Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of Carbonate


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Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of Carbonate

Heterogeneity on Oil Recovery to Water and Gas


Alharbi, Ahmad

Alharbi, A. (2013). Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of Carbonate Heterogeneity on Oil

Recovery to Water and Gas Injections (Unpublished doctoral thesis). University of Calgary,

Calgary, AB. doi:10.11575/PRISM/26058


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Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of Carbonate Heterogeneity on Oil Recovery to Water and

Gas Injections


Ahmad Mubarak Alharbi








© Ahmad Mubarak Alharbi 2013



The natural structural variations in petroleum carbonate reservoirs often dictate the best

displacement strategy and always impact the ultimate recovery. Quantifying the impact of these

structural heterogeneities can ultimately guide reservoir performance optimization techniques

such as well placement and can reduce the uncertainty in reserve calculations. Nuclear Magnetic

Resonance (NMR) and Computerized Tomography (CT) were used to build on previous work

and add mechanistic information that in the past has been unattainable.

This study investigates the effect of moderate carbonate heterogeneity on oil recovery from

immiscible N2 gas injection. Initially, the variations of porosity and permeability within the scale

of a core plug sample using NMR and CT are charactrized. The results from visually classifying

51 core samples showed that the samples can be classified into three main heterogeneity groups:

low rock heterogeneity (LRH), moderate rock heterogeneity (MRH), and high rock heterogeneity

(HRH). Additional rock characterization was conducted including wettability, mercury injection,

and petrographic image analysis. The results indicated intermediate wetting system, various pore

size distributions, and complex diagenetic process, respectively.

A new permeability-predictor correlation was established, by linking the Kozeny-Carman (K-C)

empirical correlation with the NMR total surface area of pores, and it was verified using the

selected samples. The results showed a good match between the measured and predicted

permeabilities, suggesting that the pore connectivity in these specific rocks may not be critical to

capillary based recovery processes.

Based on the rock heterogeneity classification results, centrifuge and gasflood experiments were

carried out. The centrifuge experiments, performed at 80oC, were conducted on nine core

samples. The gasflood experiments were performed on nine core stacks, in which six runs were


conducted at 80oC and a pore-pressure of 1034 kPa while three runs were performed at 80

oC and

a pore-pressure of 17237 kPa. Five of the low pore-pressure’s (LPP) experiments were

conducted in secondary recovery mode while one run was performed in tertiary recovery mode.

Three of the high pore-pressure’s (HPP) gasfloods were conducted in secondary recovery mode.

All of the gas-oil displacement experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of single-and

multi-rock heterogeneities on oil recovery.

The results from the centrifuge experiments suggested that oil recovery is generally less sensitive

to rock heterogeneity under favourable gravity drainage conditions. On the other hand, oil

recovery from the LPP gasfloods showed a monotonic trend with rock heterogeneity. The LRH

rocks showed the highest oil recovery (41.94% OOIP) while the HRH rocks showed the lowest

oil recovery (29.33% OOIP). The oil recovery from the multi-rock heterogeneity showed

outstanding results (47.82% OOIP) as compared to the LRH, MRH, and HRH results (41.94%,

34.02%, and 29.33% of OOIP, respectively). The results from the high pore-pressure’s (HPP)

runs showed almost similar oil recovery trend with rock heterogeneity to that from the LPP


The injection of water as a secondary recovery process resulted in higher oil recovery (64.78%

OOIP) than all secondary gasfloods. Injecting N2 gas in tertiary mode resulted in similar

recovery to the MIRH secondary mode (34.80% ROIP vs. 34.02% OOIP). However, if the

waterflood recovery (prior to N2) is considered, the ultimate recovery of the tertiary mode is

much higher at a later time. The combined recovery from waterflood and gasflood (tertiary) is

found to be 83.23% of OOIP. These results suggest that implementing secondary waterflooding

and tertiary gas injection in the actual reservoir could be very beneficial.


A lab simulator was used to history match the results from secondary gasfloods in order to

estimate the “true” oil recovery. It was found that the HRH rocks were highly affected by

capillary end-effect as compared to the MRH rocks. The corrected oil recovery for the HRH

rocks was higher than the MRH rocks leading to the conclusion that the HRH may not be

harmful rock heterogeneity to the capillary number based recovery process.



I would like to thank Dr. A. Kantzas for his supervision and support during this work.

I am heartily thankful to Dr. S. Kryuchkov and Dr. J. Bryan whose office doors have been

always open for my questions. I really appreciate their invaluable advice and consultations.

I also would like to thank my committee members Dr. B. Maini and Dr. R. Aguilera for serving

on my committee and for their support and interest in my research.

Thanks also go to my friends and colleagues and the department faculty and staff for making my

time at the University of Calgary a great experience. Special thanks to M. Benedek, M. Erath, J.

Dong, and I. Tanski from TIPM, for their support with my experimental work.

Thanks to my siblings for their encouragement, motivation, and sincere prayers. Finally, I want

to extend my gratitude to Saudi Aramco for sponsoring my PhD studies at the University of




I wish to dedicate this dissertation to:

My mother, to whom I owe everything in my life, may Allah have mercy on her soul and

grant her Jannat Alfirdous;

My father, for believing in me, may Allah give him Barakah and good health in his life;

Special dedication is due to:

My wife, Nouf Alharbi, for the love and support she has given me throughout my studies

at the University of Calgary.


To my wonderful sons, Malik and Muhammad,

and my lovely daughters, Manar and Misk.


Table of Contents

Abstract ............................................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgements ..............................................................................................................v

Dedication .......................................................................................................................... vi Table of Contents .............................................................................................................. vii List of Tables .......................................................................................................................x List of Figures and Illustrations ........................................................................................ xii List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature ......................................................... xvi

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................1

CHAPTER TWO: RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ..................................................................5

CHAPTER THREE: LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................7 3.1 Depositional Textures and Diagenetic Processes ......................................................7

3.1.1 Carbonate Porosity ............................................................................................8 3.2 How has Heterogeneity been Classified in Carbonate Rocks? ..................................8

3.3 Statistical Characterization of Heterogeneity ..........................................................11 3.3.1 The Dykstra-Parson’s coefficient (VDP) ..........................................................11

3.3.2 The Lorenz Coefficient (LC) ............................................................................12 3.3.3 Coefficient of Variation (Cv) ..........................................................................13

3.4 Effect of Heterogeneity on Residual Oil from Waterflood ......................................13

3.5 Effect of Reservoir Heterogeneity on Oil Recovery from Gas Injection ................17 3.5.1 Effect of Rock Heterogeneity under Miscible Gas Injection ..........................18

3.5.2 Effect of Rock Heterogeneity under Immiscible Gas Injection ......................21 3.5.3 Effect of Wettability ........................................................................................23

3.5.4 Effect of Spreading Coefficient .......................................................................26 3.5.5 Effect of Connate Water Saturation ................................................................28

3.6 The Geological Description of the Reservoir under Study ......................................29

CHAPTER FOUR: RESERVOIR ROCK CHARACTRIZATION ..................................37

4.1 Sample Selection ......................................................................................................37 4.2 Air Permeability and Porosity Measurements .........................................................38 4.3 Mercury Injection and Drainage Capillary Pressure Study .....................................39 4.4 Petrographic Study ...................................................................................................45 4.5 Wettability Characterization Study ..........................................................................49

4.5.1 Wettability Study using the Amott and the USBM Methods ..........................50

4.5.2 Wettability Results ..........................................................................................52

4.6 Characterization of Porosity and Permeability Variation within a Plug Scale ........53 4.6.1 Use of NMR as Permeability Variation Indicator ...........................................53 NMR Experimental Work and Data Analysis .......................................56 4.6.2 Use of CT Scanning as a Porosity Variation Indicator ....................................62 CT Scanning Experimental Work and Data Analysis ...........................64

4.6.3 Combining NMR and CT Results ...................................................................68 4.6.4 Will this Rock Heterogeneity affects the Capillary Based Production Process?71



5.1 EXPEC ARC Coreflood Apparatus .........................................................................77 5.1.1 Injection System ..............................................................................................77 5.1.2 Coreflood Cell .................................................................................................79

5.1.3 Production System ...........................................................................................79 5.1.4 Data Acquisition System .................................................................................79

5.2 In-House Coreflood Apparatus ................................................................................80 5.2.1 Injection System ..............................................................................................80 5.2.2 Coreflood Cell .................................................................................................81

5.2.3 Production System ...........................................................................................81 5.2.4 Data Acquisition System .................................................................................81 5.2.5 The GE CTI X-Ray CT Scanner .....................................................................82

5.3 Testing Procedure ....................................................................................................83

5.3.1 Coreflood Experiments Performed at HPP ......................................................83 5.3.2 Coreflood Experiments Performed at LPP ......................................................85

5.3.3 Centrifuge System ...........................................................................................87 5.4 CT Scan Data Analysis Used in this Study ..............................................................88

CHAPTER SIX: EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ..........................92 6.1 Properties of the Fluids Used in This Study ............................................................92 6.2 Rock Heterogeneity Effect on Oil Recovery from Centrifuge ................................93

6.3 Rock Heterogeneity Effect on Oil Recovery from Corefloods ................................98 6.3.1 Experimental Runs Performed at LPP ...........................................................100 Effect of Single Rock Heterogeneity on Oil Recovery ........................101 6.3.2 Experimental Runs Performed at HPP ..........................................................144

CHAPTER SEVEN: HISTORY MATCHING STUDY .................................................152 7.1 Simulator Used in This Study ................................................................................152

7.2 History Matching Experimental Results from Two Phase Flow ...........................152

CHAPTER EIGHT: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .........................162 8.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................................162

8.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................165

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................167


APPENDIX B: PETROGRAPHIC STUDY ...................................................................184 B.1. Thin Section Description......................................................................................184 B.2. Thin Section and Samples Photos ........................................................................185

APPENDIX C: CT IMAGES AND CT-POROSITY AND NMR T2 DISTRIBUTIONS197 C.1. Group 3 Samples ..................................................................................................197 C.2. Group 2 Samples ..................................................................................................206 C.3. Group 1 Samples ..................................................................................................220 C.4. Ungrouped Samples (Other1) ..............................................................................228


C.5. Ungrouped Samples (Other2) ..............................................................................232

APPENDIX D: HISTORY MATCHING PARAMETERS ............................................239


List of Tables

Table 3.1: Summary of lagoonal lithofacies. Modified from Al-Ghamdi (2006) ........................ 35

Table 4.1: Routine data of selected samples ................................................................................. 39

Table 4.2: Basic core properties of selected samples for mercury injection study ....................... 41

Table 4.3: Wettability results from the Amott and USBM methods ............................................ 52

Table 4.4: NMR parameters used in this study ............................................................................. 57

Table 4.5: Standard material used for CT calibration ................................................................... 66

Table 4.6: Average surface relaxivities used to improve the K-C correlation .............................. 75

Table 5.1: A list of equipment used in the in-house study ............................................................ 82

Table 6.1: Properties of the fluids used in this study .................................................................... 93

Table 6.2: Synthetic brine composition ........................................................................................ 93

Table 6.3: Spreading coefficient for Oil, Water, and N2 fluid triplets .......................................... 93

Table 6.4: Results from single-speed drainage centrifuge experiments ....................................... 95

Table 6.5: Gasflood results from the LPP of the single heterogeneity rocks ............................. 102

Table 6.6: Basic properties of the core sample used to construct the single heterogeneity

stacks ................................................................................................................................... 103

Table 6.7: Basic properties of the core samples used to construct the MIRH stack ................... 128

Table 6.8: Gasflood results from the MIRH rocks ..................................................................... 129

Table 6.9: Gasflood results for the individual MIRH samples from CT scan (data accuracy:

Swi (±0.18%), Sorg1 (± 0.92%), and Sorg3 (±1.31%)) ............................................................ 129

Table 6.10: Gasflood results from the LPP of the high permeability LRH rock ........................ 135

Table 6.11: Basic properties of the core samples used to construct the MIRH stack for tertiary

gasflood ............................................................................................................................... 140

Table 6.12: Results from secondary (waterflood) and tertiary (gasflood) recovery for the

MIRH rocks ........................................................................................................................ 140

Table 6.13: Results from the gasfloods performed at HPP for the single heterogeneity rocks

(LRH, MRH, and HRH) ...................................................................................................... 146


Table 7.1: Comparison between measured and matched results (LPP’s gasfloods) ................... 160

Table 7.2: Comparison between measured and matched results (HPP) ..................................... 160


List of Figures and Illustrations

Figure 3.1: Geological map for the Arabian plates showing the location of Shaybah field.

Modified from Sharland et al. (2001) in Al-Ghamdi (2006) ................................................ 30

Figure 3.2: Three-D view of Shu’aiba reservoir superimposed on a picture of the Shaybah

field (Salamy et al., 2006) ..................................................................................................... 31

Figure 3.3: Simplified facies distributions of N-S cross-section (Al-Ghamdi, 2006) .................. 32

Figure 3.4: Simplified facies distributions of E-W cross-section (Al-Ghamdi, 2006) ................. 33

Figure 3.5: Core sample photographs of the lagoonal facies. Modified from Al-Ghamdi,

(2006) .................................................................................................................................... 34

Figure 3.6: Thin section photograph. Modified from Al-Ghamdi (2006) .................................... 35

Figure 4.1: Pore entry radii distribution versus incremental wetting saturation ........................... 42

Figure 4.2: Pore entry radii distribution versus cumulative wetting saturation ............................ 42

Figure 4.3: Air permeability versus median pore entry radii of selected samples ........................ 43

Figure 4.4: Low pressure curves of drainage capillary pressure of selected samples .................. 43

Figure 4.5: Drainage capillary pressure of selected samples ........................................................ 44

Figure 4.6: Schematic diagram of the USBM method for determining wettability (Zinszne

and Pellerin, 2007) ................................................................................................................ 51

Figure 4.7: Wettability index scale ............................................................................................... 52

Figure 4.8: T2 distributions of two carbonate plugs with low gas permeability ........................... 55

Figure 4.9: T2 distributions of two carbonate plugs with medium gas permeability .................... 56

Figure 4.10: Comparison between saturation porosity and NMR porosity .................................. 59

Figure 4.11: Gas permeability versus geometric mean of T2 for all selected samples ................. 60

Figure 4.12: Gas permeability versus geometric mean of the free fluid portion of T2 for all

selected samples .................................................................................................................... 61

Figure 4.13: Gas permeability versus standard deviation of the free fluid portion of T2 for all

selected samples .................................................................................................................... 61

Figure 4.14: Examples of beam hardening effects due to mineralogy ......................................... 65

Figure 4.15: Example of the CT scan image template used in this study ..................................... 67


Figure 4.16: Calibration of CT scanner using corrected density .................................................. 67

Figure 4.17: Comparison between CT scan porosity and routine porosity ................................... 68

Figure 4.18: Comparison between CT-porosity and CvCT ............................................................ 68

Figure 4.19: Heterogeneity characterization map of STD_T2FF versus CvCT ................................ 70

Figure 4.20: Typical CT-porosity distributions of the three heterogeneity groups ...................... 71

Figure 4.21: Typical NMR T2 distributions of the three heterogeneity groups ............................ 71

Figure 4.22: Poor correlation between predicted and measured permeabilities ........................... 75

Figure 4.23: Improved correlation between predicted and measured permeabilities ................... 76

Figure 5.1: Coreflood schematic used to conduct HPP gasflood experiments ............................. 78

Figure 5.2: The X-ray transparent coreholder used in this study .................................................. 82

Figure 5.3: The GE CTI CT scanner used in this study ................................................................ 83

Figure 5.4: Coreflood schematic for the LPP gasflood experiments ............................................ 87

Figure 6.1: Respective locations of the samples used in the centrifuge study .............................. 96

Figure 6.2: Oil recovery factor versus initial oil saturation from centrifuge ................................ 96

Figure 6.3: Relation between heterogeneity type and irreducible water from centrifuge study ... 97

Figure 6.4: Relation between heterogeneity type and total oil recovery from centrifuge study ... 97

Figure 6.5: Relation between heterogeneity type and remaining oil saturation from centrifuge

study ...................................................................................................................................... 98

Figure 6.6: Respective locations of the samples used to construct the LRH stack ..................... 104

Figure 6.7: Respective locations of the samples used to construct the MRH stack .................... 104

Figure 6.8: Respective locations of the samples used to construct the HRH stack .................... 105

Figure 6.9: LRH gasflood results from the LPP for the first gas injection period ...................... 106

Figure 6.10: LRH gasflood results from the LPP for the three gas injection periods ................. 107

Figure 6.11: MRH gasflood results from the LPP for the first gas injection period ................... 108

Figure 6.12: MRH gasflood results from the LPP for the three gas injection periods ............... 109

Figure 6.13: HRH gasflood results from the LPP for the first gas injection period ................... 110


Figure 6.14: HRH gasflood results from the LPP for the two gas injection periods .................. 111

Figure 6.15: Oil recovery characteristics of the three single heterogeneity rocks for the first

gas injection period ............................................................................................................. 116

Figure 6.16: Results comparisons between the three single heterogeneity rocks ....................... 116

Figure 6.17: NRF comparisons of the three single heterogeneity rocks for the first gas

injection period ................................................................................................................... 117

Figure 6.18: Pressure drop comparisons of the three single heterogeneity rocks for the first

gas injection period ............................................................................................................. 118

Figure 6.19: Oil saturation profiles (from CT scan) for the LRH rock (data accuracy: Swi

(±0.06%), Sorg1 (± 0.47%), Sorg2 (± 0.88%), and Sorg3 (±0.78%)) ....................................... 122

Figure 6.20: Oil saturation profiles (from CT scan) for the MRH rock (data accuracy: Swi

(±0.23%), Sorg1 (± 0.58%), Sorg2 (± 1.16%), and Sorg3 (±0.76%)) ....................................... 123

Figure 6.21: Oil saturation profiles (from CT scan) for the HRH rock (data accuracy: Swi

(±0.07%), Sorg1 (± 1.46%), and Sorg3 (±1.65%)) .................................................................. 124

Figure 6.22: NMR T2 distributions of the samples used to construct the MRH stack ................ 125

Figure 6.23: Respective locations of the samples used to construct the MIRH stack ................ 128

Figure 6.24: MIRH gasflood results from the LPP for the first gas injection period ................. 130

Figure 6.25: MIRH gasflood results from the LPP for the three gas injection periods .............. 131

Figure 6.26: Oil recovery characteristic for the LRH, MRH, HRH, and MIRH rocks............... 132

Figure 6.27: NRF characteristic for the LRH, MRH, HRH, and MIRH rocks ........................... 132

Figure 6.28: Oil saturation profiles (from CT scan) for the MIRH rock (data accuracy: Swi

(±0.18%), Sorg1 (± 0.92%), and Sorg3 (±1.31%)) .................................................................. 133

Figure 6.29: Respective location of the high permeability LRH sample .................................... 135

Figure 6.30: Comparison between the LPP’s gasflood results from the low and high

permeability LRH rocks ...................................................................................................... 136

Figure 6.31: Respective locations of the samples used to construct the HIRH stack for tertiary

gasflood ............................................................................................................................... 141

Figure 6.32: Results from secondary recovery mode (waterflood) ............................................ 142

Figure 6.33: Results from tertiary recovery mode (gasflood)..................................................... 143


Figure 6.34: Bulk density (from CT scan) profiles for secondary and tertiary recovery modes

for MIRH rocks ................................................................................................................... 144

Figure 6.35: LRH gasflood results (HPP) ................................................................................... 147

Figure 6.36: MRH gasflood results (HPP) .................................................................................. 148

Figure 6.37: HRH gasflood results (HPP) .................................................................................. 149

Figure 6.38: Comparison between the three single heterogeneity rocks (HPP) ......................... 151

Figure 7.1: History matching results (LRH: LPP) ...................................................................... 154

Figure 7.2: History matching results (MRH: LPP) ..................................................................... 154

Figure 7.3: History matching results (HRH: LPP)...................................................................... 155

Figure 7.4: History matching results (MIRH: LPP) .................................................................... 155

Figure 7.5: History matching results (LRH-high perm.: LPP) ................................................... 156

Figure 7.6: History matching results (LRH: HPP)...................................................................... 156

Figure 7.7: History matching results (MRH: HPP) .................................................................... 157

Figure 7.8: History matching results (HRH: HPP) ..................................................................... 157

Figure 7.9: History matching results (MIRH-waterflood: LPP) ................................................. 158

Figure 7.10: Comparison between measured and matched results (LPP’s gasfloods) ............... 160

Figure 7.11: Comparison between measured and matched results (HPP) .................................. 161

Figure 7.12: Oil recovery factor versus initial oil saturation from all gasfloods ........................ 161


