Event Marketing Book 2014



L'Event Marketing Book è un marketplace dove le aziende incontrano i propri partner, un'occasione per conoscersi e fare business. Una 'guida agli acquisti' rivolta a coloro che nelle aziende e nelle agenzie sono coinvolti nei processi decisionali di scelta dei partner.

Citation preview






    Soc. Editrice: ADC Group srl, via Privata Vasto, 1 Milano - Direttore Resp.: Salvatore Sagone - Red. e pubbl.: via Privata Vasto, 1 Milano - www.e20express.it - e20@adcgroup.it Fotolito e stampa: Lasergrafica Polver MI - supplemento a e20 n. 73 Poste Italiane Spa - Spedizioni in A.P. - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) Art. 1 comm.1 DCB Milano

    9 edition


  • 3An autumn of events with ADC Group

    ANinth edition for the Event Marketing Book, the valuable buying guide dedicated to those who, within the company, are involved in the decision-making processes for all communication initiatives.A guidebook to learn about agencies, partners, associations and event venues, and also a useful tool to introduce oneself and the

    company to the players of the events and meeting industry. An opportunity, both in print and online format (www.e20express.it), to

    keep up to date with missions, services, areas of specialization and the most important events created of late by the most qualified


    In view of Expo 2015, to give its advertisers greater visibility in Italy and abroad, Adc Group will conduct a targeted distribution of the Event Marketing Book, this year in a bilingual Italian/English version, to a database of about 50 thousand contacts from Italian and foreign companies, at major trade shows in Europe and at the first edition of The International Festival of Live Events and Communication, to be hosted in Seville.Your first date with the protagonists of the book, and with many other players in the sector, is therefore scheduled for October 23rd and 24th at the Hotel Barcel Sevilla Renacimiento in Seville, where the EuBea Festival will take place. The international event, by Adc Group, will host juries for both the Bea Italy and Eubea awards as well as a packed schedule of seminars and roundtables, and culminate with the award ceremony of the European Bea.Its an exceptional opportunity to meet new customers and establish new relationships, in view of another autumn event promoted

    by our publishing company: the Bea Expo Festival. The festival, now in its 8th year, was created, as its sister event hosted in the An-dalusian capital, with the intention of offering moments of high level training and networking for professionals of the events industry.

    The 2014 edition, set for November 17th, will be hosted at the Teatro Franco Parenti in Milan.Dont miss it!

    Salvatore Sagone Managing Director and President, ADC Group

    Event Marketing Book EDITORIAL

  • Event Marketing BookEDITOR

    Salvatore Sagone salvatore.sagone@adcgroup.it

    EDITORIAL COORDINATORMarina Bellantoni marina.bellantoni@adcgroup.it

    EDITORIAL ASSISTANTFrancesca Chittaro francesca.chittaro@adcgroup.it

    ART DIRECTIONAlessandra Pid info@alessandrapi.it

    SALES DIRECTORMaria Cristina Concari cristina.concari@adcgroup.it

    ACCOUNT MANAGERAndrea Gervasi andrea.gervasi@adcgroup.it (Rome)

    Paola Morello paola.morello@adcgroup.itElisabetta Zarone elisabetta.zarone@adcgroup.it

    Ilaria Granato ilaria.granato@adcgroup.it (International)

    SUBSCRIPTIONNunzia De Nuccio abbonamenti@adcgroup.it

    MARKETING AND COMUNICAZIONEmarketing@adcgroup.it

    PRINTP.F. Via Kramer, 17/19 - 20129 Milan (Italy)

    e20 BIMONTHLY MAGAZINEsupplement n 73 reg. Court of Milan n 530, 24/09/2003


    president: Salvatore SagoneEditorial office: Via Privata Vasto, 1 - 20121 Milan (Italy)

    Tel. +39 02 49766316 e20@adcgroup.it Registered office: Via Freguglia, 2 - 20122 Milan (Italy)

    e20 annual subscription: 6 numbers e20 copyright 2014 ADC Group

    Print in october 2014

    GRAPHIC DESIGN Davide Lopopolo

  • 5Event Marketing Book INDEX

    IndiceEditorial, by Salvatore Sagone


    EVENT AGENCIESAlessandro Rosso Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9ALL Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Alphaomega. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Creo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16CWT Meetings & Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Egg Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Gruppo Gattinoni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Gruppo Peroni Eventi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Gvst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Filmmaster Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Louder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Merlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29M.I.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Sinergie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Piano B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

    INCENTIVE/TEAM BUILDING AGENCIESTeambuilding.it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

    INTEGRATED COMMUNICATION AGENCIESApload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39FUN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Eventually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Istrice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Living Brands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45Next Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46


    Alfonso Muzzi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49Brand in Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50Cte Cte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51Events Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52Excogitare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53Laser Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54Lazzaretti Top Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55Maskot23 & Scenograffiti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56Milano Music Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57Modulbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58STS Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59Souldesigner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61Telemeeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62Tensotend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63Vela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64Visconti Banqueting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65


    MULTIFUNCTIONAL LOCATIONSCinecitt Studios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69Casin Campione dItalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70East End Studios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71ForumNet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74Hard Rock Cafe Firenze. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77La Pelota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78Mumac. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

  • Event Marketing Book INDEX

    Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80Officine del Volo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81Officine Farneto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83Palazzo del Ghiaccio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84Superstudio Pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85Teatro Franco Parenti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

    CONGRESS CENTERSPalazzo Mezzanotte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88Porto Antico di Genova. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

    HOTELSGrand Hotel et de Milan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90Grand Hotel Miramare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91Hotel Beverly Hills Rome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92Residenza di Ripetta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93


    Acc/Ana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96Apecate/Assocom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97BtlKa/Club Para la Excelencia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98Emba/Evcom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99Eventia/Famab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100Federcongressi&eventi/Gmic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101Idea/Ises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102Markom/Mpi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103Sefs/Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104Sponsor - Og Eventforeningen/Yepud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

    It should be noted that for editorial needs, due to the insertion of advertising pages, it was not always possible to comply with the alphabetical order of companies

  • Event Marketing BookIt should be noted that for editorial needs, due to the insertion of advertising pages, it was not always possible to comply with the alphabetical order of companies

    Event Agencies


  • 9EVENT AGENCIES - Event Marketing Book

    MISSION. Alessandro Rosso Group was founded in 2002 by a group of professionals with over 30 years of experience in the Mice (meeting, incentive, convention, events) and tourism industries. Over the years the Group, thanks to important national and international acquisitions, has expanded its core business.

    SERVICESToday market leader in Italy and in Europe, offering a variety of products and services, with a staff of over 350 professionals: incentive travels, conventions and events, communication & marketing, congres-ses, congress delegations, Cme (Continuing Medi-cal Education), incoming tourism, tour operating, hotel industry, pavilion and stand building.

    CASE HISTORYTitle: Power for Pioneers.Client: Edison.Event type: convention.Objectives: to communicate where Edison is hea-ding from the actual state and which are the stra-tegic options; share informations; share main projects; get engagement.Date and location: May 28th, 2014, Milan, Centro Congressi Stella Polare.Target: Edison management.Creative idea: the square is the main theme for the rooms customization, recalling the Companys image. The set design is in accordance with Edisons color scheme and it aims to communicate the sen-se of collaboration in building the future. Plenary convention, workshops, theme areas within the Edison Experience space and the Optimism lunch during the event day are made to involve actually and practically the target audience and tell about Edisons pioneering and at the same time about the Edison to come.


    ALESSANDRO ROSSO GROUPVia Tito Speri, 8 - 20154 Milan (Italy)Tel. +39 02 87387201 Fax +39 02 87387219www.arossogroup.com; info@arossogroup.com

    Branch: Turin, Florence, Rome, Wien, Philadelphia, Shangai, Peking

    NUMBERSCorporation stock: 10,300,000Constitution date: 2002Turnover: 150,000,000Staff: 350

    MANAGEMENTAlessandro Rosso, president Alessandro Rosso Group; Daniele Rosso, ceo Alessandro Rosso Incentive;Loredana Vavassori, ceo Alessandro Rosso Group;Rosalba Barro, ceo Alessandro Rosso Group.

    CONTACTSSilvia Negroni, executive assistantsilvia.negroni@arossogroup.com

    MAIN CLIENTSAccenture, Amadori, Amplifon, Bolton Group, Deutsche Bank, DHL, Edison, Fiat Group, Finmeccanica, Gruppo Generali, Juventus, LOreal, Maserati, Michelin, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Nestl, Piaggio, PwC, Telecom, Viessman

    Power for Pioneers (Edison)

    MISSION. Alessandro Rosso Group nasce nel 2002 da un gruppo di professionisti con oltre trentanni di esperienza nel settore Mice (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Eventi) e del Turismo. Il Gruppo, negli anni, cresciuto grazie allacquisizione di importan-ti aziende nazionali e internazionali e ha ampliato il proprio core business con lobiettivo di soddisfare le nuove esigenze dei clienti ed essere sempre al passo coi tempi, diventando cos un importante punto di riferimento per il mercato.

    SERVIZICon uno staff di circa 350 professionisti, Alessan-dro Rosso Group leader di mercato in Italia e in Europa e offre prodotti e servizi diversificati: viaggi incentive e team building, convention ed eventi, comunicazione di marketing, congressi, delega-zione congressuali, Ecm (Educazione Continua in Medicina), incoming, tour operating, hotellerie, allestimenti fieristici.

