Excel Tutorial Sumproduct



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Your comments on this "Resource Workbook" would be appreciated:

Pierre (Peter) Leclerc (613) 749-4695

My friend Bill tells me that he feels like a REBORN EXCEL USER since he has discovered the SUMPRODUCT formulas. Here are 136 of them to show you why.

Data queried or downloaded from a data warehouse (Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, etc.), a datamart (Access) or a major application (SAP, JDEdwards, PeopleSoft, etc.) look like the data in the "Data" sheet of this workbook. What you want is a report like the ones in the "Report" sheet of this workbook. Use the SUMPRODUCT formula. Your data can be on the same sheet as the SUMPRODUCT formula, in the same workbook or even in another workbook

Often the number of lines (records) varies and the things are not on the same line as in the last download. With ordinary formulas, you cannot sub-total amounts or quantities based on one or more criteria. SUMPRODUCT formulas take care of all that.

In the sheet "Formula" of this workbook, I explain to you how to build a SUMPRODUCT formula. Read carefully the note below to avoid problems.

The rows or columns used as references in a SUMPRODUCT formula must have the same number of cells, Ex : SUMPRODUCT((A1:A6="January")*(B1:B6)) NOT SUM ((A1:B6=January")*(A1:B7)). This is important to remember specially when you use named fields.

Never include cells containing text in the ranges that you sum within SUMPRODUCT formulas you will end up with a "#VALUE" error message. So, no title cells.

When you import data from certain old systems the cell with no data is not really empty. It might contain spaces and SUMPRODUCT formulas will result in a "#VALUE" error message. Remove these spaces by using the replace function where you enter a space in the to window and nothing in the "Replace by".

Another situation tha can happen with data coming from an old system is that there can be spaces at the end of a string of character. For example, instead of having "Chicago" in a cell, you have "Chicago " because there are 15 spaces to enter the name of the city in the database. A SUMPRODUCT formula looking at this cell will not find "Chicago". You need to use the procedure mentionned in the previous paragraph to remode the spaces.

Click here: workbooks@excel-vba.com


Your comments on this "Resource Workbook" would be appreciated:

My friend Bill tells me that he feels like a REBORN EXCEL USER since he has discovered the

Data queried or downloaded from a data warehouse (Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, etc.), a datamart (Access) or a major application (SAP, JDEdwards, PeopleSoft, etc.) look like the data in the "Data" sheet of this workbook. What you want is a report like the ones in the "Report" sheet of this workbook. Use the SUMPRODUCT formula. Your data can be on the same sheet as the SUMPRODUCT formula, in the same

Often the number of lines (records) varies and the things are not on the same line as in the last download. With ordinary formulas, you cannot sub-total amounts or quantities based on one or more criteria.

In the sheet "Formula" of this workbook, I explain to you how to build a SUMPRODUCT formula. Read

The rows or columns used as references in a SUMPRODUCT formula must have the same number of cells, SUM ((A1:B6=January")*(A1:B7)). This is important

Never include cells containing text in the ranges that you sum within SUMPRODUCT formulas you will end

When you import data from certain old systems the cell with no data is not really empty. It might contain spaces and SUMPRODUCT formulas will result in a "#VALUE" error message. Remove these spaces by using the replace function where you enter a space in the to window and nothing in the "Replace by".

Another situation tha can happen with data coming from an old system is that there can be spaces at the end of a string of character. For example, instead of having "Chicago" in a cell, you have "Chicago " because there are 15 spaces to enter the name of the city in the database. A SUMPRODUCT formula looking at this cell will not find "Chicago". You need to use the procedure mentionned in the previous

The SUMPRODUCT formula

Sums with SUMPRODUCTThe basic SUMPRODUCT formula to sum quantities or amounts looks like this:

In the formula above there are two criteria but there could be only one or as many as needed.

