FIAV Newsletter May 2015


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President’s message

Dear Comrades,

The ever dynamic and constantly evolving membership of FIAV is one its strength. We

recognize and encourage participation to extend our coordinated efforts to the Indian

community in Victoria in turn Australia at large. This enables us to interact, exchange,

identify and adapt from one another.

Our main objective is and would be for years to come will be to continue to spearhead our

key activities to coordinate and support many associations of FIAV family.

A true reflection of the group dynamism in FIAV is simply demonstrated through many of

our involved activities and one such had just crossed our path, FIAV sports day 2015. Please

embrace these moments to uplift your potential after all “The only force that makes or

breaks is you yourself”

Thank you for your wonderful & selfless effort.

Thomas Joseph


From the Editorial Desk

Dear Readers, It is indeed a great privilege to wear the face of FIAV, greetings to you all. A very warm and special commendations to all those who have made the topics of interesting messages contributing to this newsletter. Backed by Government body, we have been able to thrive so well gathering all the 29 member associations to be under this huge FIAV umbrella. We stand united as one body of voice for Indian origin settlers in Victoria and Australia at large and we evidently care for one another, which is the utmost important business of each other. The Current topics such as preservation of The little India precinct, Progression towards strategies in Women’s affairs and protection from domestic violence, healthy sporting events and many more are covered in this issue of newsletter. However, as we gaze upon the dawn and progression of FIAV, we see that we have been in existence for such a long time as reflected in ties with the Government and the kind of support we have received from Victorian Government in establishing ourselves thus far. FIAV’s success depends on your response to the support that we offer you and your participation in building one strong solid voice of Indian Victorians. Words aren’t all I have for the stories I have covered here it is complimented with videos that are in link through to You tube and also websites. I would encourage you to please visit FIAV at our website and

For any communication with FIAV, I can be reached at

Thank you

Usha Ravi Chairperson – Editorial Sub Committee

FIAV has never felt so proud ever before to see its patron/founder, Mr. Vasan Srinivasan,

the only Indian to be appointed as a member of Australian Multicultural Council.

Vasan a well-known member of the Indian community and he has been involved in projects

on mental health and other multicultural projects throughout Victoria. He was recently

awarded the Meritorious Service Award for Excellence in multicultural affairs by the

Victorian Government in 2013.

Vasan has contributed to Indian Community in Victoria in many commendable positions.

Community News

“Little India Cultural Precinct”. Yes we are talking about the dazzling Greater Dandenong

with over 30 shops featuring Indian, Pakistan, Fiji, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh goods paves the

platform for experiencing Indian culture through Bollywood films and music and also by

sumptuous food. I am sure you all agree that, it is every one of our accountability to

preserve this transformed piece of Indian representation hub growing for good every day.

Petition: Transform Little India In Dandenong into The Indian Cultural Hub

Signatories to this petition join together in calling for the State Government of Victoria to locate the Indian Cultural Hub in Dandenong. This means building on existing infrastructure to further strengthen a thriving Little India Precinct in Dandenong The petitioners call upon the Members of the Victorian Parliament to note that √ The Little India precinct in Dandenong was created in 2009 by Vic Urban with the support of Federation of Indian Associations Victoria (FIAV), and brought together many and unique Indian traders in one central location. √ In a 20 kilometre radius of Dandenong, there are over 85, 000 residents of Indian origin who proudly promote and facilitate culturally and linguistically diverse communities. √ The Precinct is home to an array of established specialist traders who retail goods and provide services to our Indian and broader community. This includes dining and entertainment, a selection of Indian grocers, a wide range of Indian traditional clothing and textiles. These businesses have an annual turnover of $200,000 to $1,000,000 per trader and already employ more than 150 people. √ Museum India, opened in 2014 Dandenong, is becoming a popular destination to visit and is home to specialised exhibitions of unique Indian artworks and artefacts. This cultural and educational facility is an important reflection of the rich cultural asset of India. √ Dandenong is also home to the FIAV office providing important organisational to our community of Indian Australians across the State. √ Federated Indian Association of Indians (FIAV) the City of Greater Dandenong and the broader community all support Little India Precinct in Dandenong and urge the State Government to build on this important cultural infrastructure to make Dandenong home to an even greater Indian Cultural Hub. The signatories to this petition call upon the Victorian Parliament and the Victorian State Government to further invest in and strengthen the thriving Little India Precinct in Dandenong by making it the Indian Cultural Hub for our community and state.

FIAV Sports Day

I found myself in the artic windy, cold, chilly and drizzly field and looked around thinking I am being very ambitious to have minimum two other comrades of mine in the premises. I was greeted by the warmest hugs and wishes for a speedy passing of the cloud and accelerated sports day by the rest of the team at that part of the morning. I knew I didn’t have to look back since, that regardless anything, FIAV will march forward and that is why it is what it is today.