    CASE HISTORYTitolo: Power for Pioneers.Cliente: Edison.Tipologia: convention.Obiettivi: comunicare, partendo dalla situazione at-tuale, dove Edison vuole andare e attraverso quali opzioni strategiche; condividere le informazioni, alli-neare il team sulla conoscenza dei principali progetti; ottenere engagement.Data e Location: 28 maggio 2014, Milano, Centro Congressi Stella Polare.Target: quadri e dirigenti dellazienda (550 circa).Idea creativa: la figura predominante per la per-sonalizzazione degli spazi il quadrato, richiamo allimmagine guida dellazienda. Lallestimento sce-nografico stato pensato secondo il codice colore di Edison e teso a comunicare il senso di collabora-zione alla costruzione del futuro. Convention ple-naria, workshop, aree tematiche nello spazio della Edison Experience e lunch dellottimismo sono i momenti strutturati nella giornata di evento per coinvolgere, in senso reale e pratico, il target e rac-contare il pionerismo di Edison e, allo stesso modo, lEdison che verr.

  • EVENT AGENCIES - Event Marketing Book

  • 11

    MISSION. To design and implement effective so-lutions able to focus the communication strategy primarily on the brand experience. In doing this, ALL Communication selects and activates the most suitable tools to win the target range.

    SERVICESAs director of experience ALL Communication designs, develops and puts into action communica-tion projects based on the clients needs, becoming effectively their partner in choosing the proper stra-tegy. From big events to promotional tours, from experiential sampling to roadshows from uncon-ventional actions to small conventions and corpo-rate events every time the best solutions are tailored to achieve the intended objectives.

    CASE HISTORYTitle: FIFA World CupTM Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola.Client: Coca-Cola Italia.Event type: public event.Objectives: to give an unique and unmissible experience that anticipates the spirit and emotion of Brasil 2014.Date & location: February 20th and 21st, 2014, Rome, Piazza del Popolo.Target: Italian supporters and devotees to football.Creative idea: conception, planning and setting-up of Coca-Cola Village and its contents totally dedi-cated to sport, football and their values. The Coca-Cola Village guested the Fifa World CupTM Trophy gi-ving to its devotees the chance to take an emotional journey through its history and most representative pictures. At the end of this path the extraordinary opportunity of taking a picture with the Trophy. Unbelievable results: more than 2.300 tweets, 200 pictures on Instagram, press review with over 500 articles and more than 12.000 people queuing to see the Fifa World CupTM Trophy.


    ALL COMMUNICATIONVia Valbrona, 4 - 20125 Milan (Italy)Tel. +39 02 366697380 Fax + 39 02 36697382www.allcommunication.it; info@allcommunication.it

    NUMBERSCorporation stock: 100,000Constitution date: 23 september 2009Turnover: 7,000,000Staff: 35

    MANAGEMENTAlessandro Talenti, managing director and founder;Luca Colombi, account director and founder;Luca Sanfilippo, executive producer and founder;Denise Lo Piparo; strategic planner and business partner

    CONTACTSDenise Lo Piparo, denise.lopiparo@allcommunication.it

    MAIN CLIENTSBarilla, Bayer, Beiersdorf, Coca-Cola Italia, Davide Campari Milano, Diageo, Heineken Italia, Danone, F.lli Branca Distillerie, Imperial Tobacco, Martini & Rossi Gruppo Bacardi, Mahou San Miguel, Mercedes-Benz, Mercatone Uno, Montenegro, Pernod Ricard, Sisal, Sky, Star, Vodafone

    Coca-Cola Village, Fifa World CupTM Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola

    MISSION. Ideare e realizzare soluzioni efficaci che mettano la brand experience al centro della strate-gia di comunicazione, selezionando e attivando gli strumenti pi idonei per conquistare i target di ri-ferimento.

    SERVIZINel ruolo di regista dellesperienza ALL Commu-nication si occupa dellideazione, sviluppo e realizza-zione di progetti di comunicazione costruiti sulle esi-genze dei clienti, diventando loro partner nelle scelte strategiche e tattiche. Dai big event ai tour promo-zionali, dallexperiential sampling ai roadshow, dalle azioni unconventional alle convention, fino agli eventi corporate, ogni volta vengono confezio-nate le soluzioni migliori per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi prefissati.

    CASE HISTORYTitolo: FIFA World CupTM Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola.Cliente: Coca-Cola Italia.Tipologia: evento pubblico.Obiettivi: offrire unesperienza unica e imperdibile che anticipa lo spirito e le emozioni di Brasile 2014. Data e Location: 20/21 febbraio, Roma, Piazza del Popolo.Target: tifosi italiani e appassionati di calcio.Idea creativa: ideazione, progettazione e realizza-zione del Villaggio Coca-Cola e dei suoi contenuti interamente dedicati allo sport, al calcio e ai suoi valori. Il Villaggio Coca-Cola ha ospitato la vera e autentica Coppa dei Mondiali FifaTM, dando lop-portunit a singoli appassionati e alle scolaresche di fare un viaggio lungo storia e immagini dei Mondia-li grazie a un percorso espositivo emozionante e di avere la straordinaria possibilit di farsi fotografare con il trofeo. Incredibili i risultati: oltre 2.300 tweet, 200 foto su Instagram, una copertura mediatica con pi di 500 uscite su stampa e oltre 12.000 persone in coda per vedere la coppa.

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    EVENT AGENCIES - Event Marketing Book

    MISSION. With 12 years experience in marketing and communication, the Alphaomega group, alongside Metaphora, consists of a number of companies that organise their activities in an integrated manner. It tries to give harmony to all that it has chosen to do, wi-thout losing the balance between being a big group and continuing to think and act small, in the search of that striking idea that is able to transfer thrills and emotions. The Group currently employs over 50 people and has offices in Rome, Milan, Frankfurt and Abu Dhabi, working for more than 80 domestic and inter-national clients.

    SERVICESCommunication projects with an overall appro-ach. This means never looking for solutions down a single road, via a single medium or discipline and putting thought before action. This is ensured by the internal Metaphora factory, which provides an integrated and horizontal approach through all phases: strategic analysis, planning, creative deve-lopment, content management, development and executive on-field production, client relationship. The different companies and divisions specialise in a particular field: consulting, advertising, below the line, events, promotions, incentives, graphic & web design, media relations and PR, recruiting, training and management of specialised staff.

    CASE HISTORYTitle: Six Nations - Terzo Tempo Peroni Village 2014.Client: Birra Peroni.Event type: public event.Objectives: communicate the relationship between Birra Peroni and rugby, increse the perception of Birra Peroni as the real beer of rugby, enhance the relationship between Peroni and the pillars of the brand (link with food through activation that enga-ge people).Date & Location: February 22nd and March 15th, 2014, Foro Italico park (Rome).Target: wide readership.Creative idea: the creation of a format based on entertainment and focused on creating a 360 brand experience. Many areas dedicated to various kind of activations all over the Village and around the stage, the heart of the celebration, where DJs, speakers, music, fun and the Ape Escape band were all protagonist. On the stage also the finale of one of the episodes of Man vs Food tv serie host by Chef Rubio. He prepared his new creation, especially made for the occasion the Terzo Tempo Burger, for the crowd who enjoyed it while watching the show. The catering area was set up to serve street food all day long. Four air portals branded Peroni, the Bottle-men, dressed up as the four variety of Peroni Beer, eye stripes with Peroni or italian flag and the Peroni marching Band created many fun photo-opportuni-ty moments. Concluding the day the Italian Team on the stage to cheer with all the supporters to a great rugby season.


    ALPHAOMEGAVia Calcedonia, 1 - 00188 Rome (Italy)Tel. +39 06 45439494 Fax +39 06 96039933segreteria@alphaomega.itwww.alphaomega.it

    Branch: Milan, Frankfurt, Abu Dhabi

    NUMBERSCapital stock: 50,000Constitution date: 2001Staff: more than 50 people

    MANAGEMENTAlberto Cassone, Enrico Conforti, Giovanni Cassone, partner; Alessia Berriola, general manager; Maurizio Thiebat, creative director

    CONTACTSCinzia Gigli, cinzia.gigli@alphaomega.it

    MAIN CLIENTSAS Roma, Birra Peroni, Bnp Paribas, Bulgari, Centrale del Latte, Chrysler, Coca-Cola, Colgate Palmolive, Coni, Eli Lilly, eni, Fiat, Fipp, Fox, Generali Italia, Infiniti, Johnson&Johnson, Liu Jo, LOral, Levis, Luxottica, Marriott, Mercedes-Benz, Mondadori, Nike, Nissan, Pfizer, Philip Morris, Poste Italiane, Refrigiwear, Renault Group, Roma Capitale, Ringo, Sky, Sigaro Toscano, Telepass, Terna, Unilever, Vaillant, Vodafone, Zoetis

    Six Nations - Terzo Tempo Peroni Village 2014

    MISSION. Da 12 anni nei settori del marketing e della comunicazione, il gruppo Alphaomega, insie-me con la factory Metaphora, si compone di diverse societ che svolgono la propria attivit in maniera integrata. Cerca di dare armonia a tutto quello che ha scelto di fare. Di non perdere la proporzione esat-ta fra lessere un gruppo grande e il continuare a pensare e ad agire da piccoli. Per non smettere di ri-cercare, fino a che la bellezza di unidea non emozio-ni. Il Gruppo occupa attualmente oltre 50 persone, ha sedi a Roma, Milano, Francoforte e Abu Dhabi, lavora per oltre 80 clienti nazionali e internazionali.

    SERVIZIProgetti di comunicazione con un approccio din-sieme. Che significa: non cercare mai soluzioni in un sola direzione, in un solo media o disciplina e mettere il pensiero prima dellazione. Di questo si occupa la factory interna Metaphora, che garantisce un approccio integrato e orizzontale in tutte le fasi: analisi strategica, ideazione, sviluppo creativo, content management, realizzazione e produzione esecutiva on-field, customer relationship. Le diverse societ e le divisioni hanno poi ciascuna una propria specializzazione: attivit di consulenza, adv, below the line, eventi, promotion, incentive, graphic & web design, media relation e PR, servizio di recruiting, formazione e gestione di staff specializzati.

