Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado


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  • 8/11/2019 Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado


    EXAMEN APEX 1Z0-450

    1. Which three actions can be performed by a Worspace Administrator!

    A. Monitor "orspace acti#ity

    $. Mana%e "orspace to schema assi%nments

    &. Mana%e 'ser acco'nts

    (. Appro#e "orspace re)'estsE. *ie" 'sa%e reports of "orspace

    Ans"er+ A,&,E

    . $efore the appication /nstaation can proceed, the /nstaer checs "hether the 'ser

    has re)'ired system pri#ie%es or not. Where "o'd yo' specify the re)'ired system


    A. 'pportin% b2ects 3 $'id ptions

    $. 'pportin% b2ects 3 *aidations

    &. 'pportin% b2ects 3 /nsta

    (. 'pportin% b2ects 3 Prere)'isites

    E. 'pportin% b2ects 3 ystem e)'irements

    . Which t"o are tr'e abo't creatin% interacti#e reports!

    A. A form and /nteracti#e6 7report can be created at the same time,

    $. An interacti#e report m'st be basei88p 9: 9'ery.

    &. A the co'mns m'st be sho"n in the /nteracti#e report.

    (. ny one interacti#e report can be defined on a pa%e.

    E. More than one /nteracti#e report can be #ie"ed on a pa%e.

    4. Which two actions are associated with page rendering?

    A. ;he process of %eneratin% a pa%e from the (atabase.

    $. ;he process of s'bmittin% a pa%e.

    &. A #aidation chec on a 'ser inp't fied to #erify that the entered #a'e is n'meric.

    (. A (M: pa%e process insertin% records into a tabe after the ation scheme "o'd yo' seect to contro access to an appication or a

    pa%e component!

    A. Access contro 1 'pdate

    $. estricted access. ny 'sers defined in the access contro ist are ao"ed

    &. P'bic read ony. Edit and administrati#e pri#ie%es controed by access contro ist(. Access contro - #ie"

    E. Administrati#e access ry

    6.Your application includes a standard tab set TSl with two tabs. You want the tabs to show up Orly

    in page 1 but not in page 2. Which actions achieve the stated reuire!ent?

    A. Edit the tab definition. /n the ;ab Aso &'rrent for Pa%es fied, specify the pa%e n'mber for"hich the tab is to be rendered.$. Edit the tab definition. eect ?&'rrent pa%eE@pression 1? for &ondition ;ype and then specifypa%e 1 in the ?E@pression 1 fied. epeat this process for the other tab.&. Edit the tab definition. eect ?&'rrent pa%eisN; in E@pression 1? for &ondition ;ype and then

    specify the pa%e n'mber for "hich the tab is to render in the ?E@pression 1? fied.(. &han%e the re%ion tempate on the pa%e "here the tabs sho'd not be rendered.

  • 8/11/2019 Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado


    B. =o' ha#e 5 b'ttons in a re%ion. ;hese b'ttons are of stye ?8;M: $'tton?. Each

    b'tton is of a different si>e Cdependin% on the name of the b'ttonD.

    8o" "i yo' ens're that a the b'ttons are of the same si>e C150 pi@esD and they oo


    A. et the b'tton attrib'te for each b'tton to stye ?"idth+ 150p@?.

    $. ;he si>e of an 8;M: $'tton is a"ays decided based on the abe of the b'tton.&. eect the b'tton type as ?;empate (ri#en?. &hoose the same tempate for each


    (. &han%e the b'tton stye to ?/ma%e. &reate an ima%e-based b'tton of same si>e for

    each of the b'ttons and 'se them in the appication.

    ". You created a page that includes a #or! based on a Table along with associated $eport. When

    you clic% the &'reate& button in the report page( the #or! appears. You observe that you are

    unable to view )2*S+,+$Y ite!.