List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature

Symbol Units Description

Ai - Frequency of an individual pore

AI Kg-1

Amplitude index

API - American petroleum institute

BET - Brunauer, Emmett and Teller

BPR - Back pressure regulator

BV m3 Bulk volume of a core sample

CIR m3/min Critical gas injection

CO2 - Carbon Dioxide

CPMG - Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill

CT - Computerized Tomography

CTN - CT number

Cv - Coefficient of variation

CvCT - Coefficient of variation using CT data oC - Degrees Celsius

C1 - Methane

C4 - Butane

ECL - Exploration Consultants Limited

ECLIPSE - ECL’s Implicit Program for Simulation Engineering

EOR - Enhanced oil recovery

E-W - East to West

GAGD - Gas Assisted Gravity Drainage

GAIGI - Gas-assisted inert gas injection

GOR - Gas oil ratio

HPP - High pore-pressure

HRH - High rock heterogeneity

h m Thickness

IFT N/m Interfacial tension

IIR m3/min Initial injection rate

K-C - Kozeny-Carman

k m2


ka m2

Air permeability

kb m2

Brine permeability

kh m2

Horizontal permeability

ko m2

Oil permeability at irreducible water saturation

kv m2

Vertical permeability

E - Mean

LPP - Low pore-pressure

LRH - Low rock heterogeneity

LC - Lorenz Coefficient

MIRH - Mixed rock heterogeneity

MMP Pa Minimum Miscibility Pressure

MME kg mol/m3

Minimum Miscibility Enrichment

MMm3/d - Million cubic meter per day


MRH - Moderate rock heterogeneity

MPR m Median pore-entry radius

MRC - Maximum Reservoir Contact

NaCl - Sodium chloride

NFR - Normalized recovery factor

NGLs - Natural gas liquids

NMR - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

N-S - North to South

NC - Capillary number

N2 - Nitrogen

OOIP m3 Original oil in place

OR m3

Oil rate

PV - Pore volume

PVI pore volume Cumulative volume of gas injected

ROIP m3 Remaining oil in place

RPM - Rotation per minute

SCF - Standard cubic feet

STB - Stalk tank barrel

STD - Standard deviation

STD_T2FF s Standard deviation of the free fluid portion of the total T2 spectrum

So N/m Spreading coefficient

Sorw - Residual oil saturation to water

Sorg - Residual oil saturation to gas


Total pores’ surface of a core sample from NMR

Swi - Irreducible water saturation

TIPM - Tomographic Imaging & Porous Media

T1 s Longitudinal relaxation time

T2 s Transvers relaxation time

T2FF s Free fluid portion of the total T2 spectrum

T2gm s Geometric mean of the total T2 spectrum

T2gm_FF s Geometric mean of the free fluid portion of the total T2 spectrum

T2, Bulk s T2 bulk relaxation

T2, Diffusion s T2 diffusion relaxation

T2, Surface s T2 surface relaxation

USBM - United States Bureau of Mines

Var -


VDP - Dykstra-Parson’s coefficient

VCS m2 Vertical cross-section

Vi m3

Volume of individual pore

ϕ - Porosity

ϕCT - CT porosity

ϕNMR - NMR porosity

ϕSAT - Saturation porosity

N/m Interfacial tension between gas and water

N/m Interfacial tension between gas and oil

N/m Interfacial tension between water and oil


Kg/m3 Density of water

Kg/m3 Density of oil

Kg/m3 Density of gas


Grain density



More than 60% of the world’s oil and 40% of the world’s gas reserves are found

in carbonate reservoirs (Schlumberger, 2013). The Middle East alone has about 62% of

the world’s proven conventional oil reserves (BP, 2007), where approximately 70% of

the reserve is found in carbonate reservoirs (Schlumberger, 2013). Two distinct carbonate

reservoirs of Cretaceous and Jurassic age, namely Arab-D and Shu’aiba reservoirs,

contribute heavily to the current conventional oil production in Saudi Arabia (Okasha et

al., 2005).

Saudi Arabia is promising to maintain the largest oil supply in the world

(Cordesman and Obaid, 2005). This has been translated into the development of more

reservoirs within the Kingdom. The Shu’aiba carbonate reservoir is considered a main

carbonate reservoir and has been under development since the mid-1990s. This reservoir

(~150 m thick) has a huge overlying natural gas cap (associated gas) and a weak

underlying aquifer (Al-Ghamdi, 2006; Al-Awami et al., 2005). The reservoir is marked

with a tight-facies formation with typical average permeabilities in the range of 10-40

mD. This mandated the use of horizontal wells as a development strategy such as

Maximum Reservoir Contact (MRC) wells to maximize reservoir contact, reduce gas

encroachment, and maintain desirable production rates (Saleri et al., 2003).

The current production practice in Shu’aiba reservoir is based on gas cap

expansion (pressure maintenance), where the produced gas (~25 MMm3/day) is

reinjected along with natural gas liquids (NGLs). However, very soon gas recovery could

be implemented in this reservoir (Cordesman and Obaid, 2005), which necessitates

finding an alternative gas (e.g. N2 or CO2). In this reservoir, oil is being immiscibly


displaced towards the producing wells located at the bottom of this reservoir. For gas to

displace oil towards a producing well, it needs to pass through different geologic-facies,

into which oil might be inefficiently or efficiently displaced.

Placement of wells (as a production optimization practice) could be considered a

key solution to maximize oil displacement efficiency in a composite heterogeneous

reservoir. However, the placement of wells into certain geological zones depends mainly

on the economic viability of such implementation. To test such economic viability,

consistent geologic reservoir models need to be established and then used in reservoir

dynamic studies to make reliable predictions of production performance for the reservoir

or individual wells, as spatial reservoir heterogeneity could change. This requires detailed

reservoir characterization practices including high quality reservoir data and

petrophysical properties such as porosity, permeability, capillary pressure, and relative

permeability. Furthermore, extensive experimental studies evaluating the effect of these

rock properties on oil recovery is essential.

In this research, the main objectives were to characterize the rock heterogeneity in

the studied cores based on the individual core sample’s permeability and porosity

variations using both NMR T2 and CT scan measurements, and carry out laboratory

experiments to evaluate the effect of this heterogeneity on oil recovery using both

unsteady state gasfloods and centrifuge drainage experiments. N2 gas, synthetic reservoir

brine, and crude oil (from Shu’aiba reservoir) were used as the gas and the liquid phases,



In the heterogeneity classification method followed in this research, the core

samples in clean and dry conditions were first scanned using a CT scanner, after which

NMR T2 measurements on the brine saturated (2% NaCl) core samples were carried out

using an EcoTek-FTB low-field NMR machine. The magnitude of permeability and

porosity variations in an individual core sample are evaluated using the standard

deviation of the free fluid portion of the NMR T2 spectrum (STD_T2FF), and the

coefficient of variance of the CT number’s distribution (CvCT), respectively. The standard

deviation is a measure of dispersion of a set of data from its mean. The more spread apart

the data, the higher the deviation (Jensen et al., 2007). Samples with higher STD_T2FF

and CvCT would indicate high rock heterogeneity whereas samples with low STD_T2FF

and CvCT would indicate low rock heterogeneity. This variation in rock heterogeneity

could affect the oil recovery from immiscible gas injection due to oil trapping and/or


In a typical set of displacement runs (secondary gas injection mode), the core

sample was saturated with oil at irreducible water saturation, aged for a minimum of two

weeks, after which immiscible gas-oil drainage displacements were performed using

gasflood and centrifuge experiments. For tertiary gas injection mode, gas injection

commenced after reaching the ultimate oil recovery from waterflood. The measured oil

recovery to N2 gas injection would indicate if it were a function of rock heterogeneity

because in case of high rock heterogeneity, oil could be bypassed and/or trapped. This

could affect the total oil recovery from a reservoir or a certain formation in the reservoir

due to the displacement inefficiency caused by the rock heterogeneity.


Another objective of this work was to estimate the true oil recovery from

gasflooding by correcting for the effect of capillary end-effect using a black-oil lab

simulator. This was completed for all gasfloods performed in secondary gas injection


In the present study, Chapter Two lists the research objectives of this work.

Chapter Three reviews the literature relevant to the topics addressed in this research as

well as the historical background of the carbonate reservoir under study. In Chapter Four,

the results from wettability, mercury injection, and petrographic studies are discussed. In

addition, Chapter Four describes the method used to characterize the individual core

samples’ heterogeneity using NMR T2 and CT scan measurements. In Chapter Five, the

experimental apparatuses and procedures for immiscible gas-oil displacement

experiments are described. Chapter Six discusses the results from performing a series of

gas-oil drainage experiments from unsteady state constant injection rate and constant

injection pressure gasfloods as well as from single-speed centrifuge runs. In addition,

Chapter Six discusses CT scan results from the constant injection rate gasfloods. In

Chapter Seven, the results from conducting the simulation study (history matching) using

a lab simulator is discussed. Chapter Eight draws some conclusions and presents some

recommendations for further research.



The objectives of this research were to:

1. Select core samples for gas-oil displacement studies, and carry out various

core rock characterization studies like NMR, CT, wettability, Mercury

Injection, and Petrographic image analysis.

2. Construct a heterogeneity characterization map using NMR and CT in

order to classify selected samples’ heterogeneity into different

heterogeneity groups based on permeability and porosity variations within

a sample.

3. Develop a permeability-predictor model by linking the Kozeny-Carman

(K-C) empirical correlation to NMR T2 measurements and then test the

potential of this model against core samples under study.

4. Carry out unsteady-state drainage experiments (secondary recovery mode

operated at 1034 kPa and 80oC and under constant injection rate) using

restored-wettability samples to study the effect of single and mixed rock

heterogeneities on oil recovery using N2 gas and crude oil systems.

5. Undertake unsteady-state drainage experiments (secondary recovery mode

operated at 17237 kPa and 80oC and under constant injection pressure)

using wettability-preserved samples to study the effect of single rock

heterogeneities on oil recovery using N2 gas and live-oil systems.

6. Carry out unsteady-state drainage experiments (tertiary recovery mode

operated LPP and under constant injection rate) using restored-wettability


samples to study the effect of mixed rock heterogeneities on oil recovery

using N2 gas, reservoir brine, and crude oil systems.

7. Perform centrifuge drainage experiments using restored-wettability

samples to evaluate the effect of rock heterogeneity on the ultimate oil

recovery under favourable gravity drainage conditions.

8. History match the results from the secondary gasflood experiments

numerically to evaluate the magnitude effect of capillary end-effect and

estimate the true oil recovery.



3.1 Depositional Textures and Diagenetic Processes

Sedimentation is the initial process forming a reservoir (e.g. sandstone and

carbonate). The production of carbonate sedimentations commonly takes place in warm

shallow oceans. This is caused by either direct precipitation from seawater or by

biological extraction of calcium carbonate from seawater to form skeletal material. The

result is sediment with particles of different sizes, shapes, and mineralogies. The mixing

of these components leads to different pore-size distributions (Lucia, 2007). The porosity

formed under these conditions is known as primary porosity (or depositional porosity).

In fact from the moment sediments are deposited, they experience physical,

chemical, and biological forces that define the type of rock they will become (Ali et al.,

2010). These post depositional alterations are known as diagenesis, which includes all the

processes that convert raw sediment to sedimentary rock (Worden and Burley, 2003).

Porosity and permeability are controlled by sediment composition and the conditions that

prevailed during deposition. However, after diagenesis commences they can be enhanced,

modified, or even destroyed (Ali et al., 2010).

This explains the degree of variation (heterogeneity) that can be seen in carbonate

rocks, where, at certain times, there is indirect relationship between porosity, for

example, and rock textures or fabrics. This lack of correlation indicates the complexity of

relating the heterogeneity in porosity and permeability to certain features or

environments. Despite this, it is still possible to classify porosity based on their rock

fabrics and textures.


3.1.1 Carbonate Porosity

Porosity is an important rock property and is a measure of the space available for

storage of fluids. In definition, porosity is the ratio of the pore volume of a porous

medium to its total volume (bulk volume).

Porosity in carbonate reservoirs ranges from 1% to 35% and is divided into two

types: primary and secondary porosities (Lucia, 1983). The primary porosity is formed

when sediment deposited and has two forms: interparticle and intraparticle porosities.

The interparticle porosity is often lost quickly in muds and carbonate sands through

compaction and cementation respectively. This porosity type retains and common in

siliciclastic sands. The intraparticle porosity is located in the interiors of carbonate

skeletal grains.

The secondary porosity in carbonate rocks is formed after deposition and has two

main forms dissolution and fracture porosities. The dissolution porosity is the typical

porosity of carbonate rocks. The fracture porosity is typically not voluminous, but is very

important because it can enhance permeability.

3.2 How has Heterogeneity been Classified in Carbonate Rocks?

Adapting more practical classification schemes can lead to more reliable

interpretations of pore systems. This is an important step for improving carbonate

reservoir management. Using classifications considering flow behaviour can help in

decision making during production operations (Ahr et al., 2005).

Different classification schemes have been used to study carbonate rocks (Scholle

and Ulmer-Scholle, 2003); the most common two classification methods used to classify

carbonate rocks are Dunham and Folk. The Dunham classification highlights depositional


textures, whereas the Folk classification starts with grain types and their relative

abundance, and then includes texture and grain size (Ahr et al., 2005). Other geologists

use classifications that emphasize pore properties to assess reservoir quality (Ahr, 2000).

The study of petrophysical rock types described by Archie (1950) is considered a

conceptual framework in siliciclastic and carbonate rock classification. This method

assumes rocks with common petrophysical types have comparable attributes such as

porosity, permeability, saturation, or capillary-pressure properties. Based on these

similarities, similar reservoir performance is expected.

Another approach to simplify carbonate heterogeneity is to apply the concept of

rock fabric and flow unit in order to relate different carbonate pore systems to

petrophysical properties (Lucia, 1983). The classification by Lucia (1983) predicts a

systematic relationship between permeability and porosity, and estimation of the water

saturation for the interparticle porosities. The concept of flow unit to improve the

prediction of flow performance was implemented by Wang et al. (1994) by simulation in

shallow-water reservoirs and also a carbonate ramp reservoir.

In order to develop a more accurate correlation between permeability and

porosity, Lonoy (2006) divided the pore system in carbonates into 20 sub-pore classes

and divided the genetic pore types such as interparticle, intercrysrtalline, and moildic

pore types (Choqutte and Pray, 1970) into patchy and uniform pore distributions. These

new pore systems are further subdivided into macro-,meso-, and micro-porosity based on

the dominating pore sizes.

Utilizing descriptive pore-system attributes advanced the effectiveness of

petrophysical rock types for permeability prediction in carbonate reservoirs. This can be


done by linking describable and mappable properties of carbonate rocks with geologic

models to improve quantitative analysis at a larger scale (Ahr, 2005). Understanding rock

types provides an important foundation for studying reservoir performance, but is not

enough to predict reservoir behaviour even in reservoirs that are not fractured (Ahr,


Another approach using mercury-injection capillary pressure has been

implemented to address the limestone pore systems in a giant carbonate reservoir (Ahr,

2005). Cappilary-pressure curves can be used to assess the flow in reservoirs (Wardlaw

and Taylor, 1976). The use of pore-system models that utilized porosity, permeability,

capillary pressure and relative permeability for each rock type helped to refine the

comprehensive reservoir model for this giant reservoir (Ahr, 2005).

Low field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is routinely used for carbonate

formation evaluation. However, measuring carbonate porosity, deriving permeability and

interpreting NMR data for pore-size distributions is more challenging, when compared to

sandstone. Nevertheless, this is exactly the type of information needed in formation

evaluation (Ahr, 2005).

The NMR spectrum from a fully saturated core sample is directly related to the

pore volume of this sample, which yields porosity. The similarity between pore-size

distributions obtained from NMR and pore-throat distributions obtained from mercury

injection is proven in some studies (Marschall et al., 1995), leading to the assumption that

pore body distributions can be used as an approximation for pore throat distributions by

multiplying by a constant (Mai and Kantzas, 2000). Thus, permeability can be predicted

from the NMR spectrum.


In addition, CT has been routinely used in reservoir rock characterization. This

technique provides a cross-sectional image representing a distribution of CT numbers.

These CT numbers are proportional to the rock density distributions within an image,

which can be interpreted to give porosity distributions. The routine use of CT is to aid in

sample selections for core flood experiments. However, CT as an accurate measurement

tool of porosity makes it a robust tool in studying porosity variation within different core

scales. Furthermore, CT can be used to investigate pore architecture in carbonate rocks

(Shafiee and Kantzas, 2009).

3.3 Statistical Characterization of Heterogeneity

In reservoir characterization, heterogeneity specifically applies to the variability

that affects flow (Jensen et al., 2007). Jensen et al. (2007) classified heterogeneity into

two measures, static and dynamic. Static measures of heterogeneity describe the

distribution in permeability and porosity of a given sample from the formation and

require some flow model to be used to interpret the effect of heterogeneity on flow

(Jensen et al., 2007).

Dynamic measures, on the other hand, are based on a flow experiment and are a

direct measure of how the variability affects the flow. The Dykstra-Parson’s coefficient

(VDP), the Lorenz Coefficient (LC), and the Coefficient of Variation (CV) are common

static measures of heterogeneity used in reservoir characterization (Jensen et al., 2007).

3.3.1 The Dykstra-Parson’s coefficient (VDP)

The VDP, introduced by Dykstra and Parsons in 1950, is more commonly used to

measure the variability in permeability. It can be defined in terms of the 16th

and 50th


percentile values of a log-normal permeability distribution as follows (Dykstra and

Parsons, 1950):


where k16 and k50 are the 16th and the 50th percentile values, respectively. When VDP = 0,

there is no variation in the permeability values with respect to location and the resulting

permeable medium is homogeneous. When VDP increases, the variation in the

permeability values increases and the permeable medium becomes more and more

heterogeneous. Jensen et al. (2007) argue that the LC offers several advantages over the

VDP; one of these advantages is that LC includes porosity heterogeneity and variable

thickness layers.

3.3.2 The Lorenz Coefficient (LC)

LC is one of the most commonly-used techniques for heterogeneity measurements.

The technique involves ordering the product of permeability and the representative

thickness ( kh) in descending order along with the corresponding porosity-representative

thickness product ( h ) for a well (or wells). The normalized cumulative values of kh ,

which is also known as the fraction of total flow capacity (between 0 and 1) are then

plotted against the normalized cumulative values of h , also known as the fraction of the

total volume (between 0 and 1). LC is calculated by multiplying the area between the

curve and a 45o line between [(0,0) and (1,1)] by two. LC can theoretically vary between

0 and 1, with 1 representing the highest degree of heterogeneity (Jensen et al., 2007).


3.3.3 Coefficient of Variation (Cv)

The coefficient of variation (Cv) is another lesser-known measure of

heterogeneity. It is a dimensionless measure of sample variability or dispersion and is

given by:


where the numerator is the sample standard deviation and the denominator is the sample

mean. For data from different populations, the mean and standard deviation often tend to

change together such that Cv stays relatively constant. Any large changes in Cv between

two samples indicate a dramatic difference in the populations associated with those

samples (Jensen et al., 2007).

3.4 Effect of Heterogeneity on Residual Oil from Waterflood

The effect of heterogeneity from pore scale to reservoir scale on residual oil

saturation to waterflooding has been proven to be significant (e.g. Wardlaw and Cassan,

1978; Wardlaw, 1980; Hanion et al., 1996). Different approaches have been considered to

investigate the magnitude effect of heterogeneity type such as pore-size distributions and

parallel heterogeneity (permeability) on residual oil to waterflood with earlier work

focused on waterflooding in layered systems with transverse communications

(Richardson and Perkins, 1957; Gaucher and Lindley, 1960).

In these studies, vertical cross-section (VCS) experiments using sand packs were

conducted. These studies reported that a low flow rate and mobility ratio increase oil

recovery. This is caused by gravity segregation and imbibitions of the water from the

coarse sand to the fine sand.


Vertical heterogeneity is the most common heterogeneity in sand stone reservoirs

where its effect on waterflood efficiency is well understood. However, heterogeneity in

carbonate reservoirs complicates the interpretation of its effect on residual oil saturation.

This is attributed to the great morphological complexity of carbonate rocks from pore to

field scale. The following literature review focuses on the effect of carbonate

heterogeneity on residual oil saturation to waterflood (Sorw).

Wardlaw and Cassan (1978) studied the effect of pore throat/pore size ratio on

Sorw of strongly water-wet sandstones and carbonate cores. Their results showed a

correlation between Sorw and pore throat/pore size ratio.

Wardlaw (1980) performed studies on the effect of pore size distribution on non-

wetting phase entrapment of strongly and intermediate wetted porous media. It was

shown that the geometric and topologic properties of a strongly wetted pore system

increases trapping of the non-wetting phase. Under the condition of the intermediate

wetting, pore geometry showed less effect on the non-wetting phase entrapment.

Chatzis et al. (1983), on the other hand, conducted waterflooding experiments

under water-wet conditions in random packs of equal spheres, heterogeneous packs of

spheres with microscopic and macroscopic heterogeneities and Berea sandstone. They

concluded the following:

1. Sorw values are independent of absolute pore size in system of similar pore


2. Clusters of large pores accessible through small pores retain oil.

3. High aspect ratios tend to cause entrapment of oil.


Tjolsen et al. (1991) showed that the presence of rock heterogeneity and strong

laminations, found in the studied sandstone reservoir cores prevented flow in parts of the

core pore volume. This resulted in a broad variation of Sorw values in their cores.

