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Preliminary ExerciseEvaluation

Front CoverThe preliminary exercise required a front cover page and contents page to be designed that related to either school or college, features in which the magazine was built up of had to be relevant to school or college. In order to ensure that the task was completed successfully I have demonstrated the code and conventions of both a magazine front cover and contents page in my work, overall illustrating the aspects that are required when planning and creating a front cover and contents page for a magazine.

The final production of my front cover showed that I had developed knowledge of conventions, in which create an effective magazine such as using a main image that obtains direct address engaging the reader. The positioning of the title is displayed at the left hand side aligned, following the codes and conventions as real media products would position their title here. The title is written in a bold and unique font to enable it to stand out. Also the positioning statement- the magazine line of promotion of itself- is positioned above the title, this follows the codes and conventions as real media products would either place it above or below the title. I positioned it above the title as it was appropriate and appeared better than it would have if it was positioned under the title.

The front cover consists of a bar code, the bar code is allocated at the bottom left hand corner; this follows the code and conventions. However the bar code does not include the price, issue number, publish date and website, therefore challenges the conventions as such information would be displayed here if it was a real media product. The front cover includes one main image that delivers direct address; the main image is a mid shot, showing the subject from the shoulders upwards. No text is positioned on the facial features of the subject, following the conventions, I ensured that text did not appear on the facial features of the subject as such features are a main priority, in which helps to sell the magazine.

Cover lines are displayed around to main image; I did this so that cover lines anchor the main image enabling the main image to stand out. All cover lines are a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 words long; this following the conventions, as cover lines should be short and generally 3 or 4 words long. This is important as it is less text for the reader to read, appealing more to readers. Cover lines in which I have used are both ambiguous and straight forward. These both follows and challengers the conventions as cover lines should be ambiguous in order to attract the readers. For example I have used the cover line ‘Drama Queens’ this could be reviewed as ambiguous as it could relate to many different meanings, where as the cover line ‘School Trends’ is very straight forward as it indicates a literal meaning. All cover lines are written in the same font and capital letters consist of a bold and simple font this follows the conventions.

In order to construct the magazine front cover I used Adobe Photoshop, I have had pervious experience of using this software however I was unfamiliar with how the software works. I had to familiarise myself with the basic tools of the software in order to create the magazines front cover.

Strengths of the magazines front cover would be that it consists of one main image that deliverer’s direct address to the reader, creating attraction to the magazine. Also the cover lines used are broad; they consist of content that covers different aspects of the school. Finally I believe that the colours in which I have used work well together, as the colours to do make the front cover over powering.

On the other hand the weaknesses of the design on the front cover would be that information regarding published date, web address and issue number is not discussed, this is a weakness as such information is required in order for buyers to purchase the magazine.

Contents PageThe final production of the contents page showed that I had developed and challenged conventions. The layout of the contents page follows conventions as I have used three columns in which the contents page in structured on, I have used one main image and several subsidiary images in which link to other stories in the magazine. I spilt the contents page into two sections, regulars and features, these sections are displayed on the left hand side. Here the content of the magazine is listed; each story displays a page number beside it, to illustrate to the reader what page they can find the story is on. However I have not used a line break between each story when listening them, I did so as I thought it was not essential however his challenges the conventions.

At the bottom right hand corner on the contents page text displays the magazine website, this is known as the information section. By doing so I have followed the conventions but I have not included information such as address, phone number and editors name this challenges the conventions.

When designing the contents page I ensured that the same colour scheme was used as the front cover page, I did so in order to keep the brands identity. This follows the conventions as real products would do so.

In order to produce the design of the contents page I had use to software QuarkXPress, I had never used this software before, therefore had to be taught the basics about the software. As I was unaware of the software I faced difficulties when creating the contents page as I was unfamiliar with the different tools in which I had to use to design the contents page. This resulted in my contents page not being as effective as I would have hoped it to be.

The strengths of my contents page would be that it includes two sections that provide information on a variety of featured and regular stories within the magazine.However the weaknesses would be that I have not included credits, a real product would use credits in order to create photographs for front cover photos. Also I did not display text in which says ‘Contents’ this is a weakness as a title section is important in order to demonstrate to the reader what page they are on.