Final risk assessment


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This document is intended as a basic template to assist in the completion of a risk assessment for film production activities.Detailed information is available from a variety of risk management and risk assessment specialists. Useful information can also be obtained from the Health & Safety Executive

When conducting a risk assessment, consider all the likely hazards; who may be harmed, property which may be damaged, and the controls already in place. Then, for each likely hazard, bearing in mind the controls already in place, record the ‘risk assessment’ level. The further action(s) to be considered will be determined by the level of risk assessment.







Girl may cut herself while putting heels


1 Female actress Shoes There are no existing risk controls

in place that I am aware of.

HIGH Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including anti septic wipes and plasters. Apply pressure to

wounded area.Male may spray too

much aftershave, inhale it and cough

a lot

1 Male actor N/A There are no existing risk controls

in place that I am aware of.

MODERATE Open windows to let the fumes exit.

Girl may poke self in the eye when putting mascara on

1 Female actress N/A There are no existing risk controls in place that I am aware of.

MODERATE Keep cod water and towels close by to press on to eye. Wet wipes will be needed to wipe away the mascara from around her eye that shouldn’t

be there.Girl may spray too

much perfume, inhale it and cough

a lot

1 Female actress N/A There are no existing risk controls

in place that I am aware of.

MODERATE Open windows to let the fumes exit.

Female may twirl, get dizzy and fall over and graze or cut self, or may twist her ankle

1 Female actress N/A There are no existing risk controls

in place that I am aware of.

HIGH Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including anti septic wipes and plasters. Apply pressure to

wounded area. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

Both actors may trap hands in door when closing them

1 Male and female actors

N/A Get the house owner to demonstrate how

to lock the doors prior to filming to

ensure safety of the actors.

HIGH Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including anti septic wipes, plasters and possibly bandages. Apply pressure to

wounded area.When they’re

walking in a busy area to the

restaurant, they may get mugged

2 Male and female actors

N/A There are no existing risk controls

in place that I am aware of.

EXTREME Ensure to have phones with us to call the police as

well as spare money in case of

emergency.When opening

umbrella, it may poke them in the


2 Male and female actors

UmbrellaThe director should demonstrate how to open the umbrella prior to filming (our group

HIGH Apply pressure to wounded area. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

Menus in 2 Male and female N/A There are no LOW Ensure to have a

restaurant may give them paper cuts

actors existing risk controls in place that I am

aware of.

first aid kit close by including anti septic wipes and plasters. Apply pressure to

wounded area.Food in restaurant

may give food poisoning

2 Male and female actors

N/A Check ratings and reviews of the

restaurant prior to filming.

MODERATE The effects of this would not happen

when filming is taking place.

When male is twirling the female under his arm, he may twist his arm

too much

2 Male actor N/A Practise the shot many times prior to filming to make sure it’s completely right and won’t put them

at any risk.

MODERATE Apply pressure to wounded area.

Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including bandages or tubigrips. Apply savlon to reduce

bruising.When twirling, the

female may fall over

2 Female actress N/A Practise the shot many times prior to filming to make sure it’s completely right and won’t put them

at any risk.

MODERATE Apply pressure to wounded area. Let

her have some water to make her feel better; make

sure she doesn’t get dizzy. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

When drinking water out of alcohol

bottle, the glass may smash and cut


3 Male and female actors

Glass bottles Use on carpeted floor rather than

laminate or wood so that it’s more

difficult to smash.

HIGH Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including anti septic wipes and plasters. Apply pressure to

wounded area.May fall up/down

the stairs3 Male and female

actorsN/A Make sure the stairs

have banisters to MODERATE Apply pressure to

wounded area. Let

hold on to and preferably carpeted and so aren’t likely

to be slippery.

them have some water to make them

feel better; make sure they don’t get dizzy. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

When salsa-like dancing, they may

trip over each other

3 Male and female actors

N/A Practise the shot many times prior to filming to make sure it’s completely right and won’t put them

at any risk.

