FAIrVIew in Focus - great-news.ca · other great pre-release movie, Finding Dory, just barely...


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september 2016 DeLIVereD mONtHLY tO 2,800 HOUseHOLDs


FAIrVIew in Focus


In This Issue:•Fairview Family Festival &

Film Night Friday, September 9 at 6:00pm in Flavelle Park

•Fairview Board Meeting Tuesday, September 13 7:00pm

fa i rv i e w I september 2016 3


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4 september 2016 I Ca l l 403-263-3044 fo r adver t i s ing oppor tun i t ies fa i rv i e w I august 2016 5

Fairview Community Association

Great News Publishing Ltd.403.720.0762 | 403.263.3044sales@great-news.ca | www.great-news.ca

Upcoming Events 7

Board Bits & Business 9

Rant, Rave, Remark 10-11 or Rebut



Box 78053, 383 Heritage Dr. S.E.Calgary, AB T2H 2Y1Phone: 403.252.5424www.fairviewcommunity.caoffice@fairviewcommunity.ca

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6 september 2016 I Ca l l 403-263-3044 fo r adver t i s ing oppor tun i t ies fa i rv i e w I september 2016 7

upcoming eventsFairview Community Association Board MeetingTuesday, September 13, 7:00 pmFairview Community Building, Lower levelPlease contact the Secretary at secretary@fairview community.ca if you wish to attend- all members are encouraged and welcome to do so.

Fairview Community Association Family Festival & Film NightFriday, September 9Join us for our annual Family Festival & Film Night fea-turing the movie “Finding Dory”. Everyone is welcome to come out an enjoy some food, popcorn, face paint-ing, balloon artistry, bouncy castles and more, topped off with the movie starting at dusk! Bring all your friends and family! This year we will be co-hosting an event with In-Definite Arts with movie-themed art on display in their gallery prior to our Festival! Check this month’s insert or our website for more details.

Got an idea for a Community event?Contact any Board member, or our Secretary, to be put on the agenda at any Board meeting.

Our ViSiONTo promote and enhance a healthy, safe and productive environment for the residents of Fairview by providing access to programs, services and information, all while establishing a sense of community identity and belonging.

BOArd OF direCtOrSPresident VACANT1st Vice Dave Eisenbart 403-454-8327 vp1@fairviewcommunity.ca2nd VP Vanessa Hanel 403-808-6878 vp2@fairviewcommunity.caTreasurer Bonnie Briand 403-998-8933 treasurer@fairviewcommunity.caSecretary Carah Scherwitz 403-301-5223 secretary@fairviewcommunity.ca

direCtOrS At LArGePat Hirsche 403-259-4341Melody Eisenbart 403-454-8327Robert Isaac 403-355-5335Elizabeth Duerkop 403-245-9346Kara Fredrickson 403-999-5572Stacey McDougall 403-474-1305Joanne Norton 403-474-1326Regan Klyn 403-698-1566

COMMuNity SerViCeS CONtACtS•Police Non-Emergency Services (Dist 6) 403-567-6600•Community Liaison Officer: Cst. Henry Robinson #4196•403-567-6600, pol4196@calgarypolice.ca•Community & Neighbourhood Services, South Area: 311•www.welcomewagon.ca, 1-844-299-2466•www.calgaryyouthjustice.com, 403-261-9861•Fairview Arena 403-452-3082 www.fairviewarena.com•In-Definite Arts 403-253-3174 www.indefinitearts.com

GOVerNMeNt repreSeNtAtiVeSCouncillor, Ward 9Gian-Carlo Carraward09@calgary.ca•www.carra4ward9.ca•403-268-2430

MLA, Calgary-AcadiaBrandy Payne, NDPCalgary.acadia@assembly.ab.ca•403-640-1363

Mp, Calgary-MidnaporeHonourable Jason Kenneykennej@parl.gc.ca,www.jasonkenney.ca•403-225-3480

FAirVieW iN FOCuSFairview in Focus is published monthly by Great News Publishing and delivered by Canada Post to all Fairview homes.

The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflects those of the author, and should not be considered to reflect those of the Fairview Community Association. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so. The Community Association does not endorse any person or persons advertising in this newsletter, and publication of these ads should not be considered an endorsement of any goods or services.

Submission deadline: 10th of the month for the next month’s news.

Comments, questions and submissions are always welcome.

editor email: news@fairviewcommunity.ca Mail: Fairview Community Association Box 78053, 383 Heritage Dr SE Calgary, AB T2H 2Y1Messages: 403.252.5424email: office@fairviewcommunity.caWebsite: www.fairviewcommunity.ca

fairview information

EDiToRiAL CoNTENT DEADLiNEnews@fairviewcommunity.ca

10thof each month for the next month’s issue

Paving of the Flint Park / Fairview Drive alleyA local resident has taken up the goal of getting the al-ley along Flint Park (behind west side of Fairview Drive) and requires 2/3 of the local homeowner’s support by September 13th for the City to approve this. There are numerous benefits to this including: a clean and fresh look, no more mud, no more dust, less noise, mutual benefit for dog park and playground users, no more pot holes, increased property values, improved stormwater run-off, no more lane grading, a clean garage floor and a smooth surface for parking.

