Length Slroke Bore Minute Pipe Tap Recomm. elm lb. kg In. mm in. mm in. mrn in. in. mm

172L Lever 3"(,1 1,69 j 751. 194 8/" 14 11(,6 24 5,500 8 Il 12

l S2G Gnp 5~/", 2 41 1?13/" 325 ,'/w 27 11f,6 24 4,000 8 13

182L Lever 41/'6 184 I 9 229 P /II 27 IIf,f. 24 4,000 8 13

Pertorrr.ance figures are 190psi (620APii) ail pressure

Needle Scaler Kit

182K1 Scaler Kit Model 182L sca ler

Complete NS11A needle attachment (with 5" long needles)

One extra set of NS11-22-19 needles (5" long)

One set 01 NS 11-1 22-19 needles (7" long)

One WF-14A--6\f angle chisel

One WF-14B--6~ straight chisel

One wr-14f"-7 flat chisel

PKB-1 or vinyl carrying case



Finishing Tools ([jj)Industrial Production Needle &Chisel Scalers IngersolHland

Features Adjustable bayonet-type needle housing lock allows adjustment without special 1001s

Choice of three needle materials permits custom selection for various surfaces

Rubber-faced throttle valve means positive seal­ing

Tested and approved in accordance with MIL-&-23492A (Ships)

Precision heal-treated needles for maximum per­Iorrnance

Standard Equipment • Lever throttle

Nineteen 1;8" (3 mm) diameter steel needles, 5" (127 mm) long. NS11-22-19 Pro duct rdenlifica tion

172 L N A1 ,~ 'L-_--,I


I I Series Configuration Retainer Type Nozzle Tvpe

172 L =Lever N= NeedleAttachment At = Round Needle Housing

182 G=Grip


Chisels available for the IR125 Type WidthlLengtl1 7"


Part No.

27 15/'.

PF2200-391 3/.,"(19rnm) PF2200-392

i 3fA"(35mm) PF2200-393 13/s"(3Smm) PF2200-394

2"(50mm) PF2200-390 3"(7~fllm) PF2200-390-3 1~"(6mm) PF2200-3230

1/J'(6mm) PF2200-3231 1f4'(6mm) PF2200-3232

Blan k Ch isel Wide Chisel Angle Chisel Scraper Scraper Diamond Pornl Round Nose Cape Chisel

15 LRound

182LNAl ~ ... I ~ 26_1.....1.-__

Pedol/flance ligures are al 90PSI (620kPa) all oessae

IR125 ~

Standard Duty Needle Scaler For surface preparauon work mvolvmq the cle aning or removal of paint, rust, dirt, or weld slag. the IR125 is a durable, depend­able, economical solution.

19 needles

Each needle 118"(3.2mm)

4,600 blows per minute at free speed

Av. Sound Min. Air @Load dBA Ai r tnlet Hose

Model Performance NeedIe Needle Free Bore Stroke Weight Length Diameter Lenglll Consumption (Pressurel NPTf Size

Rating Type Oly. Size SpeedNumber In. (mm) Ibs. (kg) In.(mm) elm (1/m!n) Glm \lImin) power) in. In. (mm)

in.(mm) (rpm) in.(mm) .. .11 1'11' (28.6) [ 6.22 (2.82) \ 18.3 i~65 ) I•

'MRO foolsare designed tormainrenanceand autornolive applicalionsInI'olvil/(JIn/elm/II'n!use.



Finishing Tools

Industrial Production Needle &Chisel Scalers

Chise ls and Star Drills for Series 172 and 182 Scalers

WF-14-71t8 Chisel Blank

74 181mm)

• (3mm)

W 485' (123 mm)

' :(13mm)

WF-14F-7 Flat Scaling Chisel

I 7' (17mm!

_t 0 t=~ ,.- ~ 2 ' L ' I )".. 1_/_ \ or mm

1 6 ~m) 1 ~ ¥·.. 18mml - - c: I 1,.- ­

WF-14G-6 Gouge Chisel


(1 6~m ) O ::=:­It ' (152mm)

~::::::::=== ~::~~~

- - - - 6

WF-14B-6 Y. or WF-14B-11~

Straight Scaling Chisel

6'" or II '''' (156or292 mm) - t ­

W, 35 rnrn ] _t_

WF- 14A-6~ Angle Scaling Chisel

Needle Scaler Attac hments

Needle Scaler Attachments are available for use on Series 172 or 182 Scalers already in service. Order by one of the

symbols shown.