MacAllister et al. (1993) conducted steady-state, water/oil, relative permeability

tests on a mixed-wet Baker dolomite (kabs = 110 mD, 22% porosity) core sample. Two

constant pressure drops of 27.6 kPa and 689.5 kPa were used to perform these tests.

Using CT, tests conducted at 27.6 kPa pressure drop showed that oil and water flow

occurred through separate macroscopic regions. This resulted in high relative

permeability in both phases. In the 689.5 kPa case, the relative permeability values were

lower because the saturation was more uniformly distributed. In addition, their results

showed that the saturation differences between the 27.6 kPa and 689.5 kPa cases were

significant for local saturation but less significant for the overall saturation.

deZabala and Kamath (1995) studied Sorw variations in dolomite carbonate rocks,

one with isolated vugs embedded in a porous matrix with high permeability (ka =

300mD, = 14%), and the other with isolated vugs embedded in a dense matrix with low

permeability (ka = 1mD, =11 %). Their results showed Sorw increases with increasing

pore-throat aspect ratio, and decreases with an increasing pressure drop across the core.

Hanion et al. (1996) presented a large number of waterflooding data of a giant

carbonate reservoir that showed large variations in Sorw values. This variation was

attributed to the variations in lithofacies as well as to individual core permeability within

a single lithofacie.

The effect of carbonate heterogeneity on Sorw was investigated by Kamath et al.

(2001), who used rock typing classification to divide the studied core into four different


rock types (kb = 6-85mD, = 17-26%), based on thin section and mercury injection data.

Their results revealed that cores with large pore-throat aspect ratio show the largest Sorw

value with the biggest variations as the pressure drop increased.

Waterflooding experiments in cores taken from 30 sandstone reservoirs with

different wettability conditions were conducted by Skauge and Ottesen (2002). Their

results showed that Sorw values in these cores vary from 4% to 45%, and that

intermediate-wet cores commonly showed the minimum Sorw values.

Masalmeh and Jing (2004) presented a special core analysis study in order to aid

in carbonate rock characterization and water-oil displacement modelling of a

heterogeneous reservoir. The porosity of the samples used in this study ranged from

about 27% to 30% and the permeability varied from 2 mD to 1000 mD. These samples

predominantly consist of grainstones and packstones. In this research, the authors

concluded that, for this particular reservoir, the Sorw did not show consistent correlation

with conventional rock typing or facies classification. This conclusion was reached since

the imbibitions’ capillary pressure showed significant variations for a set of samples

having similar permeability, porosity, and drainage capillary pressure curves.

Mitchell et al. (2004) studied the influence of heterogeneity on Sorw using two-

dimensional gamma rays imaging on slabbed carbonate core samples. The authors

concluded that heterogeneities in core samples disrupted waterflood fronts and could

generate localized extremes in Sorw during displacement processes.

The effect of pore structure, pore size distribution and rock textural on oil

recovery by waterflooding from two carbonate reservoirs of differing geologic ages was

investigated by Okasha et al. (2005). The pore size distribution of the Lower Cretaceous


(wackstone) reservoir is about 0.27 to 1.5 microns and 0.5 to 5.5 microns for the Late

Jurassic (limestone and dolomitic limestone) reservoir. The absolute air permeability for

the Lower Cretacous and Late Jurassic reservoirs ranges from 5.6 to 15.3 mD and 13.5 to

423 mD, respectively. Their results showed that the Sorw values from these reservoirs

were different. This variation was attributed to the variations of rock characteristics,

especially the relationship of textural and diagenetic features. Furthermore, their results

showed that, for the Late Jurassic rocks, as rock permeability increases, Sorw increases;

however, for the Lower Cretacous rocks, an opposite trend was seen.

Skauge et al. (2006) studied the effect of different pore classes on the recovery

factor from waterflood using carbonate cores selected from four different basins. This

research was based on single phase dispersion experiments where the measurements were

interpreted using the capacitance model developed by Coats and Smith (1964). Their

results showed that samples with high flowing-fraction of the pore-structure produced

high oil recovery.

The work of Pourmohammadi and Skauge (2008) focused on identifying the

most important single phase flow properties that may control waterflood efficiency, and

whether these single phase properties are sufficient, or if the pore class concept should be

included to predict recovery efficiency by waterflooding. The authors concluded that oil

recovery by waterflooding seems to be related to carbonate pore classes.

3.5 Effect of Reservoir Heterogeneity on Oil Recovery from Gas Injection

Gas injection (primarily CO2) is one of the most widely applied enhanced oil

recovery (EOR) methods (Agbalaka et al., 2008). Gas injection in either secondary or

tertiary recovery modes has proven successful in increasing oil recovery from both


sandstone and carbonate reservoirs. In the past two decades, gas injection with nitrogen

gas, flue gas, and enriched natural gas have also shown some beneficial results in

increasing oil recovery. Nitrogen and flue gas may be useful in areas where CO2 is not

economically available for use (Agbalaka et al., 2008).

The magnitude effect of reservoir heterogeneity on these recovery processes

varies depending mainly on miscibility conditions. The injection of gas horizontally in a

miscible condition as reported in previous studies (Brock and Orr, 1991, and Burger and

Mohanty, 1997) showed the importance of reservoir heterogeneity (layering and random

heterogeneity) on oil recovery. The immiscible gas injection process is also affected by

reservoir heterogeneity that commonly results in the channelling and bypassing of oil.

3.5.1 Effect of Rock Heterogeneity under Miscible Gas Injection

Oil recovery from gas injection can be very high when miscibility is achieved

between the gas and the oil (Rao, 2001). Miscibility can be achieved by applying

pressures equal to or exceeding the gas/oil Minimum Miscibility Pressure (MMP)

(Alston, 1985). This is also done by enriching the gas with components such as C1 to C4

hydrocarbons in concentrations equal to or greater than the Minimum Miscibility

Enrichment (MME) (Danesh, 1998). Achieving MMP in a reservoir is limited by the

reservoir pressure. Miscibility between the enriched gas and the oil, under MME, is a

function of mass transfer between the injected gas and the trapped/residual oil (Rao,


One of the key issues in miscible gas injection is bypassing. Bypassing usually

results from viscous fingering, gravity tonguing, channelling etc. The mobility ratio

controls the magnitude effect of viscous fingering and gravity tonguing. Channelling is


mainly caused by the magnitude heterogeneity in permeability. The following literature

summaries present few examples of studies investigating the effect of rock heterogeneity

on oil recovery from miscible gas injection.

Andrew et al. (1980) investigated the influence of rock characteristics on miscible

displacement behaviour by using a combination of displacement testing and modeling.

They conducted a number of stabilized CO2 displacements and tracer tests in both

outcrop sandstones and San Andres reservoir carbonate samples. Their results suggested

that microscopic heterogeneity is a primary determination of residual oil saturation to

miscible flooding when viscous fingering is controlled. Furthermore, their results from

both laboratory and model prediction showed that the effect of microscopic heterogeneity

is less important in field displacements than laboratory systems.

Newley and Begg (1992) conducted a simulation study to assess the impact of

small-scale heterogeneities on the vaporization by lean injected gas of residual oil

remaining in a gas cap after gas cap expansion. Their study considered two heterogeneity

reservoir elements, one with rapidly varying distribution of porosity and permeability and

the other with a more slowly varying distribution. They concluded that the small-scale

heterogeneities within a conventional simulation grid-block can have a significant impact

on the recovery of residual oil by lean gas injection.

Solano et al. (2001) conducted a simulation study to investigate the effect of

heterogeneity and capillary pressure on recovery of horizontal miscible-gas injection

process. The effect of heterogeneity was studied by varying the Lorenz coefficient (LC),

indicating heterogeneity in permeability. Their results showed that capillary pressure

increased oil recovery for LC less than 0.5 and reduced oil recovery for very


heterogeneous reservoir (LC greater than 0.6). Oil recovery decreased significantly with

increasing heterogeneity (LC greater than 0.6).

Variation in single phase fluid flow properties of different carbonate pore systems

from laboratory experiments was reported by Pourmohammadi et al. (2008). Their study

included eleven pore classes based on the Lonoy (2006) approach. In this study, the authors

studied the relationship between carbonate porosity systems and petropysical properties,

dispersivity, flowing-fraction and dead-end pores. Their results could aid in improving the

interpretation of oil recovery by a miscible displacement process for reservoirs with similar

pore classes.

Shedid (2009) studied the influence of different modes of reservoir heterogeneity

on performance and oil recovery of CO2 miscible horizontal flooding in carbonate

reservoir cores. The three considered modes of heterogeneity included single fracture

reservoirs (four different fracturing angles), layered rocks, and composite reservoirs

(different permeability configurations). His experimental results showed that all different

modes of reservoir rock heterogeneity have an important influence on oil recovery by

CO2 miscible flooding in carbonate oil reservoirs. It was also shown that higher oil

recovery was obtained from unfractured reservoirs than single fractured ones. It is to be

noted that the author’s results are specific to the rock-fluid combinations used in his


Al-Wahaibi et al. (2009) conducted a simulation study using a compositional

simulation to investigate the effect of different geometries and permeability contrasts

within cross-bedded laminations on oil recovery from multicontact miscible gas injection.


Their results demonstrated that cross-bedding heterogeneities may have a significant

impact on oil recovery.

3.5.2 Effect of Rock Heterogeneity under Immiscible Gas Injection

Immiscible gas injection in secondary or tertiary (for EOR process) injection

modes involves the displacement of medium to heavy oils using gas as a separate

displacement phase. One of the limitations in immiscible gas injection is the high

tendency of the injected gas to bypass the oil, resulting in very poor sweep and

displacement efficiencies. Reservoir heterogeneity is considered one of the several

factors influencing the magnitude effect of bypassing such as gravity and viscosity

(viscous fingering effects).

Slack and Ehrlich (1981) investigated the efficiency of the simultaneous injection

of water and nitrogen to mobilize Sorw in Berea sandstone. Their results showed a

reduction of Sorw of up to 18% PV. Furthermore, the authors conducted a numerical

simulation of water-nitrogen flooding in real reservoir geometries to study the effects of

water-nitrogen ratio, kV/kh and permeability profile. They concluded that water-nitrogen

flooding is capable of recovering an appreciable fraction of Sorw.

Soroush and Saidi (1999) conducted vertical immiscible gas/oil displacements in

low permeability (1 mD) long carbonate core at different rates (above gravity stable) and

pressure below MMP. The authors concluded that the low permeability reservoirs can be

produced to about 70% of the oil in place by gas injection if the reservoir pressure is kept

sufficiently high, below MMP. Furthermore, their results showed that injecting gas even

at high injection rates could still produce over 60% of the oil in place. This led the


authors to conclude that applying similar injection conditions to low permeability

conventional reservoirs could still provide good results.

Egermann et al. (2003) conducted below MMP gas displacement efficiency

comparisons on two oil wet composite cores from a carbonate reservoir. The two

composite cores were selected from the same rock-type and showed porosity and

permeability values around 30% and 10 mD, respectively. The individual plugs of the

two composites also showed comparable mercury injection curves obtained on

neighbouring end pieces. In order to obtain a flow rather dominated by viscous forces, the

authors used a gas injection rate of 10 ml/hr. The secondary gasflood results from both

composites showed an excellent match in terms of oil recovery and gas breakthrough.

Kuo et al. (2010) performed a simulation study to investigate the effect of local

heterogeneity under capillary, viscous, and gravity displacement conditions. They used

the results from CO2/Brine steady state measurements conducted by Perrin and Benson

(2010), where CT scanning was used to measure the porosity profile and fluid saturation

distribution in a Berea sandstone core showing small-scale local heterogeneity. The

simulation included running steady state CO2/Brine displacement tests on a gridded core

with and without the local heterogeneity. Their results showed that the influence of the

local heterogeneity on average CO2 saturation was important when the flow was

dominated by the capillary force regime.

Gasflooding experiments on sandstone cores with permeability ranges from about

2 – 600 mD were conducted by Skauge et al. (1997) in vertical mode and at constant

differential pressure. Their results showed that the remaining oil saturation range from


about 20% to 50%, depending on core’s absolute permeability and applied differential


Keat et al. (2010) studied the effect of different kV/kh, layers arrangement, and

different permeability (k) values with same kV/kh on oil recovery factor from GAGD (Gas

Assisted Gravity Drainage) process by using Schlumberger ECLIPSE 100. Their results

showed that for heterogeneous models, the lower kV/kh model yielded a higher oil

recovery factor, and for the models with same kV/kh the one with a decreasing-downward

k yielded a higher oil recovery factor.

3.5.3 Effect of Wettability

It is well known (Agbalaka et al., 2008) that wettability of the porous medium has

a profound effect on the reservoir production performance. For an accurate description

and analysis of any injection process, the rock/fluid interactions such as wettability have

to be properly taken into account. Wettability determines the relative affinity of the solid

surface for oil, water, or gas. It also defines the development of the wetting films. The

formations and thickness, along with the spreading films, play important roles in gravity

stable gas injection processes. This was evident in the pioneering experimental work by

Dumore’ and Schols (1974), where gravity drainage in a homogeneous water-wet rock

was found to be very efficient.

After 1974, numerous further studies were undertaken and confirmed that high

oil recovery factors are achievable in water-wet sandstone cores, bead packs, and sand

columns through both secondary and tertiary modes of oil recovery gravity drainage.

(Chatzis et al., (1988), Kantzas et al., (1988a), Dullien et al., (1991), Chatzis and


Ayatollahi, (1993), Catalan et al., (1994), Blunt et al., (1995), and Vizika and Lombard,


On the oil field side, Jerauld (1997) reported the success of the gravity drainage

process in the Prudhoe Bay field based on the low residual oil saturation (5%) achieved

in the gas cap zone, which was initially saturated with oil. The author mentioned that the

drainage of oil through the spreading oil films on the water layer in the presence of

invaded gas was found to be the main mechanism contributing to oil recovery in the

gravity drainage process.

A visual investigation of the role of spreading films in two-dimensional glass-

etched micromodels was done by Kantzas et al. (1988b). They concluded that the

formation and extent of the spreading films are highly affected by the local wettability

characteristics and also the spreading coefficient of the system.

All of the aforementioned studies were performed in water-wet systems;

therefore, their results can’t be applied to all types of reservoirs, since their wettability

conditions might not be water-wet. Nutting (1934) discovered the heterogeneous

wettability conditions of natural reservoir surfaces and found that the wettability

characteristics of oil-bearing pore surfaces could be altered to oil-wet. The reason behind

this alteration could be the physical or the chemical adsorption of heavier and more polar

fractions of a crude oil on the rock surface. Since some of these components are soluble

in water, they can pass through the water layer on the originally water-wet surface and

adsorb onto the rock surface, and hence altering the wettability to oil-wet conditions.

Catalan et al. (1994) investigated the effect of wettability (water-wet and oil-wet)

conditions on residual oil recovery by low pressure gravity stable inert gas injection in


Berea sandstone cores. They concluded that tertiary gravity drainage in water-wet

systems is most efficient in the case of positive spreading coefficient. In addition, in the

case of oil-wet systems, the authors reported very effective results.

Some experimental and numerical simulation studies investigating the role of

wettability conditions (water-wet, oil-wet, and heterogeneous-wet) on the oil recovery

from secondary gravity stable gas injection in sandpacks at irreducible water saturation

were also conducted (Vizika and Suquerroix, 1997). The heterogeneous-wet system

consisted of two long water-wet parts separated by a 2 cm thick oil-wet stratum. Their

results showed that the heterogeneous wettability dramatically affected the gas injection

process by drastically affecting phase distributions and displacement mechanisms.

Wylie and Mohanty (1998) investigated the effect of wettability on bypassing by

conducting gravity dominated secondary gas floods in Berea sandstone cores, under

slightly immiscible conditions. Their results showed that less bypassing occurs in a

strongly oil-wet system than in a water-wet system.

Pedrera et al. (2002) studied the effects of wettability on immiscible air gravity

drainage by conducting secondary mode experiments with varying core wettabilities.

Their results showed higher oil recoveries (64%) when oil-wet systems were used, when

compared to (52%) from water-wet systems.

Parsaei and Chatzis (2011) experimentally investigated the effect of wettability

heterogeneity at the macroscopic scale on the recovery efficiency of the gravity-assisted

inert gas injection (GAIGI) process, defined first by Kantzas (1988a), for tertiary

recovery of Sorw in unconsolidated glass beads. To construct the heterogeneous

wettability system, the authors embedded isolated inclusions of oil-wet consolidated glass


beads in a continuum of unconsolidated water-wet glass beads. Their results showed that

the Sorw was higher in the case of the heterogeneous-wet case when compared to the

water-wet case. However the recovery factor from the tertiary GAIGI process was higher

in the case of the heterogeneous-wet system which was attributed to the presence of the

isolated oil-wet inclusions. The final residual oil saturation was higher in the case of the

heterogonous-wet system as compared to the water-wet system because of the favourable

wettbaility condition in the water-wet case.

The above discussion obviously shows that the wettability influences on gravity

drainage are not very clear. Although the literature appears to be in agreement concerning

the beneficial effects of oil spreading and film flow in water-wet and mixed-wet systems,

confusing reports concerning the effects of wettability on gravity drainage recoveries in

oil-wet systems have been found.

3.5.4 Effect of Spreading Coefficient

The spreading coefficient, along with wettability, is believed to affect the gas-oil-

water distributions, which in turn affect oil recovery during a gas injection process. The

spreading coefficient is considered a balance between the three interfacial tensions (IFT)

in oil/water/gas systems, and defined as:


In addition to the reservoir wettability, the spreading coefficient value is critical in

determining the equilibrium spreading characteristics between the three co-existing

reservoir phases. The fluid spreading characteristics are critical in determining oil

recovery when gas injection is considered. In addition, the orientation and continuity of


the fluid phase in the reservoir pores is affected by the equilibrium value of the spreading


When oil (as continuous oil films) spreads over the water films covering the rock

grains, it increases the oil drainage phenomenon (during gas injection at lower pressure

drops) and provides continuous ‘conduits’ that aid in producing oil globules. This

continuity of oil films is caused by the interfacial phenomenon and depends on the ability

of the oil phase to spread on the water phase in presence of the gas. The spreading

coefficient can either be positive or negative depending on the fluids’ composition and

reservoir temperature and pressures.

Using micromodel experiments, Oren and Pinczewski (1994) visually

investigated the effects of wettability and fluid-fluid spreading on gas flood oil recovery.

Their results prove that the positive value of the spreading coefficient helps ensure

development and maintenance of continuous oil films between injected gas and reservoir

water. This resulted in minimal losses of the injected gas to the reservoir water. The

negative value, on the other hand, signifies a lens-type discontinuous distribution of oil

between water and gas. This enables gas-water contact and therefore lowers the oil


Catalan et al. (1994) performed inert gas injection assisted by gravity experiments

on short core plugs with varying wettability and heterogeneity characteristics. The

authors concluded that tertiary gravity drainage is efficient when the oil can spread on

water in the presence of gas, in water-wet systems. Their experimental results also

suggested that the oil-wet nature of the porous medium did not negatively affect the oil

recovery factors.


Vizika and Lombard (1996) experimentally studied the effect of spreading and

wettability on gravity drainage oil recovery process in water-wet, oil-wet and

fractionally-wet porous media. Their results showed that in water-wet porous media, oil

recovery depends on the spreading coefficient value, while in oil-wet media the spreading

coefficient did not affect the process efficiency. Their results also showed that the highest

oil recoveries were obtained in water-wet and fractional-wet media under positive

spreading coefficient conditions. The oil recoveries were found to deteriorate when the

spreading coefficient value was negative. The authors used numerical simulation to

match the experimental results showing that the lowest oil recoveries were obtained in

oil-wet porous media. This was attributed to the capillary retention effect on the observed

continuous oil films.

3.5.5 Effect of Connate Water Saturation

Gas injection as a secondary recovery process is usually conducted at connate

(irreducible) water saturation. This connate water saturation is commonly assumed to be

immobile. However, the micromodel studies carried out by Sajadian and Tehrani (1998)

suggested that this assumption may not always hold true. Their research suggested that

changes in the gravity-capillary force balances (during gas gravity drainage) could result

in saturation redistributions and/or connate water re-mobilization during the process.

Dumore and Schols (1974) performed gravity stable gas displacement

experiments in high permeability oil saturated cores. Their results showed that the

presence of connate water saturation was critical for achieving very low residual oil

saturations during gravity drainage displacements.


Hagoort (1980) conducted centrifuge gravity drainage experiments using

consolidated outcrop and field cores. His results show that oil relative permeability

increased when initial water was present.

Gas gravity drainage (free and controlled) experiments in both Berea sandstone

and in unconsolidated sand columns of various lengths were conducted by Kantzas et al.

