Film Plan Powerpoint




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Down And Up

Down And UpDirector-James CameronCamerons most memorable film is also a timeless love story. When Titanic hit theatres it was a sensation, breaking box office records. Today, it ranks as the number two biggest box office hit of all time. It turned Leonardo DiCaprio into a mega-star while earning countless honours and breaking Academy Award records. Main Actor-Thomas Prattis

By MacaulayScene-1

Thomas was born in Denver, Colorado 1999 and has lived a somewhat un normal life his parents whom are very wealthy grow him up in Denver and Thomas establishes himself in a private school with every aspiration to be something in life but as he gets older he becomes somewhat of a snob. Living an expensive life is great but Thomas finds out the hard way all the floors of it since when his dad is jailed for Tax avoidance and his bank account is froze his now alone mum is tight on money so she sells the house in Denver and detriments Thomas private education. Thomas of course is heavily affected since this now meant he had to move away from his beloved Denver and adjust to life in Los Angeles as I mentioned earlier he had turned into a snob and once they had arrived in LA he wears sharp suits and does all he can to show off his old wealth with his posh accent.Scene-2

His first day of school could not be eluded so he put on his best clothes (a suit and lavish jewellery) cautious of what the day may come of him he went on the bus. He had had a luxgeorious car which was his dads but it was taken by the debtors and struggled to deal with his loss in fortune. When he was walking into the school he was given stares by many students who he considered to be below himself. He had attracted attention of the school bully Malum York (Malum being Latin for bad) since he notices Thomass attraction towards Karenza (Latin for Beloved). Malum then later attacks Thomas threating him to stay away from Karenza.Scene-3

Thomas is invited to a party by a lad whom he meets in class called Fortis (Latin for strong) he is well-known and rather pronounced for throwing partys. Thomas however did not want to go distressing Malum may be there and kept himself away from his new acquaintance Fortis. But as hes at home a group chat as created and he finds out Karenza is going. He reacts in a wanderlust ay and very enthusiastic about this so he attends and again wears his best clothes but what will come of this party? Scene-4

The day of the party came and Thomas now known as Tom by everyone else he had made quite of an impression on his peers but Malum is still un fond of him. But Fortis is secretly invited him as a trap and done it so Malum could embarrass him. He is walking around the party and gets the courage to attempt to talk to Karenza but whilst he is walking towards her Malum trips him up and rips off his clothes leaving him bruised and wounded. Karenza was later founded to be involved with the prank and this leaves Thomas embarrassed and left with great anxiety. He escapes but only finds himself in Fortiss bathroom (this scene is the idea for my poster him in bathroom) with his top off he looks in the mirror and sees his old self the one he loved and so did everyone else or did they only like the money?(since he hasnt heard of any of his old friends) He leaves the bathroom later finding himself in front of a girl he had never seen before (Ami which is short for lost and her surname being Paella which is girl so overall lost girl is her name but translated to Latin) she gazed at him and they shared a true moment which may be known as love at first sight he instantly forgets about Karenza and knows inside this mysterious girl is the one. For what had been a bad night this event made his day.Scene-5

Thomas is hiding the next day at school from Fretais and Malum since he became the laughing stock of the school and he begins to notice Ami in school which he hadnt done before they met at the party. But his feelings for Karenza have not gone away even though she set him up he cant forget her so he finds himself in a love triangle. Later on its P.E and he discovers he is allowed to make the soccer team but the captain is Fretais and in his first game at practise they are on different teams with Fretais and is tackled on purpose, he gets in a fight. Scene-6

The fight ends with Thomas on the floor all bruised and battered and both having to attend at detention. But they are sent to Math club to study and do quizzes which either of them dont like. Thomas discovers Ami is at math club and talks to her building their romance at first its awkward but it later develops into a smooth conversation. Thomas asks her to the cinema and Ami agrees to go but Fretais notices and spreads the date around the school.Scene-7

They go on their first date and with everyone knowing they decide to crash is (Malum, Karenza, Fretais, Others). They go on their date and it goes well but Thomas is nervous he later gets more nervous when he sees Karenza and Fretais ,Malum since he know theyre going to do something to him. Thomas is surprised they have not done anything half way through the film and is still cautions but the film finishes and there still havent done anything. But the night is later ruined just when he adjust to life in LA her arrives home greeted by his dad who had been released from prisonScene-8

His dad tells him how theyll be able to go back to Denver and how its all sorted but tom surprisingly is unhappy since he had just began his relationship with Ami. He is forced in going from his now aggressive dad who pushed him into the car but when they are driving back he hears on the radio his dad had escaped and kidnapped him! He is in the car and pushes his dad the car crashes and he is saved by the police his mum is devastated and dad is taken to a long sentence in prison.