Experiments Neurotransmitters Developmental Stages


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Developmental Stages

The Senses

Classical Conditioning

Defense Mechanisms































Experiments Neurotransmitters Developmental Stages

The Senses Classical Conditioning

Defense Mechanisms

Experiment in which Ivan Pavlov discovered classical conditioning

Salivating dogs

John Watson and Rosalie Rayner’s famous classical conditioning experiment

Little Albert

Conducted by Albert Bandura; Observational learning

Bobo doll and aggression

Experiment used to show depth perception in infants

Visual cliff

Studied the effects of nature and nurture on twins

Minnesota Twin Study

Too much of this neurotransmitter is associated with schizophrenia


Memory, attention, release by motor neurons

ACh (acetylcholine)

The body’s natural painkillers


Helps control alertness and arousal


An inhibitory neurotransmitter; Low levels are associated with anxiety


1st of Piaget’s cognitive stages; Infant is concerned with its surroundings


Major challenge of adolescence according to Erikson’s psychosocial stages

Identity v. Role Confusion

Piaget’s stage that is characterized by egocentrism


Kohlberg’s moral reasoning stage where morality focuses on rewards and punishments

Preconventional Moral Reasoning

Mastery of conservation occurs during this cognitive stage

Concrete Operational

Receptor cells for sight

Rods and Cones

Your sense of position and movement of the body parts

Kinesthetic sense

Location of receptor cells for smell

Olfactory Bulb

Located in the inner ear; Provides sense of position of the head relative to ground

Vestibular Sense

The five “things” we taste

Salty, Sweet, Sour, Bitter, and Umami

A stimulus that triggers a response automatically and reflexively

Unconditioned Stimulus

The process of developing a learned response


A stimulus, that through learning has gained the power to cause a conditioned response

Conditioned Stimulus

The reappearance, after a rest period, of an extinguished response

Spontaneous Recovery

Elements of Pavlov’s experiment

US: Food CS: Bell

UR: Salivating CR: Salivating

Outright refusal to admit or recognize the obvious truth


Reverting back to an infantile stage


Taking our own unacceptable qualities/feelings an attributing them to another


Taking our frustrations out on another


Converting unacceptable impulses into a more acceptable form