(1988b). Their results showed higher oil recoveries when the tests were started at initial

water saturation than when started at Sorw.

Skauge et al. (1994) also carried out gas gravity drainage experiments at different

water saturations in order to study the effect of water saturation on oil recovery. Their

results revealed that oil recovery by gas gravity drainage depends on the connate water

saturation, and that oil relative permeability increased with connate water present.

3.6 The Geological Description of the Reservoir under Study

The Shu’aiba Formation, Shaybah field, discovered in 1968 in the Rub’ al-Khali

desert of Saudi Arabia and developed by horizontal wells in 1996 (Figure 3.1), is a Lower

Cretaceous carbonate reservoir. This giant reservoir is about 64 km long by 13 km wide

and 150 m thick (Al-Ghamdi, 2006). The field is characterized as a gently folded (Figure

3.2) northeast-southwest trending anticline and has a number of faults (Salamy et al.,

2006). This giant field is producing oil and gas below a depth of around 1484 m (4900 ft)

(Hughes, 2000, in Al-Ghamdi, 2006). The oil in the Shu’aiba reservoir is Arabian Extra

Light with an average API of 42o and a gas-oil-ratio (GOR) of about 750 SCF/STB (Al-

Awami et al., 2005).


Figure 3.1: Geological map for the Arabian plates showing the location of Shaybah

field. Modified from Sharland et al. (2001) in Al-Ghamdi (2006)


Figure 3.2: Three-D view of Shu’aiba reservoir superimposed on a picture of the

Shaybah field (Salamy et al., 2006)

The Shu’aiba Formation is considered one of the main oil producers in the U.A.E,

Oman and Saudi Arabia (Alsharhan, 1995) and is known to be very heterogeneous in

terms of lithology and reservoir quality. This is due to the development of ruddist build-

ups that vary laterally into barrier and shelf slope facies (Alfaraj, 1998).

The Shu’aiba Formation is divided into 17 facies based on sediment types (Al-

Ghamdi, 2006). Simplified facies distributions of N-S and E-W cross sections are shown

in Figure 3.3 and Figure 3.4, respectively.

Core sample and thin section photographs of the Lagoonal facies (facies used in

the current study) are shown in Figure 3.5 and Figure 3.6, respectively.


Figure 3.3: Simplified facies distributions of N-S cross-section (Al-Ghamdi, 2006)


Figure 3.4: Simplified facies distributions of E-W cross-section (Al-Ghamdi, 2006)


(A) Fine skeletal peloidal packstone

(shallow lagoon)

(B) Agreipleura floatstone in fine skeletal

packstone matrix (shallow-intermediately

deep lagoon)

(C) Lime mudstone with chert (deep lagoon)

Figure 3.5: Core sample photographs of the lagoonal facies. Modified from Al-

Ghamdi, (2006)


(A) Fine skeletical peloidal packstone

(shallow lagoon)

(B) Dasyclad alga (Salpingoporella) in

fine skeletical packstone (moderately

deep lagoon)

Figure 3.6: Thin section photograph. Modified from Al-Ghamdi (2006)

Table 3.1: Summary of lagoonal lithofacies. Modified from Al-Ghamdi (2006)

The porosity in Shu’aiba reservoir is generally high, with an average of 25%, and

does not vary laterally. The permeability, on the other hand, is facies-dependent and

varies laterally and vertically. The average reservoir permeability in this reservoir is 13

mD. In south Shaybah, permeabilities range from 5 to 10 mD, whereas in the north the

matrix permeability ranges from 50 to 200 mD. The low permeability facies of Shu’aiba

reservoir (5 to 10 mD), such as the lagoon and lithocodium, represents 60% of the

Shu’aiba rock facies. The remaining 40% of the Shu’aiba facies has relatively high


permeabilities, with an average matrix permeability of about 50 mD (Salamy et al.,




To achieve the main objectives of this work, cores under study are evaluated for

wettability characteristics, pore-size distributions, and thin section photographs.

Furthermore, by using the results from NMR and CT, a new characterization approach

classifying the rock heterogeneity in terms of porosity and permeability variations within

the scale of a core plug is established.

The following sections present the results from mercury injection, petrographic,

and wettability studies. In addition, this chapter describes the characterization approach

used in this study.

4.1 Sample Selection

A total of 51 core plug samples in dry condition were selected for this study.

These samples were selected from the same geological facies of four wells representing

the Lagoonal facies of the Shu’aiba reservoir in Shaybah field. The samples are about 3.8

cm in diameter and 5 cm in length and were cut horizontally every half-foot interval for

basic core analysis. These samples had been previously cleaned with toluene to remove

hydrocarbons and with methanol to remove residual salts. These samples were then dried

for 48 hours at 85oC. The dry samples were used in the LPP gasfloods and centrifuge

experiments. Several wettability-preserved samples (sister plugs of the dry plugs) were

selected and used in the reservoir conditions gasfloods.

An additional 12 wettability-preserved samples were selected from the same

interval of the dry plugs. These samples were used to evaluate the wettability

characteristics of this reservoir interval using both the Amott and the United States

Bureau of Mines (USBM) wettability evaluation methods.


Another five samples were selected in order to study the pore-size distributions in

this reservoir interval using mercury injection method.

4.2 Air Permeability and Porosity Measurements

Permeability to gas and porosity measurements were carried out on these samples

in Saudi Aramco Exploration and Production Advanced Research Center (EXPEC ARC),

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Porosity measurements were conducted using COREXPORT

Auto Porosimeter, and permeability measurements were carried out using a (KA-210)

Gas Permeameter manufactured by Coretest System, Inc. All testes were done at ambient

conditions of 1379 kPa confining pressure and room temperature. Porosity and air

permeability of all selected samples are listed in Table 4.1. Samples designated with “*”

superscript were used in the centrifuge study.


Table 4.1: Routine data of selected samples

4.3 Mercury Injection and Drainage Capillary Pressure Study

Seven samples were selected for mercury injection capillary pressure tests. These

tests were carried out using TerraTek System, which is a multi-sample automated

mercury injection system at EXPEC ARC, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. This system is

configured with servo control of the injection pore pressure or volume displacement. It


measures the core sample’s response to test variables. The system also performs pore-size

and volume analysis of core samples.

This system is designed to inject mercury into large rock samples (3.81 cm in

diameter by 7.62 cm in length). It can operate at pressure up to 137,895 kPa. All tests

were performed up to a maximum mercury injection pressure of 102,731 kPa and

ambient conditions of room temperature and zero overburden pressure.

Pore entry (throat) radii and pore throat distributions are calculated from the

mercury injection data. Appendix A shows plots of incremental and cumulative wetting

phase saturation versus the pore entry radius for each sample. Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2

present plots of incremental and cumulative wetting phase saturation versus the pore

entry radius for all samples. Hence, a volume increment injected is the volume accessible

through throats within a defined size range. These plots show that five samples exhibit a

unimodal distribution; while samples 3C and 5C show two distinguished peaks in pore

size (bimodal distribution). Such distributions may reflect a complex diagenetic history.

All samples have a small percentage of medium (> 1 micron) pores except

samples 3C and 5C. The median pore-entry radius (MPR) value for each sample is listed

in Table 4.2. Both Figure 4.2 and Table 4.2 indicate that the median pore values vary

from 0.51 to 2.23 microns. Figure 4.3 shows that air permeability is in a good agreement

with the MPR. This could indicate that, for these particular carbonate rocks, the pore size

distribution is a good permeability indicator.

Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5 show the low pressure and the total pressure curves of

the drainage capillary pressure of all samples. This plot shows the closure pressure,

which is defined as the pressure at which mercury commences to occupy the actual pore


system of the sample being tested. This is indicated by the point at which the drainage

capillary pressure curve starts deviating from the vertical position.

It is clearly shown in this plot that closure pressure values increased with a

decrease in permeability. For example, the closure pressure for sample 7C, with

permeability of 4.3 mD, is 689 kPa; while sample 3C, with permeability of 23.9 mD, has

a closure pressure of 276 kPa.

Table 4.2: Basic core properties of selected samples for mercury injection study


Figure 4.1: Pore entry radii distribution versus incremental wetting saturation

Figure 4.2: Pore entry radii distribution versus cumulative wetting saturation


Figure 4.3: Air permeability versus median pore entry radii of selected samples

Figure 4.4: Low pressure curves of drainage capillary pressure of selected samples


Figure 4.5: Drainage capillary pressure of selected samples


4.4 Petrographic Study

Six samples were selected for the petrographic evaluation study, which was

conducted in the Petrophysics unit of EXPEC ARC, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The samples

represent the sister-plugs of samples 4, 5, 8, 16, 20, and 34 (Table 4.1). These samples

belong to the Agriopleura and Miliolid subfacies of the Shuaiba reservoir. Within these

subfacies, the samples are texturally classified as wackestones (Dunham, 1962).

Slices of these samples were obtained and used to make microscopic thin

sections. In order to make identification of the pore space easier, these thin sections were

prepared by vacuuming and pressure saturating with blue dyed epoxy. The samples were

examined using a McCrone BH-2 petrographic microscope and a binocular microscope.

A petrographic record of each sample was made.

Table B. 1, Appendix B.1, presents a summary of the findings of this evaluation

study. The plates were shot at 4 magnifications. Plates 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 (Figure B. 1,

Figure B. 3, Figure B. 5, Figure B. 7, Figure B. 9, and Figure B. 11) are thin section

photomicrographic of the samples. The “A” designated photos in these plates have a

magnification of 51x, and all were shot under plane light. The alpha-numeric scale

surrounding the photos has a scale of 103 microns/division.

The “B” designated plates were also shot under plane light, and have a

magnification of 107x. The surrounding scale for the “B” photos is 49.3


Plates 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 (Figure B. 2, Figure B. 4, Figure B. 6, Figure B. 8,

Figure B. 10, and Figure B. 12) are photos taken by a binocular microscope in order to

show the texture of these samples. The “A” designated plates have a magnification of


6.2x, with a scale of 700 microns/division. The “B” designated plates have a

magnification of 22.5x, and a scale of 200 microns/division. In the following discussion,

all comments concerning porosity relate to visual percent volume.

Sample 1T, the sister plug of sample 20 in Table 4.1, geologically belongs to the

Lagoonal/Agriopleura-pellet Wackestone category (Plates 1A to 2B in, Figure B. 1 and

Figure B. 2). This sample is composed texturally from 70% mud, and 30% grains. Its

primary porosity has been preserved in many of the biogenic fragments (Plate 1A: A28,

M22), and as original inter-granular porosity (Plate 1A: F14, Q4). Some remnant pelloids

can be seen (Plate 1B: K18, O6), generally between 6 and 90 microns in diameter. The

fine-grained mud matrix contains significant qualities of biogenic debris. The largest pore

bodies are approximately 50-90 microns. The fine grain matrix results in large amounts

of micro-porosity (10 microns or less). The visual porosity in this sample shows a

relatively uniform distribution.

Sample 2T, the sister plug of sample 4 in Table 4.1, geologically belongs to the

Lagoonal/Agriopleura Wackestone category (Plates 3A to 4B in Figure B. 3, and Figure

B. 4). The dominant porosity in this sample is primary micro-porosity, which was

developed in the inter-granular mud matrix. Secondary porosity was developed through

dissolution of biogenic fragments (Plate 3A: H15, J26; Plate 3B: H22, G27; in Figure B.

3), which show residual calcite rims. Furthermore, secondary micro-porosity was

developed through dissolution of the mud matrix. Some secondary porosity has been lost

to precipitation of calcite in the dissolution pores (Plate 3B: U23, E11, D27; in Figure B.

3). The calcite is probably locally sourced by a pressure solution at grain-grain contacts

in the mud matrix.


This sample shows that approximately 30% of the originally developed secondary

porosity appears to have been lost to re-precipitation of the calcite. The diagenetic

sequence has developed a complex pore structure of moderate heterogeneity. Pore throats

are small (5-15 microns), but the pores are well interconnected. Plate 4B, in Figure B.4,

shows a typical example of dissolution of a biogenic fragment, and re-precipitated calcite

(L15, R18) filling a portion of the diagenetic pore. The sample is 75% lime mud and 25%

biogenic grains and fragments. Approximately, 13% of the total porosity is micro-


Sample 3T, the sister plug of sample 8 in Table 4.1, geologically belongs to the

Lagoonal/Agriopleura-pellet Wackestone category (Plates 5A to 6B, in Figure B. 5, and

Figure B. 6). This sample is very similar to sample 2T. The dominant porosity in this

sample is primary micro-porosity developed in the inter-granular mud matrix. Secondary

porosity was developed through dissolution of biogenic fragments (Plate 5A: O25; H13)

which show residual calcite rims. In addition, secondary micro-porosity was developed

through dissolution of the mud matrix.

There is abundant evidence of re-crystallization of the lime mud. Some secondary

porosity has been lost to precipitation of calcite in the dissolution pores (Plate 6B: E25).

Approximately 15% of the originally developed secondary porosity appears to have been

lost to re-precipitation of the calcite. The diagenetic sequence has developed a complex

pore structure, of moderate heterogeneity. Pore throats are small (5-15 microns), but the

pores are well interconnected. This sample is 60% lime mud and 40% biogenic grains,

fragments and pellets. The micro-porosity represents approximately10% of the total

porosity in this sample.


Sample 4T, the sister plug of sample 16 in Table 4.1, geologically belongs to the

Lagoonal/Agriopleura-pellet Wackestone category (Plates 7A to 8B, in Figure B. 7, and

Figure B. 8). This sample is composed of about 40% lime, 30% deformable pelloids, and

30% biogenic fragments. Porosity in this sample has been developed through dissolution

of the biogenic fragments (Plate 7A: H9, A19, S21; in Figure B. 7). The fragments

commonly have well developed calcite rims. Secondary micro-porosity is developed

through re-crystallization of the mud matrix (Plate 7A: D10, H3; in Figure B. 7).

Approximately 12% of the porosity in this sample is micro-porosity. The sample

demonstrates a bi-modal distribution. In terms of pore structure, this sample is more

heterogeneous than sample 1T, and the pores are well interconnected. The pore throats

are somewhat larger than sample 1T.

Sample 5T, the sister plug of sample 5 in Table 4.1, geologically belongs to the

Lagoonal/Agriopleura-pellet Wackestone category (Plates 9A to 10B, in Figure B. 9, and

Figure B. 10). The sample shows considerable inter-granular porosity, which appears to

be secondary as a result of dissolution of the lime mud matrix. This resulted in a complex

pore structure of high heterogeneity, and a high level interconnection between the pores.

There has been significant recrystallization of the remaining matrix. Although a large

amount of lime mud has been dissolved, the sample retains the mud-supported structure

indicative of a wackestone.

The remaining material shows relic pellets (Plate 9A: G25, N13) and biogenic

debris (Plate 11B: O10). There is little secondary precipitation of calcite in the pores,

which indicates that the dissolved material was mobilized after dissolution, and not re-

precipitated as in most of the samples in this study.


Sample 6T, the sister plug of sample 34 in Table 4.1, geologically belongs to the

Lagoonal/Miliolid Wackestone category (Plates 11A to 12B, in Figure B. 11, and Figure

B. 12). This sample is dominated by the mud matrix. Micro-porosity represents over 24%

of the total porosity of the sample, which resulted from dissolution of the mud matrix.

The biogenic fragments represent about 10% of the total sample. Though these biogenic

fragments were dissolved earlier in diagenetic history, they were refilled calcite (Plate

11A: B14, N20, S10; in Figure B. 11).

The low permeability of the mud matrix made it impossible for the dissolved

calcite to move out, so it precipitated in the available porosity. This sample shows re-

crystallization of portions of the mud matrix, as with the previous samples. Some relic

80-100 micron pelloids can be seen in this sample (Plate 11A: M28, J12; in Figure B.

11), but they represent a minor portion of the assemblage.

Authigenic pyrite was noted in this sample, which may be the result of reduction

of sulphur compounds in organics (possibly related to worm burrows or other biogenic

activity). The pore structure in this sample is homogenous, but dominated by very small

pore throats. A large portion of the permeability of this sample was almost certainly lost

to the secondary precipitation of the calcite.

4.5 Wettability Characterization Study

The term wettability refers to the preference of the rock surface for one or the

other of two immiscible fluids. The Amott and the USBM methods are used to measure

wettability as quantitative tests. Both of the Amott and the USBM methods were used in

this study to evaluate the wettability characteristics of the cores under study.


4.5.1 Wettability Study using the Amott and the USBM Methods

Seven wettability-preserved core plugs were selected and used to study the

wettability characteristics of the reservoir’s interval under study using the Amott method.

These tests were carried out at EXPEC ARC, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. These samples

were first flushed to establish irreducible oil saturation. After that, oil imbibition (static

and dynamic) was determined, and followed by water imbibition (static and dynamic).

Amott wettability indices were calculated based on comparison of the spontaneous and

dynamic imbibition volumes of the aqueous and oleic phases (Amott, 1959). At the

conclusion of testing, samples were extracted and dried to measure core properties.

An additional five wettability-preserved core plugs were selected and used to

study the wettability characteristics of these cores using the USBM method. These tests

were carried out in EXPEC ARC, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia using centrifugation equipment

developed by Exxon Production Research Company. Testing was performed through a

procedure described by Slobod et al. (1951) and Donaldson et al. (1969). Core plugs were

subjected to centrifuge drainage and imbibition cycles. Each cycle consisted of six

displacement speeds ranging from 450 to the maximum speed of 2400 RPM. The volume

of each fluid displaced at each speed (oil or water) was observed through the top of the

centrifuge by means of transparent lid (a stroboscope) and calibrated collection tubes. All

tests were run using a confining pressure of 10342 kPa and 66 oC.

The USBM method uses the ratio of areas under the two capillary pressure curves

(Figure 4.6) to calculate indices according to the following equation:



⁄ ) (4.1)


WI = wettability index

A1 = area under drainage curve

A2 = area under imbibition curve

Figure 4.6: Schematic diagram of the USBM method for determining wettability

(Zinszne and Pellerin, 2007)

The wettability index (WI) range of +1.0 to -1.0 was divided and classified as

follows: neutral (+1.0 to -0.1), slightly water-wet (+0.1 to +0.3), water-wet (+0.3 to 1.0),


slightly oil-wet (-0.1 to -0.3), and (-0.3 to -1.0) as oil-wet (Cuiec, 1991).This index

presents results on the adopted scale, as shown in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7: Wettability index scale

4.5.2 Wettability Results

Table 4.3 presents the results from the Amott and the USBM methods. These

results indicate neutral to water-wet samples with a tendency for increased water-wet

characteristics with depth.

Table 4.3: Wettability results from the Amott and USBM methods


4.6 Characterization of Porosity and Permeability Variation within a Plug Scale

The new approach used in this study integrates the results from both NMR and

CT scan in order to classify the variations in porosity and permeability within a plug

scale. The following section presents an overview of the use of NMR to evaluate

permeability variations within a core plug, and CT scan to assess porosity heterogeneity

within a core plug.

4.6.1 Use of NMR as Permeability Variation Indicator

NMR was first introduced to the petroleum industry with the work of Brown and

Fatt in 1956. Their pioneering laboratory work used measurements of the T1 relaxation

rate to characterize pore size and wettability.

NMR is based on the simple principle that protons in a permanent magnetic field

can temporarily store radio frequency energy. The rate at which the protons lose this

stored energy can be monitored and recorded with a suitable radio frequency receiver.

The decay rates of the signal are referred to as the T1 (spin-lattice) or T2 (spin-spin) decay

times, and are based on phenomenological descriptions of the decay process.

The low-field NMR T2 measurements, made on water-saturated cores, provide a

view of the pore system based primarily on the relaxation of nuclear spins at the pore

surface, and can be used to measure total porosity and extract T2 distributions. This

mechanism provides data that can be used to correlate with permeability. The correlation

with permeability is based on the close relationship between NMR T2 distributions and

pore-size distributions (Straley et al., 1997).

Current models for the relaxation process and the corresponding permeability

transform are based on the equations first proposed by Bloembergen et al. (1948).



] (4.2)


⁄ (4.3)


T2 = Transverse relaxation time

SR = Surface relaxivity

S/V = Surface to volume ratio

The S/V ratio is used as the physical basis for the permeability transform.

Generally, the permeability is assumed to increase as the S/V decreases (Siddiqui et al.,

2000). Physically, NMR measurements are exponentially decreasing alternating currents.

To characterize the pore system in a reservoir rock, the exponentially decreasing signal is

inverted into a distribution of exponentials (T2 times), which are considered to

correspond to specific pores (or S/V ratios).

Samples with broader NMR T2 distributions might indicate large variation in

permeability within the core scale, when compared to others with narrower NMR T2

distributions. This difference in NMR T2 distributions might not essentially lead to

different average permeabilities for both cases; it solely describes the variation in

permeability within these samples. For example, Figure 4.8 and Figure 4.9 shows NMR

T2 distributions of two carbonate samples having almost identical average air

permeability. Samples designated with “A” are used in this study whereas the ones

designated with “B” are taken from another carbonate reservoir.