Attachmenl Symbol Description



liS 1,\7

'Sll l!B



Replace ment Needles Sel of 19 Needles

Part Number Description

NSI1- 22- 19

li S11- 622- 19

NSI 1-522-19

115 1- 122- 19







6y, (156 mm)



Finishing Tools (!jj)Industrial Production Piston Scalers Ingersollfiand

Features The handle containing the lever throt­tle on Mode) 3161C1 is interchange­able wllh the dead handle ­ thus it may be used parallel to, or at 90" to the three pistons

The vibration and rotation of the pis­ton does the scaling. A chisel is not used with this tool

Standard Equipment 2:;1," (70 mm) short steel piston (one tor Model 161C1, three lor Model 3161Cl)

Blows Side 10 per Operatl ng Center

Model Piston Minute Height Length Distance Weight Throttle elm Description in. mm in. mm In. mm lb. kg

16l C1 r l One short Steel 3300 105 13'/' 337 30 61/1 2.94 lever

~ 1 6 1 C l ThreeShort SIEel 3BOO to? -' 53/e ' 391 --l­ ,Ie 22 -.L. '5!h 4.25 '­ l ever 15 ----L~

'WilhLever Throltie atlaclled 10 narrow end 01 Barrel

Both oftheabOve scalers have 1/4' NPTairinlel. 516' (8mm) size hose isrecJJmmenderl Performance figures are al90psi (620 kPa)airpressure.

Pistons for Models 161C1 and 3161C1 Scalers

For Model 161C1 one required Description

For Model 3161C1 threerequired Description

N16·5A Short Slee! 23f,' (70 rnrnj-Standartl 316-5 Short Steel25f1' (67 rnmj-Standaru

316-C5 Sr:ort Carbide-Tipped 2518' (67 mml

316-LS l ong Steel 35fe' (92 mm)

316-Gl 5 l ong Cai birlc-Ilpped 31/8' (92 mm)




Maintenance/Automotive* Air Hammers

Hil harder with less effort and more accuracy as you do general repairs, exhaust system and front end work, bushing drilling, and tough cuffing jobs, using Ingersoll-Rand air ham­mers. The IR132 gives you added accuracy and control at 1,725 blows per minute wilh its "tease throttle" and built-in power regulator. The IR121 has a professional touch trigger for excellent control at3,000 blows per minute and a tough one-piece alloy barrel for long life.

• Maintenance/Automotive class tools am aesigncd lor rnainrenaoce and automotive applicdJioos im'Olvilll} Inlermll/enl use




AirHammers ([jj)Maintenance/Automotive* Air Hammers Ingersollfiand

Ingersoll-Rand air hammers are designed so you can let the tool do the work , whether it's cutting, punching, chipping, orscraping. Each air hammer comes with a coil spring retainer for fasl and easy chisel changes. You can also gel Ihe Ingersoll-Rand air hammer kil, which includes the five piece chisel kil, or buy Ihem separately.

Model Number

Performance Rallng

• I I



IR1 21


Standard Duly

Standard Duty

Super Dilly

Super Duly

Shank Opening In. (mm)

,.101 (10.1)

.401 (10 1)

..101 (10.1)

AD (1 0.1)

Blows Per Minute


.. 3.500




Bore Diameter In.(mm)

"/IE (17,5)


3/. 11;))

'11 ! (14)

Stroke Length

in. (mm)

3th (89)

29/31 (58) I 4 (102)


Ibs. (kg)

3.'1 [1.5·1)

4.1 (1.86)

3.5 (1 .59)

3 4(1.54)



7.8 (198)

9.9 (251)

7.63 (194)

8.5 i.2(6)

Av. Air

Consumption elm (Ilmln)

3 (851

3 (85)

3 (85)

3 (85)

Sound @Load dllA

(Pressurel cfm (l/II1 in) Power)

IS(425) 104.41117.4

14(3961 103.5/116,5

15 (425) 9831111 3

11 (311) Nil'

Min. AirIntel Hose

NPTf Size In. In.(mm)

'/, l l; (10)

'/4 lfa (10)

'/. 1f~ (10)

,/. ' I" (8)

Av. Sound Min. Model Performance Needle Needle me Bore Stroke Wei ghl Length Air @Load dBA Air lnlel Hose

Number flaling TYlle DIy. Size Speed Diameter Length Consumplion (Pressuref NPTF Size In. (mm) (rpm) In. (mm) In. (mm) Ibs. (~g) In.(mm) elm (Ifmln) elm(Ifmln) Power) ill. in.(mm)

... • • f I ,. . 18.3 (465) I 8 (226) 15 (425) 99 61112 6 1 'I.