Costs range depending on the length of property, but typically range from $4,500-5,500, but can be amortized over 15 years at roughly $35-40 per month.

Several alleys in Fairview have been previously paved and keep in mind that any other alley can be paved if the residents are interested, willing to pay and eager to petition their neighbours to have it supported.

If you need further information on this project or how the program works, contact Fairview resident Neil Gulewicz at 403-510-7561 (call or text) or email neil.gulewicz@gmail.com.

Stanley Doherty, CPA, CMA#8-20 Douglas Woods Dr. SE, Calgary, AB T2Z 1K4Beside Swifties Bakery and Centex Gas Station on Douglasdale Blvd

English 403-257-1582 • Español 403-457-4829


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8 september 2016 I Ca l l 403-263-3044 fo r adver t i s ing oppor tun i t ies fa i rv i e w I september 2016 9

Board Bits & BusinessWe sure hope you can join us for our signature family event of the year, our Fairview Family Festival & Film Night on September 9 in Flavelle Park. We are crossing our fingers that the constant rain of summer 2016 has exhausted itself by then! We are fortunate to have an-other great pre-release movie, Finding Dory, just barely available for this event once again. It should be a great time for everyone - don’t forget to bring your family and friends!

A special thank you to the Alexander/McLean family for all of their help over many years delivering Fairview in Focus and welcome to the Yorke family who will be filling their big shoes!

We continue to eagerly await the grand reopening of the renovated Trico Centre pool with an updated targeted reopen date of August 29.

The board looks forward to getting back together this month after a summer break. We look forward to serving Fairview!


September is a great time to get back into volunteering for your community! In an effort to build community in-terest and share the workload of various aspects of the important issues and events in Fairview, the Board has been actively forming committees. Committee volun-teering is a great way to get involved in an issue or area that matters to you, or where you may have special skills or interests, without being a full board member. Please consider helping out your neighbourhood by getting involved in a committee and contact the appropriate person below for more information.

traffic Committee - if you have concerns about speed-ing, cut-through traffic, aggressive driving, parking is-sues, etc. in Fairview then consider getting involved with our Traffic Committee. A chair for this committee is needed.

Off-leash dog park Committee - We are looking for interested individuals who have an interest in ensur-ing our two off-leash dog parks remain safe, clean and vibrant. We are also searching for a Chair of this com-mittee (who would have to sit as a Director on the Board). Please contact Dave at 403-454-8327 or email president@fairviewcommunity.ca for more information.

playground Committee – Help contribute to the regen-eration for playgrounds in Fairview. Ongoing committee

work involving fundraising events, donations, planning, building and enthusiasm! Contact our chair, Melody, at 403 454 8327 or email play@fairviewcommunity.ca.

Community Garden Committee – Help plan, organize, manage and build for our future community garden in Fairview. Contact our chair, Vanessa, at 403-808-6878 or email garden@fairviewcommunity.ca.

Social Committee – Be part of our very successful and active social committee. Helpers are always appreciated to help plan our popular community events such as Skate with Santa, Fairview Family Festival & Film Night, Wine & Cheese, etc. Contact our committee chair, Kara, at 403-999-5572 or email event@fairviewcommunity.ca.

Spring Cleanup events Committee – Our hugely suc-cessful Spring Cleanup Events take place in April and May of each year and include our Parade of Garage Sales, Spring Fling Community Cleanup and Bottle Drive / Hazardous Waste Roundup. However, these events do not happen without the help of many bodies. Help organize and run these events to ensure that they continue to be a success and remain safe! Contact our committee chair, Dave, at 403-454-8327 or president@fairviewcommunity.ca.

scHooL informationCalgary Board of education403-294-8255www.cbe.ab.ca

Acadia School9603 - 5 Street SE403-777-8440schools.cbe.ab.ca/b300

Fairview School7840 Fairmount Drive SE403-777-7900schools.cbe.ab.ca/b633

Juno Beach Academy315 - 86 Avenue SE403-777-7210schools.cbe.ab.ca/b872

Le roi daniels School47 Fyffe Road SE403-777-6420schools.cbe.ab.ca/b320

Lord Beaverbrook High 9019 Fairmount Drive SE403-259-5585schools.cbe.ab.ca/b850

Sam Livingston School12011 Bonaventure Dr. SE403-777-6890schools.cbe.ab.ca/b354

Willow park School343 Willow Park Drive SE403-777-6900schools.cbe.ab.ca/b331/

david thompson School9320 Arbour Crescent SE403-777-7470schools.cbe.ab.ca/b641

OtHer SCHOOL iNFOrMAtiONAlberta education780-644-5752education.alberta.ca/apps/schoolsdir/

Calgary Catholic School district403-500-2000www.cssd.ab.ca

Bishop Grandin111 Haddon Road SWPhone: 403-500-2047www.cssd.ab.ca/bishop grandin

St. Cecilia610 Agate Cres. SE Phone: 403-500-2040www.cssd.ab.ca/ stcecilia/

St. Matthew416 - 83 Avenue SEPhone: 403-500-2030www.cssd.ab.ca/stmatthew/

Submit your school news to news@fairview community.ca.

