Film opening title sequence mood board


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Kendell Burgess




• I chose these setting locations for inspiration on my opening

film title sequence because they have a scary atmosphere that

goes with the genre of the film.


• In slasher horror films you see a lot of knives or objects that

would cut someone or harm them in a way it was either a quick

or slow death so I used this in my opening film title sequence

because I wanted to keep the theme of the weapon the

same/similar like in other slasher horror films.


• Characters in slasher horror films generally vary from victims and killer(s).

The victims seem to be young adults that don’t really have any idea on

what's going on/what’s happened before. From what I’ve seen the killers

in a slasher horror usually sport a mask of some sort to mask their true

identity or just someway try and mask who they truly are, either by masks,

different names, etc. For my opening title sequence I used this for



• I have noticed in horror films that the titles are usually bold in

font and placed in the middle of the screen. The colour doesn’t

really vary as I see film makers using the bold red, white or

dark colours for the titles. I used this when looking at the title

for my film opening sequence.


• In horror films there are different types of camera shots that

obviously vary throughout the film but I’ve noticed establishing

shots and aerial shots being used to show off the usually scary

place where the scene is set. Close ups are used quite a bit too

to either show the emotions on the victims face when

something bad is about to happen/happening or when the killer

has appeared and there's a close up on his choice of weapon. I

used these techniques in my final piece.