Faith Group Statistics: 4 Tools for Growth Planning



Faith Group Statistics: 4 Tools for Growth Planning. 1. 2010 U.S. Religion Census (produced by the Association of Statisticians of Religious Bodies). Produced Every 10 Years by the Statisticians of the Various Faith Groups in America. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Faith Group Statistics: 4 Tools for Growth Planning

2010 U.S. Religion Census

(produced by the Association ofStatisticians of Religious Bodies)


Produced Every 10Years by the

Statisticians of theVarious Faith

Groups in America

State-by-State, Metro Area-by-Metro Area, County-by-County Data on Faith Groups, Number of Congregations, Number of Members/ Adherents, Percentage of Population, and More

2. – The Assn. of Religion Data Archives

• – Excellent Faith Information by State, Metro Area, County, etc. For instance, to get full county faith information:– Click on the “U.S. Congregational Membership” tab at the

top of the page.– Then click on “Reports” in the drop-down window.– Under “Browse Reports” in red type, choose either

“counties,” “metro areas,” “states,” or “United States.” A report will appear with complete faith statistics for your chosen category.


Report includes graphs outlining faith makeup as well as a detailed listing for every reported religious body.

How Can ARDA Be Useful in Your Growth Planning?

Top 10 Faith Groups1. Southern Baptist (ep) 6. Churches of Christ (ep)2. United Methodist (mp) 7. Assemblies of God (ep)3. Catholic 8. Presbyterian C. In America (ep)4. Church of God (Cleveland, TN) (ep) 9. Presbyterian Ch. USA (mp)5. Episcopal Church (mp) 10. Jewish (est.)

[There are at least 11 Baptist Denominations in the Birmingham Metro Area]

Top 10 Faith Groups1. Southern Baptist (ep) 6. Seventh Day Adventist (ep)2. United Methodist (mp) 7. Presbyterian Ch. USA (mp) 3. Churches of Christ (ep) 8. Episcopal (mp)4. Catholic 9. Ch. of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 5. National Primitive Baptist (ep) 10. Church of God (Cleveland, TN (ep)

[There are at least 15 Baptist Denominations in the Huntsville Metro Area]

Tremendous Growth Potential!Approximately 1,705+ Locations x Number

of Troops = Tremendous Potential!1,219++ Congregations in the Birmingham Metro

with 735,000+ Members486++ Congregations in the Huntsville Metro

with 243,950+ Members

The Bottom Line . . .

USA Today Topography of Faith







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