Film opening title sequence mood boards Declan Tyldesley

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Film opening title sequence mood boards

Declan Tyldesley

I have chosen this type of setting because it makes most scene’s more intense when looking for a certain character, for instance if the agent was in a chase with someone he couldn’t escape within a good amount of time due to the amount of traffic and the amount of people on the street so there is always a sign where he is because of the public screaming about gun fire or if they are getting pushed over due to the criminal running away at a fast pace. I have also chosen this setting because it can show good use of camera angles in a certain scene, such as a dark back alley, with few people around so this could be a good place to film a fight between two people such as the agent and a gang member.Within this Title sequence, the start will track throughout the city and stop in the place where his wife was murdered by the gang leader. At this point it show’s the agent trying to self harm him self while listening to the voice of his wife that is on record / repeating the sound of his wife’s voice.

I will keep showing these certain objects because it could represent that a certain character is near by, because the iconography could represent his signature weapon to kill people with / agents wife.Iconography could also be used, to show where he might go next to investigate a certain crime that has taken place, by the same gang members. My iconography could also be used to lure people to it so the criminal’s can capture more civilians to make the agent come closer and closer to there hideout / base, so they can attack him in a group to give them a bigger advantage of winning the fight.

The type of genre I have chosen for this film is a Thriller. I have chosen this genre because this is my favourite genre if I ever go to watch a film because I like the chain of events that eventually leads to finding out who the main criminal is, that mainly changes in to a gun fight to rescue certain people that you may love or just innocent hostages. Another reason why I have chosen my title sequence to be a Thriller is because most of these films are mainly based in a city if it is a Action, Thriller. This type of genre will mainly give the main character a mission to complete, so if someone is in great distress because she might be being tortured.

The cinematography that I will use in my title sequence is mainly a tracking that runs throughout the city and ends up in a back alley where the retired agent is fighting for his life because of a stab wound and over his dead wife. I am also going to use back lighting in my cinematography use because I want it to be a really dark setting because it will show that he is really depressed because he is in a dark area and repeatively listening to his wife's voice recording on his phone just before she died.

I will use these types of characters in my film because it makes the film intense because you are trying to find the person responsible, for either killing someone or kidnapping someone. These types of characters are also used to lure the criminals towards his family so he can take out the terrorist gang one by one and will eventually get to the gang leader so he can kill / torture him in anyway he wants.In my title sequence I will use the retired agent character the most because his wife has just recently been killed and he is fighting depression so he does not commit suicide, also as he is fighting for his wife he is having flashbacks of his wife and listening to her voice on a recording constantly.

In my title sequence the credits that I will use will be in the colour RED I have chosen this colour because it will represent many thing such as, Blood, Danger and lots more due to the fact that there will be quite a lot of action within this film due to his wife’s death so he is looking for revenge on the terrorist gang to avenge his wife and end his misery on what has happened.My title credits will appear on screen in a quick motion so you get about three seconds to look at the name of the actresses or see the title of the film so it could represent that it will be quite a fast paced movie so he is pumped to kill his wife’s murderer.