Everything you ever wanted to know about using URS



Everything you ever wanted to know about using URS. Cenk Erdil, HMIS Manager Caitlin Madevu -Matson, SI Specialist Strategic Information Unit 22 May 2014. Rationale. Y ou may recall past URS webinars April 2012 February 2013 We are back by popular demand! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Everything you ever wanted to know about using URS

Cenk Erdil, HMIS ManagerCaitlin Madevu-Matson, SI Specialist

Strategic Information Unit22 May 2014


• You may recall past URS webinars– April 2012

– February 2013

• We are back by popular demand!– Your responses to the SI webinar survey in Nov 2013

• This webinar will be especially useful to – clinical and programmatic staff who do not routinely use URS,

but would like to use the data to answer a variety of questions

• URS is a valuable resource for ALL ICAP teams


• Provide a URS refresher on general data use– Basics– Dashboard– Reports Module

• Answer your questions – A compiled list based on a recent survey


• Web-based, Scalable & Flexible• Globally accessible:– http://urs2.icap.columbia.edu

• ICAP’s central data repository• Mainly used for two reasons:–Submit data for routine indicators–General data use


• URS general data use:–Up-to-date ICAP required indicator statistics–Monitoring progress to targets

• Data reported to ICAP-NY, including:–Mostly ICAP-required indicators– Some indicators that are not ICAP-required

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Overall Structure of URS

Overall Structure of URS

Dashboard - Definition

Dashboard - Tabs

Dashboard – Program Areas

Dashboard – Priority Indicators

Dashboard - Targets

Dashboard – Graphs and Tables


Dashboard – Graphs and Tables



Dashboard – Graphs and Tables

Dashboard – Filters

Dashboard – Filters

Dashboard – Filters

Dashboard – Filters


Dashboard – Filters


Dashboard – Filters


Dashboard – Filters



Dashboard – Filter Example

Dashboard – Filter Example

Dashboard – Filter Example

Dashboard – Filter Example

Dashboard – Filter Example 2

Dashboard – Filter Example 2

Dashboard – Priority Indicators

Dashboard – Priority Indicators

Dashboard – Priority Indicators

Dashboard – Priority Indicators

Dashboard – Targets

Dashboard – Targets


• Reports: provide users the ability to adapt how data are presented– Query: user-defined questions– Constructed indicator: user-defined calculated

indicators that use formulas


Reports – New Query Variables




Funding source: can select all, or subset

Program area: can select all, or subset

Time period: Quarter and year

Indicators: Add or unselect- will be limited by what program areas

are selected in #2

Reports – Add Indicators32 1

Reports – New Query Variables





Funding source: can select all, or subset

Program area: can select all, or subset

Time period: Quarter and year

Indicators: Add or unselect- will be limited by what program areas

are selected in #2


Reports – Organizations Selection

Reports – New Query Variables





Funding source: can select all, or subset

Program area: can select all, or subset

Time period: Quarter and year

Indicators: Add or unselect- will be limited by what program areas

are selected in #2


Reports – New Query Options



Unit status: default is Active, all

Chart type: table or graph- Bar graph can be stacked

Grouping and series- How to show variables

Calculation: default is sum

5 Overall: option to have totals

Reports – Saved Queries


Reports – Saved Queries2 3 4 1

Your Questions!

How can I see progress to targets?

• Dashboard

• Use saved query

How can I see progress to targets?

How can I see progress to targets?

How can I adapt a saved query?

• Changing variables

– Time period changes

– Indicator changes

– Organizational unit changes

• Changing options how data are presented

– Chart type changes

– Grouping or series changes, e.g. in columns/y axis and rows

– Beware, there are 5 types of variables but only 2 can vary in one

table query- the others have to remain constant or will be combined

How can I track the number of patients on second line regimens?

How can I track the number of patients on second line regimens?

Column : Organizational Unit / Row : Data

How can I track the number of patients on second line regimens?

How can I track the number of patients on second line regimens?

Column : Time Period / Row : Data

How can I track the number of patients on second line regimens?

Column : Time Period / Row : Organizational Unit

How can I track the number of patients on second line regimens?

How can I track the number of patients on second line regimens?

Column : Time Period / Row : Organizational Unit

How can I track the number of patients on second line regimens?