Counts with SUMPRODUCTThe basic SUMPRODUCT formula to count looks like this:

Looking with SUMPRODUCT



In plain English, it means: sum cells E2 to E500 if the value in the corresponding cell in column "C" is "Montreal" and the value in the corresponding cell in column "B" is "Bikes"

The column to be summed is always the last (in red above). All arguments (components of a formula (in blue above)) are separated by an asterisk.

If you are submitting a text as criteria ("Bikes" and "Montreal" in the example above) you must use double quotes. If your criteria are numbers you don't need to use the double quotes. When you import data from certain databases, the numbers can be considered as text and you might need to use double quotes with numbers also.

If you use addresses as criteria, you don't need double quotes either (like in the example below). In this example, we assume that the value of cell "K1" is "Montreal" and the value of cell "K2" is "Bikes".


Usually, the data set is on one sheet and the reports are on different sheets. The formula will then look like the following assuming that your data set is on sheet "Data1":


You don't really need to key in the name of the sheet. Just enter "=SUMPRODUCT(" and then do not click on enter, just go to your data sheet and select the range, Excel will write the address for you. Notice that if the name of the sheet is not a single word, you will see apostrophes appear like in ('Data 1'!B2:B500=K1). The apostrophe is there to tell Excel that both "Data" and "1" are part of the name of the sheet.


Notice that both argument are the same. In plain English this formula says: count the number of records (lines in database language) where the product "Bikes" appear in column "B". When counting contrary to when summing the cells do not have to carry a number.

The next formula says: count the number of records (lines in database language) where the product "Bikes" appear in column "B" and where "Montreal appears in column "C".=SUMPRODUCT((C2:C500="Montreal")*(B2:B500="Bikes")*(B2:B500="Bikes"))

There are other situations where SUMPRODUCT can be useful. For example imagine that you have a table of auto insurance rates with 5 columns for the sex, the age, the city, the type of car and the rate. You are looking for a rate, you do not really want to sum anything, you just want a single rate. The SUMPRODUCT formula will indeed sum colum "E" but as it will find a single rate based on the criterias it will give you your answer. Here what it would look like:


If you copy/paste a formula with $B$10 right, left, up or down, "$B$10! will remain "$B$10"

Lets see the formula in cell B12 of the sheet "Report" of this workbook:


Don't forget the notes in the Introduction about why a SUMPRODUCT results in an error.

Enjoy and Good Luck

This last section will probably sound very complex and confusing to begin with but I strongly recommend that you practice and become good at using the $ in addresses. It will save you a lot of time and keyboard work. Practice and, all of a sudden it will become clear. I apologize if my explanation sounds complex but it is this kind of thing that only becomes clear once you have practiced a few times.

Like me you don't want to have to key in 100 formulas in a 10 X 10 table, you want to write a single formula in the top left cell of the table and copy/paste it all around.

To do so, you need to master the art of absolute and relative addresses. You have to use the dollar signs to achieve the task because "B10", "$B10", "B$10" and "$B$10" do not react the same to copy/paste.

First a MAJOR tip: you don't need to key in the dollar signs "$". You go to the formula bar (the window whre you enter text and numbers above the sheet), you click on an address and then you click on "F4" once ($B$10), twice (B$10), three times ($B10) and then a forth time to go back to (B10).

I ALWAYS use "$" in ALL my formulas even the ones that I don't copy/paste to develop a reflex and not have to think how to do it each time I really need the THING. I ALWAYS use "$" in ALL my formulas because if I don't I will have to write hundreds of formulas instead of a single one. Once you are used to adding this thing "$" it gets very simple.

If you copy/paste a formula with B10 right or left the column "B" will change but the line "10" won't, if you copy it up or down, the "B" will remain but the "10" will change. If you copy/paste it diagonally, both "B" and "10" will change.

If you copy/paste a formula with $B10 right or left the column "B" will NOT change and the line "10" won't change either, if you copy it up or down, the "B" will remain and the "10" will change. If you copy/paste it diagonally, "B" will remain but "10" will change.