Trico Centre for Family Wellness11150 Bonaventure Drive SE 403-278-7542 | www.tricocentre.ca


RefurbishedNow OpenPool

September 24 2:00-9:00pm

Drop in today & check it out

PLUS you’re invited to our..

in & aroundscHooLsMapleridge Cooperative PreschoolAs we begin another exciting school year, we extend a big welcome to both new and returning students. Our wonderful teacher, Mrs. Killam, is looking forward to her 34th year with Mapleridge Cooperative Preschool! We also have a new teacher join us this September, Mrs. Sue Marshall, and we are so happy to have her as an integral part of our team!

September is a month of getting acquainted with the new students, re-kindling old friendships, making new ones, and establishing preschool routines. Mapleridge Cooperative Preschool has a bright and cheerful atmosphere that creates a wonderful environment for learning, playing and having fun.

Parents please mark your calendar for the Parent Orientation Night: Tuesday, September 6 at 7:00 pm.

It is not too late to enroll your child in our student-centered preschool. We still have a few spots available. For more information, please contact us at 403-278-9594, send us an email at mapleridgepreschool@hotmail.com, or visit our website at www.mapleridgepreschool.com

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find solution on page 16

10 september 2016 I Ca l l 403-263-3044 fo r adver t i s ing oppor tun i t ies

fore learning what it was and about the root system. It started as a small patch growing along my side of my neighbour’s hedge. It has crept up onto my lawn and I made the mistake of letting it bloom and thusly seed in my back yard and now I have it growing from one end to the other.

We are working to get rid of the plant altogether but it is proving diffi-cult. I have researched it on the internet and read that Roundup will kill it. I hired a lawn company to come and spray it with their herbicide as they said their solution contained Roundup. It seemed to kill the leaves but the plant soon prevailed. Other ways are to dig it up (completely) and/or to try to smother it by covering it with weedpaper or newspaper and then mulch to prevent it from getting sun. Our plan is to dig up as much of it as possible and then cover the areas with paper and mulch.

I am hesitant to put the effort and money into this when I see so much of it growing around me and could very easily be re-infected. The flower is currently in bloom and I am sure that most people are unaware of the bylaw or the nuisance this plant can be. I am really hoping to shine a spotlight on this flower so people can identify it and make an effort to control it. With the amount of it blooming right now and that will soon go to seed, we can expect to see an even larger infestation next year.

I have included picture of the plant in bloom, the root system as well as the rosettes.


I am writing to bring to your attention information about this flower. It is called the creeping bellflower or campanula rapunculoides. Our neighbourhood has a pretty big infestation. This flower is classified as a nox-ious weed by the City of Calgary and while not prohib-ited, the bylaw requires that we control the spread of the flower if it is found on our property.

Controlling the spread (from my understanding when talking to bylaw) means that it is cut down to under six inches just like the grass, however, this plant is a pretty but nasty one. It spreads two ways. It spreads via it’s root system (a creeper) as well as by seed. Each plant can produce up to 3500 seeds and its seeds are light and designed to be carried great distances by wind. You can most often see it growing in hedges and along fences as the light seeds get caught in them and settle in.

The creeping bellflower is nicknamed the zombie weed because it is extremely difficult to get rid of. Once it takes hold, it chokes out other vegetation and com-pletely takes over. It can grow in almost any condition (light, dark, dry, wet) and is resistant to almost all herbi-cides. The main reason it is so hard to get rid of is that it has a fibrous root system just under the soil. When weeding, people often think they have removed the roots by pulling these up. The problem is that if you follow these thin roots down, the plant has very large roots called tubers (that look like little parsnips) and can be anywhere from 6-12 inches under the soil. In or-der to remove the plant you have to dig up every last bit of root because even leaving a small piece of root will re-grow a whole new plant.

I walk the neighbourhood with my kids and have seen it on every street that I have walked and driven. You can often see it growing in the allies as well. It is on proper-ties all along Fairmount and I have noticed it in great quantities in Acadia, Willowpark and even at the zoo. My husband has mentioned that he sees it all over the city.

We moved to Fairview almost three years ago and have been weeding the rosettes (the heart shaped leaf foli-age that are the beginnings of this weed) to no avail be-

rant, rave, remark or reBut

11150 Bonaventure Drive SE

Residents of partnered communities’ pay 20% less for memberships than those who reside outside partnered communities. Phone: 403-278-7542 or see www.tricocentre.ca to find out more.