Registration for each participating team took its form and shape will Kaz and Vernon taking

the initiative of recording their details.

I am proud to be part of this team. With over 18 representatives from various associations

across Victoria participating despite the frantic weather, the day’s activity kick-started with

the secretary’s address and briefing the competitors about the conduct of the sports day.

Every single participant was aiming at the alluring trophies.

Due to heavy downpour we followed a short session on Yoga, a warm up session, which was

uninhibitedly enjoyed by many. This was again one of the highlights of the day where most

of the attendees took that opportunity in stretching themselves in the Cosy, comfortable

and very private space.

Commends to very talented Ms. Sonal from Rajkov, who had the opportunity to guide this

enthusiastic crowd in leading into a warm-up session. Sonal conducts Yoga sessions for all

age groups. FIAV would like to recommend interested individuals to contact us for further


While physical agility was ensured by Yoga session, the catering team challenged the frantic

weather by welcoming and looking after the guests with a heart-warming hot coffee, tea

and nibbles.

Sponsors made their way through without second thoughts which has been the practice

since inception of FIAV. Without their support the event wouldn’t have been what it was.

Cricket being one of the favourite games of Indians, the 8 teams got into the field with their

opponents irrespective of the winds and mild drizzles. A true reflection of love for the game

was apparent.

The 8 teams that took part in the cricket tournament were The Punjab Association, The

Rajasthani Kutumb of Victoria, Gujarati Association, Zoroastrian Association, Indian Friends

Cultural Association (IFCA), and Melbourne Strikers from Melbourne Kannada Sangha, Hindi

Niketan Team and The Maharashtra Mandal.

Sumptuous meals all packed to go, no questions asked, no limit, serves after serves and

everyone enjoyed.

Sustenance throughout the active sporting event was looked after by team with mango

lassi, vanilla lassi.

Volley ball was the next sport which was as hot as cricket with 6 teams participating. Under

an able referee Mr. Jones Varghese from Melbourne Malayalee Federation the games were

conducted smoothly.

The teams were: The Rajkov, Melbourne Havyaka, Melbourne Malayalee Federation,

Zoroastrian team, Fiji Indian team and IFCA from Melbourne Kannada Sangha.

Kho-Kho, which was another sport, headed by Yogesh who was an ex-Karnataka state


The day would have been incomplete without the presence of the dignitaries; Minister for

Multicultural affairs Mr Robin Scott, Ms Inga Peulich Shadow minister for multicultural

affairs, Mr Neil Angus Member for Forest Hill and Cr Andrew Munroe Mayor of city of

Whitehorse. Alongside the patrons of FIAV, Mr Vasan Srinivasan, Mr Subra Ramachandran

and Dr Parekh who graciously witnessed the proceedings and the games.

The dignitaries took their time to acknowledge the great achievements of FIAV thus far and

there were assurances to further upgrade several projects such as Indian Museum precinct

and this did not just limit to the group acknowledgement but extended to individuals ‘Of

future hope’ of Melbourne soil from Indian fraternity. Ms. Hope Kareta, Dandenong localite

was awarded for her outstanding contribution to local cricket team. She was requested to

replace her brother who was injured in the tournament. The hidden talent in this vibrant

young girl was displayed when she scored a century making her brother’s team a winning


Icing on the cake was when the winning teams from the events were awarded. The crowd

gracefully presided over for the National Anthem and the award presentation. Indian

Friends and Cultural Association of Victoria Inc. (IFCA) representing Melbourne Kannada

Sangha were the winners in cricket.

Indian Friends and cultural association (IFCA) were the winners of the FIAV Cricket

tournament 2015.

Melbourne Malayalee Federation were the winners in Volley ball.

Other items were like spoon and lemon game and face painting.

Cr Andrew Munroe Mayor of city of Whitehorse was felicitated by our vice president of

FIAV Mrs. Sudesh Singh.

The day concluded with Vote of Thanks by the Secretary of FIAV Mr. Jay Kumar

The Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV), ensuring stronger bondage with Indian

community. Your representative business manager, Mahesh Nagarajaiah and versatile sales

consultant, Ms Radhika Khanna are pleased to assist the much deserved Indian community.

The ties between RACV and FIAV goes back to many years of working together and RACV

has sponsored many of the cultural events that were conducted by FIAV.

Please check these links out for details:



I can’t stress enough of the various current and potential member organizations and their

vivid activities that are so strongly influencing the growth and development of our kids

around. One such commendable organization is “Sudar Oli” for a size that is that little, its

activities and the impact that it does to the society directly or indirectly are immense. They

are jam packed with regular interactive sessions in ever growing field of science, medicine

and technology through experts, all with one aim of introducing and holding together each

and every one who walks through their doors for creating a harmonious community. Please

do contact Sudar Oli at ‘;

Numerically the biggest linguistic unit in India “Telugu”. Telugu Association of Australia Inc.

