Feeding the Monster Advanced Data Packaging for Consoles Bruno Champoux Nicolas Fleury


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Feeding the MonsterAdvanced Data Packaging for


Bruno ChampouxNicolas Fleury


Next-Generation Loading Problems LIP: A Loading Solution Packaging C++ Objects Demo: LIP Data Viewer Questions

Some things never change…


Optical Disc

...since 1992!...since 1992!

Next-Gen Loading Problem

Processing power up by 10-40X Memory size up by 8-16X Optical drive performance up by 1-4X

Next-Gen Loading Problem

Xbox 360 12X dual-layer DVD drive Outer edge speed: 15 MB/s Average seek: 115 ms

PlayStation 3 Blu-ray performance still unknown 1.5X is the most likely choice CAV drive should give 6 to 16 MB/s Average seek time might be worse than


Next-Gen Loading Problem

Memory Size

Maximum Bandwidth

Time to fill

PS2 32 MB 4.4 MB/s 7.3 s

PS3 192 MB* 16 MB/s 12 s

Xbox 64 MB 6.9 MB/s 9.3 s

Xbox 360 480 MB** 15 MB/s 32 s

Next-Gen Loading Problem

In order to feed the next-gen data needs, loading will need to be more frequent

Hard drives are optional for PS3 and Xbox 360

Optical drive performance does not scale with the memory/CPU power increase

Conclusion: Loading performance must be optimal; any

processing other than raw disc transfers must be eliminated

Did I Hear “Loading Screen”? Disruptive Boring as hell Non-skippable cutscenes are not

better! Conclusion:

Loading screens must not survive the current generation

Background Loading

Game assets are loaded during gameplay

Player immersion is preserved Solution:

Use blocking I/O in a thread or another processor

Background Loading

Requirements: Cannot be much slower than a loading

screen Must have low CPU overhead Must not block other streams

Conclusion: Once again, loading performance must

be optimal; any processing other than raw disc transfers must be eliminated

Proposing A Solution

Requirements for a next-generation packaging and loading solution: Large amounts of assets must be

loaded at speeds nearing the hardware transfer limit

Background loading must be possible at little CPU cost

Data assets must be streamed in and phased out without causing memory fragmentation

Understanding Loading Times Freeing memory space

Unloading Defragmenting

Seek time Read time Allocations Parsing Relocation (pointers, hash ID lookups) Registration (e.g. physics system)

Reducing Loading Times

Always load compressed files Using N:1 compression will load N times

faster Double-buffering hides decompression

time Plenty of processing power available for

decompression on next-gen consoles

Reducing Loading Times

Compression algorithm choice Favor incremental approach Use an algorithm based on bytes, not

bits Lempel-Ziv family LZO

Reducing Loading Times

Take advantage of spatial and game flow coherence Batch related data together in one file

to save seek time Place related files next to each other on

the disc to minimize seek time

Reducing Loading Times

Take advantage of optical disc features Store frequently accessed data in the

outer section of the disc Store music streams in the middle

(prevents full seek) Store single-use data near the center

(videos, cutscenes, engine executable) Beware of layer switching (0.1 seconds


Reducing Loading Times

Use the “flyweight” design pattern Geometry instancing Animation sharing

Favor procedural techniques Parametric surfaces Textures (fire, smoke, water)

Reducing Loading Times

Always prepare data offline Eliminate text or intermediate format

parsing in the engine Engine time spent converting or

interpreting data is wasted Load native hardware and

middleware formats Load C++ objects directly

Why Load C++ Objects?

More natural way to work with data Removes any need for parsing or

interpreting assets Creation is inexpensive

Pointer relocation Hash ID conversion Object registration

Loading C++ Objects

Requires a very smart packaging system Member pointers Virtual tables Base classes Alignment issues Endianness

Loading Non-C++ Objects

Must be in a format that is ready to use after being read to memory Texture/normal maps Havok structures Audio Script bytecode

Pretty straightforward

Load-In-Place (LIP)

Our solution for packaging and loading game assets

Framework for defining, storing and loading native C++ objects

Dynamic Storage: a self-defragmenting game asset container

Level Editor


Maya Exporter

LIP Packaging

Game Assets


Dynamic Storage

LIP Loading

Load-In-Place: “LIP Item”

1 LIP item 1 game asset 1 LIP item unique hash ID (64-bit)

32 bits for the type ID and properties 32 bits for the hashed asset name (CRC-

32) The smallest unit of data that can be

queried moved by defragmentation unloaded

Supports both C++ objects and binary blocks

Examples of LIP Items

Joint Animation Character Model Environment Model Section Collision Floor Section Game Object (hero, enemy, trigger, etc.) Script Particle Emitter Texture