As can be seen from these figures, samples taken from reservoir “B” have broader

T2 distributions than samples taken from reservoir “A”, which indicates a broad

distribution of pore sizes in reservoir “B” samples. Though air permeability of each pair

samples is almost identical, it can be postulated from their NMR spectra that the two

phase flow outcomes from these samples will be different.

Figure 4.8: T2 distributions of two carbonate plugs with low gas permeability


Figure 4.9: T2 distributions of two carbonate plugs with medium gas permeability NMR Experimental Work and Data Analysis

The NMR work completed in this part involves conducting low-field NMR T2

measurements on all 51 core samples assuming full saturation condition is achieved.

NMR measurements were conducted using an EcoTek-FTB low-field NMR

relaxometer (available at PERM Inc. and TIPM Laboratory, Calgary), which was

manufactured by the EcoTek Corporation. This machine operates at a frequency of

around 1.8 MHz, and measures samples at ambient temperature and pressure. NMR

measurements were made using a CPMG pulse sequence with the parameters listed in

Table 4.4.


Table 4.4: NMR parameters used in this study

The samples were vacuumed for 24 hours, and then saturated with degassed brine

(2% NaCl). These samples were then left to soak for additional 24 hours under vacuum.

Prior to testing, the samples were wrapped with Teflon tape, and inserted in a Ziploc bag

to minimize core desaturation during testing. After the conclusion of each test, the sample

bulk volume was measured using the Archimedes method.

It is known that the NMR response is a time delay signal that can be used

independently to characterize the pore space. However, the NMR response is more

frequently inverted to fit what is referred to as distributed exponential fit. This distributed

exponential fit is called a T2 distribution and serves as the basis for core sample

interpretation of NMR. Although several techniques exist to invert the time domain decay

curve to a T2 distribution, the one most commonly used is based on the Butler et al.

(1981) algorithm. This procedure is incorporated in the program ExpFit (developed by

PERM Inc. and TIPM Laboratory, Calgary), which was used to obtain the T2

distributions of all samples. These T2 distributions are presented as amplitude frequency

(A) versus time (T2, ms).

The NMR T2 distribution represents a distribution of pore-volumes. This

distribution of pore-volumes is commonly divided into two portions: bound fluid and free

fluid portions. This can be achieved by fixing a T2 value, known as T2cutoff , that separates


the two fluid portions. It is widely accepted that the T2cutoff value varies with lithology,

especially within carbonate rocks (Mai and Kantzas, 2000). In this study, a T2cutoff value

(121 ms) was chosen based on the experience with these carbonate rocks (Rose et al.,

2003). However, a T2cutoff value (125 ms) was used in this work since the output T2 bins

from ExpFit doesn’t show 121 ms.

NMR-porosity of each sample was evaluated using the following equation:


where, AT = total NMR amplitude of fully saturated core (-)

AI = amplitude index of brine (Kg-1


= density of brine (Kg/m3)

BV = bulk volume of core (m3)

The amplitude index (AI) of brine is defined as the total amplitude (AT) of the

brine sample with known mass.


where, = mass of brine (Kg)

The T2 geometric mean ( ), the T2 geometric mean of the free fluid portion

(defined as the portion carrying the producible fluids [Brown and Neuman, 1980])

( ), and standard deviation of the free fluid portion (STD_T2FF) of T2 distributions

were evaluated using Equation (4.6) and Equation (4.7), respectively.


] (4.6)



[ √∑ ( (




The porosity obtained from NMR is compared with the saturation porosity in

Figure 4.10. It can be seen that NMR-porosity is fairly accurate compared to the same

saturation porosity. This means that NMR T2 distributions can be trusted and used for

further investigations.

Figure 4.10: Comparison between saturation porosity and NMR porosity

The use of statistics (mainly the T2 geometric mean and standard deviation of T2

distribution) to describe permeability variations within a core sample is based on the

assumption that T2 distribution is an analogy of pore-size distribution. In order to

describe permeability variations in each core sample, the STD_T2FF is obtained for each

core plug.


Figure 4.11 through Figure 4.13 plot , and the STD_T2FF against

core gas permeability. Figure 3.8 shows that permeability increases as the of the

total spectra increases. However, when the T2gm-FF is plotted against core permeability

(Figure 4.12), the correlation and scatterings of the data improved. This indicates that the

average pore-size of the free fluid pores (T2gm-FF) is a more representative factor of the

average core permeability, when compared to the of the total spectra.

Figure 4.11: Gas permeability versus geometric mean of T2 for all selected samples


Figure 4.12: Gas permeability versus geometric mean of the free fluid portion of T2

for all selected samples

Figure 4.13: Gas permeability versus standard deviation of the free fluid portion of

T2 for all selected samples


The T2 portion of the total spectra that might affect the outcomes of two phase

flow is most likely the free fluid portion. This portion of the total T2 is thought to be the

portion carrying the producible fluids (Brown and Neuman, 1980). Hence, it is assumed

that samples with larger variation within the free fluid portion of T2 spectra will show

different results from two phase flow.

In order to evaluate the permeability variations within each core plug, the

STD_T2FF is obtained for each core sample. Figure 4.13 shows that permeability

increases as the STD_T2FF of a core sample increases. Though Figure 4.13 shows a fairly

good correlation between STD_T2FF and air permeability, the reason for this correlation

cannot be explained in this study. STD_T2FF varies from about 1.1 to 1.8 with a median

value of about 1.4, while permeability varies from 5.3 to 143.8 mD with a median value

of 12.8 mD.

It is to be noted that the idea of this characterization methodology is not to group

the core samples based on their average permeability values, or geological facies (as is

the usual practise), but instead to classify them based on the degree of variations in their

permeability and porosity within the core plug scale.

4.6.2 Use of CT Scanning as a Porosity Variation Indicator

CT, originally a medical technique, has been widely used for understanding the

behaviour of rocks and fluids in hydrocarbon reservoirs. CT provides a non-destructive

(non-invasive) way of looking at cores and helps to identify lithology, measure density

and porosity, and view and quantify fluid movement inside the cores (Siddiqui et al.,



When an object such as a core plug is CT scanned, focused beams from an X-ray

source penetrate the object and the emergent beams are captured by a set of detectors. At

each scan location, the X-ray source and detectors move around the object to cover the

entire 360 degrees. The mathematical algorithm used in CT scanning reconstructs the

object by comparing the attenuation of the X-ray beams going through and coming out of

the object.

The attenuation of the energy in the X-ray beams is related to the electron density

and atomic number of the materials present in the object being scanned. Each material

possesses a distinct linear attenuation coefficient and the total response received by the

detectors is a combination of these coefficients. A normalized scale (of attenuation

coefficients) known as the CT number is generally used for computational purposes. In

typical laboratory scanning conditions, the CT number varies linearly with the bulk

density of core materials.

The porosity of a core plug can be determined by means of CT number. One way

to do this involves scanning standards of known bulk densities and plotting bulk density

versus CT numbers. The slope and the intercept of the straight-line fit are then used to

compute the bulk density ( ) of the unknown samples. Once the bulk density is

known, porosity at each volume element (voxel) can be calculated using the following







= density of matrix (2710 kg/m3, for limestone)

= density of matrix and fluid filling pores (kg/m3)

= density of fluid filling pores (kg/m3)

= CT number (-)

= Average voxel porosity (-) CT Scanning Experimental Work and Data Analysis

The CT scanning work completed in this part involves scanning a total of 51 core

samples under dry conditions. This step is required for characterization purpose.

In order to use CT scan as a quantitative and a qualitative tool, typical laboratory

scanning conditions are required. These include diminishing if not eliminating the X-ray

artefact, known as “beam hardening”, and selecting the proper standard materials (used

for calibration).

Beam hardening effect is commonly seen in CT image slices containing higher

density core materials (e.g. dark yellow or green in Figure 4.14). This beam hardening

does not represent the true density value in the affected areas and usually CT data from

these areas are excluded from analyses. One way to reduce this artefact (during CT

scanning) is using “X-ray filtering” materials such as plastic and aluminum. A

combination of a plastic tube (Peek, 2.54 cm in thickness), and an aluminum tube (1.27

cm in thickness) were found to be suitable for the carbonate rocks used in this study.


Figure 4.14: Examples of beam hardening effects due to mineralogy

The standard materials used in this research are listed in Table 4.5 with their

corresponding bulk densities.

CT scan experimental work was conducted at U of C in Calgary, using a GE CTI

scanner manufactured by General Electric. The main CT scan parameters used for these

purposes are 120 kV, 100 mA, 0.1-cm beam thickness, and 0.2-cm scan interval.

Appendix C shows CT scan qualitative results of all core plugs compiled in a

template as depicted in Figure 4.15.

Figure 4.16 presents a plot of corrected standard bulk density ( )

versus the corresponding CT number. The slope and the intercept of the straight-line fit

are then used to compute the bulk density ( ) of the samples under study.

The bulk densities of these samples were then converted to average voxel porosities. This

results in a CT-porosity distribution and an average CT-porosity value for each core



Figure 4.17 shows a good match between porosities measured using gas

expansion and the ones obtained from CT scan. This justifies using CT data in describing

porosity variations of the carbonate core samples used in this study.

The use of statistics to compare slice-by-slice density or porosity data obtained

from CT provides an effective way to describe heterogeneity in each core sample

(Siddiqui et al., 2006). The typical statistical data generated by CT are the mean, standard

deviation, and minimum and maximum CT number.

In order to describe porosity variations in each core sample, the average of the

(described in Section 2.3.3) of CT numbers for each slice was obtained. Figure 4.19

shows the scatterings of ’s with respect to porosity of the core samples. vary

from about 0.03 to 0.09 with a median value of about 0.05, while porosity varies from

23.7 to 35.6 % of BV with a median value of 30.5 % of BV. There is no unique

relationship between and porosity data for these samples.

Table 4.5: Standard material used for CT calibration


Figure 4.15: Example of the CT scan image template used in this study

Figure 4.16: Calibration of CT scanner using corrected density


Figure 4.17: Comparison between CT scan porosity and routine porosity

Figure 4.18: Comparison between CT-porosity and CvCT

4.6.3 Combining NMR and CT Results

This section demonstrates the attempts to group these carbonate core plugs based

on the degree of variation in their permeability and porosity within the plug scale. This

work identifies heterogeneity map for a group of carbonate samples.


Figure 4.19 displays the heterogeneity characterization map of STD_T2FF versus

. The two dash lines represent the medians of the STD_T2FF and . Figure 4.19

shows four rectangular areas in which each rectangular area is bounded by the STD_T2FF

and medians from two sides. Each rectangular area represents a heterogeneity

degree in permeability and porosity. Rectangular areas one through four indicate: high

variation in permeability, but low variation in porosity, high variation in permeability and

porosity, low variation in permeability and porosity, and low variation in permeability,

but high variation in porosity.

It is assumed that the samples closely located around the intercept of the two

medians have the same level of heterogeneity. Using these assumptions, the samples

used in this study can be mainly classified into three heterogeneity groups. These

heterogeneity groups are referred to as: Group1 (samples showing low variations in

permeability and porosity, considered as samples with low rock heterogeneity [LRH]),

Group2 (samples showing moderate variations in permeability and porosity, considered

as samples with moderate rock heterogeneity [MRH]), and Group3 (samples showing

high variations in permeability and porosity, considered as samples with high rock

heterogeneity [HRH]).

It is to be noted that the samples that are located at the first area and away from

the intersection of the two median are referred to as Other1 samples in this study. On the

other hand, the samples that are located at the fourth area and away from the intersection

of the two median are referred to as Other2 samples in this study.


Figure 4.19: Heterogeneity characterization map of STD_T2FF versus CvCT

Figure 4.20 shows typical CT-porosity distributions of samples representing the

three heterogeneity groups. The NMR T2 distributions of these samples are depicted in

Figure 4.21. The locations of these samples on the heterogeneity characterization map

(Figure 4.19) are indicated.

Figure 4.20 shows that the sample with low heterogeneity in permeability and

porosity exhibits a relatively narrower CT-porosity distribution than the sample with high

variation in permeability and porosity. In addition, this sample exhibits a narrower (uni-

model) NMR T2 distribution, whereas the sample with high variations in permeability

and porosity shows a broader (approximately, bio-model) NMR T2 distribution (Figure


Appendix C presents CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions for all selected

samples, except some that were erroneously deleted from a personal computer.


3 4



Figure 4.20: Typical CT-porosity distributions of the three heterogeneity groups

Figure 4.21: Typical NMR T2 distributions of the three heterogeneity groups

4.6.4 Will this Rock Heterogeneity affects the Capillary Based Production Process?

Now that the heterogeneity in these cores has been classified, it is useful to

forecast the effect (i.e. neutral or negative) of this heterogeneity on the capillary based

production process. One possible way to test this effect is by predicting the permeability


in these cores using the well-known permeability correlation (Kozeny-Carman [K-C]).

The K-C has been proven to work well for homogenous porous medium (Peng Xu, 2008),

where all pores are very well inter-connected and porosity is inter-granular-porosity.

Since this work investigates carbonate cores, one main existing problem is the

pore connectivity (mainly between large and small pores). If using the K-C produces a

good match with the absolute permeability of these cores, then it is likely these cores will

yield less effect on the capillary based production process due to pore connectivity. If a

poor match is revealed, then the capillary production process will probably be more

affected by the connectivity issue in these cores.

In order to predict permeability using the K-C and NMR response, a certain link

has to be established. The established link between the K-C and NMR is basically

through the total surface area of pores to the bulk volume of the system (S/V) ratio. Using

this link, different K-C based NMR empirical correlations were developed (Seevers,

1966; Kenyon et al., 1988).

In this study, a very simple form of the K-C (Equation (4.10)) (Gates, 2011)

correlation was used, into which the NMR T2 response was incorporated through the use

of the total pores’ surface area (SNMR) of a sample. This correlation has the following



where “S” is the interstitial surface, defined as the total surface of the pores divided by

the bulk volume of the porous medium (Gates, 2011). The bulk volume (BV) of an


individual core plug was used in this correlation (measured using the Archimedes

method). Equation (4.10) then becomes:




The total surface of the individual core plug’s pores was estimated using NMR T2

response as follows:

∑ (




Saturation porosity

Surface to volume ratio of an individual pore

Frequency of an individual pore

Amplitude index, defined in Equation (4.5)

can be written as:


By placing Equation (4.13) into Equation (4.12), Equation (4.12) becomes:


This shows that the total pores’ surface of a core sample can be estimated using Equation

(4.12). Consequently, Equation (4.3) can be substituted into Equation (4.12) with the

assumption that is constant within a core sample. Equation (4.12) then becomes:


∑ (



The surface relaxivities for a set of samples selected from the same interval as

the studied cores were measured using the Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) gas

adsorption technique. The individual plugs’ surface relaxivities were scattered in the

range of 1.30-4.78 µm/s.

The total surface area of the individual core plug was estimated using Equation

(4.15). The porosity used in the K-C correlation was measured using saturation method.

The Klinkenberg-permeability was matched against the predicted permeability based on

the K-C correlation. In the beginning of predicting the permeability, the average surface

relaxivity (3.04 µm/s) of the measured samples was used. Poor matching was obtained

between the measured and the predicted permeabilities (Figure 4.22). Consequently,

different average surface relaxivities (based on tested samples intervals) were used for the

samples from the same interval and are listed in Table 4.6. This step improved the match

between the measured and predicted permeabilities (Figure 4.23).

The good match between the measured and predicted permeabilities suggests that

this heterogeneity in these specific cores has good pore-to-pore connectivity. As a matter

of fact, the thin-section study indicated that a sample from the most heterogeneous

samples showed a good connectivity between its pore systems, suggesting that this type

of heterogeneity can even work in the capillary based production process.


Table 4.6: Average surface relaxivities used to improve the K-C correlation

Figure 4.22: Poor correlation between predicted and measured permeabilities


Figure 4.23: Improved correlation between predicted and measured permeabilities



This chapter presents the apparatuses used in this study, details the procedure

used to conduct the gasflood experiments, and explains the method followed to analyse

CT scan data.

Two coreflood apparatuses were used in this study. The first coreflood apparatus

(EXPEC ARC, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia) was designed by CoreTest Systems2, Inc to

conduct gas-liquid displacement experiments under high pressure/high temperature

conditions, while the second gasflood apparatus was assembled in house to carry out gas-

liquid experiments under low pressure/moderate temperature conditions.

5.1 EXPEC ARC Coreflood Apparatus

The coreflood apparatus used in this study was designed to investigate two-phase

flow behaviour under simulated reservoir conditions (80oC and 10,342 kPa net

overburden pressure). This apparatus consists of four main components:

Injection system

Coreflood cell

Production system

Data logging system

The detailed components of this gasflood system are shown in .

5.1.1 Injection System

The injection system consists of a dual cylinder Quizix pump. These pumps,

placed inside a split oven designed to maintain reservoir temperature, supply distilled

water to the bottom of floating piston accumulators filled with the desired fluids. Two

floating piston accumulators are used in this study to deliver dead-oil and live-oil. A gas


Figure 5.1: Coreflood schematic used to conduct HPP gasflood experiments


booster is placed outside the split oven and is used to boost N2 pressure to the desired

pressure. A gas-ballast and a pressure-controller are used to stabilize N2 pressure. Four

individual gas flow meters, in the range of 0-5, 0-50, 0-500, and 0-5,000 cm3/min (at

standard conditions), are used to measure gas flow rate. A humidifier vessel is placed

inside the split oven and is used to humidify N2 prior to injection into the core.

5.1.2 Coreflood Cell

The coreflood cell used in this study is a hydrostatically loaded core holder that

accommodates 3.81 cm in diameter cores up to 30.5 cm in length. The core stack is

placed in a Nitrile rubber sleeve with both ends secured to end plugs and a confinement

pressure of 10,342 kPa above operation pressure. An automated confining pressure

controller is used to maintain constant confinement pressure through all phases of the test

including system heat up. Three individual differential pressure transducers, in the range

of 0-34, 0-344, and 0-3447 kPa, are used to monitor differential pressure across the core.

5.1.3 Production System

Produced gas and oil are separated in a gravimetric separator, where the produced

liquid volume is measured. The produced gas exits the separator and goes through a

digital back pressure regulator. The atmospheric gas enters a glass separator where it is

cooled and any excess liquid is collected. The ambient condition gas volume is measured

with a gas flow meter totalizer.

5.1.4 Data Acquisition System

Different components of the system are monitored and controlled by the data

acquisition system (developed by CoreTest Systems2 Inc.). The data acquisition collects


raw data such as mass flow meter readings, produced gas and oil volumes, pore and

confining pressures, differential pressures, and system temperature.

5.2 In-House Coreflood Apparatus

The coreflood apparatus used in this study was designed to investigate certain

parameters and meet the research objectives. It was assembled in-house to serve as low

pressure/moderate temperature medium where desired condition fluid flow displacements

take place. This apparatus consists of four main components:

Injection system

Coreflood cell

Production system

Data logging system

X-ray computed tomography scanner

Table 5.1 provides a description of all components used in coreflood experiments.

The GE CTI X-ray computed tomography scanner (CT scanner) is used as a separate

component to map final fluid saturations during the coreflood experiments (saturation

and gasflood).

5.2.1 Injection System

The injection system consists of two dual cylinder Quizix pumps. These pumps

supply distilled water to the bottom of floating piston accumulators filled with the desired

fluids. Three floating piston accumulators are used in this study to deliver oil, brine, and



5.2.2 Coreflood Cell

The coreflood cell used in this study is shown in Figure 5.2. It is an x-ray

transparent core-holder made from peek plastic material. This core-holder can withstand

a maximum confinement pressure of 8274 kPa at 80oC. It accommodates 3.81 cm

diameter cores up to 30.5 cm in length. The core stack is placed in a Nitrile sleeve with

both ends secured to end plugs and a confinement pressure of 5,860 kPa above operation

pressure. The confinement pressure is maintained by a dual cylinder Quizix pump. The

coreflood temperature is maintained at 80oC by using a fixable heating tape that is set to

the desired temperature via a temperature controller. The core-holder cell is wrapped with

an insulation material to maintain constant temperature.

5.2.3 Production System

Produced fluids go through a dome type back pressure regulator (BPR) where the

pressure is set to the desired value by applying N2. Effluent fluids from BPR go through a

graduated glass collector where liquids remain while the atmospheric gas is vented from

the collector’s top. The atmospheric gas enters a glass separator where it is cooled and

any excess liquid is collected. The ambient condition gas volume is measured with a gas

flow meter totalizer.

5.2.4 Data Acquisition System

Different components of the system are monitored and controlled by the data

acquisition system (developed by TIPM Laboratory). The data acquisition system collects

raw data such as injected and produced gas volume, pore and confining pressures,

differential pressures, and system temperature.