    CASE HISTORYTitolo: Sei Nazioni - Terzo Tempo Peroni Village 2014.Cliente: Birra Peroni.Tipologia: evento pubblico.Obiettivi: comunicare il legame valoriale tra Birra Peroni e il rugby, rafforzare la percezione del presi-dio assoluto del brand nel territorio di questo sport; valorizzare il link di Peroni con i pillar del marchio (legame con il food attraverso attivazioni che hanno coinvolto i presenti).Data e Location: 22 febbraio e 15 marzo 2014, par-co del Foro Italico (Roma).Target: trasversale.Idea creativa: creazione di un format con intratteni-menti e contenuti volti a far vivere una brand expe-rience a 360. Numerose aree di attivazione dislocate in tutto il Villaggio intorno al palco, lanima del di-vertimento (dj, speaker, musica, giochi e folklore) sul quale gli Ape Escape si sono esibiti. Sul palco anche la finale di varie sfide di Man vs Food: chef Rubio ha sfidato volontari del pubblico a mangiare un pa-nino creato ad hoc, il Terzo Tempo Burger. Quattro mega gonfiabili Peroni, numerose photo-opportuni-ty, uomini bottiglia (ragazzi vestiti con costumi delle quattro referenze), eyes stripes (tatuaggi removibili con bandiera italiana e logo Peroni) e una band iti-nerante, la Peroni Big Band. Grande emozione per i giocatori della nazionale, che sono saliti sul palco per brindare con i tifosi. Le aree catering sono state tra-sformate in banchi di street food, dove si potuta assaggiare leccellenza del cibo da strada.

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    EVENT AGENCIES - Event Marketing BookAGENZIE DI EVENTI - Event Marketing Book

    SERVIZI OFFERTICreativit, competenza, dinamicit, attenzione al budget e un team di professionisti propositivo ed efficiente in ognuna delle aree strategiche di Creo: Creative Events: eventi corporate, eventi speciali, con-vention, congressi, roadshow, lanci prodotto, sceno-grafie virtuali, maxi proiezioni, show ed effetti speciali; Incentive & Dmc: viaggi incentive, destination ma-nagement, attivit esperienziali e team building; Brand Communication: gift design, comunicazione integrata, produzione video e grafica, web design, piattaforme loyalty e campagne di incentivazione.

    EVENTI PI IMPORTANTI DEGLI ULTIMI 12 MESIVodafone Business Canvass (cliente: Vodafone, data: novembre 2013; location: Milano e Roma); Evento Unificazione Agenti Allianz (cliente: Asso-ciazione Agenti Allianz; data: febbraio 18-21 2014; location: Roma); Idl 2014 (cliente: Alleanza Assicu-razioni; data: 16-18 maggio 2014, location: Barcello-na); XXVI Congresso Gruppo Agenti Zurich (cliente: Gruppo Agenti Zurich, data: 18-21 settembre 2014; location: Zurigo).


    CREOVia Plinio, 43 - 20129 Milano Tel. 02 29536495 Fax 02 29413510info@creo.it; www.creo.it

    Filiali: Parigi

    Creo Eventos e Comunicao LtdaAv. Anglica, 2530 - 12 andarConcolao - So Paulo - Brasilwww.creo.com.br

    NUMERICapitale sociale: 20.800Data di fondazione: 1992Giro daffari: 6.000.000Addetti: 20

    MANAGEMENTGianfranco Maiorana, presidente e ad; Veneranda Vacca, direttore area eventi e brand communication; Marta Maiorana, direttore operativo

    CONTATTIVeneranda Vacca, veneranda.vacca@creo.it

    PRINCIPALI CLIENTIAbbott International, Alleanza Assicurazioni, Allianz, Amgen Domp, Assicurazioni Generali, Associazione Agenti Allianz, Compass - Gruppo Mediobanca, Ergo Assicurazioni, Expo2015, Fujitsu, Gruppo Agenti Generali, Gruppo Agenti Gaz, Iama Consulting, Jafra Cosmetics International, La Roche Posay, Lvmh Mot Hennessy - Louis Vuitton, Manpower, McKinsey & Company, Novartis, Oriflame Cosmetics, Shire, Syngenta, UniCredit Group, Unipol, Vichy

    Vodafone Business Canvass

    Alleanza Assicurazioni, Idl 2014

    Congresso Associazione Agenti Allianz 2014Alleanza Assicurazioni, team building 2014

    Gala Associazione Agenti Allianz 2014

    MISSION. Dare forma alle idee, costruire emozio-ni, regalare esperienze uniche e memorabili. Creo progetta e produce, con creativit e rigore organiz-zativo, con estro e professionalit, eventi, viaggi in-centive, soluzioni per la comunicazione, il marketing e la formazione aziendale in Italia e allestero. Creo il one stop shop di tutte le aziende che vogliono comunicare, motivare, incentivare e formare le pro-prie reti e i propri clienti. Si contraddistingue per i suoi anni di esperienza in campo internazionale e per una clientela around the world.

    BREVE PROFILOCreo unagenzia internazionale di eventi, incenti-ve, comunicazione e Dmc con sede a Milano, Parigi e San Paolo. Nata nel 1992, Creo ha accettato le innumerevoli sfide del mondo della comunicazio-ne e degli eventi, ha costruito un team dinamico e professionale e oggi leader nellideazione e pro-duzione di eventi, nella logistica, nei viaggi in-centive, nella destination managment e nella co-municazione. Ogni progetto, grande o piccolo che sia, creato su misura, curato nel minimo dettaglio e prodotto per sorprendere. Dal 2012 Creo part-ner di TeamNet - Worldwide Event Partners, uno dei maggiori network al mondo di event producer, presente in Usa, Canada e Caraibi che ha scelto Creo per rappresentarli in Europa e ampliare la loro presenza globale. A marzo 2013 nata Creo Even-tos e Comunicao Brasil (societ di diritto brasi-liano) che, forte dellesperienza e del know-how di Creo, offre al mercato brasiliano soluzioni creative e di design per gli eventi e la comunicazione e che desidera porsi come un trait-dunion tra il Brasile e lEuropa per i flussi turistici business e individuali.

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    SERVICESCreativity, competence, dynamism, attention to budget and a team of proactive and skilled profes-sionals in each of the strategic areas of Creo: Creative Events: corporate events, special events, conventions, conferences, product launches, virtual sets, maxi screenings, shows and special effects; Incentives & Dmc: incentive travel, destination management, roadshows, experiential activities and team building; Brand Communication: gift design, integrated com-munications, video production and graphic design, web design, platforms, loyalty and incentive cam-paigns.

    MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THE LAST 12 MONTHSVodafone Business Canvass (client: Vodafone, date: November, 2013; location: Milan and Rome); Even-to Unificazione Agenti Allianz (client: Associazione Agenti Allianz; date: February 18th-21st, 2014; loca-tion: Rome); Idl 2014 (client: Alleanza Assicurazioni, date: May 16th -18th, 2014, location: Barcelona); XXVI Congresso Gruppo Agenti Zurich (client: Grup-po Agenti Zurich, date: September 18th -21st, 2014; location: Zurich).


    CREOVia Plinio, 43 - 20129 Milan (Italy)Tel. +39 02 29536495 Fax +39 02 29413510info@creo.it; www.creo.it

    Branch: Parigi

    Creo Eventos e Comunicao LtdaAv. Anglica, 2530 - 12 andarConcolao - So Paulo - Brasilwww.creo.com.br

    NUMBERSCorporation stock: 20,800Constitution date: 1992Turnover: 6,000,000Staff: 20

    MANAGEMENTGianfranco Maiorana, president and ceo; Veneranda Vacca, event and brand communication manager;Marta Maiorana, director of operations

    CONTACTSVeneranda Vacca, veneranda.vacca@creo.it

    MAIN CLIENTSAbbott International, Alleanza Assicurazioni, Allianz, Amgen Domp, Assicurazioni Generali, Associazione Agenti Allianz, Compass - Gruppo Mediobanca, Ergo Assicurazioni, Expo2015, Fujitsu, Gruppo Agenti Generali, Gruppo Agenti Gaz, Iama Consulting, Jafra Cosmetics International, La Roche Posay, Lvmh Mot Hennessy - Louis Vuitton, Manpower, McKinsey & Company, Novartis, Oriflame Cosmetics, Shire, Syngenta, UniCredit Group, Unipol, Vichy

    Vodafone Business Canvass

    Alleanza Assicurazioni, Idl 2014

    Associazione Agenti Allianz Convention 2014Alleanza Assicurazioni, team building 2014

    Associazione Agenti Allianz Gala 2014

    MISSION. Creo gives shape to ideas, builds emo-tional connections, gives life to unique and memo-rable experiences. Creo designs and produces with creativity and accuracy, with flair and strong com-petence, events, incentive travels, solutions for communication, marketing and corporate training in Italy and abroad. Creo is the one stop shop for all companies who wants to communicate, motivate, encourage and train their sales networks and their customers. With years of international experience Creo is proud of his around the world clients.

    PROFILECreo is an international event, incentive, communi-cation and Dmc agency with offices in Milan, Paris and Sao Paulo. Founded in 1992, Creo has taken up the many challenges of the world of communica-tions and events. Creo has built a dynamic and pro-fessional team and today is a leader in designing, producing and managing events, logistics, incentive travel, destination management and communica-tion. Every project is individually tailored down to the finest detail and created with the aim to astonish. Since 2012 Creo is partner of TeamNet - Worldwide Event Partners, one of the largest networks in the world of event producer, now in Usa, Canada and the Caribbean, who has chosen Creo to represent themselves in Europe and enlarge their global pres-ence. In March 2013 was born Creo Eventos and Brasil Comunicao (Brazilian corporation under specific legislation). Thanks to Creos experience and know-how, Creo Eventos and Brasil Comunicao is able to offer to the Brazilian market creative solu-tions for events and communication and wants to act as a link between Brazil and Europe for business and individual tourism.