• MainlenallcelAu,lomolive class looisaredesigned lormainfemJllcc andaufomol!fliJpplicariorls illi'o/l'ing inlermillenl use.




Maintenance/Automotive* Air Hammers

1R115 @

Standard Duty AirHammer

hiqh-specd air hammer, is designed for light sxhaust system work and general cutting,

This powertul, yet economical

chipping and scraping,

Up to 5,000 blows per minute

Alloyed steel barrel and heat-treated piston for longer life

Built-in power regulator and tngger control

Replacement Retainer Spring Retainer 115-183

IR117 @ Standard Duty Air Hammer An econom ical air hammer With a longer piston stroke, this too l is designed for exhaust work. bolt CUl1ing, and front end work. The trigger control and a built-In power regulator give you full control of the speed and power.

Longer stroke piston

Alloyed steel barrel and heat-treated piston for longer life

Up to 2,000 blows per minute

Replacement Retainer Spring Retainer 11 5-183

IR116 @

Standard Duty Air Hammer The economical air hammer for fast cutting action, especially for medi ­um exhaust system. panel cutting , and geneml repair work.

Up to 3,500 blows per minute

Handles a range of cutt ing app lications

l.onqer life alloyed steel barrel FIno heat-treated piston

Replacement Retainer Spring Reta iner 115-183

IR121 @) Super Duty Air Hammer Make fast work of body panel crimping and

Professional touch trigger for total control

Long-life tool with a tough one piece alloy barrel

cutting, bushing dnvinq, shearing and general front end work With this air hammer, a super duty tool that produces up to 3,000 blows per minute.

Easy to ma intain, with an "easy out" throt tle valve assembly

Replacement Retainers Spring Retainer (as shown) AVC10-183A Bee-hive AVC1-83

IR121 K6/121 K6 Air Hammer Kit The IR121 is available in kit form with a blowmold­ed plastic case with a removable lid. To order the complete kit (which includes 6 chisels) use model number IR121 K6

Av. Sound Min. Model Perlormance Shank Blows Bale S1roke Weight Length Air @Load dBA Alrlnlel HlIse

Number Haling 0penIng Per Minute Diameter Length Consumption (Pressuref NPTf Size tn, (mm) @gOpsl In. tmm) In. (mm) Ibs. (kg) in.(mm) elm (t!min) elm (11m in) Power) in. In. (mm)

I 1/, I 3fs (10\

3 4 11 5·1) 7 8 (198) 3 (85) 15i4 25) 1 \0441117 4

'f, (10)

'I, 31e (10) tRI1S Standard Duty \ 401 PO 1) 5,000 )1, (19) 15/! (41) 2,6 (1.18) 6.t (155) 2 (57) 14 (396) l 0 .31114.3 \

IR116 Si"ndard Duty .401 (10.1i 3,500 " 1'6 i',7.5) 2' /1 (57) 1

3'/, (89) 4.1 (1,86) 9 9 (251) 3 (85) 1 14 (396) 1 103.51116 5 Standard Duty " 1' i17.5)

2;131 (58) 3.5 (1.59) 1,63 (1 9'1 ) 3 (85) I 15 (425) I 98.31111 3 IRl 17 A01 (10 1) I 2,000

.401 (10.1) 3,000 J/' (19) IR1 2i Super Duty

•Maintenance/AufOmolweclass toolsaredesig~ed lormaintenance and aulomotil13applicatIOns mvolvi~g IntermiltenJ use



Air Hammers (fjj) IngersollilandMaintenance/Automotive* Air Hammers

IR116K,IR117K Air Hammer Ifits

IR132 @'l Super Duty

Irlgersoll-Rarld Air Hammar Kits mclude air hammer and tileAir Hammer rnatcrunq tive-piece chisel kit. Or you can buy the Chisel Kit Professionals wllo want the best choose separatelythis tool for front end work, heavy ex­

haust work. rivetin g, king pin removal. e

bushing driving. and boll shearing.

Extra-sensitive tease throl1le controls startin g strokes

Up to 1,725blows per minute

Longer stroke piston

Replacement Retainers Bee-h ive (as shown) AVC1-83 Spr ing Reta iner AVC10-183A

IR116-K5 Chisel Kit Five-piece chisel set in a plastic pouch with .401" shank diameters to match your Ingersoll-Rand Air Hammer. Kit includes:

Edging Tool

Tail Pipe Cutter

Stra ight Chisel

Cutting Chisel


Model Number

PlIl10nnance Rating

Shank Opening In.(mm)

Blows Per Mlnllle


Bale OIam81er in.(mm)

Stroke Length

In. (mm}


Ibs. (kg)

l ength

In. (mm)

Av. Air

Consu mplion elm (IImln)



Sound dBA

(Pressure! Power)

Air Inlet NPTF in.

