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Term 2 – Package 2 Monday


LITERACY Daily Reading – Each morning have your child read a book to you of their choice. Reading Making Connections This week’s comprehension focus is about Making Connections. Connections between the text and yourself, between the text and other texts and between the text and the world. Today’s activity focuses on making connections between an informational text and their selves. 1. Read the text ‘All about Thunderstorms’. 2. Complete the worksheet attached. Find a sentence in the text that reminds you of an experience you have had when there was a thunderstorm and highlight the words that remind you of this. 3. Write this sentence under ‘When I read the words’ 4. Under ‘It reminded me of’ write what those words reminded you of. 5. Draw a picture to match what you were reminded of when you read the words you highlighted. Spelling Look, Spell, Cover, Write & Check The sound for this week is: ‘f’ as in fish, ‘ff’ as in cliff and ‘ph’ as in phone. The list of words is located in Mondays’ resources titled ‘f ff ph’. Use these words to complete LSCWC daily. *Remember that a proper noun must start with a capital letter.


Wellbeing Journal Your Wellbeing Journal is a keepsake that is yours forever. It is your special space to write about things you are grateful for and where you will learn new wellbeing habits for life!

Please personalise your journal by colouring in the character on the front page (feel free to make him/her your own), neatly write your name on the front arrow and on page 1, colour in the different pencils with the new wellbeing habits you will be learning about.

Writing Handwriting Using a sharp pencil complete the attached sheet headed – Handwriting in your best writing. Write each word three times. Remember to use your finger for spacing the words. Sentence Structure **Compound Sentences 1. Check out the video above. Compound sentences are two or more sentences joined by a coordinating conjunction (FANBOY). 2. Write the word conjunction at the bottom of the icing jar. Then, write the 7 conjunctions IN the icing jar: and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet. 3. Next use one of the conjunctions from the jar to join the two simple sentences (cookies). Upload a shot of your work under the Seesaw activity – Compound Cookies Extension - Optional

Khan Academy – Grammar Mastery - 20min max. See Khan Academy info sheet for more information.


Colouring NUMERACY

Basic Facts Mental Maths Complete the attached sheet BUT this week you will need to time yourself to see how long it takes to complete. Write your time in the bottom right hand corner. Ask your parent or guardian to mark your work and put a score at the top right hand corner. Place Value Activity **Jump Strategy 1. Watch jump strategy video and/or read the sheets that explain what the jump strategy is and how to do it. Jump Strategy 2 digit addition - 2. Read the 2-digit step by step instructions and using those as a guide complete the 2-digit addition questions using the jump strategy. 3. Before writing on your number line to assist you, slip it into a plastic sleeve so that you can use it again and again. Write on the plastic sleeve with a white border marker or texta (non-permanent) to work out the problems. 4. Upload Picture of your completed worksheet to Seesaw under the task – Monday Jump Strategy Task 1 Extension - Optional Khan Academy – Basic Maths Mastery- 20min max See Khan Academy info sheet for more information.


Watch the SeeSaw video about Science for the week. Read the information on the sheet ‘Why do we have days, nights, years and seasons?’

Highlight important information as you go.

BEDTIME STORY Choose a book you could read with your child and/or family before bed ☺