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    MISSION. Communicate with Sport and within Sport (entertainment, amateur, grass roots, leisu-re and sportainment) with a marketing approach focused on the brands goals and using tools and languages in line with the targets profile, able to generate effective integrated communication plans and memorable brand and product experiences.

    SERVICESPlanning and activation of sponsoring formats in sports; organisation of B2C and B2B tailor-made sporting events; expos and trade fairs; strategic advice: identification of the sport, of the approach method and planning of contexts of action; nego-tiation, contracts and rights activation; creativity and image coordination; media relations; support services: front office, back office, logistics.

    CASE HISTORYEvent title: Giro dItalia 2014.Client: La Gazzetta dello Sport.Event type: Touring sporting event.Target: consumer, cycling enthusiasts, the public at large.Objectives: to emphasize the leadership of Gazzetta dello Sport as a player and driver of the sports world, a unique and exceptional medium involving all disci-plines and audiences of all ages, brought toghether by the same passion; promote and sell Gazzetta dello Sport and Giro dItalia merchandise in the context of the Giros Village, at both locations of origin and destination of the cycling race; to develop promotion and visibility for the events main spon-sors through the very distinctive multisponsor vehicle Gazzetta Sunny.Date and Location: from 13th May to 1st June 2014, across the national territory.Creative idea: to create fully customized and par-ticular vehicles of strong impact and visibility that along with the proposed entertainment activities, will recall the pink newspaper and its features. The unmissable truck, this year covered by the newspapers best front pages, lead the Carovana del Giro. Alongside it, the new and original multispon-sor vehicle, Gazzetta Sunny, custom designed for the event in order to involve and inspire the thou-sands of Giro fans in view of the final sprint. Also, at the Giros Village, in both locations of origin and destination, a really impactful American Airstream hosted the Gazzetta Store and all its merchandise.


    CHALLENGE Sas di Roberto Terzaghi & C.Via Mauro Macchi, 97 - 20124 Milan (Italy)Tel. +39 02 2841311 Fax +39 02 28900527www.challengesportmarketing.itinfo@challengesportmarketing.it

    NUMBERSCorporation stock: 10,300Constitution date: 1989Turnover: 1,750,000Staff: 10, between employees and external consultants

    MANAGEMENTRoberto Terzaghi, sole director; Italo Meli, sportmarketing - special events; Mauro Bonfiglioli, business development; Loredana Caporossi, financial - management control

    STAFFBenedetta Gagna, accounting - external relations;Roberto Sartori, format design - event production; Graziella Anelli, accounting - planning;Luigi Rovere, creativity - design

    CONTACTSBenedetta Gagna, gagna@challengesportmarketing.itGraziella Anelli, anelli@challengesportmarketing.it

    MAIN CLIENTSAdidas, Avon Cosmetics, Conad (Conad, Sapori e Dintorni), Continental, Edisport (Runners World), Generale Conserve (Asdomar), Radio Lattemiele, Immergas, Ing Direct, Rcs Sport, RCS Mediagroup (La Gazzetta dello Sport), Sixtus Italia, Sky Italia (Sky Sport), The Power of Pistachios, Timex Italia, Triumph International (Sloggi)

    The Gazzetta Store that took city squares by storm during the Giro dItalia 2014

    The Adidas stand designed for the Suisse Gas Milano Marathon Village

    The protagonists of the Adidas #cityrunners programme

    The Gazzetta Sunny, multisponsor of the Carovana del Giro 2014

    MISSION. Comunicare con lo Sport e nello Sport (spettacolo, amatoriale, grass roots, leisure e spor-tainment) con un approccio di marketing focalizzato sugli obiettivi del brand e mediante strumenti e lin-guaggi in linea con il profilo del target, in grado di ge-nerare efficaci operazioni di comunicazione integrata e memorabili esperienze di marca e di prodotto.

    SERVIZIProgettazione e attivazione di format sponsorizzativi in ambito sportivo; realizzazione di eventi sportivi tailor made B2C e B2B; expo e fiere di settore; con-sulenza strategica: individuazione degli sport, delle modalit di approccio e pianificazione dei contesti da-zione; negoziazione, contrattualizzazione e attivazione dei diritti; creativit e coordinati di immagine; media relations; servizi di supporto: front office, back office, logistica.

    CASE HISTORYTitolo: Giro dItalia 2014.Cliente: La Gazzetta dello Sport.Tipologia: evento sportivo itinerante.Target: consumer, pubblico allargato, appassionati di ciclismo.Obiettivi: ribadire la leadership di Gazzetta dello Sport quale protagonista e driver del mondo dello sport, unico e straordinario mezzo che coinvolge tutte le discipline e le audience di ogni et, accomunate dalla stessa passione; promuovere e vendere il merchan-dising Gazzetta dello Sport e Giro dItalia nel conte-sto dei Villaggi di partenza e arrivo della Corsa Rosa; sviluppare promozione e visibilit per i main sponsor dellevento attraverso il particolare automezzo multi-sponsor Gazzetta Sunny.Data e Location: dal 13 maggio all1 giugno, tutto il territorio nazionale.Idea creativa: realizzare mezzi particolari di forte im-patto e visibilit, interamente personalizzati che, in-sieme alle attivit di animazione proposte, richiamino il quotidiano rosa e le sue peculiarit. Ad aprire la Carovana limmancabile truck, questanno ricoperto dalle migliori prime pagine del quotidiano. Ad accom-pagnare la corsa si aggiunge il Gazzetta Sunny, mezzo multisponsor nuovo e originale, ideato su misura per levento al fine di coinvolgere e dare la giusta carica alle migliaia di appassionati del giro in vista della volata finale. Nei Villaggi di partenza e arrivo un Airstream americano davvero impattante ha ospitato il Gazzetta Store con tutto il suo merchandising.

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    MISSION. With CWT M&E ideas meet results. Its mission is to assist companies in creating memora-ble and involving events which ensure at the same time the achievement of the desired objectives. Because creativity meets ROI. The Italian team of about 120 professionals - highly engaged and skilled - can rely on the strength of a group with offices in more than 70 countries, which produces 35,000 events each year. But every project, from small meetings to conventions or conference, is strictly custom-made.

    SERVICESRight brain and left brain affect the way you think and act. The suitable mix of both allows achieving the desired results. Following the left brain, CWT M&E supports companies in the logi-stic and organizational aspects, in the reporting and budget optimization. Through the right brain, instead, creativity and innovation can transform ideas and goals into memorable moments. CWT M&E services include fully integrated end-to-end solutions: from concept to planning, from commu-nication to operational implementation.

    CASE HISTORYTitle: Executive Workshop 2014.Client: Fastweb.Event type: workshop.Objectives: to share updates and training mo-ments with main corporate clients.Date and location: June 2014, Borgo Egnazia (Sa-velletri di Fasano, BR - Apulia, Italy).Target: top management of client companies.Creative idea: combining the information sha-ring need, updates and training about the latest technological innovations with the amenity of the context and the positive climate in order to rein-force the existed relations. The locations choice, Borgo Egnazia, was fundamental: in a natural background of untouched beauty it unveils itself like an ancient village, matching the Mediterra-nean tradition with the contemporary design. In the three event days, the 175 participants -co-ming from all over Italy-, were involved in some business and training moments - with a plenary session - but also in the discovery of the territo-ry beauties, with interactive activities. Among the social moments, the typical Apulia dinner, recrea-ted in the square like a village festival, with live cooking and an involving show of a local musical tradition minstrel group that combines narration, improvisation and dance (pizzica and taranta). But also the beach dinner followed by the projection of the Italian football team match at the World Football Championships, in the plenary meeting room transformed into a lounge, with bar and tri-colored setting. The guests had also the chance to choose among many different excursions and activities, such as a relaxing walk by horse in Itria Valley or the discovery of the historical villages of Locorotondo and Cisternino.


    CWT MEETINGS & EVENTS (Carlson Wagonlit Italia Srl)Via Panciatichi, 38/5 - 50127 Florence - Tel. +39 055 09491465 Via Vespucci, 2 - 20124 Milan - Tel. +39 02 625431Corso Orbassano, 336 - 10137 Turin - Tel. +39 011 5156813Via Benigni, 25 - 00156 Rome - Tel. +39 06 82074583www.cwt-meetings-events.it eventsitalia@cwt-me.com

    NUMBERSCapital stock: 6.124.585 (Carlson Wagonlit Italia Srl)Date of constitution: about 40 year agoStaff: 120 people (CWT M&E)

    MANAGEMENTAntonio Calegari, ceo CWT Italia

    CONTACTSAlessandra Li Puma, tel. +39 06 82074583

    MAIN CLIENTSBarilla, Bayer, British American Tobacco Italia, Credem, Edison, Expo 2015, Fastweb, Gruppo Pirelli, Kedrion, Lilly, Pitti Immagine, RCS Sport, Riello, Sky Italia, Telecom Italia

    Fastweb executive workshop, plenary session

    Fastweb executive workshop, dinner

    MISSION. Dalle idee ai risultati. Il compito della-genzia affiancare le aziende nella creazione di eventi memorabili e coinvolgenti che sappiano allo stesso tempo garantire il raggiungimento de-gli obiettivi desiderati. Perch la creativit vada di pari passo con il ROI. Il team italiano di oltre 120 professionisti, motivati e specializzati, pu contare sulla forza di un gruppo presente in oltre 70 Paesi e che realizza ogni anno 35.000 eventi. Ma ogni progetto, dal piccolo meeting alla convention, al congresso medico, rigorosamente custom-made.