Min. Hose Size

in. (mm)

en I ., I

• MailJ/lJnance/Aulomolll'e class lools are designed lor maintenance am! aUlomollve applications irwolving inlermillenluse.



Safety Information for Finishing Tools

In General. .. Always operate, inspect and maintain toots in accordance wilh American National Standards Institute Safety Code for Portable Air Tools (ANSI 81861)

For safety. top performance. and maximum durability of pa115, op erate 10015 at 90 pSI (6.2 bar/620 kPa) maximum air pressure at the inlet.

Air powered tools can vibrate in use . Vibrallon, repetitive motions or uncomfortable posuions may be harmful to your hands and arms. Stop using any tool if discomfort, tin­g ling feeling or pain occurs. Seek medical advice before resuming use,

Always turn off the air supply and disconnect the air supply hose before installing, removing or adjusting any accessory on Cl tool, or before per­forming any maintenance on a 1001.

Keep hands. loose clothing and long hair away from rotating end of tools .

Ant icipate and be alert for sudden chances in motion dunnq start up and operation of any power 1001.

Check for excessive speed and vibration before operating.

Tool shafts may continue to rotate briefly after throttle is released .

Do not lubricate tools with flammable or volatile liquids such as kerosene, diesel, or jet fuel.

Do not remove any labels. Replace any damaged label.

Use accessories recommended by Ingersoll-Rand .

Hole: Always read Iheoperators' mamJal/;c!ore using any air 1001.

When Using Grinders... • -Do not use tools if actual free speed

exceeds the nameplate rpm .

Before mounting a wheel, after all tool repairs and whenever a grimier is issued for usc, check the free speed of the grinder with a tachome­ter to make certain Its actual speed at 90 psig (6.2 bar/620 kPa) does not exceed the rpm stamped or printed on the nameplate. Grinders in use on the Job must be similarly checked at least once each shift .

Always use the Ingersoll-Rand wheel guard furnished with the grinder. Failure to do so could result m InJUly.

Do not use a grinder without the rec­ommended wheel guard. Do not use any wheel lor which the operating speed listed on the blotter is lower than the actual free speed of the grinder.

Inspect all grinding wheels for chips or cracks prior to rnounnnq, Do not use a wheel that is chipped or cracked or otherwise damaged. Do not use a wheel that has been soaked in water or any other liquid.

Make certain the grinding wheel properly fits the arbor. The wheel should not fit too snugly or too loose­ly. Plain hole wheels should have about 0 DOT' (0.17mm) maximum diametral clearance. Do not use reducing bushings to adapt a wheel to any arbor unless such bushings are supplied by or recommended by the wheel manufacturer,

Warnin Labelldentification

• After mounting a new Wheel, hold the grinder under a steel workbench or inside a casting and run it for at least

60 seconds. Make certain noone is wurun the operating plane of the grimjiflg wheel. II the whe el is defec­tive, Improperly mounted or the wrong size and speed, this is the time it will usually fall.

When starting a cold wheel, apply ~

to the work slowly until the wheel gradually warms up . Make smooth contact with the work, and avoid any bumping act ion or excessive pres­sure.

Always replace a damaged, bent or severely worn wheel guard. Do not use a wheel guard that has been subjected to a whee! failure .

Make certain the wheel flanges are at least 113 the diameter of the qrind­ing wheel, free of nicks and burrs and sharp edqes. Always use the wheel flanges furnished by the man­ulacturer: never use a makeshift tlanqo or a plain washer.

Guard opening must face away from operator. Bottom of wheel must not project beyond guard .

Always use a wheel blotter between each wheel flange and the wh eel. The blotters must be at least as large in diameter as the wheel flanges.

Do not attempt to disassemble the controller, TIle cont roller is available only as a unit and IS guaranteed for the lifo ot tho tool if it is not abused.

Failure 10observe ,'he following wamings could result ininjury

(i ... WARNING

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rortabM po.lllOn. may btl h lrfmtut 1Q 't 0Ul hand" ...s w m• . S~op _1OlII"'y lool It (!iU'O mlOf1, t1nglmg l..tlng 0' JlIlln occur... &Mow. J1II4'(J~ 1

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