(TAAI) in Vitoria, I take pleasure in bringing the TAAI news to you. TAAI has been catering for

nearly 50,000 Telugu speaking Victorian Indians. Like many other associations they have

Telugu drama, music, arts and dance classes conducted besides regular yearly cultural

events. Namely Rasa Raaga Sudha and Janaranjani which had attracted masses in

participation. FIAV acknowledges their active and very vibrant activities and is encouraging

readers to visit to quench their curiosity.

We owe our gratitude to the region of the world, where our National anthem was born –

“Bengal,” for “Jônô Gônô Mônô. Boasting this humble abode, Bengali Association of Victoria

(BAV) exhibits itself throughout the year with many cultural and historical celebrations. Its

dynamic group has many talented volunteers who work tirelessly bringing this glorious non-

profit making organization one of its kind. I am sure you would want to visit and

First language of eminent noble leaders that we have seen thus far such as Mahatma Gandhi,

Vallabhbhai Patel, Swami Dayanand Saraswathi, Morarji Desai, JRD Tata, Muhammed Ali Jinnah

and our current Prime Minister Mr Modi: Yes, “Gujarati,” one amongst the most spoken Indo –

Aryan languages. I thought of extending and sharing the warm welcome of President of Gujarati

Association of Victoria (GAV), Mr Sanjay Vasaiwalla to be part of their dynamic group by visiting

“Victoria The place to be” The place to live for very many reasons including the fact being the only

state in Australia which offers this language as part of VCE subject. Yes, “Punjabi”. The reasons for

this is the hard work of many selfless members of Punjabi Club of Victoria (PCV). In the year 2002,

PCV worked along with the department of education and early childhood in Victoria, to include

Punjabi language in VCE which gained final accreditation in 2004. Commendations to such a team.

Let us see what else does this group of quiet achievers do during the rest of their time at hand, like

any other powerful media I bumped into their Facebook page, I would urge you to peek into

This year marks a great milestone for Sindhi’s in Victoria, where their association attains 25 years, a

Silver Jubilee year, and is one of the oldest Indian associations. To celebrate this milestone a great

program was organised by the Sindhi Association Committee – President Rajan Chawla and his team.

All the details of the program will be in –

“Kashmir se Kanyakumari thak” yes that’s what FIAV is all about. It is all an inclusive body of

belongingness and is proud to bring the face of Kashmiri Pundits Cultural Association (KPCA), an

association since 2006 fostering cultural and religious heritage of Kashmiri community in Australia.

The association boasts its camaraderie of its members, families and visitors reflected in year-round

events in the form of local forums and celebrations. The team hereby welcomes every reader to visit


Mr. Vasan Srinivasan, The chair of Confederation of Indian Australian Association (CIAA) has

condemned the cold attack and brutal murder of the young Indian woman Mrs. Prabha

Kumar, an IT professional in Sydney.

CIAA and FIAV alongside many other fellow Indians mourn the loss of Prabha, and conveys

condolences to her dear and near family.

NSW Premier Mike Baird and Minister for Communities and Citizenship Victor Dominello has

sought to reassure the Indian community that every effort is being made to investigate the

fatal attack on an Indian woman at Westmead and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Rajkov since its inception in 2001 by a group of seven Rajasthani families, with the sole aim

of getting together for their feats in particular now stands up nice and tall with formal

constitution, annual membership and marked presentations in the community once again

this year GANGAUR MELA 2015 was held .Please log onto for more details

on their activities.

Nettur Technical Training Foundation (NTTF) has since its inception been diligently

organizing innumerable activities that fosters, reflects and strengthens the true bond of this

group of professionals and beyond in their early life in NTTF in India. With great excitement

NTTF is celebrated its 50th Anniversary of Dharwad NTTF. For more details, visit

The Australian Tamil Academy (ATA), Pioneers of culture based Tamil education in Melbourne, all

from a single handed home based humble beginning. It has now has won its admiration from many

Indian Melbournian families for all its magnanimous efforts in bringing rich Tamil culture back in the

form of literacy, arts and extending far and wide with traditional activities.

For their jam packed curricular activities please

contact .

Spirit of India has lives on and on and will. Thaikkudam Bridge one of its only kinds, with 14 dudes

from Kerala bringing you this whirl wind of experience in Music.

The Melbourne Malayalee Federation (MMF) brings this unique acclaimed musical group

Thaikkudam Bridge, You have to experience it for yourselves. To start off with please do this bare

minimum then you will see what this write up is all about, visit

This is only the starters for entire range of their activities and fun filled programs please visit

Melbourne Kannada Sangha (MKS) with its very active community participation once again invites

the Kannada New Year 2015 with the celebration of Ugadi on April 12 2015. The days will be marked

by some fun filled and interesting activities for all young and restless as well as the not so young and

wise ones to be part of, please do visit for following this group of very active