5.2.5 The GE CTI X-Ray CT Scanner

Shown in Figure 5.3 is the GE CTI X-ray computed tomography scanner (CT

scanner). This CT scanner is used as a separate component to profile final fluid

saturations during coreflood course. It can be operated at different levels of power (up to

140 kV, and 200 mA).

Table 5.1: A list of equipment used in the in-house study

Figure 5.2: The X-ray transparent coreholder used in this study

Equipment Description

Quizix pumps Model 6K-SS, capacity 0.001 – 50 ml/min

Floating Piston Accumulators In-house machined, capacity 500 ml, max. pressure 10, 000 psi

BPR Dome type, max. pressure 3000 psi

Pressure Transducers Validyne, differential pressure, 10, and 50 psid

Gas Totalizer OMEGA, Model FMA-4302

Heating Tape OMEGA, Model SRT 101-040

Thermocouples OMEGA, J-type

Temperature Controller ZESTA, Model ZCP466

Equipment Information


Figure 5.3: The GE CTI CT scanner used in this study

5.3 Testing Procedure

This section provides the experimental steps followed during the experiments. It

is divided into three sections: HPP corefloods, LPP corefloods, and centrifuge

experiments which explain the fluid flow experiments.

5.3.1 Coreflood Experiments Performed at HPP

Shown in Figure 5.1 the complete coreflood system used to conduct all gasflood

experiments on wettability-preserved samples operated at 17237 kPa and 80oC. All tests

were conducted at 80oC, 17,237 kPa operating pressure, and 10,342 kPa net overburden

pressure. It is equipped with an auto data acquisition system, dual cylinder Quzix pumps,

and a hydrostatically loaded core holder. The main steps followed to conduct a gasflood

test are:

1. Trim and smooth selected samples to make cylinder plugs, then measure

individual plug’s dimensions.


2. Load the selected core plug in a Hassler type core holder with 5,516 kPa net

confining pressure and flush with at least two pore volumes of degassed brine

against 1,379 kPa back pressure to insure complete initial liquid saturation.

3. Measure brine permeability at atmospheric outlet pressure.

4. Spin the brine saturated samples inside a centrifuge (Mistral 3000) at 3000 RPM

for four hours in order to establish irreducible water saturation.

5. Repeat step two in order to saturate the selected core plug with dead-oil at

irreducible water saturation.

6. Mount the core plugs in the hydrostatically loaded core holder. In this process,

stack selected samples starting from the highest permeable core followed by the

lowest permeable core (based on brine permeability), and follow this order to the

end of the core stack. Use filter-paper to insure capillary continuity between core


7. Flush the core stack with few pore volumes of dead-oil until the pressure drop

across the core stabilizes, and then measure oil permeability.

8. Age the core stack for one month. In this step, flush the core stack with fresh

dead-oil daily until the pressure drop across the core is stabilized.

9. Flush the core stack with several pore volumes of live-oil until the pressure drop

across the core stabilizes and then measure oil permeability.

10. Start N2 injection at constant injection pressure. In this step, stop N2 injection

when oil production remains constant for three readings.

11. Cool down the coreflooding system to room temperature, and then dismount the

core stack.


12. Measure end point saturations using Dean/Stark solvent extraction technique.

5.3.2 Coreflood Experiments Performed at LPP

Shown in Figure 5.4 the complete coreflood system used to conduct all gasflood

experiments on wettability-restored samples operated at LPP. All tests were conducted at

80oC, 1,034 kPa operating pressure, and 5,860 kPa net overburden pressure. It is

equipped with an auto data acquisition system, dual cylinder Quzix pumps, and an X-ray

transparent core holder. The main steps followed to conduct a gasflood test are:

13. Trim and smooth selected samples to create cylinder plugs, then measure

individual plug’s dimensions.

14. Mount the core plugs in the core holder. In this process, stack selected samples

starting from the highest permeable core followed by the lowest permeable core,

and follow this order towards the end of the core stack. Use filter-paper to insure

capillary continuity between core plugs.

15. Measure gas permeability (using Nitrogen) and porosity (helium expansion) of the

core stack.

16. Vacuum the core stack from both ends under temperature (80oC) for about 12

hours. After that, open inlet valve while closing outlet valve in order to saturate

the core stack with CO2 under constant injection pressure for about six hours.

Then, open outlet valve to flush out CO2 for few PVs, and close outlet valve to

continue CO2 saturation for additional four hours. Lastly, vacuum the core stack

from both ends for one day.

17. Mount core-holder horizontally and CT scan the core stack to obtain cross-

sectional images of 0.1 cm in thickness with 0.1cm spacing.


18. Saturate the core stack with degassed reservoir composite brine. The saturation is

accomplished by injecting brine into the core at constant pressure (345 kPa)


19. Inject 3 to 4 PVs of brine with back pressure of 1379 kPa to ensure complete

saturation. Measure brine permeability and calculate the core stack’s PV using

material balance. Confirm the results with helium expansion and CT scan

calculations of the dry core.

20. Leave the core stack to reach temperature equilibrium overnight, and then CT

scan using same CT parameters of the dry core.

21. Saturate the core stack with reservoir crude oil to reduce the water saturation to

irreducible water saturation (Swi). This is accomplished by injecting five to seven

PVs of oil or until no further brine is produced.

22. Age the core stack for two weeks. In this step, flush the core stack with fresh oil

every five days until the pressure drop across the core is stabilized.

23. CT scan using same CT parameters of the dry core.

24. Mount the core holder vertically.

25. Start injecting Nitrogen at a constant rate. When no further oil is produced, stop

injecting gas, mount the core-holder horizontally, and then CT scan the core


26. Start injecting Nitrogen at constant rate higher than the previous rate. When no

further oil is produced, stop injecting gas, mount the core-holder horizontally, and

then CT scan the core stack.


27. Start injecting Nitrogen at constant rate higher than the second rate. When no

further oil is produced, stop injecting gas, mount the core-holder horizontally, and

then CT scan the core stack.

28. Cool down the core holder to room temperature, and then dismount the core stack.

29. Clean the core plugs from oil and salts using Dean-Stark.

Figure 5.4: Coreflood schematic for the LPP gasflood experiments

5.3.3 Centrifuge System

This experimental work was conducted to evaluate the ultimate oil recovery under

centrifuging conditions. This experimental work was carried out at an international

service lab (Intertek, USA).


The detailed experimental procedure followed to conduct the reservoir

temperature centrifuge work is:

1- Measure porosity and gas permeability.

2- Saturate samples with degassed composite brine using displacement with back

pressure, and then measure brine permeability at outlet atmospheric pressure.

3- Establish irreducible water saturation for samples by spinning in the centrifuge

inside oil-filled cups at centrifuge speed of 6000 RPM, and then measure Swi by

material balance.

4- Age samples for two weeks at a temperature of 80oC.

5- Flush samples with dead-oil by displacement with back pressure for a few pore

volumes and then measure ko at reservoir temperature (80oC).

6- Perform single-speed centrifuge (with camera system) oil relative permeability at

reservoir temperature (80oC) at 4000 RPM, using nitrogen as a displacing fluid,

which is achieved by purging the centrifuge-cup with nitrogen prior to running the


7- Calculate Sorg using material balance.

8- Measure gas (nitrogen) permeability at Sorg , using the lowest acceptable gas flow

rate at 80oC.

9- Dean-Stark for end point saturations.

5.4 CT Scan Data Analysis Used in this Study

The output data from an X-ray machine is known as CT number (CTN). This

number is dimensionless and is mainly gives information concerning density. A very

popular approach in the literature (Akin and Kovscek, 2003) is to analyse CT scan data in


order to obtain information concerning fluid saturations within a core. This method

directly uses the raw data from CT scan (CTN), commonly used to obtain voxel-by-voxel

porosity (Akin and Kovscek, 2003) and is an explicit way to analyse CT data. To use this

method, the core needs to be scanned dry, saturated with water, saturated with oil at

irreducible water saturation, and at certain PVs flooded with a displacing fluid (e.g.

water). This can be achieved using the following equations:

for calculating porosity,


for calculating oil saturation (Rangel-German and Kovscek, 2002) ,



= CTN of water (0)

= CTN of air (-1000)

= CTN of used oil

= CTN of rock saturated with water

= CTN of the rock in dry condition

= CTN of the rock after flooding with certain PVs

= CTN of the rock saturated with the resident fluid (e.g. water or doped water)

It is clear that this approach is based on a slope of two points (air and water). This

slope of air and water is measured on objects with relatively low densities. By assuming


that this slope can be extrapolated to higher densities (or infinity), it is possible to obtain

saturation points using this slope.

However, for better accuracy in obtaining saturation points, it is needed to be

taken into account that this extrapolation doesn’t work to infinity, since it only works in

proximity the area where it is measured. Consequently, a calibration line for each studied

sample can be constructed using the density and the CTN of the dry and the brine-

saturated conditions. This approach, assuming a full saturation condition is achieved,

should produce relative saturation points (there is no extrapolation to much different

densities) since this calibration line is in the range of densities (or attenuation coefficients

[see Section 4.6.2]) where all the measurements were done. However, since the average

density and CTN of the core sample was used in the calibration line, this should have

some effects on the CT-Slice’s saturation but it is assumed to be minimal.

The following set of equations was used to obtain oil saturation profiles:

for initial oil saturation,

( )


for irreducible water saturation,


for remaining oil saturation,

[ ]

( ) (5.5)



⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⟩ ( ⟨ ⟩) (5.6)


Grain density of the core sample (Kg/m3)

Brine density (Kg/m3)

Oil density (Kg/m3)

Gas density (Kg/m3)

Average porosity obtained for a CT scan slice (-)

Routine average porosity for a plug sample (-)

⟨ ⟩ Average CTN for a plug sample in dry condition (-)

⟨ ⟩ Average CTN for a plug sample saturated with brine (-)

Average CTN of a CT scan slice before or after gasflood (-)

It is to be noted that the saturation points obtained from CT scan are within a limit

of accuracy. This limit of accuracy was obtained by comparing the average saturation for

the core stack obtained from CT scan with that measured from material balance. The

limits of accuracy will be reported in this thesis whenever the saturation points obtained

from CT scan are presented.


Chapter Six: Experimental Results and Discussions

6.1 Properties of the Fluids Used in This Study

The recombined live-oil (used in the high pore-pressure (HPP) study) and the

produced crude oil (used in the low pore-pressure (LPP) study) were provided by Saudi

Aramco. These oils were obtained from Shaybah field in the Empty Quarter of Saudi

Arabia. The properties of both oils are presented in Table 6.1.

The brine used in both studies is synthetic brine, which was prepared using the

composition listed in Table 6.2. The properties of this brine are presented in Table 6.1.

The gas used in both studies is humidified nitrogen. The properties of the

humidified nitrogen in both tests’ conditions are also listed in Table 6.1.

Table 6.3 presents the results from interfacial tension measurements and

measurements conditions using the Pendant Drop Method. These measurements include

the interfacial tension between humidified N2 and brine, humidified N2 and crude oil, and

brine and crude oil. All interfacial tension measurements were carried out at an

international service lab (Intertek, USA).

The spreading coefficient (Table 6.3) was calculated using the results from Table

6.3 and Equation (3.3). The positive value of the spreading coefficient indicates that the

oil can spread on the brine in presence of the gas, which could promote oil film-flow.


Table 6.1: Properties of the fluids used in this study

Table 6.2: Synthetic brine composition

Table 6.3: Spreading coefficient for Oil, Water, and N2 fluid triplets

6.2 Rock Heterogeneity Effect on Oil Recovery from Centrifuge

This experimental study involve conducting single-speed drainage centrifuge runs

on nine core plugs selected from different rock heterogeneity as shown in Figure 6.1. The

main goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of rock heterogeneity on oil recovery

when gravity forces dominate the flow.


These drainage experiments were carried out at 80oC and 4000 RPM. It is

assumed that by operating at this speed, the capillary end-effect will be reduced. This

means that the controlling factor to oil recovery should be the rock heterogeneity.

Initially, these samples were saturated with oil at irreducible water saturation using a

centrifuge-speed of 6000 RPM (assuming connate water saturation is achieved at this


Table 6.4 presents the final results from this experimental part. Oil recovery factor

(Figure 6.2) showed a decreasing trend with initial oil saturation. Figure 6.3 shows that

irreducible water saturation is, in general, tied to the rock heterogeneity. Since pore-size

distribution and pore geometry are considered controlling factors of irreducible

saturation, the heterogeneity index adopted in this study could be a good indicator for the

irreducible water saturation in these rocks.

Figure 6.4 and Figure 6.5 illustrate the effect of rock heterogeneity on oil

recovery and Sorg, respectively. Generally, the MRH samples showed the highest oil

recovery whereas the HRH samples showed the lowest oil recovery. Moreover, the HRH

samples showed the highest Sorg values whereas the MRH samples showed the lowest Sorg

values. This shows that the rock heterogeneity affects the oil recovery and Sorg; however

the effect is not considered remarkable. This suggests that in the absence of the capillary

number recovery bases, the rock heterogeneity of those rocks has a minimal effect on oil


One point worth mentioning is the close agreement in terms of oil recovery and

Sorg between sample 6 (from MRH group) and sample 8 (from other1 group). The

respective locations of these samples on the rock heterogeneity characterization map are


shown in Figure 6.1. This map shows that the respective locations of these two samples

are relatively close, although they were classified into different groups. This suggests that

sample six should not be included in the MRH group. This indicates that there might be a

heterogeneity index cut-off that marks the contribution of samples to oil recovery.

However, more centrifuge data are needed to reach to a consolidated conclusion

regarding this observation.

Overall, there is a general increasing trend in oil recovery and decreasing trend in

Sorg with irreducible water saturation. This supports what has been reported in the

literature concerning the relationship between oil recovery (and Sorg) and irreducible

water saturation.

Table 6.4: Results from single-speed drainage centrifuge experiments


Figure 6.1: Respective locations of the samples used in the centrifuge study

Figure 6.2: Oil recovery factor versus initial oil saturation from centrifuge


S2 S3 S4

S5 S6

S7 S9



Figure 6.3: Relation between heterogeneity type and irreducible water from

centrifuge study

Figure 6.4: Relation between heterogeneity type and total oil recovery from

centrifuge study


Figure 6.5: Relation between heterogeneity type and remaining oil saturation from

centrifuge study

6.3 Rock Heterogeneity Effect on Oil Recovery from Corefloods

The coreflood experiments conducted in this study are divided into two

experimental sets based on testing conditions: HPP conditions (17237 kPa and 80oC) and

LPP conditions (1034 kPa and 80oC). The main goal of conducting these experiments

was to evaluate the effect of rock heterogeneity on the ultimate oil recovery to immiscible

N2 gas injection under secondary and tertiary modes. In addition, a comparison can be

made between the two experimental sets to evaluate the effect of injection scheme

(constant injection pressure and constant injection rate) on oil recovery from different

rock heterogeneities. Since all runs from each experimental set were conducted under the

same experimental conditions, the outcomes from the two experimental sets can be

reasonably compared.


The LPP’s gasfloods consist of six runs. These runs were conducted on core

stacks from restored-wettability core plugs to evaluate the effect of a single rock

heterogeneity (four runs), and mixed rock heterogeneity (one run) on oil recovery factor.

All of the runs, performed as a secondary recovery process, were started with an initial

injection rate (IIR) that is equal to the critical gas injection (CIR) (Dumore, 1964) rate

multiplied by a factor of 7.3 except the MRH case (a factor of 4 was used).



Density difference between oil and gas (kg/m3)

Viscosity difference between oil and gas (Pa.s)

Gravity acceleration constant (~8.31 m/s2)

Oil permeability at irreducible water saturation (m2)

Since conducting gravity stable gasfloods on these low permeability cores

requires a long period of time, it was decided to operate above the gravity stable injection

rates of those cores. Moreover, the 7.3 factor was chosen so that the LRH case can be

conducted at 0.008 (cm3/min) rather than (0.001) cm

3/min, which was the limit of the

used pump’s accuracy. Since the MRH showed the highest end point oil permeability

(9.19 mD), a factor of four was used instead of 7.3. This was a precautious step in order

to prevent early gas breakthrough in this run.

Two additional rates (10×IIR and 100×IIR) were used in most of those runs to

investigate whether the extra oil production is attributed to rock heterogeneity or capillary

end-effect phenomena. However, only two injection rates were used in the high rock


heterogeneity case because the CT scanner was not functioning during the scheduled

scanning period.

In order to evaluate the effect of rock heterogeneity type on the ultimate oil

recovery from immiscible gas N2 injection under tertiary recovery mode (initially flooded

with brine), one run was carried out on a core stack of mixed rock heterogeneity. This run

was conducted using single rate (4×CIR).

In addition to the LPP’s gasfloods, three runs were conducted at HPP (17237

kPa). These three runs evaluate the effect of a single rock heterogeneity type on oil

recovery (low, moderate and high rock heterogeneities). The tests were carried out on

core stacks from wettability-preserved core plugs.

6.3.1 Experimental Runs Performed at LPP

A total of six experimental runs were completed in this experimental part

evaluating the effect of rock heterogeneity type on oil recovery. Three runs evaluate the

effect of single rock heterogeneity on oil recovery from low rock heterogeneity (LRH),

moderate rock heterogeneity (MRH), and high rock heterogeneity (HRH). One run

compares the effect of the average rock permeability differences on oil recovery within

single rock heterogeneity (LRH). Another run evaluates the effect of mixed rock

heterogeneity (LRH, MRH, and Other1) on oil recovery. All of the previous experimental

runs were conducted in secondary recovery mode. The last experimental run evaluates

the effect of mixed rock heterogeneity (LRH, MRH, HRH, and Other1) on tertiary oil



CT scanning was used in most of these runs to profile the fluid saturations at the

end of each injection rate period. In all of the multi-rate gasfloods, the starting time for

the next flow rate was when the ultimate oil recovery was achieved in the previous rate. Effect of Single Rock Heterogeneity on Oil Recovery

The three gasfloods were conducted to evaluate the effect of single rock

heterogeneity on oil recovery from immiscible N2 gas injection as a secondary recovery

process. Table 6.5 and Table 6.6 present the results from the gasfloods and the individual

basic properties of the selected samples, respectively. Figure 6.6 through Figure 6.8

illustrate the respective locations of the selected samples from each run on the

heterogeneity characterization map. Figure 6.9 through Figure 6.14 summarize the data

obtained from these single rock heterogeneity gasfloods.

Each run has two sets of data that show the results from the first gas injection rate

(first set), and the multi-injection rates (second set). Part (a) in these sets provides the

data for oil recovery and the pressure drop when N2 gas was injected at connate water

saturation. Part (b) provides the data for oil and gas recoveries as a result of N2 gas

injection. Part (c) shows oil rate (OR) recovery when N2 gas was injected. Part (d)

illustrates the normalized recovery factor (NRF) described as (cumulative oil recovery

(fraction)/PV of N2 gas injected).


Table 6.5: Gasflood results from the LPP of the single heterogeneity rocks


Table 6.6: Basic properties of the core sample used to construct the single

heterogeneity stacks


Figure 6.6: Respective locations of the samples used to construct the LRH stack

Figure 6.7: Respective locations of the samples used to construct the MRH stack


Figure 6.8: Respective locations of the samples used to construct the HRH stack


(a) Oil recovery and pressure drop


(b) Oil recovery and cumulative gas

produced characteristics

(c) Oil production rate characteristic (d) NRF characteristics

Figure 6.9: LRH gasflood results from the LPP for the first gas injection period


(a) Oil recovery and pressure drop


(b) Oil recovery and cumulative gas

produced characteristics

(c) Oil production rate characteristic (d) NRF characteristics

Figure 6.10: LRH gasflood results from the LPP for the three gas injection periods


(a) Oil recovery and pressure drop


(b) Oil recovery and cumulative gas

produced characteristics

(c) Oil production rate characteristic (d) NRF characteristics

Figure 6.11: MRH gasflood results from the LPP for the first gas injection period


(a) Oil recovery and pressure drop


(b) Oil recovery and cumulative gas

produced characteristics

(c) Oil production rate characteristic (d) NRF characteristics

Figure 6.12: MRH gasflood results from the LPP for the three gas injection periods


(a) Oil recovery and pressure drop


(b) Oil recovery and cumulative gas

produced characteristics

(c) Oil production rate characteristic (d) NRF characteristics

Figure 6.13: HRH gasflood results from the LPP for the first gas injection period


(a) Oil recovery and pressure drop


(b) Oil recovery and cumulative gas

produced characteristics

(c) Oil production rate characteristic (d) NRF characteristics

Figure 6.14: HRH gasflood results from the LPP for the two gas injection periods

112 Comparison of the Three Single Heterogeneity Gasfloods

There are two major comparisons that can be made from the single heterogeneity

experiments completed: (i) effect of heterogeneity type on the secondary oil recovery,

and (ii) effect of heterogeneity type on the capillary end-effect. The effect of

heterogeneity type on the pressure drop and NRF characteristics will be discussed under

the first comparison. This sub-sections details this comparison for the single

heterogeneity gasfloods. Effect of Single Rock Heterogeneity on Secondary Oil Recovery

Before discussing the results from the three single heterogeneity gasfloods, it is

more convenient to summarize the heterogeneity characteristics of these core stacks.