September at trico Centre Trico Centre for Family Wellness is a non-profit, community-owned and operated recreation facility. Our memberships are affordable and our programs are family-friendly. With a membership, you can work out in the fitness centre, take more than 70-drop-in fitness classes a week (more than 55 in the summer months), use the gymnasium, swim in our newly refurbished pool, skate, or play shinny. Residents of communities partnered with Trico Centre (yours!) pay 20% less for a Trico Centre membership with presentation of a community association membership or payment of the Community Support Fee (which is sent to your community association.) Plus with a membership you get 20% off hun-dreds of fun, active registered programs.

Fall/Winter program Guide and registrationOnline registration is open and ongoing! We have some-thing for everyone: swimming lessons, skating lessons (and NEW learn to figure skate program), adult fitness, older adult fitness and wellness, and programs for parent & tot, preschool, and children & youth. Lots of new programs; see www.tricocentre.ca for our Fall/Winter Program Guide or pick up a copy in facility. You can register online or by call-ing Guest Services at 403-278-7542.

Aquatics programs & pool refurbishment CelebrationOur newly refurbished pool is open NOW – come and check it out. We will be celebrating on September 24, 2-9pm. Swim lessons for all ages (including adult.) Canadian Swim Patrol. Private Swim lessons are also available.

parent & tot & preschoolLots of parent & tot registered programs. New combo class-es for Fall: Bubble Buddies, morning of songs, rhymes & ac-tion games – then blow bubbles in a parent & tot swim les-son. Also new, Dance with Me! Messy Masterpiece & Tiny Tot Sports n’ Play. Also check out our parent and tot drop-ins – free with membership. Thirty different registered preschool options: art, dance, active movement, sports. New for Fall: Registered programs, ABC-123, combo classes: Art N’ Gym-nastics, Funky Fridays (each week focuses on a different theme) & Ballet/Jazz Combo. Also new is Nature Wonders, Bricks 4 Kidz & Sportarama. Late registration is allowed.

Children & youthCheck out the Fall Winter Program Guide for what’s new for Fall: Registered programs, Just for Girls, Try it Tuesdays, Badminton Club, Dodgeball for Teens, Gym n’ Swim Fridays,

Sportball: Basketball & Ball Hockey, Sports Extravaganza (9-12 yrs) & Tum-bling for Beginners (9-12 yrs). Youth Night is Saturdays, 6:30-9pm. Youth aged 10-17 can drop in for floor hockey, dodgeball, basketball, and other fun activities.

Adults The Fitness Centre is waiting for you with friendly staff, lots of equipment, no line-ups and, with membership, more than 70 drop-in fitness classes. Drop-ins like adult shinny and leisure skate. Registered programs: fitness options, Mommy & Me series, plus the NEW: Focus Series: Small Group Training – Fat-Burning, Healthy Back & Joints, Learning the Basics, Power Lifting & Strength Training Design. Wellness workshops including Straight-en Up, a posture workshop for adults and youth (12 yrs +.)

Older AdultsLots of older adults exercise in our fitness centre – drop by and check it out. Registered classes include Balance Builders: Fall Prevention Program (65+yrs), Bones and Balance, and Chair Yoga. Lots of drop-in fitness for older adults plus drop-in pickleball!

Trico Centre is located at 11150 Bonaventure Drive SE. Residents of part-nered communities like yours pay 20% less for memberships than those who reside outside partnered communities. Phone: 403-278-7542 or see www.tricocentre.ca to find out more.

fa i rv i e w I september 2016 11

September at Trico Centre ...cont’d

~cont’d next page~

12 september 2016 I Ca l l 403-263-3044 fo r adver t i s ing oppor tun i t ies fa i rv i e w I september 2016 1 3

pre-scHooL, pLaygroups, cHiLd care information

pre-SCHOOLSActive Learning programs Ltd.1401 Acadia Dr. SEPhone: 403-473-0600Ages 19months to 5 yearsRegular, Advanced, BilingualBefore & After School Carewww.activelearningprograms.ca

Haysboro Community Centre1204-89th Ave SWP: 403-253-1563Parent run, 3/4 yr oldswww.haysboro.org/haysboro- pre-school/

Mapleridge Cooperative preschool600 Acadia Drive SEP: 403-278-9594Ages 3 & 4www.mapleridgepreschool.com

Willow park preschool680 Acadia Drive SEPhone 403-271-7016Ages 3 & 4www.willowparkpreschool.com/

Kingsland Community preschool505 78 Ave. SW403-258-1308Ages 3 & 4www.kingsland communitypreschool.com

pLAyGrOupSAcadia & Fairview Families240-90th AVE. SEFree, Tuesdays 9:30-11amwww.facebook.com/groups/135018999849983/

Haysboro Community Centre1204-89th Ave SWP: 403-253-1563Tot Time, Mondays 9–11amwww.haysboro.org/

Southwest Communities resource Centre -parent talk#42, 2580 Southland Drive SWP: 403-238-9222, info@swcrc.caThursday mornings, 10:30am–12pm.