    SERVIZILemisfero destro e sinistro del cervello influen-zano, ognuno in modo peculiare, il modo di pen-sare e agire. Ci vuole il giusto mix di entrambi af-finch le idee portino i risultati sperati. Seguendo il left brain, CWT M&E supporta le aziende negli aspetti logistici e organizzativi, nella reportistica e nellottimizzazione dei budget. Grazie al right brain invece, creativit e innovazione permettono di trasformare idee e obiettivi in una realt memo-rabile. Le attivit di CWT M&E si focalizzano sullor-ganizzazione degli eventi a ciclo completo: dallide-azione alla pianificazione, dalla comunicazione alla realizzazione operativa.

    CASE HISTORYTitolo: Executive Workshop 2014.Cliente: Fastweb.Tipologia: workshop.Obiettivi: condividere momenti di aggiornamento e formazione con i maggiori clienti corporate.Data e Location: giugno 2014, Borgo Egnazia (Sa-velletri di Fasano, BR).Target: top management di aziende clienti.Idea creativa: coniugare lesigenza di condivisione di informazioni, di aggiornamento e formazione sulle ultime innovazioni tecnologiche con un con-testo particolare e un clima positivo per favorire il rafforzarsi delle relazioni esistenti. Fondamenta-le la scelta della location, Borgo Egnazia, che in una cornice naturale di intatta bellezza si sviluppa come un antico borgo, tra tradizione mediterranea e design contemporaneo. Nei tre giorni di evento, i 175 partecipanti - giunti da tutta Italia -, sono stati coinvolti in alcuni momenti di business e for-mazione - con una sessione in plenaria - ma anche nella scoperta delle bellezze del territorio, con atti-vit interattive. Tra i momenti sociali, la cena tipica pugliese ricostruita nella piazza del borgo come una fiera di paese, animata da un live cooking e dal coinvolgente intervento di un gruppo di cantori della tradizione musicale locale che coniuga narra-zione, improvvisazione e ballo (pizzica e taranta), o la cena sulla spiaggia seguita dalla proiezione della partita dellItalia ai Mondiali di Calcio, nella sala plenaria trasformata in lounge, con bar e alle-stimenti tricolori. Gli ospiti hanno avuto poi la pos-sibilit di scegliere tra un catalogo di escursioni e attivit, tra cui una rilassante passeggiata a cavallo nella Valle dItria o la scoperta dei borghi storici di Locorotondo e Cisternino.

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    Titolo: Protagonisti di una nuova dimensione.Cliente: UnipolSai.Tipologia: roadshow.Obiettivi: comunicare alla rete agenziale UnipolSai gli obiettivi dellazienda a fronte della recente ac-quisizione.Data e Location: 13 tappe in 20 date (febbraio-aprile 2014) in tutta Italia.Target: reti di vendita, circa 3.500 agenti Idea creativa: il claim Protagonisti di una nuova dimensione riassume il delicato passaggio vissuto da UnipolSai e la dimensione di squadra, creata dallintegrazione tra Unipol e Sai. A supporto de-gli interventi dei relatori, tre testimonianze di chi riuscito a vedere il mondo da nuove prospettive: lastronauta Paolo Nespoli, che ha potuto vedere la terra da lass; Guido Martinetti di Grom, che ha reinventato il gelato, e Andrea Zorzi, che al ter-mine della carriera sportiva si inventato una nuo-va identit, prima come giornalista sportivo e poi come attore teatrale. La scenografia, composta da un grande schermo racchiuso in una potente corni-ce led, ha permesso di animare la sala con grandi effetti di movimento e colore dei contributi video.

    Titolo: Bmw Jump In & Drive.Cliente: Bmw Italia.Tipologia: roadshow.Obiettivi: un evento dedicato agli appassionati di cavalli, ai frequentatori dei circoli equestri e agli amanti della vita allaria aperta. Per entrare in sin-tonia con questo mondo Egg Events ha sviluppato il progetto dedicato agli sport equestri e alla loro community per il pubblico della Serie 5.Data e Location: luglio-ottobre 2014, i migliori cir-coli equestri italiani, 7 tappe.Target: pubblico consumer.Idea creativa: Jump In equitazione (il salto del cavallo); salire in macchina per fare un bel giro; dinamicit e movimento; happiness, satisfaction e joy; lemozione dello stacco e della potenza; la forza della bellezza; il piacere di salire su una Bmw e guidarla. Per il visual si puntato su stile, portamento ed eleganza, i valori caratterizzanti dei concorsi equestri. E sulla fierezza della bellez-za. Il visual esprime un forte senso di orgoglio e di appartenenza al mondo dei cavalli. Laffluenza stata alta, con grande interesse e partecipazione agli appuntamenti Bmw Jump In & Drive. La scelta delle location stata fatta in base al prestigio delle manifestazioni, al valore dei montepremi e ai ser-vizi offerti. Di fondamentale importanza anche la posizione geografica, per la possibilit di scegliere itinerari suggestivi per i test drive.


    EGG EVENTSVia Aleardo Aleardi, 17 - 20154 MilanoTel. e Fax: 02 62711135www.egg.it; info@egg.it

    Filiali: Egg Events Roma

    Egg Events fa parte di Casta Diva Group, che ha sedi a: Milano, Roma, Londra, New York, Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, Istanbul, Praga, Manchester, Munich, Cape Town, Mumbai. www.castadivagroup.com

    NUMERICapitale sociale: 18.000 euroData di fondazione: 18 luglio 2009Giro daffari: 7 milioni di euro Addetti: 14

    MANAGEMENTAndrea De Micheli; Carolina Dotti; Valentina Saluzzi

    TEAM Milano - M. Micheli, clients director; E. La Vita, senior project manager; R. Pirozzi, senior project manager; G. Trombetta, senior project manager; F. Delcarro, project manager; F. Benzoni, project manager; F. Rigamonti, Expo2015 business developerRoma - V. Fulvio, clients director; F. Freni, senior project manager

    PRINCIPALI CLIENTIBarilla, Bmw, City of Como, Dynamo Camp, Ericsson, Fiat, Gancia, Gruppo Generali, Kraft Foods, Henkel, Intesa Sanpaolo, Invesco, Lega Ambiente, Leroy Merlin, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Olivetti, Peugeot, Qvc, Rcs, Rhea Vendors Group, Sephora, Telecom Italia, UnipolSai, Vodafone

    Roadshow Bmw Jump In & DriveConvention motivazionale Vodafone Be Ready

    MISSION. Creare e organizzare eventi di qualit, sia su richiesta, sia creando format originali pro-prietari. Maniaca dellinnovazione tecnologica, della creativit e della notiziabilit, Egg Events cerca di anticipare le esigenze dei clienti e di stupire positivamente il pubblico.

    SERVIZIProgetti di comunicazione, convention, lanci di prodotto, roadshow, eventi glam, incentive, even-ti web e di comunicazione integrata, eventi cele-brativi e a carattere culturale, musicale, sportivo. Lagenzia lavora in ambito business, corporate e consumer, sempre con unattenzione particolare alle tematiche green, al rapporto con i media e con le celebrity. Ha maturato competenze particolari nei campi della tecnologia, dellarte, della musica, dello sport e della nutrizione.

    CASE HISTORYTitolo: Vodafone Be Ready.Cliente: Vodafone Italia.Tipologia: convention motivazionale.Obiettivi: motivare la rete di vendita e celebrare i successi ottenuti.Data e Location: 3-7 giugno 2014 Costa Nava-rino, Grecia.Target: reti di vendita, 1.100 partecipanti.Idea creativa: Be Ready ha rappresentato una sfida tra i potenziali ospiti Vodafone che hanno dovuto letteralmente conquistarsi la partecipazione allevento. La sfida, la preparazione e la compe-tizione hanno trovato la loro metafora nel mon-do della corsa e della maratona, di cui la Grecia simbolo. Allo scopo stata realizzata unapp ca-pace di interfacciarsi con le applicazioni Vodafone utilizzate dai venditori nel loro lavoro quotidiano. Unapp capace di proporre lesperienza virtuale di una maratona lavorativa da 42 km, necessaria per conquistarsi un posto donore allevento. Ai parte-cipanti, raggiunta la destinazione, sono state distri-buite scarpe da running, badge in stile pettorine, e staffette personalizzate per sensibilizzare cia-scuno sul proprio ruolo allinterno della squadra. I partecipanti hanno vissuto un contesto affascinan-te e stimolante dove le bellezze dei paesaggi e il mondo dello sport erano presenti anche durante gli speech dei relatori, che hanno raggiunto il palco correndo!!

    UnipolSai, roadshow Protagonisti di una nuova dimensione

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    EGG EVENTSVia Aleardo Aleardi, 17 - 20154 Milan (Italy)Tel. & Fax: +39 02 62711135www.egg.it; info@egg.it

    Subsidiaries: Egg Events Rome

    Egg Events is part of the Casta Diva Group with offices in Milan, Rome, London, New York, Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, Istanbul, Prague, Manchester, Munich, Cape Town and Mumbaiwww.castadivagroup.com

    NUMBERSShare capital: 18.000Date of foundation: July 18th, 2009Turnover: 7 millionStaff: 14

    MANAGEMENTAndrea De Micheli; Carolina Dotti; Valentina Saluzzi

    TEAM MILANMilano - M. Micheli, clients director; E. La Vita, senior project manager; R. Pirozzi, senior project manager; G. Trombetta, senior project manager; F. Delcarro, project manager; F. Benzoni, project manager; F. Rigamonti, Expo2015 business developerRoma - V. Fulvio, clients director; F. Freni, senior project manager

    MAIN CLIENTSBarilla, Bmw, City of Como, Dynamo Camp, Ericsson, Fiat, Gancia, Gruppo Generali, Kraft Foods, Henkel, Intesa Sanpaolo, Invesco, Lega Ambiente, Leroy Merlin, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Olivetti, Peugeot, Qvc, Rcs, Rhea Vendors Group, Sephora, Telecom Italia, UnipolSai, Vodafone

    The motivational convention Vodafone Be Ready

    Roadshow UnipolSai Players in a new dimension

    Roadshow Bmw Jump In & Drive

    MISSION. To create and organise quality events for you, either on request or by developing original proprietary formats. Obsessive fans of technological innovation, creativity and the art of getting noticed, Egg Events seeks to anticipate your needs and to amaze your target audience.

