Financial Fitness Introduction Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of British Columbia


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Financial Financial FitnessFitness


Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of British Columbia

Pre-contact our people were thriving nations. Our wealth was measured in our ability to manage and sustain our resources. We demonstrated

our wealth through caring and sharing with others.

Pre-contact our people were thriving nations. Our wealth was measured in our ability to manage and sustain our resources. We demonstrated

our wealth through caring and sharing with others.


Without the potlatch system, we are missing our teachings about wealth management. We need to look for new ways to learn about money and how to manage it.


Many new technologies are available to us today; online banking, ATM’s, direct deposit,

telephone banking and software tools that help you manage your money.


Whether you are a single person, a couple, part of a family, a youth, or elder, the First Nations Financial Fitness lessons can help

provide you with the tools to become financially fit.


• In the summer of 2010 the Public Guardian Trustee took the lead to pull together a team of Ministry of Child and Family Development, VanCity, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), Urban Native Youth Association, First Nations Technology Council, and Aboriginal Finance Officers Association of British Columbia representatives.

• This Financial Literacy Working Group was formed & they have been instrumental in guiding the development of the First Nations Financial Literacy training series..