Southland Leisure Centre2000 Southland Drive SWP: 403-648-6550Drop-in/Registered Ages 2-4www.calgary.ca/CSPS/Recreation/Pages/Leisure-centres/Southland.aspx

Mcdougall united Church8516 Athabasca Street S.EHeritage Time-OutWednesdays 9-11amtimeoutheritage@gmail.com

CHiLd CAreAcadia & Fairview Families240-90th AVE. SEFree, Tuesdays 9:30am-11:00amwww.facebook.com/groups/135018999849983/

Jackie’s day Home Private day homeP: 403-831-4419Email: jackieboechler@icloud.com

Calgary AfterSchoolOpportunities for children and youth ages 6 to 16, Monday to Friday, between 3 and 6 pm. Visit www.calgary.ca/afterschool.

www.daycareiQ.com is a Calgary based website that helps parents find child care in their community.

Your listing could be here! Email news@fairviewcommunity.ca

Fairview Community Association makes no representations about the suitability, reliability, timeliness, and accuracy of the playgroups, pre-schools and/or childcare pro-vided and we do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of this information. The Fairview Community Association does not assume and expressly dis-claims any liability that may result from the use of this information.

Call Bob: 403.257.3465 / 403.461.3490

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senior’s resources

Calgary FLC Seniors ClubTrico Wellness Centre, 11150 Bonaventure Dr SEHugh Phelan403-271-8389, www.flcseniors.ca55+, Email flcmembership@yahoo.ca

Heritage Seniors703 Heritage Dr. S.W.Info: 403-236-701850+ Wheelchair accessible, 4 days per week, various activitiesEmail ekozbial@telusplanet.net

Calgary Music MakersFairview Baptist Church 230-78 Ave SEP: 403-245-4115 or 403-201-9138emarwood@gmail.com www.calgarymusicmakers.ca50+ Choir, Mixed voices. 9:30am Thursday practices

inglewood Silver threads Association1311 9 Ave SEPhone: 403-264-100655+, Hours: 9:30 am-2:00 pm, Wheelchair accessible, Email: silthreads@canada.com

Who to call? there are many resources and services for seniors in Calgary

403-287-3510 Outreach services (for adults 65+) for South communities

403-705-3246 The Kerby Centre can provide information on a range of services from grocery delivery, housing, counselling, disability services, to home care

403-264-7700 24-Hour Seniors’ Help Line – There is always someone to take calls from concerned citizens who have identified seniors they believe are at risk or could use a helping hand

2-1-1 Information and referral to Calgary area community, government and social services

1-877-644-9992 Alberta Seniors Info Line

www.seniors.alberta.ca Senior resources, information and groups in the Calgary area

Copies of the Seniors Directory of Services are available at your local library, local grocery stores or the Community & Neighbourhood Services South Area office (502 Heritage Drive SW).

Cedarbrae Senior Go-GettersFlr 2-4885 Hubalta Rd SEPhone: 403-288-337155+, Hours: 12:00-2:30 pmWheelchair accessible

Know your Neighbour Club1-10601 Southport Rd SWPhone: 403-225-2362 Email hcdoug@telus.net55+, Wheelchair accessible

Forge Senior Citizens ClubFlr 2-4885 Hubalta Rd SEPhone: 403-288-337155+, Hours: 12-2:30pm, Wheelchair accessible

Mcdougall united Church - Heritage time Out8516 Athabasca St SE, P: 403-252-1620

All ages. Wednesdays 9-11am, Drop-in and enjoy quilting, knitting, card making, and more! For more information, email timeoutheritage@gmail.com.

Haysboro Senior resources GroupDorothyP: (403) 255-7438 d.block@shaw.ca Meets monthly, speakers, information sessions, enter-tainment, and usually one bus trip.

South Fish Creek 50+ drop in100-333 Shawville Blvd SE, P: 403-201-8652 Email: sonya@sfcra.com www.sfcra.com Fri: 9am-12:00pm, Wheelchair accessible.

If you would like your group or event listed, please email us at news@fairviewcommunity.ca.

14 september 2016 I Ca l l 403-263-3044 fo r adver t i s ing oppor tun i t ies fa i rv i e w I september 2016 1 5

MeMBerSHipYour community association is a group of volunteers who work to make your community a great place to live for residents of all ages. You can become involved with your community association in two important ways:

a) Become a member – when you purchase a mem-bership in your community association, your dues are used to offer you and your neighbours many pro-grams and activities.

b) Become a volunteer – Community Associations rely on volunteers to make things happen. There are many ways you can volunteer to make your commu-nity a more enjoyable place to live. At the same time you will make new friends and learn skills.