    SERVICESCommunications projects, conventions, product launches, roadshows, glam events, incentives, web integrated communications events, celebrations and cultural, musical and sports events. The agency wor-ks in the business, corporate and consumer fields, always emphasising green issues and relations with the media and celebrities. Egg Events has acquired special skills in technology, the arts, music, sport and nutrition.

    CASE HISTORYEvent title: Vodafone Be Ready.Client: Vodafone Italia.Event type: motivational convention.Objectives: to motivate the sales force and celebrate achievements.Dates and venue: June, 3rd-7th, 2014 Costa Na-varino, Greece.Target: sales network - 1,100 participants.Creative Idea: Be Ready is an exciting contest among potential Vodafone guests, who had to earn the right to take part in the event. The most suitable metaphor for this preparation and competition was provided by the world of running and marathon, symbolised to perfection by Greece itself. It has bee developed an app that could interface with the Vo-dafone apps used by salespeople in their everyday work. The app creates a virtual experience of a 42-km work marathon, the challenge to be overco-me in order to win a place of honour at the official event. Once the lucky contestants have reached the destination, running shoes, badges and personali-sed batons to make everyone aware of their crucial role in the team. The participants experienced a fa-scinating and stimulating setting where the beauties of the landscapes and the world of sport were pre-sent during all the speakers presentations, after they have reached the stage - running!

    Event title: Players in a new dimension.Client: UnipolSai.Event type: roadshow.Objectives: to communicate the companys objec-tives to UnipolSais agency network in the light of recent acquisitions.Dates and venue: 13 stages in 20 dates (February-April), Italy.Target: sales network, around 3,500 agents.Creative idea: Players in a new dimension, a claim that encapsulates the eventful year this has been for UnipolSai. A new dimension in te-amwork, created by the integration of Unipol and Sai, combining the values of two great companies and discovering a new way of approaching the market. The speakers contributions were backed by three presentations from people who have been able to view the world from a new perspec-tive: the astronaut Paolo Nespoli, who has seen the world from up there, Guido Martinetti di Grom, who succeeded in reinventing ice cream, give it a new meaning, breaking out of his old life to scale the peaks of business, and Andrea Zorzi, the volleyball player who invented a new identity for himself when his competitive career came to an end, first as a sports journalist then as a theatre actor, always bringing the incredible experience he gained during his life in the national league to his new roles. The backdrop, which comprised a large screen in a powerful Led frame, enabled the videos displayed to fill the hall with breathtaking colour and movement.

    Event title: Bmw Jump In & Drive.Client: Bmw Italia.Event type: roadshow.Objectives: an event for horse-riding enthu-siasts, riding club members and those who love the open-air life. A Bmw brand project for the 5-series audience dedicated to equestrian sports and the people involved in these activities.Dates and venue: July-October 2014, the best Ita-lian riding clubs, 7 stages.Target: consumer public.Creative idea: Jump in is horse riding (show jumping); is getting behind the wheel of your car for an exciting drive; is dynamism and movement; is happiness, satisfaction and joy; is the thrill of the start and the surge of power; is the strength of beauty; is the pleasure of getting into a Bmw and driving it. For the visuals it was placed the emphasis on style, bearing and elegance, the di-stinctive values of equestrian competition. And on the pride associated with beauty. That is what the visuals express - a strong sense of pride and of belonging to the horse riding world. Attendance was excellent and the personnel gave an extre-mely positive response to the Bmw Jump In & Dri-ve events, displaying great interest and joining in with enthusiasm. The location was chosen ac-cording to the prestige associated with the events, the value of the prizes and the general services of-fered. The geographical location was also a crucial factor, as it enabled Egg Events to select exciting, evocative routes for the test drives.

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    MISSION. To meet the ever more complex require-ments of the business and consumer sectors: this is the target Gattinoni. The goal is reached with professional competence combined with creativity, motivation and passion. Because the customer must feel satisfied, but also amazed. Each time.

    SERVICESIncentive & Events: Incentive trips, meetings, con-ventions, road shows, company celebrations, product launches, tours, promotions... Gattinoni offers servi-ces to meet any company requirement: know-how, creativity, flexibility, problem-solving attitude and a professional and friendly approach. The quality of our programmes, the customization of each event, cre-ativity, support and promotional activities add to our success and the uniqueness of every project.Meeting & Congress: planning and organization of congresses, medical and pharmaceuticals conferences, meetings and conventions. Communication: production, set-up, video contents, slogans, company logos, travel literature and most im-portantly, visuals and concept.Made in Italy Incoming: new branch dedicated to the foreign market of companies and agencies organizing incentive trips and events.

    CASE HISTORYTitle: B Protagonist - B Recharged. Event type: product launch. Objectives: introducing the product to the sales force with a significant impact and energy, stressing the mo-tivation and the event exclusivity. Date & Location: March 4th-6th, 2014, Rome. Target: Bayer sales force. Creative idea: a meeting full of energy, following the slogan B Protagonist - B Recharged. Three days ele-ments: hotel accommodation at the Boscolo Exedra of Piazza della Repubblica and at the Boscolo Alef; the speech by astronaut Paolo Nespoli; an exclusive dinner followed by a fun fluo party at the Open Co-lonna Restaurant. The event communication strategy was based on the image of a drums set, a symbol of energy and recharge, featured on the digital teaser an-nouncing the event as well as on all the other commu-nication materials. Guests arrived at the two hotels on March 4th, had lunch on the Boscolo Exedra terrace and finally reached the Uci movie theatre. To create the right atmosphere, the movie theatre, exclusively booked for the occasion, was customized with ad-hoc signage towers. The meeting hall chosen for the event was made more welcoming by panels featuring the event logo and Led lights. The stage featured a 1,80 mt. high battery. The battery, run-down at the begin-ning of the event, was charged by each speaker at the end of their presentation, reaching a 100% charge by the end of the meeting. The kick-off was an emotional video, followed by various speakers giving their presen-tation on the stage until the coffee break. And after the break, a surprise! The stage was taken by Paolo Nespoli, the renowned Italian astronaut, who aroused the audiences enthusiasm with his stories of life on bo-ard the space station and with two exclusive videos on his experience. The day came to an end at the Open Colonna Restaurant, with dinner and the fluo party.


    GRUPPO GATTINONI (Gattinoni & Co. Srl, Gattinoni Travel Network Srl)P. zza Mazzini - Galleria Roma, 5 - 23900 Lecco (Italy)Tel. +39 0341 292711 Fax + 39 0341 469819Via Statuto, 2 - 20121 Milan (Italy)Tel. +39 02 39884211 Fax + 39 02 70058794www.gattinoni.it; info@gattinoni.it

    Branch: Rome (Via F. Civinini, 83/A); Turin (Via Bertola, 23)

    NUMBERSCorporation stock: 1 million (Gattinoni Travel Network), 300,000 (Gattinoni&Co)Constitution date: 1983Turnover: 140 million (Gattinoni Group)Staff: 40 Mice, 10 Communication, 220 (Group)

    MANAGEMENTFranco Gattinoni, founder & presidentPatrizia Flematti, incentive & events directorIsabella Maggi, marketing & communication director

    CONTACTSPatrizia Flematti, patrizia.flematti@gattinoni.itIsabella Maggi, isabella.maggi@gattinoni.it

    MAIN CLIENTSContempora, LOreal, Goodyear, Axa Assicurazioni, Reckitt Benckiser, Perfetti, Vandemortele, San Benedetto, Bayer, Whirlpool, Yves Rocher, Makita, Tupperware, Recordati, Eismann, Ducati, Carige, Saint Gobain, Vodafone, Yamaha Music

    B Protagonist - B Recharged (Bayer)

    MISSION. Soddisfare le esigenze sempre pi com-plesse del mondo business e consumer. Questo lobiettivo che Gattinoni punta a raggiungere as-sociando alla professionalit le doti di creativit, entusiasmo e passione. Perch il cliente, oltre che essere soddisfatto, deve potersi sempre stupire.

    SERVIZIIncentive & Events: viaggi incentive, meeting, con-vention, roadshow, celebrazioni aziendali, lanci di prodotto, tour, promozioni Gattinoni offre un ser-vizio completo con esperienza, elasticit, attitudine al problem solving, approccio professionale e amiche-vole. La qualit dei programmi proposti, la personaliz-zazione, la creativit, lassistenza e lanimazione con-tribuiscono al successo e allunicit di ogni attivit.Meeting & Congress: know-how specifico nellorga-nizzazione di congressi, congressi medico-scientifici, meeting e convention. Communication: regia, allestimenti, video, claim, lo-ghi aziendali, coordinati di viaggio, ma soprattutto creativit e concept.Made in Italy Incoming: nuovo ramo rivolto al mer-cato estero delle agenzie e delle aziende che propon-gono incentive ed eventi.