LOW Apply pressure to wounded area. Let them have some

water to make them feel better; make

sure they don’t get dizzy. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

Paper cut given when using note


3 Male and female actors

N/A There are no existing risk controls

in place that I am aware of.

LOW Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including anti septic wipes and plasters. Apply pressure to

wounded area.When girl is

dancing in his arms to song, they may

fall over

4 Male and female actors

N/A Practise the shot many times prior to filming to make sure it’s completely right and won’t put them

at any risk.

LOW Apply pressure to wounded area. Let them have some

water to make them feel better; make

sure they don’t get dizzy. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

When she’s crying and wipes away

her tears, he may poke her in the eye

or scratch her

4 Male actor N/A Practise the shot many times prior to filming to make sure it’s completely right and won’t put them

LOW Apply pressure to wounded area. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

Keep a cold

at any risk. compress to put over her eye within

reach if it does become inflamed or

blood-shot.Male may trip up

when stepping out of jeans

5 Male actor N/A Practise the shot many times prior to filming to make sure it’s completely right and won’t put him

at any risk. Use carpeted floor

rather than laminate to ensure they aren’t slippery.

LOW Apply pressure to wounded area. Let

him have some water to make him feel better; make

sure he doesn’t get dizzy. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

When she’s scratching his back when intimate, it

may begin to bleed

5 Male actor N/A File her nails down so that they’re not sharp and cannot

cut skin.

MODERATE Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including anti septic wipes and plasters. Apply pressure to

wounded area. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

Rain may ruin the camera

6 N/A Camera Have an umbrella constantly over the

camera to make sure no rain can get

on to it

MODERATE Get insurance on the camera, put it in rice to soak up the water and recover

the camera.May have an

allergic reaction to flowers

6 Male and female actors

N/A Find an actress that has not got hay


LOW Ensure to have hay fever tablets/allergy tablets nearby with

tissues as well.When female is 6 Female actress N/A Practise the shot MODERATE Apply pressure to

spinning with the flowers, she may get dizzy and fall


many times prior to filming to make sure it’s completely right and won’t put her at

any risk.

wounded area. Let her have some

water to make her feel better; make

sure she doesn’t get dizzy. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

May slip in the rain, could get cut or

bruised as well as wet

6 Male and female actors

N/A Practise the shot many times prior to filming to make sure it’s completely right and won’t put them

at any risk.

HIGH Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including anti septic wipes and plasters. Apply pressure to

wounded area. Let them have some

water to make them feel better; make

sure they don’t get dizzy. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

May drop camera if they fall if the road’s slippery

6 N/A Camera Wear shoes that have a grip so it’s

less likely for someone to fall.

HIGH Get insurance on the camera, put it in rice to soak up the water and recover

the camera.May drop breakfast

on the floor7 N/A Breakfast Practise the shot

many times prior to filming to make sure it’s completely right

and won’t put anyone at any risk.

LOW Have more food made to use as a

back-up plan in case it does end up being

dropped, a quick tidying session can

take place and filming can resume back to normal as

no more will need to be made. Keep a dust pan and brush

close by to make sure it’s a quick tidy

up.May smash

crockery and cut male and female


7 Male and female actors

Plates Practise the shot many times prior to filming to make sure it’s completely right and won’t put them

at any risk. Use carpeted floor which

is less likely to be slippery rather than laminate or wood.

HIGH Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including anti septic wipes and plasters. Apply pressure to

wounded area. Keep more crockery close by so we can

resume back to normal filming as soon as possible.

May cut self with knives/forks

7 Male and female actors

N/A Practise the shot many times prior to filming to make sure it’s completely right and won’t put them

at any risk. Don’t use anything too

sharp, such as meat knives.

HIGH Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including anti septic wipes and plasters. Apply pressure to

wounded area.

Bin lid may trap hands

7 Male actor N/A There are no existing risk controls

in place that I am aware of.