A GOOd reASON tO JOiN tOdAy!representing the Community on regional Com-mittees and initiatives - Community association des-ignates represent the community on regional issues of interest such as major parks, major infrastructure projects in the area or social issues.

Membership forms and payment can be dropped off at the Fairview Arena mail slot, mailed to Box 78053, 383 Heritage Dr SE, Calgary, AB T2H 2Y1 or purchased online at www.fairviewcommunity.ca.

Complete the below form and include with your payment:

March 1, 2016 to February 28, 2017Membership Fee: $15 per Family (Up to two registered adults and any number of children under the age of 18

living at the same residence). Please make cheques payable to: Fairview Community Association.Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Postal Code: ______________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________


I am interested in volunteering: Yes No

I am interested in receiving updates by email: Yes No

youtH directory - support fairview youtH!

BABySitterS•Emily, 403-640-4458, Area B

•Quinlan, 586-436-4877, Area B

•Madeleine, 403-270-2342, Area B

•Sarah, 403-640-4458, Area B

•Rhiannon, 403-253-0330, Area C

•Caitlin, 403-245-3428 Area D

•Emily, 587-707-9923, Area D

•Emma, 403-212-1040, Area D

•Kaitlyn, 403-274-4692, Area D

•Gina, 403-249-3801, Area D

•Nia, 403-804-0631, Area D

•Nadia, 587-830-6556, Area D

pet SitterS•Milla, 403-452-1634, Area A

•Rhiannon, 403-253-0330, Area C

•Emily, 587-707-9923, Area D

•Emma, 403212-1040, Area D

MOWiNG/LANdSCApiNGYOUR NAME could be here! – Email office@fairviewcommunity.ca to sign-up today!

SNOW reMOVALEarn extra dough shovelling snow! Now looking for Snow Shovellers for the upcoming season. Email news@fairviewcommunity.ca to sign-up today!

Youth are listed including their area of residence. Some youth may be willing to provide services in other areas of our com-munity. Contact them directly to check on availability. Get on the list by sending your contact information to news@fairview-community.ca.

Youth first names and phone numbers are listed according to service provided and youth area of residence. Fairview Commu-nity Association accepts no responsibility as a regulatory body and does not endorse or screen any of the people who are listed in or who use this directory. This informa-tion is used in the Fairview Community ‘In Focus’ newsletter and Fairview in Focus online newsletter and can be discontin-ued upon request. Call 403-252-5424 or email news@fairviewcommunity.ca to add, modify or delete your information from this listing.

#10, 8318 fairmount drive seCalgary, aB, Canada t2H 0Y8phone: (403) 640-1363; fax: (403) 640-2970calgary.acadia@assembly.ab.ca

MLA CALgAry - ACADiABrandy payne

Hi friends and neighbours,

I hope that you had a fun and relaxing summer and had the opportunity to take in some of the many commun-ity activities and festivals in and around our beautiful

city. A special shout out to Willow Ridge Community As-sociation and President Roger Crowe for co-hosting our annual Pancake Breakfast. Roger’s experience in host-ing this event was invaluable. Also thanks to the Acadia Community Executive members who flipped pancakes, made coffee and lent much needed hands to this suc-cessful event attended by so many great members of our communities. We look forward to spending more time with so many of you at future events.

September marks the return to routines. Back to school for the kids and adults alike, and our valuable commun-

ity association meetings are back up and running. Community associations are such an impactful way to support and sustain vibrant communities. Volunteer-ing creates connections with neighbours and there are so many opportunities - events staff, fundraising and committee work. Calgary-Acadia is lucky to have strong active community associations - Willow Ridge, Acadia, Fairview, Southwood, and Riverbend – and they would love to have you join them.

We welcomed Cassidy Eleanor Payne on July 23rd and I’m thrilled to be able have her join me in my duties.

While her office skills may be lacking, I’m sure that she will be valuable contributor to our team.

As always, my staff and I are here to help and hear your feedback. If you need assistance accessing government programs, want some support for a community event or initiative or just want to say “Hi,” you can reach us by email at Calgary.Acadia@assembly.ab.ca, by phoning 403-640-1363 or visiting #10, 8318 Fairmount Dr SE. We are open Mondays 10-3 and Tuesday – Friday 10-4.

16 september 2016 I Ca l l 403-263-3044 fo r adver t i s ing oppor tun i t ies fa i rv i e w I september 2016 1 7

reLigious activitiesFairview Baptist Church230 – 78 Ave SE – P: 403-252-1704Visit www.fairviewbaptistchurch.ca E-mail info@fairviewbaptistchurch.ca Camp affiliation: whisperingpinesbiblecamp.comFairview Baptist Church welcomes you to a traditional morning worship service Sundays at 11am. Sunday school at 9:30am. Sunday Evening service at 6pm

do you Love to Sing?Sing With the Calgary Music Makers Seniors! Everyone’s Welcome. Rehearsals are at 9:15 am, every Thursday morning at the Fairview Baptist Church, 230 78th Ave SE. For more information, call 403-245-4115 or 403-201-9138 or email emarwood@gmail.com.

