Evaluation minor project - video


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Evaluation: Minor Project - Video

Research and Planning:

Research and Planning:  How well did you research the project?  Which bits of research were most useful?  What strategies did or didn't provide useful information? Why?

I think that storyboard was defiantly the most useful planning tool as it gave me a clear outline of how to structure the video. It gave me a methodical and easy way to create the video, effectively giving me a checklist to work through to ensure everything was included in my video.

Technical Skills: Technical Skills: What new skills do you think

you have developed through this project?  What have you learned about the software you have been using and what might be next for you here?

I learnt many new technical skills whilst making my video; I learnt how to create a movie on iMovie using video clips, how to add text, transitions and music, how to export the video file, how to create a Youtube channel and upload the video, and then finally how to add annotations to the uploaded video as well as stabilize the video clips.

Communication: Communication: Did you communicate

effectively with the client/your group/your audiences?  What tools or strategies were most useful and why?

I think the most effective tool to communicate with my audience was through Survey Monkey, as it gave me clear feedback on my project

Testing: Testing: Did your testing result in useful

information about your product or not?  Why?  What questions in surveys etc. gave you the best feedback from the client/audience?

I think the best form of feedback was the Survey Monkey I sent. I allowed me to clearly test my video and give me clear areas of improvement

Originality and Creativity

 Originality and Creativity: What did you learn about the way you make creative decisions or can develop your creative capacity using technology?

I learnt that I base a lot of my creative decisions are based a lot on other peoples decisions

I feel as though I wont make a decision unless I have got response on my ideas, or my decision is based upon the response that I get from people

For my IE Award, all my decisions were based upon the feedback from the students, as it increased my confidence that I was creating a useful product