C++-Based LIP Items

Can be made of any number of C++ objects and arrays

On the disc, all internal pointers are kept relative to the LIP item block Pointer relocation starts with a

placement new on a “relocation constructor”

Internal pointers are relocated automatically through “constructor chaining”

Placement “new” Operator

Syntax new(<address>) <type>;

Calls the constructor but does not allocate memory

Initializes the virtual table Called once for each LIP item on the

main class relocation constructor

Relocation Constructors

Required by all classes and structures that can get loaded by the LIP framework contain members that require relocation

3 constructors Loading relocation constructor Moving relocation constructor

(defragmentation) Dynamic constructor (optional, can be dummy)

No default constructor!

Object Members Relocation Internal pointer

Must point within the LIP item block Converted into absolute pointer

External reference (LIP items only) Stored as a LIP item hash ID Converted into a pointer in the global

asset table entry that points to the referenced LIP item

LIP framework provides wrapper classes with appropriate constructors for all pointer types

Relocation Exampleclass GameObject {public:GameObject(const LoadContext& ctx);GameObject(const MoveContext& ctx);GameObject(HASHID id, Script* pScript);

protected:lip::RelocPtr<Transfo> mpLocation;lip::LipItemPtr<Script> mpScript;


Relocation Example (cont’d)

GameObject::GameObject(const LoadContext& ctx) : mpLocation(ctx), mpScript(ctx) {}

GameObject::GameObject(const MoveContext& ctx) : mpLocation(ctx), mpScript(ctx) {}

GameObject::GameObject(HASHID id, Script* pScript) : mpLocation(new Transfo), mpScript(pScript) { SetHashId(id); }

Relocation Example (cont’d)template<typename LipItemT>

void PlacementNew(

lip::LoadContext& loadCtx)





loadCtx.pvBaseAddr = pvLoadMemory;


Relocation Example (cont’d)


Placement new

RelocPtr<Transfo> LipItemPtr<Script>

Transfo Script

Placement new hash ID lookup



Load-In-Place: “Load Unit” Group of LIP items The smallest unit of data that can be

loaded 1 load unit 1 load command

Number of files is minimized 1 language-independent file

Models, animations, scripts, environments, …

N language-dependent files Fonts, in-game text, some textures, audio, …

Load unit files are compressed

Load Unit Table

Each LIP item has an entry in the table Hash ID Offset to LIP Item

LIP itemsTable

Dynamic Storage

Loading process Load unit files are read and decompressed

to available storage memory Load unit table offsets are relocated Load unit table entries are merged in the

global asset table A placement new is called for each LIP item Some LIP item types may require a second

initialization pass (e.g. registration)

Dynamic Storage

Unloading process Each LIP item can be removed individually All LIP items of a load unit can be

removed together Destructors are called on C++ LIP items Dynamic storage algorithm will

defragment the new holes later Locking

LIP items can be locked Locked items cannot be moved or


Platform-Specific Issues GameCube

Special ARAM load unit files Animations Collision floors

Small disc compression

Xbox/Xbox 360 Special LIP items for DirectX buffers

Vertex, index and texture buffers 4KB-aligned LIP items (binary blocks) Buffer headers in separate LIP items (C++


Load-In-Place: Other Uses

Network-based asset editing LIP items can be transferred from and

to our level editor during gameplay Changes in asset sizes do not matter

Used by Maya exporters to store our intermediate art assets LIP is much more efficient than parsing


Packaging C++ Objects

Nicolas Fleury

Our Previous Python-Based System class MyClass(LipObject):

x = Member(UInt32) y = Member(UInt32, default=1) p = Member(makeArrayType( makePtrType(SomeClass)))

Cool Things with this System Not too complex to implement. Python is easy to use. Introspection support. A lot of freedom in corresponding

C++ classes.

Problems with this System

Python and C++ structures must be synchronized.

Exporters must be written, at least partly, in Python.

Validations limited (unless you parse C++ code).

We just invented a Python/C++ hybrid.

C++-based system

class MyClass : public MyBaseCls { ... LIP_DECLARE_REGISTER(MyClass); uint32 x;};



Exporters are now written in C++. Class content written twice, but

synchronization fully validated. Dummy engine .DLL must be compiled (not a

working engine, provides only reflection/introspection).

Need a good build system. We just added reflection/introspection to C+


Member Registration Information Name Offset Type Special flags (exposed in level

editor, etc.)