If you copy/paste a formula with B$10 right or left the column "B" will change but the line "10" won't, if you copy it up or down, the "B" will remain and so will the "10". If you copy/paste it diagonally, "B"will change but not the "10".

All adresses for the database have two $ because wherever I copy/paste this formula, I want it to ALWAYS look at the same set of cells. This set up applies in 90% of the cases where your SUMPRODUCT formula looks at a database.

Let's look at $A12 now. This refers to the title cell of the row so when I copy it laterally, I want it to still look at column "A" but Iwhen I copy it up/down I want the row number to change.

As for the B$11 it refers to the title cell of the column so when I copy it laterally, I want the column address to change yet I want the row number to remain the same.en I copy it up/down I want the row number to change.

In some cases when you look at a data set that carries monthly data in twelve different columns, the column that you sum can change so you will not put a $ in front of the column but you will keep the one in front of the row because wherever the formula is copy/pasted, you want to sum the same rows. In the formula above, you would use E$2:E$500 instead of $E$2:$E500$.

In the formula above there are two criteria but there could be only one or as many as needed.

In plain English, it means: sum cells E2 to E500 if the value in the corresponding cell in column "C" is "Montreal" and the

The column to be summed is always the last (in red above). All arguments (components of a formula (in blue above)) are

If you are submitting a text as criteria ("Bikes" and "Montreal" in the example above) you must use double quotes. If your criteria are numbers you don't need to use the double quotes. When you import data from certain databases, the numbers

If you use addresses as criteria, you don't need double quotes either (like in the example below). In this example, we

Usually, the data set is on one sheet and the reports are on different sheets. The formula will then look like the following

You don't really need to key in the name of the sheet. Just enter "=SUMPRODUCT(" and then do not click on enter, just go to your data sheet and select the range, Excel will write the address for you. Notice that if the name of the sheet is not a single word, you will see apostrophes appear like in ('Data 1'!B2:B500=K1). The apostrophe is there to tell Excel that both

Notice that both argument are the same. In plain English this formula says: count the number of records (lines in database language) where the product "Bikes" appear in column "B". When counting contrary to when summing the cells do not have

The next formula says: count the number of records (lines in database language) where the product "Bikes" appear in

There are other situations where SUMPRODUCT can be useful. For example imagine that you have a table of auto insurance rates with 5 columns for the sex, the age, the city, the type of car and the rate. You are looking for a rate, you do not really want to sum anything, you just want a single rate. The SUMPRODUCT formula will indeed sum colum "E" but as it will find a single rate based on the criterias it will give you your answer. Here what it would look like:


This last section will probably sound very complex and confusing to begin with but I strongly recommend that you practice and become good at using the $ in addresses. It will save you a lot of time and keyboard work. Practice and, all of a sudden it will become clear. I apologize if my explanation sounds complex but it is this kind of thing that only becomes clear once

Like me you don't want to have to key in 100 formulas in a 10 X 10 table, you want to write a single formula in the top left cell

To do so, you need to master the art of absolute and relative addresses. You have to use the dollar signs to achieve the task

First a MAJOR tip: you don't need to key in the dollar signs "$". You go to the formula bar (the window whre you enter text and numbers above the sheet), you click on an address and then you click on "F4" once ($B$10), twice (B$10), three times

I ALWAYS use "$" in ALL my formulas even the ones that I don't copy/paste to develop a reflex and not have to think how to do it each time I really need the THING. I ALWAYS use "$" in ALL my formulas because if I don't I will have to write hundreds of formulas instead of a single one. Once you are used to adding this thing "$" it gets very simple.

If you copy/paste a formula with B10 right or left the column "B" will change but the line "10" won't, if you copy it up or down, the "B" will remain but the "10" will change. If you copy/paste it diagonally, both "B" and "10" will change.