Mcdougall united Church8516 Athabasca Street SE – P 403-252-1620www.mcdougalluc-calgary.net Services held every Sunday beginning at 9:50am

Heritage time-Out: Wednesdays, 9-11 am. Enjoy quilt-ing, knitting, card making, and more! Register to come each week or just drop-in. Baby sitting for tots and special rates for seniors. For more info email timeout heritage@gmail.com

St. Andrews presbyterian Church703 Heritage Drive SE – P: 403-255-0001Our regular hours of Sunday worship are 9:30 A.M. and 11:15 A.M. Child care for infants up to three years old is available at both Sunday morning services. Parking can be found in our own lot, at the YMCA next door, or on neighbouring streets.

St. Andrew’s hosts the Southern Sudan Christian Church. This worship community meets on Sunday af-ternoons at 1:30 P. M. for services in the Nuer language. St. Andrew’s endeavours to be a community supporting these people within our midst.

the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints940 Acadia Drive SE, Phone: 403-720-8066Sacrament Services are Sundays at 9am & 1pm

Lighthouse Church 9827E Horton Road SWP. 403-640-2099www.calgarylighthouse.comfrank@calgarylighthouse.comInterdenominational - Charismatic Worship, Sunday Worship at 10:30 am at, Staff Pastor: Frank Amantea

the Four12 youth Centre is a free weekly drop-in event for youth aged 13-17 in the Calgary communities of Hay-sboro, Willow Park, Acadia, Fairview and Southwood. The Youth Centre offers video games, board games, moni-tored internet stations, movies on the big-screen, foos-ball and air hockey. Open every Friday from 7-10pm, to youth of any background, culture or belief system. Con-tact us or email Four12@calgarylighthouse.com.

Calgary World Harvest680 Acadia Drive SE – P: 403-873-1329www.calgaryworldharvest.com

“A place where you’re not an accident waiting to happen, but a destiny waiting to be fulfilled”

Meets every Sunday 11am.

Balm of Gilead evangelistic Ministries2, 7640 Fairmount Drive SE - P: 403-453-0447www.greater-works.org info@greater-works.org

Services: Evenings 7-9pm, Sunday 10am – noon, First Friday of the month all night prayer service 9pm – 1am.

Email us at news@fairviewcommunity.ca to include your news and events!

for business classified ad rates call great news publishing at 403-263-3044 or sales@great-news.ca

NeptuNe pLuMBiNG & HeAtiNG Ltd: Qualified journeymen plumbers/gasfitters, very experienced in Fairview. Upfront pricing. Reliable, conscientious, fully guaranteed. Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 24 hour emergency service call 403-255-7938. “Showering you with great service.”

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HOMe BuSiNeSS OppOrtuNity: Clinicair is the lead-ing provider of Indoor Air Quality and Medical Grade Duct Cleaning services in Canada. We are looking for a dealer in Calgary to represent our growing company. We offer a royalty free business. Clinicair supplies you with the latest technology, and training. Call Craig: 1-416-277-6067.

rOOFiNG, 5 yeAr WArrANty: Express re roofing - shingles, flat, cedar, tiles, insurance claims. Consulta-tive approach, pre-installation inspection. 23 years of experience. E-mail or call with your name and address and we will provide a free estimate within 72 hours. P&S Construction and Roofing: estimates@psroofing.ca. Slavek, 403-835-1393. Paul 403-714-3644.

eAStCAAN CONtrACtiNG Ltd.: Family run renovation company specializing in interior alterations, kitchens, bathrooms, basements and additions. We provide su-perior workmanship, quality and service. Fully licensed and insured, A+ BBB rating. Numerous references avail-able. Call for a complimentary renovation consultation and let us make your dream renovation a reality! www.eastcaan.ca, 403-700-5073.

CS HANdyMAN SerViCeS: Serving Kingsland, Hays-boro, Willow Park, Maple Ridge, Fairview, Acadia, and Southland, doing drywall repairs, fence repairs, painting, small plumbing repairs, and odd jobs around the house. Courteous and reliable. Licensed and insured. Low rates. Phone Cliff at 403-620-8170.

tHe Gutter dOCtOr! We install, repair and clean eavestroughs and downspouts. Fascia, soffit, drip-edge, siding, roofing, cladding. Over 15,000 happy customers since 2003! Insured and guaranteed work with refer-ences. We take pride in doing a good job. A+ rated BBB Member. www.gutterdoctor.ca 403-714-0711.

NeiGHBOurHOOd CONFLiCt? Community Mediation Calgary Society (CMCS) is a no cost mediation and con-flict coaching service that can help you resolve problems and restore peace! We help neighbours be neighbours again! www.communitymediation.ca, 403-269-2707.

