Essential Questions. How do we define the personality traits of a hero? The personality traits of a...


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Essential Questions

How do we define the personality traits of a hero?

• The personality traits of a hero are defined, as someone who is brave, caring, honest, motivated, hard-working, and giving. It’s also very important that a hero value others above themselves.

How do the setting, conflicts, and antagonists influence the development

of a literary hero? • The setting influences a literary hero by

determining the common wants and needs of the time period and the society the character is a part of. The conflicts also influence the literary hero by the experiences either changing the character for the better or worse, depending on the situation and how it is dealt with. Antagonists influence the development of a literary hero by influencing what the hero will work to change.

How does a hero reflect his/her particular culture and society? • A hero reflects his or her culture and

society by expressing the common goals and views of the people with the same culture and in the same society.

How does a hero represent his/her time period and

geographical area? • A hero represents his or her time

period and geographical area by working towards a relatively common goal of the people living in the same time period and area.

How do various cultures reward or recognize their

heroes? • Different cultures reward their

heroes in different ways. Some cultures may use fame or fortune to reward their hero. Some may respect their hero more then they would respect others. Some cultures may even use gifts or sometimes food as rewards to recognize their heroes.

How did Myles Dyer come across the idea to dedicate his life to helping

people in need? • For a portion of his life, Myles Dyer

suffered from depression during which he became revengeful and turned to self harm. As he started to get out of his depression, he realized that there are people in much worse of circumstances then he. And so he decided to help others as much as he can. (“Online Journal of Myles Dyer” – LiveJournal)

What is and where did the idea of StickAid come from?

• StickAid is a yearly charity event that has been held for the past five years, which was created and hosted by Myles Dyer. This is a twenty-four hour live video where they film talks and contests among a large group of vloggers. People join in and watch this and donate money through it to UNICEF. In the past two years about seventy thousand pounds have been raised and donated to UNICEF. (Blade376’s Channel – Youtube) (

What charity has Myles Dyer donated the most to? (In time,

money, and effort) • Myles Dyer has donated the most of

his time, money, and effort to UNICEF. He spends months each year organizing his 24-hour live charity event, StickAid, and promotes it in every way he possibly can in order to gain more viewers, and in turn to gain more donations. (Blade376’s channel- Youtube)

How much has Dyer affected the people he has helped?

• Myles Dyer has affected these people in need of help greatly, mainly the children which UNICEF helps. With all of the money and help that he has helped to give to these causes, he’s greatly impacted the lives of these people for the better. The money he has helped to raise has gone towards giving food and shelter to those in need, and also helps to get some peoples lives back on track. (Unicef-home page)

What made so many of the people in his life turn their

backs on him? • A bit of what made this happen, is Myles

giving up certain pieces of his life in order to achieve more of what he ultimately wants to achieve. Some things that he gave up was a band he was previously in and he also planned to move from the UK to the US.(“Online Journal of Myles Dyer” - LiveJournal)

"UNICEF - UNICEF Home." UNICEF - UNICEF Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2012.


"Online Journal of Myles Dyer." LiveJournal. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2012.


Blade376. " Blade376's Channel - YouTube ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <>.