If you copy/paste a formula with $B10 right or left the column "B" will NOT change and the line "10" won't change either, if you copy it up or down, the "B" will remain and the "10" will change. If you copy/paste it diagonally, "B" will remain but "10"

If you copy/paste a formula with B$10 right or left the column "B" will change but the line "10" won't, if you copy it up or down, the "B" will remain and so will the "10". If you copy/paste it diagonally, "B"will change but not the "10".

All adresses for the database have two $ because wherever I copy/paste this formula, I want it to ALWAYS look at the same set of cells. This set up applies in 90% of the cases where your SUMPRODUCT formula looks at a database.

Let's look at $A12 now. This refers to the title cell of the row so when I copy it laterally, I want it to still look at column "A" but

As for the B$11 it refers to the title cell of the column so when I copy it laterally, I want the column address to change yet I want the row number to remain the same.en I copy it up/down I want the row number to change.

In some cases when you look at a data set that carries monthly data in twelve different columns, the column that you sum can change so you will not put a $ in front of the column but you will keep the one in front of the row because wherever the formula is copy/pasted, you want to sum the same rows. In the formula above, you would use E$2:E$500 instead of

Month Product Store Quantity AmountApril Bikes Montreal 12 4500April Bikes Montreal 56 21000April Bikes San Francisco 854 320250April Bikes New York 25 9375April Skates Montreal 56 5544April Skates Toronto 854 84546April Skates San Francisco 25 2475April Skates New York 663 65637April Skis Long Montreal 854 209230April Skis Long Toronto 25 6125April Skis Long San Francisco 663 162435April Skis Long New York 21 5145April Skis Short Montreal 21 4389April Skis Short Toronto 4 836April Skis Short San Francisco 522 109098April Skis Short New York 136 28424April Snow Board Montreal 4 1232April Snow Board Toronto 522 160776April Snow Board San Francisco 125 38500April Snow Board New York 663 204204February Bikes Montreal 663 248625February Bikes San Francisco 21 7875February Bikes San Francisco 54 20250February Bikes New York 658 246750February Skates Montreal 21 2079February Skates Toronto 663 65637February Skates San Francisco 21 2079February Skates New York 136 13464February Skis Long Montreal 522 127890February Skis Long Toronto 125 30625February Skis Long San Francisco 663 162435February Skis Long New York 21 5145February Skis Short Montreal 21 4389February Skis Short Toronto 4 836February Skis Short San Francisco 522 109098February Skis Short New York 125 26125February Snow Board Montreal 21 6468February Snow Board Toronto 136 41888February Snow Board San Francisco 21 6468February Snow Board New York 4 1232January Bikes Montreal 75 28125January Bikes Toronto 12 4500January Bikes San Francisco 136 51000January Bikes New York 21 7875January Skates Montreal 21 2079January Skates New York 4 396January Skates San Francisco 522 51678January Skates New York 212 20988January Skis Long Montreal 136 33320January Skis Long Toronto 21 5145January Skis Long San Francisco 4 980January Skis Long New York 522 127890January Skis Short Montreal 663 138567

Add data down to line 500, move them around, sort them by city, by month, by product, by quantity, by amount and your reports still hold. Delete some rows, move them around and your reports still holds.

Modify the formulas in the report (change the 500 for 2000) and sum data up to line 1,000, or 2,000.

January Skis Short Toronto 21 4389January Skis Short San Francisco 136 28424January Skis Short New York 21 4389January Snow Board Montreal 522 160776January Snow Board Toronto 663 204204January Snow Board San Francisco 21 6468January Snow Board New York 136 41888March Bikes Montreal 4 1500March Bikes Montreal 522 195750March Bikes San Francisco 125 46875March Bikes New York 212 79500March Skates Montreal 56 5544March Skates Toronto 854 84546March Skates San Francisco 212 20988March Skates New York 56 5544March Skis Long Montreal 854 209230March Skis Long Toronto 663 162435March Skis Long San Francisco 21 5145March Skis Long New York 136 33320March Skis Short Montreal 4 836March Skis Short Toronto 522 109098March Skis Short San Francisco 136 28424March Skis Short San Francisco 21 4389March Snow Board Montreal 21 6468March Snow Board Toronto 4 1232March Snow Board San Francisco 522 160776March Snow Board New York 125 38500

Add data down to line 500, move them around, sort them by city, by month, by product, by quantity, by amount and your reports still hold. Delete some rows, move them around and your reports still holds.