    8o" do yo' mae s're that yo' can #ie" and enter a #a'e thro'%h this form!A. (o nothin%. ;he &reate ation scheme appears ony if it is associated "ith a re%ion on that pa%e

    &. A e%ion ;empate appears ony if it is associated "ith an item on that pa%e.

    (. ;he ast 'pdated history for the pa%e "o'd appear.

    E. /ma%es that are referred in the re%ions on the pa%e appear.

    1/. Your !anager has as%ed you to not allow any calculations when viewing an interactive report.

    Which action would you per#or! to satis#y this reuire!ent?

    A. (eseect the &omp'te and A%%re%ate actions from the earch $ar "hie r'nnin% the report.$. Fnchec the &omp'te and A%%re%ate options from the earch $ar section "ithin eport

    Attrib'tes definition.&. &ic eset from the Actions Men' after deseectin% the &omp'te and A%%re%ate options.(. &han%e the co'mn attrib'te that contains the in specification to remo#e the &omp'te andA%%re%ate options from the earch $ar.E. emo#e the &omp'te and A%%re%ate options "hen creatin% the interacti#e report.

    11. =o' can set the #a'e of an item in yo'r appication by 'sin% "hich fo'r methods!


  • 8/11/2019 Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado


    13. The Order Totals page in the Orders application includes a lin% to anuary

    2//- that should lin% to a calendar view o# the order totals #or that !onth. 5ut i#

    you clic% anuary 2//-(itdisplays the calendar #or the current !onth instead o#

    anuary 2//-. What action should you per#or! to recti#y this?

    A. Modify the dispay attrib'tes of the caendar.$. Edit the PGn3&A:EN(A(A;E hidden item and repace the defa't #a'e "ith


    &. Edit the PGn3&A:EN(A(A;E hidden item to specify a condition.

    (. Edit the PGn3&A:EN(A(A;E hidden item to repace the defa't #a'e "ith

    00H0101 and seect tatic ;e@t "ith ession tate 'bstit'tions for the defa't #a'e


    14. Which three steps are presented when i!porting an application? $07S+$

    A. pecify "here to store the imported appication

    $. $ro"se to the fie ocation and seect the name of the fie to be imported&. eect ho" to reso#e Appication /( conficts

    (. eect the parsin% schema and b'id stat's

    E. eect the database character set

    18. Which #our can be eported using the application eport utility?

    A. F/ defa'ts

    $. /ma%es

    &. ;hemes

    (. chema ob2ects

    E. Appication components

    16. + new colu!n called T09),+T0 7n bold below: was added to an eisting 7nteractive

    $eport uery as shown below.

    S0,0'T title( product( release( subproduct( %eywords( id( #ocus*area( te!plate( type( lin%

    ;$O9 content

  • 8/11/2019 Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado



    1I. Which t"o actions are tr'e abo't creatin% ists!

    A. yo' can trac cics on ist entries.

    $. A ist tempates s'pport hierarchica ists.

    &. nce createdJ yo' cannot 'pdate the parents of ist entries.(. yo' can edit m'tipe ist entries sim'taneo'sy.

    E. =o' can add to a ist directy from the pa%e definition pa%e.

    1H. Which three are #aid process types of a Pa%e Process!

    A. A'tomatic o" Processin% C(8:D

    $. P:K9:

    &. &ear&ache for /tems C/;EM, /;EM,/;EMD

    (. tatic Assi%nment

    E. ed format on pa%e for confirmation.

    *ie" the E@hibit and identify the correct synta@ to be 'sed to retrie#e the session state.

    A. +P1(E(A;Eand+ P1(E;;A:

    $. * C6P1(E(A;E.and* CP1(E;;A:D&. LP19(E(A;E.AndLP1(E;;A:.

