ETwinning project made by ZS Generala Klapalka in Kralupy, The Czech Republik and Szkoła Podstawowa...


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eTwinning project made by

ZS Generala Klapalka in Kralupy, The Czech Republik

and Szkoła Podstawowa nr 6 w MZS nr 6 w Gorlicach,


„„One Day of Our School”One Day of Our School”

Our School

We go to Miejski Zespół Szkół nr  6 w Gorlicach. It is one

of municipal schools in our town. The school consists of

Kindergarten, Primary School nr 6 and Secondary School

nr 6. There are about 100 pupils in the Kindergarten.

There are 295 pupils in the Primary School. There are

196 pupils in the Secondary School, it is called

Gimnazjum. The building of the school is situated on the

hill close to the block of flats district. Our school is only 19

years. The school is big and modern.

Our School

When we are 7 we go to first class. When we are 8 we go to

Year 2. When we are 9 we go to Year 3. When we are 10 we

go to Year 4. When we are 11 we go to Year 5. When we

are 12 we go to Year 6. When we are 13 we go to the first

class of secondary school. When we are 14 we go to the

second class of secondary school. When we are 15 we go

to the third class of secondary school.

Our School

We walk to school on foot or we go by car. Most students

walk to school on foot because buses do not often go close

to our houses. Some students live far away from school and

their parents give a lift in their cars or pupils arrive by


Way to school

Our headteacher is

Mr Sławomir Kowalski

The deputy of headteacher

is Ms Małgorzat Buźniak

The appearance of our school.


●A shop●Cloakrooms

●One classroom for clubs

Ground floor:

●Classrooms for children from 1 to 3 of primary

school's forms.●Benches when we can wait for someone or for

lessons.●A cabinet of a nurse.●A school canteen.

The appearance of our school.

First floor:

●Classrooms for children from 4 to 6 of primary

school's forms and from 1 to 3 of secondary

school's forms.●A scene for performances.

●A day room.

●Benches.●A head master office, secretary and book-keeper.●A library and reading room with computers

The appearance of our school.

Second floor:

●Classrooms for children from 1 to 3 of secondary

school's form and from 4 to 6 of primary school's form● A big multi-media room

The appearance of our school.

Our school cloakrooms are in the

basement. Every cloakroom is used by

two classes. The cloakrooms are

separated with metal nets or walls. We

have got benches and pegs for clothes.

Our Cloakroom

Our school has a big and nice gym, a basketball field, a

handball field, and a ground for long jump. The school

number 6 is the most popular of sports achievements. The

students from our school practice a lot of sports after the

schools lessons, for example: volleyball, basketball, football,

swimming, ice skating, long distance running. My class, the

fifth grade is good because we have good sportsmen. The

best of the swimming is Witold Soczek, the best of football

are: Michał Górski and Bartek Wiejaczka.

A gym

Justyna D. and Anna B. during Sports Day at school.

In our school we have a break for lunch at 10.30.

We can go to our school canteen. There we can buy

hot-dogs, tea or lemonade. We can also buy dinner

there. We have also got in a small shop for students

and teachers in our school. We can buy sweets,

cakes, chocolate bars, chips, sandwiches and

something to drink.

A lunch time

Changing shoes:

In our school we must change shoes to trainers, always

when we come to school.

Special school uniforms:

All in school must wear special school uniforms. They

are navy blue. Pupils of the Primary School have yellow

labels with school logo. Pupils of the Secondary School

have red labels with school logo. Uniforms are needed

to identify pupils of our school.

Rules at school

Way of turning to teachers:

We should always be kind and formal for our teachers,

always we must greed them with „good morning” and

„good bye” and not with „hi” or „bye”.

Rules at school

Michal G. and some girls at

English Songs Festival.

We often take part in academies

and festivals.

Lessons last 45 minutes in our school, but

breaks are 5 or 10 minutes. Pupils play during

breaks, they eat second breakfast (lunch), they

talk and repeat lessons, which they have. We

learn English as a foreign language in our

school and in Year 6 we start German. We

learn only English now.

Our lessons

Anna B. and Kasia K. as fortune-tellers on

St. Andrew’s Day

On the school stage at Christmas


Today it is Wednesday, 5th December, 2007. The

weather is wet, windy and rainy. Our cloak room opens at

7:45. We change our shoes and leave our coats. Some

pupils talk about our homework. Two pupils are on duty in

the cloak room and they look after the order in it. The

cloak rooms are closed at 8:05 o' clock.

At 8 o'clock we start our first lesson. It is Science. We are

afraid of Science, it is rather difficult lesson in our school.

Two children must answer the questions for the marks.

‘”One day of our school.''

After 5 minutes break we start English lesson in the other

classroom. We are excited – we finish the text for the project

''One day at our school,'' Our English teacher Mr Kazimierz

Adamczyk helps us with it because we are still beginners in

English. In the middle of the lesson we sing an American song

„Santa Claus is coming to town.” Why?

Because in Poland we celebrate Santa Claus on 6th of

December. It is Polish tradition. We are lucky, we can get

presents twice – on 6th December and at Christmas under

Christmas tree. English teacher is strict but we like English


”One day of our school.''

At the and of English lesson we take photos, especially for

our Czech friends. Here are girls with Mr Adamczyk:



And boys:And boys:

The Wednesday at school is finished we go

home. Tomorrow we go to school again.
