Evaluation q4


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YouTube- We used YouTube to research into different music videos and get an understanding of the conventions that are seen throughout the videos within this genre and what should be seen in our video in order to link it to the genre. We also used YouTube to upload our music video to gain feedback and also it was used through the editing of the Digipak and poster to help us understand how to perform certain tasks on Photoshop such as cutting out a green screen background.

Google- We used Google to find existing material such as finding existing Digipaks with artists in this related area

Our own research from people interested in this genre- We interviewed people through videoing them or doing a survey to get an understanding of what people who were interested in this genre thought represented this style music and what they expected to see throughout the video, this was used to gain qualitative data to gain a deeper understanding and knowledge. We used survey monkey in order to gain insight in what different ranges of people listened to this genre of music.


Blogger was used in order to keep record of all our research, planning, evaluating and final products.

We uploaded work daily in order to keep track of everything that we had done and it showed the progress we made over a period of time, showing from where we started to our final product.

Blogs were easily accessible from mobile phones, college and also anywhere with public wifi which could allow us to update whenever we felt like it so we could remember our ides or just give insight into the planning.


Within my research I carried out primary research to gain my own insight using survey monkey.

This media allowed me to create a survey to gain quantitative data with ten specific questions. It was used to collect quantitative data so we could analyse different aspects of what people expected to see with certain genres and then produced an interview to gain qualitative and gain more of a deeper insight.

I collected my results and portrayed them in a pie chart to help see who would be associated with what genre such as what gender and age etx.

Survey monkey

Canon 600D was used as it allows you to video and take photos all with one hardware so we could get photos for our digipak and poster and then video the music video clips without having to carry lots of hardware which made it more practical.

By using the Canon 600D it allowed us to upload the images and footage easier onto the mac as they were all in the same format.

MacBook Pro was used to produce our music video as it used editing footage that has also been used on actual films which is Final Cut Pro and was very easy to use and allowed me to get more of an understanding of how Mac products work as they are high tech equipment and are used for editing and special effects. Using Final Cut Pro allowed us to break down our shots and put them into sequences and we were able to edit them in whichever order we liked and could delete and re-add parts easily and this helped us fit the lip synced shots in time with the music.


We used Photoshop in order to produce our digipak and poster. Photoshop was very useful as we could create layers in order to add certain bits of work and we could explore the variety of different layouts without it effecting different layers.

It allowed us to make certain aspects stand out more than others such as the picture being in black and white and the lips being bright red and we were able to brighten certain areas in order to make different things stand out.

To begin with Photoshop was difficult to handle as you there were lots of things to explore but with the use of YouTube I was able to understand certain elements and was also able to cut out backgrounds in order to just have an object/person without background colours or if backgrounds wanted to be changed. The pictures of the artist were used in Photoshop to get rid of the green background and make it white to fit with the music video.


This is used for a wide range of applications such as problem processing, researching, information, gossip and news of media products and technology which are accessible to the general public;

• Cannon 600D

• Blogger

• YouTube

• Facebook

• Twitter

• Survey monkey

• Photoshop

Web 2.0 (user generated content sites)