  • 8/11/2019 Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado


    (. N* C6P1(E(A;E6DandN* C6P1(E;;A:6D

    Ans"er+ &

    . 9arcie( ,auren( and >ancy are part o# a proect tea! to create an 7nventory

    +pplication #or +5' industries. The tea! !e!bers need to per#or! the #ollowing

    activities daily@ Marcie+ Modify appication, mana%e 'ser %ro'ps, and #ie" 'sa%e reports of her


    Nancy+ Mana%e "orspaces, and appro#e stora%e re)'ests

    :a'ren+ Modify database ob2ects, #ie" session state and #ie" appication reports.

    What pri#ie%es "o'd yo' assi%n to these three 'sers!

    A. Marcie+ (e#eoper, Nancy+ (e#eoper, :a'ren+ Worspace Administrator

    $. Marcie+ Worspace Administrator, Nancy+ (e#eoper,:a'ren+ (e#eoper

    &. Marcie+ Appication E@press Administrator, Nancy+ Worspace

    Administrator,:a'ren+ (e#eoper

    (. Marcie+ Worspace Administrator, Nancy+ Appication E@press

    Administrator,:a'ren+(e#eoperE.Marcie+ Worspace Administrator, Nancy+ Worspace Administrator,:a'ren+


    4. =o' can create :ist of *a'es for "hich fi#e types of pa%e items!

    A. (ate Picer

    $. eect :ist

    &. &hec $o@

    (. ;e@t Area

    E. adio ro'p

  • 8/11/2019 Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado


    &. Fse 9'ery $'ider to seect the co'ntries and ocations tabes. eect theco'ntryid co'mna

    in both the tabes and create a 2oin bet"een them. ;hen, seect the city co'mn in the ocations

    tabe and co'ntrynameco'mn in the co'ntries tabe.

  • 8/11/2019 Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado


  • 8/11/2019 Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado


    A. &reate an /nteracti#e eport re%ion to sho" the ist of EMP:=EE and

    P(F&; based on the &'stomer /(.

    $. &reate an /nteracti#e eport re%ion that contains a )'ery bet"een the &F;ME,

    EMP:=EE, P(F&; and A:E tabe.

    &. &reate an 9: eport re%ion that contains a )'ery bet"een the &F;ME,

    P(F&; and A:E tabes ony.

    (. &reate a fiter on &'stomer

  • 8/11/2019 Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado


    =o' "ant to edit the item attrib'tes so that they appear as sho"n in E@hibit $

    Chori>ontay, ne@t to each otherD.

    E@hibit $

    Which action "o'd yo' tae to satisfy this re)'irement!

    A. &han%e ?$e%in on ne" :ine? attrib'te of radio %ro'p to No and set ?$e%in on Ne"


    E. Edit the :ist of *a'es /n hared &omponents. pecify the n'mber of co'mns thatyo' "ant the :ist of *a'es to span.

    5. /n yo'r rders appication, yo' created a 0 Pie

  • 8/11/2019 Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado


    What action sho'd yo' perform to dispay the chart tite and the tota n'mber of

    prod'cts 'nder each

    cate%ory "itho't 'sin% c'stom XM:!

    A. Edit the

  • 8/11/2019 Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado


    E. A'thentication scheme from scratch 'sin% the APP-FE f'nction to chec for the

    'sername and pass"ord.

    I. &hoose three actions by "hich yo' can set a te@t item as read-ony.

    A. et the item as ;e@t ard to scro thro'%h records in the Master


    A. /nc'de master ro" na#i%ation.

    $. Master ro" na#i%ation order.

    &. econdary na#i%ation order.

    (. /nc'de master report.

    41. Which two actions can be per#or!ed using the Obect 5rowser?

    A. $ro"se database ob2ects of the c'rrent schema

    $. $'id and sa#e 9: )'eries&. ;ransfer 9: scripts bet"een schemas

  • 8/11/2019 Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado


    (. &reate a oo'p tabe based on a co'mn in the c'rrent tabe

    E. (ispay APEX *ie" reports

    4. Which three statements are tr'e abo't a "i>ard-%enerated tab'ar form!

    A. ny ao"s yo' to 'pdate one record at a time.$. Ao"s yo' to add and 'pdate m'tipe records at a time.

    &. =o' can dri do"n to a detai record #ie".