The LRH core stack showed generally similar porosity and NMR T2 distributions

which indicate overall uniformity in its rock property, as can be seen in Figure C. 25

through Figure C. 30. Furthermore, the pore size distribution from mercury injection of

this type of rocks showed generally uniform distributions (Figure A. 6 and Figure A. 7),

almost similar to the NMR T2 distributions. In this core stack, the air permeability

showed a standard deviation (STD) of 2.4 mD and an average permeability of 8.2 mD,

indicating fewer variations in permeability between core plugs and, in general, a tight

rock type.

On the other hand, the MRH core stack’s samples were marked with NMR T2

distributions that displayed small pores distribution (less than 100 ms) and a large pores

distribution (larger than 100 ms), as can be seen from Figure C. 11 through Figure C. 16.

Furthermore, the porosity distributions in these samples showed a generally similar

distribution to the NMR T2 corresponding to the large pores, with short skewedness


towards the smallest porosities that most probably corresponds to the small pores of the

NMR T2 distribution. The pore size distribution from mercury injection showed a bio-

model distribution (Figure A. 1 and Figure A. 2), and similar characteristics to the NMR

T2 distribution in these cores. In this core stack, the air permeability showed a STD of

13.6 mD and an average permeability of 29.2 mD, indicating more variations in

permeability (between the core samples) than the LRH and in general a permeable rock


The HRH core stack’s samples showed in general wider NMR T2 distributions

suggesting broader pore size distributions as can be seen from the mercury injection data

(Figure A. 3). Similarly, these samples showed wider porosity distributions with some

samples illustrating bio-model porosity distributions (Figure C. 1 through Figure C. 5).

Commonly, this bio-model porosity distribution corresponds to a long skewedness

towards the short times of the corresponding NMR T2 distribution. In this core stack, the

air permeability showed a STD of 9.1 mD and an average permeability of 16.4 mD,

indicating more variations in permeability (between the core samples) than the LRH, but

less than the MRH.

The effect of single rock heterogeneity on oil recovery as a result from the first

injection rate is illustrated in Figure 6.15. This figure shows that there is a monotonic

trend in the total oil recovery factor with the rock heterogeneity though the MRH’s total

oil recovery with respect to that of the LRH and the HRH might be underestimated (to a

small extent). This is because the MRH run was conducted at (4×CIR) as mentioned in

Section 6.3.


Figure 6.16 shows that oil recovery from the LRH case (41.73% OOIP) is

significantly higher than the HRH case (21.34 % OOIP), even under the low pressure

immiscible mode of gas injection. These oil recovery numbers suggest that the

permeability variation within the cores is more important than the average permeability

of the core alone. For example, the LRH had the lowest oil permeability and yet showed

the highest oil recovery as compared to the HRH or the MRH, assuming the oil recovery

from the MRH was underestimated. These results also suggest that when immiscibly

operating on these types of rocks and with the aid of gravity, the highest oil recovery

would be expected from the LRH rocks more than what would be expected from the

other two heterogeneity rock types.

However, the centrifuge data suggests that when utilizing gravity forces, the

MRH rocks would show the highest oil recovery. This comparison between the two data

sets could indicate that the MRH rock likely has a better pore connectivity than the LRH

and HRH cases. Actually, by viewing the oil recovery curve from the MRH, it can be

seen that oil production almost immediately seized after gas breakthrough, while it is

obvious in the LRH and HRH cases that oil production continued in an incremental way

until the end of production. The poor recovery in the MRH is attributed to the complex

pore structure in these samples (suggesting oil trapping) as indicated from the

petrographic study conducted on the adjacent plugs of two samples from this group.

The incremental post-breakthrough recovery in the LRH case is assumed to result

from non-uniform displacement since the test was conducted using gas injection rate of

7.3×CIR. Although the samples of the LRH core stack are classified as LRH rocks, their

heterogeneity varies within the range of the LRH. This, in fact, can be seen from the


results from NMR T2 and CT scan (e.g. Figure C. 26 and Figure C. 30). These figures

demonstrate that the samples displayed inclusions from continuous rock’s density type

(higher density indicates low porosity) throughout the length of the core plug. This could

actually cause a non-uniform gas flow which is expected to be the reason behind this

incremental behaviour in the oil recovery from this type of rock. This is even more

obvious in the HRH case, in which NMR T2 and CT scan data (e.g. Figure C. 1 and

Figure C. 5) suggest a non-uniform displacement. Moreover, the results from thin section

indicated that the HRH rocks showed different pore sizes that are well interconnected,

suggesting that oil could be displaced from both pore types to some extent, depending on

where oil resides. However, it is expected that oil residing in the large pores will be

displaced before oil in the small pores, which indicates an incremental post-breakthrough

recovery from this type of rock as well.

Figure 6.15 and Figure 6.16 show that the LRH has the latest gas breakthrough

(0.42 PV) and the highest post-breakthrough recovery (9.89% OOIP). The utilization

factors (Figure 6.17) pertaining to the LRH case showed high NRF values, until about 0.6

PV of gas were injected, followed by a non-exponential decline, suggesting sustained

higher gas utilization factors for the LRH rocks.

This is also suggested from the pressure drop in the LRH case, as compared to the

MRH and HRH (Figure 6.18), indicating high oil mobility in the LRH, and thus higher

oil recovery.


Figure 6.15: Oil recovery characteristics of the three single heterogeneity rocks for

the first gas injection period

(a) Gas breakthrough (b) Oil recovery at breakthrough

Figure 6.16: Results comparisons between the three single heterogeneity rocks


Figure 6.17: NRF comparisons of the three single heterogeneity rocks for the first

gas injection period


Figure 6.18: Pressure drop comparisons of the three single heterogeneity rocks for

the first gas injection period Effect of Core Heterogeneity and Capillary End-Effect on Oil Recovery

Two factors affect oil recovery from laboratory immiscible gas displacements,

and that are rock heterogeneity (e.g. complex pore geometry or fracture), and capillary

end-effect. The first factor is caused by the nature of the rock while the second factor is

caused by the length of the rock. The core heterogeneity results in, for example, trapped

or bypassed oil. Oil trapping is usually caused by the pore geometry and the ratio of the

pore’s diameter to the throat’s diameter. The bypassed oil could result from the presence

of high permeability sections in the core such as fractured or dissolution channels. In this

case oil resides in fractures or dissolution channels will be displaced while the oil resides

in the matrix will be bypassed.


The capillary end-effect results from the wettability discontinuity of the wetting

phase (e.g. oil, as oil is being displaced by gas), which exist at the end of the core. In the

case of core stack, there is in fact a capillary end-effect at the interface of both cores.

However, this end-effect is small (capillary continuity is enforced by using filter paper

between core plugs, for example) as compared to the one at the end of the core stack.

This section investigates the role of core heterogeneity on capillary end-effect. The

magnitude of capillary end-effect in these core-stacks is also emphasised.

Figure 6.19 through Figure 6.21 illustrate oil saturation profiles for initial

saturation condition (Soi), remaining oil saturation from first gasflood (Sorg-1), remaining

oil saturation from second gasflood (Sorg-2), and remaining oil saturation from third

gasflood (Sorg-3). It can be seen from these figures that there is a saturation gradient as a

result of capillary end-effect even in the initial oil saturation. However, this saturation

gradient decreases (mostly at the bottom of the core-stack) as the gas injection rate

increases (increase in capillary number NC). The decrease in saturation gradient (mostly

at the bottom of the core-stack) is attributed mainly to capillary end-effect while the

decrease in the upper parts of the core-stack is assumed to be due to rock heterogeneity.

The upper part of the LRH core-stack, that is assumed to be less affected by the

capillary end-effect, is within this core’s depth interval (-153 – 0 mm). It can be seen in

Figure 6.19 that the LRH rocks showed a uniform change in the oil saturation between

the first two injection rates (flood accessed the non-swept areas from the core-stack). This

illustrates that the rock heterogeneity in these cores are almost identical, suggesting

similar results from increasing the NC. However, this was not the case for sample 4 (-153


to -108 mm) in this core stack, where it showed an increase in oil saturation from the

second NC as compared to the first NC. This could be a result from poor core-core

capillary contact (Figure 6.19).

Figure 6.10 shows that at the start of the second injection rate the pressure drop

displayed a sharp increase. This could result from fluids’ redistribution inside the core-

stack since CT scanning (about three hours CT scanning time) was performed between

the injection rates’ periods. The results (Figure 6.19) from further increasing the injection

rate (third NC) were significant in the bottom of the core stack and in the fourth sample

(reducing capillary end-effect and accessing new areas of the core-stack).

The MRH case showed some interesting observations (Figure 6.20) for the upper

part of the core stack (-188 to 0 mm). It shows that, for the core samples in this stack (-

141 to 0 mm), the oil incremental recovery from the second NC was very low, when

compared to the first NC. This observation reinforces the previous assumption that the

total oil recovery from the MRH was underestimated (to a small extent), as a result of

operating at (4×CIR).

On the other hand, sample five in this core stack (-188 to -143 mm) showed

different behaviour (fair amount of oil produced at the second NC) as compared to the

first 4 core plugs. This is assumed to be a result of capillary end-effect and rock

heterogeneity. The fact that this sample is closely located near the end of this core stack

made it possible to be affected by the capillary end-effect only to some extent. The effect

from the rock heterogeneity is assumed to be related to the broadest NMR T2 distribution

this sample exhibited (Figure 6.22) as compared to the other samples in this core stack.


The pressure response (Figure 6.12) pertaining to the second injection rate

maintained higher pressure values as a result of reducing the trapped oil in this core-stack

(mainly from the fifth core plug ). The pressure drop response (Figure 6.12) pertaining to

the third gas injection rate showed a fast pressure decrease after reaching a pressure peak

(~ 4 PV) suggesting less incremental oil recovery (less amount of oil, that was held by

capillary end-effect and was trapped by rock’s heterogeneity, was produced). This

pressure drop also showed a pressure peak at about 5 PV, which resulted from fluids’

redistribution inside the core-stack (probably connate water).

In the HRH case, only two injection rates were used. The results from oil

saturation profiles (Figure 6.21) showed that all of the samples in this stack have a similar

rock heterogeneity effect on the incremental oil recovery. This can be seen from the fact

that the oil saturation profile from the second NC showed very similar saturation profile

characteristics to the first NC. This shows that the variation in the average permeability

between the core plugs has minimal effect on the incremental oil recovery for each

sample, whereas the variation of permeability-and-porosity within these samples is more

important. The pressure drop (Figure 6.14) pertaining to the second injection rate

maintained higher pressure values until about 4 PVs of gas were injected suggesting

access of the flood to the non-swept areas of the core-stack.

By comparing these results from the three runs, it can be seen that the change in

oil saturation in the LRH case as a result of increasing NC by a factor of 10 suggest a fair

incremental amount of oil. The MRH, on the other hand, suggested the need of higher NC

in order to produce a fair incremental amount of oil. This is a result from comparing a

complex pore structure to a uniform pore structure as suggested by the thin-section study.


Unfortunately, it is not possible to compare the HRH case to the LRH and MRH cases (to

evaluate the effect of NC magnitude on increment oil recovery), since there is no data

available (from the second NC) for the HRH case. In general, the results from these

experimental runs suggest that the HRH rock’s heterogeneity magnified the effect of

capillary end-effect in this core-stack as compared to the LRH and MRH cases

Figure 6.19: Oil saturation profiles (from CT scan) for the LRH rock (data

accuracy: Swi (±0.06%), Sorg1 (± 0.47%), Sorg2 (± 0.88%), and Sorg3 (±0.78%))


Figure 6.20: Oil saturation profiles (from CT scan) for the MRH rock (data

accuracy: Swi (±0.23%), Sorg1 (± 0.58%), Sorg2 (± 1.16%), and Sorg3 (±0.76%))


Figure 6.21: Oil saturation profiles (from CT scan) for the HRH rock (data

accuracy: Swi (±0.07%), Sorg1 (± 1.46%), and Sorg3 (±1.65%))


Figure 6.22: NMR T2 distributions of the samples used to construct the MRH stack

126 Effect of Mixed Rock Heterogeneity on Secondary Oil Recovery

This experimental run evaluates the effect of multi rock heterogeneities on oil

recovery from secondary gas injection mode. Figure 6.23 illustrates the respective

locations of selected samples on the heterogeneity characterization map. The basic

properties of these samples are presented in Table 6.7. Cores from the HRH were

excluded from this run since they showed lower oil recovery when compared to the LRH

and MRH cases (as suggested by the single rock heterogeneity runs). Furthermore, from

the fact that the majority of the classified samples fall in the MRH category and that the

LRH run showed the highest total oil recovery, it was decided to construct this run based

on the MRH and the LRH samples. However, one sample from the Other1 group was

also included, since a sample (from centrifuge study) from this group had shown the

highest oil recovery (lowest Sorg), when compared to the other samples from the other

heterogeneity groups (Table 6.4). Sample 3 and 5, and sample six from this run were used

in the MRH and LRH single rock heterogeneity runs, respectively.

Table 6.8 presents the results from this experimental run. The results from this run

are presented in Figure 6.24 and Figure 6.25, similar presentation as the single rock

heterogeneity cases. Figure 6.26 shows that the total oil recovery from the MIRH

outperforms these from the single rock heterogeneities. The results from CT scan (Table

6.9) indicate that the highest oil recovery based on the individual core plug’s oil recovery,

came from the Other1’s sample (represents 16.1% of the total core stack’s PV). This is in

agreement with the results from centrifuge, suggesting that the oil production from this

sample was more attributed to gravity forces (the absolute air permeability of this sample

is 79.0 mD).


The MRH samples in the MIRH core stack showed moderate oil recoveries,

except one sample which showed a low oil recovery. This is because of the capillary end-

effect in this sample as shown in Figure 6.28 (-61 to -36 mm), probably because of poor

core-to-core capillary contact. Similarly, one sample from the two LRH samples in this

run showed a very low oil recovery as compared to its oil recovery from the single rock

heterogeneity run. This is also attributed to the capillary end-effect in this sample as a

result of poor core-to-core capillary contact as shown in Figure 6.28 (-150 to -100 mm).

The results from this run indicated that the LRH and MRH core plug’s individual

oil recoveries from the single and mixed rock heterogeneity cases are very similar. This

suggests that the additional oil recovery from the MIRH run, when compared to the LRH,

MRH, and HRH runs, can be more attributed to the first sample in the MIRH core stack

(sample1 from the Other1 group). This shows the advantage of having such a “good

quality” rock in a reservoir that is being immiscibly flooded with the aid of gravity


Figure 6.26 also illustrates that in general the oil recovery from the MIRH showed

similar behaviour as the LRH and MRH. On the other hand, it is interesting to observe

that the NRF for the MIRH core showed high NRF values till 0.6 PV injected (Figure

6.27), similar to the LRH core. The decline after that showed a non-exponential decrease

for a small PV injected (also similar to the LRH) followed by an exponential decrease,

which is similar to the MRH core. This suggests that the presence of the LRH rocks in a

reservoir will result in high gas utilization efficiencies. The pressure drop behaviour

(Figure 6.24(a)) tends to reach a plateau suggesting high sweep efficiency during this



Figure 6.23: Respective locations of the samples used to construct the MIRH stack

Table 6.7: Basic properties of the core samples used to construct the MIRH stack


Table 6.8: Gasflood results from the MIRH rocks

Table 6.9: Gasflood results for the individual MIRH samples from CT scan (data

accuracy: Swi (±0.18%), Sorg1 (± 0.92%), and Sorg3 (±1.31%))


(a) Oil recovery and pressure drop


(b) Oil recovery and cumulative gas

produced characteristics

(c) Oil production rate characteristic (d) NRF characteristics

Figure 6.24: MIRH gasflood results from the LPP for the first gas injection period


(a) Oil recovery and pressure drop


(b) Oil recovery and cumulative gas

produced characteristics

(c) Oil production rate characteristic (d) NRF characteristics

Figure 6.25: MIRH gasflood results from the LPP for the three gas injection periods


Figure 6.26: Oil recovery characteristic for the LRH, MRH, HRH, and MIRH rocks

Figure 6.27: NRF characteristic for the LRH, MRH, HRH, and MIRH rocks


Figure 6.28: Oil saturation profiles (from CT scan) for the MIRH rock (data

accuracy: Swi (±0.18%), Sorg1 (± 0.92%), and Sorg3 (±1.31%)) Effect of Average Core’s Permeability on Secondary Oil Recovery

It can be seen from the method followed in classifying heterogeneity that the

difference between average permeabilities within certain rock heterogeneity types was

overlooked since the purpose was to study the effect of variation in permeability and

porosity within a sample. This indicates that there exist within one single heterogeneity


group (e.g. LRH) low permeability LRH and high permeability LRH cores. Therefore, it

is of valuable information to study the effect of the average core’s permeability on oil

recovery. In this comparison, the difference in effective oil permeability is emphasized.

To achieve this objective, a core from the LRH samples was constructed (Table

6.10). Table 6.10 also presents the results from this experimental run. The respective

location of the selected sample on the heterogeneity characterization map is shown in

Figure 6.29. The results from this run are compared against the previous results from the

low LRH permeability (Figure 6.30). Though, the high permeability LRH core showed

higher oil recovery (46.96% OOIP) as compared to the low permeability LRH core stack

(41.94% OOIP), the effect of the average core permeability on oil recovery is minimal

(Figure 6.30(a)). An additional reason that is believed to contribute to the difference in oil

recovery is that the high permeability core showed higher variation in permeability

(higher STD_T2FF) than most of the samples used to construct the low permeability core


Moreover, both cases showed almost similar NRF characteristics (Figure 6.30(b)),

except that the low permeability LRH case showed a non-exponential declining trend

suggesting higher gas utilization efficiencies as compared to the high permeability case.

The pressure drop behaviour (Figure 6.30(c)) suggests that the low permeability core

showed lower gas mobility as compared to the high permeability core, indicating possible

incremental oil recovery had the low permeability core been flooded for extra PVs.


Table 6.10: Gasflood results from the LPP of the high permeability LRH rock

Figure 6.29: Respective location of the high permeability LRH sample


(a) Oil recovery characteristics (b) NRF characteristics

(c) Pressure drop characteristics

Figure 6.30: Comparison between the LPP’s gasflood results from the low and high

permeability LRH rocks

137 Effect of Mixed Rock Heterogeneity on Tertiary Oil Recovery

This experimental run evaluates the effect of multi rock heterogeneities on oil

recovery from tertiary gas injection mode. The current production practice employed on

the reservoir under study (the cores under study represent a main formation in this

reservoir) has been gas cap expansion (pressure maintenance). However, in the case this

type of rock is produced by waterflooding, it is possible to employ gas injection in

tertiary recovery mode, since the immiscible gas injection for commercial purposes has

been employed in both secondary as well as tertiary modes.

Figure 6.31 illustrates the respective locations of the selected samples on the

heterogeneity characterization map. Table 6.11 and Table 6.12 present the results from

the water-and gasfloods and the individual basic properties of the selected samples,

respectively. Figure 6.32 summarizes the data obtained from the waterflood.

Part (a) provides the data for oil recovery and pressure drop when water was

injected at connate water saturation. Part (b) provides the data for oil and water

recoveries as a result of water injection. Part (c) shows oil rate (OR) recovery when water

was injected.

Figure 6.32 (a), illustrates the significant performance from waterflooding this

type of rock, as suggested from the high total oil recovery achieved in this case (64.78 %

OOIP). The high pressure drop (Figure 6.32 (a)) suggests very high sweep efficiency

from waterflooding.

After reaching the ultimate oil recovery from waterflooding, the core was

positioned vertically and then N2 gas was introduced at a rate that is 1.7×CIR. The total


injection time was about 36 days (equivalent to 1.41 PVI). Figure 6.33 summarizes the

data obtained from the gasflood.

Part (a) of this figure provides the data for fluid recovery when gas was injected at

remaining oil saturation from waterflooding. Part (b) provides the data for oil and gas

recoveries as a result of gas injection. Part (c) shows the pressure drop characteristics

when gas was injected. Part (d) illustrates the normalized recovery factor (NRF)

described as (cumulative remaining oil recovery (fraction)/PV of N2 gas injected).

Figure 6.33(a) shows that gas breakthrough occurred at 0.28 PVI. It also can be

seen that oil started with a fast production (at about 0.26 PVI), and then maintained an

almost constant incremental production trend. This can be attributed to film flow

drainage since the spreading coefficient in this system is positive and the wettability is

intermediate. The results from the tertiary recovery mode showed excellent average

incremental recovery (~35.0% ROIP), even under the immiscible mode of injection.

Moreover, at the time of the experiment termination, oil production still showed an

incremental trend suggesting further oil recovery (Figure 6.33(b)).