X-axis : Organizational Unit / Series : Data

How can I track the number of patients on second line regimens?

X-axis : Time Period / Series : Organizational Unit

How can I see how many sites reported in a program area and if it has changed over time?

How can I see how many sites reported in a program area and if it has changed over time?

How can I see how many sites reported in a program area and if it has changed over time?

How can I see how many sites reported in a program area and if it has changed over time?

How can I see how many sites reported in a program area and if it has changed over time?

Column : Program area / Row : Organizational Unit by Region

How can I see how many sites reported in a program area and if it has changed over time?

Column : Time period (Q) / Row : Organizational Unit by Region

How can I see how many sites reported in a program area and if it has changed over time?

Column : Time period (Q) / Row : Program Area

How can I see how many sites reported in a program area and if it has changed over time?

Where do I go on URS to see what analyses have already been done?

• (not on URS…) Master Slides

– Contain standard graphs and information for all program areas for all

countries supported by ICAP for anyone to use

– Generated every 6 months : June and December

– Available on Data Dissemination Wiki, under Slides

– http://icapdatadissemination.wikischolars.columbia.edu/

– NOTE: need to be invited to join, send your M&E Director or SI

Specialist an email for access!

• (on URS) Dashboards and Saved Queries

Where do I go (on URS) to see what analyses have already been done?

Overall n=854447

Cote d'Ivoire n=5288



Tanzania n=136378

Kenya n=256929

Ethiopia n=206507

Kazakhstan n=1488




61% 67% 62% 62% 61% 57%49%

31% 28% 31% 30% 28% 35%51%

5% 7% 7% 11% 8%

Women 15+ Men 15+ Children <15


SEPTEMBER 30, 2013


ent o

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Source: ICAP URS November 2013Notes: Data are only from clinics currently supported and reporting.

Is there a cheat sheet to understand how and where to pull data on the URS?

• Yes! A few useful

resources are


– URS User manual

– This presentation

Is there a cheat sheet for indicators on the URS?

• Reported versus Calculated indicators

• Yes! A few useful resources are available:

– Reporting SOP : describes how reporting at ICAP works

– Import instructions : guide of reported indicators that should

be imported by program area

– Constructed indicators : list of calculated indicators that are

already programmed in URS

Where are the indicator cheat sheet resources?

At any time you are logged in, ICAP M&E Resources is top right

Drop down menu with the latest version available

for download:– Reporting SOP

– Instructions for Import

– Constructed Indicators Constructed IndicatorsMay 2014

How do I use the Import Instructions?

• Excel document organized with one program area per tab

• Headings on each tab are the same

Unique ID to identify indicators

Long description of what is reported

Optional: if sub-categories exist

Required by ICAP?1= yes0= no

How do I use the Constructed Indicators Guide?

• Similar to Import Instructions, all on one tab

• Includes Formulas

Unique ID to identify indicators

Long description of what is reported

Formula used in calculation (URS ID)

Can I get information about viral loads or those suspected of treatment failure on URS?

• No. Neither viral load nor suspected treatment

failure are in the URS aggregate data

– Not ICAP required indicators

– Information about suspected treatment failure

using CD4 analysis is available in Patient Level

Reports (Standard of Care report) that you can

download from URS M&E Resources.

How can I tell if data are still coming in or are finalized for a quarter?

• URS is a live system

• SI Unit Director sends out

Reporting Milestones each

quarter that states when

data should be finalized

• Usually 1 month after the end of a quarter, you can assume it is final: but it is

always best to reach out to your M&E director or SI Specialist to be sure and

if you have additional questions

If targets are not available initially do you go back and enter them when available?

• Yes!

• SI Specialists and country M&E teams are responsible

for entering targets

• If you don’t see targets, please reach out to your M&E

staff or the SI Specialist


• URS2 is widely available for making use of routinely collected program data

• Dashboards are pre-set graphs and tables for quick reference

• Easily create your own reports to view the data you want in tables or graphs

• Resources on how to use URS2 are accessible– E.g. URS User manual, the Reporting SOP and Indicator


• SI Unit and M&E Directors are also available


Let us know if you have any questions:

Caitlin – cm3315@columbia.eduCenk – dce2110@columbia.edu