Modify the formulas in the report (change the 500 for 2000) and sum data up to line 1,000, or 2,000.


SUMMING Sales by Store ($)Montreal Toronto San Francisco New York Total

Bikes 499,500 $ 4,500 $ 446,250 $ 343,500 $ 1,293,750 $Skates 15,246 $ 234,729 $ 77,220 $ 106,029 $ 433,224 $Skis Long 579,670 $ 204,330 $ 330,995 $ 171,500 $ 1,286,495 $Skis Short 148,181 $ 115,159 $ 279,433 $ 58,938 $ 601,711 $Snow Board 174,944 $ 408,100 $ 212,212 $ 285,824 $ 1,081,080 $Total 1,417,541 $ 966,818 $ 1,346,110 $ 965,791 $ 4,696,260 $

COUNTING Number of stores selling in MarchMontreal Toronto San Francisco New York Total

Bikes 2 0 1 1 4Skates 1 1 1 1 4Skis Long 1 1 1 1 4Skis Short 1 1 2 0 4Snow Board 1 1 1 1 4Total 6 4 6 4 20

Sales per Month ($)January February March April Total

Bikes 91,500 $ 523,500 $ 323,625 $ 355,125 $ 1,293,750 $Skates 75,141 $ 83,259 $ 116,622 $ 158,202 $ 433,224 $Skis Long 167,335 $ 326,095 $ 410,130 $ 382,935 $ 1,286,495 $Skis Short 175,769 $ 140,448 $ 142,747 $ 142,747 $ 601,711 $Snow Board 413,336 $ 56,056 $ 206,976 $ 404,712 $ 1,081,080 $Total 923,081 $ 1,129,358 $ 1,200,100 $ 1,443,721 $ 4,696,260 $

Sales by Store (Qty)Montreal Toronto San Francisco New York Total

Bikes 1,332 12 1,190 916 3,450Skates 154 2,371 780 1,071 4,376Skis Long 2,366 834 1,351 700 5,251Skis Short 709 551 1,337 282 2,879Snow Board 568 1,325 689 928 3,510Total 5,129 5,093 5,347 3,897 19,466

Sales per Month (Qty)January February March April Total

Bikes 244 1,396 863 947 3,450Skates 759 841 1,178 1,598 4,376Skis Long 683 1,331 1,674 1,563 5,251Skis Short 841 672 683 683 2,879Snow Board 1,342 182 672 1,314 3,510

Modify the data in the "Data Sheet" and see the tables and charts change.

Back to Introduction

Bikes Skates Skis Long Skis Short Snow Board

0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $



San Francisco

New York

Bikes Skates Skis Long Skis Short Snow Board

0 $

100,000 $

200,000 $

300,000 $

400,000 $

500,000 $

600,000 $





Bikes Skates Skis Long Skis Short Snow Board









San Francisco

New York

Bikes Skates Skis Long Skis Short Snow Board










In most of these tables, I have written only one SUMPRODUCT formula in the top left cell and copied it to the rest of the table. To do so, one must use wisely absolute or relative references ex.(B10, $B10, B$10 or $B$10 ??).

