February 2015 Webinar Training (1)


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Join us for an on l ine webinar tr ain ing on the cur rent tr ends of im m igrat ion enfor cem ent and strategic m ethods to push ICE out of Cal i forn ia.

Pushing Back o n Immigr at io n Enf o r cement

Webinar Tr aining Fo r o r ganiz er s and adv o cat es

- Your r ights under cur rent im m igrat ion laws.- Changes to local and federal im m igrant

enfor cem ent laws. - H ow to repor t violat ions of local and federal

im m igrat ion laws. - Strategic organizing against im m igrat ion

enfor cem ent.

Fr iday Febr uar y 27th, 2015 12:00-1:00pm

To RSVP, p l ease r egist er her e:

http:/ / goo.gl/WwVNRg