    CASE HISTORYTitolo: B Protagonist - B Recharged. Cliente: Bayer. Tipologia: lancio di prodotto. Obiettivi: presentare il prodotto alla forza vendite in maniera impattante ed energizzante. Data e Location: 4/5/6 marzo 2014, Roma. Target: forza vendita Bayer. Idea creativa: un meeting allinsegna dellenergia, come testimonia il claim B Protagonist - B Rechar-ged. Tanti gli ingredienti della tre giorni: il soggiorno al Boscolo Exedra di piazza della Repubblica e al Bo-scolo Alef, lintervento dellastronauta Paolo Nespoli e lesclusiva cena seguita da un divertente flou party al ristorante Open Colonna. Limmagine che ha ca-ratterizzato la comunicazione dellevento stata una batteria, simbolo di ricarica ed energia, inserita nel teaser digitale che ha preceduto levento e declinata su tutti i materiali di comunicazione. Gli ospiti sono arrivati nella mattinata del 4 marzo presso i due hotel, hanno pranzato sulla Terrazza del Boscolo Exedra per poi spostarsi allUci. Per creare la giusta atmo-sfera, il cinema, completamente riservato per leven-to, stato personalizzato con totem. La sala scelta stata resa pi accogliente con pannelli con il logo dellevento e luci a Led. Una pila alta un metro e ottanta stata lelemento di arredo del palco. La batteria, da scarica prima dellinizio dei lavori, stata caricata dai relatori a fine di ogni presentazione fino a raggiungere il 100% al termine del meeting. I lavori sono iniziati con un video emozionale, in seguito i relatori si sono alternati sul palco fino al coffee break. Dopo la pausa, la sorpresa: sul palco salito Paolo Nespoli, celebre astronauta italiano che ha caricato la platea con i suoi racconti sulla vita a bordo della stazione spaziale, mostrando due video esclusivi per raccontare la sua esperienza. La giornata si conclu-sa allOpen Colonna dove si svolta la cena seguita da un fluo party.

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    MISSION. Gruppo Peroni Eventi focuses its core business in organization and management of events both in Italy and abroad. A large portfolio of clients, made of leading companies in communication, IT, automotive, commercials, insurance and banking industry all over the world, characterizes the inter-national mood of the company. Gruppo Peroni Even-ti works closely with its clients, connecting brand strategies, creativity and networking, aiming a strong connection between the brand and the tar-get the event is addressed to. The companys goal is to move out from traditional communication limits, not only pointing to economic achievements, but strengthening the brand, adding values to brand activities, keeping constantly updated on latest changes. The audience perception is the main focus of our agency, and we daily try to take care of it through creativity and deep care of details, making our events unforgettable experiences for our clients.

    SERVICESConcept and organization of communication events and incentives, team building and conven-tions with high quality standards and in compliance with the requirements of communication and the clients brand. Along with agency services events, public relations, media relations, graphic and office sponsoring, Gruppo Peroni Eventi provides a wide visibility through media and marketing tools.

    CASE HISTORYEvent title: Safilo Sun&Fun 2014 Fendi Fashion Show.Client: Safilo.Event typology: corporate.Objectives: private preview Fendi Eyewear new col-lection.Date and location: June 16th, 2014, Barcellone Pa-villon Van Der Rohe.Target: Eau area distributors.Creative idea: during the event Sun&Fun 2014, held in Barcellona on June 16th 2014, Safilo reserved an exclusive Fendi fashion show to its Eau guests into the exclusive location Mies Van der Rohe pavillon, considered as one of the greatest models belonging to XX Centurys rational architecture. The pavillon has been identified as the ideal location to welcome this event, mainly for its innate nature, characteri-zed by geometric lines, by the employment of colors identified with materials, by the turnover of crystal and glass. This artistic and structural mix enhanced and combined both Fendi P/E 2014s lines and essen-ce and gave its presentation the right value.


    GRUPPO PERONI EVENTIVia dei Prati della Farnesina, 57 - 00135 Rome (Italy)Tel. +39 06 45472299 Fax +39 06 45472230www.gruppoperonieventi.itinfo@gruppoperonieventi.it

    NUMBERSCapital stock: 10,000Constitution date: 1997Turnover: 8,000,000Staff: 23

    CONTACTSFabian Peroni, f.peroni@gruppoperonieventi.itMassimo Mercuri, m.mercuri@gruppoperonieventi.it

    MAIN CLIENTSReply, Safilo, Automobili Lamborghini, 4gh, Allergan, Colgate Palmolive, Celly, Facebook, Sace, Ses Astra, Turner Broadcasting Italia, Convatec, Jp Morgan Chase Italy, Bristol Myers Squibb, Bpsolar, Johnson&Johnson

    Supertrofeo Lamborghini 2014 (Services: hospitality, catering and press office)

    Safilo Sun&Fun 2014 at Fendi Fashion Show

    Facebook stand at Netcomm Forum 2014 Sace - Re Think Convention

    MISSION. Con core business nellideazione, pro-gettazione e realizzazione di eventi in Italia e alle-stero, la societ di comunicazione integrata vanta un portafoglio clienti internazionale che vede come pro-tagoniste aziende leader dei settori tlc, telefonia, It, automotive, largo consumo, assicurativo e banca-rio. Gruppo Peroni Eventi opera a stretto contatto con i clienti, unendo strategie di brand, creativit e operativit, al fine di creare forti relazioni tra il brand e il target di riferimento. La mission spostare i limi-ti della comunicazione tradizionale non solo per far vendere, ma anche per sviluppare forza nel brand, aggiungendo valore e reagendo al cambiamento. Il focus principale sempre la percezione del con-sumatore, stimolata attraverso emozioni capaci di rendere gli eventi memorabili.

    SERVIZIIdeazione e organizzazione di eventi di comuni-cazione e incentivazione, team building e conven-tion con alti standard qualitativi e nel rispetto delle esigenze di comunicazione e di brand del cliente. Unitamente ai servizi di agenzia di eventi, public re-lation, ufficio stampa, ufficio grafico e sponsoring, Gruppo Peroni Eventi garantisce unampia visibilit attraverso mezzi di comunicazione e strumenti di marketing.

    CASE HISTORYTitolo: Safilo Sun&Fun 2014 - Sfilata Fendi.Cliente: Safilo.Tipologia: corporate.Obiettivi: anteprima riservata della nuova collezione Fendi Eyewear.Data e Location: 16 giugno 2014, Barcellona, Pavil-lon Van Der Rohe.Target: distributori area Eau.Idea creativa: In occasione del Sun&Fun 2014, te-nutosi a Barcellona lo scorso 16 giugno, Safilo ha dedicato una serata esclusiva agli ospiti Eau in ono-re di Fendi allinterno del padiglione Mies Van der Rohe, considerato uno degli esempi pi significativi dellarchitettura razionalista del XX sec. Il padiglio-ne stato individuato come il luogo ideale per ac-cogliere levento, in particolare per via della natura intrinseca della location, caratterizzata da linee geo-metriche, dallutilizzo di colori identificati nei mate-riali utilizzati, dallalternanza di vetri e cristalli. Tutte queste commistioni artistiche e strutturali hanno esaltato, e amalgamato al tempo stesso, le linee e le essenze della collezione P/E 2014 Fendi, presentata durante la sfilata.

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    MISSION. A values-based sustainable, collabora-tive, creative and fun-loving firm which passiona-tely and seamlessly inspires and helps its people and clients to run events through rich relationships in culturally interesting destinations with the most innovative program design and rigorously mana-ged quality, both in Italy and worldwide. Reliabi-lity, professionalism, knowledge, keeping up with time and innovation added to a strong values based philosophy have made of GVST Event Management a highly appreciated firm for more than 20 years.

    SERVICESTravel management expertise and 360 direction of your events : venue finding, product & program de-sign, catering, transportation, audio visuals and lo-gistics of people and materials, budgeting and cost control. GVST supports you always in finding classy new solutions. We love to create a role-play, sha-ring our experience and our territory knowledge with you. In this way we guarantee the quality of services regardless of the destination, the dura-tion of the event and the number of participants, through synergy, professionalism and exchange of experiences.

    CASE HISTORYEvent title: A.T. Kearney Worldwide Partners Me-eting 2014.Client: A.T. Kearney.Event type: company meeting.Objectives: to get together all the 314 internatio-nal consulting firms Partners from 40 countries, to discuss and plan the strategic guidelines of the firm for the next business year. Date & location: February 5th to 18th, 2014, Bali, Indonesia.Target: firms partners.Creative idea: stimulate collaboration and sharing of ideas amongst the leaders of the companys 58 offices worldwide, thanks to the creation of aggre-gating activities as theme tours of the island and team buildings.

    Event title: LG InnoFest 2014.Client: BTC Communications for LG Electronics.Event type: launch of new product.Objectives: to submit to the European dealers and press the LG Electronics new line of home enter-tainment products with Oled technology and cur-ved screen, as well as the new line of appliances and mobile phones.Date & location: March 18th to 20th, 2014, Ve-nice, Italy.Target: European dealers and press.Creative idea: set up as exhibition space of the Giorgio Cini Foundation in Venice for the exhibi-tion of the entire range of new LG products. Set up in theater style of the Sala degli Arazzi for the press conference and the presentation to the Euro-pean dealers. Theme tours of Venice for both press officers and dealers with final gala dinner for 400 persons.


    G.V.S.T. Via Monteprandone, 25 - 00132 Rome (Italy)Tel. + 39 06 2246561 Fax + 39 06 22465650www.gvst.it; info@gvst.it

    Branch: Viale dei Romagnoli, 1053 - 00119 Rome

    NUMBERSCorporation stock: 10,400Constitution date: 1992Turnover: 3,5 millionsStaff: 12

    MANAGEMENTAndrea Vernengo, senior partner and ceo; Luca Vernengo, senior partner and general manager

    CONTACTSAndrea Vernengo, andrea@gvst.it; Luca Vernengo, luca@gvst.it

    MAIN CLIENTSA.T. Kearney, Global Business Policy Council, Consiglio per le Relazioni tra Italia e Stati Uniti, Eni, Borsa Italiana, Aspen Institute Italia, Mercede Benz Finanziaria, Toyota Financial Services, Samsung, LG Electronics, McKinsey & Company, Booz & Co., The World Food Programme, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

    A.T. Kearney Worldwide Partners Meeting 2014

    LG InnoFest 2014. Dinner at Fondazione Giorgio Cini in Venice

    MISSION. GVST crede nei valori, nella sostenibili-t, nella collaborazione e sa essere creativa diver-tendosi. Infonde passione e sostiene clienti e colla-boratori a realizzare eventi in luoghi culturalmente interessanti grazie alla ricchezza delle relazioni e a programmi innovativi, assicurando una qualit rigorosamente gestita sia in Italia che nel mondo intero. Professionalit, conoscenza, innovazione, creativit, ambizione e passione rendono GVST Event Management unazienda unica da oltre 20 anni.