Total 3,869 4,422 5,070 6,105 19,466

Ski Sales by Store ($)Montreal Toronto San Francisco New York Total

Skis 727,851 $ 319,489 $ 610,428 $ 230,438 $ 1,888,206 $

Sales per Month (Canada) (Qty)January February March April Total

Bikes 87 663 526 68 1344Skates 21 684 910 910 2525Skis Long 157 647 1517 879 3200Skis Short 684 25 526 25 1260Snow Board 1185 157 25 526 1893Total 2134 2176 3504 2408 10222

Sales per Month by Store (Qty)January February March April Total

Montreal 1417 1248 1461 1003 5129Toronto 717 928 2043 1405 5093New York 916 944 529 1508 3897San Francisco 819 1302 1037 2189 5347Total 3869 4422 5070 6105 19466

Sales per Month by Store ($)January February March April Total

Montreal 362,867 $ 389,451 $ 419,328 $ 245,895 $ 1,417,541 $Toronto 218,238 $ 138,986 $ 357,311 $ 252,283 $ 966,818 $New York 203,426 $ 292,716 $ 156,864 $ 312,785 $ 965,791 $San Francisco 138,550 $ 308,205 $ 266,597 $ 632,758 $ 1,346,110 $Total 923,081 $ 1,129,358 $ 1,200,100 $ 1,443,721 $ 4,696,260 $

Sales per Month by Country ($)January February March April Total

Canada 581,105 $ 528,437 $ 776,639 $ 498,178 $ 2,384,359 $United States 341,976 $ 600,921 $ 423,461 $ 945,543 $ 2,311,901 $Total 923,081 $ 1,129,358 $ 1,200,100 $ 1,443,721 $ 4,696,260 $

Bikes Skates Skis Long Skis Short Snow Board










January February March April









New York

San Francisco

Bikes Skates Skis Long Skis Short Snow Board










January February March April

0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $



New York

San Francisco

January February March April

0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $

1,000,000 $


United States

Back to Introduction

Bikes Skates Skis Long Skis Short Snow Board

0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $



San Francisco

New York

Bikes Skates Skis Long Skis Short Snow Board

0 $

100,000 $

200,000 $

300,000 $

400,000 $

500,000 $

600,000 $





Bikes Skates Skis Long Skis Short Snow Board









San Francisco

New York

Bikes Skates Skis Long Skis Short Snow Board










In most of these tables, I have written only one SUMPRODUCT formula in the top left cell and copied it to the rest of the table. To do so, one must use wisely absolute or relative references ex.(B10, $B10, B$10 or $B$10 ??).

Bikes Skates Skis Long Skis Short Snow Board










January February March April









New York

San Francisco

Bikes Skates Skis Long Skis Short Snow Board










January February March April

0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $



New York

San Francisco

January February March April

0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $

1,000,000 $


United States

Looking up with SUMPRODUCT

Example 1

Make Year Engine Rate Make CadillacCadillac 2001 8 cyl. 0.04 Year 2003Cadillac 2002 8 cyl. 0.05 Engine 6 cyl.Cadillac 2003 8 cyl. 0.06 Rate 0.09Cadillac 2001 6 cyl. 0.07Cadillac 2002 6 cyl. 0.08Cadillac 2003 6 cyl. 0.09Lincoln 2001 8 cyl. 0.14Lincoln 2002 8 cyl. 0.15Lincoln 2003 8 cyl. 0.16Lincoln 2001 6 cyl. 0.17Lincoln 2002 6 cyl. 0.18Lincoln 2003 6 cyl. 0.19

Example 2

State From To RateNew York $0 $50,000 0.05 State OregonNew York $50,001 $100,000 0.1 Salary $102,000New York $100,001 $5,000,000 0.15 Rate: 0.22Oregon $0 $50,000 0.16Oregon $50,001 $100,000 0.19Oregon $100,001 $5,000,000 0.22

In this example you are looking for a rate but there are three criterias and both LookUp and Index/Match can't be used. Here is how to do it with SUMPRODUCT. Choose a make, a year and

an engine and see the rate appear.

In this example your are also looking for a rate based on a salary.

Choose a make, a year and an engine and see the rate appear.