K2 BOOKeepiNG: Are you too busy to keep up with your bookkeeping? Experienced bookkeeper now accepting new clients. Specializing in small to medium sized busi-ness. Twelve years of experience with QuickBooks and Simply Accounting, GST, Payroll, WCB Filing, T4 Filing, and competitive rates. Phone Katie 403-870-0737.

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DiSCLAimERThe opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to reflect those of the Fairview Community Association and Great News Publishing. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so.

The Fairview Community Association and Great News Publishing do not endorse any person or persons advertising in this newsletter. Publication of these ads should not be considered an endorsement of any goods or services.

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18 september 2016 I Ca l l 403-263-3044 fo r adver t i s ing oppor tun i t ies

CouNCiLLoR, WARD 9 gian-carLo carrac/o Office of the CouncillorsPO Box 2100, Stn ‘M’, Mail Code #8001ACalgary, AB T2P 2M5

Greetings Ward 9, I hope that everyone has had a great summer and have been able to recharge themselves. As we turn our attention towards the fall and get back into our routines, many items in the immediate future will affect all communities in Ward 9. Some of these include, the Green Line North design charrettes, the Calgary Hospital Legacy Fund committee update, the Community Representation Frame-work report, discussions surrounding Area Redevelopment Plans (ARPs), the Developed Areas Guidebook (DAG) and the Green Line report, coming to Council this month.

Other items, spearheaded by your Team Ward 9, can’t possibly fit into this article. If you are interested in knowing more, please sign up for email notifications from at www.calgary.ca/ward9connect. Also, visit my website (www.gccarra.ca), follow me on Twitter (www.twitter.com/gccarra) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/gccarra). You will find videos, updates and issues of the day, where I look forward to your feedback and responding to your concerns.

Team Ward 9 has always been committed to being accessible to you. As such, your Team Ward 9 will continue to engage each community with our well-received Community Objectives Workshops (COWs).

To date, we have held them for the communities of Park Hill, Erl-ton, Rideau-Roxboro, Renfrew, Bridgeland-Riverside, Inglewood and Ramsay. From this concrete feedback, our office has been able to get more work done. If you are seeing increased activ-ity from Parks, Roads, Neighbourhood Services or any other City department in your neighbourhood, it’s likely a direct result of those workshops.

For the communities of Riverbend, Tuxedo Park, Winston Heights-Mountview, Fairview, Acadia and Dover, we ask for you to save the dates below in your calendar and send an email to ward09@calgary.ca to RSVP, as space is limited and they do go quickly. •riverbend

September 17 (10:30 AM – 2:30 PM)•tuxedo park/Winston Heights-Mountview

October 1 (10:30 AM – 2:30 PM)•Fairview/Acadia

October 15 (10:30 AM – 2:30 PM)•dover

November 19 (10:30 AM – 2:30 PM)

Finally, please join me in welcoming Blair Hone to Team Ward 9. Blair has been an avid proponent of creating great, liveable and vibrant neighbourhoods. He succeeds Shelaine, who has accepted an amazing opportunity outside of The City. We will certainly miss her energy, passion for, and success at, community outreach and engagement. I am excited to introduce Blair to you all, and know that he will be a great fit for Team Ward 9.

See you all soon.

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the SouthWest Communities resource Centre (SWCrC) proudly offers programs and services to families throughout 28 local communities.

This fall the SWCRC will be offering some new programs and services along with our highly requested parenting workshops. We will also offer a speakers series over the year and have experts in their field speak to our resi-dents. Stay tuned for more information.

We are now accepting registration for our “Positive Discipline and Everyday Parenting” on Tuesday mor-nings and “Parent Talk” on Thursday mornings starting September 20th. Please contact our office at 403 238-9222 to register.

The work we do couldn’t be done without great volun-teers supporting our efforts. As we expand our program offerings we are also seeking new volunteers.

Consider volunteering close to home: •Tuesday/Thursdaymorningswe can always use your

help with child minding for two hours. •We are looking for ourbrightest and smartest south

west residents who can volunteer a couple of hours a week as a tutor for grades 6 – 12. Our tutoring program runs early Wednesday evening and goes throughout the year. Parents can also register their children/youth by contacting our office.

•Howaboutyourofficeskills?TheSWCRCisalsolook-ing for volunteers to mind our phones and provide general office support. These positions are for one half day per week. Give us a call

Our office is located in the Oakridge Co-op Plaza and would love to show you our newly renovated space! Please stop by and learn more about the programs and services offered in your communities.

Visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/calgaryswcrc Follow us on twitter: @swcrc_yyc

South West Communities resource CentreLocated in the Professional Wing of the Oakridge Co-Op Mall

#42 2580 Southland drive SW, t2V 4J8Phone:403-238-9222•Email:info@swcrc.ca•www.swcrc.ca


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