    (. Ao"s yo' to add more than one record at a time.

    E. ny ao"s yo' to chan%e the 'pdateabe co'mns.

    4. /n yo'r appication both pa%e and pa%e 4 branches to pa%e 5. Pa%e 5 has a &ance

    b'tton "hich c'rrenty redirects to pa%e , ho"e#er it sho'd redirect to either pa%e or

    pa%e 4 dependin% on the ori%inatin% pa%e. Which three actions need to be performed!

    A. &reate t"o appication items+ :A;PAE and &FEN;PAE.

    $. &reate an appication comp'tation on item :A;PAE, comp'tation point $efore

    8eader, type P:K9:

    @,+ST*)+C0 @D nvl@'E$F0>T*)+C0( @+))*)+C0*7.G

    @'E$$0>T*)+C0 @D G+))*)+C0*7G

    $0TE$> @,+ST*)+C0G


    &. &reate an appication comp'tation on /tem :A;PAE, comp'tation point After

    'bmit, type


    @,+ST*)+C0 @D @'E$$0>T*)+C0G

    @'E$$0>T*)+C0 @ D @+))*)+C0*7G



    (. n pa%e 5 create a #aidation to chec "hether the #a'e storedinappication item

    :A;PAE is e)'a to the #a'e of APPPE*SPAE/(

    "hereAPPS3E*PAE/( is $'it-in 'bstit'tion trin% in race APEX that stores

    the n'mber of cain% pa%e.

    E. n pa%e 5 'se the #a'e stored in appication item :A;PAE to %o bac to the

    pa%e from "hich yo' bro"sed to the c'rrent pa%e.

    44. *a'es of "hich three items can be set from the Print Attrib'tes pa%e of a 9:9'ery report!

    A. *ie" report as an attachment or inside the bro"ser "indo".

    $. eport o'tp't format.

    &. Print ser#er port.

    (. eport co'mn "idth.

    E. eport co'mn headin%.

    48. +#ter creating buttons in a region position( you cannot change the position o#

    the buttons to ...

    A. $ottom of the re%ion

    $. Abo#e or beo" the re%ion&. /n any b'tton position defined in the re%ion tempate

  • 8/11/2019 Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado


    (. ;o the eft or the ri%ht of the pa%e tite

    E. Amon% this re%ion6s /tems

    4. =o' can 'se 9'ery $'ider "hen creatin% "hich three re%ion types!

    A. /nteracti#e eport

    $. 9: eport&. Master-(etai

    7; @)i*'OE>T$Y D AESA +9 @ )l*)$O7>'0 7S >E,, TB0>

    $0TE$9 ;+,S0G


    $0TE$> T$E0G

    0> 7;G


    &. &reate a #aidationoftype P:K9:

  • 8/11/2019 Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado


    $. Enter an aphan'meric name in the ;ite fied on the Pa%e Attrib'tes pa%e and refer

    this tite in the appication F:.

    &. &reateNa#i%ationbarEntry for the pa%e from the appication6s shared components.

    efer this na#i%ation bar entry in the appication F:.

    (. Fse the b'it-in s'bstit'tion strin% PAEA:/A.

    E. As an instance administrator, o% in to the Appication E@press Administrationer#ices. o to Mana%e er#ices 3

  • 8/11/2019 Examen Apex1Z0-450 Desarrollado


    et a session state #a'e )regunta12

    Fse b2ect $ro"ser to bro"se, create, and modify ob2ects in the schema

    )regunta 42

    *ie" e@istin% tempates )regunta 2-

    *ie" pa%e definition )regunta -

    *ie" re%ion attrib'tes


    +nswer@ 'rear data grid y una region de reporte

    )reg Si eli!inaste esa pIgina. 'orre el advisor y

    +nswer@ 0ecutar reporte de dependencias.