LOW Apply pressure to wounded area. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

Vase could drop, smash and cut


8 Male and female actors

Vase Use carpeted floor which is less likely to

be slippery rather

HIGH Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including anti septic

than laminate or wood.

wipes and plasters. Apply pressure to

wounded area. Keep another vase close by so we can

resume back to normal filming as soon as possible.

Man could fall down the stairs

8 Male actor N/A Practise the shot many times prior to filming to make sure it’s completely right and won’t put him

at any risk.

MODERATE Apply pressure to wounded area. Let

him have some water to make him feel better; make

sure he doesn’t get dizzy. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

Boiling water in kettle could burn or scold them if spilt

8 Male and female actors

N/A Practise the shot many times prior to filming to make sure it’s completely right and won’t put them

at any risk. Wait before going near the kettle until it’s

still steamy but not just boiled.

EXTREME Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including anti septic wipes, plasters and possibly bandages too. Apply pressure to wounded area. Call a doctor or go

to the walk-in-centre if it’s

particularly bad.Mug could smash

and cut them8 Male and female

actorsMug Use carpeted floor

which is less likely to smash something if it does fall, rather than laminate or


HIGH Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including anti septic wipes and plasters. Apply pressure to

wounded area.

Keep more mugs close by so we can

resume back to normal filming as soon as possible.

Could begin to cough a lot due to

her spraying herself

9 Female actress N/A There are no existing risk controls

in place that I am aware of.

MODERATE Open windows to let the fumes exit.

Paper cut from wrapping paper

9 Male actor N/A There are no existing risk controls

in place that I am aware of.

MODERATE Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including anti septic wipes and plasters. Apply pressure to

wounded area.Paper cut from note

pad9 Male actor N/A There are no

existing risk controls in place that I am

aware of.

MODERATE Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including anti septic wipes and plasters. Apply pressure to

wounded area.Could tighten

dressing gown too tight

9 Female actress N/A There are no existing risk controls

in place that I am aware of.

LOW Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

Could bite too hard on her nails and

cause her fingers to bleed

9 Female actress N/A There are no existing risk controls

in place that I am aware of.

LOW Ensure to have a first aid kit close by including anti septic wipes and plasters. Apply pressure to

wounded area. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

Bang knee on the table when she’s tapping her feet

9 Female actress N/A Director should give a demonstration of

how much the actress should be tapping her feet prior to filming.

LOW Apply pressure to wounded area.

Could drop the camera when

tracking her going upstairs

10 N/A Camera Use carpeted floor which is less likely to smash something if it does fall, rather than laminate or


MODERATE Get insurance on the camera, put it in rice to soak up the water and recover

the camera.

Could fall down the stairs

10 Female actress N/A Use carpeted floor which is less likely to

cause harm something if she does fall, rather than laminate or


MODERATE Apply pressure to wounded area. Let

her have some water to make her feel better; make

sure she doesn’t get dizzy. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

Could fall over when he’s getting down on one knee

10 Male actor N/A Use carpeted floor which is less likely to

cause harm something if he does

fall, rather than laminate or wood.

LOW Apply pressure to wounded area. Let

him have some water to make him feel better; make

sure he doesn’t get dizzy. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

Could trip when shouting and

jumping about

10 Female actress N/A Use carpeted floor which is less likely to

cause harm something if she does fall, rather

LOW Apply pressure to wounded area. Let

her have some water to make her feel better; make

than laminate or wood.

sure she doesn’t get dizzy. Apply savlon to reduce bruising.

Could lose her voice or develop a sore

throat from shouting

10 Female actress N/A Ensure she has had a lot to drink prior to filming to make sure her throat is moist.

LOW The consequences of this would not directly affect the

filming of our music video, although we should keep some cough sweets and water close by to keep her throat


Risk Assessment Chart

Hazard likelihood / Consequences RISK ASSESSMENTVERY LIKELY TO HAPPEN or SEVERE CONSEQUENCES (ie. Someone could get seriously hurt)


Could happen or mild consequences (i.e. someone could suffer a minor injury)


Unlikely to happen or minor consequences (i.e. production could be slightly delayed)


Rarely happens and very insignificant consequences LOW