(Non Empty) Base Class Registration Information Name Type Offset; calculated with:

(size_t)(BaseClassType*)(SubClassType*)1 - 1

Member Type Deduction

In IntrospectorBase class:

template < typename TypeT, typename MemberT>void RegisterMember( const char* name, MemberT(TypeT::*memberPtr));

Member Type Deduction (Arrays) In IntrospectorBase class:

template < typename TypeT, typename MemberTypeT, int sizeT>void RegisterMember( const char* name, MemberT(TypeT::*memberPtr)[sizeT]);

Needed Information in Tools Every class base class (to write their

members too). Every class member. Every base class offset (to detect

missing base class registration). Every member name, size, type and

special flags. For every type, the necessary

alignment and if it is polymorphic.

Introspection Classes (Members)





TypeT, MemberTypeT


TypeT, MemberTypeT, sizeT:int




1 *

Introspection Classes (Base Classes)





SubClassTypeT, BaseClassTypeT






Result: Member Introspection Able to know all types and their

members. Can be used for both writing and

reading binary data. Same class used in tools to fill the

data as in engine.


Data of any platform, endianness, pointer size (binary files have a header with platform id).

Both for engine data and tools binary formats.

Hexadecimal viewer integration, edition support.

Excellent learning and debugging tool.

LipViewer Demo

Restrictions for Simplification of Implementation Polymorphic types must begin with a

vtable pointer (their first non-empty base class must be polymorphic).

Can’t inherit twice from same class indirectly (or offset trick doesn’t work).

No virtual base classes. All padding is explicit.

Explicit Padding

class MyClass {...LIP_PADDING(mP1, LIP_PS3(12));uint16 mSomeMember;lip::Padding<4> mP2;uint32 mSomeOtherMember;LIP_PADDING(mP3,LIP_PC(4) LIP_PS3(8));...


Particular Things to Handle

Endianness. 64 bits pointers (no more!). VTable padding. Type alignment.

VTable Padding

__declspec(align(16)) class Matrix {…}; class MyClass {

uint32 x, y, z; Matrix m;};

32 bytes on PS3, 48 bytes on PC.






Automatic Versioning

Create a huge string with member names/types and member names/types of pointed classes.

In the case of polymorphic pointers, all sub-types must also be included.

Hash the huge string. Can be integrated in tools dependency

tree mechanism.

Needed Information in Engine A hash map of objects to do the

placement new of the appropriate type.

Smart pointers/arrays handle the rest.

Type Ids VTable pointers are replaced by a type id. LIP_DECLARE_TYPE_ID(MyClass, id) in .hpp.

Defines a compile-time mechanism to get id. Declares a global object.

LIP_DEFINE_TYPE_ID(MyClass) in .cpp. Defines the global object. Its constructor adds

itself as a hash node to a hash map. This object class is templated to make operations with the good type (example: placement new).

Hash Map Overview




+mVtableId+mpNext : TypeConstructorBase





1 *


Normal pointers like T* must be set to 0 when exporting an object.

For relocated pointers, smart pointer classes must be used.

Different types of smart pointers/arrays: Ownership of pointed data? Relocation of pointed data?

Smart Members

Classes can derive from a lip::SmartMember class to implement a custom writing/reading in tools.

Class only used as a tag, it doesn’t have any virtual function.

Classes deriving from lip::SmartMember are expected to implement a compile-time interface.

Useful for smart pointers (normal pointers cannot be load-in-placed).

Smart Members: Full Control Over Writing and Reading.class MySmartArray : lip::SmartMember {


void Write(lip::LipWriter&) const;

void WriteExternalData( lip::LipWriter&)const;

void Stream(lip::LipReader&);

void StreamExternalData( lip::LipReader&);




Not owned pointed data

Parent class



Parent class

Relocation assumes pointed data is not of a sub-type and does directly a placement new of Type.



Parent class

Relocation looks in the hash map to do placement new of the good type (involves a search and a virtual function call).

RelocFixedArray<Type, size>





Parent class




Parent class

Owned pointed array (not needing relocation)




Parent class

Owned pointed array (with relocation)




Parent class

Owned array of pointers

Owned array of objects (can be of different sub-types)




Owned array of pointers

Not owned pointed objects (can be of different sub-types)

Parent class



Parent class

Owned pointed data


Concept of exclusivity group masks to regroup values in mask in a radio button group in GUI.


Other Solutions

Parse debug info files. Compile as C++/CLI. Parse source code.



Latest slides http://www.a2m.com/gdc/

How to reach us bruno.champoux@a2m.com nicolas.fleury@a2m.com