The pressure behaviour (Figure 6.33(c)) showed a fast decrease after gas

breakthrough where it maintained a constant pressure drop at about 70 kPa starting from

about one PVI until the end of the experiment, suggesting that oil is being produced from

film drainage. The pressure drop behaviour in this tertiary mode almost showed similar

behaviour as the pressure drop in the secondary mode (e.g. MIRH). This similarity in the

pressure drop’s patterns suggests similar mechanistic and dynamic characteristics of these

core floods. The high pressure drop observed in the tertiary recovery mode gasflood, as


compared to that from the secondary mode, is assumed to be related to the relatively

higher water saturations in the upper-portion of the core during this experiment.

The NFR from the tertiary recovery mode (Figure 6.33(d)) showed low gas

utilization factors (low NFR values) as compared to the secondary recovery mode,

suggesting a lower gas utilization factor for the tertiary mode.

Figure 6.34 illustrates the results from CT scan during this experiment. It is

presented as on the basis of bulk density rather than oil saturation since obtaining

corresponding oil saturation values are challenging under the current experimental

conditions. In the case of waterflooding, the change (increase in density) of the line

designated with “waterflooded” towards the line designated with “brine saturated”

indicates reduction in oil saturation. The change (decrease in density) in the line

designated with “gasflooded” away from the “brine saturated” line indicates reduction in

liquid saturation.

This figure shows that in the case of waterflooding, all the core plugs showed

almost similar water sweep efficiency except one sample (Other1). On the other hand, in

the case of gasflood the change in the “gasflooded” line showed corresponding change

with the core’s heterogeneity. This suggests that oil recovery from immiscible gas

injection in these types of rocks is more sensitive to heterogeneity than oil recovery from

water injection.


Table 6.11: Basic properties of the core samples used to construct the MIRH stack

for tertiary gasflood

Table 6.12: Results from secondary (waterflood) and tertiary (gasflood) recovery for

the MIRH rocks


Figure 6.31: Respective locations of the samples used to construct the HIRH stack

for tertiary gasflood


(a) Oil recovery and pressure drop


(b) Oil recovery and cumulative water

produced characteristics

(c) Oil production rate characteristic

Figure 6.32: Results from secondary recovery mode (waterflood)


(a) Fluid recovery characteristics (b) Oil and gas recovery characteristics

(c) Pressure drop characteristics (d) NRF characteristics

Figure 6.33: Results from tertiary recovery mode (gasflood)


Figure 6.34: Bulk density (from CT scan) profiles for secondary and tertiary

recovery modes for MIRH rocks

6.3.2 Experimental Runs Performed at HPP

A total of three experimental runs conducted under HPP conditions were

completed in this experimental part. The main objectives of conducting these experiments

were: (i) to evaluate the effect of rock heterogeneity (LRH, MRH, and HRH) on the


secondary oil recovery, and (ii) to evaluate the ultimate oil recovery from high pressure

injection mode.

It is to be noted that the production initiation in each run was done by decreasing

the BPR using small pressure steps until a continuous and smooth production was

achieved. This procedure seemed to work well for the LRH and HRH, but not very well

for the HRH, as will be shown in the following discussions.

Table 6.13 presents the results from the gasfloods and the core stack’s basic

properties, respectively. Figure 6.35 through Figure 6.37 summarize the data obtained

from these gasfloods.

Part (a) provides the data for oil recovery and pressure drop when N2 gas was

injected at connate water saturation. Part (b) provides the data for oil and gas recoveries

as a result of N2 gas injection. Part (c) shows oil rate (OR) recovery when N2 gas was

injected. Part (d) illustrates the normalized recovery factor (NRF) described as

(cumulative oil recovery (fraction)/PV of N2 gas injected).


Table 6.13: Results from the gasfloods performed at HPP for the single

heterogeneity rocks (LRH, MRH, and HRH)


(a) Oil recovery and pressure drop


(b) Oil recovery and cumulative gas

produced characteristics

(c) Oil production rate characteristic (d) NRF characteristics

Figure 6.35: LRH gasflood results (HPP)


(a) Oil recovery and pressure drop


(b) Oil recovery and cumulative gas

produced characteristics

(c) Oil production rate characteristic (d) NRF characteristics

Figure 6.36: MRH gasflood results (HPP)


(a) Oil recovery and pressure drop


(b) Oil recovery and cumulative gas

produced characteristics

(c) Oil production rate characteristic (d) NRF characteristics

Figure 6.37: HRH gasflood results (HPP)

The results from the three gasfloods are compared in Figure 6.38. The comparison

includes oil recovery, the pressure drop across the core, and NFR. Figure 6.38(a)

illustrates that the highest total oil recovery was from the LRH core, similar results to the


LPP’s gasfloods. However, this is not the case for the MRH and the HRH as they showed

identical total recoveries. This is apparently the result from operating at high pressure

drop in the case of HRH (Figure 6.38(b)), which was caused by the way that oil

production was initiated. Since the results from the LPP suggest that there is a virtual

difference in total oil recoveries between the MRH and the HRH, similar recovery’s trend

in the HPP runs was expected to be seen as well (performed at similar conditions).

However, operating at a high pressure drop minimised the effect of rock’s

heterogeneity in the HRH core leading to similar results as the MRH. This is also clear

from the fact that the MRH and HRH cores showed almost similar oil permeabilities

(12.86 mD, for the HRH versus 11.02 mD, for the MRH), and that the HRH had earlier

gas breakthrough (~ 0.01 PVI, for the HRH versus ~ 0.28 PVI, for the MRH).

Consequently, the only way to bring up the oil recovery for the HRH core is to operate at

high pressure drop. Thus, the total oil recovery from the HRH was overestimated as a

result of the experimental procedure and not the rock’s nature.

The utilization factor pertaining to the LRH case showed high NRF till 0.6 PVI

(similar result to the LRH from the LPP), followed by an exponential decline. However,

this decline was less severe as compared to the MRH case, suggesting higher gas

utilization factor, when compared to the MRH case.


(a) Oil recovery characteristics (b) Pressure drop characteristics

(c) NRF characteristics

Figure 6.38: Comparison between the three single heterogeneity rocks (HPP)


Chapter Seven: History Matching Study

7.1 Simulator Used in This Study

The Sendra simulator was used to conduct this history matching. Sendra is a

commercial lab simulator (developed for special core analysis), which is based on fully

implicit black oil formulation (for two-phase flow). Moreover, Sendra is not constrained

to the limiting assumptions, such as zero capillary pressure and homogenous core sample,

which are made by analytical method. Furthermore, it includes the necessary options for

laboratory applications (core geometry and physical properties are very easy to handle)

(SENDRA, 2013). This simulator matches the experimental data (e.g. oil production and

pressure drop) by varying the relative permeability and capillary pressure curves

(different relative permeability and capillary pressure models can be selected) until a

satisfactory match is achieved. This matching way corrects for the capillary end-effect,

which was obvious in the experimental results from this study, specifically the LPP’s

secondary gasfloods.

7.2 History Matching Experimental Results from Two Phase Flow

Only the experimental results from two-phase flow were history matched using

Sendra. These include all of the LPP and at HPP runs as well as the waterflood run.

However, only the production data (from the low pore-pressure) corresponding to the

first gas injection rate was matched. Corey relative permeability model and Skjaeveland

capillary pressure model were used for all of the history matching work completed.

Fluid properties (viscosity, density, and compressibility), core properties

(porosity, and absolute permeability or end point oil permeability), end point saturations

(connate water, initial oil, and residual oil saturations), and core’s dimensions (length and


diameter) were used as well as the coreflood data to perform history matching work using

Sendra. In this study, the Klinkenberg-absolute permeability was used as the base

permeability for all of the history matching work completed. In Sendra, gasflood data is

matched by fixing the relative permeability to gas (at residual oil saturation) and varying

the relative permeability to oil at connate water saturation. The relative permeability to

oil at connate water saturation was fixed in the case of history matching the waterflood

data. Since, the main objective of this history matching is to correct for capillary end-

effect, Sorg was not fixed during the history matching.

Figure 7.1 through Figure 7.5 shows the history matching results from the LPP

experiments, while Figure 7.6 through Figure 7.8 illustrate the history matching results

for the experiments performed at HPP. The results from history matching the waterflood

experiment are shown in Figure 7.9. These results show a satisfactory match between the

experimental data and the simulated data.


Figure 7.1: History matching results (LRH: LPP)

Figure 7.2: History matching results (MRH: LPP)


Figure 7.3: History matching results (HRH: LPP)

Figure 7.4: History matching results (MIRH: LPP)


Figure 7.5: History matching results (LRH-high perm.: LPP)

Figure 7.6: History matching results (LRH: HPP)


Figure 7.7: History matching results (MRH: HPP)

Figure 7.8: History matching results (HRH: HPP)


Figure 7.9: History matching results (MIRH-waterflood: LPP)

Table 7.1 and Table 7.2 compare the experimental results to the simulated results

from Sendra for the LPP and the HPP gasfloods, respectively. Figure 7.10 and Figure

7.11 compare the measured total oil recovery factor to the corrected total oil recovery

factor, for the LPP’s and HPP’s gasfloods, respectively. These figures show that the

difference between the original and the corrected oil recoveries is higher in the case of

the LPP’s gasfloods than the HPP’s gasfloods. This resulted from operating at lower NC

(in the LPP’s gasfloods) as compared to higher NC (in the HPP’s gasfloods).

Figure 7.12 plots the corrected oil recovery factors obtained from LPP and HPP

gasfloods versus the corresponding initial oil saturations. The corrected oil recovery

factors pertaining to the LPP gasfloods showed an increasing trend with the

corresponding oil saturations. The corrected oil recovery factors pertaining to the HPP


gasfloods showed a decreasing trend with the corresponding initial oil saturations. The

difference in irreducible water saturations between the two sets is postulated to be the

cause for this opposite trend illustrated in Figure 7.12.

The results from the LPP suggest that the rock heterogeneity (e.g. HRH)

magnified the effect of capillary end-effect. This is clear in the case of the HRH where it

showed before the correction the lowest oil recovery, whereas after the correction it

showed higher recovery than the MRH. Similarly, the HRH case from the HPP gasfloods

showed more total oil recovery than the MRH after capillary end-effect correction.

The results from this history matching study suggest that the heterogeneity type

(HRH) in these specific rocks could be not important, when compared to the MRH case

on the bases of “true” oil recovery. However, the results from the LPP (specifically oil

saturation profiles) indicated that the increase in NC produced less oil when compared to

the MRH and the LRH cases, suggesting a greater effect of heterogeneity on incremental

oil recovery. Moreover, the results from the centrifuge indicated lower total oil recovery

in the case of HRH.

The results from the above discussion could suggest that the correction for

capillary end-effect using Sendra was overestimated in the case of HRH. However, by

comparing the Sorg values from centrifuge to the corrected ones from gasfloods, it is clear

that the difference is minimal. Therefore, Sendra corrections were not overestimated.

Thus, a possible reason for this difference is the difference in the connate water

saturation. In general, these cores showed a decreasing trend in Sorg with increasing

connate water saturation.


Table 7.1: Comparison between measured and matched results (LPP’s gasfloods)

Table 7.2: Comparison between measured and matched results (HPP)

Figure 7.10: Comparison between measured and matched results (LPP’s gasfloods)


Figure 7.11: Comparison between measured and matched results (HPP)

Figure 7.12: Oil recovery factor versus initial oil saturation from all gasfloods



8.1 Conclusions

Based on the characterization, experimental and history matching studies

completed in this research, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Injecting water as a secondary recovery process resulted in higher oil

recovery (64.78% OOIP) than all secondary gasfloods. This leads to the

conclusion that waterflood could be a potential secondary recovery

process in this type of rocks, if it is economically feasible and

operationally applicable.

2. Injecting N2 gas in tertiary mode resulted in similar recovery to the MIRH

secondary mode (34.80% ROIP vs. 34.02% OOIP). However, if the

waterflood recovery (prior to N2) is considered, the ultimate recovery of

the tertiary mode is much higher at a later time. The combined recovery

from waterflood and gasflood (tertiary) is found to be 83.23% of OOIP.

3. The MIRH oil recovery (LRH, MRH, and Other1) showed outstanding

results (47.82% OOIP) as compared to the LRH, MRH, and HRH results

(41.94%, 34.02%, and 29.33% of OOIP, respectively). This is because the

MIRH core stack had a “good quality” rock sample (Other1) that showed

the highest oil recovery (~61% OOIP) as compared to the other samples

within the MIRH core stack (32.81%, 53.6%, 31.45%, 50.77%, and 32.4%

of OOIP).

4. Oil recovery from gas-oil displacement (LPP) using low pressure gradient

resulted in a monotonic trend with the rock heterogeneity. The LRH rocks


showed the highest oil recovery (41.94% OOIP) while the HRH rocks

showed the lowest oil recovery (29.33% OOIP). It is concluded that both

of the rock heterogeneity and the capillary end-effect caused this

monotonic trend. Moreover, capillary end-effects were significant under

the current operational conditions of these experiments.

5. The effect of different average rock permeabilities (2.67 mD versus 6.49

mD) from the same heterogeneity group (LRH) on oil recovery is minimal

(41.94% vs. 46.96% of OOIP). It is concluded that the difference in the

STD_T2FF (1.16 vs. 1.22) contributed to this difference in oil recovery,

since larger STD indicates broader pore-size distribution.

6. A new rock heterogeneity characterization map was developed. This

characterization approach is based on the variation of permeability and

porosity within an individual core sample. NMR T2 distributions were

used as the permeability variation indicator based on the close analogy to

pore size distribution, where this variation was estimated using the

STD_T2FF for each sample. CT scan was used to describe porosity

variations based on the direct relation to porosity, where this variation was

estimated using the CvCT. It was found that the selected samples can be

classified into three main heterogeneity groups, namely LRH, MRH, and

HRH. Based on the results from this characterization approach, a series of

gas-oil displacement experiments were conducted.


7. A new permeability predictor correlation was established (by linking the

K-C empirical correlation with the NMR total surface area of pores) and

verified using the selected samples.

8. Gas-oil displacement under favourable gravity drainage conditions

(centrifuge) resulted in oil recovery that is generally less sensitive to rock

heterogeneity of the cores under study.

9. More than 80 samples were selected and characterized for the effect of

rock heterogeneity on oil recovery from immiscible gas injection. This

characterization involved NMR, CT, wettability, mercury injection, and

petrographic studies. The results from these studies were implemented in

the discussion of gas-oil displacement experiments.

10. Correlating the absolute permeability of the selected cores to the T2

geometric mean of the free fluid portion of the total T2 spectrum showed

improved correlation as compared to the T2 geometric mean of the total T2

spectrum. This is because of the close relation between the average pore

size and the T2 geometric mean of the free fluid portion of the total T2


11. The results from the HPP’ runs showed almost similar oil recovery trend

with rock heterogeneity to that from the LPP gasfloods.

12. A lab simulator (corrects for capillary end-effect) was used to history

match all of the secondary gasflood results. The simulated results were

compared to the experimental values. Fair agreement was observed.


13. The true oil recoveries from the secondary gasfloods were estimated using

the results from history matching. It was found that the HRH rocks were

highly affected by capillary end-effect (more oil retained in the core) when

compared to the MRH rocks. The corrected oil recovery for the HRH

rocks was higher than the MRH rocks leading to the conclusion that the

heterogeneity type in these specific HRH rocks could be not important.

8.2 Recommendations

The following recommendations are offered for field applications:

1. This type of rock formation should always be produced separately, unless

operationally difficult. In addition, low production rates, if economically

feasible, should be implemented to take the advantage of gravity drainage

since gravity drainage is potentially a major recovery process in this


2. Waterflood, if it is operationally applicable and economically feasible,

could be implemented in this formation since it showed promising oil


The following recommendations are offered for future work on this subject:

1. A large selection of core samples from different rock formations showing

vugs, solution channels and fractures should be obtained. Following

which, NMR and CT measurements should be conducted for each sample.

After that, heterogeneity characterization maps can be constructed and

tested against each type of rock heterogeneity (e.g. samples showing dual

porosity and triple porosity), and mixed rock heterogeneity.


2. Gasflooding should be conducted using two types of rock heterogeneity in

order to study the effect of combined rock heterogeneity on oil recovery.

3. Two core stacks from each heterogeneity group having different average

permeability should be constructed to evaluate their effect on oil recovery.

4. Centrifuge experiments should be conducted on large set of samples from

different rock heterogeneities in order to build solid conclusions

concerning the effect of rock heterogeneity on oil recovery.

5. Long core stacks should be constructed in order to minimize the effect of

capillary end-effect in such tight rocks.

6. It is of valuable information to evaluate the magnitude effect of the

classified heterogeneities on oil recovery using miscible gas

(recommended gas CO2) injection under secondary and tertiary injection




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Figure A. 1: Pore entry distribution for sample 1C.

Figure A. 2: Pore entry distribution for sample 2C.


Figure A. 3: Pore entry distribution for sample 3C.

Figure A. 4: Pore entry distribution for sample 4C.


Figure A. 5: Pore entry distribution for sample 5C.

Figure A. 6: Pore entry distribution for sample 6C.


Figure A. 7: Pore entry distribution for sample 7C.



B.1. Thin Section Description

Table B. 1: Thin section descriptions of selected samples.

Porosity Total Primary Secondary Micro-porosity$$

% BV Facies Sub-facies % Mud % Grains$ Mud/Grain Ratio % % % %

1T 31.2 Lagoonal Agriopleura Wackestone 70.00 30.00 2.33 25.5 16.0 9.5 5.2

2T 34.4 Lagoonal Agriopleura Wackestone 75.00 25.00 3.00 18.0 5.0 13.0 13.0

3T 30.6 Lagoonal Agriopleura Wackestone 60.00 40.00 1.50 19.5 8.0 11.5 10.8

4T 31.6 Lagoonal Agriopleura Wackestone 70.00 30.00 2.33 18.5 12.5 6.0 11.6

5T 30.1 Lagoonal Agriopleura Wackestone 60.00 40.00 1.50 24.0 18.5 5.5 6.8

6T 29.5 Lagoonal Miliolid Wackestone 90.00 10.00 9.00 12.0 3.0 9.0 15.2

Textural ComponentsVisual Porosity* Estimated+



HeliumGeological Discription




$$Micro-porosity includes pores of 1 micron and less

$Grains are detrital components including biogenic fragments and pellets

* All visual estimates are +/- percent

₊Estimated by subtracting measured helium porosity from the total visual porosity


B.2. Thin Section and Samples Photos

Figure B. 1: Thin section images of Sample 1T.




Figure B. 2: Photographs of sample 1T.




Figure B. 3: Thin section images of Sample 2T.




Figure B. 4: Photographs of sample 2T.




Figure B. 5: Thin section images of Sample 3T.




Figure B. 6: Photographs of sample 3T.




Figure B. 7: Thin section images of sample 4T.




Figure B. 8: Photographs of sample 4T.




Figure B. 9: Thin section images of sample 5T.




Figure B. 10: Photographs of sample 5T.




Figure B. 11: Thin section images of sample 6T.




Figure B. 12: Photographs of sample 6T.






C.1. Group 3 Samples

Figure C. 1: Sample 1: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 2: Sample 2: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 3: Sample 3: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 4: Sample 4: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 5: Sample 5: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 6: Sample 6: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 7: Sample 7: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 8: Sample 8: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 9: Sample 9: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


C.2. Group 2 Samples

Figure C. 10: Sample 13: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 11: Sample 14: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 12: Sample 15: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 13: Sample 16: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 14: Sample 17: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 15: Sample 18: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 16: Sample 19: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 17: Sample 20: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 18: Sample 21: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 19: Sample 22: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 20: Sample 23: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 21: Sample 24: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 22: Sample 25: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 23: Sample 26: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


C.3. Group 1 Samples

Figure C. 24: Sample 32: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 25: Sample 33: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 26: Sample 34: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 27: Sample 35: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 28: Sample 36: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 29: Sample 37: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 30: Sample 38: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 31: Sample 39: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


C.4. Ungrouped Samples (Other1)

Figure C. 32: Sample 40: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 33: Sample 41: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 34: Sample 42: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 35: Sample 43: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


C.5. Ungrouped Samples (Other2)

Figure C. 36: Sample 44: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 37: Sample 45: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 38: Sample 46: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 39: Sample 47: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 40: Sample 48: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 41: Sample 49: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions.


Figure C. 42: Sample 50: (a) CT images (b) CT-porosity and NMR T2 distributions



In order to history match the experimental data, Sendra varies the relative

permeability (Corey model) and the capillary pressure (Skjaeveland model) parameters

until a satisfactory match is achieved between the experimental and simulated data. In

this history matching study, the residual oil to gasflood (Sorg) was varied by Sendra in

order to correct for capillary end-effect contact. Table XXX shows the output parameters

from Sendra for the relative permeability and capillary pressure. These parameters are

defined somewhere else (Corey, 1954; Skjaeveland, 2000).

Table D. 1: Relative permeability and capillary pressure parameters used by Sendra

to history match the expemental data