    SERVIZIRegisti e consulenti a 360 per gli eventi: dalla scelta della location ai programmi, dalla ristorazio-ne ai trasporti, dai servizi tecnici alla logistica delle persone e dei materiali, fino alla redazione ed al costante monitoraggio del budget, GVST affianca nella ricerca continua di nuove soluzioni. Ama dare vita a un gioco di ruolo, condividendo la propria professionalit, esperienza e le proprie conoscen-ze del territorio con i clienti. In questo modo ga-rantisce la qualit dei servizi e la massima affida-bilit a prescindere dalla destinazione, dalla durata dellevento e dal numero di partecipanti, attraverso sinergia, professionalit e scambio di esperienze.

    CASE HISTORYTitolo: A.T. Kearney Worldwide Partners Meeting 2014.Cliente: A.T. Kearney.Tipologia: convention aziendale.Obiettivi: riunire tutti i 314 partner della societ di consulenza internazionale A.T. Kearney provenienti da 40 Paesi, per decidere le linee guida strategiche dellanno.Data e Location: 5-18 febbraio 2014, Bali, Indonesia.Target: soci aziendali.Idea creativa: stimolare la collaborazione e la con-divisione di idee tra i dirigenti dei 58 uffici mondiali dellazienda, anche grazie alla creazione di attivit aggreganti come tour tematici dellisola e attivit di team building.

    Titolo: LG InnoFest 2014.Cliente: BTC Communications per LG Electronics.Tipologia: lancio di nuovi prodotti.Obiettivi: presentare ai dealer e alla stampa euro-pea la nuova linea di televisori LG Electronics a tec-nologia Oled con schermo curvo e la nuova linea di elettrodomestici e cellulari.Data e Location: 18-20 marzo 2014, Venezia, Italia.Target: stampa e dealer europei.Idea creativa: allestimento della Fondazione Gior-gio Cini di Venezia a spazio espositivo per tutta la gamma di nuovi prodotti LG, con allestimento a teatro con palco della Sala degli Arazzi per la con-ferenza stampa e per la presentazione ai dealers provenienti da tutta Europa. Tour tematici di Vene-zia per gli addetti stampa e i dealers e cena di gala finale per 400 ospiti.

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    EVENT AGENCIES - Event Marketing BookEVENT AGENCIES - Event Marketing Book

    MISSION. With branches operating in Rome, Milan, Dubai, London and Rio, and 35 years of experience, it is one of the leading events companies in the world, three times elected Best Event Agency. Thrilling peo-ple, making them dream, transmitting values. With passion. With typically Italian flair. This is the mission of an organisation that fully covers all the phases of creation, planning and production of events.

    SERVICESFilmmaster Events is specialized in the creation and production of events for companies, public institutions, organizing committees, sports federations and private clients. CEREMONIES: it is one of the few companies in the world accredited to the creation and production of Olympic ceremonies. From 2011 is the Executive pro-ducer of Olympic and Paralympic Ceremonies of Rio 2016 and the journey of the torch. BRAND COMMU-NICATION: the company has an entire Department de-dicated to the development and provision of corporate events, capable of translating the customers commu-nication needs in a memorable and successful event. ENTERTAINMENT: Thanks to its incredible creative and productive skills was called to design the permanent show of Cinecitt World theme park for which he de-veloped and produced the permanent show Enigma. CULTURE: by partnering with Civita Cultura, company that operates for the most important museums in Italy, the company is open to new business areas within the Museum and entertainment culture.

    CASE HISTORYEvent title: Happy Birthday Nutella!Client: Ferrero.Event typology: celebration, musical Event, Btc event.Objectives: an international legend, a well-known Ita-lian lovemark, turns 50 and celebrated with the whole of Italy. The celebrations involved where the legend originated and Naples, where Nutella is most popular, addressing various consumer targets with a special gift for millions of Nutella Lovers.Date and location: May 17th, Alba, May 18th, Naples - Piazza del Plebiscito.Target: general public, Nutella lovers, families, institu-tions, media.Creative idea: A party for the whole of Italy featuring the enthusiasm of the consumers of one of the best-loved brands. The celebrations began on in Alba, the birthplace of Nutella. The streets were decked out for the party. 800 bars, shops and restaurants dres-sed their windows with Nutella kits or offered special menus. A mega party with artists, entertainment and bread and Nutella for everyone. The party ended with 25,000 people in the street for the final concert and the blowing out of candles. On May 18th, Nutella ce-lebrated in the splendid and lively setting of Naples with a major public event in Piazza del Plebiscito at-tended by 200,000 people. A day dedicated by Nutella to all its fans with entertainment, games and music in a crescendo of excitement. Numerous themed are-as and bread and Nutella for everyone were orga-nised from the morning. In the afternoon, music broadcast live by Rds. At 4 pm the concert began, closing with a performance by Mika, also transmit-ted live in streaming.


    FILMMASTER EVENTSVia Maroncelli, 13 - 20154 Milan (Italy)Tel. & Fax: +39 02 29091.1Via Dei Magazzini Generali, 10 - 00154 RomeTel. & Fax: +39 06 54566.1www.filmmasterevents.com

    NUMBERSCorporation stock: 120,000Date of constitution: 1981Staff: 50 people

    MANAGEMENTSergio Castellani, presidentAntonio Abete, ceoAlfredo Accatino, artistic & creative directorAndrea Francisi, coo

    Naples, Happy Birthday Nutella

    Alba, Happy Birthday Nutella

    MISSION. Con sedi operative a Roma, Milano, Du-bai, Londra e Rio, e 35 anni di esperienza, oggi tra le societ internazionali leader nel settore degli even-ti, eletta per tre volte Best Event Agency. Emoziona-re, far sognare, trasmettere valori. Con passione. Nel segno dello stile italiano. Questa la mission di una struttura che copre internamente tutte le fasi di ideazione, progettazione e produzione dellevento.

    SERVIZISpecializzata nella creazione e produzione di even-ti per aziende, istituzioni pubbliche, comitati orga-nizzatori, federazioni sportive e clienti privati. CE-RIMONIE: una delle poche aziende accreditate al mondo per la creazione e produzione di Cerimonie Olimpiche. Dal 2011 il produttore esecutivo delle Cerimonie Olimpiche e Paralimpiche di Rio 2016 e del viaggio della Torcia. BRAND COMMUNICA-TION: ideazione e realizzazione di eventi corporate, capaci di tradurre le esigenze di comunicazione del cliente in un evento memorabile ed efficace. ENTER-TAINMENT: Grazie alla propria incredibile capacit creativa e produttiva stata chiamata a progettare lo show permanente del parco tematico Cinecitt World per il quale ha sviluppato e prodotto lo show permanente Enigma. CULTURA: Grazie alla partner-ship con Civita Cultura, societ che gestisce ottanta tra i pi importanti musei italiani, lazienda si aper-ta a nuove aree di business nellambito della cultura museale e dellintrattenimento.

    CASE HISTORYTitolo evento: Buon compleanno Nutella!Cliente: Ferrero.Tipologia: celebrazione, evento musicale, evento Btc.Obiettivi: un mito internazionale, lovemark italiano nel mondo, compie 50 anni e vuole festeggiarli con tutta lItalia. Coinvolge cos Alba, citt natale, e Na-poli, capitale del consumo di Nutella, coinvolgendo diversi target di consumatori con un omaggio spe-ciale a milioni di Nutella Lovers.Data e Location: 17 maggio, Alba, 18 maggio, Na-poli Piazza del Plebiscito.Target: grande pubblico, Nutella lovers, famiglie, istituzioni e media.Idea creativa: una festa popolare per tutta Italia con protagonista lentusiasmo dei fan di uno dei brand pi amati. I festeggiamenti sono iniziati ad Alba, citt natale di Nutella. Le strade si sono vestite a fe-sta. 800 esercizi commerciali hanno allestito le vetri-ne con kit Nutella o dedicando men speciali. Una grande festa con artisti, animazioni e pane e Nu-tella per tutti. La festa chiude con 25.000 persone in piazza per il concerto finale e lo spegnimento delle candeline. Il 18 maggio Nutella ha festeggiato nella splendida e allegra cornice di Napoli con un grande evento pubblico in Piazza del Plebiscito a cui hanno partecipato 200.000 persone. Una giornata che Nu-tella ha dedicato a tutti i fan, con animazioni, giochi e musica in un crescendo di emozioni. Dalla mattina, allestite numerose aree tematiche e pane e Nutella per tutti. Dal primo pomeriggio il grande concerto con la diretta live di Rds terminato con la performan-ce di Mika visibile anche in diretta streaming.

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    EVENT AGENCIES - Event Marketing Book

    MISSION. Louder is a an international marketing and communication agency. It devices and plans Living Marketing activities for brands leader in Italian and international market. Louders mission is to involve the consumer, creating a moment of contact through emotions and experiences. Thanks to its successfully approach, during 2013, the agency has won different awards: 1 prize Sport Event for Unicef Energizer Night Run (Bea Italia); 1 prize Street Marketing for Coca-Cola Christmas Truck Tour, 1 prize Social Campaign and 1 prize No Profit for Unicef Energizer Night Run (Mediastars).

    SERVICESEvents planning (creative proposal, design, im-plementation), Btl avtivities, roadshows, pro-motions, contests, co-mktg strategies, spon-sorships, graphic & design, web and new media, incentives, conventions, exhibition grounds.

    CASE HISTORYEvent title: Bacardi Untameable Night Tour.Client: Bacardi.Event typology: tour.Creative